A wonderful Life-Spyro's cotinued story-ch.4

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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Thorn woke up to find Silver still laying on top of him. By the look of it she was still asleep. Thorn remembered quickly what had happened last night. Where they had become one. Where they had fucked. Thorn was about to roll Silver over so he could wrap himself around her when he realized that something was tugging on him. Something was holding Silver and him together. Thorn looked down and saw that his cock was still in her love hole. Thorn remembered of how last night, Silver sat on him when he got tired. She put his cock in her and started fucking him. She bounced up and down, while Thorn looked at her sexy, slender body. He remembered when he had ejaculated into her and they had both rejoiced as his sticky hot semen flowed through her.

Thorn had a overwhelming urge to start fucking her again right now. He new he should really wake her up so they could get on with their journey, but instinct came over and he flipped her over. Thorn started ramming himself into her like he did last night, not bothering to start slow like he did before.

Silver woke up to a odd sensation. She opened her eyes to find that someone was on top of her shoving something up and down, in and out of her vagina. Her eyes came into focus and she saw that it was morning and Thorn was fucking her again. He realized that she was awake and not bothering to stop he spoke. "Just thought that we should have a little extra fun before we headed off." He grinned, closed his eyes, and started ramming faster and harder.

Silver gave in to the pleasuring movement. "Whatever you want, babe." Whenever Thorn pushed down into her she pushed up making it more fun for both of them. They both smiled at the warmth, as Thorn ejaculated again. Finally they stopped, licked each other clean, and went to find something to eat. Thorn found some berries and brought them over to Silver. After Thorn had eaten his share, he watched Silver eat. She looked at him, blushing. "Last night was incredable."

"Yea." he agreed. As she was eating his put his mouth in her vagina and licked her again. "I love you." he whipered when he had finished.

"I love you too."

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Love & Joy - For The Love Of...- part 5

PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...

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