Slit Day 2019 - Timon and Mushu

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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Hey guys! 3/10 is slit day every year, and... I'm totally 11 minutes later. But scraped something together, speed-written in a couple hours, for the night.

Timon/Mushu have some fun after House of Mouse.

Hope you guys can enjoy!

The night had gone quickly.

Not just the work night, either. House of Mouse was a hectic event, staged to look like a dinner theater club. On the stage or in the audience, everyone had a script. It was always a bit crazy, when so large a set of performers had to work together- even keeping in character at the back-most corner of a shot. But it was fun, in a way, and allowed great spontaneity, so long as it fit the persona. It always made the night fly by for Timon, hanging out at the Lion King table, shooting the shit with his former workmates.

No, the night had moved quickly afterward, as well. At least for Timon, and Mushu. Everything had progressed at a rate Timon couldn't have dreamed of.

It started by getting back to the green room. "Green room" being a relative term. When you stood at everyone's ankles, your 'green room' was a nicely decorated cupboard. Always had been, and a real hassle when too many small performers were around. Luckily, this night only Mushu and Timon were in that green room's size category. Well- Chip and Dale as well, though they had a private green room, given their notoriety and frequent appearances on the show.

Timon had gotten back shortly after filming, but Mushu had beat him there. The small dragon wasn't in any scenes since mid-show. Timon had honestly been surprised the dragon was still on site. Until Mushu had turned around. The dragon had a dull gray, metal ring around his muzzle. The sides squared, half way between Mushu's whiskers and his eyes. Timon had immediately burst out laughing and pointing.

Mushu's eyes glared as Timon asked, "What happened? Your wife get too big a ring?" between gasping laughs, Timon bent over, hands on his knees.

Mushu stared for a bit, then pulled out his cell phone. Tap-tappity-tap, and Mushu's eyes glared back at Timon. The meerkat felt a vibration in his blazer pocket and grabbed his cell from his pocket, opening the new text.

Mushu: I sneezed on Maleificent's crow. She didn't appreciate the singed feathers. Cursed this thing on me.

Timon had a new bout of laughter, falling onto his ass and rolling back. He held his gut as his body shook, eyes watering. The whole time Mushu rest back in his seat, watching. Dejected, grumpy, but not particularly upset at Timon- He'd surely enjoy it just as much if the roles were swapped.

After a minute, Timon calmed himself enough to look up. Mushu's expression, and that ring, but it only brought on another fit of laughter. Eventually Timon gathered himself enough to sit up, legs spread, a hand behind to support him.

"Oh man, that's fantastic. Yeah, she's a real bitch sometimes. Takes her character WAY too seriously. Figures, since she hasn't been cast since. Heard she was real sweet before that too." Timon chuckled at the ring again, shaking his head. "Man, that suuuuucks." Timon raised a paw to wipe at his eyes. "Can't you just pull it off?"

Mushu just kept staring the whole time, slumped back lazily. He pulled his phone back up and started typing once more. Timon grabbed his phone, waiting, then reading the text.

Mushu: Not without ripping my whiskers out. Said she'd remove it once I learned my lesson. Talked to Mickey. He said he'd take care of it tomorrow. She already left.

Timon's eyes glanced over the text, then back up. He lowered his phone and let out a slow breath through his nostrils. "Dude. That's shit. You gonna be okay that long?"

Mushu rolled his eyes and nodded. His paw raised the phone once more, then lowered. His paw waved at the air and the dragon slumped back in his chair, looking at the ceiling of their small room.

"Hey, could be worse! At least it's kinda hot."

Silence stretched in the small room, neither moving. Timon was first, to slap a hand over his face and wipe down his muzzle. When he looked back up, the dragon was on his phone once more.

Mushu: Did you just say this ring is hot?

Timon's eyes lingered on his phone far longer than necessary. Several excuses flew through his head before he could look back up to meet Mushu's gaze. The dragon's expression more curious, amused, intrigued.

"Dude, it's..." Timon trailed off. "Like..." he looked to his phone, around the room. Like anything could save him. Finally, he met Mushu's eyes again. "Eh, fuck it. Do you know what kind of kinky, weird ass things lions are into? We were filming for YEARS. I've been tied up, pinned under foot, jerked off with, shoved waist-deep up a lioness's pussy. You get weird after all that."

Mushu looked surprised at the floodgates opening. Mushu had learned far more information about Timon in a few sentences than he'd learned around the meerkat in months. Finally, the dragon took his phone up and typed away. Tap-tap-tap, then a long line of deleting. Tap tap tap. Delete. The process felt like it stretched on and on for Timon. When his phone vibrated Timon read it right away, not sure what he'd be facing.

Mushu: Your dick's sticking out.

Timon's expression quickly went to shock, looking down. Indeed, a bit of his dick had stuck out of his sheath. His gaze turned upward once more, sheepishly smiling. "Heh heh... heh, sorry. Guess the memories are still pretty... nice." Timon shifted to his side, folding a thigh over his groin. He lifted his vibrating phone once more.

Mushu: Ever fuck around with a dragon? >;=p

When Timon lowered his phone, he was welcomed with Mushu in a far lewder pose. The dragon's thighs were spread wide, one foot propped up on the coffee table. Mushu had discarded his phone. Instead, his hand was down, tracing at a horizontal slit between his thighs.

Timon stared, silent. He tried to speak, but his tongue wasn't cooperating. He watched Mushu's tongue slip out between his teeth, licking along one of his whiskers lewdly before drawing back in. Finally, Timon broke his silence, "Uh... no, but uh..." he dropped his phone, standing up. "Hey, not like I'll ever find another dragon small enough right?". He shrugged out of his blazer, tossing it onto a chair as he walked over.

Mushu rolled his eyes and put both hands behind his head. His tail curled one way, then the other, almost snake-like. Now that he was closer Timon could see the swollen, horizontal line between two of Mushu's belly plates, right at the seam between Mushu's thighs. Timon grabbed his own dick- now fully stiff- and squeezed it, stroking a few times.

"I uh... can't say I know what's goin' on here. Never done a dragon, or a reptile, uh... not really sure what's goin' on." Timon repeated, surprised to be nervous in unexplored territory. Strangely so. He'd been with women and men, spit roasted by the chipmunks, further than waist deep up in Serabi, railed untold numbers of meerkats in an orgy mid-filming of Lion King 1 ½. But facing a male with no external anatomy suddenly had him caught up.

He didn't have long to think about it. Mushu's hand reached out, grabbing Timon's hair. A firm tug and push downward had Timon on his knees and pressing his nose to that swollen seam. A long whiff filled Timon's lungs with a familiar sensation, the scent of another male. Rich, spicy, the essence of a dick. But it was also different, something Timon had to associate with 'dragony'. A scent similar to what he'd gotten when Elliot accidentally stepped on Timon. Pleasant, and a bit arousing. Not that Timon enjoyed being stepped on, it was just the dragony essence of it.

His tongue slid out, Timon tracing it from right to left over that seam. It was hot, slick, a fleshiness exposed between the yellow scale plates that were far firmer. The flavor was familiar. Timon kept licking, alternating between sideways swipes and licks up and down across the seam. His hand moved to Mushu's tail base, exploring from his chin down. His thumb found another seam, what he assumed was Mushu's tail hole. His thumb pressed and teased at it briefly before Mushu's tail tip coiled his wrist and yanked his hand aside. A glance up made it clear attention wasn't welcome there.

Timon's hands instead started to stroke Mushu's inner thighs. He licked again, pressing harder, then another lick, harder still. The seam had some give to it, yielding to his pressure. It wasn't too weird, not unlike eating out a pussy. He caught himself mid-lick, drawing back and looking up. Mushu was sprawled back, head hanging back against the headrest.

"Err... It okay to like... go in there?"

Mushu's head rolled to peek at Timon with one eye, over that dull gray ring. The dragon nodded lazily, Timon quick to follow.

"But uh... Not the butt?"

Mushu's eyes rolled, nodding again before his head rolled back to where it was. The dragon's whiskers curled and body when Timon's tongue suddenly dug in. The orientation was a little strange, but an upward lick, then push with the tip of his tongue easily sent Timon's tongue within the dragon's slit. It sunk in a little before encountering two firmer points. Timon kept pushing, the tips spreading to either side of his tongue. The texture, feel, the taste all told Timon those were Mushu's cocks. As his tongue sunk to its deepest, it was certainly cocks, not two points of a single shaft. Timon noted it mentally, but drew his tongue out, then pushed it back in- far more eager to continue than get an anatomy lesson.

It was oddly hot. Timon had always been a fan of oral sex- when not doing some weird kinky thing- and eating women out was as much a favorite as sucking a dick. As his tongue suck in, curling around the right shaft, stroking from the mid shaft to tip. His tongue swung across the slit, making a wonderfully lewd, wet sound before he gave the other cock a similar stroke. His tongue went between the shafts again, rapidly tongue-fucking the slit in and out. That earned grunts from Mushu, the dragon's hips grinding forward and his muzzle snarling inside the ring. Timon pulled his tiring tongue free, wiping his lips on the back of his furred arm.

"That's some ... real sweet equipment you got there." Mushu peeked an eye back open, watching curiously at Timon. The meerkat continued, "Don't suppose you'd let me... uh... fuck it?"

Mushu puffed a snicker out of his nostrils, nodding his head once more. Timon popped up off his knees and landed on his feet in excitement. He leaned to the left, lifting Mushu's leg off the coffee table, then squatted to bring the other up as well, resting both ankles over his shoulders. Mushu's arms moved down to the chair, gripping at the arms to steady himself as Timon's actions forced him to lean back. With the positioning ready, Timon reached a single hand down to guide his dick. It wasn't anything to write home about, but a solid pink length suitable for the job- and now it was stiff as could be, leaking. Minutes ago he was getting in to the room, now he couldn't be hornier to plow a dragon.

The tip smeared around Mushu's slit, spreading a mess of pre. He could feel the bulges of stiffening cocks just behind the slit. He nestled his dick tip between the Mushu's two points- the pink flesh of each tip just peeking past Mushu's slit lips. Timon leaned forward, squatting, and pushing forward with his hips. He sunk in easily, the passage slick and well-prepped. It wasn't loose, but it wasn't a vice. Really, it wasn't like anything he'd been in before. Everywhere silky and slick with fluids, the top and bottom plush and fleshy, while the cock on either side of his shaft were far firmer. Mushu seemed to have some sort of ridges along them at well, points of pressure stroking Timon's cock as he sunk in.

Timon's hips stopped just before hilting, a loud grunt coming from Timon and Mushu alike. His tip hit a more solid base, obviously sensitive for Mushu. Timon wiggled his hips, shifting this way and that, grinding, until he sunk in the last bit suddenly. Mushu sucked in a breath through his nostrils, trembling, as Timon's tip nestled against the deepest point of Mushu's slit. Timon leaned forward, Mushu's legs over his shoulders drawing the dragon's hips upward, pressing them firmer together. Breathy groans escaped as Timon ground his hips, his cock shifting within Mushu, against that wonderful deep point and the two ribbed lengths on either side. There were hisses and pleasured grunts between both them, the sensations obvious in how Mushu's feet curled, toes splayed, body squirming with pleasure.

That caught Timon's notice, as he stood up once more. He leaned back, drawing Mushu a little deeper into his seat. The dragon grunted as Timon's shaft drew back and out a little to thrust back in. Mushu's back arched, the dragon's tongue snaking out and flickering back and forth before sucking back in. Too into the sex to mention the 'lizard thing', Timon instead lowered one of Mushu's legs while his hips built a steady rhythm. The pressure and the ridges made Timon's orgasm build fast. He was quick to turn his head, moving to hold Mushu's ankle instead of thigh. The position let Timon push his face into the hot, soft sole of Mushu's foot. He sniffed deeply, then drew his tongue up along the sole, between the two thick toes. Those lions really had made a little kink freak of the meerkat. Timon sated his oral fixation by sinking one of the two toes between his lips, suckling hard and tonguing over the toe and dull claw tip.

Timon had never been known for his stamina, and fucking a dragon was a mind-blowing experience, even with everything he'd been through to that point. He trembled, his thrusting becoming rough and erratic. His sweaty sack drew up, mushing up against Mushu's tail over and over. His crotch was becoming steadily more damp, each of Mushu's shaft tips pushed free and dripping or pulsing pre into Timon's crotch fur. Their hips met over and over, Mushu pushing up and Timon thrusting down. The meerkat grunted loudly around Mushu's toes, his eyes clenched tight as he thrust in, hilting himself. Another hissing sound escaped from Mushu's nostrils while Timon spurted cum deep inside the dragon. Timon alternated between grinding and tensing as he released, over and over. As his orgasm ended, he drew his muzzle off the toe and lowered Timon's foot aside, dropping the other leg, only to collapse against the dragon. Mushu looked down to the sweaty male, grunting. His tongue licked out, teasing Timon's ear- then again, and again. It took several licks before the spent meerkat responded.

Timon's hands pushed at the chair, forcing himself up and off the dragon. He pulled his hips back, his spent, half-hard shaft pulling free, dribbling seed. He looked down to spot Mushu's shafts, each pushing out, coated in meerkat seed. Their gazes met, the dragon smiling and wiggling his eyebrows.

Timon rolled his eyes and laughed, "Guess you didn't cum, huh?"

Mushu shook his head, smirking even wider. A heaved sigh escaped Timon, a drama queen as ever.

"A meerkat's job is never done." He quipped with another long, exaggerated sigh. He chuckled after, hands on Mushu's knees as he lowered himself down. "Double the work, huh?... I got this."

Timon's paw reached out and gripped on one of Mushu's shaft, each of them at full stature. The ridges on them were thick, looking ribbed the whole length to a leaf-shaped tip. The paw started pumping along the shaft, Timon delighted in how Mushu squirmed and puffed breaths. Timon's other hand moved up, tracing along the scales beneath Mushu's slit. Simultaneously, Timon took the second cock into his muzzle while sinking some fingers into Mushu's slit.

The dragon tensed, his whole body quivering. The flex causing meerkat cum to ooze out around Timon's fingers. Timon could fit a good bit of the dragon cock into his large mouth, hand and head bobbing in time. While his tongue worked, Timon's fingers toyed and teased around within the dragon's slit, pumping in and out like his tongue had earlier. All three at once had Mushu writhing in pleasure, noodly body squirming side to side in the chair. Intent to return the pleasure, Timon drew off Mushu's shaft, took a breath, then pushed his head forward, taking the whole cock for a few brief swallows before he pulled off, coughing a few times. He was well used to the flavor of his own cum, but some flavor on Mushu's shaft was oddly addictive. Like a taste that was heat, spreading a warmth in his muzzle.

"Mmmmhfffff," Mushu grunted from above. Timon watched as the ridges on Mushu's shaft grew firmer, the leaf-shaped tip flaring a little. Not wanting to miss anything, Timon quickly engulfed the shaft again, tongue digging over the flared tip repeatedly. His right hand rapidly stroked the other shaft, his left hand fingering in and out. Uncoordinated, all three motions working jerkily together. The fingering grew rougher, and then Timon pushed in hard. To his surprise, the fingers went to the knuckle- then further. Mushu thrust his hips up, back arching as Timon's hand sunk wrist-deep, paw engulfed entirely within the dragon. And was suddenly stuck, as Mushu orgasmed.

Timon was fascinated by how his hand sunk in, but more so, by how the muscles around it suddenly had a lock-hard hold. The cock in his paw jerked, the tip flaring wider as cum spurted over Timon's back and shoulder. But what caught his attention was the flare teasing his tongue, the roof of his mouth, and the sudden mouthful of cum he had. The dragon came a lot, and came fast. More so, the flavor was something else, like other dude's cum, but that thick spice and heat that he had tasted from the dragon's cock flesh. Cum was dribbling off his chin before he could swallow- but he fought against loss, quickly swallowing again, and again. His paw kept stroking, while his other was stuck, and his muzzle held still for fear of losing all that cum.

Mushu's tensing, bucking, and shots of seed tapered off for a while before he finally relaxed fully. Timon pulled his mouth off, coughing a few times and taking several deep breaths. Mushu's body was sprawled out, limp and a happy expression over his red muzzle. Timon sat back and wiped his muzzle clean, then pulled his hand free from Mushu with a squelch sound. It caused Mushu to tense, then relax, another sigh escaping his nostrils. Timon relaxed back onto one hand, admiring the slimy hand he'd pulled from the dragon.

"Well... I'm really looking forward to nights we're both working from now on. Got another round in you?" he asked with a saccharine sweet tone, the slimy hand grabbing his shaft- already stiff again- to stroke it. Mushu grunted, lazily lifting his head. A smile spread beneath that ring and he nodded eagerly.

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