Agony of De-Feet (Commission for Wardenz07)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#43 of Commissions

So here's an interesting story for you folks, with some topics that I normally don't cover, namely footplay, chastity, and rubber suits, but also with a hint of R34 (kinda, sorta...). But, hope you guys like it anyway!

Commission for FA: wardenz07

Story © me!

Chaos © Disney

Want a Commission? Details here!

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Agony of De-feet

By Cimmaron Spirit

Commission for Wardenz07

WARNING: This story contains: micro shrinking, footplay, paws, crushing, chastity, orgasm denial, breaking the laws of physics and gravity, rubber suits, Rule 34, one-off-Disney-TV-Show-villian, and just general chaos. If you you aren't 18 or not into any of that, then you better go somewhere else. Otherwise, enjoy!

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One thing I can't stand is boring. Boring people, doing boring things, with boring hobbies and overall boring lives. Boring is not good. Boring is not fun.

I think it's time to get rid of boring.

It's time again for some... Chaos.

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Allen stood up and stretched, feeling something in his back crack with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I got to step bending over like that," the Canaan dog said with a groan. "I'm going to hurt myself sooner than later."

Allen then bent down, climbing into the perfectly square hole in the desert, just one of many like it in a perfect square pattern, and began the long, tiring and strenuous work of archeology.

Centuries ago, a great city at the center of a rich and powerful kingdom was once here. The name of the city had been lost over the generations after its power waned, and now even the nomadic tribes that lived in this area were unaware that below the shifting sands an ancient metropolis once stood.

The college student had the images of "archeologists" from the movies, and his love of history and ancient societies had pushed him into his chosen path of education. But now, with the temperature halfway to the point of water boiling from the blazing sun, his ears and light brown and white fur full of sand and panting heavily to try to cool off, he was seriously starting to reconsider his degree. Computer science meant at least working in air conditioning...

Taking his little brush and shovel, Allen continued to dig through the whole when his shovel went tink on something.

"Oh, what could this be now?" Allen said quietly as he carefully scrapped the hundreds of years of soil and sand with his tools, until a clay pot, half buried in the sand, stared back at him.

"Jackpot!" he grinned, before resuming the cautious work to fully expose the piece of pottery.

After hours of work and careful documenting, the pot had been fully excavated. Wearing white cotton gloves, Allen gently picked it up and began to look over the artifact. He could see images having been engraved into the surface, which seemed to show a small, feline creature with wings, chasing several human shaped figures and a small monkey and bird.

"That's interesting," Allen said. "Must be a story or a myth that I've never heard before."

"Then why not let me shed some light on that story?" A small, high pitched voice asked.

Allen's ears perked, and he nearly dropped the pot. He looked around, but didn't see anyone else. He set the pot onto the ground, and looked out of his whole. His classmates and professors were busy elsewhere. Who spoke to him?

"I'm here, you dummy," the voice spoke again, seemingly coming below him. Allen looked down, at the pot.

He had never covered what to do if an ancient pot suddenly started talking to him. Maybe the heat was finally getting to him.

Allen carefully picked up the pot, and slowly began to climb out of his dig site to go show off his discovery, when he felt something grab his ankle.

"Ahh!" Allen cried, letting go of the ladder, and the pot, and fell down.

Oh, this isn't good, Allen thought. Finding an ancient artifact, then breaking it, will get me in a lot of trouble...

"Oof!" he cried out, the wind being knocked out of him.

But he wasn't at the bottom of the pit he had painstakingly dug out over the past week. Everything around him was black, and he couldn't see anything. It was like he fell into a great dark void... but he was sure he didn't dig that deep.

Allen groaned, trying to stand up again, but unable to really find any footing on the... whatever he was standing on.

He looked around, unable to see or hear anything. "Hello? Anyone?"

Then there was a bright flash of light, blinding Allen and making him groan in pain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of The Chaos Hour!" a deep, rumbling voice shouted, followed by the cheer of an audience that Allen couldn't see.

Allen blinked, trying to see again, but all he could see around him was bright lights focusing on him, on what looked like a large stage, but he couldn't make out much else.

"And here is our host, the spiritual embodiment of confusion, mayhem, and disruption himself, Chaos!"

The roar of the audience became even louder as a small blue figure magically appeared, with a large, Cheshire cat grin. Which was fitting, as it was a feline, just with two bat wings that kept him in the air.

"Hello hello!" The cat said in a high pitched voice, giving a laugh as he waved to the audience. "And welcome to another exciting episode of the The Chaos Hour! Where we upend the normal, smash the routine, and just over all have some non-boring good times!" He turned around, and came face to face with Allen.

"Oh, looks like we got our first contestant today already lined up! How exciting! What's your name?"

Allen blinked. "What... where... who...?"

"Hey, didn't you get the memo already? I'm Chaos, and this is my gameshow. That's all you need to know for now," the blue magical feline said. "So, what's your name?"

"A-Allen," the canine whimpered.

"Allen! Oh... what an interesting name. It reminds me a lot of someone else that I've met, a long time ago, when I needed to liven up the world... which means that you are perfect for today!"

Allen suddenly felt himself lifting off the ground. "What? Hey! Stop that! Let me go!" he yelled flailing around, making the audience laugh. "I just want to go home! Let me go!"

Chaos groaned, and rolled his eyes. "Oh, you boring, annoying mortals. You've got to liven up! Branch out! Enjoy life to its full! And that just usually involves getting out of your box," he said, Allen suddenly finding himself in a rather small cardboard box, his body bent and twisted to fit inside of it. "There is no fun, no life without embracing havoc and upheaval! Everything is so much more fun when you aren't expecting it!"

The box suddenly fell apart, and Allen found himself in a rather cartoonishly silly black mouse costume, complete with big round ears on his head and a long pink tail, with oversized hands and feet. He tried grab the suit to take it off, but besides the fact it felt like rubber, and therefore really hard to get a grip on, it was... weird. He knew he was wearing it, and could feel sweat starting to run down his back on the inside, but that it was simultaneously fused to his body, or, rather, that it had become his body: trying to grab at the ears made him yelp in pain, as did the tail. The audience and Chaos thought it was hilarious, a menacing laughing crescendo making Allen uneasy and afraid.

And why was his cock hard? It almost felt like the rubber suit was toying with him...

"I don't want this! I just want to-"

"Alright, here's the dealio, Allen," Chaos said, gently flying around the levitating, restrained Canaan dog turned mouse. "All you need to do is pass my three challenges. If you do, then off you can go back to your own, boring, normal life," he said, disgust in his voice, making the still unseen audience laugh. "But, in order to pass them, you're going to have to experience and totally embrace anarchy and tumult in this very literal cat and mouse game. If you fail them, then I get to have some more fun with you, before you get a chance at the next game. Got it?"

"I... I..."

"Good enough answer!" Chaos said, before dropping Allen down on a platform, knocking the wind out of him, again.

When Allen groaning got up to his feet, he saw four large red balls, hanging in the middle of the air. Looking down, Allen whimpered, as it looked like he had to be almost twenty feet or more in the air, and a small pool was at the bottom, filled with water and foam. At the other end of the balls, another platform, with a black and white checkered flag waving excitingly.

"Alrighty Allen, this is a pretty simple game. The simplest of all day even! All you need to do is jump across the big balls, and get to the other side. Easy, right?"

Allen took a deep breath. He had done reasonably well in High School gym class, and he hadn't turned into a slouch while at university, so this should be easy...

He took a deep breath, took a running jump, landed on the first ball...

And immediately his feet stuck to the ball, making him hang precariously at an odd angle, gravity pulling on his upper body toward the ball while his feet remained firmly planted on the side of the ball. He tried to lift a foot, but found that he couldn't get it a fraction of an inch off the ground.

"Oh!" Chaos said, theatrically slapping his forehead. "I forgot to mention: these are not any ordinary giant rubber balls like you may have seen on some silly TV show back where you live..." no, each of these balls have a different status effect on them, so you have to figure out a way to use them to your advantage. Just bouncing on them won't work!"

Allen grunted and groaned as he tried to take a step, but with a groan, he just leaned back. "I can't do this!"

"Oh, oh my poor little Allen," Chaos said, feigning sympathy. "That's no way to look at this!"

"I can't move my feet!" Allen cried out. "How the hell am I supposed to be able to move if I can't use my feet!"

"You have no other way to move? At all?" Chaos smirked, hovering incredibly closely to Allen's face, taunting him.

"What? Of course not!" Allen cried out, swinging at Chaos in anger. The feline with the go-like power disappeared at the last second, but Allen's hand struck the ball, and he felt himself suddenly being lifted up and levered over, his heavy feet and all, off the ball, toward the second one.

Expecting the same thing again, Allen reached forward with his hand to touch the ball, hoping he could just catapult himself off to the third one.

But just as he was about to touch it, a gust of wind blew him off course, and he found himself falling, falling...


With a cannonball sized wave, Allen found himself stuck in the pool, 25 feet below the balls, deep into the water, and struggling to get back up to the surface.

"Oh darn! Look at that!" Chaos gleefully announced. "It looks like our contestant wasn't able to deal with the giant balls! And who can blame him, because this is really not designed to be fair to people who don't like a little disorder in their lives."

Allen finally managed to breach the surface, hacking and trying to catch his breath. Once he inhaled some sweet, sweet air, he swam to the edge of the pool. But it seemed to take longer and longer the more he swam... every stroke seemed to take him not quite as far as the previous one...

"Oh, and I may have forgot to mention that the pool was full of a shrinking potion. The longer he's in there, the smaller he gets!"

"WHAT?!" Allen cried out in dismay. "Why won't you tell me these things before I end up in them?"

"Oh, where is the fun in that?" Chaos asked, the audience laughing. "After all, knowing what will happen to you is no fun at all!"

Allen didn't have the time to come up with a response, before frantically doggy paddling to the edge, reaching up to grab the edge, and finally getting to the edge of the pool. With a groan, he pulled himself up and out of the water, and landing face first on the stage, groaning in exhaustion and pain.

When Allen finally sat up, he realized everything looked so much bigger. How much had the shrunk? He had been a respectable 5'10" before, but he was nowhere near that now. Maybe half that? Just under three feet tall?

Oh, this was going to be fun now...

"Well, now that you're first challenge has failed, it's time to get your punishment for your defeat," Chaos said, a large game wheel with different pictures on them. He grabbed the wheel and gave a flick of his wrist, the rapid click-click-click of the pointer grating on Allen's ears, before it started to slow down.

Click... click.... Click.

It was a picture of two feet, with cracks coming from the bottom of them.

Actually, all of them was a picture of feet in different positions, now that he had a chance to look at it.

"Oh, look at that... you get to deal with de-feet!" he chuckled, and making the audience laugh.

Before Allen could move, a pair of disembodied feet came from out of thin air, and landed very heavily, on Allen, knocking him down onto the ground and and flattening him. One foot would lift up, then slam down again, and the other one would raise, then crush down on the shrunken, abused human. Allen cried in pain as he felt his whole body get compressed, smashed flat. He was sure he was dead, that every bone in his body was broken and cracked, that his organs were turned to paste, he was just a smear on the bottom of the feet.

And his cock was harder than ever, his manhood being roughly abused and on the urge of orgasm...

Then they lifted up, and Allen, with a groan, was able to stand up.

"Hey! Look at that! Even in de-feet, Allen is quite a trooper!" Chaos said, and the audience began to cheer again.

Allen blinked, and felt over his body. Maybe a couple sore spots, but nothing... too bad. He wasn't dead. He was still alive... maybe?

"Alright, time to go onto the next challenge!" Chaos said, turning to Allen with a demonic grin. "And I think it's time we get a bit more... intimate."

The cat, who had been about half the height that Allen was before, was now, even on all four paws, eye to eye with Allen at his much reduced stature. Chaos flashed a grin, and before Allen could respond, the god-like feline grabbed Allen's crotch, giving a tight squeeze through the tight rubber mouse suit that clutches the Cannan dog's cock and balls, which had been massaged and gripped since it was put on him to keep him basically hard the whole time. But now it was even tighter, latching on, stroking him, playing with his dick, kneading his balls But it didn't feel like someone's hands playing with him (though he only have very limited experience in that regard). It almost felt like... someones paws, feet, toying with him. He could almost tell where the ball of the foot, the rough paw pads pressed against his increasingly sensitive flesh, and where the toes and claw tips were playing with him.

Allen winced, gasped, moaned as he was increasingly being toyed and abused by Chaos' machinations, his tail wagging, his leg twitching, his breathing coming in short gasps and pants. He felt so close... so close...

Then there was a final squeeze... and suddenly a blast of Arctic wind hit his junk, and almost instantly his near orgasm comes crashing down, and he falls to his knees, whimpering and shaking, his whole body twitching.

Allen gives a loud, high pitched cry as the release that he was nearly able to achieve had been destroyed.

And... was the shrinking again? Everything around him seemed slightly bigger, and the floor seemed just a bit closer.

"Why... why?" Allen moaned, whimpering, looking down to see a strange device over his crotch, light blue, and shaped like Chaos' face.

"Alright, time for the second game," Chaos said. "And this is one of my favorite games. As you might notice, you have a nifty little contraption over your crotch. That, my friend has two jobs: to get you riled up, but never allow you to get off, and everytime you nearly blow your load, to take a few more inches from you."

Allen could only give a little whimper. "Please..."

"Please start? Okay!" Chaos grinned, and suddenly several dozen keys are floating around Allen's head, different colors: blue, green, red, yellow, orange and purple. "We got a bunch of keys here, and only one of them will unlock our little toy. Now, figuring out which key... that will be a challenge! Hopefully you can figure it out pretty quickly."

Suddenly the coldness on Allen's cock disappeared, and the feet and massaging and groping started again. A little moan slipped his lips before he realized what happened.

"So go! Quick! Before you shrink too small!"

Allen gasped, and started trying to reach for different keys. He grabbed a blue key that was in front of him. Since Chaos was blue coloured, that should be the right key. If logic worked out.

The massaging was already getting pretty intense, and his cock was rock hard, constantly twitching, but he still wasn't close enough to get off yet, he was sure. He had time.

He looked back down at the weird chastity device on his junk, trying to figure out where the key was supposed to go. There wasn't a slot or a hole for it to go into, so he started to prod the device with the tip of the key...

It suddenly slipped in right where the large grinning mouth was, and he began to wiggle the key.

It refused to turn.

"Oh no! Looks like Allen's first guess was wrong!" Chaos announced from the side. "This can't be good for him!"

Suddenly an electric shock ran through his whole body, the steady build up of sexual urges suddenly being ratcheted up to an unbearable crescendo, only once again for a freezing cold blast to strike his junk, making his cock go limp, and his whole body begin to shrink again. Last being only about three and a half feet tall, now he was under the three foot mark.

Around him, the blue keys suddenly vanished, leaving only five colours left to experiment with.

"You better hurry up and try to figure out the answer," Chaos said, floating outside where the keys were, his yellow eyes glowing, large white toothed smile looking down on him. "After all, don't want you to be made too tiny where no one can see you!"

Allen, bracing himself again as the phantom feeling returned to his junk, this time reached for an orange key. If he remembered his middle school art classes correctly, orange was the complimentary color to blue. So, if Chaos was trying to make this harder to figure out, then he would, theoretically, be going that route.

He put the orange key to the chastity device on his crotch, but once again refused to turn.

"Uggghh!" Allen groaned, panting heavily, his junk being abused a third time and then the orgasm killed again, and another few inches taken from his height, and the orange keys vanished, leaving four. This was so unfair! How was he supposed to win?

... Was he supposed to win?

Allen briefly pondered that thought. After all, Chaos was, as he even said at the start, devoted to chaos. So, if that was the case... there was no winning, no getting out of this situation, was there?

He winced as his cock was groped and toyed with, leading him to the edge. Now... if Chaos' main goal was to just to play with him, to turn his life upside down and make it hard and different from normal, not to mention his lack of mentioning rules, must mean that there was another rule to this game he wasn't aware of. So... what if there was another key? One that was... around here somewhere...

The pressure on his cock was getting very intense, almost unbearable. He had to find this other key, somewhere...

Out of the corner of his his eye, Allen could see something there. Everytime he turned, it wasn't where he thought he saw it, but was just... there, right on the periphery...

The rubber mouse dog's knees began to tremble, his toes curling...

He reached out, and grabbed hold of a solid object. He pulled it in front of him. A shimmering white and black key.

Allen bit his lips, as the orgasm inches closer and closer.

He stuck it into the chastity device and turned it.

It didn't go.

"Ahhh!" Allen cried out, as his orgasm, again, was denied with a ice cold clamp onto his dick, and now he was just two feet tall.

"Oh no! It looks like Allen decided to go for the hidden key! But it was a trick!" Chaos commented on the side. "Our contestant is trying to put some thought into this! But look what that does for you, eh?"

Allen, panting, on the verge of tears of painful sexual denial and being turned into a toy of a malevolent spirit, his painful and bruised cock now being stirred up yet again, grabbed the first key in front of his face.

Since it was clear that his attempts to thinking this out wasn't working, and that he was just here to make Chaos happy and not bored, and he wasn't going to get out of it anyway... He might as well just get it over with.

This key was green, and he stuck it into the chastity device...

The grip on his cock quickly worked him up again, and as he braced himself for yet another freezing cold blast of wind to ruin his orgasm and make him shrink

He twisted the key as he was worked up to his... third? Fourth orgasm?

"Ugggghhhhhaaaaaaaa!" Allen groaned.

And then the key turned

Allen fell to his knees as the chastity device fell away... revealing a smooth rubber surface like a cartoon character.

But he could feel his cock shooting it's much delayed and restrained load, white cream shooting out of his tip, the large amount of cum that was being pumped out, covering his cock and balls and crotch... though he couldn't see it on the outside.

"Oh hey! He got it!" Chaos shouted, resulting in a cheer from the audience. "What do you know? Maybe Allen finally figured out how this all works!"

No. No I didn't, Allen thought to himself, panting as the orgasm, the largest in his life, finally began to wear off.. There was nothing here to figure out, to solve. The past two challenges just proved that there was no rhyme, no reason to anything. It was just... there. It happened. He had to live with it.

"Well, now that Allen has finished the second challenge, it's time to see what he won," Chaos said, the wheel appearing beside him again.

"Wait... wait... isn't that... the same wheel?" Allen panted. "From when I lost?"

"So what if it is?" Chaos said with a Cheshire grin, as he gave it a spin.

Allen watched as the wheel spun around and around, a blur of colors and lights and that every constant click-click-click.

Then it started to slow down, until it finally stopped on a picture of two feet pushed up against each other.

"Well well!" Chaos said. "I have to say Allen, you look a little hungry right now, right?"

"It... it has been a bit since I ate," he admitted, making the audience laugh.

"Well how about a sandwich!" the feline embodiment of anarchy said.

Before Allen could look around for a delicious snack, two feet suddenly came and squashed him, one covering his whole front side, the other landing on his back, both pushing Allen into the other.

They pushed back and forth, first one then the other gaining prominence pushing Allen slightly forward or back. Then they began to rub up and down, the front foot going up until his own feet dangled from the bottom, the giant foot on his back rubbing down until the back of his head was exposed, and then vice versa. The rough feeling was making him hard... again?! He just came? What else was Chaos going to do to him? Not to mention how uncomfortable the sticky mess his lower half was now didn't make it much easier.

Allen never wanted to see another foot in his life, not even his own paws.

Then they vanished, and Allen fell to the ground. The audience laughed and cheered as Allen, his dignity bruised more than anything else, finally stood up again.

"And now here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and Allen, to the final challenge tonight!" Chaos said with a flourish of his paws. "And this is going to be the best one of all. Now, we've seen our friend here deal with the forces of the universe and trying to figure out how to match wits with colors while being played with. But now it's going to be Allen's biggest challenge yet!"

Before Allen could comment, Chaos' grinning face suddenly grew massively large... or Allen shrunk to a tiny size, and he found himself hovering in midair. He looked down to see one of Chaos' paws come up, fast, trying to smash into him. Allen tried to run, but since he was just hanging in nothingness, there was nothing to get a footing on, and he just ended up flailing in midair.

Chaos' paw came up, but then stopped as soon as Allen touched it. "The final challenge," the feline's voice rumbled and echoed, "is a trial of combat! But not just any combat. Oh no... he has to deal with his worst nemesis, as we've discovered... De-feet!"

"Oh come on!" Allen cried out, as a bunch of feet suddenly appeared around him, all of them at least as big as Allen was. "Can I please just go now? I've played your silly games..."

Chaos' face suddenly appeared right before Allen, the grin still plastered on his face. "Awww, you don't want to play with me anymore? When you are so close to getting out of here?"

"I'm just done with this!" Allen cried out. "Let me go already!"

Chaos' grin began to fade. "Oh, Allen... I thought we had a deal... just play three little games with me, then you can go back. You've just done two. So you need to do one more."

"I never agreed to it!"

"Well you didn't say no earlier," Chaos said. "And I work on the 'no news is good news' idea. So if you didn't want to play my games, you could have just said so! But now, here you are, and you are going to play."

"And if I don't?"

Chaos' grin returned, followed by the two giant feet that had already done so much damage to Allen's psyche and pride.

"You can say high to Lefty and Righty here for the rest of eternity," Chaos grinned.

Allen groaned. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

"Excellent choice!" Chaos said. "So here's the deal. All you have to do is survive for two minutes against these challengers," he said, pointing to the other feet that surrounded Allen. "You will win if you can avoid being pinned down for ten seconds by any of them. Got it?"

Allen was already sore and achy from all the other challenges he'd dealt with, but... two more minutes? He could do it.

"Yep, let's get it over with."

"Oh, and did I mention that these aren't any ordinary feet?" Chaos said.

Suddenly the normal human looking feet suddenly grew twice as large as before so they towered over the very much diminished Allen, black claws replacing the toenails, and the pink flesh being replaced by scales: red, green, blue, yellow and a whole rainbow of colours.

"These are dragon paws!" Chaos grinned. "Bigger, stronger, heavier... so you better hope you can avoid all of them!"

"Wha-" Allen started


A horn blared, and then a clock began to tick.

The dragon paws suddenly came right after Allen.

Allen began to run.

"And they're off!" Chaos announced, high above them. "Let's see if our contestant can make it out of this one!"

All of the paws were still chasing after Allen, just flying after him hanging off the ground. Allen couldn't figure out. Each time they stamped on the ground, it began to shake and rock, nearly upsetting Allen's balance as he ran around and around.

"One minute, 45 seconds," Chaos announced. "And we're off to a great start!"

A red dragon paw broke from the herd chasing him, and swung around, and tried to head off Allen as he ran in a circle. Allen saw the red paw coming at the last moment, and he ducked.

The red paw crashed into a couple of the group chasing him, knocking a bunch out of the chase.

"Oh look at that! Allen's a quick thinker! And we are at 1:30 now, already a quarter of the way through!"

More paws began to break off, trying to corner Allen toward the edge of Chaos' much, much larger paw. Allen dodged and dived, managing to avoid being cornered a couple of times, but it was starting to wear on him, as sweat began to build up in the suit, which wasn't really designed for someone to run around in.

A yellow paw came from out of nowhere and slammed into Allen, knocking him over and landing on him.

"Oh no! We are almost to the minute mark, and Allen is being pinned down!" Chaos announced. "Can he get out of it?"

A louder BEEP echoed through the paw shaped arena, followed by another a second later. It was the timer for being pinned.

Alex wiggled as much as he could, trying get out of the massively heavy, nearly impervious yellow paw, his rubber suit squeaking as he did so...


Allen panicked, as the fifth beep came, and he then managed to turn just enough...

He shot out from under the dragon's foot, his sweat covered body providing just enough lubrication to get him out.

"He made it out!" Chaos shouted, and there was a faint, muffled cheer of an audience that Allen didn't notice as he got up, and tried to get away. "We are now at 57 seconds! Less than a minute for freedom for our contestant now!"

But Allen was really tired and sore now. Sure, it was just a paw, but it still felt like a dragon was attached to it. He managed to duck a few more attempts to pin him as he jogged around the hand.

"Forty-five seconds! Oh this is getting close!"

A green paw suddenly swiped down, knocking out Allen's legs, and making the dog-turned-tiny-rubber mouse crash to the ground. Another paw, purple this time, tried to pin him, but Allen rolled over, and nearly getting smooshed by a green paw. He sat up as a third, red paw tried to get him, and he managed to jump up onto the black dragon paw as it tried to smash him flat.

"Thirty seconds! Oh we are getting so close!"

Allen grabbed hold of the toe as it started flailing around, trying to knock Allen off. He held on as tight as he could...

But what saved him before now became his undoing, as the sweat covered mouse suit had nearly no grip on the smooth scales. One wrong flick, and soon Allen was flying through the air.

"Oh no! What could happen now?" Chaos said. "Only 15 seconds from freedom!"

A red paw came up right in front of Allen, and he bounced off, to pinball off a green paw, then a blue one, and then finally the black on, which proceeded to pin Allen to the ground.


The paw started to grind Allen into the ground.


The smell of the paw's musk was overwhelming Allen's senses.


His cock was already rock hard, nearly on the edge of cumming again.


The blackness of the paw felt like the end, like what he first experience when he fell into Chaos' demented world.


Well, this was how it ends, Allen thought. Smothered by a dragon paw.


The paw began to roll back and forth, as if testing a new shoe to see how it feels.


The ball of the dragon's paw was doing a really good job of making Allen's cock rock hard.


Allen had lost count of the beeps. But he knew that any moment now, it was going to be over, that he lost, and that he would never get home again...


Suddenly the paw lifted up.

"Oh. My. Goodness!" Chaos exclaimed. That was so close!"

Allen was on the stage again, lying on his back, staring up at the rafters and the stage lights that shone on him.

Suddenly a triumphant fanfare began to play, followed by confetti falling from the ceiling.

"But Allen! You won!"

"Wh-what?" Allen croaked, sitting up. The squeak of rubber was gone... he was back in his normal clothes. And his normal size.

Chaos was sitting there, as confetti and balloons fell down, the audience cheering wildly. "You were pinned down with nine seconds to go, so you managed to outlast the timer!"

Allen blinked. "So... so this is over?"

"Why, do you want to go again, champ?"

"No! No no no no!" Allen said, waving his hands around. "No!"

Chaos laughed. "Well, I did say that I would let you go if you beat the challenge, and you did. So, while I would rather have some more fun with you... You did break the boredom of a boring, plain, predestined life."

Allen climbed up, and looked over toward where the audience was cheering, only to now see that the seats were empty, the cameras all around turned off.

Well, at least it wasn't seen by anyone...

"Anyway, the Chaos Hour is over... so off you go!"

Suddenly everything went black. Allen felt at the ground, and realized it was dirt and sand.

He lifted his head up, to see the wall of his archeological dig site. Beside him, the pot that he had uncovered earlier.

Groaning, the Canaan dog sat up, looking at the pot closer. The images he saw before were gone, replaced by some simple geographic pattern.

"Oh... maybe it was all a dream," he muttered, standing up

But he then winced as he looked down, to see that there was a wet spot around his crotch, and it was sticky and dried and generally uncomfortable.

"Shit," he muttered. There was laughter from somewhere, that he was sure he heard before...

"No, no... no more chaos today, please," Allen groaned, as he grabbed the pot, and carefully climbed out of the hole, and snuck toward the camp. Just clean up, then show off the pot, and all would be good...

Uber (Commission for Giza)

Uber By Cimarron Spirit For Giza WARNING: This story contains: macro growth, female nudity, monsterfication, destruction, rampaging, destruction, and hatred of one particular ride sharing app. If you don't like any of that, then you might as well...

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Scavenger Part 3 (Commission for Giza)

Scavenger Part 3 By Cimmaron Spirit Commission for Giza WARNING: The following story contains f/solo, macro growth, soft vore, absorption, rampage, size difference, violence, nanobots, breast growth, masturbation, "sex toys", a post-apocalyptic...

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#EatTheDragons (Commission by DragonFireNY)

#EatTheDragons By Cimmaron Spirit Commission for DFNY WARNING: This story contains: Macro, macro growth, muscle guys, shrinking, oral vore, cock vore, rampage, destruction, excessive cum, masturbation, size difference, making out, flooding, and a...

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