The Subsitute

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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#7 of Forbidden Pleasures

WOW!!! I live again to bring you another installment of your favorite hotel. I apologize for my lack of updates. Life is kicking me down and rubbing salt on the wounds. Anyway, another part to my favorite series that I actually like and enjoy writing about. This time, I went with a Raichu and Liepard. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Don't forget to leave a comment on how bad or good it is. You guys keep me going with your feedback.

There you sit, surrounded by thousands of your favorite friends. Nothing could ever beat this. You turn another page of the book on the table before sipping on some water. Its the weekend, so there weren't many people in the library save for the students trying to get their grades up. You didn't have to worry about that. Your grades were hovering on A- and staying sturdy. Some may call you a geek. Others, a nerd. But you had have friends on the outside that you hang out with on occasion.

You just preferred the company of books every now and then. There were no arguments ever. No talking back or trying to hook you up with a girl. Just words on paper that told a story which you got lost in. The librarian always saved the middle table for you since you always came in every single day. A slight cough brought you out of your trance as you looked to your right to see the librarian looking at you.

"Still at it huh?"

"Yeah. I just love how Milton Ward captivates you and sucks you in with the first few chapters," you smile back.

"He is a talented author. One of the new upcoming ones to."

"I'm glad you pointed him to me Ms. Kemp."

"Glad I could help. By the way, haven't you read almost every book in here?"

"Almost. I need to hit the other sci-fi stuff."

Kemp chuckled at that, straighten the stack of books in her arms.

"Well, I'll leave you to your adventures."

"Thanks Ms. Kemp," you say.

You get back to your reading, but it doesn't last long as you phone vibrates on the table. Looking at the ID, it was your mom telling you to bring home some salt, pepper, and lemon juice for dinner. You chuckle at that meaning its time to head home. Remembering your place, you get up from the chair, stretching your back a bit from sitting so long. Walking down the isle, you place the book back before grabbing your backpack and heading out the door,waving bye to Ms. Kemp on the way out. The sun was soon to set as people headed home for the day. Stopping by the store, you pick up the few things your mom wanted before heading home. Walking through the front gate, you walk up the small steps before feeling something land on your shoulder as you smile.

"Hey there fuzzy chin," you smile, scratching the chin of the Furret on your shoulder making it chitter and nuzzle you happily as you open the door.

Taking your shoes off, you step onto the carpeted hallway, heading to the kitchen when you hear your mother rattling dishes around,

"Here's the stuff you wanted mom," you say, placing the bag on the counter.

"Thanks hun," she smiles at you, walking over and kissing your forehead. "I forgot to get them while out."

"Not a problem," you smile back, popping open the fridge for a bottle of water. "If you need me, I'll be in my room."

Exiting the kitchen, you her laughter in the front room as you pass the opening to see your younger brother and sister playing with dad. They were always a handful and full of energy. But somehow, your dad kept up with them. They looked your way before hurrying over.

"Hey big brother," they both cheered happily as you ruffle their heads making them giggle.

"Go easy on dad you two," you chuckle.

"Hey. I'm not that old yet son," your dad replies.

"I know. I'll be in my room," you say, walking up the stairs.

Walking down the hall, you enter your room and let out a sigh, plopping on the bed. Rocky jumps off your shoulder before climbing up a rope to his little hammock. Your room is a comfy one. Hardwood floors easy for sweeping. Bookcase with rubber on the corners to prevent scratching. Large bed big enough for three people. And a small desk with a desk lamp and executive leather chair that was comfortable beyond belief. You lay back in the bed, looking up at the ceiling before letting out a sigh.

"Better grab a shower before dinner."

Getting back up, you head to the dresser and pull OT a pair of underwear before heading to the bathroom and closing the door. Stripping down, you look yourself over in the mirror. You ain't that bad looking. Shaggy brown hair covered your head as deep violet eyes look back at you. You didn't play sports or anything so you did have the tiniest bit of a belly. Guess you should run a bit or something when not reading. Shrugging your shoulders, you hop in and turn the water on, letting the water wash your worries away. Feeling clean, you step out and dry off, slipping your underwear on as you walk out just in time as your mom calls you.

"Claude, time for dinner."

"I'm coming," you reply back, tossing on a pair of sweatpants and shirt before heading down.

You take a seat between your siblings as they giggle and joke away. Dinner is served which is turkey and gravy along with veggies and cornbread. Idle chatter is shared before you feel Rocky hop onto your shoulder as you share some of your cornbread which he munches down happily. After dinner is done, you help with the clean up as your dad put the other two to bed.

"So, anything fun happy or did you get lost in the library again?" your mom chuckles.

"I can't help that I like to read," you blush a little, drying the dishes she gave you.

"Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has a hobby they love to do. Maybe you'll take over for Ms. Kemp when she retires. You probably read almost all the books there anyway."

"I wish. Still have hundreds to go."

"You'll get there. Thanks for helping me clean up. Have a good night," she smiles, kissing your forehead.

You nod, putting the dishes away before wiping the table off. Having done that, you head back into your room, the book light on the desk illuminated the room softly as you lay down. Rocky hopped over and curled up on the pillow before falling asleep. A yawn escapes you as you follow suite.


"All right, remember your homework is due on Friday," the teacher said as the bell rang.

Gathering your stuff, you head out into the crowded hallway of Mew High. It was a great school. Lots of diversity and plenty of things to do. Of course you had your bullies and sports jocks and your class clowns. But what school doesn't. Reaching your locker, you grab your next couple of textbooks before heading to class, your favorite class which is English Literature club. Walking in, you see all the students joking and laughing away. You take the front row seat as the teacher walked in all smiles.

"All right everyone, hope we're doing good?" she smiles, placing her briefcase on the desk.

You all nod as she grabs a piece of chalk before writing on the board.

"As you all know, we have the Reading Corner coming up soon for the local hospitals and pre schools."

Reading Corner was something you all came up with and got approved by the principal and mayor saying they were proud about what we were doing. You always went to the day care center with Rocky and read to the kids there. They love the simple children books as you could see them build the world in their eyes as you read.

"All right, I wrote the places we can go this year. Everyone can choose where you want to go as before."

You look on the board and see the Eevee Day Care Center and smile.

"All right Lisa. Since you had the highest grade last report card, you choose first."

"I'll take the Eevee Day Care," she replied.

"Seriously?" you spoke up. "You know I go there every time."

"Well my usual place isn't up there this time so I figured why not the day care."

You ball your fists angrily as the teacher claps her hands.

"Now now you two. No fighting. Why not try something new?"

You let out a grunt as you eye the places on the board. There were a couple of places that looked good. Flareon Pre School wasn't that far from you and in a nice part of town. Then there was Chansey Hospital which was downtown.

"Fine. I'll take Chansey Hospital."

"Good choice. I'm sure the kids there will enjoy your company just like the day care. Okay, whose next?"

You sit there seething mad as Lisa just writes in her notebook. You two were somewhat friendly with each other. But after today, that ended. Once the bell rang, the teacher held you after since it was only lunch next.

"I know you're upset Claude."

"Upset ain't the word I would use," you huff out.

"You both are the top students in class and I would hate for this to be the determining factor of a friendship."

You let out a sigh before grunting.

"If you say so Ms. Hopkins."

"I'm sure you'll make plenty of new friends in the hospital. You always pick the good books to really open the children mind and imagination."

"I spend a lot of time in the library reading. Its only natural I know what keeps their attention," you smile before your stomach growled. "I'm going to get some lunch before it ends."

"Okay. Sorry again," she said watching you leave.

You head towards the cafeteria, mind still upset about what happened, but there is nothing you can do about it now. The lunch room is packed as kids laughed, joked, and just relaxed. Grabbing a tray of mystery food, as you call it, you find a seat in the corner and start to munch down. Digging in your backpack, you take out the book you took out and start to read. The chair in front of you is pulled out as someone joins you.

"Ah, Cold Blooded, great mystery book from Torris Chambers."

You look up to see a young lady eating lunch with chopsticks.

"He does have a way with words that make you think about everything," you reply.

"Yes he does. But I prefer Alderon Blackwood for mystery. He steers you along with just enough to tickle you taste buds and demand more."

You lower the book and look at her, an eyebrow raised as all she does is smile.

"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage miss."

"Silly me. Name's Tanya."

"Claude. Very nice to meet a fellow reader."

"Likewise. Maybe we can share our views one day."

You chuckle at that.

"I'm always in Johto library. Visit me there anytime you wish," you say as the bell rings in the background.

"Its a deal then," she chuckled, getting up and walking out.

You watch her leave before scratching your head. That was weird. Getting up, you toss your garbage away before heading to your next class. The day went by quickly which was a good thing as you hop on the bus and head home. Hopping out, you walk down the street to your home. You're greeted by Rocky as he jumps down from the tree branch onto your shoulder, nuzzling your neck.

"Missed you to," you chuckle, scratching his chin before walking inside. "I'm home."

"Hey son. How was school?" your dad asks, working on fixing something on the table.

"It was good. The Reading Corner is going on again," you reply, taking your shoes off.

"Oh? Is that where you go to places reading to little kids?"


You dad nods before screwing a plate back into place. He turned over whatever he was working on as your eyes went wide.

"Hey, isn't that my mobile thesaurus?"

"Yep. I finally got the parts to fix it since it was an old model. But its good to go now."

"Wow, thanks pops," you say, grabbing it as it powered up smoothly.

"So you going to the place you usually go for reading?" your dad asks, taking a drink from the cup that was besides him.

"Sadly no. That stupid girl choose it cause her place wasn't there."

"Hey now. No need to get angry about that. Maybe another place will be better. Where are you going?"

"Chansey Hospital."

"I'd say that's a great place. Many kids in there to read to that can't read themselves."

You think about it. You never saw it like that before as you gave a smile.

"I guess you're right."

"Good. I'm sure whatever you choose, they will love. Your mother should be home with the troublemakers for dinner. Go clean up."

You nod your head before heading upstairs to get cleaned up and enjoy the night.


The next day finds you at the hospital, being dropped off by your mom. You had Rocky on your shoulder and one of your favorite adventure books you loved as a kid. It had plenty of fun action, magic, and jokes to keep the kids attention. You walk in the sliding door as the cool a/c hits your face. The hardwood floors shine from polish as people went about their daily business. You walk up to the counter as a lady greets you.

"Good afternoon young man. What can I do for you?"

"Yeah, my name's Claude Hoskins. I'm here for the Reading Corner assignment."

"Oh yes. We were expecting you. Head up to the Pediatrics Ward and speak with Alan."

"Thank you," you nod, walking over to the elevator and hitting the call button.

The elevator opens with a soft 'ding' as you enter. All the buttons are labeled neatly as you hit the white P button, making the doors close softly. The ride is quick as the car moves fast up the shaft, door opening to the sound of kids. Getting out, you look around to see drawings on the wall along with some arts and crafts stuff which make you smile. You spot the first desk as you walk over to it, the secretary behind the desk smiling at you.

"Welcome to Chansey Hospital Pediatrics Ward. What can I do for you?"

"Hi. My name is Claude Hoskins here to see Alan for the Reading Corner."

"Ah yes, we were waiting for you. Come, I'll take you to the play room."

You follow the secretary down the hall, admiring the drawings on the wall with a smile. Reaching the play room, you see about twenty kids playing with each other or watching cartoons. You see an elderly man watching over them as he looks your way and smile.

"Welcome, you must be Claude?"

"That's me."

"Great. We were finally able to get approval for this and I'm happy. Have a seat and I'll get the kids ready."

You nod and take a seat on the comfy chair as the kids gather around you. Their eyes were full of life and looked into yours eagerly awaiting.

"Hey kiddies. My name is Claude and I'll be your reader for awhile. This here is my buddy Rocky. Who wants to hold him while I read?"

All hands flew up with lots of 'me me me'. You let Rocky decide as he hopped into one of the kids lap making him giggle and pet his head.

"Today, I'll start with one of my favorite books as a child," you smile, pulling out a small book.

It was a simple fantasy book, easy to understand. You even added your own voice acting making the kids giggle and laugh. At only fifty pages, it was the right size to keep their attention and let them envision what was going on in their heads. Once it was over, you hear them sigh, wanting more as you chuckle.

"I'll be back next week to fill your imagination even more. You kids have a good day and I'll bring you all a treat."

They cheered at that as Rocky climbed back onto your shoulder. You waved goodbye and headed out before Alan stopped you.

"I got to admit. You have a way with children. They could never sit still long enough to finish two pages."

"You just have to know what they like," you smile, hitting the elevator call button.

"We look forward to seeing you next week."

"Thanks," you say, hopping in the elevator and heading down.

Walking out, you see your mom waiting for you along with your siblings.

"How'd it go?" she asks as you hop in.

"It was pretty fun. Can't wait til next week."


The bell rang as you sit in your free period class, book in hand as you read away. You think back in the hospital visit which made you smile. Nothing makes you happier then seen a kid's mind play out a scene that you read. Hopefully one day, you can make your own book. Your thoughts are interrupted as somebody sits in front of you. Looking up, you see its only Lisa as you give a scowl.

"Oh its you. What do you want?"

"Well hello to you to," she chuckles. "Listen Claude, I know you're mad at me for taking your selection and I'm sorry."

"Uh huh."

"I was wondering if you would be willing to hear me out on something?"

"That depends on what that something is."

She bit her lip before looking down at her hands which were folded on the desk. Taking a deep breath, she spoke up to you.

"One of my teammates for the annually spelling bee tournament has fallen ill and I was wondering if you could take his place?"

You sit quietly for a few moments, letting it sink in before chuckling.

"Yeah, not happening."

"Why not?"

"Its not my thing. I don't like being put on the spotlight for anything. Don't like that kind of peer pressure."

She frowned at that a little.

"I don't believe that for a second. You are a lot smarter then you put on. I know a spelling bee would be no problem for you."

"Sorry to disappoint. But stuff like that isn't my cup of tea. Hope you find some who will help," you reply, bringing your book up.

You hear her huff softly before getting up and leaving you be. You shake your head as you keep reading. A shiver went through you slightly as you picture yourself up on that stage in front of a big crowd.

"No thanks. Not that kind of pressure I want."

The bell rang slightly after as you place your book marker and gather your things before heading to your next class. Once that class was over, you hit the lockers and place your things inside.

"Claude!? Can I have a moment of your time?"

You turn to see your English Literature teacher sanding there.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I heard you declined Lisa's offer to join the spelling bee tournament."

"Yeah, I did."

"May I ask why?"

You close your locker before sighing.

"I don't like that kind of pressure on me. It makes me antsy and uncomfortable."

"But you are a smart kid and could probably out spell the judges. You do that with all the books you read."

"A book and a spelling bee are two different things Ms. Hopkins. Only one won't leave you in a cold sweat."

"Probably right. But still doesn't change the fact that you are a bright student."

You toss your bag over your shoulder before looking at her.

"At least....give it some thought. We'll save the spot for you. Bus leaves on Friday. Hope to see you there," she smiles before walking away.

You watch her leave before shaking your head. You really don't want any part of that. With a sigh, you head out before hopping on the bus home. Hopping out, you head on home, mind in a whirl. Rocky lands on your shoulder and nuzzles you making you chuckle and scratch his chin. Waking in the door, you hear your siblings playing in the front with giggles.

"What are you two up to in there?"

"Dad got us a new game," they replied together.

"Ha, well enjoy it. I'm gonna do my homework."

Hopping up the stairs, you slide into your room, sitting in your desk chair before getting to work. Rocky hops off your shoulder, opening the top drawer and grabbing a pretzel stick and munching happily. You start to work, but your mind goes back to what the teacher said. Could you even stand on stage without shaking and stuttering?


You jump at the sound of your name and turn to see your mom there.

"Oh, sorry. Was focusing on something," you reply.

"You seem lost in thought. Care to talk about it?" she asks, walking in and sitting on the bed as Rocky hops in her lap.

You let out a sigh before turning in the chair and looking at her.

"My teacher wanted me to sub in for someone for the spelling bee tournament."

"That sounds great honey!"

"Yeah. But I'm nervous to stand in front of all those people."

Your mom chuckles at that before speaking.

"Yeah, it'll be pretty nerve racking. But you wanna know the best way to deal with stage fright?"

You nod your head.

"Don't think to hard on it. Just focus on the word, close your eyes, and let it go."

"Does it work?"

"Works for me when I have to do conference calls. Once you get past the word, I guarantee it'll be a breeze after that."

You think about it before smiling.

"Okay. Guess I'll do it."

"Wonderful hun. I'm sure you'll do just fine."


Friday came quickly as you walk out the school building to see a small bus with about nine students around it. You see Ms Hopkins standing there as she smiles when you walk over.

"Didn't think you would come Claude."

"I wasn't until my mom spoke to me. I'm still super nervous but she told me how to deal with it," you chuckle.

"Well, welcome aboard. All right everyone, lets get on and head out."

You all climb onto the bus, taking a window seat as Lisa sits next to you.

"Thanks for coming Claude. This means a lot to all of us. We haven't won one yet, but hopefully that will change."

You shrug your shoulders before looking out the window.

"We'll see. What exactly is the prize anyway?" you ask.

"A full night of fun at the Forbidden Pleasure Hotel."

"Forbidden Pleasure?" you say looking at her.

"Yes. The best hotel there is. You'll see why when or if we win."

You feel the bus start to move as you sit back and watch the scenery go by as your eyes close. A small nudge startles you awake as you look around.

"We're here sleepy head," Lisa chuckles. "You're kind of cute when you sleep."

You blush at that as the bus pulls to a stop near the entrance to a building. Ms. Hopkins stands up before speaking.

"Here we are. Lets go in there and win one for the school!"

You all nod before exiting the bus and heading for the stadium's doors. Walking in, you see the large crowd already assembled in their seats talking midst one another. An attendant greets you with a smile.

"Welcome! You must be from Mew High?"

"That we are," Ms. Hopkins replied.

"Excellent. Your waiting room is this way."

You all follow the greeter to a large dressing room as you took a seat along with everyone else. There were a few magazines on the small table in the middle of the room. The walls were painted a sky blue as a fridge was in the corner. A couch and several chairs sat upon a polished, hardwood floor as everyone conversed with each other.

"Okay, if I can have everyone's attention," the attendant said as everyone looked at him. "I'm going to explain the rules which are quite simple. Rule one, you get one word and have fifteen seconds to spell it correctly. If you need it in a sentence, please ask and the judges will be happy to help you. If you are unable to answer, you will be eliminated and unable to continue. If your team is the winner, you will receive a free one night stay at the exclusive Forbidden Pleasures hotel compliments on us. Pretty simple right?" he said with a smile.

We all nodded as he clapped his hands.

"Excellent. I'll come get you when the time comes. We have a fridge in the back with all kinds of drinks so help yourself," he says before leaving.

Everybody talked with each other as you sit there, butterflies in your stomach as you shake your knees. Lisa walks over with a smile and sits next to you,

"Thanks for doing this for us."

"I shouldn't have bothered since you took my spot. But my mom convinced me to come."

"Sorry," she says softly. "If it makes you feel any better, none of the children would listen to me."

You chuckle at that.

"You have to pick the right book."

"I picked out James and the Giant Peach."

"That's where you went wrong. You need something short and simple that can be finished before you leave."

"I didn't think of that. I'll try that next time."

"Do that," you say with a nod before a knock caught everyone's attention.

"All right everyone, we're ready," the attendant says. "Follow me."

You all follow him down the hall to a set of double doors where he stops and turns to face all of you.

"All right, here we go. Don't worry about the cameras. Just be yourself and do your best."

Getting a nod from everyone makes him smile before opening the doors. Crossing over lots of cable and passing other people, you see the stage. It was set up like a game show with a podium set up for both schools. You already see the other school sitting on a stool in a five by five row. You all take your seats, you in the top back row as the attendant started talking.

"Welcome folks to the Jotho Spelling Bee tournament! These two schools battled hard to get here and sadly only one will come away with the grand prize. But getting here, is still a great achievement by itself. It shows how hard students study to be the best they can be. But without further delay, let us begin!!"

The audience clapped lightly as a light was turned on showing a table with four people. You had to figure those were the judges giving out the words to be spelled. One of them spoke up with a deep voice.

"Okay, since Gyarados High won last year, we will start with them. Everyone will get one word and fifteen seconds to spell it out. The difficulty will start easy before going up. Are there any questions before we start?"

Nobody said anything as he smiled.

"Good. Shall we begin then?"

The contest started off simple. Everyone got a turn as it went back and forth. Pretty soon it was your turn as a lady spoke up to you.

"Okay Claude. Here is your word. The word is hydrogen."

You clamp up, mind going blank as everyone looked at you. You knew this would happen as your leg starts to shake.

"Ten seconds," she said.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath, relaxing yourself before answering.

"Hydrogen. H Y D R O G E N. Hydrogen."


You let out a shaky sigh as Ms. Hopkins give you a thumbs up from the side. After that initial shock, everything just seem to not bother you. Just as your mom says. It went back and forth, each word getting harder and harder as time passed. People were starting to make mistakes, getting themselves disqualified. After you would say about two hours have passed, it was just you and Lisa against three from Gyarados High. Lisa went up next as you can see the nervousness in her eyes.

"Okay Lisa. Your word is Rutherfordium."

She looked stumped but put on a brave face.

"What is it used in?"

"The periodic table."

"Rutherfordium. R U T H E R F O D I U M. Rutherfordium."

"Oh, sorry. That is incorrect. You missed an R. Tough luck."

She looked crushed as she let out a sigh. Now it was just you. No pressure right? This is exactly why you didn't want to do this in the first place. Lucky for you, the next student got their word wrong as well, making you let out a sigh of breath.

"Okay Claude. Your word is Livermorium."

Periodic table again as you give a smile. Good thing you read this book couple weeks ago.

"Livermorium. L I V E R M O R I U M. Livermorium."


You let out a sigh as the next student went and got it wrong so it was just a one on one. You wipe your palms on your pants, butterflies heavily floating around in your stomach.

"Okay Claude. Your word is Hypogonodism."

Medical terms. Damn. You haven't been able to read any books on that stuff. Taking a breath, you just wing it.

"Hypogonodism. H Y P O G O N O D I S M. Hypogonodism."


You slump in your seat as your team cheers along with the audience.

"Okay Cedric. Your word is hydronephrosis."

Cedric's face seem to go blank as his team looked at him. The look of fear was in his eyes but he held himself together.

"Hydronephrosis. H Y D R O N E P H R O I S. Hydronephrosis."

"Oh sorry. That is incorrect. You missed the S. So that means you are disqualified. Winner of the spelling bee tournament goes to Mew High."

Everyone cheers and pat you on the back as you sit in the stool. You almost feel like one of those cartoon characters sitting in a pool of their own sweat. The attendant walks you back to the waiting room where you make a bee line for the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and chugging fast.

"Congrats to you all from Mew High. You win the grand prize of a one night stay at Forbidden Pleasures Hotel. Enjoy yourself to your hearts content compliments on us. Good job!!"

Everyone cheered at that as you were still drinking away. Ms. Hopkins walked over with a smile.

"I knew choosing you was the right move. Thanks for coming."

"Not a problem. Just don't think it'll happen again," you chuckle.

She laughs at that before crossing her arms.

"Shouldn't keep that brain of yours locked up. Let it shine sometimes."

"I'll think about it."

"Good enough. All right everyone, lets head back to the bus and towards the hotel for our reward."


The ride to the hotel wasn't to long, maybe an hour give or take. You called your dad and told him your school won the contest and spending the night at the chosen hotel. He said to enjoy yourself and that you deserved it.

The hotel came into view after exiting the dirt road. The large parking lot was full as security cars were made their rounds. The driver found a spot for buses as he pulled it in and parked.

"All right everyone, head into the lobby and wait for me," Ms. Hopkins said.

Hopping out the bus, you walk towards the entrance as the sliding doors opened, the cool air hitting your skin making you shiver. The place looked really nice. The marble, tile floor shined brightly, showing all kinds of reflections. A beautiful chandler hung over a drop off where a waterfall which fell from the roof.

"Wow, this place is better then I imagined," Lisa said besides you looking around in awe.

"It is impressive," you reply back, taking in everything.

The subtle smell of strawberries floated around your nose as Ms. Hopkins walked in.

"Here we are gang. Lets go enjoy ourselves."

She walked up the front desk where a young lady was working alongside an Arcanine. A smile was on her face before speaking up.

"Welcome to Forbidden Pleasure hotel! What can I do for you tonight?"

"Yes. Mew High. Winners of the spelling bee tournament."

"Ah yes. We received a call about your arrival and everything has been taken care of."

"Thank you."

"Not a problem. Head over to the waiting area and my boss will be right with you."

She nods before waving her hand towards everyone as you follow along to a cozy waiting area. Soft leather couches and seats were provided as well as foot units as everybody chatted excitedly to one another. You look around still, seeing various pokemon helping with cleaning. But the more you look, the more something seems off.

Then you spot it. On the fourth floor. You see a man making out with a Hypno. Red flags pop up all around like a soccer game. What the hell is going on here? You were about to peak up when a Gardevoir walks over with a smile. Its ruby red eyes looking at everyone with joy.

"Welcome to my wonderful establishment," you hear in your head. Her voice was smooth as silk and very sexy to say the least. "I want to congratulate you all for your hard work and effort to make it here."

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for young Claude here," Ms. Hopkins said making you blush a little. "He's the real star."

"Well then, I'll make sure to give him the star treatment. All your rooms have been paid for the night. So relax and enjoy yourself. Head to the front and Joyce will give you your room number. Once you get it, enter your room and you will see a wall showing all the pokemon we have. You may select one or two excluding legendaries which are platinum holders only. Are there any questions you have for me?"

Nobody said anything but your mind was still screaming at what you saw.

"If that is all, please enjoy your stay," she said, giving a curesty.

Everyone headed to the front desk, getting their room number. But you sit there, still trying to wrap your head around this. The Gardevoir senses your troubled thoughts before walking over.

"Is there something on your mind? I sense lots of confusion."

"I thought this was a regular hotel. But then I saw a man and a Hypno getting a little.....close."

She gave a sweet chuckle before taken a seat next to you, lightly putting her hand on yours making you jump. It was soft like a feather as it made goose bumps appear.

"This is Forbidden Pleasures Hotel where we sate to everyone's needs and hidden desires."

"So something like a sex hotel?"

"Not necessarily. We do more then that. We have plenty of things to do. Swimming. Indoor track. Basketball and soccer field. If people don't want to have that extra service, we have plenty to offer."

Well of course they would have that. It is a hotel after all.

"I can tell from what little I can read from your mind, that you are a book worm and very intelligent."

"Yeah. I like to read a lot," you say with a blush.

She taps her chin a few times before smiling at you.

"I have two perfect companions for you tonight if you wish?"

You think about it. Is having sex with a pokemon safe and legal? What about diseases? Are they clean?

"Claude dear, you are thinking to hard on this. Trust me when I say give your brain a rest and have fun. All of the pokemon here are treated daily and are very clean. You have nothing to worry about. Trust me."

You let it sink in for a bit. What's the worse that could happen? Everyone else is enjoying themselves so why shouldn't you? After all, they're only here because of you. A smile crosses you lips as you give her hand a squeeze which she returns.

"You're right. I won this for the team so I should enjoy myself to."

"That's the spirit. Head up to your room and I'll send Tanya up in a few."

Nodding your head, you get up and walk to the front desk as Joyce gives you your room number and key. Room seven twenty four huh? Lets go. Hitting the elevator button, you ascend to floor seven and step out on a nice, plush red rug. Walking down the hall, you hear the other occupants behind closed doors moaning and grunting. Reaching your room, you walk in and look around.

It was a nice sized room. A queen sized bed sat on the right corner with a window next to it as the stars shined in the night sky. A fridge was in the opposite corner next the cabinets and sink. An open door was on the left side of the room which lead to the bathroom that was sparkling clean and had the scent of fresh linen air freshener.

"Cool layout. Almost like a small studio apartment," you say walking over and sitting on the bed, sinking into the mattress which took you by surprise. "Damn, this bed is nice. Need a mattress like this."

You start to take your shoes and socks off when a knock was heard and the door opened as in walked a Raichu. It looked like it came up to your thighs. But you're not that big to begin with at five ten. The Raichu gives a curtsy before walking over. The red ribbon on its tail made it look cute as the subtle scent of raspberries flowed into your nose as it got closer.

"Raichu rai," it said with a smile.

"Um.....hi," you reply, not knowing what else to really say.

It chuckles at that before nimbly hopping onto the bed and into your lap making you jump. You look into its eyes, getting lost in them before tensing up as its lips met your in a soft kiss. Your mind is in a whirlwind of confusion. Part of you says no, get out. Part of you says go for it. You already gotten this far. Doing just that, your eyes close as you kiss the mouse type back making it give a coo as its soft tongue mingled with yours. Who knows how long the kiss lasted but you both break off, breathing a bit heavy from the moment.

"Chu," it says softly, pawing at your chest.

You reach down and start to lift your shirt off, giving a soft gasp as its paws roam your chest. They were soft along with the pads. Goosebumps appeared as your hair stood up feeling a small charge which sent tingles all over your body. Leaning in, it kissed along your neck with a coo, keeping it paws roaming along your chest. You get lost in the feeling, eyes slowly closing in comfort.

"Rai," it says again, making you look at it as it pointed towards the headboard.

Getting the idea, you throw a couple of pillows up to make yourself comfortable. It crawled towards your legs, reaching your pants before pulling them down slowly. You go with the flow, lifting your hips up as your pants slid down your legs leaving you bare. Your shaft, once flaccid dormant, was now free and hard sticking up in the air. You inhale sharply as you feel both paws stroke you softly up and down. A gasp escape you followed by a moan as the mouse type lick up from the bast of your cock to the tip before taking it slowly into its muzzle.

"," you moan out.

The Raichu's tail wag happily hearing your moans as it starts to bob its head up and down. Your hands grip the bed sheets as pleasure shot up your spine. The smooth tongue coils around your flesh, squeezing it gently and lapping up the pre that started to leak out. You feel cool air as it lets go with another coo, moving up your body and placing it paws on your shoulders. Its there you feel the slick dampness press against your cock. It slipped your mind about gender, but feeling the wetness, you give a smile.

"I'm ready when you are," you pant out, heart beating fast in the moment.

She smiles at that, inching her way up before you feel those petals parting, giving way to incredible heat and tightness as you both let out a moan. This was way more intense then oral. You feel your hips touch as your grip hers, feeling the short fur. You're surprised you could even fit in considering the size difference. But then again, you're not that big.

"Wow.....this is....unreal."

She giggles at that before slowly starting to move her hips up, leaving the head inside before coming back down to the hilt. The process was repeated over and over at a slow pace. Both of you getting use to each other as she kneads your shoulders softly, letting out soft gasps and moan. Your hands dig into her small body, nails teasing the skin making her shiver and squeeze down on you. The intimacy is high as she kisses you deeply.

"R....rai," she gasps out, eyes looking at you in a pleading way.

It seems she wanted you to go faster. You have no problem with that as you nod.

"Want go....faster?"


"Okay. Here.....we go," you reply, starting to move her body a bit faster up and down on your cock.

She threw her head back with a moan before burying it under your chin, letting out small squeaks as her tail lashes back and forth. Who knew something so wrong, could feel so damn good. You could hear the slick sounds of your connection along with your bodies coming together with muffled slaps as you go as deep as you could. Books were the last thing on your mind as you took the Raichu over and over.

" good," you huff out.

Something started to build in you. A part of you that you never knew you had as you started to pound the chu harder, making her go wide eyed at the change of pace. But she didn't complain. In fact, she egged you on, squeezing you harder making your toes curl. She was first to succumb to the pleasure as she out a loud moan, covering your penis in her feminine fluids. You never even stopped as you kept going, loving the slurping sounds coming from your connection.

"Good girl," you pant out.

But there was only so much pleasure you could take as well as you could feel your body start to shake lightly. Your balls churn and jumped, cum bubbling inside and ready to flood the mouse type's body. Sure you jerked off plenty of times and could go longer. But the pressure building here is more intense.

"Arceus....not gonna....last much longer."

"Chu....rai......rai," she moaned out, wanting you to implant your seed deep in her body.

You don't want it to end. You want to keep going on and on. But your body has other ideas as your cock throbs angrily, head starting to flare up as the end comes quicker and quicker. The Raichu rides you faster, moaning non stop as you can here small snaps of lightning. You match her quickness which was the last straw your body could take. Gritting your teeth, you pull her down and explode in her body.

The Raichu let out a yell of pleasure, holding you tightly as sparks of lighting flash all around. Somehow, none of them hit you as you fill the chu's body with your spunk. Each rope feeling better then the last. It may not have lasted long, but it was long enough as you collapse backwards, rubbing her back softly as she let out soft moans and nuzzles you happily. A click was heard as cool air washed over your body making you shiver lightly.

"That was.....electrifying," you chuckle making her giggle.

She lifts her head and gives you another kiss before pulling off with a shiver. Hopping off the bed, she heads to the door, looking back at you and blowing a kiss before leaving. You sit there, mind still reeling about what just went down as a knock was heard and the Gardevoir entered.

"Hello again. Did you enjoy Tanya's services?"

"I did. Very much so. It was....exhilarating to say the least."

"I'm glad we were able to exceed your expectations. You have one more companion for tonight if you wish?"

"Absolutely," you say a little to quickly making her chuckle.

"As you wish. Feel free to wash off. There are snacks in the fridge as well as water, soda, and juice," she smiles before leaving you alone.

You sit there for a couple more minutes before standing up and heading to the bathroom to wash off. Feeling clean, you dry off and walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water chugging down. Sitting back down on the bed, you don't have to wait long as a knock was heard. The door opened as a Liepard walked in quietly.

"Liepard," it says with that cat like smile.

If you ever were to get another Pokemon, it would probably be this one. You love cats. But Rocky holds a special place for you since you had him since a kid. Its fur looked soft and inviting, just waiting to be caressed. It hops onto the bed without a sound which you wouldn't think possible with its size. A purr escaped it as it cuddles into your bare chest making you shiver at the smooth fur. Your hands roam it body as it arches its back to your touch, tail twitching happily. Reaching lower, you tickle its belly making it squirm as its tail wraps around your wrist. Sliding between its legs, you feel that wet moisture from her folds as it lets out a shaky mew. You push a finger slowly into her, up to the knuckle as she arches her back even more, pushing into your finger.

"Mmm, good kitty," you murmur, pushing in and out of her slowly.

Pulling out slowly, you see your finger glistening with her liquid. Curious, you bring it to your nose and take a sniff. The scent was a tad musky but not truly unbearable. Being even more brave, you lick it off. The taste was kind of natural but it had a tiny spiciness to it. A wash of cold air hits your midsection where she was standing to see her laying on her stomach on a pillow, rear in the air and looking back at you.

A grin crosses your face as you crawl over and grip those furry hips before leaning in and dragging your tongue over her entrance making her tense and mewl softly. Normally nothing like this would even cross your mind. But after tonight, you wouldn't mind doing it all over again. Your tongue pierces her folds as she pushes back on you. A throbbing catches your attention as you are rock hard again and ready to go another round. Pulling your tongue out, you kneel over the Liepard's back, setting yourself up for access as you bit gently on one of its ear.

"Ready?" you ask softly.

"Pard," she replies back with a nod, spreading its hind legs wider.

You smile at that before prodding her entrance with your hard on, making her squirm. A moan escapes both your mouths as you penetrate your second pokemon of the night. The unbelievable warmth and tightness makes you groan and toes curl, holding her tighter as flesh meets fur again. You rest fully hilted in the cat pokemon for a few moments before that urge gets you to start moving, pulling out to the tip before pushing back in. She lets out mewls from the motion, squeezing hard as you pull out and pushing back to take you deep.

"'re tighter then.....Tanya. And she's....smaller," you pant out, keeping your smooth rhythm going.

She giggles at that before letting out a purr, the vibrations feeling wonderful on your cock and body as you can't help but start to go faster. Flesh met fur over and over, shaking the bed lightly as both of your moans synced beautifully.

"Think you....can take me going.....harder?" you pant out.

"Lie....liepard," she mewls out, looking at you from the corner of her eyes, tongue lolling out.

That's all the conformation you needed as you start to put more power into your thrusts. The bed began to shake harder as the Liepard let out a yowl of pleasure. Its claws extended, digging into the bed as it met every rough, hard thrust of yours. This will definitely be a night you won't soon forget or ever thought about in your lifetime.

You let out a grunt as you drill the cat type, the clapping sounds echoing through the room as you pant. Lifting a hand, you reach up and grip the nape of her neck like a male cat would do. Another yowl escaped her as you feel her walls crush your cock in climax, slurping sounds coming from your connection as it drips onto the bed below. Your eyes roll into the back of your head from pleasure but you don't stop for a second. That wonderful feeling is building slowly as you glance over her shoulder.

"Mmmf....gonna cum soon....cutie," you huff into her ear.

She says nothing but responds with her body, squeezing and convulsing over your shaft in waves. You can feel your balls churn, seed bubbling inside and waiting to coat her insides. You pull out to the head before driving back in hard, switching from fast to power. The body under you shakes heavily, eyes close and tongue lolling out as a bit of drool came down. A ripping sound is barely audible in your thoughts are to focused in achieving that double climax. Your thankful for that early warm up which allows you to go this long. But eventually your stamina is starting to wear down despite the adrenaline coursing through you and luckily, your climax is right around the corner.

"Arceus....can't hold back....much longer," you groan out.

"Pard," it yowls out, wanting you to fill her with your seed.

Slamming hard into her body a few more times, you lock hips, feeling your cock throb hard before spilling its second load of the night into a pokemon. Its mouth opened wide in a silent howl as it cums with you. Both your combined fluids seep out her entrance, smearing your balls and her fur as your grind into her.

"Fuck....." you moan out, chest taking in heavy breaths of air.

Once that wave has stopped, your body lose its strength as you collapse on your side holding the Liepard close and enjoying the soft fur that tickles your chest. The clicking of the a/c is heard as the room cools down from the hot action. A few moments passed before a knock was heard as the Gardevoir walked in.

"Was everything to your liking Claude?"

"I'll say," you chuckle, cuddling the Liepard who purred happily.

"Glad we could make your experience a worth while one. You can relax for the night and breakfast will be served at around seven. Its a buffet so bring your appetite. We hope to see you again."

The Liepard leans back and gives you a lick on the cheek before hopping out of your grasp, much to your dismay and onto the floor. She stretches out, giving you a good view of her dripping slit before following the Gardevoir out. You lay there in content for a few more moments to bask in the afterglow before getting up to shower again. Having done that, you lay back down and fall asleep almost immediately.


You sit in the library, a bottle of water half full as you turn the page. After getting some breakfast, the bus drove you back and dropped you off at your house. Your parents asked how'd it go and you said wonderfully, leaving the part out where you fornicated with two pokemon. Looking at your watch, you have about an hour to get to the hospital for Reading Corner. Plenty of time to head home, grab Rocky and head there. Saving your place, you put the book back and head out.

"Hey Claude!"

Stopping, you look back to see Lisa jogging up to you.

"What's up?"

"Thanks again for filling in for Josh. I don't think any of us would've gotten half those words right."

You chuckle at that as she moves a few strands of hair from her face.

"Now you know why I like to read."

"And it shows. Um...." she started before stopping


"There's another tournament coming up in a few weeks and everyone wanted to know if you would join?"

You smile at that.

"So you guys can enjoy yourselves off me?"

She blushes at that.

"I hate to admit it, but yes."

"Well then, I guess I can help you out again."

She claps her hands at that, joy in her face.

"Thank you so much. I need to head over to the day care. I took your advice and got something simple this time. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

She gives a wave goodbye and hurries off as you watch her. You mind replies the night before as a smile creeps on your face. Maybe one more night wouldn't be so bad.