A Child's Need; Drakonian

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#2 of A Child's need

Okay this story was inspired by me by well... can't remember. Oh yeah well this was a real life story but I changed it a bit. In real life, there are no happy endings here. Sorry to those who think there is but that is the way I see it.

In this story there is a happy ending. In this one...

No faith in mankind, no faith in a god.

A Child's Need: Drakonian

A small drakonian ran in the streets as the rain fell heavily upon him. He ran as fast as he could in the pitch darkness in till he reached a lamp pole on the street. He shivered as held onto himself, wearing a small torn shirt which really didn't cover him in the heavy rain.

He was crying to himself, softly. He had to find some place to hide. A place where he can be warm and safe. He wished that he could find a nice cozy bed and sleep in till he was well rested. A place where he can get a nice hot meal for once.

The five year old was lost and had no where to go. He stayed close to the lamp post and scanned the darkness. He was going to freeze to death out here. He wished that he could get a sign. Anything that can get him away from the cold.

A light off in the distance was seen and being desperate as he is, he ran to the small light. He ran across the street and fell onto a small puddle. He cried more as he tried to get back up but couldn't. He slowly crawled and nearly got up before a car came screeching with its blinding lights. He jumped out of the way as the car swerved around him and continued on.

He shook violently as he was in deep fear. He looked around for the light and ran to it as fast as his little feet could. Even though he tripped a few more times, nothing was stopping from him reaching the light.

At last he reached it and saw that he was in the stairs of a house. He smiled lightly as he reached it. He reached the door but he slowly collapsed of sheer exestuation and the wounds that so greatly covered his young body. He slowly crawled to the door but dropped dead as he couldn't go on. The sheer time and distance he had covered for that afternoon and evening was killing the small drakonian. The five year old was so close but he slowly was losing conscience. His hand barely made the door before he collapsed on the doorway.

Inside Katie the dragoness was finishing up on her work. Working at home was easier for her since the company she works for allowed her to do it. She made great money and she worked for eleven hours. She was soon done with her work and with that she relaxed and sat back on her work chair. She stretched hers arms up, making them crack and give a loud yawn before she slowly turned off the computer and walked toward the couch.

She was still in her pink pajamas since this morning. Her silver scales were at least not displaced and her white hair was straightened between her horns but she seemed lazy and fat. She sat on her couch right by her lit fireplace. She was so distracted with work and being lazy; she hadn't realized that it was raining.

"Shit!" she cursed. "The mail!" She was thankful that it was only right outside the door but the wall would sometimes have the water crawl down onto the box. She quickly got up and quickly ran to her door. She opened it and stepped out, not knowing the little drakonian was there and nearly tripped herself. She growled to herself as she looked down and gasped in surprise. At first she thought it was a rock or something small but when she looked closer, she saw that it was a small drakonian. She was so surprised at the sudden thing that she was still gasping at the sight.

She looked over it again and quickly picked him up. At a closer look she realized that it was just a child. A poor child out in the rain, cold and... oh gods! There were bruises everywhere on his small green body. His face was covered in scratches and had a horrible chest scar. His legs were missing pieces of scales and his tail was as thing at a stick. His chest bones were sticking out as if he hadn't eaten through out his whole life. She was brought to tears as to why he was like this. She felt him barely breathing and his body temperature was so low, it was as cold as the rain. She forgot about the mail and quickly took him inside.

She quickly laid him close to her fireplace. Not to close but close enough to where he can get heated up. She left them there and quickly ran into her kitchen where she quickly pulled out a glass from her cupboards and grabbed the milk from her fridge. She poured all of milk and set it in the microwave.

She then quickly ran into her hallway where she pulled out a tick blanket and quickly walked over to the drakonian and wrapped his small body with it, except his face. With that she set him back down in the fire place and walked back to her kitchen where the milk was done.

She brought it back and slowly lifted the small boy up.

"Hey, wake up." She whispered to him. She hoped that she was not to late.

The little drakonian could hear a voice. It was a sweet voice. A voice that he wanted to reach out to. He slowly opened his eyes and couldn't only see a figure over him. It was silver but he knew that it was kind and gentle.

"Drink up." Said the voice in an almost whisper.

He didn't know what it was or who it was but he couldn't see well. He just opened his mouth and let it do it for him. Suddenly, his mouth was filled with nice hot milk. It brushed gently on his throat and went down his pipe, leaving him a nice feeling. He also found himself completely covered in warmth. He felt so safe now.

He could hear the voice that was that of an angel.

"You okay little one?" she said in coo.

The voice was so familiar but he couldn't figure it out. His head was light and he couldn't keep awake.

"Mommy?" he asked before he fell asleep.

Katie was surprised by this but saw that the little drake was asleep. She smiled lightly and took him to her bed. She walked into her room and set him down. She smiled at him, making her feel so good inside. She walked out of her room, leaving him for a bit.

She turned off her computer, closed the chains to the fireplace and turned off all the lights.

She went back into her room and slowly and quietly got on her bed on the other side. She uncovered the blankets and brought the drake under them and brought him closer to her. She sighed and kissed his forehead. With that she went to sleep.

Next morning, the sun was shinning and the birds were singing. The little drake woke up to be surrounded by warmth and comfort. He yawned softly and opened his eyes to see a large face in front of him with big scary teeth. He squealed and fell off the bed, waking Katie up with a start.

He was shaking and looked around a place to hide before he looked under the bed and dove under it.

Katie yawned loudly and looked around the room. What happed? What scarred the little drake? She looked around the room. Where was the little drake?

She heard whimpering from under the bed and lowered herself onto the floor and put her head under the covers to find the little drake in the corner shaking for his life. He seemed so frightened that he didn't even remember that she helped him. She did her best to help him.

"Hey." She said in a soft voice. "Come here, I won't hurt you. I took you in last night, remember?"

The only thing the little drake remembers is waking up to find sharp teeth close to his face and nearly dying. He remained where he was and sat there shivering.

Katie had come to realize that dear child was still scarred and had no idea where he was. Remembering the bruises and scratches on him made her think that he must have run away from home because he was getting beaten. How can anyone hurt such a young drake? What kind of monster would do such a thing? He was no older then five. An innocent age.

She decided that he had enough problems with waking up somewhere he wasn't aware of. She spoke again to him in her soft, caring voice.

"Well I'm sorry for what has happened to you. I know that you must be scared from being hurt by others but I'm not like them. I'm going to make breakfast. If you want, I can make you something."

She didn't get an answer, only whimpering. She sighed and slowly stood up.

"I will be here if you need me." She walked out of her room and into the kitchen, leaving the poor drake under the bed confused.

_Not like them?_He thought. He remained where he was for the time been.

Katie was sad and broken on the inside as she thought as to how cruel some one can be to a sweet child. She had hard time thinking but she was thankful it was a Saturday. She didn't have to work today and she can maybe find a way to talk to the little drake.

She walked to her kitchen which was down the hall and entered her fridge. She pulled out two eggs, ham, bacon, tortillas and milk. She hoped that he wasn't lactose intolerant. She brought out the frying pan, pulled out the corn oil and began cooking.

About seven minutes later, she made two plates. One was a burrito with the eggs, bacon, and ham shredded inside of the tortilla. The other was just scrambled eggs, bacon strips, a piece of ham and a warm glass of milk for the drake. She set her food on the table and walked to her bedroom with the drake's.

She looked in her room and didn't see him anywhere. She heard him still whimpering under the bed. She sighed softly and lowered her self to her knees.

"I made you some breakfast." She said in her sweet voice. "I don't know what you like so if you don't want it, you don't have to eat it."

She didn't see him come up from under the bed so she left the plate and milk there so he can come out and eat it for himself.

"I will leave it there for you just in case you want to eat. If you need me... need me for anything, please do be afraid to come out."

With that she left her room and decided to watch television in the living room.

The drake heard her leave and saw that she left him the plate of food. He was still captious but the gnawing pain of his stomach of not eating anything yesterday was tearing him apart. He stayed where he was no matter what.

But like all children, he couldn't ignore the hunger. Cautiously he slowly and carefully crawled towards the end of the bed. The food was right there within reach. His stomach was in knots as he approached the plate. The smell of real food was so intoxicating that it made him drool a bit. The wooden floor beneath him creaked as he approached closer and closer.

At last he was out where the light of day hit him and the food was within his reach. He paused for a moment, waiting to see if the female would return anything moment. He heard her breathing in the living room. He looked down at the plate and he slowly picked up the piece of bacon. He sniffed and a wondrous smell entered his nose. As he slid it in his mouth a wonderful and delicious taste filled his mouth. He quickly ate and the flavor lasted long within his mouth. He instantly loved the food and put in another piece of food.

He finished all of his breakfast and for the first time had a satisfied stomach. He then slowly drank from the warm milk, leaving him satisfied and happy.

He wanted to go back under the covers but he was curious to where he was at. He looked around the room to see that it was a small room. The large bed made most of it. There was a closet, a large mirror and a bathroom to the side. He looked around a bit before he cautiously stood up and walked to the doorway.

He peeked his head out and down the small hallway where he heard the sound of the dragoness breathing and the TV on. He slowly walked out of the room, trying not to make to much noise on the wooden floor with his claws.

He saw the dragoness sitting on the couch facing slightly away from him. He saw her watching the television, something he was never allowed to see. He slowly walked up to the couch but stayed away from the dragoness's view. He slowly sat there by the side and watched whatever he was watching.

About half an hour of watching the TV, he was so transfixed by the many shows and things on which he failed to see the dragoness rise up and walk around the couch behind him. When she saw him facing the TV, she was happy to see the little drake out.

"So," she said in a calm voice. "You finally got out?"

The drake was startled by her sudden voice that he freaked out and quickly stood up, shaking with fear. Katie dropped her smiled and sighed. He was still frightened of her and she had no way of knowing how she could show him that he wasn't going to her.

She got crouched down, making the little drake shake more. She finally laid a hand upon his face but found a smell enter her nose. She saw the little drake was so scarred that he was urinating on himself. She quickly retracted her hand in disbelieve.

The little drake was scarred and felt warmth dripping down on his legs. He slowly looked down and saw that he was wetting the floor. He cried out a bit, knowing he was going to get punished.

He spoke quickly and scarred.

"Please don't hurt me. I will clean it!" His voice was almost squeaked and she didn't no what he meant by 'clean it' but was surprised by his next action.

He dropped down on his knees and began lapping up the urine on the floor. He had a pained face and he was still dripping his urine onto the floor. He was trying his best to clean up the mess.

Katie was surprised and horrified by this sudden action. She was saddening beyond anything thing, thinking that he would be punished. She quickly picked him up from the floor. The sudden act caused him to squeak and close his eyes tight, waiting for the hitting to begin. But it never came. He slowly opened his eyes to see the dragoness with a sadden face too. She was heart broken to see the little drake act like this.

She held him in her arms before she gently brushed her head on his and made a coo to calm him down. He was shivering still but she was calming him down. He had wet the floor and she was being kind to him. Why? He couldn't help it anymore. She gave him a nice place to rest. She gave him a nice hot meal and she wasn't even angry at him for wetting the floor.

Tear filled his eyes and he cried his heart out and embraced her neck. Katie too let lose a few tears as the little drake cried. HE had gone through so much and now, he let all of his emotions poured out.

She whispered him softly into his ear.

"I promise, I will never hurt you." She said, making them both lose a few more tears.

This went on for about ten minutes. The puddle of urine was still there. The little drake's eyes were bloodshot red and Katie was holding onto the little drake with her life. With all of his crying done, the little drake just hugged her neck, and whimpered softly to himself.

Katie saw his condition and decided that since it's the afternoon, she should take a shower. She brought the little drake into the shower of her room. She picked up the plate and set it by her desk. Then she closed her bedroom door. She looked at the little drake on her bed that was looking back at her. She gave him a warm smile.

"We are going to take a shower, ok?"

The little drake just nodded and sat there. She sighed and removed all of her clothing except her bra and underwear. The little drake was unaffected by her slight nudeness. He had no hormones and he had seen plenty of naked females from his old house.

Katie blushed a bit knowing that she took off her clothes but she also remembered that he was young and wasn't aware of females and their bodies. She walked to the bed and picked him, taking him to her shower. Once inside of her large bathroom, she closed her door and removed her last bits of clothing. She walked to the bathtub and slowly turned on the knob for warm water. The little drake was still a little scared of bathrooms after nearly drowning several times and it was always ice cold

Once the water was warm and slowly filling up, she picked up the little drake and set him in the bathtub. He squealed a bit once he entered but found the water warm.

Once he was used to it, he gave a small sighed and waited for the dragoness. She smiled knowing he was fine. She slowly got in the tub and sighed and she slowly lay down. She picked him up to make room and set him on top of her belly. He was surprised by this but just sat on top of her looking at her.

She smiled lightly and closed her eyes a bit. He blinked once before slowly laying down on her and used her breast as a pillow. Katie was surprised by this but made no effort to remove him. The little drake was happy for once and didn't know what but she made him feel loved inside.

The warmth of the water and steam made him feel light headed and knew that he was safe. He was finally safe. Safe from his old home, safe from all the beating and... safe from that monster.

Once again, this story was part of a a real life thing. Names where changed and some events did occur. The child that was involved has passed away. May his soul rest in peace.

Febuary 16, 2000 - April 23, 2005