Getting Down & Dirty Part 2

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This is the long awaited part 2 of the other Hal story that I should have posted over here much sooner.

I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything up here in so long! A lot of my attention has been focused and moving around since I was posting stuff up here. I'm trying to get active again on this site while staying active over on inkbunny, which has more or less become my main hub of activity. I'm still gonna be around on here of course, no worries on that end!

Getting Down and Dirty Part 2


Hal and Tony were both laying on their sides, cocks stuck firmly inside the sex toy and sliding in and out with a wet and slathering mess of cream between them. Both boys were in their own little world as they slid their cocks together. Further and as deep as they could force the meat sticks into the sticky tunnel of realistic sensations. The not so gentle sounds that bounced around the room played with the background sounds of the TV, still playing whatever show they had it on before things became as hot and heavy as they have now.

Tony was first. His movements grew faster. Harder. Hal felt the increase of speed and intensity through his cock as the bristles along his shaft were rubbed down by the smooth and comparably smaller intruder. He heard a satisfied sigh mixed into a series of gasps along with a surge of pulsating heat hitting along his shaft. Tony shut his eyes tight as he emptied his nuts once again into the frothy cunt.

His spent cock didn't mean he was done. Even as he began to soften again, he tried to keep going grinding against the masculine pole. He scooted closer, allowing his still tight nuts to be squished right up against the oversized, weighty, fuzzy-brown ones. His little heart felt like it went through the race of his life.

"Done already?" Hal teased, still pumping into the toy with ease. "Well... Guess I'm not to far behind!" Hal knew Tony was a bit self conscious about how easily he'd cum so he sped up. And partially to coat the inside with a another fat and juicy blueberry creampie.

Unknown to the both of them, they had a special guest watching the action unfold.

Caramella's mind was a mess of rapid thoughts.

Utter shock at the view of her surprisingly well endowed son and, she could only assume, boyfriend.

Anger at the idea of her little and previously innocent, boy being so sexually active at such a young age. But above all else:

Complete self disgust for finding the act before her so enticing and erotic.

'What is wrong with me?!' Caramella couldn't come up with how many ways she was sickened by what ran through her head. Without any forethought she began to gently sway her hips from behind the door. The unconscious act along with the perverted thoughts running through her already heat stricken mind made it harder to think clearly. Should she stop them? If she did, what could she say?

"Hey stop fucking that thing!"

"That's disgusting!"

"You two should be ashamed!"

She'd be the pot calling the kettle black on the subject.

"Oh fuck!"

Startled, she turned her attention back inside. Hal was grunting, teeth clenched as he went to town on the abused toy. Her eyes drew down to the oddly colored shaft before bugging out, amazed at the heavy nuts sitting right below it. The pit of her stomach released a tingle at the wonder of the seed that could be dumped into any willing cunt. More so her own heat stricken one.

Excitement filled her eyes as she watched the shaft begin to bulge and throb. Anticipation fuelled her rapid breathing as his nuts tightened up before her as heartbeat raced. Her sharp ears picked up the sound of sloshing cum inside the toy. Tony's mother was only left with her imagination, left to figure out how many times the boys furiously fucked and came inside it.

The mixture of the sticky blue and white liquid easily overfilled the toy, spilling onto the bed sheets and their respective cocks.

Caramella took a deep breath and was promptly hit with the intense smell of sex, sweat, scent oil and whatever their toy was made of. It made her stomach turn in the best possible way.

In the back of her mind she could easily see herself breaking the taboo and dining down on her son while Hal's monster took care of her desires. Memories of her time in college came back to her. Some of the more hazy ones that trailed off into her waking up in bed, left her now busy left hand in a mess of sweet release...

She argued with herself, even as her fingers didn't stop sliding around in her panties. She bit her lip, trying to force herself to stop. She knew she couldn't.

She knew she wouldn't.

Should she stop things now?

Should she let them know she's in the house and clean themselves up?

Or should she just give in and become the horny bitch she used to be before having her son again...?

Her breathing got heavier and she heard herself let out a groan that threatened to grow louder, especially as the boys took their cocks out of toy, showing off just how endowed they both were. Her son was no slouch but Hal was hard to measure up to. Tony was fat above average. More than enough to give any lucky lady a healthy surprise. She just never expected to possibly be one of those ladies...

Hal on the other hand could stack up against a horse rather easily. Like a thick club of male meat, its covered in thin spines from the sharp top down to the base like any cats and as blue as a gemstone.

Two eager young man, hungry to fuck...

Whatever depraved part of her past was still around in her head whispered to her to let go of her inhibitions and go wild.

'Throw caution and care to the wind and satisfy the burn she's been ignoring for years! She's been a good mother, friend and caretaker!'

'Make those boys put those cocks to work!'


Caramella closed her eyes.

She took a deep breath...


"Hal, should we stop for the day...?" Tony asked as she continued stroking himself.

"Why do you say that? We're just getting started! Besides, I know you're nowhere near done." Tony was about to ask what he meant when he felt a solid mass being draped across his face. "You still got a meal to clean up off me."

Tony could only let out a nervous chuckle as he let the slimy cock drag across his forehead and face, leading its sent deep into his brown fur. The blue shaft thumbed aganist him, still full of life and eager to go again. The squirrel boy nodded and began his ritual.

Using only his tongue, he licked and cleaned the spiky shaft, taking the spent seed into his mouth until he could only swallow the remains. It used to take him over ten minutes to get everywhere. Now it took him longer just so he could stay underneath the fat shaft and huff the manly scent and stench of blueberry cum.

"It's so sweet..." He whispered.

"Keep it up and I'll give you less of a reason to want to stop..." The cocky lion cub chuckled as he stood over his secret boyfriend and allowing himself to enjoy the worship.

The a fews moments after the words left his lips, the two young boys heard the bedroom door open. In those seemingly infinite seconds, the two boys could feel their hearts stop and a cold rush of fear overcame them. As if time stopped and reversed to torture them in their minds, they both watched the ajar door casually swing open.

In the frame was Tony's mother.

But not the respectable business squirrel image she'd always give off when she came home.

With her skirt hiked up, her panties pulled down and her shirt unbuttoned, she was looking at the boys with a kind of sultry glance better suited to a pole dancer or stipper. A devious smile took over her plump lips while her hands played with her chest and hungry snatch. Gone was a mother and in her place was a woman with sexual hunger.

"Now, now boys. You don't need to waste that yummy cum on that stupid toy! You have a walking heap of fuck meat here!" To illustrate her point, she turned around, spreading her puffy lips and showing just how wet and ready she was. In his state of shock, Tony's body reacted like any man's would: his meat rocked back to life and ready to go into action.

"M-mommy?" The confused kit looked at the scene in from of him, trying to process it.

"I-Its important you learn how to p-please a woman honey! Y-you to Hal! You're both big boys and need to know how to do these things! J-j-just do what feels natural" Every word that came out her mouth left her quivering, more trying to convince herself than the boys.

"Well, bring that ass over here and we'll do that!" Hal said, confidence returning after the heart skipping scare.

Like an obedient pet, she nodded and got into the bed with the two of them. Bent over and still presenting, she felt the fat pole of feline cock pressed against her lips. The pressure grew stronger and stronger until he finally went in. The tip alone left her weak in the knee's as more went down her tunnel, sinking deeper and tickling her until she released a hot stream of her cum.

"Wow, I just put it in her and she's already cumming!" Hal exclaimed. Without any care for finesse, he started hammering away with the slick sticky sounds of flesh around flesh. Caramella could only babble as felt the touch of male for the first time in a long time. She didn't even notice the her tits leaking milk, her body over-eager to get pregnant. She had her face buried into the smelly cum soaked sheets, letting out high pitched whimpers though the onslaught. All this with the knowledge of her son was less than a foot away and seeing her debauchery. Pulling her sticky drenched face away, she was met with a 'thud' over her face. Looking past the fat pink shaft, she looker at her son dead in the eye as his metal hard meat thumped violently.

'C-come on then!" He ordered.

The motherly love and affection she had for him mixed with her sexual desperation and without a word of resistance, she took him into her mouth. First a few shallow kiss and licks before shoving it down her throat. Never did either break eye contact, even as tears began flowing down her face from lack of air. She gagged and swallow, squeezing down on him with her not-so-rusty fellatio skills.

The trio were locked into a three way of sin and pleasure. Hal and Tony didn't hold back at all, as if trying to meat in the middle inside her.

Caramella loved it. She missed the sexual abuse. Being forced to act like a meat toy. Being filled with more cock than some women would have in their lives. Having her cunt and mouth stuffed and feeling like a kebab. She'd already lost track of how many times she'd been cumming since they started.

"Your mom's pretty good!" Hal Grunted as he slapped her ass. The impact left her squealing around her son and sending vibrations down his away.

"Fuck yeah she is..." Any sense of fear was gone in the little squirrel as he was getting ready to give her a feast.

"Maybe next time we can go fuck mine!" Tony looked at Hal with a beat red face. The image of the plump lioness riding him or taking him from behind was the perfect image for him to finish. WIth his tiny hands, he gripped her throat and slammed forward as his balls tightened up and a river of spunk went down into her gullet. Her wet eyes sprang back to life as she tasted the sweet seed from her own baby boy. Her mind only focused on the hot, salty bubbly meal's volume, not having any other choice than to swallow.

Not that she'd dare waste any.

Tony fell back into the bed, eyes crossed and on the verge of blacking out. Now with only the two of them, Hal was ready to give her his own treat in her over.

"You like this don't you?"

"Yyes!!" Her voice was a garbled mess, hoarse and wet from the fun with her little boy.

"You're gonna love this part you slut bag!" With a growl, he grabbed her ass, using his claws for extra leverage and to let her know to stay in place. She let out a whimper of delight as she curled around his cock, squeezing down as tight as possible. "Here's a special present to open in a few months!!"

The next thing the squirrel milf knew, she felt a pressure in her guts unlike anything before. First it was warm. Extremely warm, like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning. It started right at the pt of her stomach before growing bigger and more intense. She could feel her stomach growing just to make room from the immense climax.

She gripped and bit into the sheets as hard as she could, threatening to tear them apart. All the while this was happening, Hal didn't stop thrusting. The force from the small lion forcing her new pudge to swing to a fro along with her milky wet breasts. Just as she thought things were gonna be over Hal gave her one last nasty surprise.

When he pulled back, he slammed forward as hard as he could and leave her cervix with one last kiss.

The last thing she remember before passing out along with her son was the sound of car keys hitting the table and the sound of her friend calling for Hal.

Afterwords, utter blackness.


Several Months later - Fall

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"Oh Sylvia I'm fine! You know you worry to much" She laughed. "If I was in any trouble I'd let you know silly!"

"Like you were when I found you all those months back?" She heard a styled moan in the background.

"Please, I was having the time of my li-Mmmh!" H-hey you mind if I call you back later?"

"Haha, sure thing! By the sounds of it you and Tony are in the middle of something. Pardon the intrusion" With one last laugh, she hung up.

Now alone with her son, Caramella got back to the matter at hand. She threw the phone onto the carpet and bounce on her son's lap, happily stuffing his cock inside. Her played with her growing breasts and massaged her pregnant belly.

"Last one before bed!" She cooed.

"Aww mom! Pleeease?? Just one more time?" Tony pleaded, using his tail to curl around her's.

"Any more and we'll be up all night again! Now no more complaining mister!" She dropped her full weight down and felt the all to satisfying squirts of hot cream stuffed into her pussy one last time. "Phew..." She got up off him and watched him throw himself into bed and passing out almost instantly. With a kiss on the cheek and a flip of the switch, she closed his bedroom door.

Carmella approached his bed and joined him under the warm sheets.


Getting Down And Dirty - Pt.1

Ever since the day Tony had confessed to Hal, they were almost always seen together by everyone who knew them. The mild mannered yet usually shy squirrel became a little braver the weeks to follow. Answering questions in class more, more outspoken on...

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Adventures Of Colin Ch.2

Ever since a certain law passed, life in the world had changed. Women, regardless of social standing, ties or previous relations to men, were turned into nothing more than fertile breeding grounds. Cunts constantly soaking in semen, mouths turned into...

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First Time For Everything

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine Sylvia! I think it's a wonderful thing that our boys are staying together for a bit! You know Tony can be the most introverted little wall flower at times, so this will be good for him!" Hal's mother on the other end...

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