RememBoar What is Real: Demonic Needs

Story by GarifthNebula on SoFurry

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#2 of RememBoar What is Real.

Once you are transformed into a massive sex demon what is next for you?... Is it really that hard to guess?

Hello! I wanted to write more about my VR demon boi's adventures, and I thought that a shorter story with pretty much nothing but sex would be a fun write. So here it is! I hope you like it. Please feel free to give feedback, I greatly appreciate it.

Contains: Cum Through, Gallons of Spooky Spunk, and Some Very Naughty Demons.

"After you," Sies said in his sour and piercing voice. The large crocodilian demon pushed open a tall frosted glass door with his veiny clawed hand. Just a few hours ago Rowan might have seen the image as something out of some bad commercial, but here he was, head pressed up against the ceiling and trying to squeeze into a glass doorway without smashing it to pieces.

But Roe was not Rowan any longer. In a VR arcade known as "The Real Experience" Rowan was transformed by some Snakey Spellcaster named Lacirius into Row, demon of gluttony and sex... Or something to that effect. Really Roe hadn't been given an extensive job description yet. He knew only what his new body was telling him. His fat and furry gut growled at him in hunger, and his basketball sized nuts twitched and pulsed, sending constant beats of pleasure throughout every inch of his bestial body.

Roe licked his boar-like snout and trailed his wide tongue over his small tusks. His entire head might have been a bit small for his body, but that was only because of how much muscle and fat made up the beast.

CRRACK-SSHH The shrill sound of glass breaking echoed. The glass door, as well as the framing around it simply gave way to the wide monster. Metal trimming bent away as Roe pushed himself through into the lounge like room. At first he felt a tinge of fear, but continued forward. Even stepping on shards of glass with bare paw-like feet didn't feel at all dangerous, he supposed it would take more than that to hurt a demon. Sies followed in after him, making sure to tear apart not only the glass entryway, but the surrounding drywall. His big hooves crushed the glass into powder as he passed. He was clearly not one for being careful.

Roe would worry about the other people in the building... Except that no one seemed to pay them much attention. Weather that was because they were all knowing of the demonic activity, or they were simply unable to comprehend the creatures was something Roe wondered as the two demons had tore their way through the halls to this lounge.

Luckily the ceiling was much higher here, and the room itself was more than big enough to house both of them. Roe at first went to sit on a nearby chair. Forgetting his size, he broke straight through the wooden chair and managed to crack the tile floor with his pitch black furry ass. His ever hard erection bobbing against the red fur of his treasure trail.

"Whoops," Roe said sheepishly.

Sies stepped forward, his dangling cock very much like a man's. It was saggy and flaccid, the foreskin the same mossy green as the rest of his scales. The wrinkly and floppy piece of demon pride gently lurched, a small bead of grey juice formed at Sies cockslit. The fluid looked heavy and thick, as the bead continued to swell into a fat drip of goo. As it fell from his cock in a slimy drip, a string of the pre kept the drop tethered to the thick foreskin.

In the eyes of Roe it seemed to fall in slow motion, like watching a massive spider come down a thread of its own web. Just as it hit the ground the thin shimmering string of pre broke, letting the silken strand come up and stick right to Roe's nose.

Roe had already had the pleasure of smelling Sies all through the walk to this lounge down the hall. To be honest it was not a patch on what Roe smelled like now, his own scent of man and cum condensed was something Roe felt he would never be without. Sies meanwhile had a more subtle, slightly oily smell to him. Well, more subtle for a demon, but even at that Roe would not think the smell unpalatable. That scent came through in his pre as well, but the smell was only the beginning.

HISSSSSssss Roe heard as he looked down at the drip of cloudy pre. As it touched the ground it sizzled and danced like hot water on a griddle, like it was not meant for this realm of existence. Even the string on his nose tickled as it evaporated, the moist and musty steam that came from it invading his nose.

"Ghhhhrr... My need grows great," Sies said looking at Roe with a cutting gaze. "Let us get to our needs before our Master arrives, I wish to Fuck."

Roe could not disagree with that.

Drool dripped from the black snout of Roe. He salivated at the delicious human-wrist thick sausage growing before him. Sies didn't compare in size to Roe, but the comparatively smaller cock on Sies was actually kind of cute in its own devilish way. Roe opened his wide pink mouth and gave a small snort. He was greeted by a larger spurt of Sies unholy pre-jizz across his tongue and chin.

Roe gave a small chuckle, the bubbling fluid reminded him a bit of pop-rocks on his tongue. The boar snapped forward and engulfed the cock, pressing his snout firmly against the smooth and warm crotch of his fellow beast. He felt no nagging of a gag reflex, no complaints from his throat, even his need to breathe seemed secondary to his inhuman need to please Sies and receive as much spunk as he could dare to dream.

"Ahhhh, Hnnnnmmmm, you really are a beast of sex. I have not felt such a fine throat, even by the most eager of humankind." Sies words made Roe wonder for a moment if the gator remembered his human life, or if he even had one. Roe had specifically asked the "Master" that had transformed him to let him retain his mind.

Those human thoughts certainly didn't seem to keep the gluttonous demon from his instinctual knowledge of the pleasures of the flesh. He used every muscle in his throat and mouth to massage the member in just the right ways; so as to maximize his approaching reward. He took his hands and gently grasped Sies' apple sized testicles and gently rolled them, feeling the churning orbs create his unnatural sperm. Roe's hellish mitts seemed to have a surprise in store however, as he continued he felt a deep power seem to flow in his blood to his hands. Still holding Sies fruit he felt power seep from his sweat glands and into that saggy sack.

"AYAAGGHH!" Sies cried out, the sound almost wilting a nearby potted plant. Roe felt the balls shudder and seize in his grasp. The already taut and ready nuts swelled forcefully. Roe heard a loud and abrupt SPLAP come from behind Sies as his own dick gushed a good pint of pre across the room. All the excitement was making Roe feel pretty horny himself, not that he had not felt unendingly horny from his rebirth.

Roe felt the simmering liquid squirt harshly into his gullet, but now his body was more than capable of taking even the most unnatural of pleasures. He breathed out through his snout and saw wreaths of cum-steam flow out like some shitty vaping trick. Sies grabbed Roe's crimson head-hair and snarled incoherently.

Sies grew closer with every breath and Roe was very much aware. Taking Sies fully within himself he prepared for the beasts release.

With a searing, raspy call, Sies body shuddered. Roe let go of the swollen organs and let them do their duty, pressing tight against the demons body to release themselves. A fleshy squirting noise could be heard from the piggy head of Roe as gelatinus sprays of hellcum slid down his throat. The beasts semen was hot... Really hot! It was almost like swallowing some medicinal penetrating heat gel, it warmed Roe to the core and tasted almost metallic. He let Sies simply unload into him for quite a while. Wanting to feel this unnatural cum on his ebony fur, Roe pulled the cock from his maw, letting a few brilliant white spurts gush over his tongue and onto the floor.

A loud hissing sound came from the ground. Roe looked down, both to see the source of the sound and to let his head receive a few ropes of seed. His eyes went wide as he saw a hole emerge in the floor, the semen eating away at it like boiling sci-fi acid. Roe was a bit worried, but it did nothing to his flesh, simply warming him in that inhuman way. Inside Roe's stomach the fluid seemed to digest into him, filling him with that warm, numbing tingle.

Roe let himself be covered in the final ropes of cum from Sies, the drips of shimmering white seed eating away at the flooring in the room before boiling away into steam. It was foggy now, the thick cloud of cum-fog making the lounge look like a sauna.

"Ahhhh, I was in need of that. Few times have my balls felt so very empty," Sies spoke. He looked down at the boar, white licks of fog coming off of his midnight fur, his cock and balls visibly twitching and jiggling.

"And of course I must return such a favor." Sies came to position and lowered himself gently on his massive hooves. He squatted slowly until the fat base of his tail came to touch the massive prick of Roe. Like a leading slide it directed the gigantic cumslit right to the small puckered anus of Sies. "Fuck me, with all-"

Sies did not even finish. With a strength Roe had not even imagined he grabbed the scaly waist of Sies and slammed him down upon the slick organ.

The croc let out a "AUOOOF" as he was winded by the powerful motion. Roe felt the tight insides of the demon give way, no force could stop Roe from planting himself as deep as he could into Sies ass. The slick, fine-scaled flesh of Sies abdomen bulged obscenely with cock. Roe let those demonic muscles in his arms do their work, pulling the croc down upon him as inch after inch of dick was shoved into Sies.

"Hfff-SNORT!" Roe shouted thick and bestial noises that echoed into the halls of the office. Accompanying them were a deluge of squirky and squishy noises as Roe infiltrated every nook and cranny of Sies guts. Sies could feel his organs pulled and pushed, stretched and squashed by the seemingly-endless cock. The massive protrusion of Roe's cock in Sies body was almost as wide as the croco-demons torso! Hips would have been pulverised save for the exclusive purpose of unholy sex they were designed to take.

Roe felt the slick buttcheeks come down over his crotch. He can take more... He NEEDS to take more! His instincts filled his mind. Show him Roe, show him pleasure beyond ANY that even HE can imagine!

A grumbling noise came up from the mammoth testicles Sies was sat upon.

"Yes.... YES... MRUUGH-MORE!" Roe drooled as he felt that instinct in his mind turn some inhuman switch within him. His heart beat rhythmically. With every audible beat, a gurgling rushing sound could be heard as well. The veins on Roe's torso bulged, visible even through his thick fur. Sies felt Roe's balls swell, pushing against his backside.

"GGGRRRRAAAGH!" Sies bared his teeth. He grasped his stomach as Roes cock grew, reaching depths unexplored by any mere mortal. Unexplored territory was blasted with thick pre, coating the way for Roe's cock, rolling out the red carpet for the expanding member. The dick grew just as wide as it grew long, stretching Sies ass out and splaying his hooved legs.

Roe, though a demon in body, still held his humanity in his mind. The intense pleasure turned his mind to taffy, bubbling out reason and thought and overloading every neuron with pure primal dreck. Sies felt Roe's cock slip under his ribcage, pushing aside what to a mortal would be vital organs; but to a demon were, at this moment, meat far less important than boar-dick.

A sizzling spray of Sies eldrich pre upon Roe's snout regained just a touch of self back to the demon. Enough to tell him he was about to go off at least. His balls felt like they were bubbling, ready to send an incomprehensible deluge of spunk. His cock was at the ready as well, violently spitting licks of pre into Sies, before growing still, readying for its purpose.

Roe's eyes went like saucers as the orgasm wracked his mind before his body even had a chance to begin. The floodgates came open, quite literally! A hurricane wave of unsanctified semen tore through Roe's cum tubes. The boar gave a tooth clenching, spittle throwing huff as if he was punched in the solar-plexus.

Sies grabbed his maw and held it shut as he himself felt a similar kick. His sinewy throat swelled, and Sies struggled to let the massive orgasm fill out his entire digestive system in but a moment. His stomach moaned as it ballooned outward, masking his defined abs and swelling him outward, his stomach almost as large as Roe's! No inch of his system was spared a drop of Roe's thick and tarry goo.

Even the great demon Sies could not contain such a force beyond nature. He released his jaws and out came a forceful wave of burbling, steaming gunk. At the same time his stretched and plugged anus found a way to open just a bit wider, so as to release the pressure filling every inch of his being.

Perhaps feeling a bit left out, Sies cock also began to shoot another load of his damned seed. Arching over Roe's shaking body and onto the wall, where it hissed and popped as it ate away at the man-made material.

Roe continued his orgasm, another room filling load came by way of Sies body. This time Roe was sure he could just keep coming, perhaps he could let his body go, and gush his load until the end of time, but he knew there were more fun times to be had. So after just a few minutes of paining the office lounge with gallon after gallon of stringy, goopy, sticky white batter; he let himself slow down, tapering off his orgasm for another time.

Sies gave one last cough of gluey sperm before standing. His anus came away from the head of Roe's cock with a wet pop. Rivers of cream ran from his ass, painting Roe's black fur white. His anus was wide enough to sheath a bowling ball, but as quickly as it emptied it regained its shape, until it was once again the soft looking half-dollar ring of pink it was before.

As if resetting itself, Sies absorbed the cum that remained inside him, returning once more to his intimidating demonic presence. The fog of cum making the room look like a horror film. "Ahhh! A session worthy of the Annals of Demonica, this is pleasure manifest!" With that Sies made an overly dramatic hand wave towards the layers of slime on the walls and floors.

A man in a janitor's outfit stopped at the entrance, looking at the foggy, demon filled room of cum and debris.

"Sorry," Roe said quietly to the human.

He just turned back the way he came.

The thick and humid semen-fog began to swirl before the two hellbeasts. It cleared as it condensed into midnight black robes of fabric. Sies kneeled in a puddle of cum, while Roe, still lying on the ground, simply flipped over and got to his knees. The billowing cloth began to attract the pools of semen like a magnet, the cum forming into a body within the robes. Thin, lithe appendages grew black scales over the shaped seed, and then a long and snake-like neck. Finally the shimmering yellow eyes and (cute) snoot of the creature came into being.

"Lacirius, It is an honor to be in your presence," Sies said.

"But the pleasure is all mine, Sies, Roe," The deep, pleasant voice of Lacirius spoke. "Your dive into pleasure shall be a markerpoint by which any might be measured," With that he floated down onto the small puddle of cum that was left after his reforming. "I am glad to see you, Roe, have maintained that mortal countenance that drew me to you."

"Oh, thank you," Roe stammered. "I think I'm getting the hang of the whole, you know, mind-blowing endless orgasm thing."

"Very good," Lacirius' eyes smiled, "You shall need that understandment of self. You have lived in the aura of the light for your mortal life, knowing only of its thin glimmer. Others have crawled over you, and those like you, to reach ever closer to its glow. People desire the lights power, its influence, its safety. That safety of knowing the reality of the world, to be in control of it, to understand the world at its fundamental truths. To keep it, and of course to deny it to others. But even as they have formed a great human pyramid to the top, leaving those who do not fit their rigid mold at the bottom, they have not noticed the shadows forming beneath. I am here to offer that darkness, and you, among others, have taken well to it."

Sies turned to Roe with a grin, before turning back to Laririus, who continued to speak. "Infiltrating this bright world was quite easy! I simply looked at those who sought escape, and gave them a means of exploring it through your enlightened technologies."

"So the whole VR thing is, like, how you are getting in?" Roe questioned.

Lacirius nodded, "Your escapists fantasies grew into a desire to hack your own senses, I simply planted my seed there and found it take hold easily. There are many that would like to take the path you have Roe, perhaps you would like to help a few? You shall certainly make good use of those needy genitals of yours. I am sure you are already aspiring towards your next Fuck?"

Couldn't disagree with that.

"Oh yeah, sure! Who first?"