
Story by Salvar Fawkes on SoFurry

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"He keeps using this... fruity shampoo. It's... distracting. If you know what I mean." The grizzly paused, clearly feeling his description of the situation was inadequate.

The other bear cocked an eyebrow. "Fruity? Distracting? You mean he's a fag?" He shifted his posture half an inch backwards. "I'm not sure I do know what you mean."

"No, not like that..." the grizzly, whose name was Robert, was quick to reply. "I mean, like, scented. He comes out of the shower smelling like a goddamn coconut."

"Coconut?" replied Grant, with one eyebrow cocked.

"I love coconut..."

"You're starting to drool." Robert quickly licked his lips and took a deep breath. Grant grinned wickedly. "I think I know what you mean."

"I've already got one strike, Grant. I'm not going to eat him. But it's so damn tempting." Robert stared at his feet and shook his head.

"Yeah, that's a tough situation. Aren't you still on probation? They watch you, you know." Grant took a swig of his beer, and gesticulated with the bottle in his hand. "Damn vegetarians are always watching us."

"I'm not, actually," Robert said with a sign of relief. "I've been clear for three weeks."

"Hmm. But this roommate of yours, he's definitely got family and friends, right? Who know where to contact him?"

Robert hesitated. "... no, actually. He said he's an orphan. I've never seen him bring anyone over, either."

Both bears paused, taking a drink... and then another. The murmuring of the bar continued unabated, providing a muting cushion of white noise.

"Well you're not going to eat him, of course..."

"Of course. That would be..."


"Illegal, yes." Robert sighed. He put a hand up to his mouth and burped. There was another pause, neither bear drinking this time, as Robert's stomach grumbled, long and low. He lowered his head, and sighed.

"But if you... were going to do it..." Grant offered hesitantly.

Robert brightened visibly, and they both leaned in close, and began to whisper. Without any further pretense or hesitation, they began furtively discussing the young fox's fate.

Robert arrived home after midnight, stumbling into the kitchen long after Todd had gone to sleep. He walked slowly to his room, but paused as he passed Todd's door, chuckling drunkenly.

* * * * *

Todd woke early and groggily, rolling his head underneath the pillow to hide from the morning light. Several hours later he surrendered, and finally lifted his body out of bed. His golden orange fur was ruffled and matted with sleep, and his ears twitched with slow awakening. Dragging a towel around his waist, he padded out the door towards the shower.

He paused, and turned around slowly. There were four shallow scratches in the paint on his door. He frowned, and his gaze slid questioningly towards Robert's room. He leaned in close to look at the scratches, and noticed a dry sheen above them on the door. It looked like... "Saliva?" Todd whispered.

His breath caught in his throat. Yes, it definitely looked like someone had licked this door. Kind of silly, on the face of it. Robert comes home drunk every so often, and he'd woken up to stranger circumstances. But... maybe Robert was finally noticing? Todd closed his eyes, his fur bristling as he traced the scratches with his soft paw.

He'd tried so hard to be noticed. He'd even tried some scented shampoos, just out of... curiosity or desperation, either way it seemed so silly. But he could have sworn Robert had been noticing him lately. He looked away, but slower and slower each time, and each time Todd thought he had been seeing more and more of that hungry stare.

After a long pause, Todd backed away and headed to the shower. He put it out of his mind for the moment, but it nevertheless left him feeling uncommonly chipper. When he caught himself whistling in the shower, he shook his head and gave in, finally admitting to himself that he really was committed.

He had been moving around a lot over the past year or so. He kept his job, stayed in the same city, but after a few months he would find himself growing tired of his current roommate, and looking for a new place, without quite knowing why. He did know--he'd known all along--but he was only now ready to admit it to himself. He wanted to be eaten.

His first roommate had been another fox--nicest guy in the world, and they had a lot in common. He left within a month. He wasn't trying to run from anything, but when he pictured himself moving in with a bear, twice his height and with a beer gut as big as he was, it just seemed... right. But after a few weeks, it didn't seem so right anymore. This bear was also the nicest guy in the world--wouldn't hurt a fly.

Not so with his next roommate... some low-class hood from a local gang. He didn't hesitate to invade Todd's personal space, but it wasn't what he wanted. He didn't show hunger, or desire of any kind. Even when he fucked him, it was only out of aggression, an act of violence even more brutal than the beatings afterward to ensure his silence. Todd shivered, turning up the heat and standing in the center of the spray. The cold tile walls of the shower gave him... bad memories.

He got out while he could, but when it came to finding a new place, once again he found himself living with a bear. The third time he knew that it wasn't just coincidence. With each move he had been taking small steps closer to his desires, everything short of admitting to himself what he wanted. Until now, that was.

He knew it happened. You heard it on the news every now and then, but everyone knows they don't catch most of them. There were too many disappearances to investigate all of them, and besides that, predator animals are everywhere. To attempt any sort of real solution to the problem could cause a full-on race war. Only the most high-profile or well-evidenced cases could be prosecuted, and animals on both sides were quick to denounce the offenders, and dissociate them from the species at large. But there were still rumors. No one knew how many predators were truly "clean", or just careful about who they devoured. Everyone had one or two friends who simply dropped off the radar... and there was no shortage of suspiciously well-fed bears in Todd's neighborhood.

He cleaned himself thoroughly, rubbing the coconut-scented shampoo into a thick lather all over his body. As he rinsed he admired how smooth and healthy his fur was, and squeezed his arm to feel the firmness of muscle beneath. He was not well-built, having a very slim body type, but he didn't have much extra fat. He squeezed the water out of his tail, watching the thick fur bounce back and admiring its sheen. He couldn't stop thinking about Richard. He wasn't gigantic, but compared to Todd he was... well, a bear. Maybe it was just fantasy, but it really seemed that the paunch the bear had on the outside could easily accommodate a fox on the inside. Surely he was slim enough to slide down that thick neck, and curl up in that spacious stomach...

Todd leaned against the shower wall, purring, with his eyes tightly closed and both paws tucked between his legs. As the pink tip of his fox cock slid into his soft paws, he burbled out a moan through the water coursing down his muzzle. His tail curled around his hips in a tight embrace, and his arms and legs were tucked tightly together. Without hardly realizing it, he had soon tucked his whole body into a narrow space, as if he was being constricted.

He opened his eyes, blinking drowsily as if waking up from a dream. The water had begun to go cold. He looked at himself, peeling his tail off of his waist, and shook his head. He shouldn't be masturbating to it like this. It was bad enough what he was doing here, but pawing off in the shower was only going to get him hot and bothered. He stood under the cold water for a moment, trying to clear his head. When all the soap was gone, and his fur was slick and shining again, he sighed, shaking water out of his eyes, and threw back the shower curtain.

"Eeek!" He jumped back, startled to see Richard standing directly in front of him with a strange look in his eyes. His paws went back between his legs, this time only to cover himself up. The bear hesitated for a brief moment, his eyes glassy, as if his mind was elsewhere. As he stood there stunned and shivering, Richard seemed to come back to himself, newly noticing the nude, dripping fox in front of him. The bear hesitated for a brief moment, a frustrated growl rising in his throat. Todd stood stock still, knowing deep inside that what he really feared, in moving, was scaring Richard off. The old familiar excitement was rising in him, drowning out any rational protest. He stood still, a frightened, hopeful look on his muzzle, even knowing that he was asking for death.

The moment came and went, and an instant later the bear's growl turned into an open-mouthed lunge. Before Todd could move, the bear had seized him by the arms and thrust his gaping maw forward. Todd squeaked again, half from fear and surprise, and half from intense, desperate longing. "Richard..." he moaned, almost about to thank the bear for fulfilling his expectations. But before he could say any more, the maw descended over his head, and his muzzle was choked by the bear's thick tongue and saliva.

The immediacy of his surroundings fell upon the helpless fox, washing away the last of his resistance. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the feel of wet flesh sucking on his head and shoulders. Richard's tongue kneaded over his muzzle, forcing the bear's rank scent into his nose and mouth. His paws tightened painfully on the fox's upper arms, hoisting him upwards and sliding his muzzle into the entrance to his throat. Todd felt it tugging at the end of his muzzle, and a purr rumbled up from the bottom of his chest. He opened his muzzle ever so slightly, licking the tender tissue of the bear's strong throat, and nuzzling into it as he would nuzzle a lover, seeking comfort and security. He began to cry.

His body was lifted up, the throat sucking at him and greedily pulling his head forward into the bear's body. Richard's mouth and throat compressed him tightly, but he did his best to wriggle his way deeper, sobbing with regret and relief. He had given up resistance, surrendering himself to the bear's hunger. He wept for the life he was giving up, and for all that he had done and seen, but his eagerness didn't waver. For every tear shed in sorrow for chances lost, a tear was shed for the unbearable ecstasy he was experiencing now, the once-in-a-lifetime chance to live out his greatest desire before the end. The throat squished tightly around his face, pushing away the air and replacing it with sticky mucus. He knew that he would be smothered long before the acids took him apart, but he wanted to at least live to reach his final destination. Salty tears flowed down his muzzle, mixing with the mucus that matted his fur. He wriggled his tightly-clenched body, easing his slimy muzzle a few inches deeper into Richard's body.

His paws were trapped where they had been when Richard pounced--between the fox's legs. The fox's slim pink cock began to swell along with Todd's mounting excitement, and soon it had slipped back into his paws, as it was when he was fantasizing just moments ago. He moaned bubbles into the thick mucus around him, while his paws, still outside of the bear's body, began to stroke his length. His lust had never been greater. The fox stroked his cock slowly, trying not to set himself off too soon. With each swallow his hips were lifted up a few inches closer to the bear's hungry mouth. He anticipated that hot tongue slurping around his pink cock, tasting it as just a few more inches of fox meat, before pushing it back to be devoured with the rest of him. He imagined his hips stretching the bear's throat to its limit, his cock slipping into the tight, rippling tunnel. He hoped it would go quickly, then. One last overwhelming orgasm, a quick swallow, and when he finally returned to his senses he would be enveloped in the bear's soft, strong stomach. He might regret it, after his orgasm was through, but it wouldn't take him more than a few moments to finally suffocate and die. For now, he prepared himself for the greatest pleasure he had ever sought, and convinced himself that it had to be worth it.

Richard swallowed Todd hurriedly, unaware of the fox's emotional outpouring. He ate the fox with great enthusiasm, closing his mouth to suckle on his roommate's clean, coconut-scented fur, and letting his tongue roam over his wriggling prey. The fox's body was halfway inside of him by now, after only a short minute, and soon he would be tucked inside for good. He had his regrets last night, when he still hesitated to end the young fox's life, but now he was too caught up in the pleasure. The fox's hopes and dreams were irrelevant when faced with the overwhelming hunger that he aroused in the bear. Richard looked forward to that old familiar full feeling, and a long day of relaxation, digestion, and maybe a beer or two. Grant was right. He was a predator at heart, and it just wasn't right to keep a predator from his prey.

Another hefty swallow brought Todd's hips to the very brink of Richard's throat, and pulled Todd's paws, as well as his fully-engorged and dripping cock, onto the bear's broad tongue. The sudden warmth washing over his cock was more stimulating than he expected, and more than he could stand. As the bear's tongue snaked up between his legs, preparing to pull him down with a final gulp, Todd's whole body stiffened, succumbing to the most intense orgasm he had ever known. His mind went blank, the rush of endorphins making him cry out in ecstatic submission. Thoughts of his death were filled with joy, instead of worry, and for several long seconds he fully accepted his fate.

His cock swelled, pulsing against the bear's soft tongue, and shot a thick stream of fox semen into Richard's throat. The bear gagged, caught off guard by the unwelcome taste, and uncertain at first where it had come from. Another spurt of cum pooled in his mouth, and suddenly he realized what it was. Todd was getting off on this! More cum splashed the base of his tongue, and he gagged, trying to avoid swallowing it. That bulge pushing against his tongue... oh god, Todd was humping in his mouth! Another dude's cock was in his mouth!

Barely restraining the urge to bite down, Richard fell to the floor, kneeling over the bathtub. The fox's wet paws and tail hung limply out of his mouth, but he was no longer eager to swallow them down. Fox cum dripped from his lips, some sticking to his muzzle. He shuddered with unrestrained revulsion, unable to stand having that queer fox inside him. He braced himself with both paws on the side of the bathtub, and his whole body shuddered. He groaned, his eyes tearing up with exertion, as he surrendered to his body's unpleasant demand.

With a great, stomach-clenching heave, Richard's body forced the poor fox back out. The bear's whole body shivered, breaking out in a cold sweat. He leaned over the bathtub, mouth hanging open limply, as Todd's body seemed to drain out of him, the mucus-coated fur slipping easily back out of the bear's hot gullet. The fox slumped down into the tub, still twitching in the last throes of orgasm. Richard worked his mouth, trying to rid himself of the taste of bile and cum that overwhelmed his senses, and fighting off the continued heaves that wracked his body. He felt stretched and empty inside, but he had absolutely no desire to fill himself back up with fox. Todd lay helpless in front of him, confused and insensible, but he wasn't food anymore. He wasn't quite a person, either... oh, whatever. Richard didn't care anymore. He groaned out loud, standing up on shaky legs, and headed for the sink. Splashing his face and mouth with water did little to clear out the taste. Maybe a beer...

Todd awoke from his orgasm not knowing where he was. It was cold... wasn't it supposed to be warm? He looked around him, seeing the same shower and bathroom that he had been in this morning. Did he black out? Was he fantasizing in the shower again? He tried to move, feeling his body in that same familiar streamlined position, his muscles aching from maintaining it so long. This time, though, a thick coat of mucus covered him, plastering his fur to his body. He glanced up, and saw Richard. The bear was standing by the door, staring down at him. He shook his head, then walked out.

Todd lay still for a while, and gradually the events of the past few minutes returned to him. He stretched his aching muscles, to curl his body into a wet ball. He felt weak, wet, and used... and still alive, afterward, to regret it. All he wanted was a strong, warm belly to curl up in. He wanted to be hungered for, consumed, and enjoyed. He curled up tighter, sniffling and cold and alone. He just wanted to be wanted...