Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 77: Terror In The Woods (Embracing Demons Part II)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#77 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex, Lady Barq and Lady Ursa concluded their visit to World Two. Before leaving they offered as much material aid and support as they could to the fledgling rebellion there realizing only afterwards that there would be no way of communicating with Kala and her vigilantes who after their departure would be truly on their own....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 77: Terror In The Woods (Embracing Demons Part II)

Day 183 (5:39 AM, The Infirmary)

"Shakara you know we aren't equipped to handle this type of procedure." I said warning my lioness.


"Listen to that little cutie. Those aren't moans of pleasure." The dark tan lioness said as she prepped the small closet we were in and then covered our patient on a makeshift medical table.

"Yes our patient is in pain, but what if we do more harm then good? You are a biologist and I am just a medic we don't really have any surgical experience." I countered as she sterilized her tools in the medkit with boiling water.

"True but we are all this colony has, all he has- the last time I checked the hospitals weren't taking in any new patients." The red eyed lioness said turning to me.

"Because there aren't any or healers other than us and Penny Penguin. She is a competent medic but I don't think she has any surgical experience either." I said watching our patient groan in pain again.

"So we are it little cutie, we must try or would you like to go and inform our patient's loved one that we aren't going to save him because we are too scared to try?"

"Valid point. So what tools do we have?"

"The medkit." Shakara said staring me in the face.

"What about some type of anesthesia?"

My query was answered by her making that broad feline grin of hers.

"Right, whatever is in the medkit." I said tying a white apron around her waist.

We had sterilized the infirmary as best we could, as well as what would be our operating table before the procedure, next came the patient himself.

The horny lioness took extreme pleasure in making sure our patient was completely nude. She then removed a white sheet that was covering his face. She then took some type of smelling solution from the medkit and moved it to his nostrils.

"Smell this." She commanded.

The patient did as ordered and soon he was out cold snoring softly.

"Your turn little cutie."

I flipped open the white sheet covering our patient's groin.

"Wow, his member is large."

"And is still in its sheath." The she beast acknowledged. "It gets bigger."

"You mean you have seen it?" I asked.

"Maybe." My she beast said turning her head and blushing. She then handed me a cloth and soap foam, I gently lathered and cleaned the penis sheath.

"There if it could sparkle it would." I said.

"Alright let's begin." The lioness said running a triangle instrument over the patient's sheath. "Wow, the target is IN there.

"How in there?" I asked my devious person as she continued to move the triangle over our patient's genitals reaffirming her readings.

"It is lodged firmly in his urethra."

"So he can't wiz it away." I said checking her readings. "That must truly be painful."

"In fact he can't pee at all, which is the problem Alex, a very big one."

"So what do you recommend?" I asked the biologist.

"Masturbate him."


"Arouse him, if I am going to try to dislodge the obstruction, I need a clear pathway." The horny lioness announced.

So, I started playing with our patient's member. Rubbing it, caressing it. Kneading it.

"Nothing is happening." I said very embarrassed.

"Not much experience playing with males eh?"

"No. My lovers are both female." I said without hesitation.

Shakara licked her paws and then ran them up and down the penis sheath simulating vaginal penetration. The reaction was almost immediate. There was a little wiggle and then the phallus started emerging from the sheath, a very red and very big phallus. When it had fully expanded, the lioness took a expandable rod from her medkit.

"Hold it still." She ordered. "I don't want to accidentally scrape his insides."

I complied. She slowly inserted the metal rod into the very erect penis. I held the triangle probe so she could determine how far back and how deep she needed to move her device to reach the intended target. Eventually she arrived at the blockage.

"It is a large pebble." She proclaimed. "Come on you little bugger move!"

"How does someone get a pebble stuck in their urethra?!" I asked watching the she beast work.

"That is a story I would like to hear too. It is in there tightly."

"Can you break it apart?" I suggested as my devious person studied the image from the triangular device.

"Trying little cutie."

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*


"There! Got it!" She said pulling out the rod. Attached to it was the pebble now broken into two. "See, that wasn't so bad."

"Yeah, just weird and extremely uncomfortable. We better revive the patient." I said to my she beast.

Shakara went to the supplies cabinet and picked up a bottle of something that was so pungent, so nasty that it could wake the dead.

"What is that awful smell?"

"What we are going to use to revive our patient." The devious lioness said making a feral smile.

"What is it?"

"You don't want to know."

She removed the top off of it and brought it to our sensitive patient's nose where he took a few sniffs and then...


"Welcome back handsome." Shakara said as he awoke coughing.

"Rumble how do you feel?" I asked as we watched the former lab creature climb down from our makeshift operating table.

"...better..." The were-creature said looking down at his cub maker, then the rod and the small obstruction attached to it and then at us.

"It took a while but the obstruction is gone." The red eyed lioness said as the very naked he beast ran toward us.


"...thanks..." Rumble said as his eyes went wide.

"Is it safe to come in?" Corey Collins asked opening the door to the closet.

The black haired teen was grabbed by a brown blur and taken to the bathing room nearby.

"Looks like someone needs to make water badly. Shall we watch?"

"Shakara!" I shouted.

"We have to make sure that our patient did not suffer any complications from the surgery right little cutie?"

"Un hun." I said skeptically following her out of the infirmary.

(She just wanted to see Rumble's penis again.)

We found the teen and his werewolf in the bathroom at one of the receptacles.

The brown were-creature had both his paws on the wall while immediately standing over the device. He was straining.

(That is not good.)

Corey was hugging him from behind his head touching Rumble's lower back. The black haired teen had reached around the front of his nude werewolf grabbing his penis and was aiming it as Rumble continued to strain.

"I thought we got all of it?" I said to turning to my lion lady.

"We did." She replied. "At least I think we did."

"Then why is he having such a problem?"

We watched as Corey took one of his hands and gently rubbed the werecreature's bladder.

"It is okay big guy don't force yourself, just let it happen."

Rumble snorted in response to the touching before he started voiding his over full bladder. First there was a trickle then a steady stream, then a small torrent of werewolf urine.

"There mission accomplished." I said reaching for my lioness' paw. "Let's leave them be."

Rumble must have urinated for a minute and a half.

"Shakara, Alex thank you. He was in considerable pain." The black haired teen said as his roommate finished relieving himself.

"Corey how did Rumble get a pebble stuck in his urethra?" The healer asked the teen.


"...wrestling..." The brown were-creature said blushing.

"He and Ananias were sparing. As usual our silverback was losing." The black haired teen said smirking.

"Oh and Ananias does not like to lose." I said remembering a earlier match of theirs.

"So the sparring match turned into a wrestling match." My devious person said.

"Exactly- his loincloth got torn, dust and dirt started flying and then the gravel at the practice grounds and it sort of happened."

"...yes..." Rumble said embarrassed dabbing two paw fingers together.

"At first he tried to hide it from me, but when he couldn't relieve himself and then started crying in pain...."

"...not crying..." The honorary beastial said correcting his boy.

"Sorry moaning, I grew concerned. He was horribly embarrassed." Corey said.

"Well don't be that was a life threatening event." I said to the two.

"But everything is now back to normal. He will be sore for a little bit but he will be ok." Shakara said placing her paw on my shoulder.

"I will say." The black haired teen said rubbing the were-creature's flat tummy.

Rumble looked down at Corey before the teen grabbed the former lab creature's face and kissed him right on the snout to Shakara's and my surprise. We were shocked when Rumble kissed him back.

" thing..."

"We would appreciate it if you keep this incident quiet." Corey replied.

"But of course, healer patient privilege." My lioness said winking at the boy and his werewolf.

We let the two roommates be and returned to the infirmary.

"That was quite the operation Shakara."

"Was it good for you little cutie?" She said making that broad feline grin with those red eyes of hers.

"What do you mean? I had to touch, hold, clean and masturbate werewolf genitalia this morning." I said to her.

"Precisely, and in my book that is a good morning."

(Yeah, you would think that.)

"So are you ready for our next operation little cutie?"

"Next operation?"

"Yes Lady Ursa is going to have her fertilized egg removed from stasis and inserted back into her womb. She could have me do it, but most likely she will have her favorite little human perform the procedure."

"Has she decided on a date?" I asked as the dark tan lioness studied me carefully.


(Wow, so now I get to perform a surgical procedure myself. Yikes.)

My wow moment was interrupted by two visitors.

"Good morning." A mountain reedbuck said walking in he was accompanied by a confused looking crocodile.

"Good morning T'hoka, Gahri." The lioness said seductively.

"Anything we can do for you?" I asked the two warriors.

"We have been sent to fetch you." The crocodile said.

"For and by who?" I asked.

"Dianna Wild." The male deer said crossing his arms as I placed my hand on my chin.

"You forgot." Shakara swatted me on my backside and pushed me toward the two warriors.

"It is your turn to help out in the garden." T'hoka said placing his paw on my shoulder and escorting me from the infirmary.

"That was today?"

"That is the excuse everyone who is trying to evade work says." The crocodile with the spear said. "Yes it was today."

"Everyone must do their part whether they like it or not to help our colony thrive." The mountain reedbuck said proudly.

"T'hoka doesn't want to go either, he would rather be locking lips with Tanya." Gahri teased.

(Whoa, something is going to come from that!)

I was escorted through the western maze and topside to our community garden a 2000 square foot plot of ground that was being plowed, excavated and planted by all those in the lost city. Lady Barq had worked out a guard detail to protect the workers while above ground. Today it was T'hoka and Gahri.

"Good morning. You are late a she centaur said acknowledging my presence."

"Sorry Dianna- I completely forgot."

"Sure you did." He adoptive son next to her said. "Tsk, tsk for shame."

(Ok, I deserved that.)

"I really did- it was a busy morning in the infirmary." I said bowing respectfully.

"What made it so busy?" Little Corey said probing for answers. Ok, bad choice of words.

"I would rather not go into that, but I am here now. I am yours to command providers of all I consume."

The brunette centaur was wearing a bright white shirt and sun hat. Little Corey was wearing a green shirt with tan pants and a similar sun hat. It looked liked both were going to be spending a lot of time outside today.

"Very well. Corey and I defined the borders, now the ground has to be prepped." Mrs. Wild said kicking the dirt with her hoof.

I looked at the scope of the work to be performed. "Wow, this is going to be quite extensive."

"We have a lot of mouths to feed Alex." The she centaur said.

"Please tell me that it isn't just going to be us three!" I pleaded.

"Nope." Little Corey said.

"So Gahri and T'hoka are going to help?" I asked looking at the two warriors standing about. Gahri noticed I was staring at him and waved.

"No Alex, they are our security." Dianna said gently. "But they are."

I watched as a elderly woman with grey hair and a worn face dressed in a red shirt and overalls emerge from the brush. She was followed by a male human/tiger hybrid and a female human/rabbit hybrid.

(Ruth Ann, Kenna and Zhade?)

"Ruth Ann and Kenna have planting experience." Dianna said to me.

"You three! It is very dangerous out here, even during the day!" The mountain reedbuck warned.

"Don't wander off on your own. Remain in our sites at all times!" The crocodile piled on.

He received a very negative look from Zhade.

"And rebuttal in 3... 2...1..." Little Corey said.

"I am more than capable of defending myself thank you." The half human/half tiger grumbled.

(Stubborn to the last.)

"Dianna, do we really have to be out here?"

"Why is that Zhade dear?" The she centaur asked.

"It is very hot for one and we don't know if anything will grow in this red sunlight."

"Did anyone tell you? It is the middle of summer Mr. tiger guy." Little Corey shot back.

"We have to try Zhade. I have a few tricks my Bo showed me when we were planting in the plains." Ruth Ann said wiping away a tear.

"You ok Ruth?" Zhade asked.

"She will be fine, this garden reminds her of her husband. They spent many hours planting." Kenna said.

"Ok let's divide up the work into quadrants." Little Corey said. "Alex quadrant A. Zhade quadrant B. Ruth Ann and Kenna quadrant C and mom and I will take care of quadrant D."

"What you are saying little boy is that this is going to take all day!"

"Quit whining Zhade like we have anything else better to do." The half human/have rabbit retorted.

"When you are done prepping the ground, we can start planting." The she centaur said smiling.


"Now Zhade just think how much our diets will benefit from having fruits and vegetables." I said to the pouting hybrid.

And so we worked the rest of that morning cultivating that stretch of ground we reclaimed from the forest slowly but surely something started to take shape while T'hoka and Gahri kept watch.

"Something is emerging." The mountain reedbuck commented.

"Where?" I asked nervously.

The barbarian pointed at where we were working.

"Yeah it is starting to look good." I commented.

"My husband always said nothing worth doing is ever easy." Ruth Ann sighed.

"Good, good now we have a garden." Zhade said. "Let's call it a day."

Diana, Little Corey and myself stared at the complaining hybrid.

"What?" He asked.

Kenna took his hand and placed some seeds on it.

"Now we plant." The female centaur said smiling. "Carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and peas."

"UGG." He pouted.

"I wouldn't say that, it is nice to leave the city every now and again." Kenna said.

"Even if it is to perform such menial work? This is so beneath me."

"Zhade before the fall what did you do for a living?" The old woman asked curiously.

"I was a professional protester." He said silently.

"Speak up we didn't quite hear you." The centaur's adopted son asked.

"I was a professional protester. I spoke out about how the empire treated its lessor citizens." He said.

"So you complained about the way things were, but did you do anything to make them better?" Kenna asked staring him down.

"I protested?" He said smiling.

"You were one of the revelers who celebrated during the green sickness didn't you?" The old woman asked him.

"I may have gotten extremely vocal about my dislike for the preferred class." The hybrid said bobbing his head left and right.

"Which led you to receiving the black and orange stripes and the tail as punishment." Kenna observed. "I followed a similar path."

"The rabbit ears, nose and tail suits you." Zhade smiled showing his jagged feral looking teeth.

"Flatterer." Kenna said pushing her complementer away.

Zhade landed flat on his butt much to everyone's amusement. We all chuckled at the brief moment between the two hybrids. It seemed that the two were forming a genuine connection.

The partial rabbit went to help her acquaintance to his feet but stopped and just gasped. Zhade looked at Kenna, Ruth Ann, then Dianna, Little Corey and finally Gahri, T'hoka and myself who had drawn our weapons.

"What?" He said looking up.

Looking down at him was a weird five foot creature with two beady eyes, a oval shaped mouth which comprised most of its head without arms. The rest of its body was dressed in a black flowing gown.

"ACK!!!" The human/tiger hybrid shouted.

"MOMMA!!!" Little Corey shouted ducking behind the she centaur.

"What is that?" Kenna shouted. Her nose twitching.

"How did it get by us?!" Gahri asked grabbing his spear. "Is it dangerous?!"

"Don't know, let's find out." The mountain reedbuck said as he lifted his sword from its sheath on his back.

Meanwhile I joined the warriors cautiously moving toward our hybrid. I aimed the tip of my spear at the creature.

"Please!! What do you want!?" Zhade asked the interloper as his fur bristled.

The creature grinned its jagged teeth clearly showing and it made a purring sound before....


"It bit me!!!" The half human/half tiger shouted. "It bit me!!!"

"ATTACK!!!" T'hoka shouted as he reached into his gold colored belt and sprayed a grey liquid on his sword setting it on fire.

"Ruth Ann, Kenna! Get back!!" I shouted as the two warriors ran to confront the creature.

How bad is it dear? A female civet asked her mate.

See for yourself. He replied opening the front door to their single level ranch. The neighborhood, our community has been swallowed up by the ground. The White's house is gone, so it the West's- there is a big crack in the ground where their home used to be.

Why is the sky orange dear?

I don't know but nothing works- our communication cube, the hub or our hover vehicle. The male civet said to his mate. What the hell is going on?

Wait there is someone- that blond freckled boy walking through the field over there! Hey you! Yes you! You shouldn't be out here it is not safe!

Hmm? I said turning the female civet who was peaking her head out of the front door of what remained of her single level home in what used to be a residential neighborhood.

Are you really that dense? The male civet said berating me. _It is for this reason you humans are second class citizens. You can't recognize danger when it is staring you right in the face! _

The civet couple ushered me into their home._ _

Thank you. I replied as the male closed the front door.

Human what were you doing out there anyway? It's not safe!

Um, dear... his mate said.

We were looking for prey. A female harpy said suddenly appearing next to the civet female. You will do nicely.

You are right. I said to the civet couple. It is dangerous out there... and in here... for you, oh and by the way you two have a lovely home.

AHHH!!!! The couple screamed as their minds and bodies were commandeered for a higher cause.

"What is wrong with Alex momma?"

"I think he is having an episode Corey." Dianna said comforting her son.

"Huh? What?" I said coming to my senses.

(Damn, another shimmer.)

"Welcome back medic!" Zhade said berating me. "Do you think you can help us? Or would prefer to have another whatever that was you had?"

"Us?" I said looking around.

"Whatever it was went for Gahri after it attacked Zhade." Kenna said.

The crocodile was lying nearby his spear snapped in half like a twig.

I quickly assessed the injured.

"My shoulder, it burns!!!" Zhade complained.

"You have been bit." I said looking at the wound.

"I know that!!!"

"No, you have been poisoned." I quickly looked at Gahri. He had a nasty mark on his left forearm. "Where is T'hoka?!"

"He went after that thing." Dianna said.

"I have to go after him. I need a sample of its venom if I going to treat you two." I said as I started running off. "No, wait, I can't leave you alone- unprotected! But wait! I need a venom sample!"

"Will you please make a decision!!" Zhade muttered.

"We will manage." Gahri uttered. "Go!"

"I think I can slow down the poison." Ruth Ann said to Gahri and Zhade. "But you two follow my instructions to the letter..."

I ran into the forest looking for the mountain reedbuck.

"T'hoka! T'hoka where did you go?!"

(He could be anywhere at this point.)

I desperately needed another vantage point. I aimed my arm skyward and fired the grappling hook. It lodged on one of the upper branches of a tall tree. I pressed the retraction button.


I soon found myself looking downward. My weapon did have its uses. Quickly I scanned the surrounding area. I saw movement to the north west toward the Grand Kingdom. It must be that way!

(Now how do I get down?!)

"T'hoka! T'hoka!" I called out through out the forest. I found the barbarian at the stream where I first met Corey and Russell. You know, the one that supplies the water to the lost city.

The warrior covered my mouth. "Your yelling is loud enough to wake the dead medic. Why did you abandon our friends?!"

"Sorry! I had to stop you- we need whatever that thing is alive."

"Because it poisoned Zhade and Gahri and you want its venom to make an antidote." He said looking down at me.

"You knew?!"

"That is why I ran after it." He said pointing his sword which was still on burning.

"It looks like you got it penned in just beyond the stream. Good work. We are going to need to take this thing alive." I said wading into the water.

"No. We need to leave Alex." T'hoka said placing his paw on my shoulder.

"Why?!" I asked as he extinguished the flame on his sword and resheathed it.

"It is an ambush."

I looked carefully at the trees in front of us, to the sides and behind us. That thing, it had brought friends!! Seven in all!!

"Wow. This was premeditated." I grumbled.

(And my precognition would not have warned me until they attacked.)

"But to what extent?" The barbarian asked me.

"Crap our friends!" I shouted.

T'hoka reached behind his gold color belt and puled out a small flask.

"What is that?" I asked.

"A gift from Arugula for just such an emergency." He said throwing it on the ground breaking it.


"Smoke bomb. Nice!" I said as his paw met my hand, he grabbed me and we ran back to our friends as fast as we could.

We found Ruth Ann, Kenna, Dianna and Little Corey treating Zhade and Gahri.

"Thank goodness." I shouted as we arrived.

"Ruth Ann managed to slow down the venom- but we still need the antidote." Kenna said.

"Alex where is the creature?" Dianna asked.

"We didn't get it." I said trying to catch my breath.

"It led us into an ambush with more of its kind." T'hoka said to the she centaur.

"We were lucky to get away when we did."

"So what are going to do now?" Little Corey asked.

"We will figure something out." I said to the centaur's son.

Hello Ruth Ann. A old man said emerging from the woods.

The old woman's heart nearly stopped. "BO?!"

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)** Day 183 (continued) 1:13 PM, The forest garden near the west maze "Bo?" The old woman called out to her mate. **"Present."** He said...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 76: Embracing Demons Part I

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 76: Embracing Demons Part I** Day 180 (11:05 PM, The south tunnel) "Who goes there!!" The guard watching the south entrance to the lost city said as the blue and silver prototypes pulled up. "It is...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 72: That Which Means The Most To Us (Rising Part IV)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 72: That Which Means The Most To Us (Rising Part IV)** Day 179 (World Two, 5:14 PM) "Alright every beast in position?" The female gorilla whisper-shouted. Oliver Justice, Theresa Branch and myself...

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