My Life as a Dragon slave 5

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#6 of My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 1

My Life as a Dragon Slave

Wow I did this really well and I apparently am good with cliffhangers. Anyways I know that many of you choose John with Verdera in these series to be together but I'm sorry to say that it will not be meant to be.

So a new kind of twist will arise and somewhere in the future, I will make it so John and Verdera have one time together.

Also I have some thoughts on how this story will end it may come soon or depending on how far my ideas will come, it won't be for another ten chapters.

Also, anyone who wants to help me with a project of mine? I need help trying to create a comic for the site here.

My Life as a Dragon Slave 5

To choose the path of light is to choose hope and redemption.

To choose the path of dark is to choose fear and damnation.

To become the saviors of the innocent is to be the worshiper.

To become the destroyer of the innocent is to be the conqueror.

Choose your path and find your place.

John and my two parents listened to my story. I did all that I could to hold back any emotion what so ever. I sighed as I knew that the scar along my back was the reason I became the dragoness I am today. Tough, dedicated, fearless and almost hated to all accept my family. I am what I am because of my life.

"I was born in a cage with my mother and father," I said. "I was clueless to what or where it was all happening. My parents were in a cage of a man who bought my parents straight from the facility where dragons come from.

At four months, the man didn't care that by law, I should work at five. He made me work much like my parents. He had a wife but never was she with him. I picked up the mess he makes, I cleaned up after his mess and I even did a house full of choirs. He made me do jobs my parents couldn't do. Some jobs where fine, others... where horrible. I had to clean inside of the chimneys, clean within the walls of the structure and even go underground to look for rats."

At times, I was glad to do most of the choirs since it kept my mind of knowing that my parents and I were slaves. But I hated it all. The lack of nice clothes to wear, the taste of real food and sleeping on the floor. My parents had the bed and I didn't mind it much. At my first year, I was working hard and although I was still a hatchling, I did work like an adult.

However, he started treating me like an adult. I had a responsibility and he made sure I knew of it." I sighed a bit and regained my breath.

"I knew that at some point, I was a target for him when it came to his obsession for alcohol. At first it kind of made me laugh when he would drink and fall down like a fool but then, all humans who drink go bad."

My mother put her arm on my shoulder.

"You don't have to tell him dear."

I sighed nodded.

"But I must."

With another sigh I continued with much more emotion.

"One night I was cleaning the last of his mess in his kitchen. My mother and father where in the cage and I was about to head over when he came. He was drunk with alcohol and anger. He roared to me saying that I missed a spot and that I would always do everything lousy. That I would become a straight up whore before a slave. He then got something that even a wild bear would fear. He got his barbed whip."

I let lose a few tears and continued.

"He first locked the gate up so my parents couldn't help me in any way. Then he chased me around the house, whipping at me. At first I was fast and he was clumsy but he trapped me. I knew that I would never feel right again. He...He..."

It was hard for me to say continue, but my parents comforted me and I spoke with my hurt soul.

"He whipped me hard. The hard ends of the tips were enough to pierce my scales. I was just a child John. A child, that couldn't even defend herself. He whipped at me with out mercy. I could here my parents crying out for me. I cried, begging him to stop but he didn't. "

"When I thought he was done, I was dead wrong. I still had no grown my wings yet but I felt that I would never sprout them. He brought out a metal whip. It was almost flexible, able to bend. I was still on the floor from his latest whipping but he made sure I would never forget. He heated up the whip with a torch in till it was red hot and when he was done; he turned me on my front and slashed me three times on my back. Each one hurt worse with my previous whipping and when the heat touched my skin, I knew that it was hell." More tears left me.

"I cried my heart out, for him to stop, for my mother and father to help me but he didn't stop. Three strikes on my back, leaving me with burnt wounds deep as my nails."

I cried a bit softly and continued, knowing my parents are wanting me to stop.

"I passed out from the pain. When I awoke, my parents knew I wouldn't make. I was hurt John. I was so hurt that I couldn't move. I couldn't speak, I couldn't cry and it was hard to breath. I suffered for the night in till I knew I wouldn't make it. The constant pain of the burning and the constant pain of even breathing hurt. Even at a young age, I wanted to die. I wanted to be put out of my misery."

"But I somehow did survive the night and someone made sure I would live."

I gave a small smile and lowered my head to avoid his eyes.

"That person, she is the reason I survived. She is the reason that I am alive today. She was the man's wife and she saw me nearly half-dead. My parents first thought that she would take me away and throw me away like trash but when she said that she was going to take me to a hospitable, I somehow knew I was safe."

I smiled a bit more and looked to my parents who had tears in their eyes and I saw that John had some too. I continued.

"True to her word, she toke me to the facility of dragon making. There she told them to heal me, although many of the people asked why she is saving me, she demanded to just heal me up and that was all. I didn't know if I would wake up when they put me to sleep."

"When I did awake, I felt a bit better and I could move a bit more. My parents were in tears, knowing that I would survive and make it. But I knew that I would not have survived with out her. She was my savior, she was my angel. She brought me back from the dead and I knew that I was forever grateful for it."

"But when she left me, I had thought that she thought that she made a mistake in saving me and she left. I was so enraged with that when the man let me out and forced me to work again, I snapped. I attacked him with all of my rage and with all of my hate. That man tortured me, tried to kill me and I knew that I could never let that go."

I sighed with a bit of a smile.

"When the police came, they said they got a call of a man screaming. They came and what they saw, it wasn't pretty. The man was dying and before they could question him, he died."

My parents knew that what I did was wrong but I knew that in my heart it was right. John was now intrigued by this, sitting up a bit. I inhaled and continued.

"At first they thought it was his wife's doing but when they saw me and my parents, they just pointed us out. I was mood less now and didn't care where they took us. I just cared that I was alive and my parents were safe.

They ended up finding nothing with me and the man's death so they just put us in another slave owner. After that, I did most of the work my parents were supposed to do and then I spent the next fourteen years there. It was a lot better then the other place and when my parents brought my siblings to the world, I knew that I would do anything to protect my family that now included my little brothers and sisters."

"I grew up with the scars and I was lucky enough to have my wings grow. They were torn a bit but once they healed over time of not being used, they worked. After so long, not once did I stop having nightmares of the man. Even though he is dead, I still feel as though he still around. I will never forget that day and I will never regret my rage towards him. I hope that even the gods are burning his soul.

With that I exhaled loudly. I knew that John would be upset with me killing a human so I just waited for his response.

He was thinking hard and I knew he was trying to find something. He finally blinkes for a moment and spoke.

"Wow Verdera. You have a tragic tale and I wished to have saved you from before so you don't have to torment yourself with all of those memories for years." He brushed his eyes a bit from tears, and then continued. "But I can't believe I'm going to say this but that man deserved to die."

My parents and I looked up at him with astounded faces. I thought he would be angry but I guess that since Liynda's death was almost to be mine, he felt his anger return. I was just glad he agreed with me.

"I know that nobody, human; dragon or even raptors deserved shit like that. I would have done the same Verdera though I kind of wish to meet the person who saved you."

I nodded and lowered my head.

"Me too John."

He thought for a moment and looked at me.

"Verdera what if I could find her for you? Maybe if I look for the man's wife on his profile, I could help you find her."

I looked up at John with a small smile.

"Thank you John but what if she doesn't remember me or she hates dragons now? I can't deal with it."

John smiled.

"Don't worry Verdera, I'm pretty sure that she still know what she did was the right thing." He smiled before it dropped and he laid back. "Though I kind of wished that Liynda survived. You survived something so horrible that mostly anyone would die but why didn't Liynda make it?"

I looked back at him and I knew it pained him to know that. Why did she die when she suffered less then me? Why did I live when John tried to save her and die? I kind of wish I knew Liynda. Maybe if she was still alive, John would be the happiest person in the world.

He sighed and slowly stood up.

"Well I thank you for your time but I guess I should make your breakfast now." He then left for the kitchen.

I sat back and both of my parents hugged me. I couldn't help but hug them back, a single tear running down my cheek. I wished to forget my nightmares and to make John happy. I wished that I could give John something to help him. Maybe a friend, maybe a partner, maybe a family and maybe a...

I didn't want to finish my thought. I knew what I was trying to say. All of that in which I was thinking was me. Me being John's friend. Me being his partner. Me being his family. And me being maybe his...

I wouldn't dare finish my thoughts. I sighed to myself and continued on the rest of my time with my parents.

When the rest of my siblings were waking up, Kila was a bit upset that I wasn't there when she awoke. She was a bit angered about that but she was also angry that her itching had returned and along with my two other sisters.

When we finished eating breakfast, my father took the boys down in to their rooms and I took my mother and my three sisters, with John's permission, to use the empty bedroom to help them.

Once up in the room, my mother began talking to Vesha and Cyan about their problems while I looked towards Kila who I could deeply smell her heat. It smelled sweet and was almost like mine. She was being a bit agitated and couldn't stop scratching herself in between her legs. I sighed and knew that she desperately needed it so I slowly took off her clothes to help at least control the comfort.

My mother was still talking and saw that her daughters where also agitated so she paused talking and told them to undress. They did as they were told and my mother looked to me.

"This time, try different ways to pleasure her." She said to me as she laid my sisters upon the floor.

I was a bit confused by that. How many other ways can I pleasure her? I then thought that I still had my tail and so now I remember that my mother would hold me done and use her tail to thrust into me. It was an odd thing but it would help. So once Kila was out of her clothes I laid her down on the floor and held down a bit by putting my hand on her bare chest and my hand on her vent. I knew that I had to start off slow with my hands and then use my tail.

I began like I did last time by slowly rubbing her belly. However that didn't work and she seemed to squirm all the more, almost like I was teasing her. I guess that I was so I just got straight to the point and rubbed my fingers along her little vent. The aroma of her heat was strong; it always is for the child. I rubbed a bit right along the lines of her vent.

She was still squirming as her vent opened to show her pink insides, moist and I could feel the heat of it all coming from within. I slowly entered my index finger and began rubbing all around. It was so moist in here that when I pulled my finger out a bit, it was dripping.

I looked towards my mother to see have both of her hands on my other sisters vents, rubbing the insides. I looked down to see Kila was in slight state of bliss. I continued to rub my fingers inside of her, as her walls began expanding. I slowly inserted another finger into her and soon another. I was so surprised that I can stretch with ease. Her fluids were like grease on my fingers and it was slowly driving me to arousal. I didn't know why it did but I could feel my panties getting slightly wet. Was it wrong to be wet like this when you are fingering your own sister?

My mother seems to think what I was thinking as she began to take off her clothes. She removed all her clothes quickly so she was nude in front of my sisters.

I knew that I got all of my looks from her and I couldn't help but be proud that I got my mother's beautiful body. Perfect breasts, perfect vent place and even though she was pregnant, she still seemed skinny.

She then slowly arched her tail so it slowly slid into her vent and began trusting. My gods! I knew I could do that for I do it when I masturbate but she does it like if it was like a daily chore. I wonder if she does this behind my father's back. I chuckled a bit before I took off my clothes and inserted my tail within me. I couldn't help but blush since I haven't masturbated for a long time. I could feel myself so wet on the inside and I knew that I loved the feeling.

I went back to fingering my sister and soon I was putting three fingers in her. I trusted my tail as deeply as I could in to myself and I couldn't help but moan. I could hear my mother also moaning and my sisters as well. I could hear the sound of my mother's fingers squishing with my sisters' fluids. It was so intoxicating in here with all the aroma and smell of sex that I could taste it.

Then an odd thought came to me and I pulled out my hand and used my other to finger my sister. My other fingers were covered in my sister's sweet juice and I could help but think how that would taste. It was a dirty thought and I never tried my own. I was still aware of my tail inside of me, trusting and pulling, starching the deepest parts of my vent. The carpet underneath was staining with my juices along with my sisters.

The smell all around me was making me crazy and before I knew it, I shoved my fingers into my mouth and tasted my sister's juices. It was like a sweet treat, like a vanilla flower only in liquid form.

I turned to my mother to see her that she was licking her own juices from her tail and was doing the same to my sisters. I figured what the hell!

I lowered my snout onto my sister's vent and inhaled deeply as the sweet smell became stronger. I slow extended my tongue and drew my hands away and licked my sister's vent.

She squealed in delight and more of her sweet delicious juices came form her. I guess that she had just orgasm. I quickly cleaned all of her juices licking down her legs and dove straight into her vent. Another squeal left and I quickly began lapping at her. I motioned for my tail to trust faster as my juices ran down my legs.

I was in a state of lust and I was so embarrassed yet I didn't care nor did I want to. I was happily digging my tail within my own vagina and I was eating out my own sister's vent. If this is against the gods then they can kiss my juiced covered tail.

It was so good and my sister wouldn't stop struggling as I pleasured her beyond anything, sticking my long forked tongue into her vent. None of her liquids escaped me and I could feel her walls clamping down on my tongue. I knew she was about to have another orgasm and I knew I was close too.

With a final effort, I shoved my tongue into her causing her to squeal and ejaculated all in mouth, triggering my own orgasm as I came on my tail. I slowly brought my tail to my mouth and sucked off my own juices. They were as tasty as my sister's. I sucked off the last bits and looked down to see that she has passed out.

My cheeks grew red as I knew that I just made her so pleasured that she couldn't stand the pleasure. I licked all of the juices off her legs and my face. I slowly stood up a bit and saw my mother matted with her juices in her mouth and in between her legs. She gave me a mischievous smile.

"How was she?" she asked, licking off the juices from my sisters. They also were passed out.

I only licked my lips with a grin.

"Delicious!" We both chuckled and put our clothes back on as well as the girls. We smiled to each other and opened the window so we can let out the smell. Hopefully John doesn't notice the stains on the floor. We did our best to clean it.

Once downstairs, John was getting ready for work. He looked a bit confused at my sisters.

"Why are they sleeping? I thought that you two were helping out with their heats?"

My mother and I gave a smile and chuckled.

He was a bit confused.

"Is there something wrong and why is that..." He didn't finish as his eyes went a bit wide at why my sisters were passed out. A blush crept to him and my mother and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry John." I said with my grin. "They are fine, we just overworked them."

John couldn't help but blush deeply and quickly walk away with a "good bye" and left the house.

My mother and I cracked out laughing and we toke my sister into their rooms. Oh what a day! I guess it's true what many people say, "You try knew treats and you end up loving it all!"