On Fucking my Girlfriend’s Brother

Story by Brathor on SoFurry

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A wolf reflects on some of his past 'misdeeds.' In this story, Will recalls the circumstances that led up to his first time fucking a guy.

The Confessions of William Peregrine

On Fucking my Girlfriend's Brother

By Brathor

Creative Commons License

The first time I ever actually fucked a guy was during my sophomore year of high school. Before my sixteenth birthday, I'd been having sex on a regular basis for at least a few years, and even been indulging some cocksuckers of both genders since practically my first days as a freshmen, but I had never even considered the possibility of actually fucking a guy until about a year later.

It all started because I was dating this vixen named Cassie Troy. It probably sounds insensitive or something, but there's a reason foxes have this reputation for being sluts. To start with, she had this amazing body. She was tall and slender for her age, with russet-colored fur and long auburn hair the same color of the typical vulpine "socks" on her arms and legs. The insides of her limbs and most of the front of her body was a perfect, cream-color that practically glowed when the sun hit it at the right angle. Naturally, she also had the kind of tits that most guys would kill to get their paws on. I mean, even at that age they were easily in the c-cup range. She was also the hottest cheerleader on the squad, and had something of a reputation for being an easy lay for just about any jock who wanted to take her for a ride. Now, I've always been pretty comfortable when it comes to sex, but this bitch was a kinky slut. I mean, I could practically do anything to her and she would just start begging me to do it harder and faster. I mean, I'd pull her hair, choke her with my dick, hell, once I even fucked her in the locker room after football practice, just because I could. I knew a good number of the team had fucked her at some point or another, but I guarantee that none of them could make her squeal and scream quite as loudly as I did that day.

I guess I should say a little about me. I mean, I'm a pretty big wolf just about all ways around. Back then, I was a lot more lanky than I am now - hey, it's kind of hard to put on muscle when you're hitting six feet your sophomore year - but I always had a broad frame and an athletic body. I inherited a lot of my dad's darker features - primarily dark gray fur the color of smoke that only lightened to a ash-gray on my underside, and a deep green eye color - and I tended to keep to myself. That all worked to give me this reputation around school of being mysterious. I had plenty of friends, but I was never really that close to any of them, and the fact that my parents' house was a half-hour drive over unpaved country roads away meant that even my friends didn't exactly come by to casually hang out. The only thing that most people knew about me was that I had a big dick, and I wasn't shy about using it. This was the only rumor about me that held any water. Even while it was still growing, I was already a solid eight inches long when hard, and I'd yet to meet someone who could wrap their mouth around it without scraping me with their teeth. I think that might be one of the reasons I stuck with Cassie as long as I did. She could take it all - deep-throating it and everything - and, at that point, she was the first person I'd met who could give me a solid blowjob without leaving my dick feeling raw. Though, after the first time I fucked her in the ass, she would barely let me stick it anywhere else.

You know, it's true what they say about the best fucks also being the craziest. I mean, as good as this girl was in bed, she just couldn't go more than ten minutes without finding something to bitch about. There was this one time we were making out in front seat of my dad's pickup truck - I had borrowed it to take her out to one of the nicer restaurants in town and I had pulled off a country road so I could get my reward for treating her to a free meal. I had just gotten my hand down her shirt when fucking "Achy Breaky Heart" started playing on the radio. Now, I grew up on a farm, so while I'm not a fan of country, I had built up a pretty solid tolerance for it. But not this song. I couldn't stand that fucking song. I mean there was no escaping it, and it was everywhere, without really thinking about it, I reached up and flipped the radio off. Well, who'd have guessed, "Achy Breaky Heart" was her favorite song, and when I turned that radio off, I might as well have switched off my dick too. Since I had turned off her favorite song without asking her, she decided that I didn't care about her and was just using her for sex. To be fair, she was right, but that didn't stop me from trying to defend myself. It didn't matter though, she insisted that I take her home and wouldn't speak to me the entire ride home. I actually figured we were done after that, but the next time I saw her, at the school cafeteria the following Monday, she gave me a handjob under the table.

That was the other thing. Cassie was a slut. I mean, even while we were dating I was aware of at least two other guys that were regularly sleeping with her. I didn't really care because my only interest in her was sex, and it wasn't like I was being faithful to her. Anyway, that stuff's not all that important. All you need to know is that she was hot, good in the sack, and kind of a bitch. She also had a little brother.

Being an only child, I never got the experience of having a sibling. I think every only child thinks about what it would be like to have a brother or sister from time to time, but I had never consciously dwelt on it until he started hanging around me. I'd met the kid, his name was Daniel, a few times, but Cassie only ever really acknowledged his existence to bitch about him or to him.

Well, a couple months into the school year, my motorcycle broke down a few blocks away from the Troys' house. Since I knew her dad was a mechanic, I hoped he'd have the kind of tools I'd need fix it so I wouldn't have to call my dad. So, I walked the bike - an old 1984 Softail that had once been my uncle's - a mile or so to her house. It was early on a Saturday afternoon, so I expected Cassie or her dad to be there, but when I knocked on the door I was greeted by her kid brother instead.

Now, I'd never really paid a lot of attention to Daniel's appearance before, but when he opened the door, the only thing he was wearing was this really plush-looking white towel that was loosely wrapped around his hips. I'd known I was into guys for a couple years at this point, but I'd never really done much about it. Sure, I'd stick my dick in just about any willing mouth - again, I had kind of a reputation, and the cocksuckers, male and female, were always eager to see if it was true - but I'd never really considered any kind of relationship beyond simple sexual gratification. Having this fourteen year old fox's nose practically buried in my chest changed that line of thinking fairly quickly.

As soon as he realized that I wasn't whomever he'd been expecting, he blushed so deeply I could even see it through the russet fur on his face. I'd never been able to make Cassie blush, no matter how many horrible things I did to her, and he looked so much like her, that it was surprising to see. I mean, he looked enough like her, that he could easily pass for a younger, flat-chested version of her. His hair was a much lighter shade of brown, almost a dirty blond, and he kept it's shaggy length considerably shorter than Cassie's. For that matter, Daniel was a good six inches shorter than her too. Nevertheless, the fur pattern and colors, and his light, almost sky blue eyes were all the same.

After about ten seconds of being frozen, Daniel took a step back and adjusted his towel to make sure it wasn't about to slip down and reveal anything else. Meanwhile, I had to struggle to not to stare at the boy's lean body. My eyes kept trying to drift lower. Suppressing a familiar sexual urge while trying to process the new context, I forced my eyes to stay up, gave him an easy smile, then said. "Hey, is Cassie here?"

He swallowed and shook his head.

"How about your folks?"

He had the higher pitched kind of voice of a boy who had yet to feel the full effects of puberty, which made him seem even more like a girl. More than once, I had mistaken his voice for Cassie's over the phone. The first time had been especially awkward - here's a tip: don't start talking dirty over the phone until you're one hundred percent positive you're talking to the right person. After that, he had always been a little sheepish around me, and the sudden circumstances of our meeting here weren't helping that. Still, he managed to speak, albeit curtly. "They're out."

I said it before I even thought, "They left you here alone?"

The indignant look on his face immediately removed any remnant embarrassment from his body language. "I'm fourteen, it's not like I'm a kid. I'm fine by myself."

He looked like he wanted to say more but I held out my hand, "I didn't mean it like that, jeeze. I just figured they wouldn't have let your sister go along."

"Oh." He then stood up a little straighter in an obvious attempt to look a bit less like the kid he was, "Yeah, well. She said she had more important things to do than to babysit me, so I told her to fuck off and do whatever she wanted."

I had to suppress a smirk at the image of Daniel being so bold with 'her highness.' I was sure he was exaggerating, but the thought was still amusing. I was also sure that the "more important" thing being done was Marco Salvator, the dumb ox of a left tackle - no really, he was an ox, and he was about as sharp as a brick wall - she'd started fucking a few weeks earlier. Rumor was he was even bigger than I was, and Cassie was an unapologetic size queen. I'd seen the dude in the locker room, the rumors might have been true, though I'd never exactly lined us up to compare. Like I said before, I really didn't care, but I was amused that she thought she was being subtle. Half the school knew about it, mostly because Marco wouldn't stop talking about it.

I nodded and let my eyes wander a little. "Hmm. Well, look, my bike broke down," I said turning so he could see while I gestured to the Softail, "I think I can get it going again, but I don't have any tools on me. Think you could let me in your garage so I can use your dad's?"

Daniel looked around me at the bike, his eyes got a little wider. "Umm, sure. That would be cool. Let me get dressed." The fox turned around and left the door open as he made a beeline down the hallway and into his room. I shut the front door after stepping inside the Troys' living room. I'd never been around the house when it was empty, usually Cassie kept at my heel. I'd never really tried looking around. Hell, I didn't know much more about her family besides names. Mrs. Troy was a teacher at the middle school, and Mr. Troy worked at a garage attached to one of the gas stations off the interstate. They all seemed to be pretty nice, and considering the rumors that had to be flying around about their daughter, quite polite to me.

The house was a quaint little ranch that had probably been built in the 1960s. The furniture and décor was a bit outdated, but it was all well-cared for and quite tidy. Sticking my hands in my letterman jacket, I decided I wasn't content to just wait there in the living room. I tried not to walk too loudly, but given how heavy my boots were, it was kind of hard to do that while still moving quickly enough to get the peek I wanted. Still, I somehow managed. Or maybe, in retrospect, the kid just didn't think I could have any suspect motivation behind following him to his room. I managed to time things just perfectly, and Daniel was sliding a tight pair of boxer-briefs up over his cleft when I stepped into the room. He blushed again when he noticed me, but didn't say anything as he quickly grabbed a pair of nylon gym shorts from the floor and a brown t-shirt from his bed, which had the logo of some band I can't remember. I figured I had caught him about to get in the shower, but as I sniffed tentatively at the room, I realized I'd probably interrupted a nice afternoon jerk off. Poor kid. Under his pillow, I also spotted some kind of blue fabric barely visible under the corner.

The pattern on the fabric looked familiar, and I thought about looking closer, but the curiosity faded when he brushed past me in order to get to the door. "Come on," he said.

They didn't have an electric door, so we had to lift it manually. The sunlight poured into the garage that smelled like old motor oil and grease. I'd always enjoyed that smell in moderation, but the circulation provided by the light autumn breeze was still welcome. Mr. Troy was a mechanic, and a good one at that. He'd shown me his garage once before, and I'd been impressed by how organized and well-cared for everything was. It was no different today, and it only took me about five minutes to find the tools I needed.

At first I thought the reason Daniel was hanging around was just to keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't steal any of his dad's stuff. Judging by the kinds of guys Cassie usually dated, I wasn't surprised he was concerned, so I didn't think anything of it. Then he started helping. I mean, I don't even remember exactly what happened, but at some point I needed to find a different sized ratchet bit, and the kid had already found it for me. By the time I had the bike up and running, the kid was doing as much work as I was. It made sense, Daniel had probably been doing this kind of thing with his dad for a long time, but it surprised me how much he seemed to enjoy it. Anyway, Daniel ended up being a big help, and because of that, it only took me an hour or so to get the bike running again. I'd need to order a new part, but we'd managed to jury-rig something that would hold until then.

After we were done, the motor was rumbling once again, I really wanted to do something to thank the kid for helping me out. Since his parents weren't around, and Cassie was still probably getting her cunt plugged, I figured it wouldn't hurt anything to offer him a ride.

"Hey, you ever been on a bike?" I asked.

"Yeah, my dad used to take me out when he had his."

"You ever drive one?"

He looked a little more excited, but he managed to hide it pretty well. He crossed his arms and shook his head, "Nah, Mom would freak."

I offered him a half-smile and delivered the cliché line - though I still felt like a bad ass when I said it. "I won't tell her if you won't, come on."

I didn't want to let him drive on the streets, even if I wasn't concerned about him crashing into something, I didn't want to get in too much trouble if the sheriff happened to drive by or something. Besides, riding a bike down a house-lined street wasn't exactly thrilling. I thought he'd appreciate something a little more interesting, and since I spent way too much time on the back roads that led out to the farms around the town, I decided to take him to the spot where Cassie had decided to blueball me a few weeks earlier.

An hour later, he was tearing down a dirt road. The kid took to the bike like he'd been born on one. It was really something to see. I mean, it had taken me a good week of riding around before I was as comfortable as he seemed to be. He wasn't reckless, either. Most kids with this opportunity would probably have tried doing things like peeling out and popping wheelies, but I think he respected the fact that the bike wasn't his, or maybe that he was just new at this. I never once regretted letting him drive around on the thing. After an hour or so had passed I decided to put an end to it and took him back home. He clung pretty tight to me after that.

Now, here's where you're probably thinking I had already made plans to fuck the kid's brains out. The thought never crossed my mind - er, well, okay, that's not really true, but come on, I was sixteen. Seriously though, at the time I was mostly just thinking that hey, this must be what it's like to have a kid brother. Or at least pretty close. The point is, I wasn't looking to score with this kid. At the same time, I wasn't completely dense. I knew we had some kind of connection, and as I pulled up into the Troy's driveway, I decided that I wouldn't break things off with Cassie until I felt like I had a good handle on exactly what that connection was.

So things continued pretty much business-as-usual. I kept things going with Cassie, and kept fucking her in as many screwed up ways I could think up. Sometimes I could smell the other guys on her, and at least once she was still wet from what the last guy left behind. To be honest, the fact that she was such a whore just made it easier to fuck her the way she liked to be fucked, and in the end, it just made things hotter. In the meantime, I started going out of my way to be nice to Daniel whenever I saw him. Cassie was kind of a bitch to Daniel, and she would get upset if I ever paid him too much attention in front of her, but I made it a point of going out of my way to spend a few minutes catching up with him whenever I saw him. At the very least, I was sure to always say hello and ask what he'd been up to. Still, I figured it would be a little weird for me to start trying to hang out with him after school or something, so things never went beyond that until one weekend when Cassie's parents had gone out of town for their anniversary.

As a result, Cassie and Daniel were going to be by themselves all weekend, and Cassie, being the slut she was - and being completely enamored by the recent addition of anal sex to our play - pretty much invited me to stay over with them for the whole weekend.

You might be wondering where my own parents were in all this. Basically, they had adopted a relatively hands off approach when it came to raising me. They used to smack me around when I was being a prick, but once I hit puberty, that stopped. I never really got along with them, and they seemed pretty content to just let me do my own thing without asking too many questions. I helped with the work around the farm, and I know I did a good job of carrying my weight. In a silent exchange, they left me to my own devices. You might call that bad parenting, but I respect the way they let me just be my own person without trying to fuck with my life. I'm sure if I had ever done anything real bad - you know, something that got me arrested or something - it would have been an issue, but though I might have pushed my luck a few times, I never gave my folks any real reason to regret the latitude they gave me. As a result, staying at my girlfriends house for a weekend simply wasn't an issue. I didn't even tell my parents where I was going when I said I was going to be gone, but I figure at least my dad had a pretty good idea what was going on. Sometimes, I swear I'd catch him giving me this look like he was actually proud of me for being such a stud. Maybe it was my imagination, but sometimes I wonder how many of those rumors from school had gotten back to him.

Anyway, that Friday night I decided I was really gonna give it to Cassie. I knew about this weekend in advance and figured I'd saved up for a day or two so I could be sure to take complete advantage of the situation. Naturally, this meant that by the time school was out on Friday, I was about ready to explode from my pent up sex drive - hey, I was sixteen. I had Cassie ride in front of me from the school to her house, and I pretty much spent the entire trip grinding my hard dick against her. Between that, and the vibrations of the motorcycle, you can imagine that I wasn't feeling very patient by the time we pulled up to her house.

Her parents were already gone, and Daniel didn't get out of school for another hour or two, so as soon as we had shut the heavy front door behind us, I was already shoving the girl over the arm of the Troys' old couch. Cassie was wearing her cheerleading outfit like she always did on Fridays. It was supposed to be for school spirit, but I think the principal just enjoyed seeing all the cheerleaders walking around in miniskirts. Not like I was complaining. I flipped the pleated skirt up while wrapping one of my thick hands around the base of her tail. Not exactly feeling the compulsion to put up with foreplay, I tugged her thin blue and white panties down until they were stretched between her slightly spread thighs.

Hurriedly, I unbuttoned my fly with a quick tugging motion, and my hard dick was soon jutting out from the denim. I've always produced a lot of precum, and that day was no exception. I was drizzling enough of the thin slime that a few gossamer-thin strands were already falling to the floor. Without any further encouragement required, I pressed the broad head of my dick between the lips of the bitch's cunt and slipped in with one, practiced thrust.

Cassie let out a short, staccato gasp that would have given even the most humble of men a shiver of satisfaction. Naturally, the fact that I was finally balls-deep in the tight, wet cunt of my own personal slut only made things better. I held myself in her for about thirty seconds, just savoring the initial fluttering sensations before instinct, and outright desire forced me to move things to the next stage. Of course, Cassie wasn't content to just lay there now that she'd finally gotten the taste of dick she'd probably been craving all afternoon.

With effort, she managed to prop herself up against the cushions of the couch and start grinding herself against me. Not the type that couldn't take the hint, I grabbed her shoulders for support and leverage, and then started thrusting to my heart's content. It felt incredible, and I knew I wasn't going to last very long.

Now, before you go thinking that I'm somehow less of a man for already being close to cumming, there's a few things I should remind you of, just to make sure you know. First, I was fucking sixteen. Second, I hadn't nutted for days. Third, I'd been grinding up against this bitch for a good fifteen minutes. Fourth, by now, Cassie had gotten very good at figuring out just where and how to move in order to get me off the fastest. And finally, the bitch was already about to cum herself.

By the time I had finished my sixth or seventh thrust, she was squeezing so hard around me I could barely move, and she was dripping so much fluid I was sure it would end up staining something. I don't know why, but right then I happened to look up at just the right time to see a flash of red in the mirror over the hearth. And then I saw him. Outlined in the threshold of the dark hallway behind me, stood Daniel, who I later learned had stayed home "sick" since he knew his folks would be out of town. As he realized what he was seeing, his eyes grew wide and his mouth opened, though nothing came out. He was wearing a red hoodie and a pair of cargo shorts. He had likely come out to let Cassie know he was home. He never could have guessed that she'd be in such position less than a minute after coming through the door. I wasn't sure how well he could see things from that angle, but there was enough natural light from the windows that he could probably see enough to know exactly what was going on.

Knowing I only had seconds to make a decision, I figured I had two options. One, keep going, pretend I hadn't noticed, and hope the kid would have enough sense to back off - though the dawning look of terror on his face was quickly nixing that idea; his eyes were now focused on the mirror where he could no doubt see me looking back at him. Two, stop to acknowledge the kid and deal with the inevitable explosion. Cassie would be in a hissy all night if she knew Daniel had seen me fucking her. I didn't exactly savor either of those options, so I came up with another idea, keep going and somehow let the kid know it could be our little secret. He wouldn't want to deal with an incensed Cassie any more than I would. It really only took me about half-a-second to put the 'plan' into action. With a deliberate motion, I looked right into Daniel's eyes through the mirror and lifted my index finger to my muzzle. I offered him a coy half-smile and motioned with my head for him to back off. As soon as he realized what I meant for him to do, his body became less tense and he managed to stop looking like a deer in the headlights.

Cassie was pretty much gone at this point, but not wanting to take the risk of a loose floorboard or a squeaking door betraying what had jut happened, I decided to be absolutely sure she wouldn't notice. Roughly pushing her head back against the cushions, I pressed myself even tighter against her, then started driving into her as hard as I could. She'd been on the verge of orgasm for a good thirty seconds, and the sudden rough treatment was enough to send her over the edge. Her box clamped down on my shaft so tightly I had to strain to move, but the ample fluid and the determination to see this through long enough to give Daniel a chance to retreat kept me going. That's when I realized Daniel wasn't backing off all the way. He'd gone far enough back that no one would notice him unless they knew to look for him, but I could still make out his crouching form a few feet back into the hallway. He was watching intently, and though I couldn't see the fine detail, it was clear he was jerking himself off.

I don't know why, but that turned me on more than anything I'd done with Cassie since I'd known her. I knew I liked putting on a show, but something about the idea of this kid jerking off to the sight of me fucking his sister was so arousing it pushed me over the edge. With a cry loud enough to startle the little voyeur, I emptied my nuts into the vixen's pussy, my entire body twitching and convulsing in time to my ejaculation. This was probably one of the best orgasms of my life. I was sure my knees were going to buckle, so I had to lean against the couch. The old sofa slid forward a few inches from the added weight, but it was either that or fall down. When it was finally done, and Cassie was reduced to subdued whimpers, I finally pulled my cock out of her. There was a lewd popping noise as I stepped back to admire my handy work. Vaginal fluid ran down between her legs, but that was soon joined by the thick pearly product of my climax. Teasingly, I drew two fingers along her quivering thigh, taking most of my semen with them until I reached her swollen lips. She probably expected me to finger her, but instead I just kept going, letting one of my claws ever so lightly brush against her clit to elicit another squeal before my wet fingers found their way to the tighter hole under her tail. She barely had time to register what I was about to do before I was roughly driving both fingers into her. Though I could tell she had been about to tell me to stop and give her time to catch her breath, she started cumming again. That wasn't what I cared about though. I knew Daniel would have a good view of the entire thing, including her dripping pussy. I wanted him to see what I had done, and I wanted him to see what I could do. Smiling, I looked up in the mirror and offered him a knowing wink. That was apparently all he needed, as he too started shuddering. He was, thankfully, much quieter than his sister.

I kept finger-fucking Cassie's ass long enough for Daniel to clean himself off and slink back to his room. That was also long enough to get me hard again, so when I withdrew my fingers, I immediately replaced them with my dick. Cassie certainly didn't object.

Though we did manage to make it up to the bedroom at some point, the rest of the night was pretty much more of the same. Once it was clear Daniel was home (he faked coming in through the front door about the time he'd normally be home from school), we took a break for a few hours while Cassie ordered pizza. We ate and watched half of a movie on HBO before she started feeling me up. My dick, ever the trooper, was quick to respond. Though I tried not to look, I couldn't help but notice Daniel's wandering eyes and the frequent tenting between his legs while I made out with his sister. At first, I thought he was admiring Cassie, but when I caught him looking between my legs once and saw him blush, it became clear he'd been staring at me. For the first time, I realized that Daniel had a crush on me. More strange than that was the realization that I didn't mind. If anything, it was flattering. The younger fox was just as pretty as Cassie, and nowhere near as much of a bitch.

At some point, Cassie made a halfhearted attempt to encourage Daniel to go to a friend's house for the night, but his friends were, according to him, all out of town for the long weekend. The vixen was irritated for all of about ten minutes before I had slipped a hand under her shirt as a subtle reminder that his presence wouldn't change what we had planned for the rest of the night. We didn't even make it to the end of the movie before we were back in her room. At one point, as I realized how loud her headboard could be while it smacked the wall behind it, I felt a little bad for Daniel, who would undoubtedly have a hard time ignoring what was going on. It was particularly bad since his room was right next to hers. Fortunately for him, even Cassie had her limits, and by the time midnight came around, the vixen was out cold.

I was pretty wiped too, but Cassie was about as selfish sleeping as she was awake. She sprawled across her entire full-sized bed at an angle that pretty much made it impossible for me to actually have more than half my body in the bed in any one place. I could have slept on top of her or something, but I'd have been sore in the morning, and really, she wasn't worth that. Besides, I knew there was a perfectly good bed going to waste just down the hall. So I fumbled around in the dark until I'd found my jeans, then quietly excused myself and made my way down the dark, carpeted hallway to the master bedroom.

In hindsight, it probably would have been smart to knock first. Maybe if I hadn't been so exhausted, I would have realized that I wasn't the only one thinking the master bedroom was a great alternative to uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.

When I opened the door, there was a dull light coming from the adjoining bathroom, made brighter by the mirrored sliding closet doors. Cassie's parents kept a long dresser against one wall with a large television on top. A comfortable-looking, king-sized bed took up the majority of the remaining space, though a small nightstand stood adjacent. The drawer was open. In the middle of the comfy looking bed was the fourteen year old brother of the girl I'd just spent half the night fucking.

He was laying on his back, with his ass propped up by a pillow. His legs were spread wide in the air, with his knees up to his chest, and dangling from one of his ankles was a tiny pair of silky, baby blue panties that he'd probably stolen from Cassie. He had one arm hooked up around his thigh, and was using one small, boyish hand to slowly guide a rather thick, blue, missile-shaped vibrator in and out of his stretched asshole; the white fluff of the underside of his tail was wet from liberal use of a water-based lubricant, and the tube was laying within arms reach. He was using his other hand to masturbate his modest, five-inch cock, which was slowly oozing precum onto his stomach.

Now, I know most people would have been mortally embarrassed to stumble across such a scene. Most guys would probably have just turned around and tried to leave without being noticed. The fact that Daniel had been in a very similar position only a few hours earlier wasn't lost on me either. The freshman was completely engrossed in the sensations he was giving himself, and the little gasps and moans he let out every time he pushed the vibrating toy into himself were, while muffled, far louder than any noise I had made coming into the room. Instead, my first real reaction was to stare in abject fascination while my cock immediately returned to life, despite the slight soreness from what I'd done with his sister.

It wasn't just the sight of the kid masturbating that turned me on, though that probably would have been enough. There was also an understanding that I was largely responsible for him being here like this. Before now, I had never exactly thought about being gay or straight. I just wasn't used to thinking about things with those kinds of labels. To be honest, at that point, I just liked having sex, the gender of the other person seemed inconsequential. But with my earlier conclusion that the fox had developed some kind of infatuation with me, I realized that the way I'd been treating him had likely seemed like the cruelest kind of teasing. The reason he'd skipped school, the reason he'd decided to stay in the house was just so he could have the chance to spend more time with me. And I had just spent hours making his sister scream while her bed creaked and thumped against the wall. Then there was the little show I had put on for him earlier. I'm not really the type of person who feels guilty very easily, but having been so oblivious to all of this made me feel like a complete asshole, and I resolved to make up for it.

Only half-conscious of my actions, I made my way towards the bed, the maroon plush carpet cushioning my footfalls. Daniel's eyes were closed, his mouth half agape as he continued driving the whirring phallus into his passage. With my ears perked, I could parse the wet sound of the lubrication being displaced by the invading plastic. I could smell his arousal, and though the scent of women had never really done anything for me, the unmistakable scent of the fox's arousal clouded my mind and made it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

Daniel's eyes shot open as I lifted one knee up onto the bed and climbed onto the mattress, a slight, groaning squeak announcing my entrance into the fox's fantasy world. There was an instant of panic, shock, and fear that took his expression, but it quickly vanished when I ran a heavy paw over his chest then leaned down to plant a deep, lustful kiss on his mouth. He clenched his jaw tightly at first, but as I settled my weight more fully onto him, he parted his lips with a high-pitched whine that was barely audible. After that, it was easy. We both wanted the same thing, and we each needed the other to get it.

I made out with the squirming, sex-drunk fox for a few minutes. He had stopped fucking himself with the dildo the second he had seen me, but when I gently placed my paw on top of his, he was eager to withdraw and let me take over. I pulled my tongue away from him then began licking along the side of his neck. With a firm grip and good leverage, I started pushing the blue toy in and out of him with a bit more depth and force than he'd been able to manage with the awkward angle. His response was rather immediate, as within thrity seconds he tensed up and started to cum. He wasn't even touching himself anymore. The first high-powered jet splashed against my shoulder, but the remaining four watery ropes landed on his abdomen. It wasn't the first time I'd seen another guy climax, but it was the first time I'd gotten any on me. I recognized that I should have found it gross or something, but instead, it just made me want to continue pleasing him. In hindsight, it was cruel of me to keep playing with the toy so soon after he came, but I was oblivious to how sensitive he would be after the climax.

Though Daniel tensed and shivered, low grunts escaping with each hurried exhalation while he clutched at his parent's bedsheets, he never told me to stop. Despite the overstimulation, his dick never softened, the vulpine knot continued to throb and pulse, and soon he was once again dripping precum. What had first been noises of discomfort and near pain soon turned back to those of need and pleasure. Then I knew he was ready.

I shoved the vibrator in and then stepped back from the bed to once again shed my jeans. Daniel looked to me, his eyes betrayed a confused need as they wandered over my body. His eyes widened with sudden recognition of what was about to happen. I knew he was afraid, just as surely as I knew he wouldn't try to stop me. My hard, black dick, with the scent of his sister's cunt still on it, drizzled pre onto the carpeted floor.

As soon as I had kicked my jeans out of the way, I hooked an arm around Daniel's thigh and pulled his thin frame around till his legs were up against my chest. The vibrator slid out of him along the way and the buzzing toy danced forgotten against the sheets until it settled a few inches away. I gripped the base of my swollen dick with my thick fingers and then pressed the bulbous head up under his balls. With my other hand, I reached over and grabbed the little bottle of lube and squirted a thick glob right where my flesh met his. He gasped from the sudden cold, but that was quickly replaced by a much sharper intake when I started to enter him.

The toy had certainly stretched him out, but the tapered plastic had been much gentler than the real thing. Naturally, I didn't really care. The second I felt that tight, velvety glove bearing down on my shaft, I stopped caring about much of anything. Down the hall, my slut of a girlfriend was still snoring, my last load probably still drying as it dribbled from her own stretched ass, completely oblivious to the fact that I was taking her kid brother's virginity. And God, he was tight. I thought Cassie's ass had been tight the first time I fucked it, but I knew if I ever had to choose between one or the other, Daniel would win without a second thought.

A few tears ran from the corners of his eyes as I slowly sank my shaft into his body, and he bit his bottom lip hard to keep from crying out from the sensations. If it had been a few years later, I probably would have been a lot more careful to take my time, but at that point, I just didn't care. All I wanted to do was fuck. I peered down to my shaft, admiring how large my organ looked as it speared into the fox's petite backside, and then I felt the incredibly satisfying sensation of my balls impacting against his ass cheeks. I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath, but I exhaled shakily. I looked down, my green eyes meeting the fox's blue. My question was silent, as was his answer. He smiled at me, a gesture made even more sincere by tightness around his eyes. There was no question about whether he wanted me to continue. Naturally, I didn't need the encouragement, but something about the way he looked at me caused a shiver to run up my spine. I could suddenly feel my heart beating faster in my chest. With a low snarl I once again wrapped both arms around his thighs, and then I started to hump the fourteen year old as hard and fast as I had ever fucked his sister.

Daniel tilted his head back and tightened his grip on the sheets. My weight was pushing hard enough against him to force him back on the bed, but like the good slut that he was, he used the grip I had on his thighs as leverage to push himself right back down on the object of his desire. Eventually, he was able to match my rhythm, and within minutes he was grinding up against me as much as I was thrusting into him. He even started using his tail to lightly tickle my balls, enticing them to give up whatever they had left. It was pretty convincing.

I folded Daniel's legs back as I hunched over him more fully. The new angle allowed me to penetrate the boy with even more force, and the bed's symphony of squeaking springs was soon joined by the light tapping of the headboard against the wall. A small part of me wondered what would happen if Cassie heard and walked in on us, but I resolved without hesitation that I wouldn't even miss a thrust for it. Let her be a nosy cunt, it didn't matter. Hell, the thought of being caught was just made me want to fuck Daniel harder. And I did.

At some point, Daniel came again, and I'll be honest, I didn't even notice until the scent of fresh semen hit my nose. Sure, he clenched down tighter and worked my shaft, but he was already so tight, it didn't really click. He didn't say anything, and though he twisted and moaned from the pleasure, then the overstimulation, I had no idea that anything had changed. His slim penis had finally softened after the second orgasm, but it didn't stop him from meeting my every thrust as best he could.

It didn't take long after that. The sounds, smells, and sights were all working in concert to coax whatever emergency sperm my balls had been saving. Thank God for teenaged labidos. I panted and snarled through my climax, which was almost painful in its intensity. I only slowed my thrusting when the last few shudders of pleasure had run their course. I panted softly above him, penis still twitching deep inside his body. I could feel my own fluids trying to escape through the tight seal of my cock still filling his anus.

When we had both caught our breath, Daniel just looked up at me with a tired but happy smile on his face. "Will," he said my name breathlessly, "Thanks..."

After that night, Daniel and I fooled around a few times a week, at least until I moved away from home. I dated Cassie for a few more weeks, but I dumped her the next time she refused to put out. That same night, I fucked Daniel over my motorcycle on the side of that same country road I'd taken him out on a few weeks earlier. We still talk regularly, and whenever we're both in town, we always take the time to meet up and reminisce about old times. He still likes me to take him out on that road and fuck his brains out.

Cassie wound up marrying another wolf who managed to knock her up about a year after I dumped her. Last time I was in town, I saw her at one of the local diners. She'd aged as well as her mother, and though she was no longer the sixteen year old cheerleader I'd debauched so many years earlier, she was still attractive. Her husband had turned into a stereotypical dad, beer gut, wife beater, and all. She had four kids at the table with her, and judging by her bulging stomach, she was a few months away from having a fifth. She got this sad look on her face when she made eye contact with me and realized who I was. For my part, I took a long look at her husband. He was shorter than me, and his fur was a lot lighter, but we could still have been related. I don't want to say he looked miserable, but he did look tired. There was no excitement in his eyes, no joy at the possibility of what the future would bring. His life was already written. When I saw him, I couldn't help but wonder: Was it just fate and wanderlust that had been kept me from falling into the trap of a "normal" life in my hometown? I couldn't help but picture myself as the other wolf, and all I could think was how miserable a life like that would be. Maybe that's not fair, seems like most folks don't have an issue when it comes to settling down, but that life's never been for me.

So, after my parents and I finished dinner, they went home. I was ready to start the long, boring drive back to the city myself, but instead I walked to the bar across the street and ordered a drink. And no, it wasn't some alcoholic attempt to drown my sorrows. Cassie and her husband had made their own beds, and I'd made mine. If mine happened to be a hell of a lot more exciting, well, that isn't something to be sad about; it was something to celebrate. Basically, life was good.

I Came to Myself within a Dark Wood

## "I Came to Myself Within a Dark Wood" by Brathor (c) 2006 **Notes:** This story is intended for an adult audience, if you are underage, please don't read it. The events and characters portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Please do not...

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Why I Like Whiskey

## Why I like Whiskey By Brathor (c) 2005 **Notes** : The characters portrayed in this story are completely fictional. Any resemblance to existing characters or people is purely coincidental. Further this story is of an adult nature and is...

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Night Life

## Night Life Brathor ![/></p> <p><span style=](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/El8OxXiPn6ffprPOml7bl012JxHTZPVky-5LVa_F9NC7sXNdP2VXo3IA8ZdtvrbcNPqFegebKsO5afwlVEGOOO2T36X1Ih3V2HU4TIsgvwmwtQ8I6WY) **Notes** : This story is intended for an adult...

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