Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 106: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven- We Found Another Heaven

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#106 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex decided to return to journaling three months after the residents of the Lost City fled Counter Earth for the Chado's planet. Up first was how he and Shira reunited a wayward otter pup to her mother and tried to convince their friends to aid them in evacuating the colony....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 106: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven- We Found Another Heaven

Ok, where was I? Right, the big evacuation plan for the Lost City. Step one, return Tippi to her mother. Step two, as a thank you gesture Tippi's mother's friends allow us use of their hover vehicles to evacuate our colony. Step three, form a caravan load up everyone from the Lost City and travel to the space-gate. Step four, activate the space-gate, leave Counter Earth and start our lives over on another planet, in a distant galaxy far far away from ONE, TWO and the monster king.

Well, that was the plan but Shira and I couldn't even get past the second step.

Day 209 continued (3:43 PM, The Nexus)

"But why mom?" The young brown otter asked on our behalf.

"I have my reasons." Acala said cryptically.

"It is complicated." Mr. Xava said, petting her on the head.

"Mr. Alex, Ms. Shira, thank you for returning my daughter to me." The brown she otter said to the two of us.

"Come along Tippi your mother and I would like to hear more about your forbidden grand adventure." Acala's boyfriend ordered his eyes turning a deep shade of black.

"That was rather abrupt." I responded as the three otters departed the beach for the forest.

Shira and I were flabbergasted.

"They really like it here?" The female warrior asked the brunette human female and her hyena companion.

"Shira, it isn't just them." The hyena said.

"I am inclined to agree." The she cervine said gently.

"Yup, yup hard pass." The puma added piling on.

"Did we spring too much on you all too quickly?" I asked startled.

"No, we have grown to love this place." The jackal said. "Thanks but no thanks."

"You do understand that you won't be safe from the forces that are reshaping the planet right now?" The saber tooth tigress asked, trying to bring everyone present back into reality.

"It doesn't matter. We are happy here Alex, Shira." Doria said smiling.

The eight of them turned us down cold.

"We will be back." I said grabbing Shira's paw. We made our way back to the blue coupe and sat down inside as Dongo, Doria went back to staring at the ocean and Alboa, Dom and Titanous played their board game.

*Mr. Winter, Ms. Shira, how did it go?*

"It didn't." The female barbarian admitted.

"It should have been a slam dunk, but it was like we were speaking to deaf ears. So what do we do now?"

The tigress face planted her head onto the dashboard and thought for a moment.

"Let's investigate. Let's find out why they think this place is so great."

*Perhaps in doing so you can find out what they are lacking.*

"Exactly Overwatch, perhaps if we can't convince them to leave we can barter with them and offer some sort of trade." Shira said.

"I would strongly suggest starting with Titanous; I think he likes you." I said staring at her.

"Hmm..." The tigress replied.

"I will visit with Dongo and Doria. Overwatch check in with the Lost City, let them know we have run into some complications."

*I am unable to comply Mr. Winter. We are too far away from our communication network.*

"Very well engage the surveillance probe and run continuous scans of this place." I said making a frown.

"Something wrong Alex?" The female warrior asked.

"Maybe. If this place is so perfect why didn't the High Evolutionary make it part of his empire?"

"Astute observation." The female warrior responded.

*tap* *tap*

"Everything okay Alex?" A blushing hyena asked looking inside the blue coupe.

I glanced at the saber toothed tigress.

"Performance time." She said, stepping out of the copilot seat. "Titanous. What is that game you are playing? Can I join?"

"Yeah. I was trying to check in with our colony. I wasn't having any luck because we are so far away."

"Well I am surprised, will you look at the tech in this vehicle." Mr. Dingo said staring. "Three monitors, no four monitors, a keyboard and a weird antenna on the roof."

"This used to be a surveillance vehicle for the knight core." I replied, stepping out.

"Now we use it as a run-about. Dongo, here have a seat." I said helping my friend sit down behind the steering wheel. "I want to show you something."

I moved over to the passenger seat and started typing on the copilot monitor and keyboard.

"While running around we recorded some images of what was left of the High Evolutionary's cities after the fall. Would you like to see?"

The hyena nodded without hesitation.

"This is what World Five looks like." I said pressing a button. World Three, World Four, World One and finally World Two."

Dongo's mouth dropped open at the images of destruction and decimation. I had to close it for him.

"What happened to World Two?"

"Destroyed by numerous tornadoes. Only one block of the city remains intact. It is protected by a resistance movement which is fighting against numerous factions, good and bad trying to gain control over what is left."

"And the remaining cities have fallen as well." Mr. Dingo said quietly.

"To the entity that ended the empire eight months ago. It is expanding its power and influence and what you see here is the result. At some point in time it will cross this great body of water and do the same here." I said to him gently.

"I am not worried Alex."


"This place is magical; it is all we will ever need." The hyena said blushing.

"Everything ok babe?" The brunette lounging in a sun chair asked her hyena.

"Yeah, I was about to show Alex around." Dongo said a little nervously.

"Well don't take long we have our thing this afternoon." She said cryptically.

"Say what happened to Shira, Aboa, Dom and Titanous?" I asked, noticing we were the only ones on the beach.

"They went to the jungle to fetch some water. Then they were going to look at the cacti in the desert, then go rock climbing in the steppes and sledding in the mountains. They should be back by evening."

"I can't believe you said that just so casually." I replied.

(Are all those environments that near to the beach?)

"You are going to love it Alex, this place is wondrous and magical." Doria said reconfiguring her chair into a table on which she could sunbathe. "It is all we ever need."

"Yeah so I have heard." I mumbled as Dongo grabbed my hand.

"Now over here are the hover vehicles we arrived in. Doria and my utility vehicle, Aboa and Dom's RVs and Titanous' vehicle which is a mixture of both."

Dongo took me inside Aboa's motorhome. It was literally a house on wheels!

"Now here you have your kitchen with some amenities, notice the foldable table. Over here is the dining room/great room which accommodates about eighteen. It is great for parties." The hyena said as we moved through a lush beige interior accented by plush furniture, rugs, pictures. And here are the bedrooms where we sleep."

There were two separate sleeping quarters up front, and to the rear of the RV. They looked cramped but cosy.

The former leader of the consortium then took me to Dom's motorhome, the interior was similar, but the furniture was dark brown and even more homely.

The RVs were amazing! They were everything we needed to move the residents of the Lost City to the space-gate.

"Amazing! How did Aboa and Dom acquire these?"

"Oh that. They sold these for a living or rather used to." Dongo said as we went inside Titanous' utility vehicle which had a small RV unit on it. "I was thinking about buying one for Doria as well but couldn't decide if we needed something full size or like this."

"This is nice too, but is a bit smaller. So what do you do about food?" I asked the hyena.

"We fish from the ocean, lakes and streams. Collect fruits from the plants trees and drinking water from the rainforest. It is kind of like we are on permanent vacation."

"Wow, this is better than our set up- you have REAL amenities, a variety of environments for activities, a stable food supply and NOTHING trying to hunt, maul, murder, kill or possess you! I would stay here too!" I admitted as we exited and returned to the beach.

(Wait, did I say that?)

"Here, have a seat Alex." Doria ordered.

I grabbed a white, blue and red deck chair and took a seat next to Dongo's squeeze. Apparently this time period after the empire had been good to both her and lover. There wasn't a wrinkle or stress mark on her face, her copper skin was smooth from her arms, legs right down to her pleasant bosom, trim waist and groin with just a patch of pubic hair that was the same color as the hair on her head. It was then that I realized that Doria had just casually disrobed in front of me! I looked over and the hyena was in the process of removing his shirt and shorts as well.

"Um, guys what is going on?" I asked turning a bright shade of red seeing my friends completely naked.

"It is our thing that we do, you know, our play date. You do remember that don't you?" Doria said smiling.

"Play date. Hmm... where you act out a scene from your favorite story whether it was from a novel, movie or hub series!"

"Exactly right Alex." The hyena said fidgeting.

"So you kept that up for the last eight months?"

"Actually it was my idea Alex. There isn't much in the form of entertainment here, other than what we make ourselves." The hyena said nervously.

"Care to participate?" Doria asked, blinking her eyelashes at me. I was actually looking at another set of 'eyes' the areola rings around her nipples.

(Sigh, anything for the cause.)

"Um sure." I replied.

"Great put this on!"

(A toga?!)

The female human and hyena did the same. Soon we were all dressed in some weird period pieces of clothing.

"So what scenes are we acting out today babe?"

"How about the Debtor and His Lover?"

"Oh I love that one!" The hyena said smiling. I noted Dongo's tail was also wagging.

"I never heard that one." I said quietly.

"It is one of the finest masterpieces of Counter Earth literature." Dongo said. "One second." He darted inside one of the RVs and returned with three pads. "Here you can play the debt collector."

(Um okay.)

And so...

"Doriah, Doriah you know I long to be by your side, near you, with you!" The hyena said kneeling.

"Clarion, don't turn this into one of your perverted jokes." Doria, I mean Doriah said pushing the smirking hyena away.

"No my love I want to be with you forever and ever. I am so into you, I can't think of nothing else! If I ever fall out of love with you, I will still stay by your side as your servant, taking care of all of your needs be they great or very small until the very end of time."

(Man, that dialogue was so cheesy- the only thing it was missing was crackers!)

That was when I noticed the couple had stopped and were looking right at me.

"The only thing you are going to be near is prisoners!" I said reading my lines from the pad.

"Clarion you are a debtor?"

"Yes Doriah. I owe a lot to many."

"Very many." I hissed grasping Dongo, I mean Clarion, by the scruff of his neck. "He won't be seeing you for some time, I am afraid."

"Doriah, I will make my way back to you however long it takes please wait for me!!!"

"That is going to be a very, very, very, very, very long time." I said reading the closing line of the scene. "This is considered great literature?!"

"Alex! Don't break character!" Doria said berating me. "Let's do scene two act one!!"


Dongo and Doria re-enacted every scene from that book for the next two hours!!! TWO FREAKING HOURS!!! I went along with it because I wanted to appease my friends who I hadn't seen in some time.

(Yeah, I am a glutton for punishment.)

It was around 5:43 PM when Acala, Tippi and Xava returned from their walkaround. I thought that I would receive a respite. But you know what? They joined it. It might have well been a stage production right then and there on the beach!!!

"Doriah my love I have returned!!"

"I always knew you would, my love!!! But how? Have you paid your debts?"

"Well not exactly."

"Then how is it that you managed to return to me?!

"Let's just say those that I am indebted to have been taken care of."

"My throat! It has been slit." Tippi said hamming it up.

"I have been stabbed!! What a world-a-world!!!" Acala said, feeding off her daughter's performance.

"And the warden's been..." Mr. Xava exclaimed.

"Hey are you guys acting out your favorite stories again?" Aboa said returning.

"It looks like the Debtor and His Lover." Dom added.

"That is a pretty good story. What act are you on?" Titanous asked.


Shira read my pained expression and nudged her jackal guide.

"On second thought everyone ready for dinner?"

"Mr. Alex, Ms. Shira, I know that I didn't properly thank you for returning my daughter to me, but could you stay for dinner?" Acala asked.

Tippi put her paws together as if she was begging us. Looks like she had had a intense conversation with her mother and Mr. Xava.

Dinner was unbelievable- homemade pizza with marinara, roasted peppers, roma tomatoes, red onions, olives, mushrooms and pepperoni it was served in Aboa's RV. The ten of us sat around her kitchen table. The otters were to my left, Dongo and Doria were in front of me. Shira to my right and the cervine, puman and jackal were next to her.

"Alex and Shira please forgive me for my abruptness." Mr. Xava said. "Tippi told me all about her grand adventure and why you are here."

"She speaks very highly of you two and the rest that she met in your colony." Acala said. "Apparently, life there has been quite difficult, a struggle even."

"That is a gross understatement mom. It is harder there than here." The otter girl said. "I am starting to realize that now. I am sorry for running away."

"So you have changed your answer?" I asked the grey he otter.

He traded glances with the rest of his fellow colonists.

"I am sorry Alex." The brunette female sitting next to her hyena said.

"What about just borrowing the RVs, we could compensate you for their use?"

"Sorry but the answer is still no, they are our living quarters." Aboa replied gently.

"There is really nothing you could barter with either. This place has all we will ever need; it is magical." The puma replied.

"So I have heard."

"So what mischief did you three get into with our guest? Doria asked.

"Oh a little of this and a little of that." Titanous said, taking the saber tooth tigress' paw.

"Alex we went to a hot spring in the jungle and relaxed. It was so beautiful and serene. Better than the one near my home!" Shira exclaimed.

"Then we took her through the desert to watch cacti. It was really hot there today." Dom said proudly.

"Then we went hiking in the steppes." The cervine said.

"And we concluded by sledding in the mountains." The jackal said.

"You forgot the massive snowball fight afterwards. You all are quite correct this place is beyond incredible!" The female barbarian said.

"Why don't you join us permanently?" The male otter asked.

"You know, I think I will. This place is truly magica!"


When we finished dinner it was about 8 PM and the sun was setting. Aboa cleared the table. Acala helped wash the dishes. Everyone else decided to play Boggle. It is a game in which players have to write down as many words they can form based on randomized letters appearing in a cube shaped grid in a certain amount of time. It was quite challenging because the words had to be in Animalian.

"And I win again!!!" The little brown she otter shouted at her fellow contestants 70 points."

"She got me." Titanous said.

"And me." Shira added.

"Probably because you are getting tired." Mr. Xava added we should probably turn in for the night."

"I guess I should be going then. I have a long trip back to my colony." I said standing from the table.

"Nonsense. Why don't you stay the night?" The male otter asked me.

"Well, it is dangerous to be anywhere at night in the former kingdom because of the monster situation."

"Stay then. You will find that this place is all you will ever need." The grey otter said smiling.

"Stay the night? Ok." I felt myself say without hesitation.

"Let's see sleeping arrangements..." Doria said.

"I can put up the tiger lady in my camper." The jackal said. "I promise I don't bite, but I sure hope you do gorgeous."

"Tippi, Acala and Xava can sleep in my RV tonight." The puma offered.

"And I can put Alex up in my RV with Dongo and Doria."

The accommodations were a little cramped but the beds were so soft. I ended up sharing with the cervine who went out of her way to make me feel welcomed.

The moon was bright, the temperature warm and I fell asleep listening to the waves splashing along the shore.

During the night I was awakened by Aboa's embrace. As I moved her arm back onto her side of the bed, I noticed motion from the other RV, Tippi's mom and her boyfriend had left for a moonlit stroll on the beach.

It started to see why this place, this nexus was better than all of the former cities of the empire!

Day 210 [August 6th] 7:35 AM Nexus Beach

*Morning Mr. Winter and Ms. Shira. How is the mission progressing?*

"It is not Overwatch." Shira said standing on the passenger side of the blue coupe as I approached the driver side.

"It ended in failure." I added.

*Oh dear, our leadership was depending on access to those RVs and utility vehicles. So what are you going to do now?*

"We have a new mission. Well you do." I said staring at the vacant pilot seat and copilot seat.

*What is that Mr. Winter?*

"Assume control of the prototype, return to the lost city and tell the leadership that our mission was a failure and that Shira and I are sorry."

*But what about the two of you?*

"We have decided to stay." The saber tooth tigress said.

*Stay? But why?*

"This place is magical." I replied to the automated assistant.

"That's right it is all we will ever need." Shira responded.

*Mr. Winter? Ms. Shira?*

"Overwatch you have your orders, now carry them out. Oh and tell Lady Ursa and Shakara that I am sorry."

The saber tooth tigress and I watched as the blue coupe engaged its hover mode- the stabilizer wing expanded from the rear of the vehicle, the wheels folded underneath the frame as it levitated toward the sky and just like that it was gone.

"Well it is done." I said smiling.

"It is, say why don't you join me at the hot springs this afternoon?" Shira asked her fangs glistening in the morning sunlight.

"I would but I just realized, what I am wearing is all I have; I didn't bring a change of clothes."

"I guess you will have to improvise then." Shira said, winking at me as we headed to the RVs for breakfast. Shira was smiling.

1:36 PM The Nexus Jungle hot springs.

" then Titanous growled at me to stop stealing the covers he was getting cold. I told him if he didn't sleep in the nude he wouldn't be cold in the first place." Shira said laughing.

"So did you give them back?"

"I made him come over to my side of the bed and one thing led to another and..."

"I got the picture Shira. It is great to see that you are in a relationship." I said looking around at the jungle canopy.

"I learned a bit more about him last night Alex."

"For instance?"

"That black patch of fur stops at the small of his back and tail. The rest of him is tannish- brown including his bottom, penis and testicals!" The tigress said as I blushed and crossed my legs in the pond so she could not look at mine. "Too much?"

"A bit much- yeah." I replied.

"Alex do you think we made the right decision?"

"I think so. I mean look at this place!! Coming here was like stepping right out of the darkness and into the light; I could use a permanent vacation for the rest of my life. So what do you want to do next?"

"Why not go for a swim?"

"Um nothing to wear, remember?" I said reminding her.

"I know." She said eyeing my groin.

I spent the afternoon with Shira, Titanous and Aboa swimming in the ocean. The cervine and jackal opened up my eyes to another world just below the water. It was another frontier to explore- numerous fish and plant life all oblivious to what was happening above them.

We rejoined the rest of the group for dinner and a little story telling on the beach as the sun set:

"Everyone please close your eyes. Now imagine a vast forest surrounded by hills which turn into mountains. There is not another soul around for miles save for a human couple who are hiking through this vast expanse of lush greenery."

"Duran, you've been very quiet is everything ok?" Mary asked as she watched her boyfriend pitch their tent at the base of some tall trees.

"Yeah, Mary. It is just that I have never been in the wilderness before. This is sort of new to me, so is camping. I am not sure about this! If we run into trouble we are pretty much on our own."

"That is the way I like it babe, but don't worry we will be alright. But we should settle in before nightfall though." The brunette said to her boyfriend.

"That is right, that is when the feral and rabid creatures come out to feed. Oh geez, I wish I hadn't said that!!!"

"Hey, hey, it is okay babe you have nothing to worry about."

Duran finished the tent then and set up the couple's sleeping bags. The two climbed in and ate their dinner of sausage, beans and rice deciding to cuddle afterwards.

Duran embraced Mary, he listened to the sounds of the forest at night- the wind rustling, the leaves blowing, moose snorting, owls calling and wolves howling in the distance.

"That sounded awfully close!!" He said to his girlfriend.

"There is nothing to fear babe."

"How do you know that? One of them forest critters could dine on us while we are sleeping!!"

"Do not fear dearest, I will protect you." Mary said rubbing her check against Duran's. He noticed that she felt very warm.

"And how do you know that?"

"Well, I have a secret I have been meaning to tell you." Mary said breaking his embrace. She stood up and started disrobing right in front of him! First her yellow shirt, then brown shorts, the socks, undershirt and white underwear until she was stark naked.

"Mary what are you doing?! Not that I don't mind, mind you."

"It will make what I have to tell you a little easier." She said sitting down next to her boyfriend and hugging him. "It also cuts down on the amount of clothes I will have to replace."

"Replace?!" Duran said as she casually reached for a latern in the corner and turned it on, illuminating the tent.

"Duran, I am a were."

"Aware of what?" Her boyfriend asked dumbfounded.

"Not aware you goof- a were."

"Mary there is no such thing! It is hooey, folklore." Duran said as his girlfriend pulled him close. She then presented her right hand which started growing and elongating right in front of him!!

Duran grasped it watching her skin ripple and bubble as brown fur erupted from it. He turned over the emerging paw to see claws extending from what used to be her fingernails!!

"How do you explain that sweetie?" Mary asked as her voice deepened.

"It must be a trick of the light!!" Mary released her hold onto Duran, turned him to face her, she then placed both of her paws on either side of his head and bent him down to see the brown fur wash over her chest, covering her nipples and expanding down to her groin and legs.

"And this?" Mary moaned as her transformation progressed. It was painful but she pushed through it.

"It must have been something I ate, that's right something is not agreeing with me!" This is not happening! I am not seeing this!"

The transforming were lifted her lover's face upward to meet her own.

"Oh it is happening!!! But your denial is so cute."

Mary made Duran watch the last phase of her transformation, her nose and mouth elongated into a snout with sharp teeth, her ears stretched becoming more canid and a brown bushy tail extended from the base of her spine.

"That's riiiiight!" Mary exclaimed as her transformation finished. "So Duran honey you are a logical person. Explanation?"

"I can't explain what I just witnessed or how it even happened." Duran mumbled as the were-creature pounced on him.

"It is not that hard Duran. I am a were." Mary said looming over her lover.

"Since when?"

"Since forever. I could never figure out the right time to tell you until now."

"Hence the camping trip in the middle of nowhere. How could you be sure I wouldn't reject you?"

"You could try love- but I would have hunted you down." Mary said locking lips with her human. "Besides, your perception of reality was rather narrow and needed a little widening."

"You weren't lying when you said that you would protect me from the night creatures. Mary the werewolf."

"Were-coyote actually."


"And my pack is coming to eat you." The were said licking her chops.


"I mean to meet you babe. I still have a little trouble with your language."

"And Mary made sure that Duran's camping trip to the forest was a very special one that he soon would not forget." Doria said concluding her story.

"Nice story." Mr. Xava said to our story teller.

"Well told Doria." Tippi said, applauding.

"Where did you get the idea?" Dom asked the female brunette.

"Let's just say that it was inspired." She said kissing, a certain hyena who blushed heavily.

11:03 PM Aboa's RV

"So how was your second day here in the Nexus?" The female cervine asked as she bid good night to the otters and led me into her sleeping quarters.

"Unbelievable. It is hard to image that places like this still exist." I said removing my shirt and pants and sitting down on her bed.

Aboa did the same but did not stop... at all. "You know Alex, Doria's story inspired me too as well. I mean you probably left a lot behind to join our little group. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make the transition more palatable." The female deer then turned around after disrobing, showing me her tan fur and her white underbelly which flowed right to the tip of her tail.

"I will keep that in mind." I said gulping.

"I see you have some experience with these types of things. Most males would completely lock up at seeing a beautiful nude, on her bed... in her bedroom." She said.

"I have been in situations like this before, voluntary and not voluntary. I do need to tell you that I am spoken for though."

"Do you miss her?"

"My lovers?"

"You have more than one?" The nude cervine asked resting her paw on my chest.

I nodded.

"How interesting. Where do I rank in all of this Mr. Winter?" Aboa asked innocently.

"Well let's just say that just because I am on a diet, it doesn't mean I can't look at the menu. Now come here." I said grinning devilishly.

Aboa and I spent half of the night talking. I told her about Lady Ursa, Shakara and the odd circumstances in between that led me to being seduced by Ember, Bertha, Spirit and Demona.

She reciprocated by telling me about a relationship she was in with a centaur reporter from the hub; Newton Leaf. It was a steady and strong relationship until one day after covering a hostage event in World One, he became disinterested and ended their relationship.

"Alex, it was like he became a different person altogether!"

"Well, um, that is because he kinda did Aboa."

And so I told her the rest of the story. She took it well. She despises rebels now.

Day 211 [August 7th] 6:15 AM Aboa's RV

"...full disclosure Mr. Winter, can these breasts compete with the ones you've seen before?"


"So you did take notice!"

"Tear drop shaped, slightly athletic. Nice, but Aboa don't compare yourself to other females. Body type means nothing about the kind of person you are inside. Everyone is beautiful in their own way." I said as she smiled and climbed on top of me like a vulture looking at is prey.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Tippi shouted from the rear of the other RV. Aboa and I heard sneezing and a lot of coughing. Loud coughing.

The cervine and I quickly dressed and then tapped on to the window of the otter's sleeping unit.

"Hey, everything ok in there?"

Xava, answered the door. "Acala may have caught a chill from our night time stroll." The grey otter said, his eyes a deep shade of black.

"I can help. I am a medic." I said trying to be useful.

"But you can't Mr. Alex you left your medkit in the back of the blue coupe which you sent back to the Lost City." The little she otter said, staring me down.

"That's right I did."

"Mr. Xava's our group's healer." The she cervine beside me said.

"Headache and a little fever. She is going to need some salicin; it is made from the bark of willow trees." The male otter said as we gathered around Acala's bedside.

"I think that we are out of that." Aboa commented.

"I remember seeing willow trees where the prairie ends and the rainforest begins. I will go and grab some." I said volunteering.

"You seem to forget that you aren't exactly a big fan of the forest are you Alex?" Tippi said teasing me.

"That's right, I will see if Shira wants to accompany me. Aboa see if you can help these three until I return."

I roused the reluctant she tigress from her jackal and the two of us walked to the nexus' rainforest.

"Over there Alex."

"Willow tree!" I said running toward it.

"You know what salicin is right?" The female barbarian asked.

"It is an alternative to aspirin which is a good pain reliever for Acala's headache and fever." I replied collecting a sample from a moderate size looking tree.

"Actually it is a good pain reliever for Acala's condition." The saber tooth tiger giggled before becoming very serious. "We are not alone, something is here Alex."

*Disengaging holo-projector.*

"Overwatch what are you doing here?!" I shouted as the blue coupe materialized behind Shira.

*Side-pods engaged.*

"Didn't Alex order you to return to the colony?" The female barbarian asked as there was a whooshing noise and the weapons launchers appeared on both sides of the vehicle.

*Mr. Winter, Ms. Shira this is going to hurt me more than you. Static pulse engaged.*

Two balls of electricity deployed from from the side-pods hitting Shira and me dead on.

"Overwatch what are you WAAAAGH!!!" I shouted falling to the ground.

"GRAAAHHH!!" Shira shouted at the sudden unprovoked attack.

We twitched at the diminished electric shock we both had received.

(I guess that is why I didn't sense the attack.)

"Overwatch what is the meaning of this?!" Shira shouted.

*My apologies. It was the only way I could bring the both of you to your senses.*

"Automated assistant, you disobeyed my direct order *." *

*And you are glad I did Mr. Winter.*

"Yes, thank you."

"What happened?" Shira asked helping me to my feet.

*Hypnotic suggestion I believe. After you ordered that I return to the Lost City, I double-backed and decided to keep an eye on both of you.* Overwatch said opening the dome of the blue coupe.

"I hope you weren't watching me and Titanous last night!" Shira said blushing.

*No Ms. Shira but the surveillance probe did catch something.*

"Bring it up."

"It is Xava and Acala leaving the RV for a late night stroll along the beach." The tigress said watching the two otters leaving Dom's RV with paws locked.

That was when we watched the male otter shift into a white canid much taller than Acala. They continued to hold paws as they walked down the beach.

*He is much more than he appears to be.*

"A shape shifter." I said. "That's right! Tippi told Shakara and myself about him. He is the reason Dongo, Doria and the rest found this place and why Acala recovered from that strange illness just after their arrival. How could I forget that?!"

*Perhaps Mr. Xava has discovered a new ability and wanted you to. I believe he is the one responsible for convincing both of you to stay. Maybe even convincing all of the inhabitants here to stay.*

"And sabotaging our mission."

"Sounds like we need to have a chat with Mr. Xava." The saber tooth tigress said.

"It will have to be a gentle conversation- if he is indeed another escaped lab creature what other abilities does he have?"

Shira and I walked back to the RV with the willow bark and acted as normal as possible. We planned to wait for the right time to have a heart to heart with the shape shifter.

7:15 PM Nexus beach

"Yay another beach party!!" Dom said. "You don't look like you are enjoying yourself Tippi." The puma said to the brown otter girl.

"They do tend to get excessive around here."

"May I interest this young miss to a dance?" The puma asked.

"Yeah, I would like that." Tippi said as the puma brought out his cube pressed it and the beach was alive with dance music.

"How is your mother?"

"She is doing better. Xava is looking after her."

"May I interest you in a dance Mr. Dingo?" The brunette asked her hyena.

"I would like that Doria."

"How about you my tigress?" Titanous said bowing respectfully toward Shira. She took his paw and headed out with the two other couples.

I was looking for the precise moment to slip away to have my conversation with a certain grey otter.

"And where do you think you are sneaking off to Mr. Winter?"


"Want to dance?"

"Well, I, uh..."

"I will rephrase the question. Do you want to dance with the beastial who took you in, shared her bed and kept you warm these past few nights?"

I still hesitated. Until she leaned forward and whispered:

"I let you touch my boobs."

(She used them as a weapon!)

"Sure let's dance." I blushed.


"How are you feeling dearest?" A white canine asked, splaying himself on top of his brown otter.

*giggle* "Much better now." Acala said.

"I think I can make you feel even better if you like." The shapeshifter asked as their noses touched and then their lips.

*smooch* and then you know what happened next.

"You are so huge!!!"

"I am not hurting you am I my dear?"

"Don't!! Stop!!"

"Hmm?" The white canine asked as his butt continued to gyrate as his meat slid in and out of his lover.

"Don't stop!!" Acala shouted in pure bliss.

"I am afraid I must, I can't continue anymore; I have reached my limit!! Aroooo!!!!!"


"Mom, is everything ok? I heard a noise... oh... it was a joyous noise." Tippi said entering their sleeping unit.

"Just fabulous honey!!!" Acala said from underneath the white canid. "Xava I love you."

"And I you Acala." The malamute exclaimed. "And you too Tippi."

The spunky she otter was speechless.

"I know I am not your father, but I do think about you as if you were my own.... My daughter."


"Thank you." Tippi said as she received a peck on her forehead from her would be adoptive father. "It was foolish of me to runaway."

"Did you learn anything from that bad decision?" Mr. Xava asked.

"Outside of this place, the world is dark, brooding and dangerous. I am where I need to be with those who love me." She said, pouncing on his back and rubbing his shoulders.

"So the wanderlust is gone?" The brown she otter asked her daughter.

"I made sure of that." The white canine said.

"Love, you can't remove negative traits out of everyone you meet." Acala said to her lover.

"You hypnotized me?" The little otter girl said.

"Only slightly."

"You didn't have to. I decided that this is where I needed to be. With the two of you." Tippi said kissing the white dog on his neck.

"You think we should join the party out there or continue on our own in here?" Alaca said grabbing her strong canine's ass as her daughter watched.

"Yes, let's." Mr. Xava said shifting back into the grey otter as Tippi slid down his back.

"Aw, I like the other form. You should keep it." The brown otter said walking to their bedroom door.

"I only use it for protection so I don't accidently give you a little brother or sister or your momma something to remember me by when we are um playing patty-cake." The grey otter said.

"Is that what you call it? If so, that name is lame."

"I call it fantastic." Tippi's mother replied. "And I may make you watch next time."

The adult otters, cleaned up and proceeded to the door of their room in Dom's RV.

"Alex, Shira!" Acala said as she prepared to step out of their room.

"Hi. Acala, Xava, Tippi." Shira said greeting them.

"Evening, you two came to fetch us for the party?" Mr. Xava asked.

"Yeah and we wanted to know when you were going to release the hold you have on the rest of us?" I asked solemnly.

"Now that we are on to you negotiations can begin." Shira said sternly.

Ok, so Shira and I broke Xava's hypnotic suggestion with a little help, from the automated assistant of the blue coupe and confronted him.

"Pet?" A fierce ursine warrior said walking into the library.

"Little cutie?" A sexy lioness said joining her.

"Shakara, Mistress?"

"We thought we would find you here." My pregnant bear said.

"It is getting late. You can finish writing in your journal later." My lioness said head bumping me.

*scribble* *scribble*

Nuts, I thought I could finish this journal entry before bedtime, I guess not. Anyway, all that happened the evening of August 7th. Shira and I would try to find common ground with the mysterious Mr. Xava while in this equally mysterious nexus which was where his power was the strongest.

To Be Continued.....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned** Day 206 (continued) "He is the monster master, their ruler!" Tippi shouted. "His fur is as dark as the night, his teeth indescribably sharp and his claws very menacing. He...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 103: Wolf’s Hole

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 103: Wolf's Hole** Day 206 (11AM a sharp ravine on our neighbor's property) "Not good!! not good!! not good!!" I shouted running down the sixty degree slope toward the ravine's center. My legs and...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 101: Moment Of A Lifetime (Conclusion)** Day 204 (Continued) "Well I have been brought full circle." I said looking around the mesa. "How?" The she ninja asked following me. "Alex was on his way...

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