Pokephilia Story - A Lizard that Bears no Shame (Rose's Tale P. 3)

Story by JCSolis01 on SoFurry

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#13 of Pokephilia Story (OLD)

After an Anti-Pokephilia Priest of Arceus exposes Jason and Camilla and publically shames them, Rose and Dante are at a loss as to how to cheer up their poor friend. Yet when the persecutions continue, it is Dante who steps up to defend people's right to have whatever relationship they want with their pokemon.

Pokemon is Copyright © by Game Freak and The Pokemon Company.

I do not intend to infringe on Copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.

Pokephilia Story - A Lizard that Bears no Shame

Rose's Tale P. 3

By J.C. Solis

Rosemary was drawing on her digital tablet in front of her laptop while Dante was reading a book on the bed. They had to take their mind off of what happened earlier today, as what they saw was something they hoped they would never see again. One of Lakeshire Town's pokephiles was caught and shamed--and that person was Jason and Camilla. A Priest of Arceus came by to visit the Church and Pastor Christian, but he was not in a trip for good will. This priest was a Pokephile Hunter, and a well known and infamous one at that. The priest, named Matthew Grint, was after pokephiles and had heard that Lakeshire Town had a surprisingly large amount of them.

In truth, Father Grimes was stalking Jason and Camilla for a while. He noticed that Jason was talking to his female Blaziken Camilla, and so decided to follow him around. Jason would've filed a restraining order against the priest if only the Priest had not sounded the alarm and alerted the citizens of Lakeshire Town to the sinners. Thankfully, a good portion of Lakeshire's citizens were already used to and even accept pokephiles, but the good majority were still either neutral or strongly against. Jason's blown secret was a shame that he and Camilla will both have to bear everytime the two would have to go out in public. The looks they'll be getting from people will always be on them, and so their good names have been tarnished. Father Grint was to stay in Lakeshire Town for another week, and all the pokephiles in town were on edge. Even though Jason was not affected in terms of people judging him by the exposure, it changed him nonetheless. The jolly, happy-go-lucky man was now fearful and full of shame, and it was something that he told Rose and the rest of the friends about. The exposure made him feel guilty and shame ridden, and he just wasn't the same anymore. His friends all felt that the same could happen to them if they weren't careful; Kiara, Sariah, Justin and Fran all felt the increase in pressure due to this expose, as did their pokemon. And Rose knew many other pokephiles in town who were also nervous at these powerfully terrifying turn of events.

No pokephile was safe to show more of their adoration for their pokemon in public with Father Grint patrolling the streets.

Rose and Dante left the room to eat along with Kiara and her Lucario Lance in the kitchen. The two had made spaghetti, and had made more than enough for both them and for Rose and Dante to eat. But Dante was in a rather cross mood at the moment as he sat down. Rose went and brought him a plate, but it seemed that the Inteleon couldn't help but burst out in anger.

"That arsehole!" blurted out Dante. "Fucking wanker, he is. How could he do that to Jason and Camilla? Why can't cross muppets like him leave people alone to do what they want?"

"Because they don't understand, Dante," said Lance as he took a bite of spaghetti. "In their eyes, this is something that is highly taboo. They don't take into consideration the feelings of the people who do so."

"All they care is what they believe in," added Kiara. "If something isn't right in their eyes, there is nothing anybody can say to change that."

"Poor Jason," lamented Rose as she took a bite from her plate. "I can only imagine what he must be going through."

"Poor man's got it bad," said Dante. "I heard from Razor that the people at his job are either shunning him or putting him through the ringer with remarks. Ton of blokes are treating him differently now."

"As would most who find out that someone had just committed a major taboo," said Lance. "I wish for a time when this 'taboo' is no longer taboo, when pokemon and humans can form relationships without fear of persecution."

"But until that day comes, and until that a-hole of a priest finally goes away, we gotta be careful," said Kiara.

The four finished eating and they decided to watch TV in the living room. Kiara turned on the television to see what was on, channel surfing only to find a shocking topic on the news. Father Grint was on the news along with a news anchor, and he was giving all the details about how he revealed Jason to be a Pokephile.

"Jason Kitchener is a sick man for committing such heinous acts against Arceus with his Blaziken," the Priest went on. "His sick fetish has caused great ire with our holy father The Alpha, and without a doubt, he'll be rotting in-" Kiara turned off the TV, but not before Dante and Rose bolted upwards to shout at the television.

"Blow off, you fucking coward!" shouted Dante.

"Arceus curse you, you monster!" shouted Rose, a few tears coming down her face. She then began to cry as she laid her head on Dante's shoulder, who in turn held her in his arms.

"Calm down you, two," placated Lance. "There's no point at yelling at the television."

Kiara could only imagine how Rose felt for Jason. Rose was a very sweet girl, and she hated seeing her friends on such dire straights. Dante too showed a fondness for friendship, but right now the person he had to control most was his trainer. Bed time soon came and the four went to their respective rooms, with Dante and Rose staying up until much later as they began to talk some more.

Rose began to reminisce on her time spent here in the Daegar Region, and has now become her adoptive home. Dante too fell in love with Daegar ever since he moved from Galar. Lakeshire Town was like their home away from home. All the people of Lakeshire Town were kind and gentle, with not that many people holding grudges or judging others. For the most part, a good portion of the people in town didn't mind much that Jason was a pokephile, and some even were not surprised. Jason Kitchener was a model citizen, though he would often overdo it at the pub whenever he and his friends went over to go dive. He was always so cheerful and carefree, and the only thing he ever seemed to take seriously was his work as an engineer over at the Silph Co. Pokeball Plant. Rose admired Jason greatly for his happy-go-lucky attitude. She found it be almost contagious. Whenever the gang was together he even made depression ridden Justin laugh multiple times. He didn't deserve this exposure, and Rose wished that Priests and Pastors of Arceus would leave people like him alone. Arceus even decreed that Pokephilia was okay, so why would they go against the teachings?

Rose left her laptop and removed her clothes, leaving on only her bra and her panties. This excited Dante quite a bit, hoping to get some action on. But one look at Rose's face dissuaded him. She was obviously not in the mood, and though she did call for him to snuggle with her. She spooned next to Dante as he first pulled the blankets over them and then wrapped her arms around her. He knew she was very upset over what happened to Jason, and he hoped that he could find some way to help her get through this. Rose valued her friends well, and ever since she met Jason she had grown a strong friendship with him. Though Jason would always belong to his pokephilic partner Camilla, the two still hit it off well and became stalwart acquaintances. Rose loved his Jersey voice, which he had due to being a native of the Unova Region, where his accent can typically be found. He moved to Daegar after meeting Justin Solis and Sariah Price over at Kalos Regional University, and the three became inseparable afterwards.

Rose coo'd in bed as she was about to fall asleep, with Dante petting her and keeping her calm with a gentle rubbing.

He was fond of Camilla, who in return showed a fondness for Dante. Camilla liked Dante's educated, gentlemanly demeanor and voice--a far cry from the absolute mess that Jason was. Though of course, she would also roll her eyes whenever Dante decided to act suave and be like a ladies man. But she would always end her chiding with the saying that "Boys will be boys". Dante wondered how Camilla must be doing after her exposure. When he last saw her, she was just as changed as Jason, with her usual pep and upbeat nature being replaced by a morose sadness. The exposure really affected her, and Dante saw this well. He figured giving the priest a taste of his own medicine one day, but he just needed to find a way how. He sank further into his blankets and further hugged Rose.

He would dwell on what to do with this holier-than-thou priest the next day.

The following day, Rose and Dante were in the Pokepark with Jason and Camilla, as well as with Fran and her Incineroar Ivan. It has been three days since the two were exposed, yet they still hadn't fully recovered. Jason was slumped down on the park bench, taking small licks of the vanilla icecream cone he had in his hand. Camilla was more head set and less depressed, but even she couldn't hide her true emotions. Jason dipped down his icecream cone and drops of now liquid ice cream began to fall to the floor.

"Jason, you're spilling your ice cream onto the floor," said Rose, but Jason didn't seem to care much, according to his blank expression and his frown. Eventually, the whole ice cream ball fell to the floor, inciting Rose to chastise him. "You dropped your Ice cream, Jason."

"What a waste," said Ivan.

"I don't feel like I'm in the mood to eat anything," replied Jason. "To be honest, I lost a lot of my appetite these past few days."

"Then come on over with me to my Uncle Paulo's house," suggested Fran. "His food will be sure to fill you up."

"Mister Paulo makes excellent Alolan cuisine," added Dante. "My mouth filled with amazement at taking the first bite of his food."

"Maybe," said Jason.

Suddenly, the team felt someone's presence, someone who wasn't welcome in their eyes. Low and behold, Father Grint and some followers that he has made we walking by, and they noticed the pokephile friends. Father Matthew gave a grunt of disapproval at the three, knowing well that next to Jason were two more Pokephile couples. The father went on with his flock, with the crowd looking with scorn towards the friends, but especially at Jason and Camilla.

"Look at that strutting peacock," snarled Dante. "I bet he shags pokemon now even through all his talks of aversion against Pokephilia."

"I bet he does, brother," said Ivan. "I bet that ass hat boned a few in his younger years, too. He definitely wears that holier than thou attitude like he was a male Unfezant with its wattle."

"For once I'd like to see him get a taste of his own medicine," said Fran.

But in the end, though they wanted revenge, all the friends knew that doing so would only spur the priest on and cause one or both of the remaining pokephiles to be shamed. Rose knew this very well, as she shuddered to think what would happen if her mother back home in Galar caught wind of this. She already mentioned to her mother that she finally had a partner pokemon, and though a bit upset at first Mother accepted Dante to join Rose. But if she were to hear of what the two did during their more private times, she would probably fly over to Daegar herself to bring Rose home personally. The attitudes of the priest, her mother, and everyone else was not unprecedented, however. Even Arceus himself knew that Pokephilia was a taboo long before he allowed it. People were often caught and shamed, and sometimes even persecution were in effect as far back as ancient times. But what the haters didn't understand was that it was not just a sexual affair that went on in a pokephilic relationship; Sex was only an added benefit. In the end, it was more of a genuine relationship than anything, almost like a purely one species couple. Pokephiles laughed, had clean fun, and even battled normally like anyone else did with their pokemon. It was the added sexual relationship that drew people's attention, and often times, disgust.

Suddenly, not too far from the Poke-park, a loud booing could be heard. The friends wondered what was happening, but a notion was already in their heads... The priest found another pokephilic couple to publicly shame. The six, including glum Jason and Camilla, went over to see what was going on only to spot a man with his Zoroark underneath a tree. The two were previously hugging each other, minding their own business when the Priest came along and decided to use him and his partner as another example to berate.

"You see, my flock, the cost of following what is forbidden by Arceus," said the Priest. "These heathens deserve not sympathy, nor acknowledgement. Arceus detests their vile acts, and so will cast them along with Giratina and the foul pestilence that haunts this world. And look, Jason Kitchner is with them. These companions are surely followers of the forbidden practice."

At this, Dante's blood began to boil. He couldn't hold back his anger, and it finally came to a head when he bolted upwards to berate the Priest. "You're a hypocrite, you disgrace of a Priest!" roared Dante as he went up to the crowd and the priest. "Arceus does allow this to happen, and he even told Pastors and Priests such as yourself that what we do is condoned. Why do you turn your back against what The Alpha has decreed!?"

"Dante, calm down," said Rose, pulling at his arm to back off. "There is no point in arguing with the priest."

"Damn right, there is a point," stood up Ivan, who went up to join Dante. "This bub here is just trying to make people who are otherwise live normal, happy lives with their pokemon miserable."

Father Matthew just looked at the six with disdain in his eyes. "You're all heathens!" said the priest. "Arceus would never allow you to do what you six do." A larger crowd began to grow, this time full of followers of the priest. They began to throw insults at the six as Fran and Rose realized that they too were about to be shamed. "Do you honestly believe Arceus would condone what you three do?!"

"But I do," said Dante in an other-worldly human voice. "And you dare disobey my words considering you were once a Pokephile yourself when you were younger?!!"

The Priest was in awe at what he was hearing, for the voice of the Inteleon was not his own. The other followers were quite startled by the Inteleon speaking in a human voice, and more over how they felt the presence of who exactly was speaking to them. They all kneeled to the ground, all except the Priest, who was horrified at having his dirty laundry be aired out. "I-I-I never did-"

"You lie as well about your past to continue on with your intolerant agenda as well, then," said the voice of Arceus. Suddenly, a figure began to form about Dante and took the form of a white pokemon with an axel in the middle of its waist, a wisping elongation behind its head and with green eyes that stared at the Priest with disdain in his eyes. "I never in my sight have seen a hypocrite as haughty as you, Priest Grint. You and your Liepard were engrossed in a period of indulgence, and now that you've become a priest, you follow a path of hypocrisy to pursue what you once were."

The people began to murmur about Father Matthew due to Arceus' declaration, and they began to turn against the priest as they walked away from him and turn towards the three pokephiles.

"You have cursed those who have done exactly what you've done, and as result, you will know my reckoning if you continue with this tirade of persecution."

"But it isn't right!" continued to persist Father Matthew with his ideals. "This is an abomination! Pokemon and Human are partners in battle, not in a formal relationship. I admit I was one in the past, but now I see that-"

The face of Dante contorted to Anger as he finally revealed The Alpha's judgement. "Then you shall no longer follow in my stead as a Priest. From this day forward, you are banished from the Church, and if you wish to follow your ideal over mine, then you will do so out of your own accord," sentenced Arceus to the now Former Priests fate. "You will no longer hear the words of Pokemon, and all pokemon will know who you are and look at you with scorn. I am willing, however, to offer forgiveness if you choose to repent, but until then you are no longer an envoy of my voice."

The holy vestments of the priest caught alight, a white fire engulfing the father. This shocked everyone around him, but he was not being burned alive. His vestments were simply burned off of his body as they turned to ash, and after the fire was gone the father only had on his undershirt and briefs remaining. To make matters worse, the people began to boo him as they realized just how much of a bigot the priest actually was. Former Father Grint ran for his hotel room, where for sure he would face further ridicule and scorn. Arceus was not done, as his figure then looked at the crowd and went on to explain what his true intentions for the World of Pokemon were.

Through Dante he said, "I watch over every single one of you with joy, even those who choose to have relations with pokemon. I value all forms of love, whether it be homosexual or pokephilic, and I view you all equally as my children. I allow Pokephilia because I know that trainers can have true emotions for their pokemon as they would a human partner. I value this relationship, and thus have deemed it right. Please... accept this new commandment I have given to heart. I only wish for the happiness of every person and pokemon in the world, and am saddened when people pursue others for ideals they do not agree with. Accept these people as your own, for they are no different than you."

The silhouette of Arceus began to fade and Dante was let go of Arceus' clutches and his eyes returned from being white back to his usual yellow eyes. But it seemed that the hosting the power of The Alpha became too much and he collapsed to the floor, unconcious.

"Dante!" shouted out Rose as she ran towards him and tried to pick him off the floor. Tears were now trickling down her cheek as she desperately tried to wake him. "Wake up, Dante! Please get up!"

The crowd was moved by her tears. They were moved by her genuine emotion and worry, and as such two men came over and helped her carry him along to the Pokemon Center. When he was finally taken, Nurse Joy was immediately worried and ordered her Audino to bring a gurney to place Dante on top of. He was rushed into the emergency room while poor Rose cried as she saw her beloved go inside.

"You care for your pokemon a lot do you," said a familiar voice coming from the crowd. The crowd made way for Susanna "Zazzy" Blakely to enter and address her. "You would do anything for him because he means the world to you, is that right?" she then asked.

"More than anything," replied Rose.

"There you have it, folks," said Zazzy. "A Pokephile who cares so much for her pokemon as much as any normal person. I think it's clear Father Arceus sees this among the people whom he believes have pure intentions."

"You couldn't have said it better than me, Susanna," said the voice of Pastor Christian Solis as he too entered the fray. "Rose cares for her pokemon, as we all do, for our own" he stated. He then turned around to address the crowd. "It is clear what Father Arceus wants of us. If we don't fully accept Pokephilia, then that is alright. But he just wants all of us to know that we are all his children, and that he cares for us as much as we care for those whom we cherish."

The crowd was stoic as to what had just occured, but every single one of them got the message. They went over to Rose and offered her their condolences. And when they saw Jason and Camilla, they went up to him and gave him an apology. Jason smiled warmly as he gladly accepted them, remarking that he held no grudges against anyone for what happened to him.

"Pastor Christian... Zazzy..." began Rose. She was then joined by Fran, Jason, Ivan and Camilla. "From the bottom of my heart... our hearts... thank you."

"I don't think we're the ones you should be thanking, honey," reminded Zazzy.

"We just wanted to see how bad of a commotion Father Grint was committing," said Pastor Solis. "The Alpha is who you should be genuinely thanking." But his face then turned stern as he looked at them. "Though the Alpha made quite the statement, I'd still recommend that you keep all Pokephilia behind closed doors. These fine folk here may have received a treat, but there are still plenty more who will judge you for it. This is not the end of the Taboo of Pokephilia."

"I know," said Rose as she wiped her eyes and lifted herself off the floor. "I'm just glad that Jason is no longer under such scrutiny." She looked at Jason with a smile, to which he turned away blushing. It seems the two had connected in a more persona matter, but for now both were content to have their pokemon as partners and lovers. Rose decided to stay at the Pokemon Center until Dante would recover. In the meantime Kiara, Sariah, and Justin, along with their pokemon, soon came over to see if the commotion they had heard was true. They were glad to see that Rose was alright and that Jason was now smiling, and that his good name and reputation had been restored. They were treated to hearing about the who fiasco: Father Grint shaming another Pokephile, Arceus' appearance and the stripping of Father Grint as a Holy man. Justin was especially jealous to hear that he had missed all that, and especially what happened to the father. He knew the significance of this rather divine intervention, and he hoped that Lakeshire Town would become more tolerant to people like him and Rose.

Towards the evening, Dante was at last discharged from the Pokemon Center and headed back home with Rose. The rest of the friends gave their goodbyes as Rose and Kiara headed back to their pad. When they arrived home the four sat around the sofas to recollect what just happened today. Kiara and Lance were especially curious to hear what Dante had to say about his divine possession by Arceus.

"It all felt much like a dream of euphoria," said Dante. "I could feel Arceus' full power course through me, and I almost felt like I was one with him. His thoughts became mine, yet they were not mine to control."

"Strange and bizarre," said Lance as he leaned forwards with his paw scratching his chin. "I could feel the Alpha's presence even here from home, but never knew that he chose you as his vessel to talk through to us normal folk."

"That's one helluva experience to have," added Kiara. "But how do you feel now?"

Dante didn't know what to feel. He tried to remember what he felt earlier when he was possessed. Before, he had anger and scorn, almost like he wanted to attack Father Matthew. Yet he then remembered changing his mind, feeling that no amount of anger justifies violence towards someone else. He felt a sense of righteousness, that he didn't want any harm on other; only teach them a lesson in the form of lecture or discussion. He didn't want to hurt anyone either physically or emotionally, just let them know that they were wrong to think that what he did was Rose was something unholy and begotten. He wanted to show that he bared no shame, and was adamant to show his love for his trainer. When he told the three this, they began to contemplate what he just told them. They agreed in the end, and with that they spent the rest of the day watching TV.

The news was on, and it showed a headline that indeed Father Matthew was excommunicated from the Church of Arceus, though the Church would provide no comment as to whether or not Arceus confirmed he agreed with Pokephilia. Though this spared the Church from outrage of those folk in the Daegar region who still held conservative thoughts, it only meant that Pokephilia was still maintained as taboo. Though the people of Lakeshire Town may have had a change of thought in many of its residents, there were still people here who still would not accept Pokephilia, despite seeing The Alpha for their very own. Everything just seemed to return to as they were before the disruptive Priest Matthew Grint came, and so everything was normal.

When night came, Rose and Dante went to their room and decided to lay on bed. They lowered down the blankets first so that only their sheets were beneath them; of course, they planned on having fun later on. It was not like Father Grint or Arceus was going to stop them. They began to talk about how their relationship has been, but also how the topic of Pokephilia will be treated in town.

"I don't think we yet can just come out and snog in public, now can we," said Dante.

"No," began Rose, "snogging in public is out of the question still. But hey, at least we can do some tongue licking indoors now can we?" she said as she began to lift her blouse over her head and threw it to the side, revealing her black bra underneath.

"No, public displays of affection are still out of the question," said Dante as Rose lowered her skirt and kicked it off the bed. Now only her bra and panties were what remained. "But I'm happy just to keep our personal antics at home, right?" His slimy cock began to grow from his phallus slit, and it became fully erect and dripping with pre cum.

"Indeed," said Sariah as she laid down to have Dante climb on top of her. "I'm always willing to spend some quality time with you, chap," she teased. "After all, Arceus is alright with this all. And who can deny the word of The Alpha?"

Dante was about to enter her when he said. "You'd have be an intolerant priest in order to do so," before slowly sliding his cock into her pussy. He then lowered his head to Rose's and the two locked lips and began tongue touching. Dante began to rhythmically thrust into her pelvis as Rose wrapped her legs around the slender lizard's waist. She moaned into the kisses and the cock thrusts, feeling the cock's pointed front touch her cervix while its base stretched out her clit. It was a perfect combination of all the things Rose wanted in a cock, and it felt so fine going in and out of her. The phallus was also ribbed, so it made things all the more pleasurable. Meanwhile, Dante got to experience how tight and warm her insides were. Her tight vagina squeezed his cock hard, and so he often had to catch his breath whenever she got cheeky and and squeezed. He would look at her with a scowl, but her teasing giggle only drove him further into his intense thrusting. Their lips never parted as Dante's sticky saliva touched Rose mouth, but she wasn't disgusted by it. Rather, it turned her on even further. She loved it when he stuck his long tongue in her own mouth, savoring her taste as well as dancing with her much shorter tongue.

This was indeed the pinnacle of their passion, for the two didn't separate for a moment. But after about fifteen minute of humping and kissing, Rose decided it was her turn to get coy. She broke the kiss and tried to swivel around. Dante got the message: it was her turn to be on top now. He turned around so that now he was the one laid down on the bed and with Rose on top. Dante began to groan as she lowered herself slowly onto him in a cowgirl position. She made it clear that his penis was entirely swallowed by her pussy by pulsating her it and squeezing his cock.

*groan* "You going to let up, Rosemary dear?" said Dante.

"Not for a second, Love," said Rose. "I figure you need a reward for helping with saving Jason's good name, and for getting rid of that snob of a priest."

"To be honest, it was mostly Arceus' doing that the Church of Arceus is now a priest less," admitted Dante. "But it was you who stood up to them first. Arceus saw this, and so... I guess I should reward you if he has not yet to do so."

"So your acting as his unofficial envoy?" asked Dante before groaning as Rose began to rise up and drop down hard onto hs cock, inciting both of them to groan. "On second thought, I don't mind one bit."

And so Rose began to ride Dante unceasingly, driving the poor Inteleon into a haze from which made it difficult to concentrate. At this point, Rose was riding out of pure instinct, for she too was rather deep in her own sexual haze. She tried to steady herself as she rose and fell, but Rose was still stumbling around almost as though she had a pint of lager too many. Their orgasms were now impending, and the two wanted it to last as long as possible.

"Oh- *gasp* I'm- I'm gonna-" Rose tried to say.

"So am I, Rose dear," strained Dante. "Let's do this... together!"

And Dante grabbed Rose and pulled her to his chest while his waist arched upward an began pounding while laid down. His upward thrusts continued to take their toll as Dante and Rose gave one final moan. Rose's pussy began to contract as Dante squirted out his load, once more filling up Rose's womb nicely with luke-warm cum. Their minds skyrocketed to the sky as their orgasm sent their minds to another planet. Dante and Rose hugged each other tight, so as the sperm could not spill out and remain trapped inside her. But Dante's constant squirts filled her past capacity, and so the cum squirted out of her and stained both their crotches. But even after this, the two still gripped each other tight. They had not had sex this good in a long while, and so they wanted to remain as close to each other as possible. When their highs started to come down, Dante and Rose looked at each other with a warm smile.

This was what it meant to be a Pokephile; not just the sex, but also the bond that trainer and pokemon shared. It was this passion that pokephiles all around the world shared, and so made this tender moment even more special. "Did you enjoy this wonderful moment, My Dear Rose?" asked Dante. As if he needed to ask.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have kept on going until we both came," she teased. "I feel like this is what its all about when it comes to being a pokephile."

"The sex?" asked Dante.

"That," replied Rose, "but also the bond that a trainer gets to have with their pokemon. I hope you enjoyed this moment, Dante, because I want to share as many happy moments with you as possible."

"And so do I with you," replied back Dante. And so, having fully consummated once more, Dante and Rose went to their sides and spooned.

The night was too warm for blankets, and so the two just slept naked on top of the bed. They both hoped that their bond would only grow and grow. But despite what they think is okay, they still would have to be careful from now on. Pokephilia was still a major taboo. And though Lakeshire Town mellowed a bit due to divine intervention, it seemed that the town was not yet ready for open displays of affection between trainer and pokemon. But that will not stop the love that trainers had for their pokemon, and vice versa.

And Rose and Dante were living proof that there was no shame in being a Pokephile...

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