Broken Innocence
#1 of High School Held Hostage
I know this story is long, and I really hope some of you will take the time to read it. This is a story that really hits home to me, as I can relate to it in a way. I hope to make it (in the next chapter or two that will be coming out soon!) into a romantic story. HOWEVER, if you dont' like stories that involve rape, this is not the story for you.
Heres a longer description for those who want a summary of the story. Katrina is a normal, 18 year old vixen who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her teacher, Mike Jackson, and herself have found themselves caught in the middle of a hostage situation. They must use each other to keep their sanity as their hijackers try to break them physically and emotionally.
I would really appreciate comments on this story, too.
If you aren't 18, or old enough to read this story, well, then don't. Easy as that.
The soft jingle of keys and the ticking clock was all that could be heard in the small class of furs. All were busy with their individual tasks, mostly reading, as this was a literature class after all.
The fingers playing with the keys moved seemingly on their own, as the vixen they belonged to was entranced with the book she was reading. The vixen was a cross fox, her father being a red fox and her mother being an arctic fox. Her coat varied in color, and they all blended together beautifully. Her tail tip was dipped in white, while it gradually smoothed into a grey, then black. As the black met her rump, it turned into a chocolate brown, where it smoothed into a cinnamon color. Dark grey oceans seemed to swim on her belly and chest, and spread into small rivers on her underarms and inner legs. Paws powdered in charcoal dust were similar to her face, where her snout was tipped in white. Her dark face was a stark contrast to her shining grey eyes. This was Katrina, and the vixen was a normal high school teenager. Being eighteen, she enjoyed the classic teenaged joys, such as hanging out with friends. But she also enjoyed a good night alone.
Rustling of papers, bags, and small hushed voices of the other various furs and humans in the room pulled the vixens eyes from her book, and she sighed with frustration. She wasn't in a hurry to get home, oh no, but was upset to be distracted from her book! She quickly marked her page and watched the clock. It was the same routine everyday. She'd wait around a half hour after school ended before packing her stuff and going to her car. It was the easiest way to miss traffic without getting frustrated. Even though she lived in a very small town, the high school students wanted out there as fast as they could, at least most of them.
The bell rang, and the rest of the students squeezed out the door as fast as they could. She opened her book again and began to read.
"Have a good weekend everyone!" the low but kind voice of her teacher spouted out. The teacher was also a fox. His coat was the classic dark red with the white underbelly, nothing too unusual, but that didn't matter to Kat. He was tall, around 6 feet 3 inches. Compared to Kats 5 foot 6 inch frame, he was very tall.
"The usual, Kat?" he said, smiling. He'd begun to enjoy her company after school, where as most students didn't want to be caught dead talking to a teacher when not 'in trouble'.
"Of course, Mr. J. You should be used to this by now," she replied, laughing quietly. Mr. Jackson was and had been for the past 3 years one of her teachers, and the two had become good friends. Kat enjoyed having someone to talk to that wasn't going to be gossiping or being the classic high school teen. In other words, she liked someone more mature to talk to.
Opening her book back to the marker, the vixen began to read some more. With twenty minutes to pass, she could get through a good amount of pages.
Time passed rather quickly, at least Kat thought. She'd stopped reading her book about 10 minutes ago, as herself and Mr. J (His first name was Mike, but like a lot of high school teachers, he was often referred to as 'Jackson' or 'Mike') had begun to talk about an assembly they had earlier that day. It was a crazy motivational assembly, that both foxes agreed was a waste of time.
"Well Mr.J, I guess I'd better head home," said the vixen as she reached for her bag. He nodded and smiled. He too was headed home.
She fished in her pocket for her car keys and pulled them out, the blue karabiner they were attached to sparkling under the lights. Walking to the door, she pulled out her cell phone to call and let her mom know she was stopping at the store on the way home. Her mom worried a lot, and knew that Kat stayed after school everyday, but if she wasn't home by 3:30pm, she got very worried.
Dialing the number, she subconsciously opened the door to the classroom and walked out. Before she could put the phone to her ear, it was swatted out of her hand and a dark, furred paw wrapped around her head and covered her mouth. Cold metal was pressed to her neck.
"Don't make a sound," hissed the voice. She didn't recognize it, but she hated it immediately. It was menacing and dripping with hatred. The vixen only had a moment to glance around the hallway before being thrown back into her classroom, landing on her back with a hard thud.
"What the hell is going on!?" she questioned, a look of surprise and horror on her face. Something was wrong, obviously. She had just had a knife pressed to her neck, who wouldn't consider that wrong! No one was in the hallways either, which was very unusual. Mr. Jackson looked at her with curiosity and surprise, watching as the vixen stood up and moved towards the door, peering out the window.
Jumping back with surprise, the vixen yelped loudly as a dark, grinning face appeared in the window. The fur was a rat, and had dark, dirty, shaggy fur. His long front teeth finished the look, as they had been filed to a point at the end. The face moved, and a loud pounding sounded at the other side of the door. Unable to see what was going on, Kat stepped back, her heart beating faster. Why were there strangers in her school, and what were they doing? Her teacher stood next to her, unable to see anything more than herself.
The face appeared again in the window, a sinister grin growing across his face as he walked away. Immediately the vixen reached for the door handle and tried to open the door, but to no avail.
"Damn it!" she shouted at the door, as it shook slightly. "He must have put some lock on the outside!" She sat down at a desk and looked frantically around, scared out of her mind by now. She had to be dreaming!
"What the hell happened?" questioned Mike, looking at the vixen with worry masking his face.
"That jackass just grabbed me and threw me back in here! There was no one in the halls either!" frustration squeaked in her voice, and her hands shook from the events that passed so quickly. "I think we're -" Kat was cut off by the sound of a low hissing voice over the loudspeaker. A small giggle echoed through the room as the voice spoke.
"Ah, what a wonderful day for a hostage situation, isn't it boys?" a small chorus of 'Hell ya's and sinister laughs echoed in the room. The voice returned again. "Some of you may be wondering why you're here, and what's going to happen. Unfortunately for you, we aren't going to tell you, that would just ruin the surprise, wouldn't it boys?" More laughs in the background. "For now, you just do what you're told. You will each have a couple of my boys in charge of listen to them, unless you want to deal with me..."
The voice ended, and both foxes stared at the loudspeaker. Kat couldn't believe what was happening. Who in their right mind would want to take hostages at a school, especially one out in the middle of no-where? It just didn't make sense. She slouched in her chair, chin resting on her arms.
"Well, I guess we'd better get comfortable," said Mike as he said his bag down. He sat at his desk chair and pulled out a small rubber ball and proceeded to toss it in the air and catch it.
Hours had passed, and Kat paced impatiently in the classroom. Her mom was more than likely worried sick about her. But she had other things on her mind. Did anyone know that they were being held in the school? Her cell phone had been taken, and of course the school phones had been disconnected, along with the computers. They couldn't think of a way to contact anyone. In the past few hours, all windows, on doors and leading outside, had been boarded up. Not that it would have mattered, the glass was deemed 'unbreakable'.
Suddenly, there was a click at the door, and it opened. One of the scruffy rats walked in, followed by another, and another after that. Two of the trio sneered menacingly at the two foxes, laughing quietly to themselves. The other, who appeared to be younger and better groomed than the others, kept quiet, watching.
"Well, well, well Brandon, look what we have here. A couple of foxes," sneered the first. The other rat, who must have been Brandon, looked contemptuously at the two and smiled, his yellow teeth flashed at them.
"Not just two foxes, Kyle, but a vixen," stated Brandon, the last word being stretched out like a hiss.
"What do you want with us?" snapped Mike, taking the three rats gaze off of the vixen, who sat motionless in her chair, seemingly paralyzed.
"Shut up, bitch. You'll talk when we tell you to," spat Kyle, his long leathery tail whipping back and forth as he took a step forward. "We're trying to be nice, so don't push us and make us get angry with you...But if you must know, we are here to lead you to the shitter. Unfortunately for us, The Boss demands that we keep you as 'comfortable' as possible in a hostage situation, and requires us to keep this place clean," the rat said with disgust, as if these foxes were nothing more than mere scrap paper that deserved to be wadded up and thrown in the garbage. "But don't worry, I'm sure you're time will come, eh boys?" Brandon giggled at Kyle's remark, where as the third rat remained quiet.
Katrina noticed something different about this third rat, besides the fact that he was neatly groomed and quiet. His face had kinder features then his company, and his eyes reflected regret.
"Get your asses moving," Kyle remarked as he walked out of the room. The two foxes glanced at each other and followed, walking closely to one another. Kat could just glimpse something hooked to each of the rat's belts, hidden discretely under their shirts. They appeared to the vixen as switchblades, and big switchblades. Each had a polished wood on the handle, bordered by metal. She definitely didn't want to have to come in contact with one of those again.
Kyle, obviously the alpha of the trio, walked behind the two foxes. Katrina could almost feel his eyes burning into her body as they swept over her neck. She could feel the fur rise under her black t-shirt as his eyes moved down her back, ending near the base of her tail. She continued to walk, keeping her eyes forward, trying her best to ignore the rat behind her. She caught the eyes of another teacher being escorted down the hall, the small rabbits terrified eyes wide. She continued to watch this teacher until she felt a paw on her rump. Yipping in surprise, the vixen turned her head, only to have the uninvited paw slap her across the face.
"Did I give you permission to look back at me, bitch?" The vixen muffled a cry as she looked straight ahead, the rats paw returning to her rump. She heard a growl rise in her companion's throat as he saw the rat move his hands over the vixen's body.
The rat whipped out his knife, flipping it open quickly. He waved it menacingly at the grown fox. "Now, now, don't be getting like that...I'm just having myself a little fun," These last words were accompanied by a small squeak from the vixen as the rats dirty paw ran over her stomach. Kat kept her eyes ahead, and watched as the bathroom door moved closer. She'd never wanted to be in a restroom so much in her life.
On the return trip from the restroom, things were much the same. Kyle walked behind the vixen and listened to her muffled sobs as his grubby paws moved over her body. The vixen could almost feel the grime rubbing off of his paws onto her clean coat. She shifted her eyes to look at her teacher, who caught her glance and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'.
'He shouldn't be sorry,' Kat thought. 'He didn't do a thing wrong.'
They arrived at the room again, the tag labeled 'Mr. Jackson' no longer bringing joy to the vixens heart. The third, nameless rat opened the door. Kyle's paw moved under her arms and squeezed her breasts roughly, causing a feral growl from the female. She turned and bit the shoulder of her molester, and growled uncontrollably. Mike was shoved ruthlessly into the room, and a rat's voice echoed after him as the door shut.
"A feisty one, eh? Don't worry about your little vixen friend, we're going to bring her out for a little fun time,' Brandon and Kyle snickered together, as Mikes face was one of horror as the door was slammed shut and locked.
"KATRINA!" came the muffled cry from behind the door, pounding paws echoing down the hall.
A gruff hand covered her mouth as she tried to scream, her paws flailing. Instincts took over and she bit down hard on the hand around her muzzle, causing a shriek of pain from Kyle as his paw began to bleed. He laughed, the sound dripping with malice as he approached the terrified vixen, her back against the wall. Quick as lightning, his paw shot out and whipped the young female around, his other paw gripping her chin, holding her head up.
"I like a fighter every once in a while. But, not today. We have our ways of dealing with you're kind." A knee shot up and hit the fox in the small of her back, causing a bolt of pain up her body. She fell on the ground in pain, her head aching miserably as her back throbbed. Kyle flipped her onto her back and pinned her down, sending a paw across her face.
"When are you going to figure out its just easier to cooperate with us?" shouted the rat as he backhanded the girl again. She sobbed as he hit her a third time, this time with a fist. She could dully hear the voice of her teacher behind the wall, screaming for them to stop. Nevertheless, the rat kept hitting the vixen. As she reached the brink of blackness, he stopped. Unable to move, she sat motionless as the rat moved his hands down the vixen's body. His claws grasped at the button of her jeans, yanking it apart and pulling the fly down.
"What are you doing?!" squeaked out the third rat, his young voice full of worry.
"Shut the hell up, Kevin," spat Brandon, who was watching gleefully as Kyle began removing the young vixen's pants. Kyle through the clothing aside and pulled of her panties quickly, adding them to the pile. The young vixen groaned as the rats paw moved between her legs, playing. He quickly undid his own pants, pulling out his already erect member.
"Cry for me, bitch."
Mike sat against the wall, head in his hands. He knew exactly what the rats were planning to do to his student, his friend. But worse yet, he knew that he could do nothing but listen to the rats ravished the young fox. He heard the clothes being removed, the pleasurable laugh of one of the rats as they likely watched. But the worst, the worst sound of all was the muffled scream and sob of the vixen as the rat penetrated her. Tears rose to his eyes as he listened, as he listened to his young companion being raped by this complete stranger, this hijacker. These tears rolled down his cheek as he heard the vixen being slapped as her rapist violated her, his pleasured moans as this violence only aroused him more. He heard the sobs and painful cries of the vixen increase in speed as the rat sped his thrusting up, doing whatever it took to please himself. Then quiet. He heard the animal zip his pants up, and prayed to god that it was over for the girl, prayed to god that she didn't ever have to endure something like that again.
"You want a go, Brandon?" cooed Kyle.
Mikes heart sank to his stomach, hearing the pleased giggle of Brandon as he shuffled over to the vixen. The way they treated Kat like a peace of property, a toy, was almost enough to make the fox vomit.
"Come here, you whore," was all the teacher heard before a painful scream reached his ears, as the brutal rape continued.
Once done with the vixen, Brandon re-clothed himself and sniggered as he looked at the helpless vixen laying on the ground. Her soft fur was soaked in blood in places, from nail punctures, bites, and her brutal rape. Her face throbbed from the beatings she took
"Stand up, bitch," called Kyle. The vixen lay motionless on the ground. "I said, STAND UP NOW!" She made an attempt to stand, but failed.
Kyle grabbed the vixen by the scruff of her neck and pulled her upright, drawing a yelp from the broken vixen. He patted her cheek and smiled.
"No hard feelings, that was all in good fun," he said as he unlocked and opened the door, pushing the half-conscious vixen into the room, throwing her panties and pants in with her. The door slammed behind her.
Katrina stumbled, struggling to gain her footing as the world span and darkened before her eyes. She saw Mike standing, looking at her with tears running down his face. She took one shaky step forward before falling.
Mike sat on the ground, his students head in his lap. He had a wet cloth he retrieved from under his sink, and wiped away the blood at the vixen's shoulders, arms, and face. He had covered the vixen from the waist down, hiding her exposed nether regions. He wept still, as he saw what the rapists had done to the innocent teen. It was dark now, and his eyes grew heavy with emotional exhaustion. He closed his eyes and slept, all the while with the vixens head in his lap.
He awoke hours later, what his watched told him was 4am, to the painful groans of Katrina. She had awaken, and sat up against he wall, tears welling in her eyes as she recalled the recent events. Her head throbbed; face still stinging from the slaps. The rest of her body ached as well.
He stood up and made his way to his desk, where he pulled out a bottle of water and two pills. Painkillers.
"Katrina, please take these...they will help you feel better," he said softly, the soft tone of his voice soothing to the vixen. She lifted a shaky paw to take the pills, and dropped them. Mike picked them up and told her to open her mouth. She did, and he put the pills on her tongue, and poured some water into her mouth. She swallowed, and almost immediately began to sob. Reaching forward, she hugged her teacher, tears wetting his fur as she hugged him tightly, the vixens soul in need of a friendly face. He stroked the fur on the back of her neck and tried his best to calm her. Her put his arm around her shoulder and sat next to her, stroking the fur on her arm. She leaned against his shoulder and cried herself to sleep.
Sleep did not come as easy for Mike however, as his mind kept replaying the sounds from earlier that day, and remember how he couldn't help her. He hugged the girl tight and watched over her the rest of the night.