Virgin Virus - Ch25: Duality

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#32 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Twenty-five-

  • Last Chapter: -

The demons return Dr. Oscar safely to his home, and there they take a moment to rest and relax. Fabien's lab was destroyed and the three demons the recovered from the enclave were safely in the base. One of them, a very young demon, was unconscious. They could only wonder what his story is.

Author's Note: With my computer gone it's a little hard to post anything. But I'm always working on these things. Hope it's enjoyable.

John's mansion was located in the same tropical continent that housed Oscar's base. This where they all lived, Brazil. And the portion of the world the demons lived in was an abstraction of that locale. In general, the traditional gateways, i.e. mirrors, connect a mortal realm with its abstraction. These unique passages open only with specific aura resonations.

Lisao... it may have once been called. But since several years ago it has been nothing but ruins. One could only wonder about the many other regions of Pangea, the demon world.


John Castro's house was an odd spot at the outskirts of Earth's largest rainforest. A special trail was the only way in and out of it, one heavily guarded path. Its seclusion was normal to John, but the lad idly hoped for it to be different one day. For now, his father was home, and the young John seeked to spend time with him.


That the boy had already been dismissed. Fabien had already gone to work in his experiments, like he always did. John was instead in his personal gym, training away his worries.

  • "Carl... boyfriend... Carl... boyfriend." - John chanted between huffs and curls.

He gripped a 90 pound dumbell, doing some light resistance training in each hand. The young Castro wondered about what they did the day before.

They touched, they kissed and they pleasured eachother, even if they never actually had sex. The intention was there, but a phone call cut the session short and left Carl cold. Carl confessed that he felt confused about the incident, and John wondered worryingly.

Was it his sexuality what he was confused about? Did he already have someone else? He was frustrated at the possible answers, but he also a bit of hope. Carl could consider being his boyfriend...

  • "Who am I kidding?" - John sighed as he shifted to the next part of his workout, sweating profusely.

John never confessed to his best friend that he was gay, but certainly knew now. W\as that something that concerned Carl? It didn't help that the young 'Nuenberg had no cellphone or computer, being completely disconnected. Maybe they couldve resolved the confusion over the phone...

Evening was edgingly close when John decided to finish his workout. He had takea bath and had just finished eating dinner, which was served by his personal butler Melbourne. He sat on his big bed, half naked in only briefs. Idly he changed channels in his TV, but he didn't care much about the programming. The silver tray where he ate from was empty, but he decided to let a butler take care of that. Normaly he would take it out himself, it was no trouble at all.

A minute later, someone knocks at his door.

  • "Master John? You called?" -

The young servant gently creaks the door open and peeks into the room.

  • "Yes mel. Please come in." - John urged.

Melbourn was a 20 year old in only a black bikini and white tie. This was standarad attire for the servants of the house, his father's choice. No one questioned. Everyone seemed to like it, as a matter of fact.

  • "What do you need?" - He asked, standing proper and attentive.

  • "If you could take out the tray, please." - John requested politely.

  • "Sure." -

Melbourne took the tray from John's bed and exited the room.

Minutes later, a loud series of knocks echo into the manor.

  • "Coming." - Melbourne shouted at the visitors as he strutted to the kitchen.

Since it was on the same route, Melbourne placed the tray aside on a stool and attended the visitors.

  • "Welcome. How may I... help... you...?" -

The half naked butler opened one side of the double door and greeted, but what he found robbed him of any reaction.

  • "Will you let us in? I really don't want to break this nice door." - One of the strangers asked, a muscular golden furred being.

  • "I'm all for the door busting idea." - The tallest one among them spoke, this one had a large scar on his face.

  • "He looks delicious." - A vulpine looking one spoke, he was short and slender, standing between the scarface and the yellow beast.

  • "Might as well be served in a platter." - The tall, skinny one left of the yellow monster said.

  • "Step aside, chap." - The leftmost one with a buzzcut urged.

Then the scarred one shoves Melbourne aside and busts the other half of the door open, the vulpine one grabs the butler captive as the quintet barges in.

  • "Melbourne, who is it?" - John stepped into the lobby.

He froze, much like Melbourne did. Then he saw the butler in the arms of those demons.

  • "Holy shit! Mel!" - John snapped.

  • "Ah, the apple does not fall far from the tree." - The muscular yellow demon commented in a pleased tone.

That instant, john was held in a lock by the buzzcut demon.

  • "Wha... let me go!" - John couldn't react at the instantaeneous trap.

  • "Help! Help!" - Melbourne screamed, only to be silenced by his vulpine captor.

  • "Should we wreck the place? J-J is not here." - The scarred demon suggested.

  • "No, hold on. I'm waiting for someone." - The yellow demon commanded.

  • "The boy's father." - The tallest one mentioned.

  • "Yes." - Their muscled leader nodded.

From the opposite end of the lobby, a few yards away, came John's father, weAring an open lab coat and boxers. Except for the yellow demon and the half-naked scientist, everyone else looked amazed.

  • "Its like looking at a mirror..." - Fabien commented.

  • "Dad...?" - John was baffled at the similArities between the muscled demon and his father.

  • "Isn't he your favorite meal?" - The vulpine demon whispered.

  • "True." - The muscled one responded.

  • "Doesn't that kind of make you his familiar?" - He then asked.

  • "I havent formalized a bond, and I will not do so." - The yellow demon firmly responded.

  • "Why are you here?" - Fabien asked.

  • "You have my son." - The leader growled.

  • "Your son?" - Fabien did not understand.

  • "Dad!!" - John pleaded.

  • "John...! Who are you?" - Fabien asked.

  • "Me? I'm Dino." - The yellow demon growled.

  • "I feel like i know you..." - Fabien pondered.

  • "This fool is not helping." - The scarred demon grunted at his leader.

  • "Peace, I'm sure Jordan is fine." - Dino told the other.

  • "How does your son look like?" - Fabien asked.

  • "A bit shorter than me, dark brown fur." - Dino explained.

  • "Ah, I remember seeing a specimen like that." - The scientist commented casually, and it didn't seem to please Dino.

The herculean demon stomps toward Fabien.

  • "You took him from me, human." - He growled.

  • "Well, I no longer have him." - The scientist assured.

  • "Dad, what are they talking about, what are they?" - John struggled, frustrated at not knowing was going on.

  • "Stay quiet son. I'll handle this." - Fabien pleaded.

  • "Yes. Stay quiet boy. We should just take you like he took our brother!" - The scarred demon roared.

  • "Where is he?" - Dino asked once more.

  • "He was at my other lab, but I fear hes there no longer." - Fabien added.

  • "I fear I shall keep your son." - Dino growled menacingly.

  • "Dad!" - John flustered at the warning.

  • "John! Look, demon. my lab was invaded. Maybe the invaders have your son." - Fabien tried explaining.

  • "And how will I contact those invaders?" - Dino stared at Fabien.

  • "I'll have them come to you." - The scientist assured.

  • "Contact them. In the meantime, your son will be mine." - Dino declared.

  • "No... you can't do that." - Fabien looked horrified.

  • "If they don't appear with my boy, you'll never see your son again." - Dino concluded.

With that said, the quintet left. The foxy demon released melbourne and the buzzcut demon took Jonn prisioner. The boy may be abnormaly strong and muscular for a human, but his struggling didn't help against these demons.

  • "No! Let me go!" - John screamed, but soon he was out the door, captive by demons.


  • "Sir... what just happened?" - Melbourne asked as he looked out the door. He was trying to compose himself.

  • "Demons took my boy... I have to talk to nuenberg." - Fabien sighed.

Melbourne looked at his employer with overwhelming worry.

  • "We couldn't do anything..." - Fabien said, defeated.

  • "I'll understand if you resign, Mel." - He added.

  • "No... I worry for John." - The employee said.

  • "Let's call oscar..." -



A sound echoed. It was near.


It got louder. What did it mean? It was still night, we should be sleeping.


Whoever it was needed my attention. Our attention. Rafael was here with me. Sleeping.


Ok, this was annoying.

  • "Ungh..." *YAAWN* - All that hammering on the door got to me.

However, it was not in a good way.

  • "What?!" - I growled at the offender, leaning up on the bed.

The only visible thing in our lair was the ray of light that came from under the door.

  • "Dooseh! Open up!" - It was Tobey outside.

  • "Better let him in before he breaks the door." - I told myself, gathering energies to stand from the bed.

  • "Wait a second, Tobey!" - I exclaimed in order to delay Tobey from further pummeling the door.

The big lug could've smashed through the entrance if he wanted to, but he was controlling himself like a good boy. I opened the door and rubbed an eye, since things still looked a bit hazy. Not fully awake. Hardly.

  • "Stop the lovey duvy and come help, Dooseh!" - The big redhead looked at me with worried eyes.

  • "Lovey... what? Tobey, we're not..." - I mumble.

My minds still tangled up.

  • "Ok, where's the fire?" - I managed to ask.

  • "Not fire... demon! The sleepy one!" - Tobey kept exclaiming.

  • "Shh, lower your voice. Rafa's sleeping." - I gestured with my index finger over my muzzle.

  • "You're saying that the demon we left in the lab woke up?" - I tried to analyze Tobey's simplistic details.

  • "Yush. He has water guy." - Tobey pointed a paw at the lab's general direction.

  • "Boto? Well I'll go with you." - I told tobey.

It was probably nothing too important, so I didn't bother waking rafael. He could enjoy sleeping some more.

We moved to the main lab, where apparently the unconscious demon had woken up and held Boto captive. Once we were outside the lab, we found Ari just outside.

  • "Hey Ari. what's going on?" - I asked.

  • "See for yourself." - Ari said.

Tobey and I stepped inside and found that Rude and Sebastian were there as well.

  • "What's going on?" - I asked.

  • "As you can see, Boto's being held by that young demon, and he refuses to let him go." - Sebastian mentioned.

Effectively, the young demon had Boto in a pretty tight grapple, and the water demon looked like he was in relative pain.

  • "I could just rip the kid right off, but Ari wants to get information from him. The kid could also run away if he really wanted, but there are not many places a demon can go these days." - Rude explained as he watched with his arms crossed.

I looked back at the young demon. He was just growling lightly, and his eyes looked scared and angry.

  • "Dose... could you help me here? Those three haven't been much help, I've been this imp's captive for half an hour, and surprise-surprise, he's stronger than me." - Boto complained.

Strength was never one of Boto's key attributes. The young demon snarled at Boto, who meeped.

  • "Gah! Now he's menacing me with rape! I am hating feeling his boner right near my tail, and I sure as hell don't want to be raped by a cock again!" - Boto shouted and feebly struggled.

  • "Get him off me! I'm starting to get traumatized!" - Boto was desperate.

  • "Guys, I think we should just shackle up the kid. Boto doest need to be in this situation." - I told the guys.

  • "Its funny seeing him all flustered." - Rude muttered.

  • "I'm sure its not funny to him." - I said.

It was actually kind of funny.

  • "I hate you guys." - Boto growled.

With resolve he sighed, then his body became liquid and transparent, spilling from the young demon's grip as he transforms into water. The puddle slid away and slowly reformed into Boto's shape.

The young demon looked stupefied as the water weilder so easily slipped from his grip.

  • "I don't get to do that enough." - Boto mentioned.

  • "What do you want?" - Rude asked the demon.

  • "Give us a straight answer this time." - Sebastian added.

There were five of us, and one of him.

  • "All you've been doing is growling and acting immature." - Ari stepped in.

  • "Fine." - The young demon growled.

  • "I need to look for my father. I don't have wings, and I don't know where he is." - The young demon confessed.

  • "What's your name?" - I asked.

  • "Jordan." - He blurted.

  • "You could've just told us, instead of making a fuss about it." - Boto assured.

Jordan didn't look any more relaxed.

  • "I don't know any of you, and I don't really care." - Jordan growled again.

  • "Well then, this one's being obnoxious." - Rude commented.

  • "If you'd just tell us, we could help you." - Ari explained.

  • "I don't want your help." - Jordan assured.

  • "Yet you so obviously need it." - I pointed out.

  • "I need wings. I need to find my father." - The young demon finally admited, putting on a face as he kept his arms crossed.

  • "Where is he?" - Boto managed to ask.

  • "I don't know, but my pops needs me." - The young demon assured.

Odd as his looks and attitue were, he couldnt hide that he was worried and nervous.


  • "Guten morgen." - A greet voiced from the door.

It was doc Oscar, and he looked fairly sleepy. This was unexpected...

  • "I see that our guest is awake." - The doctor commented, our guest growling.

  • "He wants to look for his father." - I informed the doctor.

  • "What's your name, son?" - Oscar asked.

  • "Jordan." - He growled out his name.

  • "Where do you think your father might be?" -

  • "I don't know." - The young demon groaned.

Before anyone else could say anything, an odd ringing sound echoed in the room.

  • "Oh, someone's requesting communication." - The doctor said casually as he approached the ringing console.

Leaning to better view the screen past his glasses, he pressed a button that stops the little alarm and brings up a digital window.

  • "Oscar..." - Whoever was at the other end sounded like... Fabien.

  • "Fabien?" - The doctor muttered, looking very confused.

  • "I understand that I'm not on very good terms with you, but..." - Fabien began explaining.

  • "My son has been abducted by a group of incubi." - For such a calculating man, he sounded troubled.

I wouldve thought he would catch the criminal demons in the same way he captured the other specimens.

  • "John? Oh no..." - Oscar wasn't sure of what to say, but he knew John, he had a son too and both boys care for each other. That much he knew.

  • "I think that only other demons can get my son back, and you're the only one I know that employs them." - Fabien added.

Employ? I growled at that assumption.

  • "I don't employ them, Fabien. They're there by their own will, and they can leave whenever they wish. I'm only providing shelter and tools." - The doctor riposted with a tinge of anger.

what oscar said was slightly reassuring, and even the cranky demon changed his face slightly.

  • "Good to know, then." - Fabien said simply.

  • "I'll ask them if they will help or not. If they don't agree, I can only pray for the safe return of John." - The doctor firmly stated.

  • "Well, I await your answer. Thanks for your time, colleague." - Fabien finally said, and the console went offline.

We all looked at each other. That man certainly meant no good, but his son did not deserve punishment for his fathers sins.


  • "It was my father. Papa took his son, he was looking for me." - Jordan suddenly muttered.

  • "How do you know this? You were just blabbering that you didn't know anything a minute ago." - Sebastian growled, furrowing his brow.

  • "That was the man that took me, I'd know his voice anywhere. I was in his lab... you saved me from that place..." - Jordan seemed to finally realize that much.

  • "We destroyed that place." - I mentioned.

  • "He must have passed looking for me. My family's great at tracking." - The young demon said thoughtfuly.

  • "Take me to him, or he'll appropiate the boy he abducted." - Jordan then told us.

The young demon then ran from the lab, storming out.

  • "He's headed to the surface, but he won't go far. He needs our help." - Ari said, tracing the leaving demon with his sight.

An instant later, Carl and Yun walked in, looking fairly groggy each of them.

  • "What happened? Looks like something happened." - Carl quickly asked.

  • "Son, morning. Yun, you too." - The doctor greeted Carl and his demon companion.

  • "Fabien's son was abducted by the sleeping demon's father." - Ari told the boy.

  • "Fabien's... you mean that John was taken?" - Carl looked worryingly at his father.

  • "Yes." - Oscar nodded.

  • "We have to help him befose its too late!" - Carl snapped.

  • "But..." -

Carl probably didn't know that Fabien experimented on our kind for who knows how long, and that such fact didn't sit well with us. But, this wasn't about that man, it was about his endangered son. My mouth had opened to relay information that was probably unnecesary, so I muted.

  • "Let's go." - Rude said, serious as ever.

The earth wielder's never the most helpful being in existence, so this appeared as a surprise. Fact is, if he's around at all its usually because of Ari or Hayden. What's more, Rude and Gai don't get along well. That holds true for most fellows in the crew... but, I'm drifting along here.

Rude wants to help? Really?

  • "He just wants some action." - Ari then leaned and told me in whisper.

  • "Figures." - I chuckled to myself.

  • "We'll all go." - Sebastian added.

  • "We don't need all of the crew for this problem." - I mentioned.

  • "Yush! We can do this!" - Tobey suddenly shouted, flexing his right bicep as his tail wagged in excitememt.

He had kept quiet mainly because he didn't understand what was going on, but he knew we were going to do something and soon.


We were outside: Ari, Rude, Sebastian, Jordan, Tobey and me. I wanted to deal with the situation with time. It was morning, and the early heat felt real good on my fur. I almost sighed with content, but now we waited for Yun.

  • "He doesn't have to drag that kid along everywhere he goes." - Rude complained.

Carl wanted to go with us, but that was looking like a bad idea. Even so, it was Carl's friend that was in danger. It was understandable for Carl to want to help. The connection between master and familiar is something very influential, and I wont be surprised if we effectively take Carl along.

  • "Do we really need Yun?" - Rude asked a few moments later.

  • "You should take as much help as you can." - Jordan suggested.

  • "What do you mean?" - Ari asked.

  • "Look kid, we don't like eachother, that's clear enough. We'll take you to your family, but if you or anyone of them give us trouble, well see who's underestimating who." - Sebastian warned the young demon.

Certainly, he was getting on all our nerves.

  • "Peace." - Ari quickly steps between us, and Tobey serves as his back up.

Rude, Sebastian and Jordan were all ready to duke it out. At that moment, the manhole gets removed, and out pop Carl and Yun.

  • "Finally..." - I said after a sigh. Yun just scratched his head.

  • "We're supposed to leave Carl in Fabien's house. It seems that Carl will be able to help us." - Yun tried explaining.

All but the uninterested Jordan were uneasy. No matter how useful can it be to have Carl with us, we had no idea what we were dealing with. Only Jordan did, and he was being awfully vague about it. He seemed to look forward to seeing us hurt, maybe bringing in some pain himself.

  • "Dad gave me a mini portal to get there, and a parcel for Fabien. Maybe with them working together, more can get done." - Carl mentioned.

The boy probably understood our worry, but he was full of teenage determination. He simply had to help. All are teens like that?

  • "Let's go. My father and your friend are waiting." - Jordan exhorted.

  • "Right... umm." - Carl nodded, then he shuffled in his pocket and fished out a small cylindrical device.

It was similar to the little communicators Oscar used to give us. The same little things that often got lost, broken or ultimately ignored.

  • "Dad calibrated this thing to take us to Fabien's manor, but itll only work once." - The young Nuenberg explained, looking at the device." - Everyone gather round." - Sebastian urged.

The seven of us demons surrounded Carl as the boy activated the device. He presses the button an were quickly enveloped in an electric dome. It had the same color and feeling of the doctors bigger gate devices. A blue-green tint of energy. Then it all compressed, and we vanished.


The next instant we were above a large house, but it seemed to possibly fit in your hand from our perspective up high. It became larger as gravity ushered us into the ground, slowly and surely. Of the eight us someone had to help the wingless Jordan on his landing. Yun had Carl on his shoulders, they trusted that they would land unhurt. It honestly didn't look that high. At least not for the trained Yun. Since no one didn't even bother to look at the helplessly falling Jordan, I was the one to approach the young demon.

  • "Need any help?" - I offered him a paw as he fell.

  • "I'll be fine." - Jordan dismissed my offer, and I just shrugged.

I wondered if he'd break.


The fall was short, even if my wandering thoughts conspire to prolong it. We all landed on the driveway that preceeded the house, and Jordan landed almost as skillfully as Yun. We all paused for a moment.

  • "Carl, you have to go inside." - Yun told the boy as he gently placed him down.

I just looked around and analyzed the surroundings. I could feel Fabien, and it agitated me like nothing else. we knew nothing of that man, perhaps oscar could later shed more light on the matter. For now, the mission was to return one son and retrieve the other.

Carl diligently headed for the entrance and knocked. It was opened from the inside a mimute later by Fabien himself.

  • "Hello again, sir." - Carl greeted. The man smiled.

  • "Come in, lad." - He ushered Carl in, then he looked at us and approached.

  • "Thank you all for coming." - Fabien half-bowed.

  • "Tell us what happened." - Sebastian urged, stepping forward.

  • "Five demons broke in looking for him." - Fabien points at Jordan.

  • "They took my son as leverage. Please, return him to me..." - Fabien then pleaded.

I could feel my face showing skepticism. his apparent pain didn't seem all that real.

  • "We shall bring you your son, but hear me. we don't trust you." - I told him.

  • "I understand. I'll be waiting, then." - The man half-bowed.

His face was unreadable the whole time, I just wanted to either see an honest emotion or to just stop looking at it. He turned and headed back to his vain mansion, and we just looked at each other.

  • "His head is ripe for ripping." - Rude commented with a shrug.

  • "We can't just rip his head without a reason." - Ari assured.

  • "We want to, that's for sure." - I growled.

I was worked up today, which was unusual. But it kind of felt good.

  • "I can smell him. Follow me." - Jordan was idly sniffing when he suddenly bolted into the woods.

  • "Hey! Where's he going?" - Sebastian reacted.

  • "He's not escaping Tobey!" - The hulking Tobey thumped past Jordan, and so did we.

The young demon ran fast, but we kept up, following a trail of dirt that was probably used for vehicles.


Soon enough, we found Jordan wrapped in muscular yellow arms getting kissed on the lips with unusual passion.

  • "Oh boy." - One of the surrounding demons commented, he had a huge scar across his face.

  • "Jordan's brought friends for playtime." - A slender demon snickered.

That one was awfully peculiar, with its thin enlongated muzzle and oddly shaped ears. He was unquestionably an incubus, but he also looked like another animal.

  • "They've come for the boy, as it was predicted." - A tall demon with locks of hair framing his face held a human captive.

  • "Help me! Please! They will rape me!" - The human cried out.

  • "John..." - I concluded, but it hard to believe how that human looked.

The teenager was as muscular and vascular as Bruno the manticore, but at the same time he was inherently a teenager. His frame was the same size as Carl's, his voice seemed roughly boyish and his eyes were full of youth.

  • "That's Carl's friend...?" - Yun muttered with disbelief similar to mine.

John looked unnatural, simply put. Then I turned to see the demon that held Jordan. Jordan's father. Suddenly, I heard myself growl loudly.

  • "I assume you want the boy back, now that you've returned my beloved son, no?" - Jordan's father mentioned.

He looked so much like Fabien. Fabien's demon twin.

  • "We don't want any trouble." - Sebastian said firmly.

  • "Why? Trouble is... fun." - The scarred demon said in his deep, devilish voice.

  • "You have your demon back, just let the boy go." - I growled.

They all looked at us malevolently.

  • "I need this boy." - The muscled yellow demon rubbed John's hair, making the boy wince.

  • "I could use all of you, but maybe you need convincing." - The father spoke, and the demons surrounding him chuckled.

  • "This doesn't look good." - Yun claimed, getting in battle position and taking out his aura bound blade.

  • "Hey. Hey! What are you doing!" - A moment later, the demon that held John captive appeared to split in two, leaving a clone there while the other dissappeared into the depths of the jungle.

  • "Hey!" - Sebastian lunged forward to give chase, but the scarred incubus quickly steps in his way.

  • "Where are you goin'?" - The big demon asked Sebastian.

  • "Out of my way." - Sebastian growled, jumping to chase by flight, but the scarred demon wastes no time in grabbing Sebastian's leg and pulling him down.

  • "Stay, birdie." - The scarred demon chuckled, having forced down the wind weilder into the ground.

It only escalated from there.


The scarred demon was giddy as excitement pumped through him. In order to better face his large-winged opponent, he took in the shape of a manticore, the morphing of his body a quick and relatively shocking process. With the new size and wings, the scarred demon towered over all the others and a jolt of fear struck Sebastian and his partners.

  • "Time to dance." - The transformed scarred manticore told the wind weilder, winding up an oversized fist above his head, then bringing it down with meteoric force.

The ground craters at the impact, Sebastian having sidestepped to avoid it. The wind demon takes off, quickly gaining altitude with his large wings. The scarred lion-beast pursues, using its ebony-feathered wings.

  • "Afraid of me, birdie?!" - The scarred monster taunted as he ascended recklessly.

Sebastian just flew further into the woods, taking the fight far from the others.


There were six of us against six of them. I just looked at them. Who would decide to fight me? There was a pause. They seemed to analyze our strength. Planning in silence. No names, no introductions. They just wanted a piece of us.

Tobey was the first to get pounced at. The tall demon that struck Tobey split in two before attacking. From his position several yards away he cleared the gap in a single lunge, landing on the hyperphallic demon's shoulders and forcing both stumbling down.

As Tobey got pinned, the strange silver haired demon went after Rude, dashing surprisly fast. Once close enough, the demon reached for Rude, only to get blocked by stone spire that suddenly protruded, act of Rude's earth wielding. The silver-haired demon gracefully dodges the potentially lethal rock, swaying by it without delay.

Using that moment of distraction, Jordan went for the armed Yun. Once close enough, he swung a fist at Yun, who just shrugged it off and countered with solid kick into Jordan's midsection. The blow forced Jordan to bend and wheeze.

  • "Heheh." - The young demon chuckled after a moment, somehow pleased with the counter-attack.

After a brief pause of recovery, he reached for Yun's genitals. With a thrust, he had the warrior demon's package, forcing him to wince.

  • "Ah, hey!" - He growled, throwing a slice at his target.

  • "What are you doing, ya freak?" - Yun growled.

  • "Feels good but funny at the same time, huh?" - Jordan would tease, visibly squeezing the package.

  • "Gah!" - Yun complained out of frustation, not pain.

It seemed childish at best, that tactic of his. But then it reminded me of my scrap with Maseng. The memory seemed distant. I had transformed into hyper form, but the huge hyperphallia that comes packed with the hulking form was a huge disadvantage. I related that to the organ's size and heightened sensitivity, but apparently it was more than that. Jordan held Yun's bulge tight, and even through the pants, Yun felt helpless. He seemed to struggle against invisible chains.

That happened in a single brief moment. My involvement was inevitable, as there were two others. One had a truly confident smug, and to his side was the apparent leader. He looked awfully powerful.

He stood there, yards from us, pleased with the skirmish. Then an instant later he was an inch before me. I felt his exhaling breath hit my face like a hurricane gust. I reeled from how instantaenous it was. He could've had my neck without any trouble.

  • "Allow me to convince you. Like my children are attempting with the others." - He told me.

You could feel the poisonous edge in his voice.

Instictively I retreated, and I had no idea of what I could do. How was I going to defend against this powerful demon?

Suddenly i felt my gut getting kicked in. The air escaped me and I simply collapsed.

  • "I want to keep harm to a minimum. You can all be potential children in my army." - He pressed his left footpaw over my downed body.

What the hell was he talking about?

  • *SNIFF* You... reek of chimera. Interesting." - He then commented, looking down on me with deviance.

His foot was uncomfortable and humiliating... damn him!

I struggled heavily. This wouldn't go without a fight. Fabien's son was still out there. We couldn't lose.

  • "I feel like you will make an excellent part of my moveme- what are you doing...?" - I grabbed the leg that pinned me, and I concentrated.

I can't lose, I cant lose...


["Host... everytime I surface, I become more fused to you. You will have full control. Soon we will be but one."]

["There's only Dose.]

["Yes. Remind the body of its chimeran half. Have no fear!]


The body succumbs to a familiar process, yet in its mundanity it does not lose the insanity that it actually is. Powers flow as fluid and energy, bathing every fiber of my being and promoting the literal growth. Muscles swell and my strength exponentiates with the rising scale. And with it all, pain. Sharp pain that vibrates the whole body and threatens to tear the limbs. It is pain that I can welcome like an old friend. That other part of this body that remains unknown to me after a quarter of a lifetime. It is me, all of me.

  • "Ah, yes. That trace of chimera I smell. Not the shapeshifters. You." - Fabien stood a few yards back.

He had jumped off after quickly realizing that I was not going to be hindered so easily. My breathing was deep, slow and steady as I looked.

I sent signals to my hands, stretching my fingers and hearing their soft grind. My arm felt loose... then it propelled to his face. It was so fast, almost automatic. The demon caught my fist with his open palm. I could feel his arm strain to brake my propulsed fist. He winced, and growled with strange pleasure.

  • "Ah, so much power." -

Oh, how to approach this... to force him to submit, defeat him in some way, deter him long enough to find the boy who was Fabien's son. The boy probably has nothing to do with this, and this other demon is a threat. Just like Fabien is.

  • "Why do you hesitate?" - I slipped in my thoughts for a moment, he took advantage and reached for my huge piece.

The giant achilles heel. How the phallus always grows so massive and makes the weakspot a deadly target. I swiveled my hips, the meat moved out of the way of his hands and I riposted with a fist to his chest. He reels from the hit, growling in an instant of pain.

  • "Pummel this demon to the ground. Obliterate him." -

That was all i thought about.

Do that while keeping my erect hyperphallia off his reach, even if the member was twice as long as my own reach.


Only Ariyoshi was left as the rest of both groups scrapped against an opponent. On the opposition was a short one with a buzzcut, hair that barely rose from the demon's scalp. He stood with confidence, wearing smug on his face and sucking on some stick. Whatever this foe's ability was, Ari felt relatively confident. With time under his control, he could slip out of any adversity. Even if at the moment he could only stop instances and move freely in the frozen space, that was enough advantage over many things. It was just a matter of figuring out what he was up against.

  • "There is something familiar about the way you smell, chap." - The demon said as he unfroze from his adamant stance and approached the time weilder.

  • "Come on. You won't feel a thing." -

There was the warning, and after that moment, the air stopped. A feeling of vacuum surrounded him and everything just halted. Over the orange glow that he saw, the demon slowly walked toward him.

  • "My name is Luke. But you'll never hear that." -

Ariyoshi heard the soft claim. He was breathing perfectly, of course Ari knew what was going on.

  • "Another one? Not now...:" - He thought.

Luke only saw a still Ari, believing that his target is cosmically unaware. He slipped out the stick that he sucked on, and as it slid out of his mouth a blade was revealed. It was a translucent neon green, shaped unmistakably like a double-edged dagger that was no thicker than paper.

  • "A lolipop? That's his weapon?" - Ari wondered silently, still playing along Luke's belief that he is helpless.

He was within arm's length now. The short haired Luke studied Ariyoshi, licking his lips after granting a once over.

  • "I would have my way with you, since I'm thirsty, ya know. But I've no time." - Luke stared at Ari for a moment.

  • "You are one weird fellow, Luke." -

Ari blurted to his foe's astonishment, hopping back several feet, not losing his cool.

  • "Wa- you just pretended to be frozen, eh? Well, that's no fun." - Luke slurped the blade candy back in his mouth.

  • "So we both are time weilders." - Ari aknowledged.

  • "Yes. That's what I caught. The familiriaty in your scent." - Luke gave a slight smirk, in which Ari sensed an odd content.

The blond short haired demon kept walking towards Ari, the other time weilder not too worried.

  • "He won't kill me." - Ariyoshi thought, and that gave him confidence.

  • "Maybe he wants to, but their plan is to take us as prisioners. That's what their leader said." - Ari breathed steadily.

  • "Well, I must take this frozen moment in time to pin you down." - Luke said before grabbing the thin stick of the candy in his mouth. He pulled on it and slowly the lolipop was revealed in a new, longer shape.

  • "He can manipulate that piece of sweet into any shape... that's just odd." - Ari contemplated.

The result in Luke's hand was a sword, translucent neon green and probably very sharp.

  • "Maybe I'll hamstring you." - Luke tilted his head slightly, and his body tensed up with intent.

Then he springs at Ari, closing the gap between them with great speed and swinging the unlikely weapon at Ariyoshi's leg joints. The green-eyed demon barely had a chance to dodge, he braced for the pain.

  • "Oh crap!" - He half-muttered.

Ari just stumbled, trying to recover his balance. There was no hit. A misjudgement? Ari looked at Luke. The blond stared at Ari with his blue eyes. They both blinked. Luke was frozen in time, but only partially. He was aware. Frozen in his own frequency? It was impossible, freezing oneself in time. Then something else caught his eye. The previously orange tint was gold. Now, this he remembered.

  • "Last time, I was rudely dismissed." - The time demon with the golden hair and pearl eyes.

His power was overpowering Luke's, and would most likely overpower his as well.

  • "You..." - Ari muttered.

  • "Yes... you were rude and I was patient. This time I will not accept rudeness, brothers of mine." - The powerful time weilder stood between the others.

His demeanor was serene.

  • "What do you want?" - Ari wondered.

  • "To have my proposition heard, is all." -

  • "What do we call you?" -

  • "Exlias." -

  • "You're gonna keep him frozen?" - Ari gesture at Luke, not exactly worried but curious.

  • "Aye, he probably won't listen otherwise." - The frozen Luke's eyes switched between the two demons before him.

  • "Hear me... I wish to reunite the greatest family. The family of time! We weild the strongest power of all." - Superiority filled Exlias's voice.

  • "It was unfairly torn apart in a time of weakness, but we will return." -

  • "Why? Why is it important?" - Ari questioned, and Exlias just points at him.

  • "What if someone turned back time and stopped the Virgin Virus from ever spreading? Destroying its source... saving millions. Restoring the crucial balance. Hear what I say carefully, Ariyoshi." - Exlias smiled knowing that the astonishing promise would make Ari react.

  • "None of us can turn back time..." - Ari mentioned with apprehension.

Not even time wielders could turn back time. Impossible.

  • "Ariyoshi, each gift is unique, even within a bloodline. Like colors, there are many shades. Many premutations. Think about it. The possibilities are truly endless." - Exlias continued.

Ari could not refute such idea.

  • "what do you want us to do?" -

  • "Join me in the search for the family of time. You must tell no one." - Exlias kept his smile.

  • "I can't... I can't decide right now." - Ari muttered.

  • "Ariyoshi, you have a more absolute chance of ending this mad chase for answers and solutions than anyone else. If you do not join, do not expect us to even consider the incident, terrible as it may have been." - Exlias took on a more serious face, and Ari was almost overwhelmed.

Maybe there is such a help as too much help.


  • "You can wait in John's. I... think he'll really appreciate seeing you here." - Fabien had told Carl.

The decision to come was brash, but he felt so strongly that he should be there. He could, and he definitely should. John was his best friend. He loves john... it was a new realization. Be there for him.

  • "Demons... bad ones." - Carl sighed.

He just sat on the bed, feelimg a warm pressure on his chest. A harsh worry. In that room the only comfort he felt was the scent that surrounded him, faint but noticeable. To him, it was slightly sweet, and it was definitely unique. He was optimistic.

They would bring John back, he was sure. He would be able to tell his friend all that he feels. Carl had envisioned it many times before. Ddelusions they probably where, impossible dreams. But they may actually become truth.

The young Nuenberg was tired. Alread two hours had passed after their arrival. Carl just slipped his head over the comfortable pillows and slowly drifted into sleep.

  • "Please be ok... please be ok.... I need you." -become truth. for now, he can only wait for the demons to bring john back...

Virgin Virus Ch26: Rapture

Incubus: Virgin Virus -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Twenty-six- - Last Chapter: - The unconcious demon wakes up, and he calls himself Jordan. He bothers the crew, wanting to be back with his 'Daddy'. Coincidentally, Dr. Oscar receives...

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Sealed Souls - Ch3: Inner

Incubus: Sealed Souls -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Chapter Three- This one was heavily delayed, but it's finally here. I hope it's enjoyable, and I'm sure it'll shed some light on several of Virgin Virus' characters....

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Virgin Virus: The Demon Maker

**Incubus: Virgin Virus** -By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan- -Side Story 6- _Disclaimer: It is recommended that you're over 18 while reading this. It's mostly homosexual erotica; steer clear if you don't approve._ My Side...

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