Snake on a Plane

Story by Clawdragons on SoFurry

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A female Dragonair x female Latios story. It has some trans-ish themes in terms of stuff like dysphoria and perceptions and such, though does not explicitly contain any trans characters. If those sorts of things might bother you, then this story probably isn't for you.

As always, comments are extremely, extremely appreciated.

The pale white-blue curve of the sky below fuzzed into the dark expanse of the vault of space above. The temperature, for a while rising slowly (though still painfully cold), had begun to drop again. For a few moments the Latios drifted in silence, completely alone, this high held up as much by psychic energy as by the force of lift.

Dropping in speed, the cobalt-blue and grey Pokemon fell slowly back down into the stratosphere. The temperature dropped as the air thickened, until just as the cold was nearly too much to bear, the trend reversed. At the very least, going down was easier than going up - it required endurance, but no active effort.

Finally, the white-blue below resolved itself into diffuse lines of clouds, strips of white, and visible far below them, the vast ocean, strips of blue. A long, undulating serpent twisted through the air and joined the Latios - smooth blue skin above and a white underbelly made the Dragonair difficult as difficult to spot as the Latios.

They'd been flying for several hours. The Dragonair was beginning to feel the exertion, but she knew the Latios wouldn't be, even after going max altitude. It wouldn't be an issue if she could evolve, but that was an old wound, and didn't need to be picked at. Instead, she spoke to her companion.

"I never know where you're going to come down when you do that." She said. "I always think I've missed you."

"Hmm. You say that, but you never do." the Latios responded, staring off into the distance blankly.

"And you always come back mopey." The Dragonair flew closer and poked the Latios with her tail.

"I don't get mopey. You get annoying." the Latios said, looking somewhat indignant.

The Dragonair gave a few more jabs with her tail, then said "Okay, maybe. I'll admit that. But you still get mopey."

No response. The serpentine Pokemon suddenly tilted to the side and began to make her way to a bit of shore visible in the distance, gradually dropping altitude; her friend switched directions to follow. The strip of land was between cities, and the area near the beach seemed like it would make for poor traveling for humans, alternating between uneven rocky outcrops and cliffs and small patches of pebbly beach, With any luck, they could rest here without being discovered.

A few hundred miles back, the two had left a research lab on unfriendly terms. Presumably, the lab was too busy repairing the hole blasted in their wall (courtesy of a Dragon Pulse) to give chase, but humans were annoyingly persistent, and annoyingly numerous. Latios were rare, and while some were content to respectfully keep their distance, more often they decided they wanted to take a shot at a capture.

The problem was much worse if they realized the Latios was female.

The Dragonair could probably have gotten released on her own if she'd acted unhappily enough. But the Latiios wouldn't have gotten away so easily, and she didn't want to leave her friend. Even if she could be mopey, distant, and frustrating. The Dragonair nudged the Latios.

"Let's do something." The Dragonair said. The Latios didn't respond, so the Dragonair raised her voice. "Sabre? Sabre! Let's do something."

"Hmm?" Sabre responded. "Do what now?"

"I'm bored and you're in a mood. You'll be like this all night if I don't do something about it. And we've actually got a comfortable spot near the water. So let's have sex. It's been a little while?"

The Latios froze. Several seconds passed, and the Dragonair was about to continue talking, but the other Pokemon cut her off.

"Not... Not right now. I... Another time? Please, Delta?" The Latios said, sounding stiff and uncomfortable.

"What? Why not?" Delta asked.

"Do... I need a reason?" the Latios said.

"I mean... If you just said no, then no. I'm not interested if you're not. But..." the Dragonair trailed off. She gave Sabre a few seconds while she tried to gather her thoughts. "But you're not just... You're... I don't even know how to put it."

"I don't know what you mean."

"But you do though. You get like this, where you won't talk with me, won't tell me what you're thinking, or what's wrong. And if you want me to leave you alone to be sad, I can do that." The Dragonair was speaking faster as she wound herself up. "But you can't tell me nothing's wrong and expect me to believe it. This isn't how you act when you're just not feeling in the mood."

"I don't want you to leave me alone." The Latios said quietly, looking away.

"What DO you want then?" The Dragonair asked her.

"It's not important. It's silly." The response was even quieter.

"If it's upsetting you this much, it IS important." Delta said, voice momentarily getting too loud. She stopped for a moment, then continued, voice held firmly level. "You can go silent if you want, but I can tell it's something you should talk about. Something you want to talk about. So I'm going to sit here and wait." She curled her serpentine body into a loose coil, and settled back, an expectant expression on her face.

The sounds of their conversation died. A few minutes later, a pair of Wingull started calling out to each other as they searched for some last fish or crustaceans before it got too dark. The orange at the horizon spread further into the sky. Delta stayed curled up, waiting patiently. Eventually, the Latios spoke up.

"I'll talk about... Not tonight though. Give me some time."

"Good enough. I'll hold you to that."

Slowly waking up along with the first light of the sky, smelling the salty sea air, the previous night's events wormed their way into Delta's mind. Her eyes suddenly snapped open, panicked that Sabre would have left. But the Latios was sitting up next to her, with a thoughtful expression on her pointed face. Delta gave her a nudge, and the Latios looked over and smiled.

"I'm going to go for a swim this morning." the Dragonair said. Sabre didn't (or, well, couldn't) swim, but Delta didn't want to waste the opportunity to spend some time underwater. Pestering Sabre might get her to explain what's wrong sooner, but Delta trusted her to stick to her word, and didn't want to apply more force than was necessary.

Her frustration with her friend's silence had faded in the night anyway, leaving mostly curiosity mixed with worry. As she slipped into the cold, salty ocean water, some of her tension slid away. She liked the air fine enough, but flying was strenuous, where swimming through the water just felt natural. If she could become a Dragonite, maybe her preferences would switch, and she'd enjoy flying more?

That wouldn't happen though. She was stuck in her middle form, always holding Sabre back when they traveled together, always a dead weight in a fight. Her parents had raised her egg in a cavern lined with everstone veins. They hadn't realized it at the time, and even if they had, usually everstone only had an effect when you kept it nearby. It didn't stop her from being bitter about it.

She was lucky she was able to evolve even once. The experience nearly killed her - her body couldn't handle changing so drastically. But the difference between a Dratini and a Dragonair, and a Dragonair and a Dragonite, were on totally different levels.

Swimming along the sandy ocean floor, watching the light from the sun fade as the depth grew slowly deeper, the Dragonair let her dark, unhappy thoughts surface, then let them float away. For the moment, she was in her element. No weakness, no inabilities.

Is that how Sabre felt when she disappeared into the sky? The Latios wasn't weak like she was though. Maybe she just liked her alone time. But then why would they always travel together? The thought "pity" creeped into Delta's mind, but she tossed it out forcibly. She refused to think that about her friend.

Curled up against the seafloor, she felt a current gently tugging at her. The water was very cold, and it felt great passing through her gills after spending so many days in the air. After a portion of an hour, she decided she'd indulged herself enough, and headed back to the surface.

Breaking through the surface of the water, switching from sliding through water to forcing her body into the air, the Dragonair saw a blur of gray, at a distance that it would be hard to make out were it not moving so quickly. Delta gave a shout, as loudly as she could, and after several seconds the blur switched directions, the distance between them practically evaporating.

"A pair of humans found the cove we were in," Sabre said, voice tight, "and I... just had to get away."

"Trainers? Researchers?" Delta asked.

"No, they were small... I think children, actually?" the Latios responded. "I know, I know, I just didn't... I said I'll talk about it later."

The pair headed into the air and away from the coast. Human children weren't any sort of danger, but if they were stressing Sabre out, the Dragonair wouldn't mind finding a new location. Still though, talk about it later? She knew what Sabre must have been referring to, but she couldn't see the connection.

The Latios slowly dropped her speed, until she could see Delta no longer had to strain to keep up. Her companion would never complain, so she always kept an eye out. The wind hasn't quite dried the Dragonair's skin off completely, and she glistened as she whipped through the air like a streaming ribbon. She really was gorgeous without even trying. The Latios felt a pang of jealously but didn't let it show. She would talk about that too.

Besides a few breaks when the Dragonair spotted schools of fish, the two flew for most of the morning without seeing any land. The Latios led the way, keeping an eye out for the coast, having made a silent promise to herself that they'd stop to talk when it came into view (so, dreading and anticipating the sight).

Finally, a protrusion of land stuck out, just visible on the horizon. The two banked towards it slowly, and it resolved itself into more rocky coastline. This time, there were no pebbly beaches, mostly just brown cliffs covered in bird's nests, and rocky protrusions sticking out of the water. Flying low, following the coast, an inlet appeared, a little secluded area protected from sight by the overhanging rock.

A natural breakwater protected the inlet from rough waves, and the resulting tides had worn this section of rock smooth. Settling down among the rocks, the two watched the gentle swell of the water. The Latios fidgeted with nervous energy, but the tranquil sight slowly calmed her down.

"I sort of hate humans." Sabre said after a while.

"Makes sense," Delta said, "they can be very frustrating."

"Mmm. This is going to be hard to talk about. So if you want to hear it, please don't interrupt." The Latios said. In response, the Dragonair buried her snout under her tail - overly exaggerated perhaps, but her friend smiled and continued.

"You've been with me a while, so I know you know about that. They see something interesting, and they want it. But it's so much worse when what they find interesting is something you hate about yourself.

"You've never felt this, because you're... Well, you're elegant. You're feminine. You're graceful." Delta shifted a bit at that but stayed silent." But then they look at me, and... At first they think they see a male. Because... Well, look at me." She lifted her wings, and twisted her head to the side. Her face was nearly typical for her species - pointed, with a curved, streamlined face, blue and grey, bold and sleek. Her body was similar - wings back at a streamlined angle, body a bit bulky, mostly the same cobalt blue as her face, but neck and chest steel grey. Perhaps she was a bit slimmer and softer than a male Latios, but it wouldn't be apparent to anyone who wasn't looking for the differences.

"Which, I guess I shouldn't care about? Why would I care what they think? But it does bother me. And then it's even worse if they see I'm not. Because then it's not that I'm female to them. Suddenly I'm an oddity. A strange exception to the rule they made.

"And then I start thinking how others see me. When we cross paths with another Latios or Latias, do they see me as male? What about other Pokemon? What about... friends? I don't like to think about it, but I can't help it. And then when we sleep together, sometimes it makes it better, but sometimes I can't stop focusing on how I'm seen and it hurts even more."

Sabre's voice cracked, and she fell silent. Delta wanted to respond, but her conflicting feelings made it hard to know where to begin. Sympathy. Exasperation. Annoyance. Understanding. She picked a thought at random and went with it.

"I understand where you're coming from, but you... It sounds like you're not even sure how I see you? And... We've been friends for how long, first of all? Regardless of how you think you look, your personality is more important. Anyone who knows you even slightly couldn't consider you male. You called me feminine, but compared to you? I don't think so.

"Especially when you're underneath me, rubbing against me - how could we be so close and you have any question of how I see you? If anything, I should be jealous. You've got a body like what I'd have if not for the everstone effects. Stronger, faster, more versatile. I'm lucky I was even able to evolve once. I would trade you in heartbeat."

"I've... Wondered about that." Sabre said. The Latios shifted forward, eyes running down the length of the Dragonair's long body. "You have evolved before, at least once. You know better than I do what it's like to be in a different body."

Delta squirmed. "I don't like thinking about this, but, it's like... At least when you evolve, you still have an intuitive feel for how to move your body. Or, maybe that's just because I didn't change so much? But sensations feel different, and there's new things you can do. I've wondered what it's like to have arms though."

"If the offer from yesterday is still open, I can maybe, help... with that. But, please... can describe how you feel?" The Latios placed a hand on Delta's body.

"I can try. Usually my mouth is occupied though, so talking during will take some concentration." The Dragonair coiled up against Sabre's body, wrapping her body in a horseshoe shape against either side of the Latios's body underneath her wings, for stability. She twisted her tail around so the glassy beads laid against the Latios's rear fins, genital slit exposed upwards.

Reaching down with her hand, Sabre spread the Dragonair's slit with her hand. The labia parted, and her clitoris was clearly visible, a small nodule of flesh protruding above the vagina, both a deep pink in contrast to the white outer skin of Delta's underside. She ran her other hand across the Dragonair's coils, feeling the smooth skin.

She reached down and began to slowly rub the Dragonair's clit. Her claws were smooth and dull, and she placed one on either side of the node of flesh, putting the slightest amount of pressure on it from the sides.

"That feels good? I mean, it does, but besides that, I don't really know what to say."

"I don't know. Is it any different than when you touch yourself here...?" Sabre asked hesitantly.

"Well, yeah. Normally I would be using my mouth. This isn't a position I could be in normally, I have to coil around. When I'm like this I can really feel my body tensing though. On my own I never have anything to grip, so I might, I guess, shudder, but I can't squeeze." The Dragonair said. The Latios pressed a bit harder and moved her hand over the surface of the Dragonair's clitoris.

"I can feel you squeeze when I do that. Are you doing it on purpose?" She asked.

"Not really, though I could maybe stop it if I want. I do clench my muscles down there as well, and that's involuntary. Huh... I can see it when you put pressure or hit a nice spot. Again, normally I'm using my mouth so I don't get a good view"

"That's similar then. When I do this," Sabre pressed her hand down hard, and the Dragonair clenched up tightly, "it feels almost like a climax, but without the intensity or satisfaction."

"Uh... Yeah, I can feel what you mean. It is nice though, I can't get that sort of leverage..." Delta managed to get out, though she had begun breathing heavily. The deep pink of her genitals seemed to have spread, the outer area of her slit now an uneven pink, and the area around her clitoris had become reddened. Her tail was shifting side to side, rubbing her clit against Sabre's hand. Thin strands of clear fluid stretched out then broke as the Latios moved her hand away.

"And I don't have that sort of mobility. Do you do that while licking yourself?" She asked.

"Yeah. I guess... You wouldn't know what that... Wait! I have an idea." The Dragonair twisted her body around, coils repositioning, until she had neatly inverted herself, her slit now near Sabre's face, her face now near Sabre's own vulva. Looking at the tracks of lubricant across it, her free hand had taken a few forays across as she had masturbated the Dragonair. "I'm having trouble... focusing on talking. But what we can do... is I can... maybe at least, show you how it feels to use your mouth? Anything you do to me, I'll try my best to... repeat for you."

Without waiting for an answer, the Dragonair pressed her aching slit into the Latios's face. Unsure quite how it would work, the Latios gave a quick lick along the outside of the Dragonair's outer labia, and, after a short delay, felt the wet sensation of her friend's tongue cross over the same part of her own vulva. She moved inward, pressing her tongue against the serpent Pokemon's now unseen clitoris, and again, the feeling was mirrored.

On the one hand, the sensations were familiar - they had given each other mutual oral before, and it was pleasurable in its own right. But the context of what they were doing, and the strange delayed feedback, made it at the same time totally new. Sabre began to experiment with all sorts of motions. Licking across the vaginal opening. Penetrating herself with her tongue. Twisting her tongue around the clitoris. As her arousal grew stronger, it became harder to differentiate what she was doing and what was being done to her.

She found that a circular motion around the outside of her clit, alternating with occasionally passing her tongue over the surface, was the most pleasurable, and she felt a mixture of saliva and lubricant flowing out in small rivulets from her, making cold wet tracks along her hips. She paused for a moment in her attentions, trying to avoid bringing herself up to climax too soon.

A voice from below called up. "Try... sucking... on... it..." Delta panted out.

Listening to her friend's advice, she parted the Dragonair's flesh, placed her mouth against the Pokemon's clitoris, and began gently sucking. Delta eagerly replicated the action, and it came with an immediate surge of pleasure. Suddenly Sabre wasn't worried about dragging things out, she was ready to climax, and she found she could easily fit in the new sucking action along the tongue movements she'd already figured out - doing a combination of both, in fact.

She felt her loins begin to convulse, and she flicked her tongue back and forth rapidly, feeling her clit twitch in the Dragonair's mouth. Delta's own tail began to twitch out of her grip, rapidly rubbing against her face as she lapped at it. Sabre's mind blanked as she orgasmed, feeling her body squeeze tight, and get squeezed by her friend's twitching coils, as the Dragonair hit her own climax moments later. Clear fluid squirted onto her face, slick but slightly sticky.

Shuddering in her afterglow, Sabre focused on the taste of the fluid on her face. It was familiar, but not the sort of thing she'd ever thought about. Fairly salty, and bit metallic, with some other, harder to define tastes involved. The saltiness was the most obvious difference from her own taste, but it was hard to tell otherwise without comparing, and with her afterglow fading, she decided to put that off for later.

Delta's body kept clenching for a while longer. Relaxing for a moment, then suddenly squeezing rapidly two or three times, holding tight to the Latios's body as her orgasm spiked and ebbed. Rather than a quick fall from the peak of a climax, hers faded in a slow, uneven way. She considered mentioning something about that to Sabre, but she decided to just ride it out instead.

"I think... you got... better at that." the Dragonair said, still having trouble speaking. "This was... even more fun than usual."

For the first time in a while the Latios felt some of her tension slip away. She knew it would come back eventually, but this was a great outlet for those feelings. She couldn't make her body as graceful or feminine as she might like, but she had one such body wrapped around her that she could enjoy and that enjoyed her. Something about knowing that her friend, at least, saw her as she'd like to be seen, helped quite a bit.

"I think I could still learn more though. Maybe later you can tell me some more." Sabre said. "And I might have some things to try out for you as well. It's a lot easier to hold things with hands, you know."

Flower and Vine

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