Flower and Vine

Story by Clawdragons on SoFurry

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A commission for Sombreon, who doesn't have a SoFurry account but can be found here:http://duskbrony.deviantart.comhttp://runeroonz.tumblr.com/

The tags should give a pretty good picture of what this story contains, but the main things to watch out for are ferals, a f/f pairing, and casual sex.

Anyhoo. I've been working on a longer story. hence my lack of other writing, but I needed a bit of a break from it. It's almost ten times the length of this one so far, but still has a while to go before completion. Hopefully you'll enjoy that when it comes out!

The Meganium walked slowly through the thick verdure of the rainforest floor. The deep green of her skin blended perfectly into the vibrant background, and she would have been hard to track were it not for the dark pink of the flower around her neck. Ivy stretched out her body into the void, and looped it around a lower branch, pulling her serpentine form down closer to the ground.

The Meganium drew closer, and the Serperior moved herself over to a nearby tree trunk, head pointing towards the ground, with the lower half of her body tightly wrapped above her, giving her upper body relative freedom of movement. The Meganium tended to walk with her head pointed towards the ground, and so missed the snake above her until it was too late. Ivy quickly dropped from the trunk of the tree onto the unsuspecting Meganium, coiling herself first around her chest, and then, around her neck. She tried to pull her head back, but the Serperior's face was already up against her own.

"Trying to escape, Petal?" The Serperior asked her friend.

"Wha...? Ivy?" The Meganium said, trying to bring the Serperior into focus, but succeeding only in going cross-eyed.

"Sorry for..." the Serperior paused a moment, making sure to pick the right words to get across her meaning, and continued "for the close embrace, but I saw you passing by at the last moment, and didn't want to let you get away from me." The Meganium blinked a couple of times, processing the meaning of Ivy's words.

"Oh, well, alright then. Though you could have just said something" Petal replied. The Serperior smiled a bit, and tightened her coils slightly for a moment, making her meaning clear - this way was just a tad more intimate. Ivy then let herself slide off the Meganium, but remained close enough to her side that the slightest motion would bring the two in contact again.

"I've been thinking about your flower recently", she said, stressing the word "flower" to drive home the double meaning.

"Oh? What sort of thoughts?" Petal asked.

"Well, what sorts of things get it dripping with nectar, for one" Ivy replied. She watched Petal out of the corner of her eye. The Meganium's antenna-like stamen twitched a bit as she thought how to respond, but right as she was about to speak, the Serperior cut her off. "You don't need to tell me, of course, it's a bit of a personal question, but maybe I'll have the opportunity to see for myself."

The Meganium was a skillful player in this game of theirs. Ivy had decided quite a while ago to get the Meganium into bed, but the Meganium managed to barely deflect every advance, without ever discouraging the attempts. It was a battle of wits, of sorts - whether she'd be able to back the Meganium into a corner, where she couldn't keep playing hard-to-get, or whether the Serperior would break down from the teasing first.

"I'm sure you'll get the opportunity," Petal responded, "But that's a ways off yet". Ivy squirmed a little in response. That was precisely what drove her crazy about Petal. Able to encourage her attempts at the same time as delaying her gratification. Without warning, the Meganium twisted her long neck so that her face was right above the Serperior's, and let out a soft, cool breath. The smell of her breath was akin to crushed mint, and the Serperior felt her entire body perk up in response.

"You were looking a little wilted for a moment there." Petal said, by way of explanation.

"I forget sometimes that you can do that." Ivy replied, blinking and shaking her end with her newfound energy. Suddenly, she became aware that she'd been pushed onto the defensive, and so rapidly switched back to offense. "I wonder what else you can do with that mouth." she said, and was pleased to see the Meganium caught off guard. She followed her advantage up quickly. "For now, you look a bit hungry, so maybe you should grab something to eat, and then later... Maybe you can have something else to eat" she said slyly.

The Meganium, having not much to say that wouldn't be construed as an agreement to the second point in addition to the first, stretched her long neck upwards and removed some small fruits from the branches of a nearby tree. The Serperior flicked her tail in amusement as she watched her friend. All she had to do was resist temptation, and her win was inevitable.

Though, secretly, the flicking of her tail served a secondary purpose - the Meganium's vitalizing breath had an extra effect on her body, and the moving of her tail kept a puddle of her arousal from growing too large in any one place. Time wasn't entirely on her side.

The two Pokemon met several times more over the few weeks, with the Serperior making no noticeable progress towards her goal of seducing Petal. Petal, however, seemed to believe that Ivy was going to break soon, as she'd begun to ask occasionally if anything was on her mind. Perhaps she expected an admission of defeat, but Ivy was certainly not so trivial to beat.

A change of tactics was in order.

She had, perhaps, been leaving too much for the future, opening herself up to allowing Petal to delay repeatedly. What was needed was a distinct event - something to set the mood in such a way as Petal couldn't keep playing hard-to-get. And, Ivy had something in mind that could work, with a bit of preparation, of course - though those went quicker than she could have hoped for.

Soon, the time was at hand, and Ivy went to collect Petal.

"What sort of show are you talking about?" Petal asked again, as Ivy led her through the dense rainforest floor "You're being rather vague."

"Trust me on this one, just for a little longer" Ivy responded.

"Eh... Well... Okay, I suppose" She said, resigned to getting no further information from Ivy, but too curious to back out.

The Serperior snaked her way through the dense underbrush, while the Meganium behind her gingerly tried to make her way through it without crushing too much of the vegetation. Spring was in full force, and though most of the undergrowth was of the fern variety, there were enough flowering plants that the trek was a multicolored spectacle - though nothing compared to their destination.

Finally, they arrived, and Ivy positioned herself between two tall trees, in front of a medium sized cliff. There was room for Petal beside her - though not by much. The two were, by necessity, forced into intimate proximity. The Meganium settled in besides the Serperior, legs folded under her body, smooth skin pressed against smooth scales.

There were, naturally, far more spacious areas around the cliff that would have provided just as good of a view, if not better, but the limited space and close proximity were precisely what made the Serperior settle on this area.

"What are those?" the Meganium asked, curiously, gesturing with her head towards many, many brown buds lining the rainforest floor below the cliff in front of them.

"Those, Petal, are what we're here to see. Well... Almost." Ivy responded. Almost as if on cue, the brown buds began to move - first one, then a couple more, and then the bunch of them were shifting around, blue bodies rising from the dark topsoil, lifting the buds into the air. The Gloom began to mill around, seemingly aimlessly, but as the sun rose higher in the sky, they each found a spot and stood still, waiting. After a few minutes of complete stillness and silence, where the only sensation the two friends experienced was the frequent shifting of each other's bodies, one of the Gloom began to glow.

Brown buds became vibrant red, and unfolded into massive petals, spraying huge amounts of pollen into the air. As soon as that Gloom had finished evolving, three more began to glow. More huge red petals unfurled, spraying more and more golden powder into the air. The forest floor, which had been so still, erupted in gold and vibrant red, spreading like fire in all directions.

Winds pushed the pollen in all directions, with large waves of the golden powder crashing against the cliff the Meganium and Serperior sat on, sending some of it billowing upwards at them.

"Oh no!" Petal said, jerking to her feet. "That pollen's dangerous. We've got to get out of here."

Ah, Petal, if it was going to be that easy for you to get out of this, I'd not have bothered, the Serperior thought to herself. She casually severed a strand of creeper, and a hammock of sorts, suspended above their heads from the two trees they sat between, sagged and collapsed, spilling multicolored fruit into the ferns around them.

"Pecha, Chesto, Cheri... I made a point of gathering just about every fruit I could find. They should keep us happily ailment-free for the duration of the show." Ivy said. Petal struggled to come up with some other objection for a few moments, but, finding none, settled back down against Ivy.

The seething mass of Vileplume began to dance amongst the cloud of pollen, with individual Vileplume occasionally pairing off and breaking away from the group to mate. It was not entirely to Ivy's tastes, but with Petal so close at her side, she couldn't help but get fired up all the same. She began flicking her tail around, hoping her arousal wasn't too apparent. The Serperior could feel the Meganium shifting around next to her as well - hopefully for a similar reason to her own.

As the pollen cloud began to affect their bodies - sometimes making them nauseous, sometimes causing their muscles to seize up, and sometimes draining their energy, - they worked their way through the scattered berries, while still keeping an eye on the vibrant display before them.

Ivy made a point to keep an eye on Petal as well, and when the Meganium would glanced her way, she made a point of slowly and deliberately licking berry juice from around her mouth, displaying her long, serpentine tongue prominently. She considered making a pun about whether the Meganium was sweeter than the Pecha, but decided that was probably just a bit too corny.

The Meganium, for her part, remained mostly silent, which Ivy took as a good sign, though she would have preferred some sort of surrender... The idea that the Meganium could finally be at the point of giving in was a bit too exciting to endure for too long.

"Ivy?" Petal began, and the Serperior perked up immediately. Was this it? "I think I'm at about my limit here." she continued, and the Serperior felt a smirk of triumph tugging at the edge of her mouth. "Still plenty of berries left, but I'm full, and the pollen's going to start messing with me if I stick around."

Wait, what? The Serperior's ballooning triumph rapidly began deflating.

"I really enjoyed this though. I can tell spent so much time setting things up so we could watch this together." Petal sounded genuine, but Ivy was having trouble registering what was going on.

"Hold on a moment here. You mean after all that... You're still...?" Ivy couldn't find the right words for the question, so she dipped her head. "Well played then. I concede."

"You... concede?" Petal asked.

"Yup. You've won." Ivy said. "Again, well played."

"I... Um, what have I won?" Petal asked. The Serperior paused. It was the perfect setup, but Petal sounded too honestly confused.

"Uh... You really don't know? What I've been hinting at for the last... Month at least, now?" Ivy asked.

"No...?" Petal responded, with the same note of confusion.

"Okay... Wait, you're serious right? You don't know what I'm talking about?" Ivy asked, wanting to be entirely sure that the Meganium wasn't simply messing with her.

"I really don't." Petal said.

"Okay... Um... Wow then. Okay here's the deal. You're right about the pollen here, so we should get going. But, just, follow me for a bit - and forgive me if I'm silent on the way. I need some time to register this." The Serperior said, trying to ignore a building headache (whether from the realization of how much over-thinking she'd been doing, or from the effects of the pollen, she wasn't sure). The Meganium nodded in agreement, and the Serperior led the way away from the Vileplume vantage point.

Once they'd traveled far enough that the Serperior had time to reflect on the last month or so, Ivy picked a reasonable stopping place - somewhere with plenty of soft undergrowth, and enough room to stretch out without worrying about banging her head on any trees. She turned and looked at Petal. Petal's expression was a mix of attentive, studious, curious, and eager. Her jaw was set in a way that puffed her cheeks out a bit, and she was leaning forward a bit, ready to listen to whatever the Serperior had to say. It was honestly a bit goofy, but in an endearing way.

"Okay, Petal, are you listening?" Ivy asked. The Meganium nodded vigorously enough to shake the petals around her neck a bit. "Okay, good. What I want to say right now is... You are quite honestly the most oblivious Pokemon I've ever met, and that's by a wide margin. And that's why, I'm going to say something else as clearly as possible - this is what I've wanted to say for the last few months. Are you ready?" She said. Petal nodded again. She had started to object when Ivy had called her oblivious, but her curiosity had been redoubled before she could get the words out, and had gone back into silent anticipation. Ivy took a deep breath.

"I want to fuck you." Ivy said. "I'm not talking about getting into a relationship, or anything like that. I just think it would be fun, and you're sexy as anything. So I want to fuck you."

Petal was silent for a while, and then, in a tone a couple octaves higher than her usual voice, came a timid "Um... Okay".

"Eh, really? Are you sure?" Ivy asked, not wanting her friend to agree if she wasn't really into the idea.

"Yeah... I'm sure" Petal said, her voice somehow going even higher.

"Well! Is there... some time that would work for you?" Ivy asked, rapidly growing excited. Petal began to squeak out another line, but Ivy stopped her "Petal, breathe, seriously.". Petal followed her friend's advice, taking a few deep breaths before starting again, her voice returned mostly to normal.

"We could... If you want... If you're up for... Right now?" Petal asked.

"Well, as luck would have it, I made a point to choose a spot that's serviceable" Ivy said. "And, I think I've got a good idea where to start."

Ivy slithered up to her friend and began to loop herself around Petals midsection. The Meganium was strong enough to hold the Serperior's weight easily; The serpentine Pokemon could feel the Meganium's sturdy muscles in her thighs as she looped around one of Petal's back legs, placing her face at the Meganium's nethers.

She started lightly, gently darting her forked tongue across the surface of the Meganium's slit. Petal gave out a small squeak - she must have been anticipating the touch, but it still caught her off guard. Ivy could feel Petals muscles just under the skin, where her coils looped around her body. She waited until the Meganium had relaxed, and then flicked her tongue out again. The Meganium tensed up again, but this time she had relaxed again within half a second, so Ivy took the opportunity to go a bit further. She pressed her tongue firmly against the Meganium's slit, until it penetrated slightly, before drawing it back into her mouth. And, again, this time pressing hard enough that the tongue slipped inside of Petal entirely, flipping up against the top of her canal. As she dragged her tongue back slowly into her mouth, she felt it rub against the Meganium's clit.

The Meganium had bent her neck in an arch, her head turned towards the ground. The Serperior could tell without even looking, because she'd left her tail wrapped lightly against that very neck. Petal's skin was so smooth... Ivy began flicking her tail back and forth, rubbing herself against the other Pokemon. Meanwhile, she kept up her attention with her tongue without faltering, dragging it repeatedly over the Meganium's clit, and occasionally flicking it out, in characteristic snake-like fashion, tickling Petal's entrance lightly, as she'd done at the start.

At the end of a particularly slow slide of her tongue back into her mouth, the Serperior suddenly reversed directions, pressing her tongue back deeper in. She felt the Meganium start to breath much heavier almost instantly, her coils expanding and contracting along with other Pokemon's chest. At the same time, Ivy felt a moistness against her lower abdomen, and could smell something incredibly sweet.

Curious, she started to pull herself forward, reversing her direction on the Meganium. She made a point of dragging her entire body across the Meganium's slit, however, unwilling as she was to cease her sexual attentions.

As she crested Petal's back, she found the culprit - the flower around Petal's neck had sweet-smelling, clear, golden nectar leaking over its petals.

"I didn't know that you actually produced nectar!" Ivy said, teasing Petal a bit.

"It only happens... When I'm really..." The Meganium began, but she trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Her voice had become high pitched again, despite her heavy breathing. She looked more embarrassed than she had at the very beginning, and that was saying something.

"You know," Ivy whispered to her, "I was wondering earlier if you were sweeter than a Pecha fruit. I guess I'll find out". The snake Pokemon brought her face to the Meganium's petals, and took in a droplet of nectar.

"I wouldn't know that" The Meganium said, through pants The Serperior had finished rewrapping her body, so she was no longer dragging herself across the Meganium's slit, but she had left her tail against said opening, and continued to rub herself back and forth, smooth scales gently parting her lips, and continuing to keep Petal's clitoris occupied with her motions.

"Oh? Really now?" The Serperior asked, a bit surprised, but with an appealing idea in mind. She took a few globules of the sweet liquid into her mouth, and moved her face up to Petal's. She pressed her mouth against the other's, and pressed the Meganium's own nectar into her mouth. Immediately upon realizing what the Serperior had done, even more rivulets of nectar began running down her petals.

"Ah... well," Petal said, between whimpers, "I guess... I am."

The Serperior, satisfied with the reaction she'd gotten, turned her attention to the running nectar, drinking it in while she rubbed her slit against her friend's. Petal did her best to reciprocate, but as Ivy was wrapped around her body, her actions were appreciated more for their intent than their results.

The Serperior felt her clitoris beginning to tingle - a sure sign that she was getting close, and she increased her speed, trying to secure her climax. Her friend, however, was closer still.

"Oh... Oh heck" Petal said, out of breath. As the words left her mouth, the Serperior felt the Meganium's body tensing, and in an instant, the nectar flowing from her neck turned cloudy. The Serperior's flicking tongue relayed that the fluid had changed from incredibly sweet, to vaguely spicy. With such a clear, but unexpected, indication of her friend's climax, the Serperior was brought to the brink of her own. She gripped the Meganium tightly with her body and rubbed her pussy against any smooth bit of skin it could reach, until she orgasmed herself.

Exhausted, she let herself slide off of the Meganium to land on the soft ferns below, and stretched out her body to its full length.

"Petal, I still don't trust you to pick up on any hints, so I'm going to be blunt again. That was enjoyable, and I had fun with it. I hope we can do this again sometime." Ivy said.

"Oh... Well then, I... Uh... I hope... Darn, I was trying to think of a good pun or innuedo for you, but I'm no good at it." Petal said.

"You're pretty good at it when you're not trying though." Ivy replied.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to keep giving me opportunities to figure it out." Petal stated, and Ivy glanced over at her to make sure that one wasn't intentional. It wasn't.

"Yeah, like that." Ivy replied.


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