Zootopia: No-go with Bogo?! Ch. 2

Story by Amadeus Wolfpaw on SoFurry

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After a roller coaster of a night, Bogo opts to drop Clawhauser off at work. Parting ways, the events of the previous night won't stop playing in his mind...

Also available on FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ameswolfpaw/

Check out Ch. 1! Here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1617127

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Don't forget to find me on Furry Amino! I publish content every day for the freaks. Happy reading, freaks. - Ames

"Zootopia: No-go with Bogo?! Ch. 2"

by Ames Wolfpaw

"Guess this is your stop," said the chief.

"Yep," piped Clawhauser as he dipped from Bogo's police car. "I should have enough time to change and get to the front. Thanks, Mbali."

The water buffalo's forehead warmed. He watched the cheetah hop out of the car and meander to the back. He popped the side door and grabbed a small tote bag, inside shuffled his uniform. He slapped the door closed and waddled to the front of Bogo's car and looked in.

The clock read 7:48 AM, to which the cheetah nodded and looked at Bogo. The soft early morning light illuminated his face as he smiled. Bogo's chest panged, and he rubbed his peck as it rattled him. He squashed it as Clawhauser's voice filled the driver's seat.

"Alrighty, this is where I get off. But before I do," the receptionist leaned into Bogo's car. The chief flinched. He stifled a gasp, then watched the cheetah hang his arm over the passenger side window. "Chief, I just wanted to say thanks. I had," he giggled. Bogo saw his tail flare above his head. "I had a fun time with you last night. And the food was great. You have a hidden talent, you know?"

Bogo chuckled and wrapped his thumbs around the wheel of his car. He looked away from Ben and adjusted the mirror. As he saw himself, he noticed the hairs atop his head stood erect. He gulped, then turned back to Clawhauser and smiled. His teeth chattered as his shoulders tensed. "Well, thank you, Clawhauser. I had a good time too. Hey, maybe we," Clawhauser leaned in. His pupils dilated as he waited. The water buffalo coughed, cleared his throat and said, "Maybe we can do it again soon? I...uh, I don't mind your company."

Clawhauser bellowed. He slapped his paw against the car door and wiped excess emotion from his left eye. Bogo joined him, although his nervous chuckle barely reached Clawhauser's ear. The cheetah hiked the tote bag up his shoulder and turned towards the ZPD headquarters behind him. "I don't mind your company either, chief," said Clawhauser. "I'd love to do this again. See you later, okay?"

The cheetah waved. Bogo responded in kind. Clawhauser walked away, an unmistakable bounced carried him across the parking lot. Bogo watched him vanish inside the building. He sighed as Ben slipped inside. His hooves slammed into his face and he grunted as he ignited the car and threw it in reverse. He grumbled as he mulled over the conversation and headed to his next destination. He checked his rear-view mirror, Clawhauser was nowhere to be seen. For a moment, Bogo wondered why he'd bother to check.

Bogo made his way down the road. As he did, his thoughts returned to the previous evening and early hours of the morning. He thought about Clawhauser appearing at his door and surprising him with that manilla folder. That smile that breached the swallowing darkness of his high rise. Bogo swallowed. The oozy substance filled his throat.

The taste of tofu lingered on his tongue, and the sweet sound of Clawhauser's laugh still rung in his ear. Bogo cracked a smile, then shook his head and adorned his typical scowl. He looked around, no one saw.

As he sat in traffic, Bogo thought back to the tattoo on Clawhauser's arm. Worth the drop. The words ran through his mind. He pondered their meaning, in light of what had occurred, he scrunched his face as his mind drifted. He stayed on the road and made a left turn. He pulled into the parking lot of a small, cubic building. He looked down at the clock before he switched off his car. 8:13 AM. Bogo nodded.

The water buffalo stepped out. Several car horns greeted him. He waved and the circled around to the back of his car. He popped the trunk and reached into the bed. He pulled out a navy-blue gym bag and slung it over his shoulder. He closed the hatch and pocketed his keys. He walked towards the front door with stagger living in his step. His mind returned to Clawhauser's happy bounce. He smirked, readjusted his pace before he mimicked the prance, then pushed through the door.

He was met with an open room, a counter immediately to his right and the floor lined with all manner of devices. The gym wasn't particularly crowded that morning. Only a few other people, mostly carnivores, inhabited the machines and walked along the side of the room where lay a mirror. Bogo, having analyzed the room, looked to his right and found a beaming wolf staring at him. He rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket.

"Hey, Larry," he grumbled. He opened his wallet and pulled out a shiny plastic car. The wolf leaned over the counter and snatched it from the chief.

"Hey there, big guy," piped the wolf. "Glad to see you here early. Normally you don't come in until nine."

"I was out. Figured I'd swing by for an extra hour."

"Don't overwork yourself now, gotta keep the city safe, after all." Bogo glared at the canine. The machine next to the monitor on the counter beamed. The buffalo snatched his card from Larry before the wolf resumed.

"I'm more than capable of monitoring my routine, Larry. Your concern isn't necessary."

"Just looking out for the chief, is all," said Larry. His lips curved into a sly grin. He leaned forward and cocked his eyebrow. It rose, and Bogo's shoulders slumped. "So..." said Larry. "How'd the dates go? Last time you said you had three lined up." Bogo rolled his eyes and stepped away from the front counter.

"They didn't. Two of them cancelled and one had to bow out for an emergency. Well, that's what she said anyway." Bogo slipped the card back into his wallet and pushed it in his pocket. He looked over his shoulder and wolf stared at him. He squinted, then his tail flared. Bogo watched the wolf fidget in place.

"Is that so?" asked the canine. "Then why do you seem so...so..." Larry paused. "Hm, flummoxed." Bogo blushed. He turned away so Larry wouldn't see.

"You're crazy, Larry."

"So then what happened last night? I saw you on the way in. You don't normally look so confused."

Bogo rolled his shoulder. The tender muscles rang as they stretched. Bogo turned his head towards Larry and said, "I had someone over. We talked, ate. That's it."

"A friend?" said Larry.

"Yeah," replied the water buffalo. "Just a friend."

Larry laughed and turned back to his computer. "Heh, sure, chief," and he continued typing away. Bogo turned to the locker room door and headed inside. His mind muddled as he stepped through.

Once inside, he turned the corner and saw McHorn. The rhino yanked his shirt off and threw it into his locker. He reached in and grabbed a red tank from within. As he pulled it out, some knickknacks toppled from his locker and scattered across the floor. His watch and a few pencils bounced off the concrete floor with a solid ring. McHorn rolled his eyes and bent down to grab them. Bogo stood and watched. He snorted, and McHorn turned and saw him standing by the door. He smirked, pooled his things in his arms and stuffed them back into the locker.

"Mornin', chief."

"Good morning, McHorn. How have you been?"

"Doing pretty well, I'd say. Just shaved off five pounds from the last time I checked. For me, that's pretty good. Hoping to take off another few this month. Gonna try and do better this time."

Bogo sat his stuff down on the bench and grabbed the dial for his locker. He spun it around as he spoke over his shoulder. "This time? What happened last time?"

"Eh," began McHorn. "I was on track for my target BMI, and then things got crazy at the station and I had to skip the gym for a few weeks. Before I knew it, my weight went right back up from all the late nights, snacks, and coffee. My weight wasn't the only thing that took a hit, let me tell you." McHorn finished stuffing his things back into his locker. He slipped on his red tank and scrunched his gym shorts. He wobbled back and planted on the bench. He looked over at Bogo's bag and smiled. "Eh, you got some spray to spare? Seems I forgot mine."

"Yeah, here." Bogo unzipped the leftmost side of his bag and pulled out a can of deodorant. He tossed it to McHorn and nodded.

"Thank, chief." The rhino sprayed his underarm, then the other. The aerosol infected the air. Bogo coughed as the scent wafted. He fanned before his face as he pulled the notch on his locker and the door opened.

"McHorn! Easy. No one needs that much!"

The rhino cackled. "Ha! Easy for you to say. You don't sweat like a pig. Unfortunately, this is just baked in my blood. Can't help it. Here," he said when he lowered his arms. He tossed the can back to Bogo. The water buffalo caught it and placed it inside his locker. "Thanks, so," he continued. "What brings you here so early? I don't normally see you in until later."

Bogo rolled his eyes and groaned. He peeled his green muscle shirt off his body, stuffed it in his bag and tossed it in his locker. "Larry asked me the same thing. Don't know everyone is so interested." From within his locker he pulled a scrub and slung it over his shoulder. He grabbed a spare set of trunks and turned towards the shower stalls along the edge of the far wall.

"Larry's just a gossip. He doesn't have anything to do during the day except greet people as they come in. And trying to recruit new members. Can't blame him for chatting up everyone that comes through."

Bogo snorted. "I had to stop by HQ on the way here, anyway. I figured there was no point in going home for an hour then leaving again. That's all."

"You stopped by HQ? No shit," McHorn laughed. "You avoid that place on your days off. What changed?" Bogo walked towards the shower curtain as McHorn's voice followed him.

"Just giving someone a ride."

"Ah, okay," said the rhino. "Makes sense."

Bogo pulled the curtain aside and stepped into the stall. He placed his scrub on the floor and moved to cover himself with the towel provided on the rack. As he reached for the nozzle, he heard the rhino call his name once more.

"What?" grumbled Bogo.

"Since you're here, why don't we spot each other? I wouldn't mind a partner for the morning."

"Fine," said the chief. "Just let me wash off, okay? Meet me by the dumbbells."

Water spouted from the head, and Bogo lathered himself in soap. He rubbed the suds across his skin, down his thighs, and across his ass. He looked down and watched the water circle the drain. He growled, then shook his head. The water flew and splattered against the curtain. He switched the water off and wrapped himself around the waist with the towel. He returned to his locker and slipped into a navy tee and gray trunks. He walked back into the main area and headed for the corner with the weights. He watched McHorn press the lighter ones, and he waved when he saw the chief approach.

"Hey, chief. I think I wanna start with a few bench presses. Care to help me set up?" The rhino curled the weight into his chest and interchanged the motion. Bogo nodded.

"Sure, let me just warm up a bit." Bogo joined the rhino with a few light weights and curled them in the same motion. He inhaled, exhaled, and raised his arms each time he brought the weight to his center. His ears wobbled as he leaned into each motion. He looked over and noticed McHorn staring at him. He continued to lift the weights as he turned towards his fellow officer. "What?"

"Nothing," said McHorn. Bogo squinted. His eyes meandered over to Larry at the front desk. The lupine covered his maw and giggled. Bogo grumbled.

About an hour later, Bogo and McHorn were back in the locker room. Sweat glazed both their bodies. Bogo stepped back into the shower and indulged a light sprinkle. McHorn took his time and received a thorough dowsing. As they cleaned up, they chatted about work and how their families were doing. Bogo sensed something teeter on the tip of McHorn's tongue. Each time the chief asked the rhino to spill the beans, he deflected the buffalo's inquiry. The last time, Bogo's ears sizzled, and his cheeks burned. A Windsor knot appeared in his gut, and by the time he'd slipped back into his green muscle shirt and headed for the door, the rhino called out for him.

"Hey, chief!" said the officer. Bogo turned to him. McHorn saw the rage boil in his eyes and he lowered his head. Bogo's brows narrowed as he threw his weight into his next word.

"Yes?" exclaimed the chief.

"Hope you feel better. Larry told me you got stood up...er, again. Sorry to hear it."

Bogo's chest softened. His head cleared and the knot strangling his stomach eased. He sighed and rubbed his cheeks. He stared at McHorn and attempted to crack a smile. He waved as he walked through the door into the main room. "Much appreciated, McHorn. See you at HQ tomorrow."

The rhino disappeared from the buffalo sight and he headed for the door. Bogo passed Larry on the way out. He watched him out of the corner of his eye. The wolf didn't spared him a glance.

Bogo pushed his way through the door and headed back to his car. The same questions pillaged his mind as he popped the trunk and threw his bag therein. He situated himself in the front seat and sat there for a moment. A long sigh escaped him, and he planted a hoof on his face. It slid down as his phone buzzed in his pocket.

He reached inside and tapped the screen. On his notifications tab, he saw a round, pudgy face greet him. His heart jumped forward when he saw Clawhauser's face. He tapped the bell and entered the conversation with the cheetah. He looked at the text, and read it as the zooming cars rushed by on the street:

hey chief figured youd be done by now

question ! :D wanna come to casa de Clawhauser tonight for some eats?

it's the least i can do to repay you for last night

are u free?

Bogo smiled. He chuckled as he finished the cheetah's little barrage of messages. He tapped the keyboard on his phone and replied:

Sure, Ben. I'd like that. What time do you want me to be there?

He waited a moment, and then his phone binged. He giggled to himself as he imagined the cheetah hovering over his phone while at the front desk. Probably next to an open, half-eaten box of donuts from Jambeaux's Café.

i get off at 4

meet me at my place at 7?

Bogo tapped his keyboard once more. He twisted the key and started the car as he hit send. The air conditioner blasted him. The residual sweat chilled Bogo as he sat back and waited for Clawhauser's reply.

Want me to just pick you up? I remember the address anyway.

Bogo set the phone down shifted the car into drive. He pulled out of the parking lot just as his phone rang again. He pulled up to the closest light just as it turned red. He reached for his phone and checked Ben's reply.

Omg yes! would u? :P

Bogo chuckled. He drove down the street several minutes until he reached the parking garage for his building. As he pulled in his space, he set the car into park and grabbed his phone once again. He turned off the radio with one hoof, and furiously tapped away with his other.

Of course. I'll meet you outside the station where I dropped you off. Say, 4:15ish? Traffic in this city is a nightmare...

Might be a little late.

Bogo got out of his car, grabbed his bag from the hatch and headed for the elevator. It ascended and arrived at his floor. He stepped out. His phone buzzed in his pocket once more as he arrived at his door. He slid the key. The click bounced through the hall. He pushed the door open, closed it behind him, and set his bag on the granite counter. He flipped the lights on and reached into his pocket. He checked his phone once again, and smiled when he saw what Ben had written.

no worries! i get it

i'll see u then

k Mbali?

Mbali. His head spun as he read the name. His name. The first name that had caused him so much anxiety as a calf. He snickered then set the phone down after he replied. He opened his fridge as the message went through.

See you then, Ben. Now get back to work!

When next his phone buzzed, Bogo had poured himself a tall glass of milk. Yellow slabs sizzled on the hot red skillet. He took a spatula in his hoof and opened his phone to read Clawhauser's final message.

yes sir chief! ;D

see u later

Bogo looked over his shoulder at the stove clock. The numbers read a quarter to eleven. He looked over at his television set and the huge surround sound system Ben had coveted so blatantly. He shrugged as he scrambled the tofu in the skillet. He set the cooking utensils down and headed for the coffee table. He grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. He flipped through the channels until a certain cervine superstar caught his attention. The music hit his ear, and he bounced his hips as he shimmied from the couch to the kitchen. He hummed happily and he scooped his brunch onto his plate. He grabbed his glass and situated himself on the couch with his food. He whistled the tune as it faded, and he hunched over. He propped his hooves on the coffee table and slouched into the pillowy give of the cushions. He exhaled.

The afternoon was a long way off. Bogo pondered how to spend his day, but before a decision was made, he dozed off. His brunch lay uneaten on the table.


Bogo sat in the parking lot outside the ZPD headquarters. He leaned against the driver's side door as he basked in the bright light of the midafternoon sun. He looked up, sighed and checked his watch. A quarter after four, just as he'd promised. He looked at the door from which Clawhauser had entered the building. Bogo looked around. The parking lot seemed as full as always, although he noticed that Officer Hopps' vehicle was absent. He groaned thinking of what mischief they'd caused, and the inevitable paperwork to follow.

As his shoulders sagged, the metallic creak of the back door wailed. He looked up. Out from behind the crack emerged a chubby felid with a glistening smile. He raised his paw and waved at Bogo. The buffalo smiled best he could and watched the cheetah bound toward him. He recognized the same swish in his hips from morning. Bogo also noted the way Ben's stomach seemed to curl in on itself as the cat walked. He chuckled as Ben walked up to his vehicle.

"Hey there, chief."

"Hi, Ben. How was your day?"

"Pretty uneventful, honestly. Though I gotta admit," the cheetah, as if on cue, yawned. Bogo's cheeks puffed as he contained his laughter. "I'm really sleepy. I think we stayed up way too late last night."

"Yeah, I agree. I think we both need to turn in early to make up for it." Bogo gestured for Clawhauser to hop into his passenger seat. The stocky cat walked around the car and popped the door as Bogo got into the driver's seat.

"I concur. Though," Clawhauser said, and threw his tote into the back seat. "I don't regret it."

Bogo adjusted his mirror and glanced at the cheetah. The corner of his lip curved, and an erratic pang graced his chest. A bubble popped in his throat as he exhaled.

"Me neither." He started the car, and switched it into reverse. "So," Bogo said, "Back to your place?"

"Yes, sir!" replied the cat. "Gotta get changed, and then I can treat you to something extra sweet." The cheetah covered his maw and snickered. Bogo rolled his eyes and sighed. His curbed lip lingered.

"Looking forward to it, Benny."

Bogo pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the freeway towards Savannah Central. He rolled down the windows and Clawhauser cheered as the wind rushed through his fur. Bogo, careful to keep his eyes on the road, watched him and hooted once or twice for revelry. Clawhauser turned on the radio, and it didn't take down for a Gazelle song to play. He sung loud as he could, even though the whiplash from the air drowned out most of his vocals. Bogo hummed along. He'd no hope of matching Clawhauser's energy. He cracked a grin in his direction whenever he had a chance. His eye twinkled whenever he saw the cheetah rock his hips and bob his arms.

The cheetah's fur was matted by the time they slowed down. Bogo pulled in front of a gray, four-story building and parked on the street in front of the steps. He rolled up the windows and looked over at Clawhauser.

"Here we are," he said. "Casa de Clawhauser." He grabbed the chief's arm and pulled toward him. "C'mon, Mbali. Let's head in. Got something special planned for you." Ben winked.

The cheetah exited the car, grabbed his tote and headed up the stairs. Bogo navigated the busy street on the driver's side as he opened his door. He watched Ben insert his key and open the door. It swung open, and Clawhauser ushered him inside.

Bogo's chest scrunched as reached the steps. At Clawhauser's beckon, he crossed the threshold and entered Ben's apartment. The cheetah closed the door behind them and flicked the lights. He gleamed as he set his bag on the counter. Bogo's fingers twitched as the door slammed behind them. No backing out now, he thought. He looked to Ben, who smiled, and said,

"Home sweet home."


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