Worship the Dragon King!

Story by SerCorrian on SoFurry

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#3 of Bunny Bard Adventures

Hiya! Sorry for the long wait. I had some health and job related stuff keeping me from writing. But now I will publish new stories more regularly again

I hope you are enjoying this newest entry into the bunny bard saga. Like always there will be a lot of kinky stuff, orgies and a bit of worldbuilding.

Have fun and consider leaving some feedback, so I can get better :3


King Dandrys, inspired by https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37207532 by Twinkle-Sez

Cherry inspired by https://e621.net/posts/1603917 by Sorc

Chrome inspired by https://e621.net/posts/2148848 by zaush

Fuxia inspired by https://e621.net/posts/1464593 by shepherd0821

Wet...something wet was lying on Berico's face. Cold water ran down the purple bunny's face. "What...where am I?"

The groggy bard slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was inside a round tent with a crackling campfire burning in the middle of it. The smoke escaped through a hole in the roof.

Berico turned his head. A pair of excited eyes met his own. He began to remember. "Cherry? Is that you?"

The pair of eyes belonged to a pink kobold boy wearing a flower necklace. With a wet piece of cloth he cleaned the bunny's face. "Wakey, wakey! You've been asleep three hours already!"

"Asleep?", asked the confused bard. Then he remembered what happened earlier. The faulty spell, the orgy in the forest...

"Did all of that really happen? Did we...?"

The pink Kobold nodded with enthusiasm. "Yep! You had sex with me, and a few others. It was great, right?"

Memories flashed through Berico's mind. He came to the forest of Wygergrove with two mercenaries. Krag, the burly crocodile warrior, and Rayika, a graceful Zebra lady.

A few hours ago they got ambushed by a group of kobolds. But instead of fighting, they all took part in a colorful orgy without limits.

"What happened to Krag and Rayika?" asked the bunny while looking around for his stuff. He remembered how a red kobold with a wizard staff made all of his belongings disappear. But Berico spotted his lute and a bag with his clothes leaning against the wall of the tent.

Then he noticed that he was only wearing a pretty revealing loincloth, just like the pink kobold next to him.

"They woke up much earlier than you. At first I was afraid they would want to fight us again. But apparently they enjoyed our little "bonding ritual" a lot! And when we offered them some shelter, they gladly accepted."

The pink kobold put the washcloth away and helped the bunny onto his feet. "You were still asleep, but we figured you would appreciate it if we don't leave you behind in the middle of the forest."

Now that Berico was standing up the size difference between him and Cherry became apparent again. The little kobold guy was only reaching up to the bunny's waist. "Are we inside your village now?"

The kobold reached out and grabbed one of Berico's hands. He gave it a squeeze and pulled him towards the tent's exit. "Yes! And the king really wants to meet you!"

The bunny bard couldn't believe what he heard and pointed at his own chest. "Me? Me specifically?"

Berico already heard that the kobolds served a dragon king, whom they worshipped like a god. "Why? What does he want with me?"

Cherry giggled when he saw how nervous and sweaty the bunny got. "Don't worry, he doesn't want to eat you or anything. He is just very interested in the outside world."

Berico was led out of the tent. Before he could ask any further questions, he had to take in the sight. The "village" was a whole lot of tents, all with varying colors and sizes. And just as colorful as the tents were their inhabitants. Kobolds of all colors bustled around. Some of them were even smaller than Cherry himself. So far Berico couldn't spot any of the scalies he met earlier.

"There is a lot going on, right? Your friend Krag is inside the tent over there."

Cherry pointed at a silvery tent with gem-filled baskets all around it.

"He is spending some alone time with Crystal. I think those two are falling for each other~"

This was strange. Krag didn't seem like the type to fall in love. And the way he roughly mated with Crystal earlier...maybe the white kobold girl enjoyed being dominated like that.

The bunny walked towards the tent. He could hear that Crystal and Krag apparently weren't finished with their bonding yet...


Berico could hear the sound of sweaty hips colliding. He sneaked closer and peeled back one of the tent flaps to take a look inside.

"Mhm fuck! I can't believe you are still this tight~"

The big crocodile man had his hands around a small kobold girl's waist. He repeatedly moved her whole body up and down to impale her little cunny on his reptile cock. Compared to her body it was gigantic.

Berico saw how the massive length made her belly bulge. But apparently it didn't hurt her at all. Her snout was wide open and after every thrust she cried out in pleasure. Her small pussy was reddened and stretched to the max, but it still swallowed the crocodile dick with ease.

Just watching this made the bunny horny again, but Krag and Crystal probably wanted some alone time. Even though his dick was telling him to join, his mind overruled his primal instincts, so Berico slowly sneaked away from the tent. When he turned around he looked straight into Cherry's mischievous visage.

"A voyeur, huh?" snickered the pink kobold.

"No! I was just checking up on him! And he seems fine, so we better leave him and his new love alone," replied the bunny with outrage in his voice. Then he kept following the pink kobold through the village again. The purple rabbit attracted a lot of curious glances. A small brown kobold baker stopped kneading some dough just to take a closer look at the big furry creature. A green seamstress almost dropped her needle when she saw Berico.

"Most of them have never seen a real outsider. They probably can't await to bombard me with questions about you. And then I can tell them how well-endowed you are~"

Berico blushed when Cherry talked about him like this. With panicky eyes he looked around to see if anyone overheard what the pink kobold said.

"I hope you stay a few more days. You can sleep in daddy's tent together with me~"

Cherry almost purred and rubbed his face against the bunny's thigh.

Berico reached down and grabbed one of the scalie's horns. "Stop it! Let's not fool around out here..."

"Nawe~ Someone's shy!"

The pink kobold giggled and continued to lead the bard towards the center of the village. Only now did Berico register how all of the tents were erected around a big stone temple. Its size easily dwarfed all the little tents around it.

"Is that where your king lives?"

Cherry nodded.

"It might look old, cold and dilapidated from the outside, but the inner chambers are super comfy! Our king really knows how to live a good life!"

On their way towards the temple they passed a big campfire. A lot of kobolds of all ages sat around it. They had little sticks with a small bread impaled on it. They held them over the flames and watched how the dough slowly became dark brown and tasty. Between them sat a figure which stood out. A big zebra lady towered over all of them.

Berico strayed from the path he was on to approach the big warrior lady. "Rayika! I am glad to see you are alright."

The stoic zebra cocked her head when she saw the approaching bunny. "Why should I not be okay? Little ones are very friendly to Rayika. I regret threatening them earlier."

An orange kobold next to her jumped onto the zebra's lap and greeted the purple bunny.

"Hi! You must be Berico. Your friend here is super awesome! She has so many fascinating tales to tell."

Another kobold chimed in. "Come on, Rayika! Tell us another one. You already teased us about the wyrm of the silent vale!"

Berico watched with fascination how much the kobold tribesmen already grew to like the tall lady. A little pink hand pulled on the bunny's loincloth.

"We can join the others later. But first we need to hurry to the temple!"

"We talk later," said the zebra with a nod, before continuing to tell the other kobolds about her adventures.


Berico was in front of giant stone stairs which led through cracked arcs towards the pillar-surrounded temple. On each arc and every pillar were carvings depicting some sort of ancient history. The bunny studied a bit of history back in the bard school.

But nowhere did he find references about giant serpents battling it out above the clouds. Or hordes of dragons engaged in a war that almost burned the whole world.

"Are those the myths and legends your people believe in?"

"Believe? Facts are true, no matter if you believe in them or not."

The bunny stopped on one of the steps and pointed at a broken arc. On it was a rainbow-colored snake swallowing what looked like whole planets.

"So you are saying this really happened?"

Cherry took a closer look at the colored carvings. "Well...the artist exaggerated a bit. Varkuuma only swallowed two worlds, not four."

The bunny's jaw dropped, but the pink kobold didn't allow any further questioning. He pulled the bard along until they finally entered the temple.

They went through a big hole. The giant doors that were meant to keep unwanted visitors out, were nothing more than a hardened puddle of molten iron. Inside Berico spotted a spiral staircase leading deep down into a dark abyss.

The bunny got close to the railing to peek down. But he couldn't see where the stairs ended. They just lead into light-swallowing nothingness. "That's a lot of steps..." said the bunny before gulping audibly.

"Don't worry!" sang a voice from behind him. Berico turned around and saw how Cherry pulled out his white wand to draw something on the floor. The tip of the magic wand glowed with a purple light. Like a piece of chalk the pink kobold dragged it over the floor and drew a circle.

"I hate walking those steps. Our king was so nice to teach me how to get down there a little faster."

He finished drawing the circle before proudly presenting it to the bunny. "Many, maaany floors further down is another circle right below this one. Just step onto it, and you will be in front of the king's chamber."

Berico rubbed the back of his head. "No offense, but your father said you are still an apprentice. Are you sure this is safe? I mean last time you wanted to do a firework spell and instead you made a mind-bewitching sex cloud..."

Cherry smirked mischievously. "And you think that was unintentional?"

The bunny's eyes widened. "Wait! Are you telling me you planned this sexual escapade all along?!"

The pink kobold shrugged. "The situation was tense, and combat could have broken out at any second. This was the best way to relieve the tension."

Cherry pointed his wand at the bunny. "Now get into the circle or I turn your balls into grapes."

Berico couldn't believe how cheeky the little kobold was! Without his magic wand he wouldn't stand a chance against the bunny bard. But losing his balls was not worth it, so he approached the circle and carefully stepped into it.

At first nothing happened. Once Cherry stepped inside it too, the circle began to burn with purple flames. The bunny was prepared to scream, but once the flames touched him, he noticed that they didn't harm him at all.

In a matter of seconds his whole body was engulfed by purple fire. Then it felt like a rug got pulled away from under Berico's feet. His surroundings became blurry and then... he was falling!

The bunny closed his eyes and cried out. Now he would have preferred to walk down the stairs instead of feeling like he was falling right through them. After ten seconds of screaming and swinging his arms Berico felt solid ground beneath his feet again.

His body reappeared and without wasting another moment, the bunny jumped out of the circle.

"WHAT THE HELL! You could have warned me at least!"

The pink kobold was lying on the floor next to the circle. He had teary eyes and had to hold his belly because he was laughing so hard. "You should have seen your face!"

"You are the worst!" complained the bard. He turned away from the kobold and crossed his arms. Cherry felt a tinge of guilt and got back up to his feet. He sneaked up on Berico and gave the bunny a hug from behind. His pink snout was right above the bard's plushy butt.

"I am sorry! I shouldn't have messed with you like that."

One of his hands slowly glided over Berico's thigh before making contact with his groin. Through the fabric of the loincloth Cherry began to rub the bunny's balls.

"I could make it up to you~"


"Where are those two..." mumbled a red kobold to himself while walking through a torch-lit stone corridor. He had tribal tattoos all over his body which looked like flames. With every step they seemed to move over his scaly body. In his left hand he clutched a twisted staff made out of black wood.

When the red kobold entered the staircase room the staff almost fell out of his hand. "What the?!"

He saw his own son Cherry standing with an opened snout in front of Berico. The naughty little kobold was eagerly bopping his mouth up and down the bunny's rigid cock. The purple rabbit was holding onto the scalie's horns and thrusted his erection into the little mouth over and over again.

His full balls wetly smacked against Cherry's chin.

Neither noticed how the red kobold mage watched them. Berico had his eyes closed and moaned every time his length disappeared in the little lizard's throat. After a while he opened them and whispered. "I think I can forgive you."

In the corner of his eye he noticed someone impatiently tapping their foot on the floor.

"Oh umm...hi Sparky!"

The purple bunny blushed and poked the side of Cherry's face to make the kobold stop sucking and gagging. The pink horndog pulled his head backwards. A string of saliva still connected his pouted lips with the tip of Berico's cock.

"Very bad timing, father..." said the now disappointed Cherry.

Sparky, the red kobold, angrily swung his wizard staff around.

"I told you to bring him to our king as soon as possible! And now I catch you sucking our guest off!"

With one hand Cherry kept stroking the bunny's dripping length while talking to his dad at the same time.

"I soured his mood, so I thought it would be appropriate to make him happy before presenting him to the king."

Berico bit his lower lip and weakly thrusted into the kobold's massaging hand. "It is working~"

Sparky sighed. This wasn't the first time his son's head was filled with naughty shenanigans.

The red mage now pointed the tip of his staff at the bunny bard. An icy blue blast came out of it and darted straight towards Berico's dick.

Cherry quickly pulled his hand away. Then the blue bolt made contact with the hard bunny shaft. An unbearably cold chill ran through the bard's entire dick. His hands quickly cupped the freezing cold genitals and tried to shield them from any further attacks.

In a manner of seconds Berico's dick became completely flaccid. His chilly bunnyhood hurt thanks to a mixture of cum denial and undercooling.

"What the hell was that for!? Don't fling spells at my dick!"

"You should thank me," replied the mage. "Our king doesn't want to wait any longer, and having an audience with a tent in your loincloth is just rude. Your manhood will feel better in a few minutes."

He took a step aside and pointed towards the end of the corridor he came from. "Chop-chop now! Our majesty awaits you."

Cherry mouthed a silent "Sorry". Then he led the bunny down the corridor. The bard was still angrily staring at Sparky, but compliantly followed the pink kobold. He didn't want to risk getting hit by any more harmful dick-magic!


Berico and Cherry reached a big red curtain hanging down from the ceiling. Golden flames were embroidered on it, and the bunny could already feel something big and important was behind it. The aura of a mighty and large creature was permeating his body somehow. He could swear he felt the dragon's heartbeat making the floor vibrate. Cherry disappeared between the velvety fabric of the curtain. Before he followed the pink kobold, Berico gulped audibly.

Now it was his nervousness that made even the last bit of his previous lust vanish. He pushed the heavy red curtains aside and entered the King's chamber.

Berico immediately covered his eyes, because they were hit by a bright light. Piles of gold, gems and other treasures were in every corner of the chamber. The torches on the walls and candles on top of a silver chandelier illuminated the room. The light was reflected by the shiny, golden treasures.

The bunny's eyes slowly got used to the brightness. He opened them bit by bit until he saw the long, red carpet leading to a throne made out of pure ruby. It was like someone found the largest ruby on earth and carved a seat out of it. The large pillow on top of it made the throne a whole lot more comfortable to sit on.

At least that's the impression Berico got by watching the pleased face of the creature sitting on it. A blue anthro-dragon looked down on him from the ruby throne. The creature's scales shone like they were made out of sapphire. There were stripes on his limbs in an even darker shade of blue. His muscular chest and flat stomach were colored light blue - almost white.

The dragon king's head was adorned with three mighty horns. One smaller horn was sitting on top of his snout, the other two protruded from the back of his skull. Where Berico had his ears, the dragon had a pair of fins. And a larger blue fin was between his horn pair and went down all the way to the back of his neck.

And of course he had a pair of wings folded together behind his back.

While the bunny was still taking in every detail of the magnificent person in front of him, the dragon did the same, and let his golden eyes wander over the purple bunny's body.

"He is not as big as I thought..." said a grumpy voice.

It didn't come from the king. On the left side next to his throne stood another person. A humanoid reptile with silver scales all over his body. He looked like he was made out of metal. He definitely wasn't a kobold, because he was bigger than Berico.

With the two-handed sword he carried over his shoulder he probably acted as the king's guard. His scales were as thick as armor plates and on top of his head he had much more horns than Cherry and the other kobolds. His groin was protected by a loincloth made out of chain-mail, and judging by the bulge it also hid a big, meaty reptile dick.

"I think he looks cute~" said a second voice. On the right side of the throne was another tall reptile. It was a female, and with her appearance she could pass as a kobold. But she was as big as Berico, which was a rather unusual size for those rascals. If she truly was a kobold, then she was the biggest one the bunny met so far.

Her body was covered by smooth crimson-colored scales. Only her head seemed to be covered by short fur. She carried a pair of knives and wore "armor", even though it looked more like skimpy leather underwear. It probably wasn't protective at all, and only served to accentuate her curvy figure.

Berico's eyes wandered left and right. He was fascinated with the three characters in front of him. Now he was staring at the dragon king again. His gaze moved down the dragon's chiseled chest before finally noticing one interesting detail: the king wasn't wearing any clothes at all! His big genitals were fully on display. A large flaccid dragon cock was resting comfortably on top of a big pair of balls.

The bunny began to sweat, because in his mind he could already make out how the dragon dick would be as long as his forearm, if erected.

To draw the bunny's attention away from his junk, the dragon cleared his throat. The loud noise made Berico yelp in fear. But the king's expression told the bard he had nothing to fear.

"You must be Berico, the bunny bard. I heard much about you!"

The voice was deep, bassy and made the bunny feel like a pot of honey was poured over him. He had goosebumps all over his body. All he could do was to respond with a shy nod.

"Your song has travelled all throughout the lands and even reached my little kobold village. My subjects told me you are looking for inspiration to write another song like that, isn't that right?"

Another nod from Berico. Then the room shook when the dragon king began to laugh heartily.

"Hah hah! I knew it!"

He clapped his hands together in delight. "Sparky told me you already had an encounter with his gang. The event that unfolded would be worthy to get turned into a song. But I think we can top that, and get you inspired enough to write an even more epic song."

The dragon king stood up from his throne. The purple bunny gulped. The anthro dragon was almost twice as big as Berico. Even the large metal-like reptile guard looked small next to him. Now the bunny knew how the little kobolds felt when they stood next to him. Small, fragile and...submissive.

"My name is Dandrys, the Blue Storm, the Magic Flame, Guardian of Wygergrove and King of Kobolds."

He pointed at the silver reptile warrior. "This is Chrome, the Unbreakable. He is one of my guardians and-" he looks at the sword-carrying guard with a grin, "-he is way more submissive than he may seem at first glance, haha."

Chrome lowered his head and blushed. "Please... Not in front of the stranger, your majesty..."

The king smirked before pointing out the other warrior. "And this is Fuxia, the Silent Blade. She is as loyal as she is crazy... and kinky."

The lizard girl giggled at the comment. "I bet our guest will see that side of me plenty today~"

Berico went down on his knees and bowed to the big reptile and his guards.

This gesture was answered with another vibrating laughter. "I know that's a lot to remember and it's cute how you show me respect like that, but that is really not necessary."

Cherry walked up to the bowing bunny and pulled him back up onto his feet.

"I know the kings in the outside world are stiff and strict. But our dragon king is totally relaxed. Now stop shivering and think about what he just offered you," said the pink kobold before winking.

Another person chimed in. It was Sparky, the red wizard kobold. "This could be the opportunity of a lifetime! The adventure you have been seeking! Just think about how fun the encounter with me and my son was."

Berico calmed down and considered what both kobolds said. He repeated the dragon's words inside of his mind. Dandrys offered to one-up what happened with Sparky and his gang. The dragon king obviously offered sex.

Sex with a dragon king...that would be a truly epic story. One that was a worthy successor to the adventure in the goo monster cave!

The bunny felt a rush of confidence.

"Your majesty king Dandrys, sir! Your offer sounds very intriguing! I would be happy to get inspired by you and your noble warriors!"

The dragon king walked back towards his throne and sat down on the plushy pillow.

"That is great to hear, bunny bard. Well then...Fuxia, Cherry. You know what to do."

He clapped with his hands again.

The pink kobold pulled out his wand and shot another sparkling firework into the middle of the room. It exploded into pink dust which quickly filled the whole chamber.

Berico already knew about the effects of the spell. This was the magic dust that made him and his companions enter a state of unbridled lust the first time they met the kobolds.

Fuxia, the crimson kobold lady, pulled out a little knife and threw it at the bard. The weapon darted through the air so quickly, that the bunny couldn't even react. At first he was afraid it was aimed at his groin. But the knife missed him by an inch, or so he thought.

His loincloth fell down and the bard was suddenly naked in front of everyone. The little knife only cut through the string that held his undergarment in place. Out of instinct the bunny put his paws in front of his excited manhood.

With a sway in her hips Fuxia walked towards the now naked bunny. She rawr-ed and made a scratching gesture with her hand. "Don't hide your sexy body, little bunny. The king wants a show before he gets the main course."

She reached behind her back and fiddled around. "I promise, if you don't hide anything, I won't either."

Her leather bikini "armor" fell down onto the floor and her tits were free for Berico to ogle at.

"Now get those hands away from your groin and put them where they belong."

She shook her upper body and let her tits wobble left and right in front of the bunny's face.

Berico took a deep breath and felt how the sweet pink dust entered his lungs. It immediately unfolded its effect, and all of the bunny's shyness melted away.

He put his hands on the tall kobold girl's tits and gave them a squeeze.

His bunny cock was hard as a rock and clear precum dribbled out of his tip and onto the red carpet.

Cherry immediately got between the bard's legs. He was lying on his back and opened his snout widely to catch every drop of precum.

"Don't waste the tasty stuff!"

In the meanwhile Fuxia undid her lower "armor" and let the leather thong fall down to join the bikini on the floor. He dripping kobold pussy was freed now, and the alluring smell of her nether regions entered Berico's nose.

He kept squeezing and massaging her tits. The pink kobold boy between his legs got tired of just catching the precum with his snout! He wanted to suck it right out of the source and finish what he couldn't finish earlier.

Cherry got up on his feet and sucked the drippy bunnyhood into his little snout.

In the corner of his eye Berico saw Chrome, the big silver reptile. His sword was leaning against the ruby throne, while he was on all fours. The reptile's metal loincloth was lying next to him.

The tall and proud warrior hid his face beneath his hands. Behind him stood Sparky and spread the silver reptile's big butt cheeks apart. The red kobold's tongue lolled out of his snout. He was face to face with a tight and tasty reptile-hole now.

"Such hard skin all over your body, but back here you are soft and vulnerable~"

"Stop teasing..." whined the king's guard. Then Sparky finally put his snout between those big, supple cheeks and ate out Chrome's submissive bottom.

Berico's attention was drawn away from the two males when he heard Fuxia whistling at him. The kobold lady lied down in front of him and spread her legs apart.

With Cherry still between his legs, the bunny lunged forward and buried his face in the kobold girl's pussy.

Cherry was surprised by the sudden movement and was thrown onto his back. But he didn't complain because he still had a juicy bunny erection between his lips. While the bard kept eating kobold pussy, Cherry eagerly grabbed the bunny's cushiony butt and forced him to thrust into the pink kobold's hungry mouth.

Fuxia moaned and kneaded her tits while her pussy was licked by Berico. The bunny was eager and quite skilled. "You enjoy my needy cunt, huh? Then how about you get really into it~"

She wrapped her legs around the bard's head and pulled him so hard against her pussy, that his muzzle sunk into it. Berico couldn't breathe like this. His tongue was plunged as deeply into the kobold cunt as it could possibly go.

And with every passing second the flexible organ was curling and moving more frantically.

The bunny tried to pull his head back, but Fuxia locked him in place. He opened his mouth to breath, but his oral cavity was immediately flooded with the kobold girl's pussy juices.

The bunny's vision became blurry. Was he really going to drown inside a pussy?

Just when it felt like his face was about to turn blue, he heard Fuxia cry out in pleasure. Her legs shook violently and they released the bunny's head.

A gush of girlcum poured out of her and splashed against the bard's face and chest. His fur was matted down, but right now he was only focused on regaining his breath.

"Wow, that was amazing little bunny!" shouted the kobold girl.

"Give me a minute to rest, then you can fuck me~"

She turned around and shook her butt. It was glistening thanks to her own body liquids.

With her flexible tail the crimson kobold rubs her swollen pussy lips. "I want your cock so badly Berico!"

That sounded great, but at first the bunny had to make sure his load wouldn't go down the pink kobold boy's throat. Cherry was still between his legs and eagerly sucked the precum out of Berico's dick.

The bunny grabbed the kobold boy's horns and pulled him off his cock. "Hey! I wasn't finished! I wanted a creamy bunny load..."

Berico leaned down to whisper into the boy's ear. "You will get it, okay? But first I need to take care of this crazy, horny girl."

The pink kobold pouted, but ultimately agreed with a nod.

Cherry checked out what was going on in the rest of the chamber. There were a few other participants he could have his fun with.

Dandrys, the dragon king, still sat on his throne and watched how everything unfolded. His large dragon cock was fully erected by now. He leisurely stroked his erection while his subjects gave him a great show.

Then his golden eyes wandered through the room and landed on Cherry. With a single finger he beckoned the pink femboy closer. "Want to help your king warm up a bit more?"

Cherry stared at the big dragon cock and nodded while saliva dripped down his opened snout.

Drunk with lust he stumbled towards his king. On the way he passed his father Sparky, who was busy plunging his cock into Chrome's supple ass. Yeah, that's what Cherry wanted too! He wanted a fat cock inside his little lizard hole.

The wet slaps of his father's balls against the king's guard bouncing cheeks spurred Cherry on to walk even faster towards his beloved dragon king. He felt an itch between his own kobold buns that only a throbbing manhood could scratch.

He finally arrived in front of the ruby throne, and before he could utter even a single word, he was picked up by king Dandrys. The big king smiled at the little horny lizard, before fulfilling one of Cherry's favorite fantasies.

He shoved the pink kobold face-first into his large ballsack. Cherry was in heaven! He was surrounded by manly, musky scent and the hot, smooth skin of his king's scrotum. The kobold boy closed his eyes and placed little kisses and licks everywhere. Dandrys kept stroking his large dragon cock and let the precum drip down Cherry's pink body.

He drenched Cherry's pink scales with it, and pretty soon the kobold was glistening and sparkling just like the treasures in the corner of the room.

Dandrys kept watching the others. He couldn't decide what turned him on more. How the bunny bard was closely entangled with Fuxia while fucking her like a wild beast, or how Chrome, his big and strong guard, was on all fours and getting his ass fucked by a much smaller kobold.

He tried to watch both scenes, while wedging one of his fingers between the pink femboy kobold's thick ass cheeks. He parted the fleshy globes and teased the boy's winking tailhole.

Cherry purred like a kitten and unsuccessfully tried to stuff one of his king's nuts into his little mouth.


Chrome didn't dare to look up. He still had his face hidden beneath his hands. Now and then he let out a low groan. This was not how a proud warrior should behave! But getting his prostate smashed by a magically enlarged kobold cock just felt so damn good!

He finally raised his head and looked behind himself. His eyes met Sparky's. The red kobold wizard smiled, before slapping one of Chrome's big, jiggling cheeks.

The big silver reptile couldn't suppress the moan that escaped his mouth.

"That's it, big boy. Don't be ashamed, give voice to your pleasure. Let daddy Sparky take good care of your needy ass~"

The kobold grabbed the base of the proud warrior's tail and increased the speed of his deeply penetrating thrusts. While rimming the reptile's tailhole earlier, Sparky put a nifty enlarging spell on his cock. He knew Chrome was getting fucked by the king regularly, which made his anus pretty loose and stretchy.

But Sparky was a fan of snug and tight tailholes engulfing his cock. So he made his length big and girthy enough to fill out the guard's ass to the max.

Even though Chrome tried to hold back his submissive moans, his body was showing clear signs that he enjoyed the rough treatment.

The hard cock between his legs leaked copious amounts of precum onto the floor. And every few minutes he would cry out and unload a few volleys of thick reptile spunk. But Sparky was far from done. He fucked the silver warrior through one orgasm after another. And even though the clenching, orgasming asshole made it hard for him to hold back his own release, the wizard endured and kept breeding the submissive bottom bitch.


"Fuck me harder! Yes Beri! Pummel my little snatch!"

The bunny bard did his best to fulfill the wishes of the horny kobold beneath him. He used all of his body strength to thrust his bunnyhood into Fuxia's hungry cunny. She was so wet, every movement of Berico's length caused squelching sounds. Every time he pulled his throbbing length out of her, squirts of fluid made new stains on the floor. But he didn't let himself get distracted.

He tightly put his hands on Fuxia's curvy hips and kept ramming into the sloppy kobold pussy. Suddenly the bunny felt how the girl's love tunnel got a whole lot tighter. It was like he had to share the limited space of her tight insides with something else.

When he looked down he saw what was happening. The kobold girl used her own flexible tail to penetrate her tailhole.

She bit her lower lip as more and more of her long tail vanished inside her stretched pucker.

"Mmfuck! That's the stuff~"

She reached out and grabbed Berico's chin. She made him look away from the tail-self-fuck going on and forced him to look at her.

"Don't stare, keep rutting me!"

"Y-yes mam!" answered the bunny, before his hips began to move again, and even faster this time.

She smirked mischievously. "I know what is going on. You want something between your cheeks too, am I right? But all the males are occupied with each other right now. Poor bunny boy..."

Berico didn't like the tone of her voice. Was she planning something? Definitely yes! He could feel something long between his bunny buns. Fuxia now hotdogged her thick tail between the bunny's cheeks. The tip of it encircled the bard's tailhole.

"I bet you had plenty of cocks inside your little bunny hole. But did you ever get fucked by a kobold tail?"

He wanted to answer, but before he could, his eyes rolled back and his voice got caught in his throat. Without a warning Fuxia shoved almost half of her long tail into the bunny bard. Without any lube or preparation the initial penetration was a bit painful.

But as soon as Fuxia started to twist her tail and made it rub right against the rabbit's prostate, Berico moaned and slowly resumed fucking the kobold girl below him.


Cherry used his whole body to hug the dragon king's giant cock. Like a stripper on a dancing pole, he moved up and down with snake-like movements. His own little stiffy rubbed against the skin of Dandrys' length. It was especially arousing to have his kobold cock pressed against the inflated knot at the base of the king's length.

Cherry raised his head and used his snout to make out with the tip of Dandrys' cock. Every second he was rewarded with big globs of pre. The strong masculine scent was driving him insane. How much he wished to have this giant dick inside of him. But Cherry knew he was way too small. And he also knew that Dandrys wanted the bunny as his main course today.

The dragon king kept fucking the little kobold boy's backside with one of his fingers. This alone was already more than enough to stretch Cherry to his limit. But in the end someone else would need to take care of the horny little bottom slut.

Sparky was still occupied with Chrome. The red wizard was now lying on his back, while the silver warrior was riding him reverse-cowgirl-style. Again and again the little kobold let his lower body sink into the malleable flesh of Chrome's large, bouncing butt. His cock sunk all the way past the reptile's clenching tailhole and crashed right against the other male's prostate.

Chrome's cock was pumping out cum like a fountain by now. He was embarrassed by how intensely the little kobold could make him cum over and over again. If it weren't for Cherry's lust cloud, the silver reptiles' balls would have been drained long ago.

But thanks to the spell his cum storage seemed to be endless. His fat cock slapped repeatedly against his own chiseled stomach whenever he impaled himself on Sparky's length. His six-pack, his abs...the silver, impenetrable hide of his chest was completely covered with his own seed. He felt so dirty and shameful, but at the same time so incredibly good - he could ride this cock forever!


"That's it, bunny! I am...I am CUMMING!"

Fuxia screamed and sunk her tail all the way into Berico's stretched ass. The bunny sunk his cock as deeply as possible into her tight kobold cunny. To muffle her own cries, Fuxia bent forwards and sunk her teeth into the bunny's shoulder.

Berico replied with a mixture of moaning and crying out in pain. His backside felt so incredibly full, his cock was completely engulfed by spasming, clamping pussy-flesh and the bite into his shoulder gave him the rest.

His bunny balls contracted rhythmically and began to pump loads and loads of rabbit spunk into the kobold girl's insides. Her rapidly tightening insides milked volley after volley of cum out of the poor bard.

Finally her teeth left the bunny's shoulder. A bit of blood ran down Berico's back. But he didn't care. Right now he had a very intense orgasm. The tail inside of his ass was putting so much pressure on his prostate, that his cock just didn't stop gushing out seed.

Fuxia's belly already bloated because of all the fluid getting pumped into her. She rubbed her belly and chuckled in delight. "YES! Fuck me pregnant, little bunny!"

She kept making sounds that sounded like moaning and laughing.

Her tail pulled halfway out of Berico's ass, before it forced its way back inside.

"Oh damn, it just doesn't stop!" cried the bunny.

He kept moving his hips frantically in the hopes of getting the last drops of cum out of his balls, but they kept pumping another full-blown load into the kobold girl.

His whole lower body felt numb by now. The pleasures of endless orgasm became too much for him. Thankfully Fuxia decided that she had enough. Her lower body probably started to hurt because of all the hot liquid inside of her.

Her tail slipped out of Berico's ass. The bunny felt how all the pressure inside of him subsided. He took a step backwards, which made his cum-spurting erection slip out of Fuxia's stuffed pussy. A few more strings of seed erupted out of him and painted the kobold girl's lower body white.

Then the bard fell forwards and face first onto her cum-stained belly. He could hear it sloshing around inside of her. Somehow he felt proud because of the massive load he pumped into her.


The bunny took a few minutes to rest. He heard how Sparky cried out before filling Chrome's behind with plenty of his kobold cum. The big silver warrior was lying on the floor, while the red wizard kept mindlessly humping his large behind.

The pink dust extended Sparky's orgasm a lot, but even he had to stop because of overstimulation at some point.

He freed his cock out of Chrome's clenching love tunnel and marveled at the sticky mess he left behind.

Berico did the same. He had to admit - some sloppy seconds would probably feel quite good right now. He took a step towards the big reptile, but out of nowhere a purple circle appeared around the bunny.

It worked like the teleportation circle from earlier. Berico got engulfed by flames, fell through the floor and reappeared right on top of the ruby throne. He looked around in confusion. This was the place where Dandry's was sitting earlier.

The king was masturbating and playing around with Cherry while Berico had sex with Fuxia. But now the dragon was gone. At least that's what the bard thought, before two large hands grabbed his waist and pulled him away from the throne.

Now the bunny's upper body was resting on the seat of the ruby throne, while his lower body was held by the mighty dragon king.

Berico felt vulnerable being held like this. And even more so when he felt something hot, hard and pulsating on his back.

The bard gulped. He was right: the king's cock truly was as big as the bunny's forearm. How on earth could he take something like this up his tight bunny-butt?

Dandrys chuckled and moved his length up and down the rabbit's purple back. His fat knot bumped against Berico's soft butt.

"That is going to be one hell of a tight fit. But I don't want to hurt my guest."

He turned his head and looked down towards Cherry. The pink kobold was on all fours, with Fuxia behind him. The crimson kobold girl put her leather thong back on. But now it was a bit "modified".

An ebony, equine-shaped dildo was attached to it. And with the large toy she was currently ploughing the little bottom boy's hole.

Cherry drooled all over the floor, but a call from his king made him raise his head.

"Cherry, I need you to perform one of the new spells I taught you," said the dragon with his rumbling voice.

With a lolled-out tongue Cherry nodded. Fuxia didn't stop fucking him with the girthy sex toy, so the pink kobold had to perform magic while getting stuffed. He raised his white wand and aimed at Berico.

A silvery, sparkling beam came out of it and hit the bunny's butt. The bard yelped when the magic essence made contact with the flesh of his rump.

He couldn't tell what the spell did, but Dandrys seemed to be very happy with the result.

"Lets see if Cherry didn't mess up, shall we?"

The large dragon chuckled before he slid his length down the bunny's back. Then he pushed the thick head of his cock against Berico's little tailhole.

The bard closed his eyes and shivered. The dragon's manhood was so god damn big! He could already see himself getting torn apart.

But to his surprise his comparatively tiny pucker stretched around the large invader with ease. Like a hand into glove slid Dandry's tip past the tight anal ring and into the bunny's heated insides.

Berico didn't feel any pain at all. Was that part of Cherry's spell?

"Don't worry little bunny. My pink friend made sure you are stretchy like a rubber band. And no matter the strain, you won't get damaged or feel any pain."

To emphasize his point, the king began to push more of his throbbing dragon cock into the bard. Berico's jaw dropped and he moaned sluttier than he ever did in his entire life. Never before did he feel so full, so stretched! His balls immediately contracted and his cock spewed a load of cum all over the throne.

The bunny's snug tunnel tightened even more, and if it weren't for the stretch-spell, Dandry's wouldn't have been able to move another inch. But the dragon king confidently pushed more of his veiny length into the bard.

The massaging inner walls of the rabbit made it hard to hold back, but the king made sure to slowly feed the bard's ass one inch after another. Berico looked down his own body and saw the big bulge that slowly formed where his belly was.

Normally his insides would have been crushed by the giant length inside of him, but Cherry's spell made his body able to encompass the dragon's manhood. Then he felt the king's inflated knot against his rim.

The large, bulbous piece of flesh spread his bunny buns apart and now pushed straight against his impossibly stretched anus. Berico saw stars and came again. His dick hung limply between his legs and just kept drooling cum all over the pillow on top of the throne.

Dandrys clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. Even with the stretching spell this little hole was a lot to handle. But he didn't want to cum without properly fucking the bunny boy for a bit. The large dragon pulled his hips back, and groaned every time he freed another inch of his cock out of the tight vice, that was Berico's asshole.

When only the tip remained inside the tight little bunny, Dandrys dug his hands into the smaller male's waist before pushing back inside. Berico opened his muzzle and his legs stiffened. His whole body was so overwhelmed by the massive invader, he couldn't form any coherent words or make a sound. He could only cry and drool and cum.


Cherry gasped! He couldn't believe what he saw. Berico looked like he was pregnant just because Dandry's length filled out the bunny's insides so much. The pink kobold almost forgot he was getting his ass ploughed by Fuxia right now.

The sight alone was more arousing than any ass-fucking he could get from the girl's strap-on right now. When the dragon king began to pick up speed, Cherry couldn't hold back any longer. Seeing how the stretchy bunny got fucked by the king pushed the femboy over the edge.

Cherry cried out and let his little kobold dick spray watery cum everywhere. Fuxia growled and spanked the femboy's butt while fucking him through his orgasm.

Now Dandrys was the only one who didn't get to cum yet. With vigor he stuffed his massive length into Berico over and over again. His large ballsack wetly slapped against the small bunny's bulging belly.

"Grrr~ You make it really hard for me to perform well, little bunny! I...I just can't hold back any longer!"

A loud growl made the whole chamber shake. Dandrys raised his head and breathed fire against the ceiling. One last time did he ram his knotted cock into the small bunny. With a loud slap did the bulbous flesh collide with Berico's pucker.

The king growled again before finally blowing his load. The bard's hands dug into the fabric of the pillow. A flood of hot dragon cum quickly filled his backside as much as anatomically possible. The pressure inside the little bunny was becoming too much.

The force of the next spurt of cum erupting out of Dandry's cock, propelled the rabbit forwards and forced the enormous cock out of his ass. Berico was thrown against the backrest of the ruby throne.

Then he was splattered by the last torrents of seed shooting out of the dragon's cock. What was once the ruby throne, could now be called the dragon-spunk-throne. The large king almost collapsed after his intense orgasm. He held onto the back of the throne.

His now limp dick was hanging down above Berico's head. A few drops of clear liquid still dribbled out of it and landed on top of the bard's head.

After catching his breath the dragon took a step back and chuckled once he saw how the purple bunny was now snow-white.

Only parts of his fur were still visible through the thick layer of sperm that covered the bard.

"Now that was an event worth writing about, wouldn't you agree, Berico?"

The bunny still had to comprehend what the hell just happened. But he just nodded and gave the king a thumbs up.

The people of the realm will love to hear this story over and over again, Berico was sure of it.

With a tired gaze he looked at the other participants of the orgy. Sparky was lying on top of Chrome's chest. Fluid was still leaking out of the silver warrior's behind, but that didn't stop him from cuddling with the small kobold wizard.

Fuxia was comfortably lying on the carpet next to them. Cherry was snuggled against her bosom and absentmindedly suckled on one of her nipples.

"You should get some rest too, Berico. You can write your song later."

The bunny's eyes were met by the golden ones of Dandrys. With a warm smile the dragon king picked the bunny up and carried him behind the throne.

"There is a very interesting chamber next to the throne room. I hope you like hot springs."

Berico let his head rest against the strong chest of the king. "Right now I would love to share a hot bath with you!"

Thanks for reading! I hope this was enjoyable

If you have any ideas, kinks or characters you want to see in upcoming chapters, write them down in the comments. Also consider leaving some feedback.

See ya next time~

Delivery Boy for Dessert

* * * Characters: Benny, inspired by [https://e621.net/posts/2289477](https://e621.net/posts/2289477)by zackary911 Mako inspired by [https://e621.net/posts/2404181](https://e621.net/posts/2404181)by achakura * * * 20 more minutes until delivery...

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Pleasing a Prince - Tamer's Tale #4

* * * Characters: Kohn Vesterfall - male, black furred Wolf, 35 years old Alois - rabbit boy, 16 years old - inspired by [https://e621.net/posts/1431701](https://e621.net/posts/1431701) by tokifuji Prince Luceo - inspired by...

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Camping With Kobolds - Bunny Bard Adventures #2

Bunny Bard Adventures - Camping with Kobolds Berico's new song was performing better than he anticipated. After trying to have his first own adventure, he found himself in the middle of monster slime orgy. The purple bunny remembered the words...

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