david's college days part thirty one

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It had been a quite mouth no things had gone wrong or any thing broken or even the odd brake down by the car and there was nothing good in the skips they still found stuff but it was bag stuff not car stuff like big finds or big bits of metal.

Late one afternoon there was a knock at the door and David went to answer it, it was Jason a friend of David and Sarah he was the friend who let David and Sarah stay at his place and they made him give up smoking so now it was time to repay the flavour.

Jason was a tiger he was a good friend of David and he was a good skip rummage plus he had lots of stuff David liked.

David was not sure what Jason wanted he said he needed a place to live,

"Well we do have a spare room",

Said David

"Cheers man I need like a place to stay because my place was broken and also it was unsound like it was a bad building and needed to be destroyed!"

David then noticed the car full of boxes and the trailer with more boxes and a removal van with more boxes and Jason's furniture and stuff.

After unloading the van of stuff it soon went off thank fully back to were it had come from not to go get more boxes or stuff soon Jason was moving into his new room and he liked it.

After a hour of unpacking David saw some of Jason's stuff from school and a lot of records witch were all in good nick but he only liked them for there covers.

After a day all that was left was empty boxes theses were folded up and put away then it was time to celebrate Jason had a old bottle of wine and said

"Too you guys for like letting me live here until I find my own place"

The glass chinked and they drank soon it was time for bed and then work in the morning.

Jason was a cool tiger David had always looked up to him and now he was living here in his house they talked the night away until David saw what the time was it was late and he did have work in the morning so he said good night to Jason who was just opening a new model kit he loved to make models and then sell them it kept his hands busy and it stopped him from smoking and he was soon putting tougher another car this time a mustang a mustang match this was a level 4 model his hardest one yet it was great to build as it was very hard getting all the inter parts to fit.

In the morning David found Jason fast asleep on the floor still with a model in his hand it looked like a small piece so David walked over and picked his friend up and put him on the chair then got ready for work.

After a few minutes David and Sarah were both ready for work were as Jason was still fast asleep and snoring his head off so David left a note on the table that said;

"We've gone to work help your self to food and drink".

After work had finished David and Sarah came home to find the place clean and more tidier then before Jason said it was only because he'd made a mess fixing lunch he'd got glue all over the sink in the bathroom and then had a shower and got the floor very wet and then made a mess of building the model and painting the car it went every were so to make up he had cleaned and dusted and even cleaned out pink who was very cute, David and Sarah were amazed at this house they thought it was clean but it was not.

Soon Jason was moved in and was making models every were and now had a job he'd left the other one seeing as it was too much hassle and he could not go skip rummaging so he left and came to work in the pound store and he loved it, it was fun plus he now could go swimming and skip rummaging and of course they had the right equipment David had a grabber and Sarah had a soup labile witch was good for moving boxes out of the way but Jason had none just he's sheer strength was good enough and it was plus he liked candles and the whole house smelled like a bed of flowers or a field of stew berries or what ever smell they wanted that day or night.

David and Sarah now loved Jason he was great he know about Sarah one day when they went swimming and he saw the penis not pussy but he was okay with it and now there life was good because they were going to be friends forever but that would soon end.

A couple of moths in the pound store Jason started to chat up this woman she was a nice lioness and they liked each other then the day came.

"David, Sarah were getting married and like I'm moving into her place, I hope you don't mind"

David didn't and he knew he'd never stay forever and after the wedding he soon moved out but not with out leaving one thing behind.

When David had finished moving Jason's stuff he found a box it was a present and it was to David and it had a note with it, David read it;

"Dear David, like thanks for the place to stay until I had my own place hope this is good enough",

David opened the box up and inside was a book but not just any book the big black book David had been looking for years, the record book it had lots of records and stuff in it and David loved it now he could see how much his and Sarah's records were worth and there was more at the bottom of the box was a check for £2000 pounds and another note;

"Hope this is enough for every bit of food or stuff I've had"

After this David and Sarah now knew what to do go somewhere and spend it they knew just were to go, Liverpool.

david's college days part thirty

long ago David had brought a computer desk and after a few returns for broken bits or missing bits he got it up, but all it did was sit in the corner getting bits that go in the caravan like the Carboot stuff or bit of old paper and other things, the...

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