The Traveling Slave pt3

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#23 of The Dancing Slave Saga

Ooof, this chapter took me a while. Partly a paid extension to the ending scene of the last chapter, and I still managed to sneak some plot and intrigue in there! Stay tuned, there's much more to come soon!


To say that Shadi was in a panic might have been like saying that a tornado produced a pleasant breeze, or that a direct hit from a lightning strike would give one a light tingling sensation. She had long since completely surpassed panic to the point that her heart's rapid hammering felt like it was going to break her ribs.

The Iguana tugged on her leash again, pulling her along by her collar roughly. The heavy metal band dragged at her neck and gave her no choice but to follow wherever he was leading her, but it certainly wasn't to Isiat! She'd have quite willingly traded her freedom right now just to be back by her owner, as twisted and sick as the thought made her. At least she knew he was a decent sort. This iguana had proven anything but, his spines along the base of his neck and back shivering in anticipation of whatever it was he had planned.

"You are panting like a dog, cat. Relax. Panicked females no use to tribe. Fear prevents easy breeding. Tribemates will want easy breeding." He cautioned her in his halting understanding of the common tongue. It worried her that perhaps they hadn't understood Isiat's instructions that had been crystal clear for her. It worried her even more for just what the hell the male and his tribemates had planned for her. Were they going to try and keep her for themselves? Would they actually bother returning her to Isiat when they decided they were done?

Would Isiat come looking for her and assume she had left if he couldn't find her??

These and a hundred other simultaneous thoughts were interrupted as the reptile roughly shoved the tan lioness through a doorway, and into the musky, stale smelling room beyond. It took her eyes a moment to adjust, poorly lit as it was.

A single golden ray of sunlight shone in through a narrow slit window at the top of the far wall. The centre of the room was a patchwork of rugs and cushions, laid out seemingly at random. Thick clouds of sweet, fragrant smoke and scents filled the air, making her gag for just a moment, her thoughts seeming to pause and recoil.

Her head swam for just a moment as she took in the sight of the two topless reptiles lounging around a tall glass vase suspended above a small, flickering coal fire. Long tubes extended from it, the pair alternating turns to take long drags of the smoke.

Both males were Iguanas like their tribe mate, one a more vivid, almost lime green, the other a much more subdued sage. Both had chests the colour of dry corn. One craned his neck, lowering the pipe from his mouth to exhale a strong puff of thick smoke that curled and rolled as it dissipated into the already choked air.

He spoke a few slow words in their harsh tongue, Shadi unable to follow along and dearly wishing she knew what they were saying.

After a few moments of back and forth, he pushed himself up on his elbows, still laid out. He snapped a lazy hand in her direction.

"Here kitty kitty. We don't bite. Escillio says you are the best cock suck this side of Sinai'dartra." The Iguana's accent was smooth as silk, a more airy lilt to his voice than Escillio, who spoke like a tub of gravel being rolled around.

She felt her heart flutter in trepidation, her tail anxiously flicking from side to side. The leash was jerked again, forcing her to step forwards. Shadi had a horrible wrenching in her gut as her leash was clipped to a steel ring bolted into the stone floor. While it wasn't forcing her down on her knees, it was still a terrifying reminder just how quickly what freedom she had felt with Isiat could be snatched away.

She tried to be brave. Gods above she tried. If she panicked now, there was no telling what the three males who were eying her body with lusty gazes would do.

Perhaps, she realized, in a bizarre moment of clarity, this would be the hardest thing she had to do in her life to date. Isiat wouldn't abandon her. He would come looking once he realized she had been gone too long. The building wasn't that far from where he had left her after all.

She clung to that hope like a liferaft in a cyclone and swallowed both her breath, her pride and her fear in the moment. Her hips gave a wry little twitch as she tried to steady her breathing to bring her shaking paws back under control.

"Be whatever it is they need you to be in the moment. Don't simply give yourself to them right away. You should be as flexible as silk, but as alluring as gold." She could hear the wry vulpine's voice as he spoke the soft words of guidance into her ear. She could still feel the way him being so close to her made the fur on the back of her neck stand on end.

One. One two three. One. One two three.

She looked up slowly, forcing her eyes away from the floor as she put on a much braver face than she could have possibly felt. Hell, she even managed a shy sort of smile along with it, her foot slowly tapping in rhythm on the hard floor. A deep breath drew in more of the intoxicating smoke from the air, it's strange and mystifying properties numbing her anxiety.

"Sinai...Dart...ra. I don't know where that is-" She confessed, rolling the strange sand speak name around in her muzzle experimentally. Slowly, she began to move, tapping out a small box in the space the chain gave her to move freely. It would have to do. She'd chosen this dance for that reason.

She turned as she swayed her hips slowly to the metronome that she had begun counting, the rest of her body falling in step as muscle memory overrode her desire to try and flee. She still needed to play this carefully after all. If she could just keep them entertained until Isiat came looking...

"-But I promise I'm the best beyond there as well."

Her mismatched eyes flicked between the three as slowly, they began to advance on her, crawling on hands and knees. Escillio growled as he pressed up behind her once again, the two new tribemates approaching her from the front.

"We'll see about that. I'll have you know the great Lamaek has been pleasured by harlots, whores and pleasure slaves from coast to coast. My brother Ezrot here has an acquired a taste for the finer things, but even he is not important enough to buy a gold collared whore..." The smooth-talking lizard let the words roll off his tongue as his darker scaled companion all but raced across the distance between them.

If it weren't for her training and the lessons she had well learned from being flogged in her captivity, she would have flinched at that first contact of cool, smooth scales against her puffy slit.

The tribalistic reptile jabbing his nose between her thighs had no qualms with the fact she was still dripping with Escillio's cum, his thick fingers grabbing her thighs in a grip to rival that of her cunt. He was determined to keep her just where she was, long, forked tongue rasping over the sensitive petals of her so recently used body.

The male wasted no time at all, lewdly kissing her privates with a messy slurping noise as his tongue writhed within her like a lustful serpent. His eager enthusiasm was obvious, that wicked muscle twisting and dragging like a warm brush across her sensitive insides, threatening to make her knees quake had he not kept such a firm grip on her thighs.

He nuzzled and shoved his head until it felt like he was trying to press his entire tapered, reptilian jaw into her snatch, pulling her back into his tongues viscous lashings.

The moan escaped her unbidden as she was pulled down until her knees hit the floor. The reptile under her twisted to ensure he didn't have to abandon his feasting for even a moment while she was moved into a better position ravaging her cunt with his mouth. She could feel him dragging the other Iguana's cum out of her with each lick before messily smearing it through her pubic fur as if to mark her with the off white mess. He greedily swallowed everything else he could get his tongue on, be it her arousal or the other male's.

She barely had time to look up as a distinctly reptilian prick was pressed against her lips, it's hemipenes twin smearing the Iguana's oily natural lubricants and heady musk across her leathery nose. He gave a low growl that was clearly of his approval. She huffed noisily and let her lips part, unwilling to even risk irking the males slightly. He shoved in without hesitation, nearly making her gag while she inhaled his precum and the thick aroma of unmistakable lust.

"Ahh, not bad. You catch on quickly little kitten. We'll see how good you are once we have all had a turn with you."

Behind her, Escillio had gripped her tail and pulled it aside, readying himself for a second turn against her tongue filled snatch. If the male already occupying her rosebud objected, he made no complaint as his tongue was pushed aside by both halves of the Iguana's hemipenis at once.

She gasped around the cock in her muzzle, but even the slight reaction only seemed to edge the males on further with their debauchery. Escillo wasn't gentle, but she'd already learned that from his first time fucking her. Even so, taking both lengths of him at once was a stretch, making her feel full and sore as he forced her body open around him and the tongue inside of her! Small felines weren't made to have so much in them at once!

She would have hissed, but the prick in her muzzle prevented even that simple gesture, a pair of scaled hands pulling her head down into Lamaek's groin. The half of his cock now sliding into her throat almost reached up between her eyes, leaving streaks of precum across the fine fur of her muzzle in messy streaks.

"Ahhh, that is a good kitty. She doesn't boast Escillo. Her muzzle is like fucking a dragoness!"

Well, at least they're all happy about the situation. Shadi thought with the mental equivalent of an eye-roll, arching her neck to open her throat more. She swallowed diligently, though it was hard to stay focused when every motion sent bolts of pleasure racing up her spine like sparks of static on a silk sheet.

Despite the ache from the stretch, there was a pleasure and no shortage of it. The third male's tongue had wrapped itself around her clit like the mooring line of a sailing ship, rubbing the sensitive flesh back and forth while Escillio's twin pricks ploughed her cunt like a common tin collared whore.

Her moans were muffled around the prick in her muzzle, and her nose was overwhelmed by the rich scented smoke that lingered heavily in the air, along with the virile male musk of Lamaek and his prick that smeared across her nostrils. All of it was making her thoughts fuzzy while she was fucked by the trio of guards, her feelings of distress melting like ice left in the Savanah.

She knew that she would be a mess after this. It didn't help that the third male, Ezrot, was busy smearing the creamy mess from her snatch across her belly, his tongue making passes from her navel to her clit, and down to Escillio's twin shafts that forced more out of her with each rough thrust.

She felt every bump and ripple along the thick pair of tapering shafts, her body stretched taut so she was forced to endure every exquisite detail, every last little texture of the male. Her purring didn't help her convey her concern over her current situation. Isiat would come for her, she was sure... But until then, she clearly wasn't going anywhere in a hurry.

She let her tongue rasp along the bottom of Lamaek's reptilian shaft, sucking and nursing upon his flesh like the good gold collared slave girl she was. Her tongue swirled around his tip, her efforts rewarded with a taste of male as it prayed across the roof of her mouth, bitter and potent like a strong ale. She swallowed obediently, making a good show of it as her throat muscles rhythmically contracted and rippled along the lengthy pink cock.

Finger's quickly dug into her scalp as the Iguana before her began thrusting himself into her mouth, his exposed prick leaking a messy trail of precum across her tan muzzle, streaking through the fur as he face-fecked the feline.

"Kraa'vassa~ Shall we paint this girl like the last whore you brought?"

Escillio snarled behind her, giving a firm yank upon her tail to pull Shadi back until her hips came flush with his own with a wet slap. Between her thighs, Ezrot's tongue abused her clit like his life depended on it, the reptiles clearly having no objections to being so close to each other, even in the midst of a carnal act such as theirs. If anything, he was the quietest, and yet the most enthusiastic, dragging globs of cum out on his tongue just to smear it over her body like some kind of lustful ritual, marking her with their seed.

"Rrrr... I intend to mark and breed this slave. We will see if you even feel her cunt when I am done." Gods above Shadi was grateful for the herbs Isiat provided with her. The last thing she wanted to be doing was pushing out a clutch for any of these males! Even so, if anything his thrusts grew shorter and rougher, barely pistoning an inch in and out of her with his twin spires buried to the hilt. Her cervix felt bruised under the relentless assault, every throb, twitch and pulse making her knees quiver.

She gasped out, giving a sputtering cough as with a hiss Lamaek came in and upon her muzzle. Shadi clenched her eyes shut as his upper shaft tensed, swelling out and firing ribbons of seed across her cheeks and brow like lewd streaks of cream. Her throat rippled and swallowed just to keep apace of the sudden torrent that filled her muzzle, hot and musky maleness overwhelming her sense of taste and smell entirely.

She felt her own body starting to climb that plateau rapidly as well, her heart hammering a spicy tempo in her chest like the exotic coastal rhythms of her feline kin. Each moment that their decidedly male flavour lay upon her tongue, and each moment that her sex was splayed out around those thick shafts was another of agonizing bliss. Her body knew all the cues, and let itself be played to them, as much as she tried to fight it in her head. With the brain addling effects of the smoke mixing with her instinctive and drug-enhanced lust thanks to her canine captors, there was no way in hell she could hold back the throes of climax long.

There was no way that truthfully, she wanted to.

She was a pleasure slave after all. Not just some whore to be willingly raped. She may have been forced into a collar, but Isiat and Larise had taught her what it was to be free even so.

Enjoying what she had to do to get the collar off was a part of that in the end. Even if it meant restraining herself to have the best effect as possible. As Escillio hilted himself and finally unleashed a second torrent of reptile cum from both barrels, so too did she, moaning and purring as she bobbed her head down on the length stuffing her muzzle.

She swallowed the male as deep as she could even as her tunnel was plastered in a fresh coating of Iguana cum, letting her throat ripple and contract around him, eagerly trying to coax Lamaek's orgasm from his hidden internal testes.

Ezrot's tongue on her clit didn't help her keep her facade of composure of course, and her moans turned to whimpers of overstimulation quickly, her legs visibly shaking while the damned reptile under her smeared Escillio's cum through her pubic fur, all the way up to her belly button. His long and dexterous tongue gave him a decisive advantage there, and he made no hesitation just to show off quite how nimble it was, going from her clit and her taut, leaking sex lips one moment up to her stomach the next. He seemed to enjoy just plastering her stomach in cum like he was trying to paint the little feline with it, his tongue making short, twisting flicks every now and again like writing.

"Her womb shall receive our gifts. The cat will swell with new life soon." Ezrot murmured beneath her, using his fingers to scoop a glob of cum that leaked from her cunt, bringing it to his lips. He gave an approving smile as Lamaer finally lost his cool composure and bucked hard into the poor lioness's muzzle, holding her lips against the base of his rod between her lips, while the other jumped strongly against the bridge of her muzzle.

A moment later, creamy white ribbons shot across her face and brow, lewdly marking her as the trio's latest fucktoy. His seed raced down her throat and into her stomach, Shadi panting hard through her nostrils as she tried to swallow and stay ahead of his copious load. He withdrew just as her lungs began to ache, painting her face with the last of his climax before she felt them pushing down against the floor. Laying her out on her back.

"Give her a moment..." Escillio grunted, withdrawing from her cunt. The thick globs of cum poured from her used body like droplets of water after a rainfall, making a soft pat pat pat against the sandstone floor.

She was pinned as Ezrot quickly scrambled over her prone form, and without any hesitation or preamble, shoved his scaly snout against her furred muzzle, locking lips with the panting feline before she could object.

She moaned despite herself, her paws pinned above her head while the long, serpentine tongue uncurled in her mouth, a heavy wad of cum smearing across the insides of her lips as she shared the taste of Escillio with him. The otherwise mostly silent male grunted as he shoved her thighs apart with his knees, his twin pricks sliding against her reptile-cum soaked mound.

His tongue fucking was as enthusiastic as his actual fucking, and his hips drove into her hard and fast, wasting no time in hilting himself with a messy squelch as he took his sloppy seconds without complaint. Besides, his mouth was far to busy on her own. He used his dexterous forked-tip to keep her tongue pinned down as she moaned and whined, smearing Escillo's cum across her tastebuds, forcing her to savour the gift like it were a prize.

She whined and bucked her hips up into his thrusts, feeling the sleek and tapered shafts plunge deep into her core. She could do little more than that, almost forced into suckling on Ezrot's tongue as his hips did all the moving. The bittersweet taste of two males cum clung to her tastebuds like glue, and yet she still couldn't swallow. He was going to choke her if he kept this up!

Sure enough, moments after the thought had crossed her mind, she found her vision dimming at the edges, and quickly, unconsciousness overtook her around the same time she climaxed.

"Where in the bloody hell..." Isiat cursed quietly, glancing between Scion and the doorway. No trader had emerged to fashion a deal with them, and neither had Shadi. To say he was growing concerned was the least of it. He was irritably concerned and quickly moving into whatever emotion came beyond that. Furiously anxious? Perturbingly worried?

Isiat shook his head, rising from his seat, one paw already resting upon the hilt of Foxbite at his waist. Across the room from him with wisps of smoke trailing from his nostrils, Scion looked up from his ledger, frowning.

"Sit down Isiat. Your little dancing pet will be back soon enough." He rumbled calmly and motioned with a scaled claw for the Vulpine to return to his seat.

The vulpine's tails flickered entirely out of tempo, and Scion could tell at once that his employer was far more unsettled than he was letting on.

The dragon could read his count without even needing to read his lips.

Four seven eleven five three eight six three nine-

Suffice to say there was no order to it right now. The Kyruku made himself too easy to read. All one had to do was watch their tails.

Instead, scion stood up, adjusting his belt and checking the small, bejewelled dagger on his belt.

"If you are so concerned for her, I will go. You leaving will draw attention from anyone watching. Nobody will bat an eye at me going to attend matters on your behalf. I'll bring you the cat back." He chuckled with a rumble like an avalanche, setting the ledger down in front of Isiat. The vulpine's icy blue gaze met Scion's fierce golden one.

"You find her. Something's not right. Perhaps the canines are having seller's remorse."

"Or perhaps she is doing as she does and dancing her little heart out on some lowly guard's cock who could never afford her otherwise. I will find her, now sit down before you cause a scene."

Scion pushed his way out of the room, glancing to either side before he shot one arm out, stopping a silver collared stoat in her tracks.

"Show me where the guard quarters are." He simply commanded the snowy furred female. Unlike Isiat, Scion had fewer reservations about treating a slave as one would expect, especially when it came to matters of questions versus commands. A question would often get him an answer, but simply telling them to do something would get him results. He was a dragon. His mere presence inspired awe and demanded respect.

Skittering through the throngs of traders and merchants, she led him to a heavy wooden door off to the side of the indoor plaza, bowing as she returned to her duties.

Scion didn't bother knocking. He simply shoved the door open and marched his way inside, glancing to and fro. There was only a handful of guards actually present. Predator species, all of them without exception.

"And what is the meaning of thi-"

Scion raised a single claw and cut off the Tigeress who had been about to try and berate him without properly remembering her place in the food chain. Her eyes widened in sudden concern. Dragons weren't soon to forget a slight like that.

At once, the orange furred Amazonian built woman bowed her head, clearing her throat.

"My Lord, I-"

"I am not a Lord, but your improper respect for my kind is noted. Pray it doesn't find it's way back to the owner of this venue. Stand up, guard. I am looking for a slave of my employer's. A feline. Pleasure and entertainer marks. Gold collar. Tan. Sounding familiar? She was left in the company of the guards at the main door."

The look on her face immediately told Scion all he needed to know, and he at once turned, his wings giving an irritable beat behind himself. The Tigeress was quick on his heels.

"The door guards were mercenaries. We quartered them separately. This way."

"I expect we shall find her there then. Pray she is in the same condition she was left. Wait here while I fetch my employer."

Shadi came to with a male thrusting into her, moaning softly as she arched her back up, her body instinctively rolling towards the source of the good feelings.

Her head swam in a haze of the dense smoke that filled the air, the sounds of voices and wet, messy sex reaching her ears as things slowly came back into focus.

She was entirely naked, and her collar had been tethered to the floor hook by an even shorter chain, barely permitting her to raise her head to look about herself. She was a mess as well. Her fur was matted and sticky from the trio of lizardfolk who had taken her, and she reeked with the smell of lust.

"She will be fine... The effects of the smoke will fade with time and fresh air... She can be yours for 200 Draskar. A proper whore."

Shadi could hear one of the brothers speaking, but between the sweet high the reptile and his twin pricks between her legs and the pleasant haze from drug In the air, the words were a jumble to her.

"...for the right price, of course, we could be... persuaded to return her. She is the most entertainment we have had in weeks..."

"100 Draskars, and no more. There are a hundred other slaves we could purchase just as easily." Came a second voice, a deeper, masculine growl. Shadi tilted her head in a daze, her vision swimming and unfocused as she looked for the source of it.

In the corner of the room, speaking with one of the glistening, naked Iguana's stood a tall figure, shrouded with tan, but a very clear canine muzzle protruded from his hood. What on earth was-?

She grunted, whatever cry she had been about to utter cut short as the reptile fucking her hunched across her chest, his slender tongue lapping across her sore nipples while his fingers closed around her throat. Her body tightened up reflexively as his thrusting grew desperate. She was sore, tired, barely able to hold a straight thought, and this stranger raping her was about to force another climax into her and out of her at the same time!

And then he was dead.

It was such a curious thing to realize that at first, she wasn't sure where the thought had come from. But she knew for sure he was dead. His eyes had that same, blank, dumb expression on them that Oritz's had gotten right when he had died. It was like his mind was failing to catch up with what his body had already confirmed. He'd stopped thrusting, and with a shove, was pushed off of her entirely, rolling to the floor. The rasp of steel blades being drawn rang out through the room.

Isiat was standing over her, his tails furiously fanned out behind himself like a peacock strutting, that long, slender blade outstretched in his paw. His free hand was extended behind him towards her face as if to shield her from what came next.

"Kill them, Scion."

The sheer malice and fury in his voice and written across his face brought her thoughts back to an alarming level of clarity, and she huddled into a ball close to where the reptiles had chained her to the floor by her collar.

She didn't see what happened, but she felt and heard it. It was like a sudden rush of air being sucked from the room, and then suddenly, a torrent of heat washed over her prone body as if she had been thrust into an oven. She curled in on herself tighter as the screams began, and were just as quickly drowned out by the rush of a roaring fire, louder than a thunderclap in the confines of the room.

And then it was all over.

Only the soft popping of a few smaller spot fires made any sound at all in the room. She felt the lock on the chain holding her release and instantly threw herself against Isiat's chest, sobbing openly. His paws wrapped around her tightly, his fingers combing along her back.

"Don't open your eyes until I say. You're safe now Shadi..."

She let him guide her from the room, taking each step slowly and on unsteady feet. As he led her outside into the fresh air again, she could hear Scion shouting in the small room behind them, growing more distant with each step.

"...and I want -every- person associated with any of them brought before Otharni'elda at once, in chains if you have to! These men conspired to steal and sell the property I hold a share in and by extension the property of the clans! Am I perfectly clear, or do I need to provide another example of what happens to those who cross us!?"

She couldn't remember ever hearing them this furious before. She sincerely hoped she never had to again...

"Fifteen executions, 5 public floggings, and two hands removed at the wrists. The Canine Coalition representatives have been expelled from Otharni'elda's lands for the remainder of the conference, and the mercenary group that brought the reptile guards in has been stripped of its role indefinitely. Do you really expect me to believe you did it all for her, or is this another of your shadow games Isiat? We had an agreement, do you remember? There are no secrets-"

Scion had been on this chain of conversation for long enough. Isiat calmly waved him down with a paw while sipping an amber liquor from the crystal glass in his other.

"Mostly. Mostly for her, before any other reason. She's more valuable to me personally and to us together as an asset than either of us realize. I had suspected-" He paused for a second, raising a finger to emphasize his words. "Not confirmed mind you, but suspected that the coalition would make a play for her back if she appeared like a Queen left out and unguarded in the middle of the board..."

"You cannot play with lives like it is merely a Chess game, Isiat. Certainly not at least with ones I own a stake in without consulting me first." Scion's glower was as solid and immovable as the stubborn dragon himself. One did not, so to speak, 'Fuck with the Dragon's hoard or any part of it'.

He was pissed beyond just the measured and precisely chosen words he used to express his frustrations with Isiat. Isiat for his part frankly could have cared less. It wasn't that he was deaf to Scion's arguments and perceived insult. But it had been a gamble, and in this case, they had gotten lucky and it had paid dividends. Even so, it wasn't a maneuver he was willing to play again. Now that his strategy had been laid bare to his opponents, they were not like to fall for the same trick twice.

"But it IS, Scion. We're all merely pawns in this larger game, between cats and dogs and dragons and who knows who else!" He exclaimed, tossing his hands up. His drink spilled onto his sleeve from the force of the gesture. "Yes, I knew it was a risk leaving her with the guards, and yes, when she didn't return, initially I feared the worst. But the canines clearly are having me watched, and knew she was alone. Now, we've removed them from the game entirely."

"For now. Their spies are everywhere here."

"Yes, and thanks to you and your stunning performance and footwork, at least one of their more competent ones is lying in a shallow hole not to mention however many else were in the executed group, burned to a crisp for the vultures to pick over. For that, Scion, you have my everlasting thanks and gratitude." The vulpine made a low bow and smiled at his old friend.

Scion sighed, exhaling a wisp of smoke through his nostrils. He resented the play Isiat had made. Dragon's were not gamblers unless they knew the odds were with them. It went against their very nature as hoarders of wealth and all things valuable. But they were also prideful creatures and vain beyond that. Isiat could see the cogs turning as Scion tried to find a way to diplomatically reject the compliment.

He failed and gave a defeated sigh.

"Fine... This once... ONCE. I will forgive you. But the next time you wager my fortune in any amount, even a single bent Lupar, I will enact our severance agreement, take my share, and leave." The grin tugging at the corners of the dragon's long scaled muzzle betrayed the lack of threat despite his words.

"You enjoyed it just a bit, didn't you?" Isiat teased him. Scion just grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Isiat. I enjoyed burning walking sentient waste. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Oh, entirely. Now say it again slower." Isiat growled with a wry grin.

"Next time, I will bend you over your desk and let your pretty dancing slave watch you being fucked into your place." The dragon laughed as he left Isiat's cabin, shutting the door and leaving the master of the ship to his thoughts.

The Traveling Slave pt4

Shadi was getting very sick of waking up in places she didn't remember laying down. Even if she recognised the place at once, it still was disconcerting she didn't remember where she had been before. She groaned and sat up slowly, holding the...

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Preying on Prey

Swirling larger didn't really look like anything. The answers he was after certainly weren't looking up at him from the bottom of the pint glass in his paw, and the music was frankly, too much treble and electronic nonsense and not enough bass for him...

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The Falconeer's Foxtrot (TDS Side #5)

Rika spat onto the floor of her cage, the Alsatian's phlegm tacky and filled with dust. She shouldn't have. It was a waste of what little body moisture she had left. It had already been two days since she'd last drank anything. Longer since she'd...

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