Working Animals! Have to Clean up Their Own Mess

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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A while ago, I had been lucky enough to snatch myself a commission slot from TrashBadger, after having really enjoyed his Housepets! fanart, especially DV's misadventures (which you should really check out if you have not yet).

Despite my boyfriend's valiant efforts, it had taken me a bit to get into Housepets!, but when I finally did, I really ended up taking a liking to many of the characters and thus, was rather happy to have Trashbadger indulge me with a rather out-there ship of Mungo and Res.^^

Indulge me, I can say indeed, since instead of just the original proposal of a little one page comic, he did expand on the idea and added a good bit more while still charging me only for what I first had in mind. And thus it ended with a seventeen page long cute comic of Res and Mungo in some pretty fun shenanigans almost to rival my favorite slutty wolf streamer.^^

Please check it out, if you haven't already.^^

Given that I got so much more than originally intended, I wanted to at least try to even the scales a bit, offering a piece of writing of my own, with Trashbadger suggesting that I should continue with those two - which I was happy to make an attempt at.

So, join Res and his perhaps (at least physically) biggest canine fan as they have to learn that you cannot get away with wrecking an entire living room without suffering the consequences. That a double identity as a big, muscular weretiger just means you will owe your best friend a personal live show. That passing out from hunk induced nosebleeds is not too much of a serious health issue for cats. And that what a feline writer still struggling with anxiety issues really needs is a good therapy dog. ;-)

My thanks to all of you willing to go along with me on this little escapade. And especially to my boyfriend jamesbeast and TrashBadger for having some kind words for this story.

Housepets! and all characters of course belong to Rick Griffin.

...who I shall have to hope will forgive us for not being able to resist the charms of his characters.

One of the first things that came with graduating from a housepet to a working animal was the fact that you had to learn to take on responsibilities. Res knew that. And thus, he had been only too aware that the blissful afterglow could not have lasted for long...

Certainly not when said blissful afterglow had come after some intense sex, which in turn, had grown out of a playful wrestling match that, nevertheless, had managed to wreck half of the room...

His cheeks were feeling rather hot when he drew himself away from the big, black dog whose chest he had so comfortably been cuddling against, only to look at Grape who was standing in the doorway, looking at him. And while she might be having a smirk on her face - and knowing her, he did not have to guess as to why - it did not preclude her from pointedly letting her gaze wander from the shelf they had knocked over, to the table stuck, yep, literally stuck, in one wall and finally to the hole in the other - not that he could blame her...

And to his chagrin, Res was only too aware that the damages did not stop there...

The two of them really had gotten carried away...

"Umh, did you enjoy your stream...?", he asked, a bit lamely, his gaze traveling to where Peanut and another dog were standing a few feet behind the purple cat, taking in the carnage with what almost seemed to pass for reverence. What was the name of that gray dog again? He had met him during their temple adventures, but with how hectic things had gotten towards the end... Oh, yes, Fox!

"Not quite as much as I enjoyed your show, I think", she grinned with a rather wicked gleam in her eyes, before continuing: "When you give us a repeat performance though, can we maybe skip the home wrecking portion?"

Res winced, feeling his ears flatten down. Though admittedly, she was taking all of it a lot better than he had expected. Especially, well, especially since there was that other thing...

"Oh, also, you will have to think of something to make up for not telling me that you kept that particular not so little souvenir from our adventure together."

Res hung his head. He had thought he had gotten a bit better about anxiety, but, even with an infusion of raw, godly power, even with the confidence boost of quite possibly literally having saved the world from an otherworldly menace, well, old habits did die hard...

A gentle, if maybe a bit forceful pressure from behind made him stop, just as he was getting ready to open his mouth, suddenly feeling a rather comforting warmth against his back.

"I am very sorry, it was my fault. Erh, you know, I am not the best at controlling my strength..."

Mungo had gotten up, one of his hands was resting on Res shoulder with firm, reassuring steadiness.

"He also wrecked part of Tarot's place once when he was chasing after Fox and Sasha", Peanut chimed in, seeming as chipper and unconcerned as usual. The other dog, Fox, made a slightly pained face at the comment, before clearing his throat.

"Yes, well, the local department has an insurance policy for him. Just, I do think it does only cover destruction in the line of duty..."

Res felt the grip on his shoulder stiffen a little - to an extent where he started to think he should maybe be thankful for the effects of the residual mana. He could not see Mungo's face, but he could not help thinking that as much as the hunky canine seemed to want to step in to reassure him, the big guy might need a bit of support himself. Okay, Res, think. How would any of your characters solve this?

Well, a good portion of them likely would either scoff at the problem, threaten more violence, not quite understand modern property values, or throw a lavish amount of weregild at the aggrieved party...

Well, he might still be traveling pet carrier on his plane rides, but Miss Auburn had made sure he had access to money, given what the book sales, licensing fees and film deals had brought in.

"Umh, guys, I, I can pay for this damage. I mean, I threw him at the wall, I wrecked the floor and, well, Mungo sure would have taken this outside, if he was not worried about me keeping this under the hood and thus it really is mostly my fault, because I caused this entire incident. And frankly it does not seem fair if my private fun ends up on the taxpayers' bill. Plus, I would only feel really awful if you did not let me do my part and make up for all this!", Res paused, finally drawing breath, aware that everyone was staring at him as he finished the flow of words that had become more and more rapid as things went along.

"Does he do that often?", Fox finally asked, looking a bit flabbergasted still.

"No, he usually keeps everything bottled up and only bursts out now and then when things get too much. Like a big, hunky weretiger, rwaaah!", peanut finished the last part off with a comically bad impersonation - which nevertheless made both the corners of Res' mouth twitch and his face heat up a bit. Peanut might come across as a bit oblivious and silly, but he was far from a stupid dog...

He saw the brown mongrel grin as his gaze traveled from Mungo to Res and back. Not that there was much distance to cover right now. Oh, and one more thing about Peanut...

While there might be more to him than met the eye, when it came to his facial expression, it was pretty much all right out there, in the open, for everyone to see it all written plainly on his face...

And Grape's face, for its part, definitely shifted to a matching, very broad grin as she fixed her gaze on Mungo, specifically all his big muscles...

"Ooooooh, I should so have seen that coming. I mean, with all those BIG, HUNKY, STRONG lions and leopards and...", she was cut off as Res, definitely feeling his cheeks burn, threw up his hands.

"Please, can we talk about my not so subtly hidden sexual fantasies AFTER we are done cleaning up this mess?!"

This, it seemed, did the trick at least. Though the big, strong arms wrapping around him had become a bit tighter in their grip. And in his mind's eye, he could pretty much see the big dog's worried face.

It was Grape though who first snapped to attention. Her face setting into a determined expression as she fixed her eyes on the carnage around them again.

"Right. This here comes first...", she said, her lips pursed, eyes flickering.

"...your hunky payback for all of this will be after", she added with a grin and a gleam in her eyes.

"So, first things first, we do not have that long until mom and dad will be home and we have to at least hide all the evidence. Guys, this goes beyond cardboard! For this, we will have to go to the next level!"

Peanut raised his fist with a cry of assent, while Fox just gave Res a confused look the cat had to return.

"Umh, cardboard?", the husky finally asked, only to get another broad grin from Peanut.

"We do have a good bit of experience with hiding the evidence before mom and dad can find out, just do what we say and it will all be fine", he said in his usual chipper tone. Before adding with a slightly concerned expression: "Most likely, I think."

Grape just waved that one away, taking a deep breath.

"Okay, Peanut, make a list of what Res and Mungo are going to get from the hardware store! Fox, you will stay here with us and help clean up!"

Mungo, almost a bit hesitantly, raised his hand, finding the purple cat's eyes fixed on him in response.

"I could put the shelf back up before I go...", he offered, still having his arm around Res.

"NO! I mean, we already have enough things broken! We, erh, will make use of your brute strength when we can afford the risk of collateral damage, okay?", Grape answered hastily, before exchanging a glance with Fox, while Peanut went to get a little notepad from the one table the two of them had managed not to knock over...

Res took a deep breath, reaching for his wallet. He just had to hope they actually would be able to pull that off before Mr and Mrs Sandwich came back...

In the end, Grape at least had let HIM help lift up the shelve again before he went off to the hardware store with Mungo - after all, it meant him transforming and flexing those muscles - while she and Peanut busily ran about, checking what they would need to at least patch up this mess. Res was happy to be able to do something, even though he felt bad for Mungo who so obviously was eager to help himself, but not allowed to do more than pose as a canine ladder for Fox to climb.

Then, off to the hardware store the two of them went. A cat and a dog, well, that part at least seemed not to be as unusual in Babylon Gardens. Still something Res had to get used to.

It was kinda nice though and of course, it gave him a lot of silly ideas about "shopping with that special someone", like right out of some high school romance, flitting about in his head. He should maybe not start presuming though. As nice as it might be to walk around next to the big, muscular dog...

Grape and Peanut had been right. Mungo was, minus the species, pretty much exactly what the heroes of his stories looked like. Quite like those actors they had cast for the movies. Being in the same room with whom had made poor Res stammer terribly with his cheeks aflame...

He wanted to be like those guys...

Or maybe be WITH those guys even more...

And Mungo had told him how much he had liked the books. And he was actually not the only canine fan. It had made Res feel a bit self conscious, given that he had not really known any dogs before. Well, not beyond the most casual level that was. getting chased by some when he had been a stray and then being a bit too nervous around them for a good bit. Peanut had pretty much been the first dog he really had gotten to know and talk to.

Though, of course, Miss Auburn had passed on some of those fan letters from his canine readers, who had taken a liking to his books despite the feline focus. At least he had been able to give them the Cape Dogs, which seemed to have been pretty popular. Once he would have finished Pridelands though...

Wow, that was quite the thought!

But, yeah, he was going to finish Pridelands, with the plot in his head, still clear and bright from that so distant seeming moment of godly power. And he finally felt sure that he WOULD make it into a story that should make most of his fans happy and all of them at least content!

And then, maybe, next time, he would not make just a story for cats mostly about cats...

"Umh, Res, I think this is one of the things Grape told us to get. Remember, we need the right color of paint for the wall we wrecked."

Res snapped to attention, feeling the big hand on his shoulder and looking up, his face, again, feeling quite hot. Especially since he was about the right height to stare directly at those perfect pecs and abs...

"Ooh, y,y es! I am sorry, I, I fear I was elsewhere with my thoughts for a moment...", he stammered, trying to steady his breathing, leaning down to check the colors and labels for the right shade...

Focus! First priority is this, everything else comes second!

Easier thought than done maybe, but in the end, they did manage to get what they had been sent for.

...and they even managed it without Mungo breaking anything or a customer getting into hysterics because of the big weretiger heaving wooden boards on the cart already piled high with various tools and materials, while no one else was in the aisle. That would have been quite something to try to explain to a screaming soccer mom...

But while the man at the checkout did give them a bit of an odd look at first, he seemed to recognize Mungo, giving him an amused grin, joking about whether the police budget was getting too tight and the K-9 unit was now required to make up for damages with a bit of off duty handyman work.

Well, if only he knew...

Res paid and Mungo, all straight laced and proper, dealt with the cashier. And then finally, both of them were back outside.

"It was nice of him to say that we could take the cart and bring it back later, wasn't it?", Mungo asked with a bright smile, effortlessly pushing the heavy load as they made their way down the street. Res nodded and mumbled in assent, trying to tear his gaze away from the dog's firm muscles in action, flexing beneath the sleek, black fur. Mungo did not even work up a sweat as he hauled the heavy cart forward. Shame, that extra sheen would have looked rather nice on him...

"Oh, yes, everyone here definitely seems to be pretty friendly. Has to be rather a nice place to live in as a pet...", Res finally got out, only to have that one thing push back to the forefront of his mind that had been gnawing at him for a while now...

Res had made quite a lot of friends here. And yet, well, he did live in Canada. With Miss Auburn...

He could come over for a vacation, but...

"Hmmmh, everything alright? You look a bit worried. Is it the repairs?", Mungo asked, his voice very gentle. Res could not help but think that the big, black dog, imposing as he might be, had to be really great at jobs like getting lost children back to safety...

"If it is about the repairs, don't worry. If things go wrong, I will apologize to the Sandwich family and find a way to explain this. Don't worry about it, I, well...", the large dog made a wry, rather self conscious chuckle, "I have had to do this a lot of times, you know?"

Res shook his head, trying his best to force his face into a more cheerful expression.

"Oh, no, it is alright, don't worry. Between Grape, Peanut, your partner and the two of us? Why, a bit of home repair cannot be tougher than real monsters and death traps."

And while Mungo's gaze lingered with a definite expression of concern, his muzzle finally spread into a very canine smile as he clapped Res on the back - which again definitely made him thankful for his newfound resilience.

"Gotcha! Those walls won't even remember what had hit them!"

With a sigh, Res slumped against Peanut, both of them still panting, their gazes wandering over the maybe still traitorously moist looking patches of freshly painted wall and then to the equally freshly renewed carpeting. It, well, it did look quite like it had before. At least as long as you did not inspect said still not fully dried paint too closely, that was...

"This really did go beyond cardboard...", Peanut got out, tongue lolling. And even Res, with his weretiger form, definitely felt winded. Guess super strength was not also doubling as super stamina...

"I cannot quite believe we actually did this...", the gray cat said, his voice a bit weak, eyes traveling to the freshly repaired table. It seemed that the glue was setting. But maybe they should consider quietly ordering a new one to replace this one nevertheless...

They both turned their gazes as the window opened. Luckily, this time, it was just Grape who had opened it, though Mungo was lingering behind her, careful this time not to repeat his earlier stunt.

"Are you guys done inside? We are mostly finished out here", she said, seeming to be a bit disappointed as her gaze fixed on Res. Well, he was his usual, scrawny self again...

"Wow, and that with you having the extra task of keeping Grape from peeking through the windows to ogle Res while he was transformed", Peanut said with a broad grin that earned him an angry scowl from the purple cat.

"I did NOT ogle, I just had to check on your progress and see we coordinate things properly for that damn wall!", she snapped, even though the guilty expression on her face really said it all.

Res smiled, walking over, hoping he might prevent the two from bickering. After all, they had both really given it their all and he did not want to ruin the moment with a fight...

"You guys are really the best. Mungo and I could never have repaired all the damage we caused without you...", he said, feeling a little flush of heat. The thing was, if he was honest with himself, he had maybe enjoyed the part where they had caused that damage a little bit too much...

Grape just waved him off though, making space so he could look out of the window to inspect them setting the last of the new boards into place.

"Heh, don't sweat it, I do think I like the idea of you owing me one for a change...", Grape winked at him, before she shooed him off.

"You guys can set up some snacks, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who is famished."

Res nodded, the corner of his mouth twitching, as he made a little salute.

"Aye, sir!"

He turned around, to feel Peanut's hand on his arm, the dog giving him a broad grin.

"Did I just hear snacks? Pretty sure I did", he answered himself with a tongue lolling smile, tail wagging as he dragged Res towards the kitchen.

"Let's make some sandwich family style sandwiches!"

Finally, all of them had settled down around the kitchen table, with a big plate of assorted sandwiches sitting between them. And while Res for his part was busy taking a small bite out of a tuna sandwich, which so far was definitely living up to the hype, Mungo and Peanut were already at their third.

"Peanut, stop wolfing down your food, or Res will have to cover an emergency vet bill for us on top of the Home depot one", Grape chided good-naturedly, only getting a broad grin, muzzle smeared with his namesake, from the light brown dog in return.

"Well Grape, you know, technically dogs and wolves are really the same species."

"Yeah? Technically, that wisecracking will only give you more of a chance to choke on that damn sandwich. So stop eating like a damn vacuum cleaner, or I'll come over and help shove that food down your throat properly!", came the a bit less good-natured retort from the cat.

The only one actually seeming to look guilty was Mungo, who stopped mid chowing down of his food and paused to take a big swallow, throat bobbing, before he carefully chewed his next mouthful. His eyes came wandering over to Res who just gave him a smile, while the husky across the table from him gave both of them an amused grin. Fox, like Grape, was still busy with his second helping.

Looking the gray dog over and having seen him in action, Res had to admit he was rather handsome, too, with lean muscles filling out his frame. Would Mungo like it if Res built up some muscles like that in his normal form...?

Mungo definitely had seemed like he had some experience during their, erh, more than wrestling match, and Res was wondering a bit whether perhaps...

Well, he remembered how some of the strays he had known from his, well, his bad old time, had joked about what went on in those police dog kennels...

He shook his head, trying to banish both the heat rising to his cheeks and the rather explicit images whirling through his head...

Thus, he took another bite, then another, trying to swallow both the flush of heat and the unbidden thoughts down together with the rich aroma of the tuna spread. And not think of the taste of Mungo's mouth as he had leaned in to kiss him...

Damn, stop thinking of stuff that will make you pop a boner at the table!

Res closed his eyes, gulping down the last of his food, before he opened them again to look right into the face of a grinning Grape who had leaned over the table to look at him with a devilish grin.

"Now that we have cleaned up and had our fill, it is time for you to make up, both for not telling me you could still get all big and hunky AND for making us help you clean up your mess..."

Grape wriggled her eyebrows and Res did not know if he wanted to plead for mercy or to laugh.

How did she always do that? He could never have asked for something like that so, so directly...

His eyes flicked briefly over to Mungo who gave him an encouraging smile, before Res stood up with a sigh. Well, he did owe her. Grape was a great friend and he should have talked to her about that, despite all the reasons that had made him keep it to himself at first...

Starting of course with the fact that he had not been quite sure if it actually would not just disappear after a while. Dealing with his own disappointment would already have been bad enough in that case...

And there was the fact that he was quite aware that there was a little spark of the potential of, well, something more between them than just being friends. And, beyond his personal reasons, he would have felt really bad for what that would do to her boyfriend Max, who also had been a friend to him. One whom he really did not want to hurt...

Well, and of course, there was the fact that he was a bit self conscious about what he was pretty sure was to come now that Grape had him and his hunky weretiger self at her mercy with no big quest to distract her and her fantasies. And no, it did not help that those had a good overlap with his own...

Only made it more embarrassing...

Of course, then again, all present parties had already watched him and Mungo go all the way, so...

"Okay, Grape, I solemnly apologize for not telling you. I was not sure it would actually stick around at first, that was one reason. I also guess I was a bit self conscious about it, but, well, given that time when I came over for Christmas, I do not think it is fair for me to worry all that much over getting embarrassed in front of you guys...", he finished with an apologetic look at Grape.

Then, he took a deep breath, closing his eyes, feeling the flush of heat running down his body, muscles swelling, bone stretching in a sudden, tingling rush, until he opened his eyes, looking down at his audience, who were watching him with rapt attention. Enough to make his cheeks heat up a little...

"Wow. This is sooo like a super hero movie!", Peanut exclaimed.

"...I should have thought of werewolf when we were in the temple, damnit...", this was Fox.

"Hehehe, this is sweet. You are going to act out all of my hunk fantasies for me, Res..."

Grape was beyond leering at this point and for a small, purple cat, she managed to get rather remarkably close to resembling a starving smilodon looking down at its prey...

Res gulped, his smile coming out a bit desperate as he looked at his friend.

"Erh, you do not think I could maybe get away with maybe just the G rated parts of your fantasies if I promise to include a purple cat in my next book after Pridelands...?", he held his breath, watching her reaction.

It was the first time he had even mentioned his thoughts about a next project to anyone but Miss Auburn. Just, he did hope Grape would not insist on him going quite as far with such a cameo appearance as that comic Peanut had drawn - and sent to him - based on her fanfiction writings...

Grape pursed her lips, still grinning wickedly, before she answered: "I just might consider sparing you anything that goes beyond an M rating for that..."

Well, that was something at least. He had hoped he could save those parts for, well, maybe later, with Mungo, alone with him, that was...

His gaze very briefly flicked to the large canine, who was still giving him an encouraging smile, before he let out a sigh, looking straight at Grape.

"Okay, bring it on then", he said, puffing out his chest, which got him an immediate happy purr from the purple feline, as she leaned forward, eyes gleaming. Well, he had a new kind of audience now, better not disappoint them...

"First, flex those muscles for me, all of them!", Grape commanded.

Okay, this should not be too hard. Well, aside from the fact that Res actually was more familiar with writing about muscular guys than being one...

"Umh, like this?", he offered, doing the classical biceps pose and starting to feel a bit at a loss for what to do next...

"Hmmmh, moooore!", Grape purred. And Res honestly was starting to feel a bit anxious about how to continue. He did not want to disappoint her, but, damn, how were you supposed to do this?!

"Oh, this looks fun, mind if I join in?"

Res turned his head to watch Mungo rise from his chair, looking at him with his usual enthusiastic expression, getting into position next to him and giving him a short, reassuring smile, before facing their small audience.

"Okay, let us start with showing you all those muscles and how you work them!", Mungo went on, as he began to go through a series of effortless seeming motions, repeating them, slowly, looking at Res with that adorable, radiant smile as the cat took a deep breath, following his example, even if a bit clumsily at first. It might perhaps be more like an impromptu exercise routine, but Grape sure seemed to be loving it and given how harmless this was, that definitely made Res happy as well...

Finally, both of them huffing and panting a little, starting to feel a bit hot under their fur, they stood there, their muscles nicely buffed up, Fox looking on with a mix of admiration and envy, Grape drooling and Peanut apparently half watching and half scribbling something on a pad of paper.

"Hmmmh, that was a nice little warm up, time for the real deal...", Grape said, wiping the little trickle of saliva from the corner of her mouth.

"Now... You remember that scene from book 3 when Petir charges the enemy camp? Pose like you imagined he would when he faces the enemy leader..."

Okay, that was definitely still tame enough. Though Res could rather imagine why she chose that specific scene. He drew in breath, turning around to Mungo, who obediently, if maybe not quite convincingly, took on a menacing pose, trying to give Res something to play off.

"Grrrooaaah! Do you think you can stop me and my warriors like this?! I'll have your heart for what you did to my comrades, to my people, for what you tried to do to her!"

Res was almost surprised that he was getting quite into it. Almost like he had in the temple. He smiled, drawing back his extended claws with which he had swiped the air just a foot away from Mungo's chest. Better be a bit careful with those...

"That was cool, do another!", Peanut chimed in, while Grape just grinned at him.

"Now do him as he frees her from her chains and carries her away..."

Res had rather expected that one... Thing was, when he had written that, he had been rather in a bad place. And truth was, he had actually rather fantasized about being the one to be saved and carried away by a hunky big cat, coming to save him from having to deal with the plot which at that time had seemed to rather slip from his hands no matter what he tried...

He looked at Grape, feeling a bit awkward, knowing that Grape undoubtedly also had fantasized about having the big, strong lion sweep her away. He cleared his throat, stepping a little closer to the table.

"Umh, okay... Shall I do this while one of you takes her role...?", he asked, feeling a bit nervous, for the same reasons as before, at the thought of getting into that kind of a pose with Grape...

"Oh, yes, I will play her part, I know all her lines by heart!", Peanut exclaimed, hands raised and tail wagging as he jumped up from his seat. Res had to suppress a smile as he saw Grape's expression at that. Though, he could not help thinking that maybe there was a bit of relief mixed in with the disappointment. Maybe he was not the only one aware that this was a bit of a delicate area...

He only noticed Mungo who had made a step closer to him when he turned around, but when their eyes met, he was smiling as before, making Res wonder just a little bit about what he might have missed...

And now, he was having Peanut gazing up at him expectantly, looking almost cutely enthusiastic as he fluttered his eyelashes in a spirited, if a bit comical female impersonation. Res chuckled, taking a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, conjuring the scene before his inner eye.

"Are, are you okay? Have they hurt you?", his voice was soft, coaxing, as he looked down at the small brown dog - species and everything aside, at least the height differential did work - watching Peanut open his eyes and speak with a breathy, whimpering tone: "It, it's alright, my prince. I, I knew that you would come..."

And then, just as his own lines demanded, the dog let out a breathy sigh before collapsing right into his arms to complete the dramatic scene.

...and that was when they heard a squeal from the table and the sound of Grape's head hitting the wooden surface, making the plates and glasses rattle.

"Hnnnyaaaah! That! More of that...", she barely got out, her eyes looking rather dazed as she pushed herself up on trembling arms, Fox having taken a rather nervous step back, while Mungo and Res both looked at her with worry.

"Umh, Grape, you sure you are okay...?", Res asked, feeling a bit unsure if that vacant gleam in her eyes was quite healthy. But, she definitely was not giving him the impression she would take no for an answer at this point. And the way she looked at him and Mungo made him feel like he was seeing exactly where her mind was going next. Well, if it did involve Mungo as well, maybe it would not be...

...not be anything he would ever be able to think about in public without his cheeks getting hot enough to fry eggs on them...

"Oooh, I am so much more than okay...", she crooned, her grin showing every last one of her teeth.

"I could tell you all about this elaborate scenario in my mind about some big, hunky cape dog warrior and some equally hunky Prideland hunter, but...", she paused, leering with every fiber of her body.

"...I just want you, Res, on the ground, now, and have Mungo pin you down and snarl at you that you 'belong to him now'. I want you to roar, to struggle, but just be pinned helplessly until...", she paused, pressing her paw to her muzzle, clearing her throat and blinking, seeming to absentmindled rub at something at the corner of her nose, before she looked at them again.

"Umh, never mind, you boys will pick things up as you go, just, do it!"

Res gulped, looking a bit nervously at Mungo, whose facial expression had shifted, from the gentle, reassuring confidence to something else, an almost predatory gleam in his eyes. He could see his muscles twitching, as if he was getting ready for a tackle.

This, this was bad!

They had just repaired one room, they could not be wrecking another!

He tried to mouth words at the muscular canine, pleading for him to not do what he knew he was about to do, but in the end, all he managed to do was making it a slightly more controlled fall as the big black dog suddenly was on him, pinning him down with a snarl that this time around seemed a lot more convincing!

He looked up, not quite able to shake off a momentary flush of a very instinctive cat reaction to having a big canine pin you down, looking right up at Mungo who was licking his lips with a growl.

"You're all mine now!", he snarled, pressing down on him with all his rather considerable weight. And Res was pretty sure that if he had wanted to shake him off, well, if he had wanted to shake him off without trying to tap into more of the residual mana power inside of him, he would have had a rather hard time...

But, the problem was, he was, kinda feeling like "hard" might be something that would be popping up pretty soon if they kept this up.

"L, let me go, damn, s, stop!", he yelled, half following the "script", half trying to prevent himself from ending up in a situation where, with any really bad luck, he would not only give Grape, Fox and Peanut a definitely not PG rated show, but maybe their owners as well, if Mr and Mrs Sandwich should end up coming home early!

But Mungo did not relent, pressing down on him, trapping him there beneath him with all his strength, really close, really hot, as the muscular body was pushing against his...

Res let out a soft whimper that did not quite befit his hulking weretiger form, feeling Mungo's hot breath against his face, and his neck...

Then, a sudden crash broke the spell and both of them sprang up. A sudden crash that obviously had come from the table.

At least we have not wrecked anything else ourselves...

The thought came unbidden, like an exasperated bystander standing there to gawk at the accident, only to be rather roughly pushed aside by the first responders, trying to rush in to help.

"Grape?! Grape?!", Res shouted, clutching the apparently passed out purple cat by the shoulders, very carefully lifting her up inspecting her head. He had seen a bright red trickle of blood! Fox was next to him, checking her for any wounds to her skull, any signs of a fracture. There, there had been blood! Blood on the white of her fur. Blood on her face. Blood from... her nose...

"Oh, don't worry guys, I think she just had an overdose of hunk", Peanut finally chimed in, giving his pet sibling a careful examination, before grinning widely.

Res felt his shoulders slump, slump and shrink back as his original form returned, unable to suppress the half sigh, half hysteric chuckle.

"See, that, that is exactly one of the reasons why I was hesitant to tell you...", he finally got out, a bit weakly, feeling both relieved and exasperated. Mungo was next to him now, offering his strong arms form them to, carefully, place Grape into so he could carry her to her room. To all of their relief, she did not take long to start mumbling in her stupor, even though her expression was still blank.

Well, Res definitely knew he would be rather relieved though if he turned out to have been the only one understanding some of what exactly she was saying...

Finally, they had Grape on her bed and seemingly shifting from knocked out to blissfully sleeping. That was, if he was any judge given that his knowledge of medicine was limited to whatever he had researched about trauma from medieval weaponry and the like...

"Umh, will she be okay?", he asked a bit timidly, turning to both Peanut and the two police dogs.

"Given her usual level of toughness, I think we might need to worry more about whatever she knocked her head on", Fox said with a wry smile, before giving the cat an actually rather surprisingly gentle look. Peanut meanwhile had leaned over, ears twitching as he seemed to listen to her breathing - or possibly her sleep talk...

Either way, he was smiling brightly as ever as he looked at Res.

"Let us give her some rest and let her sleep it off", he said, before pursing his lips.

"Hmmmh, I just better try to remember not to wake her up even if she sleeps in tomorrow..."

Mungo cleared his throat, seeming still a bit concerned as he looked down at the passed out Grape.

"Is there anything else we can do for her? Maybe a cold washcloth for where she hit her head at least?"

Peanut looked up at him, cocking his head slightly, before answering: "Hmmmh, I am not quite sure whether she would like that. I mean, you should see how she is about baths. But, maybe next time you two give her a performance, we could make sure she's sitting somewhere soft of course."

Res felt the corners of his mouth twitch again. He should better brace himself for that next request to come, once Grape had slept off her, what should he call it, hunk-over maybe?

Res looked down at her, seeing her mouth still twisted into a reassuringly happy looking smile. It definitely did seem like she was going to be alright. So, should he just let her enjoy her sweet dreams?

It was Fox who cleared his throat, breaking the silence: "Anyways, I do think I should be on my way home. Dad's gonna be back soon."

His gaze lingered on Mungo, something in his expression which Res was not quite sure he could read into. But it definitely once more made him a bit curious about their relationship...

"Yeah, I mean, we had not been properly invited, though I think maybe I should stay...", Mungo paused, looking between Fox and Res, before he continued, "and be there to apologize, if they notice and..."

It was funny, but with Mungo seeming all flustered, Res was feeling a rather surprising onslaught of courage surging up within him.

"We can always call you if it comes to us having to ask for forgiveness. And I am pretty certain we did a good enough job for it not to be an issue", Res said, taking a deep breath and trying to brace himself for what he was going to say next. For what he really wanted...

"I, I do think I could do with a bit of a walk myself. So, maybe, I mean, I know you do not need it, rather the reverse, but would it be okay if I walked you home...?"

There it was. His courage had at least, if barely, gotten him this far...

Res tried his best to make it seem all casual as he looked at Mungo and was quite relieved when he saw the big canines eyes brightening and his tail starting to wag.

"Oh, that would be, I mean, I would love to and there is a really nice park about halfway to my place and...", his gaze briefly wandered over to Fox, but the other dog just coughed.

"Well, that sounds good, guys. As you know, my dad's place is pretty much in the opposite direction, so...", he let the last words trail off, seemingly busying himself looking over to the sleeping Grape and the grinning brown dog still sitting next to her.

And I haven't even written one of those awkward romance stories in my whole life...

Res could not help a sheepish grin, before he looked at Mungo. Seemed like he would have some personal experience now to draw upon if ever he should find himself having to pen one of those...

Afternoon had already languidly settled into evening as they strolled through the quiet, suburban streets of Babylon Gardens. People were returning home, kids playing Frisbee with their dogs, grills lit up to make the rather appetizing scent of barbecue float through the air...

A nice place to be a pet...

Res muzzle twitched as his gaze wandered over one of the white picket fences to where a boy in his late teens was lying in a hammock, a black tomcat curled up on his belly. The boy had a Pridelands book in his hands and judging from the steady movements of his mouth, Res assumed he must be reading to the cat, while his free hand was lazily skritching behind the softly twitching ears...

It was on Res' own ears to suddenly twitch though as he felt the weight of a strong arm on his shoulders, a reassuring pressure, followed by Mungo's large head turning towards him.

"Everything alright?", the big dog asked, seeming, if not perhaps worried, definitely attentive.

More attentive perhaps than Res had been to his own reaction to the sight. Maybe looking at all the happy pets and people had trudged up some not so happy memories of his own...

He knew he should not dwell on them. Res did have his own home now. He was not some stray everyone would shoo away. Did that not mean that instead of feeling a painful longing for something forever distant and so much desired, he could just enjoy some warm contentment at watching it now?

"Oh, yes, just, I feel happy for them...", he tried his best to smile, taking a breath as he picked up his pace. Now, with all the appetizing smells wafting around him, he was feeling a tad bit regretful he had not grabbed himself another sandwich earlier. And someone was grilling tuna on the barbecue...

Res tried to ignore the little rumbling of his stomach at the appetizing smell, focusing instead on Mungo, who still had his arm around his shoulder as they kept walking. Res could not help feeling the sensation of the touch spread like a tingling warmth through his body. Despite all the flood of emotions welling up within him, no one seemed to pay attention to the cat and dog walking together like that.

Maybe they just saw two pet brothers out together or, if they knew Mungo, maybe a friendly officer taking care of a lost cat. But what did Mungo himself see? In them, like that?

Res was not quite sure yet, if it was more, or if it would be fair of him to want that...

Soon, he would be back home, all focused on finishing the book, making sure the quite literally divinely inspired manuscript in his head would make it faithfully to the final volume. And that meant that he would not be here for anything but perhaps another holiday, maybe in a year or a half...?

He knew he should not let his worry show. Not unless he wanted to end up with Mungo, in his eagerness to comfort him, maybe forgetting about his rather tremendous strength...

Poor guy...

Res could not help the sudden thought, watching the long shadow the dog was casting in front of them, easily dwarfing his own. But it was true. As comical as that excessive strength might seem, he wondered whether it might not at times be really difficult. Especially for being with someone...

Unless that someone was able to match him there if needed be...

The thought made Res smile to himself and keep his tail from drooping as they continued on their way, the evening sun on their backs, time passing in comfortable silence, until Mungo finally stopped and pointed at the other side of the quiet road.

"Want to make a stop here for a bit?", Mungo had let go of him, giving him a very eager expression.

"So, that is the park you mentioned earlier?", Res said, looking back at Mungo who was facing him, tail wagging, which Res could not help but smile at. He was refreshingly easy to read.

"It does look nice", he said, letting his gaze travel from the duck pond to the soccer field and tennis court, separated by a small stream from lawns, flowerbeds and meandering walkways winding themselves between the trees and hedges. It seemed to stretch out for a good bit and Res was pretty certain that if they went a bit further in, there also would be some nice, secluded areas. Somewhere where he and Mungo could...

"Then let's go, I will show you some of my favorite spots!"

And with that, Mungo was bounding off and Res had to actually run to keep up with him, given that with his shorter legs, he was at a bit of a disadvantage. But that was okay....

It was nice after all to see the large canine's muscular body in action. All dark and sleek and bounding with power...

To his surprise, the park seemed virtually empty, despite the evening being warm and pleasant. There were a few kids playing in the soccer court, but once they got further in, away from the street, there was no human in sight. And thus, letting his eyes quickly dart over the visible area between the trees and hedges, Res finally took heart and shifted to his weretiger form. With that, he actually might try to outrun Mungo.

It did not take him long to catch up and Res, feeling rather daring, tried to pounce, only to have the large dog evade and start a playful counter attack. Soon, it became a game, tackle and dodge, running after each other, ending with Res scrambling up a sturdy oak tree and grinning at the dog, before jumping down next to him. For a moment, hey just stood there, grinning at each other.

Then, their gazes shifted to the sturdy sets of exercise equipment set up along the winding path, weatherproof and sturdy enough to withstand even two tall, muscular animals like them. Well, would cheat strength manage to compete with diligent athleticism? Only one way to find out!

It was fun. Running about and playing with Mungo felt like the kind of thing kids would do. Like something Res had not quite been able to enjoy when he had been a kitten. Something he always had wondered about what it would be like...

In the end, both of them were panting and thoroughly exhausted, leaning down to drink from a fountain, letting themselves flop down on the soft green lawn. They were rolling together in the grass, Res unable to keep himself from laughing and giggling as he managed to pin Mungo beneath him for a moment, before both of them had to struggle for breath. With a tingle, he felt his body shrink down, nestling his head against the muscular chest, feeling the thrumming heartbeat against his cheek as one big arm slowly and very carefully wrapped around him, holding him right where he was...

"Hnnnh, that, that was fun...", Res finally got out, still feeling winded, if pleasantly so. And Mungo's body was all warm and big and solid beneath him. Res could not help a content purr as he closed his eyes, nuzzling into the warmth of the larger body, especially not when he felt the soft motions of one of the large paws carefully skritching between his shoulder blades...

"That is good...", Mungo said with a smile, still seeming a little out of breath himself. Res responded by rubbing his head against the muscular chest, loving the tickle of fur against fur and the sensation of the touch on his face and scalp. And even while the intimate closeness made him feel a stirring in his groin, the mix of endorphins and exhaustion seemed to take away the edge of pressing, urgent need, replacing it with a slow, swelling warmth that started to spread all through his body...

"You looked like you could need a therapy dog...", Mungo continued, catching Res a bit by surprise as he slowly shifted his head, until he could look the dog in the face watching him smile at the cat.

"A therapy dog? Like, stress relief by petting a furry animal?", he asked, letting his fingers travel over Mungo's chest, neck and shoulders, returning the skritches until Mungo started to twitch, his muzzle opening, tongue lolling out, as his breath settled into quick pants. And, well, Res also was pretty sure he felt something swelling further down below, gently starting to press against his thighs...

"Hnnnnh, ooooh, yes, but, not, not just that...", Mungo panted, "I am all properly certified. I can guide patients through play to develop their motor skills, provide counseling, help with anxiety..."

His gaze fixed on Res, growing a bit more serious, despite the fact his tongue was still hanging out. The tabby cat sighed, feeling his gaze drop a little. Yeah, it likely was really obvious...

"Well, I, umh, I know I still have some issues...", Res finally got out, feeling the reassuring warmth and the feel of the firm, muscular body beneath the short, well groomed fur as he kept skritching.

"You know, everything we went through, that did kinda help making me feel less panicked, less like I just cannot handle things at all. I thought for a bit that after dealing with that demon, it all had just magically gone away. But, well, you cannot just become a different person overnight...."

It only went that easily in stories. He of all people should have known that...

"Sssshhh", the large dog shook his head, pulling him closer, maybe a bit harder than strictly necessary, but Res sure did not mind being smothered right against that big warm chest, even when it almost knocked the breath out of his lungs.

"Don't overthink everything, that only feeds into your anxiety."

Res groaned, feeling his shoulders slump: "Yeah, I know... I mean, I guess I really should know better when it is apparently that obvious to everyone else..."

Mungo's hand rubbed over his back in response, gently, if, well, a bit forcefully.

"You seem to do much better when you just let go. Like in the temple, like when we had our little wrestling match, like just now when we were playing together."

Mungo's voice was all calm and gentle. It was not like he was telling him anything new. Res had been told pretty much all of that before. But, well, knowing what your problems were did not mean you could just overcome them like that. Maybe he was just...

"I, I am trying. I mean, I know I am putting this on myself, I know I can change that, it's just not, not easy to just, I mean, I...", but before he could keep stammering, before he could try any more to wrestle with the whole tangled mess, Res was suddenly silenced by Mungo's muzzle brushing against his, cutting his words off to end in a feeble whimper. And then, he felt the warm, slick sensation of the canine's tongue pushing past the row of sharp, feline teeth. And even if he had wanted to escape, the strong arms very firmly held him where he was. All warm, and solid, and getting ever more comfortingly familiar...

Mungo only let go once Res started to squirm a little as the cat was struggling for breath as the tongue pushed deeper, deep enough to make his whole body flutter with searing heat...

He was panting, heat rushing to his cheeks, down to his groin, where his cock had grown fully stiff, starting to leak. And as he rocked back, he felt Mungo's own stiff erection rubbing against his cheeks...

"Does, does this also fall under, under therapy...?", he got out, still struggling for control of his voice.

"Nnnnh, maybe. I think there is something, like that, but I don't think I am trained for that...", Mungo panted, body shifting, making his stiff cock rub over Res' ass, leaving a sticky trail in his tabby fur...

Res needed to ask though, needed to know...

"You, you are not just doing this because you feel like you have to help me, or...?", he said quietly, voice filled with a mix of need and vulnerability. But the large dog just shook his head.

"Well, as I said, I am not a trained for this kind of therapy...", Mungo paused, looking a little sheepishly as his stiff cock kept insistently poking at Res's butt, "...and, umh, the truth is, with such things, well. I am usually really afraid of hurting someone, so actually, I do not really get to, umh..."

Res looked down, taking a moment before realization sunk in. He remembered how Mungo had tried to be careful and gentle. And how his whole body was trembling and his cock had to be painfully hard. How he had earlier so eagerly pressed into him when he was a big, sturdy weretiger. How he likely hardly ever just got to let go himself. How he had to be afraid of accidentally turning something wonderful, something he wanted badly, into something that would hurt someone he cared for...

"In that case, let me take care of you, too..."

Res felt his own voice quivering, hearing Mungo groan beneath him, feeling him all hot and flushed and obviously doing his very best to control his needs so he would not hurt Res. It was, really sweet...

But, even in this form, he knew he was actually rather resilient now. Enough to take whatever...

"Hnnnh, please?", Mungo almost whimpered, making Res feel a rush of sweet, sticky warms as he shifted about, getting up on his knees, straddling the big, muscular body, his tail swishing, teasingly brushing over the stiff, leaking cock. Then, he lifted it up, looking down at Mungo with a dopey smile as he slowly lowered himself down, cheeks spread, his ass, still a bit loose from the earlier sex, only all to ready to welcome the throbbing cock back into the tight heat of his body...

Res let out a cry of half pain, half pleasure as he pushed himself down, aided only by the rather copious amount of precum this time, grabbing the stiff cock with one hand, guiding it inside.

He could have shifted. Maybe make it easier on the big dog that way. Make it where he could just push him down and fuck him without a care. But, it meant something to him that Mungo did not ask. That he had gotten all stiff and needy, even when he was just, just normal, small, slightly scrawny Res...

And Mungo was lying beneath him, cock throbbing, moaning with pleasure as his hips bucked, ever so slightly. Reflex motion he could not hold in as his cock tried to push deeper, ever deeper...

Res let out whimper, having to draw back for a moment, letting the slick cock glide out, before bracing himself, giving it a few quick strokes, feeling the canine tremble with lustful need beneath him, before he felt ready to take it in again. Deeper this time...

His own cock had softened just a bit, but when he felt a strong hand carefully closing around him, starting to stroke, when the pain of penetration slowly melted into pleasure as it pushed firm and hot against his most intimate spot, Res could only cry out with ecstatic arousal. His cock was surging to a throbbing full mast, as he pushed down, deeper, bouncing up and down on Mungo's shaft. It started to feel really good. And most of all, seeing Mungo all moaning and panting eagerly was almost as good as the slick heat of sex itself. It was like with the writing. It really did make him happy to see that something he did could bring joy to others. That, insecure as he was about himself and his abilities, he could make them happy. And Mungo particularly, so genuine and warm, was someone he really wanted to make happy, no matter what it took...

"Hnnnnh, Res, I, I fear I am not gonna last long!", Mungo cried out, just as his knot started to push, rather insistently against Res already rather well stretched hole. He did seem to try no to just push all the way in, even when his twitching legs and tail thumping the ground told Res he really wanted to.

S, silly dog, he had taken that knot before. And he had still been firmly impaled on it, stuck to Mungo, when he had shifted back, melting under the canine's sweet kiss...

This time though, it was Res' turn to sling his arms around Mungo as he leaned down for a kiss. Just as with a slick, popping sound, the knot hit home, making him yelp with a mix of pain and pleasure. He felt so hot, but still, he was shivering, pressing himself against the warm, muscular body. There was a thirst that made him lean in to the kiss, muzzles brushing, their moans breaking out whenever their lips parted. And all the while, he was full with the twitching, throbbing cock, while the firm pads of Mungo's paw rubbed against his own achingly sensitive erection...

It was just way, way too much. His whole body tensed as he began to jerk violently, throbbing with heat and electric pleasure, as that hand kept stroking and the thick, knotted cock pushing into him, feeling like it was rubbing his insides raw until every motion, every touch was blissful, singing heat.

No words, just a cry of blissful, finally fulfilled need as Res felt his balls tense and his cock jolt, spurting hot seed over the strong paw, holding him tight.

His face burned, a mix of pleasure and shame at the fact that after Mungo's words, it was him who had not been able to hold it. But Mungo just looked at him, smiling, even with his whole face contorted with raging lust. He looked really hot like that, all big and strong and dear to him...

Res might be woozy from his own tingling climax, but, he knew what he wanted. Knew what he had to do to get it. Clenching his ass, pushing further down on that hard, throbbing cock. Stroking that sexy, muscular body, kissing, purring, letting his tail brush over Mungo's loins as he clung to him with all the wanton desperation of love and longing. He might soon be gone, soon be home. He might perhaps not have a chance at all those sappy, sticky sweet dreams bubbling up inside his mind drunk with afterglow. But, right here and now, he had his big, strong and gentle dog and he would do all he could to make him happy. All he could to draw out more of those twitching spasms, the sweet, yipping whimpers, the bucking thrusts desperately held in, even when Res was moving his whole body with them, impaling himself right on that hard, jolting shaft...

Mungo's climax came with a yowl of pure, desperate need as his hips bucked, his cock spurting hot, sticky seed until Res could only moan and whimper from the almost unbearable feeling of ecstasy rushing through his already overstimulated body. Spurt by spurt, bucking motions that only ever so slowly started to ebb, as the yowl became a moan and finally, there were only their joined, panting breaths, as Res slumped down against that strong, heaving chest...

They both were out of it, both too exhausted to do more than listen to their rapid heartbeats, take in the warmth of body against body, breath in the air smelling of sex...

With the swollen knot still stuck inside of him, Res would not be going anywhere. And with Mungo's strong arms wrapping around him, pulling him more tightly against that muscular chest, it was really nice to have an excuse to stay like that for a good bit longer...

Res let out a soft purr as he felt Mungo's hand slowly stroking up and down his back, as a sloppy tongue lapped over his ear. He really could do with staying just like that for a good while...

Nuzzling against the muscular body, listening to the strong heartbeat growing steadier again, feeling the tickle of warm breath against his ear, he lifted his chin to look Mungo in the eyes.

"Did I, hmmmh, manage to take proper care of you this time...?", he asked, self-consciously, knowing it was a leading question, but feeling warm relief at the large dog's prompt answer and bright smile.

"Very much...", he let out a soft yawn of pleasant exhaustion, his grip tightening just a bit.

"Hmmmh, you do not have to hold back with me", Res said, slowly, stroking over the broad, muscular shoulders. "I may be a scrawny cat, but, remember, I am still a big weretiger inside, even when I am like this..."

His words earned him a warm huff of breath, a chuckle reverberating through the canine's chest.

"Would you want that? I mean, even if you can take it, I, don't, don't want to make it bad for you..."

Res smiled, feeling warm inside at that genuine concern in Mungo's eyes.

"Hmmmh, if it ever gets too much, I can always shift and try to turn the tables on you. Have you beneath me like that and make it so you can only beg for me to ride your cock."

It was pretty bold for him, kinda exciting to say it. All the more at the mix of mock outrage and amusement in Mungo's eyes.

"That does sound like a fun way to do our rematch...", he ruffled Res hair with his paw, before firmly pulling him against his chest. Hard enough to knock the breath out of him and make Res half giggle and half cry out in protest once he had caught his breath again. All the movement did make the knot shift and create a rather confusing mix of arousal and dull pain which felt kinda nice actually...

And it made Res think of the fact that, whether he liked it or not, eventually, he would have to separate. And go back. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but...

Soon, he would be back in Canada...

"I, kinda wish I would not have to go so soon...", he finally got out, feeling a tight knot forming in his chest. And alas, not the nice, warm, throbbing kind still tying him to the big, black dog...

"Well, yes. I mean, I know, you have your life up there...", Mungo answered, rather thoughtfully, seeming to scrutinize him with his glance, his muzzle twitching a bit, as if unsaid words were carefully held at bay. Res wished he knew what they were. Because it would make what he had to do next so much less scary. But... if he did not say it, one thing would happen for sure. And he did not want that...

"The, umh, the thing is...", Res started, trying to not lose courage, "I mean, I live in Canada, yes. But... the thing is, aside from Ms Auburn, it is not like I have any friends there really. Not like Grape, like Peanut, or, umh, not anyone like you. I mean, I cannot just move here, up and leave and everything and I definitely would not want to ask that of you the other way around!", he quickly said, trying to steel himself against the reaction he was afraid of, what he feared to find in Mungo's eyes.

"...but, umh, maybe, sometime in the future, there, well, there could be an option. And, in the meantime, well, I, I can come visit..."

Res gazed into the canine's eyes, watched his muzzle twitch. It was almost as if a light had been flipped on behind the suddenly very wide eyes, as if the mouth opening into a wide smile had been the switch.

"And, umh, there is telephone, email, voice chat, video, and, I mean, if, if you would need a phone, computer or anything I, I could get you one, so...", Res gulped, feeling his heart thump in his chest, noticing, almost as if at the corner of his attention, that he was hearing something thumping against the ground. Something like a dog's tail, half squished by its owner's weight, slapping the grass beneath them...

"You mean, you would want to see me again?", Mungo asked, sounding almost as excited as when first they had talked, when he had been gushing about his love of the Pridelands books. Of Res' very own words, his work, his...

And suddenly, he was pulled so hard into the dog's embrace that Res had to let out a startled umpf, breath knocked out of his lungs as his body involuntarily tensed in response to the bearhug.

It was not his weretiger shift, but something inside of him seemed to well up in response, something that would not easily be crushed or squashed. And when Mungo let go of him to look at him with a mix of unfaded elation and fresh worry, Res just grinned like a Cheshire cat, only needing to roll his shoulder a bit to loosen his muscles and let his bones come to rest.

"See? I told you, I am sturdy enough even as a little scrawny tomcat."

Mungo's muzzle turned into a broad grin in response and finally, they just burst out laughing. And Res could feel the big canine's body vibrate, right through the muscular chest clutching him tight, right through the still swollen knot holding him trapped.

Finally though, Res grew serious again, looking at Mungo, before he took a deep breath.

"But, as I said, I would really like to keep seeing you...", he said, managing a smile, watching the happy expression on the dog's face, before he let himself be pulled back, headfirst into the warm, solid muscle and the black fur. And right now, Res for once felt all of his inner turmoil of worries and anxieties just shut up, leaving him only with the steady rhythm of Mungo's heartbeat, as he closed his eyes. The dog did not need to say anything, his happy whines were more than answer enough...

"You know...", Res finally said, trying to shake off the lethargy settling on him. Lethargy after all the excitement of sex and of baring his feelings and having them taken in so warmly.

There was something else he had wanted to talk about. Something he had not even really told Ms Auburn. Something he thought Mungo deserved to hear first, given how their adventures together had inspired him. And how today had strangely given shape to things as they had been simmering at the back of his mind...

"Hmmmh, what?", Mungo asked, seeming a bit dazed and sleepy himself, but attentive enough for Res not to feel worried that he would not listen to him. Slowly, the big hand kept petting him...

"I, I do actually have an idea. I mean, for, for after I have the final book all wrapped up..."

Mungo's hand stopped, fingers still trailing through Res fur. There was a twitch going through the big, muscular body. Seemed like he did have Mungo's attention.

"I mean, I, I kinda felt bad. There were you and Peanut, and other dogs. They all still liked my books. Even if I did rather write them for cats. And, well, I did get to hear from fans. I met you as well. And you were so excited...", he paused, feeling a warm breath tickle his ear.

"Res... You know, whatever you think about who it is for or such, your books do stand for themselves. I liked them just as they were, so, umh, I hope you are not getting all worried about that?"

Res took in a deep breath, trying not to be completely distracted by the warm feeling in his chest.

"Well, umh, a bit, kinda. But, I, this is not all this is about. I mean, meeting all of you, I thought...

You see, we had all those adventures together. We did stick together, even when we had all those fights, I mean, with that dog, Tarot and Peanut and Mr Milton and... Does that not feel like something we should have more of? Stories where there is drama and tension and all that, where people are at odds, but at the end, it all fits together? Something where even if people fight and are at opposite ends, they can all come together? Cats and dogs and everyone?"

Mungo still was listening patiently, still stroking. It did give him confidence to go on.

"I, well, I did have an idea, something that seemed to have been kinda at the back of my mind for a while, I think... I still want to stick with fantasy, with a historical setting. But maybe not just Africa again. I mean, well...", he paused, grinning a bit sheepishly, "there aren't that many dogs there, you know...?

And there is really a lot of interesting stuff about early Sumer, Babylon, Egypt of course as well. I will have to do a bunch of research, but, I have a really vivid idea for it, you know...", Res paused for breath, reassured by Mungo's rapt attention.

"So, I want to write about cats and dogs this time. Our ancestors, those who ended up becoming pets like us. I know how much we can still fight, how some cats look down on dogs and some dogs dislike cats. I think that is something that would likely be, if anything, even more of an issue back then....

So, I have this story in mind, about an ancient tribe of cats and an ancient tribe of dogs. How they both would be rivals. Have big, heroic leaders. Kings like Gilgamesh. But, even if they butt heads, compete with each other, hmmmh, maybe have intense wrestling matches in the nude..."

Res looked at Mungo, feeling his heart jump as he saw the broad grin on the dog's face.

"...even with them fighting, they would also work together, learn to accept the other for all their differences, maybe come to see their side. Heroes with great powers, epic battles against mythological beasts, intrigue, vengeful goddesses, armies clashing and, well, maybe..."

Res took another deep breath.

"...maybe have them learn to be not just rivals. But, friends. Lovers maybe? Those ancient cats and dogs...?"

Images of a proud, black furred canine hero warrior flashed before his inner eye. And about an equally proud feline champion facing him, maybe like him, with magic making him grow to a proud, powerful form to face his rival. Dreams or wild fancies? Maybe a bit of both. Maybe something more...?

For a weird moment, he felt like he saw some of it reflected in Mungo's excited looking wide eyes.

"Umh, do you think you could like a story like that? Reading about their adventures? About, them...?"

But Mungo just grinned even more widely, squeezing him tight before looking into Res' eyes.

"I know I will absolutely look forward to it. Maybe even more than the End of the Pridelands..."

Res felt the corners of his mouth twitch, shifting a bit on top of the large dog. They still were stuck. But he really did not mind that. Not when he had his own big, heroic dog warrior beneath him.

"I might perhaps need some advice frequently, from a dog. I mean, one who would be a close match to the dog main character I have in mind. Maybe someone who would not mind reenacting certain scenes with me...", Res said, feeling a kind of boldness that was both new and quite exciting to explore. Especially if he would have someone to help him do it...

Mungo looked at him, giving him a tender lick over his face, before answering with a bright smile: ""Well, I may not be a certified research assistance dog, but if you need someone like that, someone to wrestle with you, to give you feedback and let you explore canines a bit more...

I can assure you that I'll be happy to pick up that skill set for you..."

Ghostbusted - This Stream’s Gonna End in Mayhem

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A Sinister Deal

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Quick Bite: Vore for Dummies

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