Chapter 3: I recieve a surprise after my second batlle with Rorik.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Jace Shadow's Legendary pokemon Journey

Legalities: Story is copyrighted to me. characters are copyrighted to me. Pokemon is copyr...

Legalities: Story is copyrighted to me. characters are copyrighted to me. Pokemon is copyrighted to Nintendo and Gamefreak. This story contains material some readers may not find suitable or you are to young to read. If you are to young to read adult content then turn back or I can't be held responsible for your actions.

I woke up to see the girls laying on top of me, Maya, Lia, and Flame sitting around my bed, and Nurse Joy standing in the doorway with my chart in her hands. Everyone except she and I were asleep and I asked her "Am I fit to go?" She blinked and looked at me then nodded and walked out of the room talking to a chancey. I glanced down at myself then yelled after her "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES????!!!!!????????" She glanced at me then spoke to one of the chanceys which ran off. I stared after it wondering what she'd said to make it leave like that. After a few minutes it walked in and handed me my clothes. I blinked and noticed my shirt, and coat were repaired. I smiled at it and said "Thankyou, and please tell Nurse Joy I said thanks for all the help." It nodded and walked off as I sat up and carefully pulled my shirt on without moving the girls. After a few minutes they wok up and saw me pulling on my coat.

Dusk and Silver smiled at me while Rianna said "I guess this means we're ready to go." I nodded and they hopped down with happy smiles on their muzzels. I slid under the sheets and pulled my pants on as I pulled the stupid hospital gown the rest of the way off. The girls looked at me when I got out from under the covers and I said "Some things you guys don't get to see." They stared at me questioningly and I said "I'm 100% male, but unlike Flame I don't have a sheath so my male bits show. You guys however don't get to see that." Maya was trying not to laugh throughout this then she covered her mouth as I looked at her and said "I don't need to ask to know you're laughing at my analogies....." She nodded and we started outside. I headed straight for Rorik's gym while Flame glanced toward the rooftops, and the girls hopped onto my shoulder's and hat. Halfway there I saw an old duster and a wide brimmed cowboy hat in a window. I walked in and bought them both then switched into them shoving my coat and hat in my bag. Maya blinked and said "You look completely different. You went from a little kid, to an actual guy." I raised an eyebrow and kept my mouth shut then walked into Rorik's gym. I'd recently sent my caterpie to Doc since I could only carry six pokemon at a time.

Rorik looked at me and said "Are you ready to lose again." I smiled grimly and tossed off my coat along with my hat then put my glasses on my shirt and said "Let's go. I'll show you just what my team can do." He nodded and threw out a geodude. Flame walked forward with small flames leaking out of the corners of his mouth and a dark gleam in his eyes. Maya looked from Flame to me and back then said "You guys have the same eyes right now." I growled softly and said Maya, girls, Lia get over by my stuff, it's far enough away that you won't have to worry and I won't have to worry about you." They nodded and walked over although Dusk, Rianna, and Silver licked my cheeks and whispered "Good luck." before they left.

I grinned as Flame growled and said "Flame use firespin on that Geodude if you wouldn't mind." He nodded and let loose a tornado of flame that coated the geodude, the floor, and the cieling in a vortex of flame. I smiled slightly then said "Flame it's probably going to dig out of that, so let go of the flame and jump back." He did as I asked just before the geodude burst out of the ground where he'd been standing. I smiled and said "Fireblast." Flame let loose a huge fireblast that sent the geodude flying backwards and burned it. Rorik stared at me surprised and I said "I figured Flame would learn from watching your golem, and the firespin Flame learned by working with my pidgeoto." Flame nodded and we both glared at Rorik's geodude as it slowly got up. I glanced at Flame and his claws started glowing I blinked and mummbled "I didn't show him that, so where'd he learn steel claw?" I shook my head and washed as he ran forward and started slashing the crap out of geodude then slammed it into Rorik with an iron tail and walked back to me. We high fived each other and I said "Next?" Rorik glared at me then threw out an onyx.

I glanced at Flame who still had small flames glowing out of the corner of his mouth and said "I advise starting with fires spin then running over if he digs and filling the hole with fire. When he bursts out use steel claw, then iron tail." He nodded and ran onto the battle field. He started with a fireblast knocking the onyx into a wall then coated it in fire spin. It dived into the ground to get away from the heat the Flame started pumping more fire into the hole. I noticed he was starting to glow and muttered "If we keep this up he'll evolve shortly." I shook my head as Rorik's onyx burst out of the ground behind Flame coated in fire. Flame turned around and started scratching him with steel claw then slammed him into the wall with iron tail and prepared what appeared to be a dragon type attack. Maya and I pulled out our pokedex's and pointed them at Flame to see what the attack was. I blinked when mine said it was a dragon pulse and muttered "I thought that charmander was a lizard not a dragon." I shook my head and watched as he knocked the onyx out with dragon pulse then started to evolve. As Flame evolved Rorik returned his Onyx and threw out a golem. He glared at me then said "Golem use rock tomb." I growled then noticed something was off in flame's eyes as I pointed my pokedex at him. My pokedex beeped and said "Charmilion the fire lizard pokemon. The evolved form of charmander. Charmilion is known for it's agressive nature."

Flame's eyes went from red to crimson and he said "You're the one who hurt my trainer, and nearly killed my friend. I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He let loose a dragon pulse destroying Golem's rock tomb attack and slamming him into the wall. Then he slashed it with steel claw just as it slammed a rock smash into his head. He growled as blood started dribbling down his forehead and slammed it further into the wall with iron tail. After a few seconds Flame jumped back and started charging blue fire in his mouth. I blinked and muttered "Dragon rage, why the hell is a charmilion able to use Dragon type attacks? I don't get this, but what I do get is that Flame intends to kill them if I don't stop him." Flame let loose the dragon rage and knocked the golem out then slammed into it with iron tail and I saw blood burst out along the spot he hit. At the last second as Flame prepared to use another fire blast to hit the crack he'd created in the Golem's armor and I slammed my elbow into the back of his head. Flame turned around and blasted me with a flamethrower. I winced and held onto him then pinned him to the ground. I shook my head and yelled "FLAME ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU WANT TO HURT EVERYONE? IS WHAT NEARLY HAPPENED WORTH THROWING OUR PARTNERSHIP AND YOUR LIFE BECAUSE OF SOMETHING SOMEONE ELSE DID? IF SO THEN BLAST ME RIGHT NOW AND END IT BECAUSE YOU'RE MY FRIEND AND WE STARTED THIS JOURNEY TOGETHER! IF I DON'T HAVE YOU AND THE GIRLS THEN WHAT THE HELL'S THE POINT IN BEING A TRAINER YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He shook his head and stared at me surprised, and his eyes changed back to their normal golden color. I grinned and said "Hey bud, you know with how much I've been blasted by fire types I think I'm building up a resistance becasue that flamethrower didn't even hurt." He growled soflty and said "You IDIOT!!!! I could have killed you!!!" I grinned and said "Could have, but didn't. Just like I could have let you continue attacking Golem but didn't." He glared at me and I said "We won, there was no point in letting you kill him." He nodded slowly and I asked him "Why the hell did your eyes turn crimson earlier?" He stared at me and said "What? I don't remember my eyes changing colors?" I sighed and said "Then forget it, it's not that important." He nodded adn we walked over to the girls. They rushed up to me and started checking me over for inuries while Maya talked to Flame. RIanna glanced at me then at the ground and said "I know why you interfered when Golem nearly killed me, but why'd you protect Golem?" I sat down and pulled her and other other two on my lap while Lia sat next to me and explained "I had three reasons for stopping Flame. The first was that if I didn't he'd have killed Golem. Th second was that I dislike anyone getting hurt, but there's a big difference between a massacre and a batlle, and what Flame was doing was a massacre. The third nad final reason was that if Flame had killed that Golem I think we'd have lost him forever."

Rianna and others nuzzled deeper into my lap while Lia said "Don't you have to get your badge?" I blinked and started to ask how she could talk then decided it wasn't important and glanced over at Rorik. He walked over and handed me my boulder badge and said "Good luck in Cerulean city, because your charmilion won't be much help." I nodded and slowly stood up as the girls moved to mys houlders and head. I started to scratch my hair then said "Dusk, you three are going to have to get off while I pull on my duster, hat, and bag." They whined in annoyance then got down as I pulled my stuff on. When I had everything situated they hopped up to their spots and I returned Flame who grimaced at me. We started out of town as Maya and Lia walked up then said "Do you mind if we stay at Cerulean for a few days?" I looked at her questioningly and she said "I'm a coordinator and my next contest is in Cerulean city." I nodded and the two of us headed for Cerulean.

About ten minutes after we got out of town the arcanine reappeared this time with bites, scratches, and what appeared to be gunshot wounds all over it. It walked over to me then placed the egg in my hands. I stared at it and it said "I can't go any further. I need you to take care of the little one while I lead away it's pursuers." I shook my head slowly and asked "Who are you, and what is this?" He smiled slightly and said "I am Arianos the protector of the egg you are holding. The young ones that you are carrying are the last remaining guardians besides myself. Each one has promised to protect the pokemon in this egg and it's partner when the time comes. The young one's time is very near, and for some reason I keep dreaming of you when I touch the egg. So I decided you'd be the best person to hand the egg to for safe keeping. With that said I must be gone, because those who are hunting it are hunting me now." I blinked and said "They think you still have the egg, so you're going to lead them on a chase, until they're far away from it." He nodded and rushed off into the woods as I turned away and saw a group running past over my shoulder.

I turned around and we kept grappling but Dusk and Silver grumbled about me not helping Arianos.I sighed and said "Do you three want his mission to be for nothing." They vehemntly said no so I explained "If I went after him the egg would be in danger, and right now I'm not strong enough to defend anyone really. I need to learn how to fight before I go after anyone. Alright?" They nodded and I kept walking as if nothing had transpired while Maya looked around confused. I glanced at her and said "I'll explain when we get out of here, for now just trust me and keep moving." She nodded and we all started out again. As we walked I studied the egg and mummbled "Why do I have a feeling these markings are something I've seen before....." I shook my head and we kept walking. After about three hours it started to get dark so we set up camp in a clearing. I glanced at the egg then sighed and put it in my bag. After a few minutes decision I wrappe my coat around it and put my hat ontop of all of it.I glanced at everyone and said "I need that stuff out of the way while I cook, which thankfully I got all of the stuff I'd need out of my bag. Now you guys relax while I go get water, and start dinner."

I grabbed one of the pots I'd taken out of my bag and headed to the nearest river relying on my pokedex for a map. I found the stream and let out a soft sigh then muttered "Glad me and Doc spent a lot of time out in the field. Otherwise I'd be so underprepared when I got out here." I washed out the pan then filled it with water but after a few seconds I dived behind a tree as I heard a crack in the bushes nearby. I reached down to my waiste and silently cursed myself for not asking Doc to give me a tranq gun when the two of us were talking this morning. I thought about calling out flame, but with how he'd acted earlier I decided he desreved a nice long rest. I looked around and found a stick about the leng of the wooden swords thatI played with before working for Doc. I glanced around the tree to see a strange red lucarion standing where I'd just been searching for me with aura sight. I shook my head as a strange aroma wafted past me and silently studied her. I knew that so long as I used the free for cover it's aura should probably disguise mine.

The lucario sighed and said "I think I lost him slayer." then pulled out a blue blade that looked like a katana, but was slightly longer. I blinked surprised that a blade that seemed to give off a calming aura would be called Slayer and she continued "If he knows as much about pokemon as I'm starting to think he does, then wherever he went he's using other living things to hide his aura from me." Suddenly I heard a masculine laugh and she asked "What's so funny Slayer?" The laugh took a while to stop then the voice said "He's behind the tree watching us. A possible trueblade can't hide their aura from a blade like myself. So why don't you come out young man." I slowly walked out wielding the stick like I would a long sword of the days before guns and the blade asked "Do you really think that if we intended to hurt you we'd have left ourselves out in the open like this?" I smiled slightly and said softly "Only if you and your wielder were stupid Slayer, but you can never be careful when you aren't on your own turf. Rule number one, know the terrain, if you can't then assume your opponent already does and be prepared for the worst."

Slayer laughed again and the lucario asked "What's so funny about him saying something involving combat?" Slayer's laugh took longer to stop than before and when he spoke we could both tell he was having trouble not laughing again. He said "I'm just surprised a young man who's never been on a battlefield knows the rules of combat better than you. What were you thinking rushing into this clearing when you knew nothing about this young man." The lucario looked down at her feet and Slayer made a tssking sound then continued "What if you'd been wrong and it was someone copying his aura? Then you'd be in danger and I possibly wouldn't be able to help you." I sighed hating being the hero, but came to the girl's defense by saying "I'm guessing she was anxious to talk to me, and you guys saw my meeting earlier so you assumed that I was in deep trouble. She probably just wanted to get close so I wouldn't be hurt, or if you two are against me then she wanted to use this oppurtunity to get close enough to kill me. I'm going with the first one though." Slayer seemed to be holding back laughter as he said "By the gods milady, he thought twenty steps ahead of you. Why didn't you stop and think rather than rushing in on instinct?"

The girl picked him up and started swinging him around saying "Because someone said that a new presence was near the boy. Someone said that if we didn't get to him those that were chasing the arcanine might come back, and that same someone told me to hurry when I was formulating a plan to get the boy to trust me without having to reveal where we're from, but because of you WE OWE HIM ALL OF OUR INFORMATION!!!!" Throughout this Shadow had been shouting "STOP!!!" repeatedly. I grinned watching the two of them and said "Well if I was your enemy, miss, I'd be afraid of you. Slayer you may wish to be quiet for some time." He let out a sigh and said "I believe you may be right young master." I raised an eyebrow and said "Young, in the old world I'd alredy have trained in a craft to journeyman by now, and your owner is probably younger than me. It shows in the way she acts, and the way you can so easily make her annoyed or angry. Also as far as your information you don't owe me anything. I know you're both from one of the few lucario clans in Kanto, that she's probably the younges member of the clan, but because of you was sent to watch me, and that you are a blade of legend. That cover eveyrthing?"

Slayer and his wielder both gufawed at my observations and she asked "How did you realize all of that?" I smiled slightly and said "Because of the fact that you don't act very old, you obviously are from Kanto since I haven't been away from this region, Slayer can sense my aura no matter where I hide, and I once read a book that mentioned the blade "Slayer of the wicked." wielded by the fire forest lucario clan." She stared at me surprised then Slayer said "Well that's how you figured everything out." I nodded then said "My only question is why your fur is red and not blue like most other lucario." Slayer snickered and she said "Before you ask a girl about her personal life you should atlelast ask her name." I raised an eyebrow and said "Before you go around calling someone who's older than you boy, you should ask their name and tell them yours don't you think?" She glared at me and Slayer quivered with how hard he was laughing. I shook my head and said "You know what, we got off to a start on the wrong foot. I'm Jace, and you are?"

She blinked surprised and said "I'm Nika, and as you already know he's slayer." I took and kissed her paw then said "I'm charmed miss Nika of the FireForest clan." She stared at me stunned that I could act so differently from the fool she thought of me originally. I siled slightly and said "Would you like to join my friends and I for dinner?" She glanced at Slayer and seemed to have some inner conversation with him. After a few minutes she nodded and we walked back to the clearing where the others were relaxing. They glanced up and stared then Rianna said "Who's she?" I raised an eyebrow surprised that she would be so rude then stared coocking while Nika started telling the others about herself. I kept cooking for about a half hour then started spoonig out the food onto everyone's plates. I handed everyone their food then walked off without eating my own. After a few minutes deliberation I called out Flame, Pidgeoto, and Bagon.

They looked at me and I set three plates of food down for them then said "Eat up, I don't know when we'll end up in a fight next, but you guys shouldn't have to go hungry just because we aren't battling." They dug in and I walked farther into the woods then stared up into the trees thinking. After a few minutes I shook my head and said softly "I'll keep going through all the gyms, but what I really want to do is meet the legendary pokemon. That and learn everything I can about fighting, so I can protect those I've come to care about." I slowly walked back to everyone and started eating with new determination. Slayer seemed to watch me and when he thought I wasn't paying attention said "Milady, his aura changed again, it's even more that of a trueblade than before. I believe that whatever just happened caused him to change his ideals, so you may not want to anger him."

I raised an eyebrow at that, then went back to eating while thinking "What is Slayer so afraid of? I haven't even tried to harm him or his owner, and honestly I'm starting to find the two of them to interesting to send away." I let out a slight yawn then pulled out my pokeballs and returned Flame and the others. The girls glared at me when they thought I was returning them and Maya started to protest. I smiled slightly and said "I've gotten to comfortable sleeping with you three around me to return you without you guys asking me."

Maya laughed and the girls let out yips of delight then jumped in my lap and curled up. I sighed and Rianna said "You know you should check on the egg." I nodded and reached over to my bag then pulled it close and drew out the pokemon egg that Arianos had given me. It was strange, and had the markings of multiple pokemon on it, yet it also had a marking on it that made no sense whatsoever. I noticed that it was starting to glow slightly and Maya said "Woah! It's starting to hatch just from you holding it? What'd you do?" I shrugged and said "It was in my bag. I didn't even touch it other than putting it there and when I got it from Arianos." Slayer seemed to snicker and Nika asked me "Is anything different from the last time you touched it?" I shrugged not really sure where she was going with this, but thinking I had an idea from how slayer was acting. I glanced at them and said "Since you obviously have some ideas why don't you share them slayer." I heard the blade let out a soft sigh.

It seemed to be thinking how best to explain what it believed then said "I have the feeling that the egg is reacting to you're vow to protect those you care about. It may be able to bring out your true potential, but I could be wrong and it may just be it's time to hatch. Do you now see why I didn't want to explain my idea even though I found it amusing?" I nodded slowly and let out a sigh of my own then pulled off my hat and put the egg into it. Slayer and Rianna seemed to be speaking after that so I just laid back and let my mind wander as my body slowly started to relax. I closed my eyes and reached over for my hat then remembered the egg was in it and let my hand fall.I opened one eye when I felt something moving on my chest. It was Dusk curling up and preparing to sleep. Silver and Rianna saw her then crawled up and curled up next to her. I just shook my head and closed my eye figuring the three of them didn't want me out of their site. I started to slip into a shallow sleep when I heard Nika say "Slayer, are they still watching." Slayer seemed to think before responding "Yes and No, they are watching, however they don't seem to be as interested. I think that they are worried he'll discover them if he awakens." She sighed and asked him "Should we tell him what we know of are we going to let him stay in the dark?" I slipped away before I could hear Slayer's response, but I had the vague feeling that it would change everything.


I woke up in a forest that was very different from the one I'd just been in with the others. It was a lot brighter, and the trees were covered in blossoms. I blinked and muttered "It was summer, but these blossoms make me think that it's the beginng of spring. So where am I?" Amother difference was that the flowers on the trees were different than the apple blossoms that would have been on the few flowering trees that had been around us. Some were cherry blossoms, others were berry trees, and some were regular fruit trees. I blinked and said softly "This place is beautiful, and yet I have a feeling of darkness in this forest." I shook my head slowly and stood up, then glanced down at myself. I was extremely surprised to see that my clothes had changed from what I'd been wearing earlier to what appered to be a green dyed leather shirt, a pair of brown hide pants, and leather boots. I went to scratch my head and had to push back a hood that was attached to my shirt. I sighed as I felt extra weight on my left shoulder and noticed I was standing in the middle of a path. I slowly followed the path feeling a sense of discomfort and unease.

I had the feeling that this forest was hiding a darkness, and that I was supposed to face it. When I got halfway down the path a mightyena and a ninetales jumped out infront of me. I stared at them and the mightyena said "Hello young Jared, how long has it been since you last left the castle?" I started to ask what she meant, when I heard my own voice say "Hello Luna, I finally got away from the king. How are Rissa, and how are you Nina?" The ninetales smiled and her eyes flashed black then silver as she said "Rather well, however Rissa is still feeling pain. Are you sure that the king doesn't suspect you spend time with 'beasts', whenever you aren't on a mission?" I spat in disgust at the thought of anyone calling pokemon beasts and said " It bothers me to follow a man who feels the way he does, but the princess seems to share my opinion of pokemon. However I'm sure he suspects nothing, because anytime he tries to send someone after me, they get lost and end up back at the castle days later. So he's given up." They smiled at my response then started laughing because they knew what whoever I was supposed to be had done to confuse people.

I shook my head slowly and thought "What is going on? These two are just like Dusk and Silver yet, the differences are there. I don't know why they draw me as so few have." I shook my head and the two of them studied me then said "Would you like us to lead you to Rissa?" I nodded and they started walking along the path then took a turn into a well concealed path. I followed them feeling as if I knew the path better than anything. I blinked when I saw a lucario with silver and black fur smiling at me from ontop of a bed that I could tell had been taken from somewhere that exuded money. I blinked when I saw a pokemon that reminded me of a lucario, but was different sitting next to her and a charizard seeming to exude protection studying the clearing. As I walked into the clearing I felt something hit me and evertyhing started to go dark.


I woke up feeling a lot of pressure on my chest and opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was what appeared to be a small dragon looking at me from within my hat. I studied it and heard a voice in my mind say "Hello, you're the one I keep seeing in my dreams." I blinked and looked at the bird who nodded and glanced at my chest. The girls who'd only been a riolu, a vulpix, and a poochyena had evolved but didn't look like normal forms. I pulled out my pokedex and pointed it at them. It gave me the basic information on Ninetales, Lucario, and Mightyenna. I blinked and muttered "They are so not average pokemon." The girls started to move around as they woke up and I realized that it was just now dawn. They slowly got off me and I stood up then stretched out and said "Morning everyone." They stared at me surprised and I said "Shouldn't I be the one giving you guys weird looks? I mean for the legendaries' sakes what the heck happened while I was asleep?" They stared at me confused and I said "You Evolved!" They stared at me then started studying themselves and let out squeals of excitement waking up Maya, Lia, and Nika. Slayer grumbled about magical blades being unable to get any rest and vanished. I sighed and studied the three of them trying to put my thoughts and feelings into words.

Riana had changed into a gold and silver lucario without the usual chest spikes, but larger than normal wrist spikes and strange markings going down her chest and back. Dusk had turned into a pure black mightyena with a single silver stripe down each of her sides and a marking on her back. Silver had turned into a silver ninetales with black tips on each tail, and red paws. I glanced at Maya and Lia who shrugged then winced as clawed feet dug iinto my shoulder and Nika tackled me. The girls all dogpiled onto me after her and the five of us glanced Maya and Lia who seemed confused. I sighed and said "I can't move, so do you mind pulling them off me?" Maya and Lia nodded then smiled mischieviously and jumped onto the pile. I was confused and the little dragon explained "Last night, your heart stopped. None of them understand it, but I do. Would you like me to explain." I stared at it and it said "I'll take that as a yes. You litterally died, however when you died a part of you that was hidden came to the surface, so now you can truly tap your potential. Meaning you can protect the others as you wanted to."

I stared at it and said softly "You're the one my grandfather's journal talked about. A dragon type that no one could catalog other than the one's it chose to bond with." Maya stared at me surprised I was taking everything so calmly . So I glacned at her and softly explained "My heart stopping didn't really surprise me, when I was five I drowned. Ever since multiple doctors have told me that I had a weak heart, however my grandfather said that the same thing had happened to him as a child. So I have a feeling that it was connected to all of this, then while I rested in the hospital he told me a story about a dragon type pokemon he'd met after nearly dieing and explained that it had left a mark on him. He told me that he believed the reason I'd died when I drowned was because a part of me had to move on to make room for who I would be in the future. Then a few years later he passed away and gave me his journal. It was written in a strange code, but I knew the cypher. I only managed to read the first few pages before my parents took it and hid it away for when I got older. The few pages I read told about the same dragon type, and how he'd died more than once. So I'm not surprised I died for a while."

It nodded and I sighed then laid back as the girls all started asking me more strange questions. I shook my head and said "RIght, guys we have to get to Cerulean unless you don't want to help Maya get her contest ribbon, and me get a gym badge." Everyone jumped up and I slowly climbed to my feet then we started on our way to Cerulean city. I glanced at the sky once and saw a pokemon flying overhead.


The man in the coat watched as they left the forest and shook his head then walked off with the suicune from earlier. He glanced at her and asked "Something wrong?" She shook her head then glanced at the young group and said "You think the Lucario and the magic sword are ready for the changes he'll bring?" She slowly nodded and the two of them vanished into the mist however he stopped and said "I think you should join him later." The suicune nodded and the two of them finally vanished.

The dark figure smiled and said softly "So it begins. I wonder if you're ready for the choices ahead boy. I also must wonder if those fools are ready for what can happen to you." He watched the two vanish into the mist then followed the boy for a while and studied his companions. He laughed when he saw the young dragon and the changes in the other pokemon. He glanced at the boy and saw a scar on the back of his neck then held his right eye as was attacked by excruciating pain and vanished with a feeling of danger.

To Be Continued....................................................

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and for those that have been reading my other stories, I plan on tossing out chapters 15 and 16 of highschool life, and chapters 9 & 10 of my other series by the end of this month. Hope you keep reading and I'll see you next upload.