Story by OceanCatsEye on SoFurry

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The usual peace and happiness that the residents of the great valley had had been shattered by a terrible tragedy, completely brutalized body was found outside the valley wall, that came as a shock to everyone once their identity was given.

The victim was none other than Grandma longneck.

When Grandpa longneck found out about how his beloved mate was not only brutally attacked and raped, but the fact that it was done by Redclaw, sent the elder dino into a primal rage .

"HE'S GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME!!" shouted Grandpa as he stormed through the valley, causing many other dinosaurs to hide in terror, never having witnessed the normally calm and friendly old timer show such intense anger before.

"Now wait just a minute longneck!" said Topsy as he seemed to be the only one brave enough to confront him, the threehorn couldn't believe that he was going to to be the voice of reason.

"I know you're angry and rightfully so, but think about Littlefoot, he's already been through enough with the of his mother and grandmother, are you that willing to make him an orphan?" said Topsy nearly out of breath from saying all that.

As furious as he was, the threehorn had a good point, he had to think about his only grandson who was still so young.

Topsy felt a bit of relief that the elder had listened to him, but the sight of him leaving the great valley, made him finally see the truth about the old longneck, who had become so angry after having kept it bottled up for so long.

"Stupid old fool" said the threehorn with a grumble.

Days had passed since the old longneck had left, not wanting to be left out of taking down Redclaw, Topsy left the valley in search of them, but all he had found so far had been the remains of other dinos.

Topsy had been searching for what seemed like weeks, he was about to give up hope of finding the old longneck, but the sounds of moaning had gotten his attention and quickly went to investigate and wished he hadn't.

Topsy peeked from behind a tree and saw that the old longneck had his pants down and was seated on Redclaw's face, while he licked Grandpa's ass, letting out a loud bellow of arousal as the shraptooth's tongue bathed his plump backside.

To say that the threehorn was aroused and shocked was a understatement, Topsy had a good view of the longneck's large bottom, bouncing a little as Redclw's tongue slipped between his ass cheeks and lashed his pucker.

"Hurry up sharptooth!! before I get testy" snapped the elder dino.

A muffled sound was the reply that he got, the old longneck gasped in shock as he heard the carnivore tell him to fuck off.

"I'm going to have punish you for sassing your elders" said Grandpa.

Redclaw felt the longneck shift a little, so his rump was directly over the t-rex's snout and let rip a loud lengthy fart, causing the sharptooth to gag as the putrid stench burned his eyes making them sting.

Topsy's own cock was strained against his pants, watching as the longneck tortured the most hated sharptooth around, what amazed him the most was that Redcalw actually seemed to get turned by all this.

But something told the threehorn that the sharptooth's torment had only begun, watching with keen eyes as the old longneck got off the gagging carnivore, he briefly pulled up his pant as he went over and sat down on a large flat rock.

Topsy's eyes widened when he realized what the longneck was planning to do, he licked his beaked mouth in anticipation as Redclaw got up and went over to the seated longneck growling at him with a glare.

"Don't you dare growl at me you bastard!!" said the longneck.

"Pull your pants down and bend over my knees" said Grandpa sadly.

Redclaw crossed his arms and stuck his snout skyward like a petulant child.


"Pull them down or I will" said Grandpa firmly.

"Or what you giant pussy!" exclaimed Redclaw.

The old longneck's eyes widened briefly before narrowing them at the bratty sharptooth, with a growl of his own, Grandpa reached out to him and whipped his pants down and bent over his lap and raised his hand up then brought it down across his rear.

"You will never speak that way to me ever again!!!" yelled the old longneck as his hand landed on his bottom again and again, Redclaw's eyes actually watered over a little as Grandpa longneck's spanks got a bit harder

Topsy unzipped and was furiously stroking his rock hard cock as Redclaw roared in both pain and arousal, while he got spanked by the elder male longneck, not having been in this position since he was younger.

When the spanking had finished, Redclaw's butt was a dark pink and stung quite a bit, the sharptooth moaning softly as the old longneck rubbed his bottom in a a way that seant bolts of pleasure through him.

"I hope this has taught you something" said Grandpa has he helped the carnivore to his feet.

The old longneck caught sight of Redclaw's very erect cock, then reached out and grasped it firmly.

"You liked having your bottom smacked didn't you Redclaw" chuckled the elder as he gave the thick shaft a stroke, before bending his head down and began to lick the the tip of the aroused shartooth's cock.

Redclaw shuddered when the longneck's massive tongue made contact, before he gave another lick, briefly pausing to glance over at the spot where the nosy threehorn was masturbating and let out a soft laugh.

"I know you're there threehorn" said Grandpa longneck.

"Oh...I...uhhh!!" stammered Topsy as he let go of his dick and made his way over to them, feeling complete and utter shame at having been caught by Littlefoot's grandfather of all people and felt strangely attracted to the old longneck.

Topsy grumbled about possibly being attracted to the older male, but he was sure that there was no way that he'd ever have feelings for a longneck, especially one as old as Littlefoot's grandpa.


Topsy was conflicted, sure the other male was old, but he couldn't help admire the elderly longneck's compassion and kindness, truth was that no matter how the threehorn looked at it the longneck was a perfect match for his gruff personality.

And Topsy hated that.

Grandpa longneck beckoned the brooding threehorn over. With a grumble and a shake of his head, Topsy joined the other two, cursing the old geezer for making him melt into a puddle of desire with that warm smile of his.

Topsy was about yell at him, but the longneck had pulled out a crystal and began swinging it back and forth, "you and Redclaw will do as I command" said Grandpa with a grin as he knew exactly what he wanted them to do.

With a snap of the fingers, both Topsy and Redclaw were at his mercy.

"Lie down on your back" instructed the older male, when the threehorn was on his back, he looked over at the sharptooth and gave the order, "lick his cock" said grandpa as he got behind the carnivore after Redclaw was kneeling before the threehorn's cock.

The old longneck got to his knees as well and began licking the sharptooth's ass, while Redclaw licked Topsy's dick, the threehorn moaning loudly as the sharptooh bathed his cock with firm tongue swipes.

Grandpa was bathing the sharptooth's rump at the same time, the longneck's long broad tongue, lashed Redclaw's bum expertly and was jolted forward when the paused in his licking to smack the t-rex's ass a few times.

"Lick that threehorn cock!" exclaimed Grandpa as he smacked the carnivore on the butt once more, the sudden jolt sending him further forward and ended up engulfing Topsy's cock bobbing his head up and down.

Grandpa longneck could tell that the threehorn was close to blowing his load, moving toward the sharptooth, the old longneck leaned in as Redclaw let the cock slip out of his maw as they both began to lick the threehorn's cock.

Redclaw wasn't as skilled with his tongue as the longneck, feeling a little bit of envy, as the elder had the threehorm moaning with mind blowing swipes of Grandpa longneck's skilled tongue.

"Unnggghhh....fuck!! longneck" bellowed Topsy as he writhed, barely able to think as his cock was lashed over and over with Grandpa longneck's skilled tongue.

Before long, the threehorn came with a shout, bursts of dino cream shot into the air.

Once the threehorn had been dealt with, Grandpa turned all his attention to Redclaw.

"Come here and lick my bottom" commanded the longneck as he bent over placing his hands on his knees.

The sharptooth did as instructed, bathing Grandpa's bum with his tongue for a while, before pulling away from the carnivore and pulled up his pants and removed his belt, quickly turning around and swung it at Redclaw's cock.

The sharptooth winced as it wrapped around his shaft with a snap, before being pulled back for another strike, soon the longneck began snapping his belt at the t-rex's cock as Grandpa lashed it like a whip.

Redclaw roared loudly when a sudden flick of the wrist, caused Grandpa's belt to lash straight up the shaft and across the tip of the sharptooth's cock like a whip, making Redclaw blow his load.

The longneck watched the sharptooth orgasm with a scowl as he put his belt back on, taking note of the little dance that he did to ease the sting out of ass and cock, before snapping his fingers.

"W-what happened?" asked the humiliated Redclaw.

"You learning a much needed lesson" replied the smug longneck.

"Pull up your pants and get out of here before change my mind about not killing you" said Grandpa.

The amused elder watched as Redclaw took off like a shot, before going to check on Topsy, who was still dazed by what happened.

"W-where's the sharptooth?" asked the the threehorn as followed the longneck back to great valley.

"So you didn't kill him" said the confused threehorn.

"I only taught him a lesson about manners" laughed Grandpa.

"And I helped ease some of the sexual tension he was keeping bottled up."

"B-but y-you spanked him!" exclaimed the thteehorn.

"I did indeed and it's something I've wanted to do to him for a long time" said Grandpa.

Topsy now had to add strict daddy to the list of things he admired about the longneck.

Things could've been worse, it might have been him over the longneck's lap.

A threehorn could could dream couldn't he.


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