Drunk and Horny, a Winning Combination

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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#25 of Commissions

Commission for MobianBirb

"Thanks a lot... You gave a blowjob after getting drunk, and now my dick smells like beer."

  • Shane (probably)

Disclaimer: This work of fiction may contain themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts, and may involve participants who are non-human, and/or anthropomorphic. All characters depicted are 18 or older, even if otherwise specified. If any of the above offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Drunk and Horny, a Winning Combination

"Aaaand... done!" The Houndour boy exclaimed as he threw his hands up into the air, "Homework is done, I have the house to myself, and I have no chores. My weekend officially starts now!"

It was Friday evening, just after 7 PM, and Shane found himself in the uncommon situation of being home alone for an entire weekend. His parents had just left to attend a friend's wedding, deciding that the 14-year-old would be fine staying at home by himself for a couple days, and Shane definitely intended to take advantage of that.

Not that the young pokémorph planned to throw a party, or wreck the house, or anything like that... but, he was absolutely prepared for around 50 straight hours of lounging around on the living room couch, binging every movie that looked even slightly interesting, and eating every crumb of junk food in the house.

"Let's see... pretty sure dad just got two jumbo bags of chips... there's probably like half a dozen donuts left... a case of soda in the basement... and mom left me pizza money. I think that might be enough to get me through the next 24 hours..."

** bzzzzzzzzz **

Lost in thought about his unhealthy plan, Shane almost didn't even notice his cell phone buzzing on the desk.

"Hm?" He snatched it up seeing the text alert pop up on the screen, "Oh, Connor."

Had he not been preoccupied trying to mentally map out his upcoming junk food regimen, Shane probably could have predicted who it was without even looking. Connor had a knack for calling or texting at the perfect time. His text being nearly simultaneous with Shane's completion of his homework was definitely in-character for him.

Connor: hey dude

Connor: what u up 2 tonite?

Shane had mentioned to him earlier in the day that he had the house to himself, but then... Connor wasn't particularly known for his attention span. With a shrug, the Houndour replied.

Shane: parents r gone 4 the weekend

Shane: gonna eat pizza and watch movies for 2 days straight lol

Shane: how about u?

Connor's response came a few moments later.

Connor: prolly gonna climb up the side of sum house and burst in

thru somebodys window

"Tch..." Shane scoffed and rolled his eyes at the nonsense from his friend.

Knowing the other boy for as long as he did, Shane was very familiar with his friend's joking and unpredictability, even if it was random to the point at which it didn't even make sense.

The Houndour spoke aloud to himself as started to type out his reply, "Haha, yeah right. Seriously, you have any plans for toni--"

** WHAM **


"GAAAAHHHH!" Shane let out the wail as he fell to the ground in terror.

In hindsight, he knew he probably should've seen it coming. Given the hint that Connor had just given him, he absolutely should not have been surprised when the other boy aggressively leapt through his window.

"HAHAHA! I can't believe you actually fell for that! PFFFFT! HAHAHAHA!"

"Fuck, Connor! I am going to stab you in the fucking eye!"

The Litleo stood there, still cackling to himself as he watched the Houndour pull himself to his feet. He was clad in black cargo shorts, and per usual, he had on his favorite red hoodie, despite the fact that he never used the hood to cover up his red hair.

"Blame yourself dude! You told me that your parents were out for the night, did you expect me to not come over?"

Shane couldn't even argue that point. The two had been best friends for years, he knew Connor's tendencies, the Litleo always took advantage when there was a lack of supervision. Of course, tonight wasn't going to be any different.

"Tch... whatever."

Connor extended a paw to his friend, helping the Houndour to his feet, "You have the place to yourself, so let's have some fun!"

"Uhh..." Shane hesitated to respond. While the Houndour himself wasn't one to try and throw parties or anything like that, his feline friend was a little bit more wild... Connor declaring 'let's have some fun' could mean almost anything, "What did you have in mind Connor...? Last time, you wanted us to practice flamethrower attacks on each other, and we ended up burning the couch to ashes... I got in so much trouble that I'm technically still grounded for three more years...

"Haha, don't worry about anything like that!" Connor laughed as he walked back over to the window, grabbing a backpack that he had apparently left there before jumping through, "I'm definitely spending the night though!"

"You're spending the night?" Shane considered that for a moment, knowing that it was absolutely against his parents' rules, "I dunno, Connor..."

"Come on... I promise to not burn anything this time. What are you worried about?"

Shane rolled his eyes, "If someone finds out that I had you over, my parents will kill me. They could call, or my aunt could stop by, or the neighbor could see you... You're not a very subtle guy, Connor."

The Litleo shrugged, "So? I just won't do anything to draw attention. Easy enough."

"You literally just scaled the side of my house! We're lucky the old guy next door didn't call the police!"

"Haha! Well, it's not like I can do that again... heh..."

Shane shook his head, "Just to be safe though... You probably shouldn't..." Before the canine could finish his sentence, Connor held up a paw, and drew his friend's attention to his backpack.

With Shane watching curiously, Connor reached into the bag, and with a dramatic reveal, slowly pulled out a six pack of beer, "I thought it would be fun if we tried some of this out... heheh..."

"Oh! Uhh..." Shane couldn't deny that at the very least he was a little bit curious. He'd never tried it before, and though the idea of getting drunk didn't really appeal to him, the fact that it was like some forbidden thing made it at least somewhat enticing.

With the canine teen already on-the-fence about the entire situation, the prospect of getting a chance to try the beer was just enough to convince him.

"I guess It'll be fine... just, like... at least try to not make a lot of noise. After the sun goes down, the old guy next door gets really uptight about noise."

Connor grinned, "Won't be a problem, dude!"


"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Connor howled triumphantly as he dropped his video game controller to the ground, "Pulled ahead right at the end! HAHA! I am AWESOME at Mario Kart!"

It was around 9:30, and the two boys had started playing video games not too long ago. So far, the night had gone pretty smoothly, though Connor's level of self-control had been gradually diminishing, seemingly since his first sip of beer.

"Dude, keep it down!" Shane reminded him.

"Did you see that move I made right before the finish line though?!? I RULE at this game!"

The Houndour sighed, "Connor, you didn't even win... you passed one car at the end, and got 7th place..."

"Heheh... yeaaaah, but... but it was an AWESOME 7th place, right?"

It was as clear to Shane as it would be to anyone that the alcohol was having a pretty clear effect on his friend. Connor had downed about three cans of the stuff, and to say that he was buzzed would be an understatement.

Shane, on the other hand, was more-or-less completely sober. The canine had opened up his first can of beer at pretty much the same time as the other boy, but it took the Houndour less than one full sip of the stuff for him to realize that he did not like it.

"Fine, fine... I-I can be quieter... We can, uh... we can just talk about... stuff instead." The feline's speech was a bit slurred, but he had at least brought his volume down to a level at which Shane was fine with, "Like... Uh... Oh! Did you see that new student in history class today?"

Shane chuckled to himself before responding. He couldn't help but enjoy hearing his usually-clever friend in a somewhat incoherent state, "Connor, you're a year older than me. We're not even in the same grade, let alone the same history class..."

"Oh... Heh... Oh yeah." The older boy giggled, not even concerned with his own mistake, "We got this new Scorbunny dude in the class, and he's like... pretty hot, and not just because he's fire-type... hehe."

Shane flinched a little at the statement, caught off-guard. For as long as the two had known each other, Connor had never shown any interest in guys, so hearing him mention that was definitely unexpected. "Huh? I didn't know you were into guys."

Connor shrugged, "Yeah... I think I might be be-curio... be... bi-be... bye-bye... curi... curiouri... uh..."


"Yeah, that!"

Shane definitely found this new bit of information very interesting, as he himself was bisexual. The two didn't often talk about stuff like that, so the Houndour boy was struggling to even think of a way to approach the subject.

"So, ummm... for how long have you been noticing guys like that...?"

Connor shrugged, "I think... I mean... there are like... a lot of hot guys in our school, and I've been noticing them for uh... weeks?" Connor reached toward his bag, grabbing another can of beer from the six pack before continuing, "Like... Like... Uhh... There's that Pancham guy in 4th period... And the Luxio guy that I see during lunch, him too... You have to have noticed sum... summa the boys right?

Shane didn't really want to get into it, but he felt the need to acknowledge his friend's inquiry, "Uhh... yeah, I guess there's that tough Riolu guy that's in your grade..."

"Oh yeah!" The Litleo more-or-less shouted the words out, even causing Shane to flinch in surprise at the outburst, "You mean Jax! He is suuuuuuuuuuuuper hot!"

Connor, a little off-balance from his current state of inebriation, walked across the room somewhat unsteadily over to his friend, and sat next to him. Leaning in, he continued on, speaking in an almost hushed tone, despite the fact that there was no one around to overhear, "I've seen him in the locker room, aaaand... he's like... like... GIANT down there..."

Shane pulled back a little bit, the overwhelming smell of beer on the Litleo's breath proving to be a little much for the canine.

"Have you, um... tried anything with a guy yet...?

Connor started to giggle, "Hehehehe, nooooooo... All I know is that some of them are fucking hot."

** kshk **

As he spoke, he cracked open the can of beer that he had grabbed a moment ago. Just as he brought it up to take a sip though, he stopped and turned to the younger boy, "Dude... Sorry, I'm like... not leaving any beer for you."

"Ah! No, don't worry about it!" Shane held up his paws, "Really I don't mind!"

"No, no, no! I brought this for us to share!" Connor insisted, offering the freshly opened can to his friend instead, "This one is allllll yours."

Shane pulled back just a bit, declining to take the offer. Unfortunately, that didn't prevent the Litleo from loosening his grip upon expecting the can to be accepted.

It almost appeared to be in slow motion to the Houndour as the full container slipped from the feline's paw, and immediately began spilling, splashing all over the younger boy's chest.

"GHAH! CONNOR!" He brought up a paw to try and grab the can and prevent it from doing any more damage, but during the process, only managed to make matters worse by fumbling the can in mid-air, spilling more of the drink onto himself.

** klunk **

Eventually, the can fell to the floor, essentially empty as most of its contents had been saturated into Shane's body. The Houndour jumped up out of his seat, holding his arms out as he looked over his own form to see how soaked he was, and finding that his beanie, and the blue hair underneath were essentially, the only part of him that remained dry.

"Oh, shit! That was all me, dude... my fault." Connor apologized upon seeing what had just happened.

"It's fine, it's just..." Shane stopped mid-sentence, his face scrunching up in unpleasantness as he caught a whiff of the substance that now covered his body. A moment ago, he had been off-put just from the scent of alcohol on his friend's breath, but now, it was pretty much all that he could smell. Needless to say, it was considerably more unpleasant, to the point where the 14-year-old didn't even want to take too deep of a breath, "Ugh..."

"Shane, you kinda smell like beer... You probably should, uh... shower, or something."

The Houndour sighed as he turned to look at the older boy, "Yeah... brilliant idea Connor..."


** fssssssssssshh **

The sound of the shower running filled the room. Shane wasted absolutely no time in jumping under the warm water spray, desperate to get the overpowering aroma of beer off of him.

Ugh... this stuff smells awful...

He had stuffed his clothes into the bottom of his laundry basket, knowing that he needed to wash them before his parents got home. Connor remained in the room, tasked with cleaning up the spill, not that Shane had any confidence that the Litleo would be able to, given his apparent level of intoxication. Either way, the only thing that the young canine was concerned with at the moment was cleaning himself up.

"Ahh..." The Houndour relaxed, letting the water rinse the stench off of him. He didn't even bother lathering up or anything, content with the job that the shower was doing on its own, he simply leaned back against the shower wall, even letting his eyes begin to close.

** tmp **

"Huh...?" He couldn't really hear much over the shower itself, but it definitely sounded like something to the Houndour, "Uh... Connor...?" With the Litleo being the only other one in the house, Shane figured that it had to be him, right...?

Reluctantly, the teen took a step away from the wall, and slowly moved the shower curtain, just enough to peek out and see if there was indeed someone else in the bathroom with him.

As it turned out, his hunch was correct.

"Hey... you ruined the surprise!"

Just as Shane had suspected, his friend had indeed crept into the bathroom. A detail that he had not expected though, was that the Litleo would have completely stripped down. Nevertheless, there he stood. The entirety of the feline's brown and tan fur on display.

For just a moment, the Houndour's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. His mind couldn't compute what his eyes were witnessing, "C-Connor!? Wha--"

Before he couldn't get the words out, he found a slim finger pressed against his lips. The Litleo took a quick step forward, leaning in close, leaving little more than a couple inches between his face and the canine's, and spoke in a clearly seductive tone.

"I thought of one more guy that I think is suuuuuper hot..."

In the moment, Shane couldn't predict what was coming, he barely even knew what was going on in the first place. Thus, it barely even registered when he felt Connor's lips pressing against his own.

The older boy wasted no time in pressing forward, palm flat against his friend's chest, shoving him backwards, even stepping into the shower himself as the Houndour's back collided with the shower wall, all without breaking the embrace.

Shane's reaction jumped from surprise, to panic, and then to confusion before he finally, truly understood what was going on. His first instinct was to shove the feline off of him, but surprising even himself, he didn't. Rather, the canine slowly closed his own eyes, conceding to the kiss from his best friend, needing to tilt his head back to keep his lips against those of the taller boy.

With the water still coming down washing over their bodies, the black-fur almost didn't even feel Connor's paw slowly drawing downwards, lower and lower on his chest. It wasn't until a fingertip grazed past the base of his dick, that he was brought back to reality, and reluctantly broke the impromptu make-out session.

"C-Connor... I--"

"Fuck, duuude..." The still-tipsy Litleo once again cut off his friend, "How are you bigger than me?"

"H-Huh?" Shane said with genuine confusion, "I'm not... you're almost half-a-foot taller than me..."

"Heh, nooo... I mean your dick, you're huge, dude... That's sooooo unfair..."

"What...? I... uh..." Shane turned his gaze downward to see the feline's fingers softly wrapping around his quickly-hardening organ, drawing a quick inhale out him as it happened.

"Ah! I-I'm not that big..."

With a smirk, Connor leveled a mischievous gaze back up at Shane's face, "Well, let's see then." The Litleo pressed his own developing erection against his friend's, expanding his grip around as much of both as he could. Then without warning, began to stroke both appendages at the same time.

"Ngh!" Shane clenched his eyes shut and grit his teeth under Connor's touch. What the Litleo was doing to him felt immeasurably better than anything that he'd felt before. After barely a minute of the older boy's treatment, both of the two had reached full-mast, which, unfortunately for Shane, prompted Connor to relent.

"See? You're like twice my size!"

A bit jarred from the sudden interruption to his pleasure, it took Shane a second for his brain to catch up to what the other boy was talking about. "Uhh..." He glanced down to see the older boy's erection pressed up against his own, a bead of pre formed on the tip of each. Just as Connor had said, Shane was indeed better endowed than his friend, though his declaration of twice as big proved to be an over exaggeration... "I'm only like... a few inches bigger."

"Yeah, but you're younger than me, and shorter too, so like in... uhh... compri... compars... parison... to my age, you have to..."

Whereas the Houndour usually may have been willing to endure his friend's drunken rambling, having just been brought so close to release, Shane was fairly eager to continue. Unceremoniously, he wrapped his own paw around the two dicks, taking over exactly where his friend left off.

"Ah... Oh, sh-shit, Shane..." The Litleo almost lost balance from the sudden pressure around his dick. Starting to fall forward, he caught himself just before colliding face-to-face with the dark-type, "Guess, you wanted to get back to it... hehe..."

Making the snide comment, Connor, now once again, inches away from the younger boy, pressed forward the small distance, and resumed the embrace that they had begun a moment ago.

Despite the ongoing kiss initiated by the feline, Shane's paw didn't stop, he was too close to the breaking point. Knotted canine cock throbbed in his grip as it was frotted against the Litleo's more humanoid one. Connor had already brought him so close to the edge, he could already feel the familiar surge coming on after just a few strokes. Still, he sped up, stroking both himself and his friend at the same time, up until he felt the shudder through his body.

"Ohh..." He broke the kiss only to let out the moan as his orgasm hit. Pointed upwards, his cock erupted like a fountain, firing several thick ropes of white up between their bodies. Cum splattered against both of their chests, some of the substance even reaching high enough that it splashed off of their chins and lower lips.

"Haha... shit, dude... You cum like a hose..."

Shane barely even heard his friend's comment over his own breaths. He leaned back, trying to catch his breath after the intense climax, while the water spray did its job and washed away any evidence of it.

"Connor... that... that was..."

** squeak **

Not even paying attention to what the younger boy was attempting to say, Connor reached over, and turned the faucet handle, before hopping out of the way suspiciously quickly.

Of course, it only took a moment for Shane to notice, and immediately react.

"GHAAH!" Connor had apparently turned off the hot water, leaving his friend under the spray that very promptly became ice cold, "CONNOR! ACKK!" After a second of confused panicking, the canine reached over and shut off the water altogether before looking over at the older boy, "Very funny, Connor..."

"Heh... well, now that you're done showering..." The Litleo reached over and grabbed Shane's wrist, "We can continue in your room!"

"C-Continue?! Hey, w-wait!"

Without wasting a moment, the lion poké-boy dragged his friend out of the shower, and, though somewhat tipsily, rushed back through the hallway, and into the Houndour's room. Connor was so sudden that neither of the two had a chance to dry off, or even grab a towel from the rack. And, though both were still dripping wet from the shower, the Litleo was not dissuaded from pulling them directly toward the Houndour's bed.

"Connor! No! No! No! We were just in the shower! My bed's gonna get soaked!"

** FWUMP **

Unconcerned with the younger boy's objections, Connor gave one more tug, pulling both of them onto the mattress.

"Ugh! Connor!" Shane leaned up on his elbows, having landed on his back, and looked towards the other boy, "Did you really have to do--" Shane stopped mid-sentence, Connor moved without delay to flip his position around. Before the Houndour even realized what was going on, his friend was directly over him, but facing the opposite direction. Meaning that hanging directly above his face was the still-rock hard cock of his best friend.

"We can't be done yet, Shane... It... It's totally my turn to cum now!"

The Houndour swallowed nervously, but did not object. Bobbing right there in front of his face was five inches of Litleo cock, and Shane found himself actually licking his lips in anticipation. Despite having just blown his load minutes ago in the shower, the sight and prospect of what was about to happen had the canine right back at full-mast, as if nothing had happened.

Hearing no protest from the boy under him, Connor didn't waver from proceeding.

"Here we go, dude..."

Shane's brain all but stopped working, moving almost entirely on instinct, Shane spread his lips, welcoming the cockhead of his friend in. The tip of his tongue touched the spongy head, and almost simultaneously, he felt Connor's mouth begin working on his own cock.

"Ah!" He let out the short yelp at feeling his friend's warm wetness suckling at his tip, but did not let it distract it from his task for more than a moment. With a slurp, Shane pulled the cock that rested against his lips into his mouth, sucking on the first few inches as well as he could.

"Mmm... you're, like... good at this..."

Urged on by the Litleo's words, Shane kept on slurping around the organ. He pulled his head upwards, slightly off of the bed, so that he could lunge his head forward, and suck in more of the other boy's cock. So, when combined with the shallow thrusting that Connor was doing, the Houndour promptly found that more-or-less the entire 5-inch tool was slipping to-and-fro over his tongue.

"Ngh... Oooh..." Connor was doing his best to stay on Shane's newly-reinvigorated erection, and uphold his duties of the sixty-nine. Unfortunately for him, the canine's unexpected prowess at cock-sucking was proving difficult to concentrate through.

Shane's tongue traced all over the surface of the organ, coaxing repeated squirts of pre from the Litleo with each movement. Between the progress made in the shower, and the younger boy's highly-effective tongue, Connor was getting already getting close, to the point where Shane could feel the heavy throbbing through the cock that was sliding through his lips.

The Houndour's efforts only grew more-and-more intense as he started to realize how imminent Connor's climax was. The feline's pre was actually beginning to drip down his throat, forcing him to swallow around the organ every few seconds, which only added to the older boy's pleasure. Both of the two were so mesmerized by their activity that neither even really noticed that Connor's shallow thrusts had become closer to a face-fucking.

The Litleo was moving almost on instinct, but that didn't prevent Shane from redoubling his efforts. The dark-type kept his tongue on task, pleasuring his friend, but additionally kept his eyes focused on the tight pucker that resided just below his short tail.

With his friend dropping his backside down over-and-over, Shane was treated to a close up view of the delicious looking passage multiple times per second. With every moment he gazed at it, the canine's temptation grew, until he, basically moving on auto-pilot, reached a paw up to grip the base of Connor's tail. Pulling his lips away from the cock with one final slurp, Shane moved quickly stretching forward, and holding the other boy steady enough to start licking at the Litleo's tunnel.

"Ah-Haaaah! Fuuuuuuck!" It was basically a howl that the older boy let out upon feeling the warm tongue begin to explore his insides. He was basically paralyzed with pleasure as he simply let the younger boy's impulses take control. Which the Houndour was completely fine with.

Shane had one paw still holding tight around Connor's tail, ensuring that his backside stayed right in place. With his other paw though, he resumed his work on the older boy's cock, stroking him to add to the sensation that the Litleo was receiving, which was quickly proving to be too much for the teen to effectively endure.

Between the soft paw working his erection, and the volcano-hot tongue delving into his tail-hole, Connor didn't stand a chance. Basically limp under the dual-assault, he felt the bolt of bliss crash though his body as he unloaded several shots of cum splashing up against his own chest and onto Shane's front.

"Ngaaah... D-Dude... Sh--aaaane... I-I cummed... came... Fuck."

The younger teen heard his friend's slurred words, and felt the spurts of semen as they erupted from the cock, but it did not sway him from his task. Shane's tongue bombarded Connor's tunnel from all angles, and from the inside-out. He hadn't even been thinking about it, but as the warm, wet organ pulled free the orifice again, it went off in the Houndour's head like an alarm.

Alright, he's ready.

Shane started repositioning himself and his friend without even a word, propping Connor's mostly motionless form up with pillows and blankets as he knelt behind him, cock still rock-hard, and slick with a combination of Litleo saliva and cum that had landed on it from the feline's orgasm.

"Dude... you... didn't tell me you were sooooo, like... gooood at this stuff..."

Shane had all but blocked out his friend's ramblings, and thus was barely aware of Connor's words as he lined himself up prepared to plunge into the feline's depths. He felt a shiver run through him as he pressed up against the slick tightness. With one paw placed on each brown furred hip, the Houndour licked his lips and began pressing the tapered tip inward, and with a sharp spasm, poked the first inch of thick cock into the other boy's entrance.

"Ohhhh! Sh-Shiiit! Fuck, Shane!" Connor shouted, loud enough to rival a Loudred.

Hearing his name called out with such force somewhat snapped Shane out of the instinct driven trance that he was in, at least enough for him to acknowledge the other boy.

"Ah... Connor... Are you okay...?"

"Haaaah... F-Fuck me... keep going..."

The Litleo's words were fairly weak, and obscured with heavy breaths, but they were more than enough to persuade the canine to continue. With a heavy swallow, Shane tightened his grip on Connor's sides, and gave a sharp thrust, making the older boy get a real feel of his impressive size.

"Fuuuuu--uuck! Told you, you were biiiig..."

"Ngh, n-no..." Shane struggled to respond as his friend's tunnel spasmed around his sensitive tool, "Y-You're just really tight..."

"Well, maybe I'll get less tight if you start moving." Connor's voice was strained, but still bore the same mischievous inflection.

The Houndour didn't hesitate to follow the advice.

With the passage's grip around his cock already feeling like a vice, it didn't seem possible to Shane that he even could move any further than he already had. Thankfully, that detail didn't stop him from trying. He pulled back, and then without slowing down, slammed back in, feeding Connor's hungry hole another inch or so of his length. He didn't quite understand how, but the Litleo's advice seemed to be correct. Shane continued to move, and the strangling squeeze of Connor's insides gradually became more and more accepting, until eventually the Houndour was thrusting in-and-out like a jackhammer.

"That feels reaaaally good..." Connor let out the words almost hypnotically as he seemed to be getting just as into event as the Houndour that was fucking him so intensely.

Though he heard his friend's words, and absolutely agreed with him, Shane didn't reply. He was too far gone to even acknowledge the boy under him. He could have been at it for hours, and it all would've blurred together into a haze of ecstasy. It was almost as if he couldn't even feel anything, aside from his turgid cock spiking deeper and deeper into Connor. At least, until...

** bump **

"Ooh... that--that's your knot."

Connor felt it at the same time as the younger boy. The swollen bulb at the base of Shane's cock throbbed with need, desperate to somehow find its way inside of the feline. The entirety of the canine cock pistoned in-and-out, from the tip, all the way to that knot, and with each of the Houndour's forceful thrust, the fist-sized mass threatened to power through that tight ring.

"Put it in me!"

Wait, what...?

Shane hadn't said it out loud, but the Litleo beneath him kept speaking as if he'd heard his friend's confusion.

"Fuck that huuuuuuuge thing into me, Shane!"

He considered for a moment about whether-or-not he should comply with the older boy's drunken request, but there was never any doubt. The canine wanted it just as much as his friend was begging for it. The velvety cavern clenching around his sensitive appendage was already driving him crazy, and just the thought of that impossibly intense tightness also engulfing his knot was beginning to literally make him salivate.

Biting down on his bottom lip, Shane moved without speaking. The younger boy pulled himself back, sliding his length out of the feline's slick tunnel all the way to the tip. The Litleo's tail-hole glistened and dripped with pre, the inviting sight almost beckoning to the canine to pack it full.

And so, Shane did not hesitate.

** SLAM **


Connor yelled out in excitement as soon as he felt his ring distend and stretch to accommodate the canine knot. Even knowing how big it was, it just wasn't something that he could be prepared for, especially given his less-than-lucid state. Even if the feline had wanted to try and resist his orgasm, he wouldn't have been able to, it just felt too good.

Connor's tongue hung out of his mouth, and stars exploded in his eyes. The teen's orgasm couldn't have been a more powerful event. Despite the fact that he wasn't even touching his dick, Shane's absolute destruction of his prostate proved to be more than enough stimulation to set him off.

** splat splat **

Jets of Litleo cum streaked across the bed sheets underneath the duo, some even splattering upwards to mingle with the wet fur on Connor's belly. The ongoing climax was quickly leaving his body in such a state that it was a wonder that he was even able to remain upright. If it wasn't for the fact that he was more-or-less locked in position by the huge knot embedded in his ass, he'd more than likely have fallen limp into a quivering heap on the bed.

Shane, meanwhile, seemed to be completely overwhelmed. As his delicate flesh bulb slipped inside his friend, the Houndour boy more-or-less collapsed, immediately overcome by the mind-shattering sensation that he could never even have imagined was possible.

"C-Connor! I-It's too m-muuuuch!"

Even knowing how strong the grip was inside of his friend's tail-hole, he couldn't possibly have been ready for the volcanic pressure surrounding his cock upon his knot gaining access. The most powerful sensation of the teen's life tore through him like a chainsaw through butter, he couldn't have held back his climax, even if he had wanted to.

"Ahhh... Nggaahh!" His paws slipping off from the Litleo's waist, Shane more-or-less collapsed forward onto the older boy's back as he felt his spasming cock erupt within him.

With his hips still moving just from reflex, the Houndour blasted jet after jet of cum into Connor's body. An orgasm far more substantial than his previous one plastered deep inside the Litleo, making the feline feel the warm splatter further into his core than he'd ever felt anything before.

"Ahh, you... you're cummmmmmming! I-I can feel it, Shane!"

Still shivering with pleasure, the younger boy didn't respond, opting instead to ride out his orgasm as he laid largely unmoving on the larger boy's back, "Ahh... haah..." Even as his cock twitched and pulsed, spurting rope after thick rope of canine cum into Connor's hole, he laid there on the brown-furred back of his friend, breathing heavily against his back.

It was a good 5 minutes of nothing but breathless, low moans as both boys laid there basking in the afterglow, even as the orgasmic rush turned into exhaustion.

"Uh... Connor, uh..." Shane broke the silence, stammering out timidly, "S-Sorry, I-I..."

"Dude! That was hot... Sooooooo hot! I feel... like your cum all inside me! A-And your knot is HUGE! I feel... so... so full..." The Litleo interrupted his friend excitedly.

"Huh?" Shane reacted with clear confusion at the older boy's reaction, "You're... okay with it...?"

"Yeah! Of course, Shane! I mean... At first, I was gonna fuck you, but I saw how big you were, man... Hehehe... you can fuck me any time, dude..."

"Oh... Th-Thanks, Connor..."

Once again, silence filled the room as the two boys laid there, though only for a moment until the Litleo once again started to stir.

"So... how long are we gonna be... y'know, stuck...?"

"Hmm...? Oh, uhh..." Shane thought for a second, "Like... 30 minutes, probably?"

"Perfect! Plenty of time!"

As soon as Connor said the words, the Houndour felt a slight tug at his knot, and glanced up to see his friend reaching across the bed to snatch his phone up from where it laid.

"Connor... what are you doing...?"

"Hehehe... remember earlier when we were talking about that tough Riolu kid in my grade...?"

"Jax? Yeah... why?" The dark-type asked hesitantly as he watched his friend start tapping at the device.

"Texting him to invite him over, hehehe! He's even bigger than you, so if your knot feels this good, I just GOTTA feel his!"

"WHAT!?" Shane, forgetting about the fact that he was currently tied to the boy beneath him, immediately tried to reach for the Litleo's phone, "CONNOR! DO NOT SEND THAT TEXT!"

A Favor Gone Horribly... Right?

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ~~~~~~ A Favor Gone...

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A Fitting Punishment

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, non-human, and/or anthropomorphic. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any...

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Hazing the New Kid

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ~~~~~~ Hazing the New Kid ...

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