Pichu (M) X Pikachu (M) ~ Wet Curiosity

Story by pink oshawott on SoFurry

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Hiya! It's been an absolute AGE since I last completed a smutfic, but I'm BACK, and with a duo I know people love. And it's once again niche as heck in its wholesome focus. I won't be working with these two again, unless commissioned!

NOTE: formatting like italics and stuff isn't available in the file description. To get correct formatting, read the word doc itself.

CONTAINS: Piss inflation, anal, blowjob, pee desperation.

About a week had passed since Trey's graduation, and that important, revelatory date with Keith. A trip to a private movie alongside the Pichu who was now his life partner, was a date he'd remember for the rest of his life. Well, it was a movie, but a mishap with a power cut turned it into blissful intimacy, where he was able to assure the Pichu how much he loved him.

The Pikachu's life hadn't been the same in the best of ways. Now fully trained in stamina and engineering classes, Trey had taken to freelance mechanic work across the academy. All he had to do was help Pokémon around the school with their tech issues. He intended to move onto field studies, but with Keith close to graduating his current mining course, it made more sense to wait it out and have them both apply for new courses at once.

Outside of that, he was happy with this new routine. Nothing stressed him out, he earnt good money, and being freelance meant he had all the time in the world to indulge with Keith's hyperactive energy. He had money, he had progress, he had love... he was happy.

Well, things still bothered him. He never thought it would bother him, but a week onwards and all he had were questions he was scared to bring up. His mind wandered in circles as he crossed back and forth through the dorm to prepare for Keith's return from mining class.

Their last mating session. That incredibly hot, wet session in the dark theatre screen. For the first time in their relationship, he'd let Keith empty into him. It was only piss, which he held until they got out and they could get to a bathroom. Even though it'd happened during their afterglow, something about the feelings it gave him had stuck with him ever since. He couldn't stop thinking about it, and although he was more curious about how it felt more than anything, every single train of thought stopped on wanting to try it properly.

In fact, Keith hadn't even spoken about it. The Pichu seemed to have accepted that he was the bottom in their more intimate moments. Trey never thought to question it since he was so sincere about it. As he began to heat up the cooker to fry some berries for curry, he came to a conclusion at last. That's it. It's time to pay him back.

And right on cue, he heard the jingle of a wind chime as their dorm room door opened and shut. He leaned over to see a worn out Pichu slump back against the bed. He threw his bag off, and its contents half-emptied onto the floor. "Hi there, buddy. You look bushed today."

"Hi Trey," Keith groaned back. Trey couldn't help but giggle. Even when he was tired, the Pichu sounded peppy. "We're doing the mock tests and stuff. I guess I used my electricity a bit too much."

"I can't even remember what it felt like to shock yourself. You're real strong for toughing it out for so long," Trey said as he returned to cooking and his thoughts. Okay... what's the best way to take this on? How the heck do you tell someone you want them to breed you?

"I'm normally okay, it's just these back to back challenges. I feel like I'm gonna melt if I have to do another one this week," he said. Trey could hear him shuffle about with stuff in the main room. "Today, they made us go to like, the core of Frostllish Mountain. It's so dang cold in there, but there are still wild Frillish. You touch the water and you're done for!"

"Wait, feral Frillish in below-zero water in the middle of that blizzarding mountain? And that's for a mock test? What're they thinking, you guys could actually die out there!" Trey had to stop cooking to address that.

"I've got the next two days off, but I still need to restock a bunch of stuff and get my tools sharpened, so tomorrow's pretty much work, too," Keith sighed and slumped against the bed. His stomach rumbled, bringing back Trey's giggle. "I'm starving..."

"Heh, sorry for the holdup. I'm nearly done here." He returned to turning the berries so they didn't burn. The smell of the curry filled the kitchen, making his own mouth water. "So er, you're gonna try and take a load off the next two days, huh?"

"I have to. If I don't, I'll burn my fur or something," Keith said. Trey could hear him shuffle about to tidy things.

"But you'll still have spare time, yes?" Trey said. The curry was done, so he slowly poured it into bowls, waiting for a worded response that didn't come. "... Got any plans?"

"Er, no actually. It sounds like you do, though." Keith cocked his head. He snickered as he joined the Pichu in the main room. "Oh gosh, you made this with Cheri berries, didn't you? It looks so red and spicy."

"We have too many, so I thought we might as well. But for plans..." Trey mouthed off and went back to his thoughts. Dang, my heart is racing... don't be too casual, now. Don't want to freak him out or anything...

There was silence besides their eating for a moment. He was surprised, as normally Keith could lead the conversation without any issues. He was well and truly too tired. "Nah, I don't have any plans. Well, no plans yet? I expected you to have an idea of what you wanted to do, to be honest. You're usually super excited for this stuff."

"Good point." The Pichu cocked his head again. He stopped eating, blinked at Trey, and then started wagging his little black tick of a tail. "Maybe after I get the tools and stuff done, we can go get some fresh air. You haven't been out the academy for a while, have you? It's starting to give you a little pudge."

That made him stop eating. "Pudge?"

"Yeah, just look," Keith said, crawling over to poke him in the side. The Pichu's little paw pressed into him a bit, to which he blushed and pulled him away. "You're all squishy now!"

"C'mon, this is just natural Pikachu stuff. I walk from place to place, and I still keep up my self-training." He turned away.

"Buuuut you do snack a lot more?" Keith said, his eyes narrowed. Trey felt his face heat up. "See? Keep it up and you're gonna get real soft, so let's go for a walk!"

"Ye-yeah, you got me there. Okay, that could be fun," he said, rubbing his face. Okay, good. He's relaxed. H-here goes, I guess...

"And well, with all the tests, I've been hanging about the darker mystery dungeons lately. I could do with some sunlight, too," Keith giggled.

"That does pair well with a little plan I had," he said.

Keith's face brightened. "Plan? You were plotting something?"

"Uh uh uh. It's a surprise."

"Aww. You and surprises. Not like I haven't had enough of those all week," Keith pouted and folded his arms.

Trey was relieved. There was the Keith he knew. This could go well, after all. "It's a surprise from me though, so it's not like it'll be a nasty one."

"Can't I at least get a hint?" Keith whined.

"No spoilers." He waggled a finger.

"Not even a little tiny thing?" the Pichu whined. Trey folded his arms and smiled smugly. "You're embarrassed. It's something naughty, isn't it? Like, sex naughty."

Am I that easy to read? Trey gasped in his head. "I-it's funny you say that. If I'm remembering correctly, you're the one that always brings it on, you horny little ball of fur."

"You didn't deny it. You want to do it, don't you?" Keith bat his eyes at him.

"Not over food. Stop it and finish up," he said, feeling his face heat up again. C'mon Trey, keep it cool. Mustn't sound desperate or perverted.

"You're so bad. You're all excited, aren't you? Got a new wet idea, don't you?" Keith started rubbing against him.

"Hey c'mon, cut that out. You make me sound kinda filthy," he moaned.

"You're the one who likes peeing in my butt."

"You're the one who asks me to do it!"

"Gasp! Are you saying you don't like peeing in my butt?" Keith giggled. Trey couldn't imagine how deep his blush was, now. "I'm so hurt, Trey. I thought we had something special."

Trey growled, folded his arms and turned away. "For someone who was totally worn out, you're awfully horny right now. Now c'mon, hurry up and finish your foo--"

"I'm already finished. Did you make enough for seconds?" Keith said, holding up his bowl. He'd practically licked it clean.

"Not that I'm weirded out or anything, but it amazes me that you could eat so much and stay so small, all while talking about this stuff." Trey rubbed his face as he accepted the bowl. There was plenty extra for tomorrow's dinner... or a very hungry Pichu today.

"You still eat more, pudgy," Keith giggled.

"Okay, now it's my turn to lay on a question, then," he said as he returned.

"Kinda silly considering you didn't answer mine, but fine, since you're so shy," Keith said, leaning on his hands with a cheeky smirk.

Trey had to take in a breath, here. Those nervous vibes were hitting, hard. You can do it, Trey. Just... be blunt. Actually no, don't be too blunt, you'll weird him out. Just try and hit the same tone he's hitting. Okay... here goes...

"I don't think I've ever asked you what kind of body you like. Er, Pokémon you like," he said. His face was hot and wouldn't cool anytime soon.

"What kind of Pokémon I like? Huh?" Keith tilted his head.

"Y-y'know. Like, I know we're together and stuff, but we did that without ever really talking about stuff. Do you like cute Pokémon, or really pretty ones... y'know, that kinda thing," he said, struggling to look at him.

"Well, I love you the most. But did you really just want to hear me say that?" Keith smiled cheekily.

"Heh. Well I really appreciate hearing it, that's for sure," he snickered, too. "But you just brought up my weight, and that made my mind wander a bit. Are you into fitter Pikachu?"

"U-uh... er, how serious are we being all of a sudden?" Keith stopped eating.

"Let's bring it forward. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," he said, and folded his arms.

"Y-you first," Keith said. His face was bright red, so he started stuffing the curry into his mouth, only to recoil from the spiciness.

"Heh, funny how the horny one is the shyest when it comes to a direct question like this, huh?" he said. "I like the cute and playful. And admittedly I'm not a stickler for body types. Just finding someone who can indulge in the same kinks as me is a dream come true."

"Trey--" Keith whined, his cheeks redder than a tomato.

"I love you a lot, dude. But I guess, if you weren't so forward that one time, I might not've ever said anything," Trey admitted, scratching his back. "I've tried in the past, you know? Others get pretty turned off by my, er, 'interests'. But you, you shared them. It was like a dream come true, and I met my match made in heaven."

"Okay okay, you can stop now," Keith whined, rubbing his face.

"Just telling the truth, ya little rascal. So yeah, you don't need to do anything, 'cos I love you just the way you are," he said with a wink and a finger point.

Keith whined and pulled his ears down. "Er, do I have to?"

"Why not?" Trey shrugged. There was a pause.

"It's super embarrassing," Keith pouted.

"It's only me. I'm not gonna hate you for it," Trey said. Keith still hesitated with cute moans and mumbles as he finished off his second bowl of curry. "Just be blunt."

"I... really like chub. And like... butt. Fat butt," he said, looking away. His whole face had gone bright red, now.

The comment made Trey instinctively twist to look at his own behind. In his eyes, he had a pretty fat behind, but was it what the Pichu was looking for?

"It's really cheeky and weird, but I like it when it's all bubbly and soft and stuff. It's kinda a fantasy to hug- er, that's why I like it when we do it," he said as he rubbed his belly. "You make me all bloaty and flabby and it just... feels good."

"Oh. Th-that's what you mean." Trey righted himself. I could've sworn...

"Y-yeah, that's all I mean. I don't mean or need anything more than that," he said.

"Right," Trey said with a smirk. Silence fell. "Right then. You probably just wanna rest up and sleep now, don't ya? You ate a lot, and tomorrow could be busy."


"Don't worry about washing up and stuff. I'll take care of it! You just relax and take it easy." Trey waved to him as he collected their cutlery and returned to the kitchen. Keith watched him with a blank stare, though he rubbed his paws across his front a bit.

"That was sudden. O-okay..." he said.

Trey snickered to himself, sneakily listening for what the Pichu would do. Yep. Tomorrow, I'm gonna expand your whole worl--

"Gotcha!" Keith sung as he leapt on the Pikachu's back.

"K-Keith? What're you--"

"You can't hide your naughty thoughts from me, mister!" he said, tickling Trey, who quickly threw him off.

"I'm not hiding anything from you! And I'm not spoiling the surprise either, so don't bother," he said. "Heh, one meal and you're already hyper."

"Don't treat me like a kid!" Keith cried. There was a pause, and he seemed surprised by Trey's normal look. "Wait, you're saying you're actually not teasing or hiding anything?"

"Nothing. Nothing right now, anyway," he said, paws on his hips.

"... Really? Nothing at all? You don't want to do it?" Keith cocked his head.

"You said you were sleepy, I'm not that raunchy! Plus, we've just eaten. So really, it's okay. Go relax, take a load off. Prepare for tomorrow and stuff." Trey scratched his head.

"Oh. Er, right. Sorry about that," Keith said slowly. He played with his paws and feet to hesitate again, so Trey gave him a friendly smile and wave, and then he was off.

Okay, good. He took it. Tomorrow, the FUN begins. Trey snuck a cheeky smile when the Pichu's back was turned.


That night, it was obvious that Keith hadn't taken the words to heart, or maybe the Pichu desperately wanted some relief of his own. As they settled into bed, it was clear that he was more affectionate than usual. Trey let himself get cuddled and nuzzled affectionately, but the Pichu was dozy and fell asleep quickly.

Before that, it was even more obvious that Keith had saved himself for potential mating. He squirmed a bit under the covers, and even when he hugged up to Trey, one paw continuously snuck its way between his feet. It didn't seem like a bad need, but he thought it was cute.

And then, morning came. Trey woke up first, surprised to see Keith sprawled out and snoring away contently even after the sun had come up and beamed through the windows. So he left him under the covers and got out to ready for the day ahead.

A quick trip to the restroom, a little shower, and then breakfast was on. He settled for the simple choice of pancakes, the smell of which finally got Keith to wake up. A loud thump shook the room as the Pichu slumped off the bed with a groan. He giggled and poked his head out the kitchen, meeting a surprised, upside-down gaze. "Morning, sleepychu!"

"E-er... right. Morning," Keith replied just as blankly. He stretched while still upside-down, yawned, and then made his way to the washroom, making Trey freak out a bit.

"Uh uh uh, hold it right there mister!" he said, pointing and waddling a finger.

"H-huh? What'd I do, I didn't do it!" Keith squeaked. Silence fell, and Trey finally revealed his cheeky smile.

"Surprise. We're gonna have fun today," he said, half-lidded. "You know what I mean."

"I do?" Keith replied, and slowly turned to the toilet. "O-oh. Right. Wait, why now and not last night?"

"Because you weren't ready for the surprise. You're still not ready for the surprise yet, in fact," he said.

"Aww, what? You just want me to hold it in, right?" Keith whined and squirmed. "Couldn't this have waited until after I'm done with shopping and stuff? I still need to sort out my tools and stuff, remember?

"I know I know, I remember. But put it this way: if you go now, you'll have to wait even longer for your surprise." He waggled a finger and returned to cooking. "And these might be your only two days off for a while, so..."

"So hold it in or else." Keith rolled his eyes.

"I'm not forcing you. Only if you want to," he said teasingly. He got a whine as a response, making him giggle.

Ten minutes later and everything seemed to be going according to plan. They were sat down to eat in the same spot as yesterday, on the floor in front of their bed with a small table between them. Just like yesterday, Keith had a big appetite, eating more and quicker than Trey was expecting. He was forced to make seconds again, too!

But they weren't talkative, either. On Trey's end, it was only because he had to observe so closely. Soon after they started eating, Keith had his paws between his feet again, and this time he was squirming and stifling moans between bites. He had to pretend to look away at times, but that only gave Keith a chance to jam both paws down and stretch his head up.

He's so cute when he does that... damn it, Trey thought as Keith finished his third plate.

"Hrrgg... uh oh," Keith moaned, giving in. Despite he was being watched, his belly rumbled and he squirmed, keeping both paws low down.

Don't get too horny now, Trey... He warned himself. He had to resist blushing, so he tried to look away. "If you're finished, I'll clear up. Do you want any more?"

"U-uh, sure. I-I mean no, I'm good for now. As in I don't want any more!" he cried, twiddling his feet.

Just keep ignoring it, just keep playing along! Trey cried in his head. "Gotcha. Don't be lazy, now. I know it's a bit of a chore, but the sooner you get everything done, the more time you'll get to relax."

"I... I-I know but, er," he said quietly.

Trey's heart beat fast, and he was very tempted to start teasing the Pichu right there and then. But he couldn't. He knew what he had to do. If he was going to be peed into, he needed Keith to be in the same state as last time. Absolutely bursting, at his absolute limit. He needed to make sure that the Pichu felt as good as he did.

So he quickly dismissed Keith's obvious predicament to distract himself. He knew they could hold it for longer than this. But he kept the image of Keith in his mind the whole time, and imagined what he would look like when he was ripe. Extra round and inflated, extra squirmy and moany, and extra cute and blushy for sure. He couldn't help but put a paw between his own legs, and semi-regretted holding back. He could tend to himself with those sexy thoughts, but that would be unsatisfying. He had to hide his excitement.

Or do I? he thought upon hearing Keith call out his name. He had finished washing up anyway, so he dried his paws and walked out.

He found Keith slumped forward with a strained look. The Pichu shivered hard with both paws clutching his crotch, and breathed in pressured huffs. Keith was definitely inflated too, and if he listened hard enough, he could hear slight creaks and rumbles coming from him.

"Oh my. You still hungry after all? I just washed up," Trey said mockingly.

"Aahhhn, I'm sorry Trey I really can't!" Keith cried, arching back a bit. "L-listen. I-I didn't actually use the bathroom yesterday like, at all. So right now I'm like, I'm at my limit!"

"Already? You sure you're not prete--"

"I mean it I'm serious!" he practically screamed. That wouldn't drown out the sound of his belly rumbling though, and he leaned forward and whined again. "I can't remember the last time I went. I-I feel like it's gonna come out any second, please!"

"That's quite a transformation from breakfast." Trey cocked his head.

"I'm really good at hiding it now and stuff. But I... but I--" he whined. The slightest hint of tears glinted in his eyes and voice, and he started dancing on his toes. "Awah if you're not gonna do anythin' then I'm just gonna go!"

"Oh wow. You really do need to go super bad," Trey said rather blankly. He wasn't expecting it so soon, and even though he was now where he wanted to be, all sorts of nerves hit.

He knew what to do and what he wanted to do when it was time, but now that he was here, all of those thoughts seemed to have vanished for the moment. He stared blankly, and Keith stared back, doing all sorts of needy movements. A few moments later and that low, bubbly gurgle filled the room alongside Keith's moan, and he gulped.

Okay. You can do this, Trey. Just do what you know he likes, he finally managed to think. "Take your bag off. Just throw it in the corner or something."

"H-huh?" Keith replied, still squirming.

"Take your bag off! Hurry before you pee the floor or something," he ordered, and climbed into bed. Keith had trouble doing that as he kept one paw between his legs the whole time. He eventually resorted to tucking his tail between his legs instead, but even then, he had to waddle over. Each and every step yielded an unmistakable slosh and gurgle, alongside trembled, moany breaths.

"This... might be a bit much this time, Trey," Keith said quietly as he joined Trey on the bed.

Trey licked his lips. He looked so cute, so hot like this. Round, jiggly, moany, his face all flushed and pouty. This Pichu was all his, and judging from that comment, it wasn't too late to reverse his intentions and top him like they usually did. Just that thought alone excited him, and he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend on the lips.

No. Not this time. I already decided. I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it! Just be brave, Trey! he told himself.

He made sure he was quick with his foreplay thanks to the circumstances. He started with a kiss, and then nuzzled Keith's cheek, enticing a light moan from the Pichu. Then that turned into a cuddle, and a light massage across their bloated belly, making sure to rub where his tail was.

"A-ah... T-Trey?" Keith shuddered, a slight hint of worry on his face.

Trey ignored him, though the comment made his heart race. His nuzzling went lower like his paws did. He kissed and caressed Keith's belly, inciting more grumbles and whimpers from the Pichu. He never realised how hot something like this could be. He was... excited. Once he got started, his mind told him exactly what to do without thinking about it too much.

Everything about it turned him on. Keith stiffened a bit out of confusion and nervousness, and stood there breathing hotly through his mouth. Those breaths, along with the gurgles and the light moans, the sloshy, jiggly feel of Keith's belly, as well as the warmth he felt whenever he kissed that fur, all of it made him hard and excited and not wanting to stop. But soon he got low enough that his paw was playing with Keith's tail, and in turn, that very productive dick.

"U-um, T-Trey?" Keith gasped.

Trey suddenly came to a stop, licked his lips, and then gave the Pichu a lusty smirk. His partner may have been a Pichu, but when it came to business, he had everything an adult of his species should have. Trey couldn't measure things on instinct, nor did he care - Keith had a good length on him, and from experience, he knew that dick was more than productive.

"Don't you dare pee in my mouth, 'kay?" Trey whispered, a finger by his lip.

"Wha-what? Why would... wait a minute," Keith squeaked.

Trey didn't give him a chance to stay confused, though. His paw played with Keith for a little longer, and then he licked the Pichu's tip. Keith instantly jolted and squeaked, but he didn't recoil. He gave it another lick, and was rewarded with another squeak. And then he rested his tongue underneath Keith's dick, inciting the lightest twitches and the cutest noises from the Pichu.

Keeping pace, he softly gripped Keith's sides and took the head into his mouth, where his tongue dabbed over the tip. The poor Pichu was so confused he almost sounded panicked, yet his little whines and squeaks were clearly of pleasure. In fact, just after Trey began to slide forward and take more into his mouth, there was a particularly loud whine followed by a squirt of salty fluid that landed right on his tongue.

Trey instinctively jerked back a bit, and almost reflexively spat out. Now that he could see the Pichu, it was clear that wasn't a little accidental leak. Keith stared down at him with paws by his face, cheeks rosy, and a quivering lip. He played about with the fluid in his mouth, gulped, and then looked up with a lustful smirk.

"T-Trey, wha-wha-what- ah!" was all Keith could muster as his length was taken in again. He let out quick breaths and shivered hard as Trey worked on him, soon lowering his paws to stroke Trey's head affectionately. He still blushed though, and did his best to stifle moans and whines.

He didn't understand it. This was the very first time he had sucked someone off, and all he knew to do was to copy what he liked Keith doing to him, but it seemed to work. Not just that, but it seemed to keep him on the edge of excitement, too. He squeezed the Pichu in desperation to keep hold and not stroke himself off. All the time, his eyes were closed and he pumped himself forward and backward, keeping his tongue and lips as tight over his partner's tool as he could manage.

Before long, breathing became a problem. With his pace and effort, breathing through his nose was difficult, but with Keith's reception, he didn't want to let up or disappoint. Every moment or so, a warm dollop of that clear, salty fluid would gush out and fill his mouth. He couldn't help but moan a bit as it was tough to swallow while holding out like this, and it soon filled him mouth enough to splatter over his face. His face was being fucked, and precum loudly sputtered out all over his Trey's lips and Keith's crotch.

"Aahhn, Trey, s-stop!" Keith shuddered hard in brief warning. He arched forward while his paws gripped at Trey's fur a bit, and that was all the Pikachu needed to prepare.

With a bit of a gurgle, he gulped down what was in his mouth and forced himself forward, then tried to take a deep breath through his nose. Big mistake, as he immediately choked just as Keith had begun to unload.

His eyes widened as a thick, salty stream gushed against the back of his throat, filling his mouth whether he wanted it to or not. He wanted to hold himself there as much as he could, but it built up far quicker than he anticipated. Cum flooded his mouth, drowning his tongue, his teeth, and bulging out his cheeks in seconds. If he held back any longer, it'd force its way down one way or another. While he was okay with that, he didn't have enough air to swallow or keep choking.

So he jerked back hard and instinctively coughed up a little, only for several more ribbons of hot, white goo to splatter all over his face. Keith sat in the same position, face red, slightly curled up, just cumming away while a content groan escaped him. Trey sat back with his mouth hung open, happily letting stray shots add to the mouthful he still had.

What felt like an age was actually little more than twenty or so seconds before Keith's orgasm died down. Once he was sure, Trey puffed out his cheeks and steadily swallowed. Three whole gulps before it was all down and he was okay to open his mouth again. They could only stare at each other, Keith almost completely embarrassed. Trey had been made a sticky mess out of, his face and body dripping with semen.

"S-sorry I couldn't... kinda new to this," he giggled and smiled cheekily at his partner.

But Keith barely moved. He'd settled down a bit, but he was still bloated, trembling, and his face was bright red. He almost looked dazed, like he couldn't believe what he'd just done. Trey shared the sentiment, really. He couldn't believe that his first time giving his boyfriend a blowjob had gone so successfully. But maybe it hadn't, and he needed to step things up a notch. The Pichu was still hard and twitching, after all.

"Then again," Trey said, crawling back over to give him another lick. "You always let out a ton, so it's no surprise. You just want to let it all out, dont'cha?"

"T-Trey," Keith squeaked his highest as he was carefully pushed over. He allowed himself to, though embarrassment was all over his form.

Trey made sure he was comfortable on his back before crawling right over so that he was on top of the Pichu. This was a familiar sight. Missionary position, with Keith so round and jiggly in the belly that it looked like he might pop if he was pricked. He could imagine just jamming himself in and pumping that round tummy up until Keith looked like a Munchlax, but today had to be different.

He took note of how especially needy Keith was this time. He hadn't been pissed or ejaculated in, yet his belly gurgled and groaned, stretched to twice the Pichu's normal size. If he topped him like usual, he wouldn't last long before he'd be too full and pee the bed.

"Time for you to use this fat butt of mine," he said in a teasy tone. His words seemed to wake Keith up, and he scrunched himself up. He scrambled to hold himself again, but Trey kept his body in the way and hushed him. "Shh. Just sit back and relax, buddy."

"But... b-but I," he whispered back, swaying his head. Trey didn't hesitate, though. With one paw holding Keith's member up, he slowly lowered himself and ground his ass along it. With all the cum and saliva from the prior blowjob, things seemed smooth enough. "T-Trey, I can't hold it!"

Trey hushed him again. He pursed his lips as he pierced himself with that slick rod. He was prepared and he braced himself, but even he couldn't help but gasp aloud and freeze. It didn't hurt, but all kinds of pressuring feelings flew through him. He was plugged on only the head, yet he felt a bit suffocated. Every little twitch sent a ripple through him that made him cringe, and he threw himself forward.

"Trey!" Keith shrieked and jerked.

"S-sorry, sorry!" he gasped. The Pikachu clutched the bedsheets below Keith like his life depended on it, using all his will not to move. It was hard. Definitely one of the hardest things he'd ever done.

His ass was hot, and despite the fact that only the head of Keith's dick was in there, he felt full. Full enough that he couldn't breathe right, and that was enough to make him panic a little.

Keep it together now, Trey. Keep it together, keep it together, he repeated, taking deep breaths. Keith was scrunched up and strained below him, but had soon opened up to that cute, embarrassed look from before. And then, a single paw was lifted up. Trey stared blankly until that paw signalled him to come closer.

All of a sudden, Trey seemed to zone out. Their surroundings had been fazed out, and they seemed to be breathing in perfect sync. Keith looked up at him with a slight, lustful neediness, and signalled with his paw again. Without a word, Trey let go of the bed with his left paw and held Keith's, their digits interlocking. He thought to grip it hard, but his hold was as soft as a baby's.

And then, Keith spoke softly on a slightly shaky, but reassuringly calm voice. "Relax."

Those words woke him up the same way the Keith had been awakened by those lusty words from earlier. He shivered slightly. Breathing carefully, he squirmed a little bit and tried to loosen himself.

"Relax. You don't have to force yourself," Keith said as softly as a whisper.

"Nng... I-I," Trey began to say, and then realised. He was about to say he knew, but he didn't know. He was under a lot of pressure right now, and all in the name of making his partner feel good. It was exactly the same mistake he'd told Keith off for the last time they mated.

His heart raced, not with fear, but with affection. Contrary to his obvious desperation, Keith looked patient but worried. A Pichu like that would wait until the end of time for him to be relaxed and happy to go on. That soft hold and his easy tone made him feel that way.

At last, he began to actually settle and loosen up. He slumped a little, his muscles feeling like they were going soft. The motion made him sink his backside a little further, the feeling of which quickly made him sharply breathe in and freeze, but he didn't clench nearly as hard as earlier. It didn't hurt hardly as much either, so when his turned to see himself halfway down, he couldn't believe it.

"You okay, buddy?" he asked, giving Keith a cheeky smile. He got an unsure huff as a reply, but Keith eventually nodded.

He took a moment to relax himself again, and then slowly slid down the rest of the way. Now, he felt that dick really prod and squeeze against something that sent a whole shiver of pleasure through his form, and he groaned lustfully. But he didn't even need to look, now. He was sat on the Pichu in the naughtiest of ways, and he was relaxed enough to pleasure him all the way.

Just as he was about to rock his hips, a very loud gurgle sounded out, and Keith groaned his loudest, while arching back in what could only be described as agony. The gurgling didn't stop either, and he could see Keith's tummy ripple, as if a large amount of liquid brewed within and needed to burst out as it could stretch no further.

He was so entranced by it that he couldn't collect what happened next. Keith leaned forward, wrapped his paws around him in a tight hug, and then pulled him down to bury himself into his chest. "K-Keith?"

"A-ahnn... I'm sorry I j-just... ca-can't... hold it anymore!" he grunted as he motioned to roll to the right. Still blank on what was really happening, Trey rolled with him so that he was on his back with Keith stood over him.

And then the reality hit like a truck. A hot, watery stream hosed into his ass, hitting that sensitive spot from before, sending an even stronger burst of intensity through his form. In that moment, his mind blanked and his body turned to jelly, his senses dulled to nothing but the liquid heat that seemed to drown his thoughts.

"Oh my gods," he gurgled and shivered, squirming a bit. He couldn't take it. Keith was pissing directly into his ass, and it was a powerful stream, like a Blastoise was using Hydro Pump in him or something. Despite that, all of it went into him, not losing a drop - he could feel it slash around his rectum like it might come out, but instead it flooded said passage and was forced deeper and deeper into him, filling him with liquid heat.

All he could do was lean back and breathe weakly as a dry orgasm shook his state, eyes shut while a hand laid over his belly. His breath was shakier than he ever thought he could make, while Keith was making cute, shivering sighs of relief. Meanwhile, the sound of a low, bubbling stream filled them room, no doubt packed into his yellow belly. Soon enough, he could feel his paw rising as his belly ballooned.

"Wha-what?" he huffed as he leaned to look at himself. His belly distended right before his eyes, and his paw picked up on everything. It was hot and looked stretched, yet it remained soft enough for him to press down and sink his paw into it, as if he was only getting a little fatter.

The Pichu peed for over a minute, and that stream did not die down until the last ten seconds or so, where he finally drooled an orgasmic sigh of relief. Keith returned to his normal size, while Trey was left with a bloated sag of a belly that had the slightest tint of gold in it.

He felt so full, so hot, so overwhelmed, so weak, and so... happy. He could sit here forever, basking in the warmth of Keith's urine, filthy as that sounded. But Keith had other plans, evident when he felt paws rub over his belly.

"Mmm... somebody's getting kinda fat," Keith said quietly.

"Ah... Ke-Keith?" he shuddered, dozily.

"I'm not gonna stop until you're all inflated," Keith said in a sing-song tone as he drew his paws over that flabby tummy.

It took a moment for those words to register in Trey's head, where he leaned his head forward again. "I-Inflated?"

That's what you wanted, right?" that sing-song tone continued, and Keith began to pull out. Trey was about to scream, but only managed to sharply suck in a breath. However, Keith only pulled out to the tip before thrusting himself back in, his motion slick and effortless thanks to all the piss. Not a drop leaked out, and his instinctive tensing made him tighten so much that pleasure burst through his form.

"Ahhn, you're so... tight!" Keith squeaked, immediately thrusting into a rhythm. He kept a hold of Trey's legs aas he pulled out to the tip, and then pushed himself until their hips smacked together, his force strong enough to make Trey's bloated belly jiggle and slosh.

All Trey could do was lie back and succumb to the intense feelings. Every time that dick was about to leave him, he felt his chest heave in panicked excitement that he might loose all the piss backed up in his ass. But when the dick was thrust into him, his body surged hard enough to make him moan, while his own erection sprung to life. He wasn't even touching himself, yet he felt himself jolting continuously, and if it continued, he was going to cum one hell of a load.

And on that note, it wasn't long before Keith was complaining about it being too tight. His grunts and moans were getting lower, which was enough of a warning for Trey to sit up and try to look. He didn't expect to be able to feel it, but sure enough, he blushed hard as another gush of hot fluid was pumped into him. He threw his head back and groaned again, his own cock twitching as the one inside of him jerked and sprayed its thick goo all over his insides.

Just like Keith's usual orgasms, this one was no small load, with spurts so thick and strong that you could hear the liquid gush amongst their moans. After a moment, Trey's belly began to distend even further, all that cum mixing with the piss to leave him full and heavy.

When he thought it was over, it wasn't. He was only given a moment to catch his breath before Keith's paws patted and rubbed him, and then the thrusting resumed, making him grunt. "K-Keith--"

"N-not yet," Keith said, a small tongue poking out of his mouth. He lifted Trey's leg up and began to thrust into him from the side, making the Pikachu half roll over to give him a blushy look. "This is what you wanted, right?"

He was rolled over completely, left to grip at the sheets below while Keith gave it to him behind. Each thrust made his ass jiggle and his belly slosh loud, adding a slight sense of embarrassment to the mix. He laid a hand on his belly again, trying to stop it from shaking too much or sagging against the bed. But that was fruitless - from what he could tell, he looked more bloated than a Drifblim latched to a water faucet.

And he certainly felt that way, too. Not in any pain, but a hefty, drunken feeling like he'd had too much to drink, and any more would make him burst. Yet still, he heard Keith let out a happy sigh of satisfaction, and his body became overwhelmed once again. His paw was pulled lower as his stomach swelled even further, groaning and creaking.

Maybe it was the imagination of how much he knew Keith could cum, and the knowledge that all that was being pumped into him. Or maybe it was the overwhelming spike he got whenever he felt Keith's dick, or the strong gushes of cum against that sensitive spot within him - he couldn't take it anymore. His tongue lolled out, his eyes rolled back, and his paws gripped the bedsheets as his back arched hard. With his belly in the way, he could feel his own orgasm in action, as thick loads splashed against him and soaked into the sheets below.

"O-oh my gah- T-Trey!" Keith squeaked, his grip on Trey clawing with the sudden intensity. He seemed to cum even more as a result.

So much semen filled the Pikachu that his stomach sagged to the sides and prevented him from lying flat, not that he would want to, anyway. But for sure, the low creaking, the loud bubbling, the intensity that took over his form, Trey almost screamed.

"K-K-Keith, I-I'm at my limit!" Trey gasped, his breathes struggled and eyes widened.

But the cum didn't stop. The Pichu kept thrusting, pumping and pumping, forcing more and more of that sticky white goo to fill him to the very brim. That was what it felt like, anyway. Trey's surroundings turned white as his mind succumbed to pleasure. He wouldn't have been surprised if that semen swam all the way through him and came out of his mouth or something, because it leaked from his behind in messy bursts that flew everywhere.

He couldn't take it. Everything of him just felt so good. The thrusting, the filling, the moans, the fact that he knew he was doing his part, and his partner was happy and pleasured enough to let out this much... the last thing he knew, he gave a loud howl of satisfaction in the only way a Pikachu proudly could "Chuuuu..."


As far as Trey was aware, hours passed. When he came to, he was aware he was asleep, but so warm and toasty feeling that he didn't want to move. But he needed to go toilet, so with a lazy stretch and a scratch, he opened his eyes.

"Wh-whoa..." The words escaped him. His belly had overtaken his neck, and was so tall that even with his head elevated, he couldn't see his feet. His arms couldn't reach halfway across his belly, either. He dared to press on it, and although his hand sunk into the fat, it created a huge pressure in his lower half where he might soak the bed. And to top it off, he was stained in splotches and streaks of white.

"Evening, sleepychu!" Keith said beside him. Trey turned his head and blinked in disbelief. The Pichu was shiny clean, but had his bag on. On the floor behind him were mining tools, equally shiny and sharp. "Looks like I got back just in time. Naughty you, not going on your walk. You've gotten so fat!"

It took a long moment of giggling and blushing before he realised what that actually meant. "Wa-wait a minute, but this is... Keith! You little troublemaker!"

"What? What'd I do?" He cocked his head with an innocent smile.

"Don't give me that look! You're the one who... who--" he tried to speak, but then his condition hit, and hard. If he didn't go to the bathroom right now, he was going to explode. His stomach rumbled with all the desperation to suit that, and he gasped. "A-argh, get outta the way!"

He didn't even get to shut the door or position himself on the toilet properly. He threw himself on and hugged the backseat, and then it just burst from him, so much force and suddenness that he couldn't help but throw his head back. There it was again, that orgasmic relief that had his tongue lolling while a whiney groan escaped him.

Over a minute later and he was still emptying his behind, but at least his belly was deflating with it. He rubbed his front and blushed hard as he finally shrunk to a size where he could reach his lower half. Still fat, but looking to deflate to his normal, pudgy Pikachu self. He dared to look back, where Keith gave him a blushy, cheeky smirk.

"Heh. Er, guess I overdid it a bit," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Ya think?" Trey tried not to look at him. How much more did he cum in me? It's not stopping...

"I told ya I like fat ass though, and you've got one, so," he said, twiddling his feet. "And then letting me pee there... I just couldn't help myself!"

"Doesn't mean you have to let out so much. That was my first time being a bottom, you know," Trey said.

"You were the same when it was my first time! You came so much in me. Plus, you know I cum a lot. I can't help it," he said.

Finally, he deflated fully, but he still felt too shaky to get off or flush. He slumped against the seat a bit, doing his best not to show his weakness to the Pichu. "The real question is... what do you plan to do to make up for it?"

"Make up for it?" He cocked his head. "I already cleaned the dorm! And you're the one who brought it on this time. Why should I make up for your screwup?"

Trey was about to argue that, but when he turned around, he realised. The bedsheets were clean, and he knew he came pretty hard there. Everything that couldn't fit in him and should've made a stain wasn't there, either. The washing up was done, and all the other little chores. With a paw on his hip, he looked at his cum stained front, then Keith, and then smirked.

"Come here, you little rascal." He pulled Keith over.

"Eep! Wa-wait, that's not fair!" Keith squeaked.

"You missed a spot, so join me in the shower," he said, and poked his backside out a bit. Keith seemed to clock pretty quickly, and went bright red. "You can help me clean my back."

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