The Devil May Care 33

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#38 of The Devil May Care

Dusk finishes his time in Gluttony, unaware that there are a few people watching him at the same time.

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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The Devil May Care

Part 33

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

Dusk couldn't help but smile as they loaded up the plane with everything that they could carry away from House Diel. The black cat had found a number of minor artifacts that the Gluttony demon had hoarded away from the rest of Hell, and while he didn't know what they were, they were powerful enough that he could sense the auras of sin on them. They would likely make for useful bribes or means of gaining favors among other demons, once he found the ones that wanted them the most. They were loaded into the back of the plane, tucked away safely by Ornar.

Arnis, on the other hand, was busy chasing off any of the residual demons that hung around the area. He had given the bear strict orders not to kill off any others unless directly attacked, but he wanted to make sure that there was no looting going on while they were still in the area. If he or the other demons missed something to loot, he wanted the blame for it going missing to fall where it deserved. No need to be blamed for something that he didn't do.

Dusk flicked out his coat, his tail poking out from under it as he sat on the nose of the hovering plane. He could hardly believe that this had gone as quickly as it had. For all that Hell was a dangerous place, for all that the demons held great power, they were helpless before him when he flexed his own.

This is my power...

And it was devastating. The power of Lucifer's soul, the strength of Satan, the power of Hell and the Sins and his own flexibility from the long-time use of black magic had come together to create something that nobody could stand against. His lips tugged up on the sides of his face in a half-manic smile, and he rubbed his cheeks before it could take too strong a root. That way lay madness...

But at the same time, it was impossible not to take a little satisfaction from what he had done. This would show all the rest of Hell just what happened when you stood on his side, and when you stood against him.

"Hey, Ornar."

The black orc looked up as he exited the aircraft. Despite the battle being over and their adrenaline levels dropping, he still had a hell of a stiff dick. Dusk chuckled, leaning forward, one hand on his knee and the other propping his head up.

"I didn't know you could fight like that."

"To be honest, Lord Dusk, I did not know that either."

"And yet, you jumped into battle anyway?"

"You had already decided to lead the charge. I could do no less than I did."

"That for personal reasons, or for the Brothelic Houses that you're supposed to be leading?"

"A little of both, Lord Dusk."

He nodded, and his servant waited for a moment to see if there was anything else before shrugging and getting back to work. The black cat watched as the muscular orc walked back to the ruins of the house, shaking his head a few times as he watched that lovely ass sway back and forth.

He's truly wasted on leadership...

That was his dick talking, of course. The orc had been instrumental in bringing the power of Lust into his camp, and now that Brutus had been taken down, the rest of the realm should fall in line before long. He would be able to keep them from striking back at him, keep the schism in that realm from getting any wider. And more to the point, he had a loyal underling that would make sure that any problems were brought to him, immediately.

It wasn't that hard, ruling Hell. Or at least, it wasn't so far.

Dusk shook his head, knowing better than to get any ideas on that front. He had been through this more than once. If he started getting tempted by the Dark Throne, then he would start finding reasons to detach from the mortal world. That was where all the pleasure was, and that, in and of itself, was a good reason to stay connected to it. All of Hell relied on the power of mortal souls to feed itself, and if he disconnected from the mortal plane...

No. We're not becoming the Second Satan. Not for real.

That was what he told himself. He hoped that he would be able to follow that particular stricture.

"Hey, boss."

He looked over the side. Arnis had returned, the bear slowly rolling the gatling gun that he'd carried through the battle over his shoulder. He cracked his neck from side to side as he did.

"Think that they're all scared off."

"That was the point, after all."

"Yeah, but I wasn't done."

"If you really want to fight more, I can give you a vacation."

"And leave you unguarded? Yeah, fucking right."

"Mercy's bound to Heaven, and she's the only one that could be a real threat."

"You really think that, boss?"

"Well, it's clear that you don't."

"Just saying, good to have someone watching your back, boss."

There was everything right about that statement, but just the same, he felt vaguely irritated. He had just won a war almost singlehandedly against one of the most powerful demons in Hell. His power had been shown off to all the different realms, and the surviving Gluttony demons would be quick to tell the other demons just how hard he had hit them, hoping for sympathy. In reality, they would just show the power that he could muster at a moment's notice. If he had taken time to plan, instead...

Oh, the things that he might have done. The things that he would have conceived of. The armies that he would have poured through the portal to Gluttony...

He growled under his breath, flexing his fingers at the thought. He had plenty of weapons and techniques, now, ways of slaughtering his opponents so that they could never strike at him again, and -

No, that's Wrath.

He took a deep breath, pushing the power of the Sins away. That was the other danger of being in Hell. The power of the devil was stronger, but so were the temptations that came with the different Sins. He wanted to use them. He almost needed to use them.

"We heading out, boss?"

"...Yes. After Ornar gets the last box."

"Alright. I'll get it started up."


"Hmm?" the bear asked, stopping with one foot on the landing ramp.

"...Keep being honest. And blunt."

"Heh, you got it, boss."

It wasn't something that he particularly liked from the Wrath demon, but he couldn't deny that it was useful. He needed someone that would call him out, who would keep him from going too far. They had both suffered from misdirection when it had come to Mercy, and he doubted that either of them would ever forget it. If there was anyone that he would take a little shove from, a reminder of his own weaknesses from, it was Arnis.

He jumped down from the plane's nose, hitting the ground as Ornar returned. The orc nodded at him, walking up with a large box in hand. That one drew a smile from the black cat, and he followed his servant inside.

The plane itself started lighting up as soon as they were onboard, spreading the activation lights from one panel to another. The weapons systems were drained, and while he could reload them with a bit of magic, he was relatively drained, as well. Hell could restore him, give him back the energy that he had spent, but...

No, probably best not to tempt fate there. He had what he needed, and he didn't need more.

In short order, they were airborne. They flew upwards, making their way towards the skies. Arnis looked back at him, and Dusk tapped his chin in thought.

"...To the Hellspire. We'll go back to the mortal world for a time."

"...Sure about that, sir?"

The whole idea was to take a tour, at first, to remind everyone of the power that he had. In truth, it wouldn't be a bad idea to continue that, but this war would be sufficient to spread the rumors of his power, and more importantly, of his forbearance. Something that the previous lord of Hell had lacked, for sure.

And that means that I don't have to stay down here among all the temptations for too long, either.

Dusk knew, on some level, that he was avoiding the issue. The cat didn't care. He could make it work later. For now...for now, he needed more time on the mortal coil.

More to the point, he needed to fulfill his deal with Ornar. There were plenty of Hell-whores that needed to be fucked and have their hunger satiated, and that was something that he could do without feeling bad about it. The rest of the tour through the realms of Hell would have to wait.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright. You're the boss."

That was the other good thing about Arnis since that whole Mercy debacle. The bear might have been willing to challenge him, but once the challenge was acknowledged, he accepted the results without question. That was just about perfect.

As they soared into the sky, he leaned back in one of the rear chairs of the main body of the plane. The last of the boxes had been secured against the rear wall of the main body, and he smirked as he watched it shaking, bouncing, even rattling from time to time. The black chains around it, streaked with red and gold, kept the boar inside, ensuring that he wouldn't be getting out before Dusk decided it was time.

I wonder what I'll do with him...

He honestly hadn't decided what he was going to do with Brutus besides keep him as a hostage against the good behavior of some of the demons down in Hell. He had no illusions that the head of the Diel family would actually help him without coercion, but at the very least, he would provide a useful hook on those that relied on him. Perhaps there was a way that he could use that, but until he figured that out, the big boar was staying locked up in a box a couple sizes too small for his actual bulk.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to Ornar. The orc hadn't bothered to put on any clothes since the battle, which meant that hard, dark cock was still on display. Dusk chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yes, my Lord?" Ornar asked.

"Just surprised that even a lust demon could stay hard for this long."

"That's hardly surprising, my Lord. There's many ways that lust may be extended, and I have to admit, I may have discovered a lust for battle."

"That's got to be a first."

"Among my starving people, it might just be."

"You have never fought like that?"

"No, my Lord," Ornar said with a shake of his head. "I have fought among my kind, but mostly with words and sex. There's never been a time for me to flex my strength in any other way."

"Until now."

"Yes. Until now, when I am no longer starving, when I am no longer distracted."

It was a worthwhile thing to find out. He had never assumed that the lust demons would be of much use, at least outside of fucking those that moved and gaining some favors from those that were weak to their charms. However, after seeing Ornar not only have the strength to fight against the front line of gluttony demons, but also have the power to take control of the gargoyles left over, it was clear that there were talents that nobody had imagined among the lust demons.

I wonder if that's the case in all the realms...

With the way that Lucifer had seemed to operate on a system of scarcity - partially artificial, partially genuine - the various demons seemed to have been pushed to the razor's edge, always operating on the edge of failure. Now that things were changing...

How much stronger will they become?

It would depend on just how he developed them, he supposed. He had managed to stop the wars in Wrath, which meant that the demons down there were able to recharge, feel stronger, heal and grow for a moment rather than be in the endless wars that Lucifer had put them in, but would that affect other realms? And what would Selene and the other demons that he had met be doing in their own realms?

It was impossible to know right then, but he would have to take it as it came. There was nothing else that he could do. Not without tempting himself into Hell with potentially no way back.

He leaned back, crossing his legs. Ornar smiled at him.

"I don't suppose that my Lord would like a blowjob all the way back to the Hellspire, would he?"

"Tempting, very tempting. At the same time, I want to save my stamina for as many of your demons as possible."

"Does my Lord doubt himself?"

"No. As a matter of fact, I am quite confident I could do some after you were done. But the question is, how many?"

"You care, my Lord."

No, he was merely pragmatic, but that was sufficient unto the day. He smiled, however, and spread his legs slightly. Not in invitation, but in tease, showing off what the orc could have later, if he was a good demon.

It was enough to leave Ornar smiling, at the very least. He chuckled, waving his hand, and a bottle of liquor floated from the cargo containers above their heads.

"Always travel with a bit of indulgence," he said, pulling the cork free. "Normally, I'd take this a little more high-class, but I'm sure that you don't mind sharing a bottle."

"Not at all, my Lord."

"Then here's to victories, now and forever."

He tossed his head back with a deep swig of the wine, and then passed it over to the orc. He planned on a great night of indulgence after this. After all, Ornar wasn't the only one feeling the effects of the war.

In Heaven, things had settled down. Not to the point of God feeling comfortable with all the problems that had occurred while he was away, but enough for the world to feel as if it was functioning again. He tapped his foot as he sat on a makeshift throne, the old one still undergoing repairs from the breakout that had happened.

This was never supposed to happen...

The realm of Heaven was inviolate, supported by powerful angels that were supposed to be entirely on his side. Free will was a concept for the mortals, not for those that lived to serve him and no more. The fact that Lucifer and Jesus had killed that particular trait for mortality had been bad enough. The fact that it had spread among his angels, that there were those that not only had but cherished that horrendous little character flaw...

God shook his head, the tiger twisting his way out of the chair. He flew on wings of Diligence into the skies, looking down on his realm. The damage from the fight had spread throughout the realm, touching on the pathways, ripping through cloud-ways, cutting through the elegant features that his angels, his son, his daughter, and all the others had wrought over the course of eternity. They had done everything to ensure that this place was as beautiful as it could be for him, and now...

Now, it was scarred, pockmarked. He would never see it as perfection again, even when it was repaired. It had been ripped apart...

And it was all due to damnable free will.

He shook his head, floating down to one of the high places, a cloud that he had set up for private viewing of the world in the past. From there, he could be uninterrupted as he looked down at the mortals, and even more, at the realms of Hell.

It was a loophole of sorts in the grand scheme of things. He was not supposed to interfere with the realms of Hell, particularly since he had sentenced Lucifer to be the one that looked after that, tended to it, filled it with the punishments that had to be delivered down on mortals that didn't maintain their faith in him - which was most of them, admittedly - but he had never explicitly said that he couldn't take a look. He could not act, not directly, but he could always spy on the realm.

God opened the viewing portal that he kept on the cloud, and he saw devastation. That, in and of itself, was nothing new, but the sheer breadth of it was, and he was honestly shocked at the way that it had spread through the entirety of a realm of Hell, burning through all but the core. If such a thing had happened in Heaven, not a single angel would have been able to dwell there without dying of depression.

As it stood, he was rather impressed...until he realized who was responsible.

He is getting stronger...

God clenched a fist in irritation. The idea of that cat getting any more powerful was unacceptable. The fact that he had managed to squirm free of the Armageddon plot had been bad enough, but the fact that he had also limited his daughter to the Heavenly realms for the foreseeable future was worse still. It meant that he had a dearth of agents on the world below, and that in turn meant that he had little that he could actually do to affect things.

And if he gets more powerful...

God didn't want a rival in the world below. He didn't want a rival in Hell, either. That would mean that there would be an actual balance of all things, and that would threaten his supremacy. If that happened, then who would make sure that the universe was run properly? Who would see to it that it happened according to the grand plan?



They could never do something of that complexity. No, this was down to him, and he would have the world the way that he had envisioned it. Bit by bit, they were already sliding towards being properly mindless again. The world had developed slowly, but they were gradually losing those thoughts of free will, gradually becoming sheep to the orders of the world. So long as that continued, they would bow to whatever order took authority, and as long as he had the right people in the right place, that would mean a world that was, once more, devoted to him rather than to itself.

But for that to happen, he needed to maintain what superiority he had, and that meant touching on a few favors, loathe as he was to use them.

He sighed, shifting his view to a different realm of Hell. There, in the shadows of Sloth, where even light was too tired, too lazy to move and illuminate the realm, he whispered to the dark, and in the shadows, his words found purchase.

"Awake, and remember..."

God waited for the first shift in movement in the shadows, and he smiled as he saw something turn. Something twitched, something rolled, something tilted its head. Three different beings, all turning to stare at him. Eyes of burnt, faded gold looked at the portal. They could not see him, but they would be able to hear him.

"It is almost time," he whispered.

His words called to them again, and they sat up, shifted, changed position. The hint of old wings could be seen, flexed with great effort, their shadows ending all movement beneath them. Sloth had always been the realm that called one to sleep, called one to stillness. It was a realm that he had some tiny little bits of respect for, as it was the only realm that allowed for the chaos to stop.

He whispered again, calling to them, whispering down to their very bones.

"Remember what you were...and remember who I am..."They groaned, but their heads nodded. They remembered, alright. They would always remember, if he had anything to say about it.

"The time is drawing near for you to follow me again," God whispered to the fallen angels. "I will call on you when the time is right...when the time is come to take control of Hell again."

They slowly nodded, obviously wishing to fall back to their slumber. He did not let them. Not yet.

"Remember who are you. I made you. I command you. And I will ensure that you have positions of power...if you follow me. And if you do not..."

He let that threat lay unsaid. There was much that he could do, even from his place in the realms of Heaven. For all that he could not act directly in Hell, save through agents, he would not allow this Dusk to work freely down there. It was not yet time to challenge the new Satan directly, but when an opening emerged...

The tiger would strike. And then, his superiority would return, unchallenged.

It will happen as I have conceived. The mortals will return to the fold. We will have the world run properly once more.

"Remember who you are...and be ready to act."

He closed the portal, and he could all but feel them collapse. They were tired, they were drained, and they were no longer angels.

No, they were something worse, something more dangerous than anyone ever knew. Sloth had remained away from the conflicts of Hell for almost all of its existence, to the point where God knew that the rest of the demons counted Sloth out for anything that might happen. It might as well have been the realm of the true-dead, as far as they were concerned. No-one knew that it belonged to him in all but name.

And they never will...until it's too late.

God did not smile, but he did feel his lips twitching in an approximation of one. He had been given a setback, but that was all. When this was done with, when Dusk was handled, then he could take care of Jesus, and Michaela, and...

Well, the world would fall in line after that, wouldn't it?

God grew his wings of diligence once more, and he took to the heavens, flying back to his palace. It was better that the remaining angels didn't have any clue of what he was really doing when he was away from the throne, and that meant ensuring that none of them came looking for him.

Elsewhere, another viewing portal had been opened. Not on God, but on Gluttony, and the shadowed figure behind it shook his head in annoyance.

"Power should not grow this quickly..."

The battle had been less of a war and more of a rout. Fire and brimstone of an entirely different sort had rained down and blasted Gluttony so hard that it had almost disappeared from the plane of Hell entirely, some parts obliterated past recovery on the edges and the borders. There would be places where Gluttony could no longer connect to the other sinful realms, where the demons would be forced to take different paths to access the various other sins.

House Diel had not even put up more than a token fight. He had expected Brutus to at least show some backbone, for the boar to make the mortal Satan work for his victory, but either Diel had something else in mind, or the mortal was more powerful than he looked.

He honestly hoped for the former. Much as he disliked the plots of the Diel family, he hated the idea of a mortal gaining this much power far more.

"Whatever power he has..."

Much as he wanted to say that it didn't matter in the long run, he couldn't lie to himself about that. The potential that the mortal had to upset the delicate power balance in Hell was nearly unlimited, made worse by the fact that he had the aid of a full realm on its own, as well as tentative aid from a number of others that might have felt debt towards him.

Debt was a powerful thing in Hell. Most all demons had to acknowledge that they had debts to someone, and regardless of their potential for treachery, a debt had to be paid in some form or another. They had to get rid of it, had to take care of it, or they were constantly lessened by it. The debt that the mortal held over so many different realms by taking care of Lucifer was an accidental debt, at most, but it was one that he could, and was, using against the rest of Hell without even thinking about it.

His own plans were disrupted, but not irreparably. He had his own minions, his own servants. If the last plan with Lucifer hadn't gone so off the rails, he might have been even higher than Brutus was. He might have had the power to -

Well, that was no longer his concern. It hadn't happened, and he needed to move on from that. His main concern had to be the mortal and the problems that he was causing throughout Hell. A mortal...

He gritted his teeth. The very idea of a mortal bringing down a demon was almost anathema to the natural order of things. Demons were made to feast on mortals, and that meant that they were not to be trifled with. They were the top of the food chain as far as the mortals were concerned, and that very order of things had been challenged by Dusk. The openings that he had created for those smart enough to take them were not worth the rips and rents that he left in the fabric of that order.

Dusk would have to be dealt with...but in due time. The wasteland of Gluttony was testament of what would happen if one struck without being assured of victory, and while his own power was vast, he wasn't going to make Brutus's mistake. He would ensure that he would get what he wanted in one swift stroke. He would not allow his own hunger to take control of him.

He had his pride, but it would survive a little longer under this embarrassment. He could take that, and so could the others.

Closing the portal, he turned away. The one good thing about all this was the end of one of the other contenders for the Dark Throne. For all the other things that the mortal caused that he disliked, he could take some satisfaction from that.

Dusk groaned as he finally gave in to Ornar's teasing, allowing the orc between his legs and that tusked mouth against his cock. The feeling of that subtle warmth around his shaft was more than enough to keep him stiff and eager, and the little laps just under the head had him oozing pre-cum in short order.

"Edging only," he muttered.


"You better remember that, Ornar. One orgasm, and I'll lock your dick in chastity for the rest of the week."

The orc chuckled, but didn't push the matter. He knew that Ornar was taking him seriously. He really would do that, and he doubted that the dark-skinned orc would do well in chastity. He doubted that any lust demon would.

But he did enjoy the feeling of those lips slowly rolling down his cock, gradually pulling his member further into that eager throat, feeling the way that his shaft rested on that tongue. He rolled his hips forward, savoring the feeling of the orc's tongue gently lifting his shaft, making the head rub against the roof of the mouth before moving towards the throat. Bobbing motions were soft, smooth, fluid, making sure that the rhythm never broke.


He closed his eyes, running his fingers along the orc's head. This was the life. This was the whole reason that he had gotten into this mess in the first place. Not for the power to change things, but for the power to do what he wanted. He had sluts, even slaves that would do anything for him that he liked, and he had demons that were more than willing to debase themselves in any way for the slightest touch. They wanted him, needed him, craved him. He was their idol, their savior.

Dusk had never felt like that before, but now that he knew the sheer bliss that came from that station, he never wanted to lose it.


He pushed down on the orc's head, driving Ornar all the way down to the base of his cock, feeling the head pushing into the orc's throat. The soft spasming that came from the muscles accommodating something that was a little bigger than they were used to added their own pleasure to his cock, and he groaned, not quite but almost curling his toes against the floor of the plane. He hissed softly under his breath, clenching his jaw a bit tighter as he felt just how eager that throat was. Ornar swallowed hard, pulling at his pre-cum, sucking it right down into his guts.


He kept forgetting how good lust demons were at their job, and he needed to remember that Ornar was as thirsty a bitch as he was a capable leader. The black orc was one of the best whores in the many houses of lust, and that meant that he knew what he was doing, whether he was doing the fucking, or getting fucked.

Dusk held him there for nearly a minute, letting himself savor the deepthroating skills of his ally, before finally pushing him back. Ornar groaned, puffing softly as the cat pushed him free of his cock. The soft puffs of hot air against his tip was all the better, and Dusk chuckled .

"You really are just that hungry for it, aren't you?"

"You would be too, my Lord, if this was in front of you."

"I doubt it. I know my preferences."

"All beneath you, I suppose?"

"Of course."

"Except for the one time when you allowed someone else?"

"That...was business," he said, shaking his head. "And to be fair, twice, but that was only business, each time."

The time that he had allowed Lucifer to fuck him, and the time that he had allowed Brutus to do the same. Each time had been to make sure that their guard was down, allowing him to do what he wished rather than dealing with complications that came from a power struggle that he couldn't have won at the time. Each time, he had come out of it better than he had gone in. That did not mean that he had any intention of letting someone else go at his ass with anything more than a tongue for the foreseeable future.

Shaking his head, he looked over his shoulder.

"Arnis, how far out are we?"

"Couple of minutes. No more than that."

"Thought that we were getting close. Tell me when we're sixty seconds out."

"You got it, boss. Gonna get sucked more, or -"

"No, just need to get into position for a good entrance."

He could just ride the plane down to the landing strip, but where was the fun in that? It would be far more satisfying to make his entrance with a bang...or in this case, a boom. He smiled, stroking a hand along his cock. He wondered just which demon would be waiting for him this time. There were a lot, and he had every intention to see them all satisfied, but the variety...oh, the variety was so much part of the fun...

The End

Summary: Dusk finishes his time in Gluttony, unaware that there are a few people watching him at the same time.

Tags: M/M, orc, black cat, cat, demon, bear, tiger, god, mythology, series, fantasy, oral, blowjob, erection, nudity, plans, plotting, pre-cum,