Collot's Fantasy

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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When Collot stumbles upon a strange smelling jock, his mind runs rather wild.


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Collot hummed to himself as he looked around the room. It was time for him to finally do some laundry but there was a problem that was presented to him. The sheepdog had gathered some clothes that were tossed on the ground without much care. He wasn't exactly sure which pairs were his. Both he and Legoshi were about the same size, making it a bit confusing as to who was the true owner of their shirts, pants, and even their underwear. He was the only one present in the dorm at the moment, everyone was away or in class. Waiting for them wasn't an optimal idea either, there was no way of guaranteeing that Legoshi would just come right back as soon as class was over. The wolf had been acting rather strange lately anyway...

With no much time or other options, Collot was left to use his tried and true method of telling who's clothes he was actually carrying. He sat down on his bed and dug his paw into the bin of clothes before him. The first thing he was met with was a light blue shirt. It was plain, no designs or anything of the sort. Sure, it should have been that the sheepdog would know which clothes were his but the canine was never one to pay attention to such things. He often forgot even bringing or buying new clothes. Slowly he lifted the garment up to his nose, flaring his nostrils against the fabric.

The sheepdog winced as the sharp tang of sweat met him. But it wasn't his. With a sigh, Collot tossed the shirt back onto the floor and moved onto the next item: a red pair of shorts. He was sure that they were his, but only for a moment. The more he thought about it, the more unsure the canine became. With no other choice in his own mind, he lifted the shorts up and took a deep whiff of the crotch area, aware that it held the most remnants of male scent. A few sniffs instantly told him that it was indeed his. With a bit of relief that he was making progress, Collot placed the shorts on his bed next to him.

The next item that awaited him was actually another shirt, but it was plain white. There were what was clearly dried stains underneath the arms. Without even getting close to the shirt, Collot could instantly tell that it belonged to Legoshi. He shuddered from the tingle that ran down his spine. Shaking it off, the sheepdog threw the shirt back on the ground. The next article of clothing that the canine was presented with made his eyes widen underneath the thick fur covering them. It was a jockstrap. Collot didn't even remember picking it up, let alone if it was even his. Sure, he owned a few but the garment in his paws wasn't very familiar. He wasn't sure if Legoshi owned a few or if he simply had more garments than originally thought.

With another shrug, the sheepdog brought the jockstrap close to his nose, dangling the used cloth just an inch from his own nose. He was shocked, but not by the clear hint of Legoshi, but there was another scent mixed in with it. Collot too and even bigger whiff and gasped the scent registered as Jack's. But that wasn't just it. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him... Daring to flare his nostrils again, Collot picked up hints of a...deer. And even a tiger! As soon as he picked them up, the mixed musk was clear and each scent of a different animal was identifiable. The strongest was of course Legoshi's, followed by Jack, who he assumed to be Louis, and who had to be Bill...

So many guys... Has Legoshi... Been with all of them? Collot's mind was soon flooded with all kinds of thoughts. Thoughts that had his breathing a bit labored and brought a heat to his muzzle. On the surface it seemed impossible, Legoshi was such a loner type of guy. But the scents of his jock were clearly there, no denying. And the scents were so deep in the fabric, much too deep to be some brushing against or gentle handling. The musk told Collot that the jock he was holding was used multiple times with multiple males.

Before Collot even knew it, the jock was pressed against his nose. He gasped and tore the undergarment away. Pulling the cloth cup away, the sheepdog could now see that there were layers of dried, crusting streaks of what was clearly cum. Another deep shudder ran down the dog's spine. His breathing hitched and the heat in his muzzle grew more intense. Once again, floods of quick images flashed before his mind. They were quick but he could see them very clearly. Legoshi on top, Jack on the bottom, clenching the sheets underneath. His mind soon cycled to the image of Legoshi pinned to a wall, in a deep kiss with Louis. No sooner did his mind show him the most exciting image; Bill lying against the floor of the showers, Legoshi straddling the tiger and moaning his name.

The thoughts were enough to make Collot's sheath swell. His cock peaked and extended from the furry pouch, the tip soon pressing against the fabric of his pants. The red tip brushing against the smooth cloth made him grunt and shudder again. Doing so made his nostrils flare, picking up another deep wave of mixed scents. His nose was once again pressed into the jock, held there, allowing him to take in as much as he wanted. The more whiffs he took, the more excited he got. Soon his knot popped from the furry sheath, making Collot wince as his cock was pressed against the strained fabric of his pants.

Unable to take it anymore, Collot gave into his excitement. He dug his free paw in his pants and fished the hard length out. Throbbing against his lower stomach, the cock was already starting to leak against his white fur. Collot traced his claw against the underside of his length, arching his back and hissing from the light pleasure that brought him. Licking his fangs, Collot teased his tip with his index finger and his thumb, rubbing both back and forth against the pointed flesh. More pre dripped from the end, coating the digits. Now that it was even easier, the sheepdog slid the digits up and down the shaft. Kept his motions slow and teasing while his mind was running wild with thoughts of Legoshi and the various other males fooling around.

At first his mind conjured up images of the wolf lying with the labrador, then the deer, and then the tiger. But at some point it all became a blend of all of them. It was something greater, and Collot's mind took the idea and ran with it, conjuring up an entire sexual narrative:

Legoshi was out by the gardens, secluded from the eyes of the public student body walking back and forth. But he wasn't alone. The wolf was wearing the jockstrap, bent over on the soft grass, his tail raised. Behind him was Jack, Louis, and Bill, standing behind him. Hidden behind the tall trees and the thick bushes, the males were wearing nothing at all, brandishing their cocks. They were already to get a piece of the wolf's ass. Using his status, Louis took the initiative to go first. He got on his knees, straddling the wolf's fluffy ass.

Gripping his hard length, the deer aimed and pushed himself within the pinkess. The awaiting rim stretched around the pressing girth. The wolf moaned out but pressed his muzzle against the grass, determined to not be heard by anyone passing by. Louis groaned against the soft, warm flesh that welcomed his cock, taking it in with ease. Reaching the end of the hot tunnel, the deer shuddered and dragged his cock back, reveling in the softness that hugged his girth. Gripping the wolf's waist tighter, Louis raised himself up a bit and thrust himself in deep. Soon enough the muffled sounds of Legoshi's moans and the thumps of Louis' pelvis crashing against the wolf's ass. They were frequent and only grew stronger with each passing second, a clear sin that the deer was not wasting any time.

Behind him, Bill and Jack were stroking their cocks, letting out slow breaths as they watched the wolf and deer going at it. The tiger looked rather impressed while the labrador actually looked a bit jealous. Clearly, he wanted a turn with his best friend but that meant waiting until the first guy was done. Louis bit back a moan as he raised his head. His hips slammed harder against the wolf's backside, jamming his cock in deep. Underneath, Legoshi's fists were balled and the claws of his footpaws dug into the blades of grass. The deer clenched his teeth and pressed himself as far as he could. He trembled and drew shaky breaths as he came inside of the lupine. Feeling a bit of relief, Legoshi was able to clench himself down on the pulsing cock, forcing more winces out of Louis. A sloppy pop was heard as the length was pulled out of the other male's ass. Sticky cum bubbled from the pink hole and dripped down on the grass below. Sigh a sigh, Louis took a step back, allowing the next male to take up room inside of the wolf.

Wasting no time, Jack all but dived onto his friend. Legoshi grunted as he suddenly felt a weight on his back. The labrador mounted his friend, resting his chest and stomach against the lupine's back. The knotted cock, ground between the furry pair of cheeks, gathering seed against the underside. His eyes fluttering from the hotdogging alone, Jack bit his lip and suppressed a moan. Behind him, Bill chuckled, still playing with his cock. Jack ignored whatever the big cat was saying and instead slipped himself inside of the sloppy hole. As soon as the canine was inside, he was soon thrusting himself deep inside and reeling back from the pleasure that racked his body.

Heavy pants came from the dog as he humped hard inside of the lubed up, hot hole. Against the hard thrusts, Legoshi chuckled at his friend's eagerness and clenched his ass against the girth. It shoved in deep, bashing against the end of his ass, taking his breath away and making tears form in his eyes. He grit his fangs and pressed back against the other male, whimpering from the deep pressed and hard prods. Within his jock, strings of precum had leaked through the fabric, dripping down on the grass below. Jack muffled his moans by filling his jaws with the wolf's scruff, biting down hard, the labrador screwed his eyes closed as he bashed himself in and out as hard and fast as he could. Legoshi had to clench his jaws tight to keep his own moans down. But it wasn't easy as he could feel a thick, hard knot being shoved against his ass. Jack gave a barely-heard howl against the soft fur in his jaws as his length pulsed and spurt strings of canine cum inside of the pink walls. The labrador's nostrils flared as he took heavy breaths through them, riding out his intense orgasm. Finally, Jack gave a couple of tugs to his cock, until it finally popped out of the tight tunnel. With a deep sigh, Jack let go of his friend and took his own set of steps back.

Being the only male left, Bill strolled right up to the kneeling wolf. Getting down on his knees, the tiger gripped his barbed length and didn't waste time with teasing or hotdogging. The burly feline grinned and delivered a firm slap to the wolf's ass. While Legoshi forced himself to keep his voice down, Bill posed the risk of shoving himself in deep while the wolf whimpered. Legoshi's eyes bulged and a pitched moan was about to be heard but Bill was quick to reach down and grip the wolf's muzzle. The tiger held the lupine's muzzle shut, chuckling at the subdued moans that could just barely be heard.

Letting out a growl of his own, Bill drove himself own, reveling in the fact that the wolf was still nice and tight after taking two cocks and even a knot. The cum that came from the dog and the deer was more than enough lube, allowing him to go as hard and fast as he wanted. Despite the moans and the digging of his claws into the grass below, Legoshi had just enough resolve to clench his ass and push himself back against the rutting tiger. The barbed length squished in deeper than Louis did and harder than Jack did. Making the sloppy hole his own, Bill ran his claws through the wolf's fur of his tail. Reaching the base, the tiger gripped the tail and gave it a hard tug. Once again, Legoshi gave a yelp that was left unheard outside of his clenched jaw. He didn't need to push back against Bill, the tiger was humping him so hard that his own body was being pushed forwards. The deep thumps of fur crashing against fur grew louder, threatening to be heard by those just passing by but Bill, being the kind of guy that he was, only saw it as an added thrill and even a chance to brag. But to the wolf's relief, Bill soon doubled over and clenched his own jaw as his orgasm blindsided him. Another yell was muffled as the wolf could feel the sharp barbs pressing and jabbing against his inner walls. Vying for his own pleasure, Bill ripped his cock from the wolf's insides. A deep whine came from the wolf as the thorny spines scraped against his guts and his puffy rim. That was enough to make the wolf shiver and gasp through his nose. He humped against the soaked garment between his legs, spilling his seed inside of the jock. His own cock was coated in the fluids that it made, spreading sloppy warmth to the lupine's body...

Collot huffed and snarled as he came from his fantasy, shooting ropes of cum on his own chest. His nose was wet with his stings of cum that were sticky once again thanks to the canine's wet nose. He removed his paw from his lower half and the jockstrap from his nose, drawing heavy breaths. But his reveling was cut short as he heard the sound of the doorknob being twisted. Thinking quickly, Collot tossed the jockstrap a good distance away from him and pulled his pants over his semi hard.

Legoshi had a rather tired look on his face as he walked into the dorm with Jack right behind him looking rather tired.

"Oh... You're back?" Collot said rather awkwardly. But the delivery of his words were lost on the wolf and labrador. Legoshi yawned and soon retired to his bed while Jack looked around the room. He soon found the jockstrap that Collot had just used.

Jack eyed the garment for a moment, looking it over. Collot began to sweat, thinking he was about to be called out. But the other canine simply tossed the item back on the floor, mumbling something to himself before he retired to his own bed, pulling out a book from underneath his pillow. Wasting no time, Collot got up and took his laundry, determined to leave before he said anything.

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