The Lives of Juno the Fox

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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I became a little sentimental when I saw NickNak044 post artwork of Kalahari's red fox character Juno. So I compiled the five Juno stories that I have written for Kalahari since 2017. I meant to do this earlier this year, but forgot about it. All of the kind words of encouragement he has given me with regards to these little stories means a lot to me. He's an incredible artist and wonderfully kind person. If you haven't already, go check out his artwork gallery, please!

The short stories are too short to post on their own in my opinion, and I doubted that many of my watchers would read them, but I hope a few find enjoyment out of these! I marked it as adult because the last story isn't exactly clean (really wish SF had a Mature tag), but there's little more than a little adult references.

Here's a breakdown: I linked artwork where I could...

  1. Juno and Petra, January 2021 - Beach Ball

  2. Juno and Johanna, August 2020 - Visiting Beach town

  3. Juno, April 2020 - Shelter

  4. Juno and Umxakaza, March 2020 - First Meeting

  5. Juno and Petra, January 2017 - Jungle Hike

-Juno and Petra - Jan 2021 - Beach Ball [Female, vixen, civet, beach, topless, shy, beach]

Up in her small apartment, Juno the red vixen stared out the window longingly. The fox's tail swished as if in agitation for being cooped up inside. She was freely nude in the domain of her own dwelling, which was typical. Her nipples were tanned pink from spending plenty of time in the sunshine. The stone of her favorite malachite necklace rested idly on a tuft of chest fur. The fox's fur and white hair was well groomed and beautiful, but she preferred feeling the wind ruffle through every hair. Having spare time was a blessing during a busy schedule, but boredom wasn't her specialty unless she was outside.

"Huff!" She frowned and blew a sigh causing the glass to fog over in one spot. Her eyes lazily wondered as she backed away from the window. "What to do..." She looked at a pair of roller blades, then a picture of her and Petra, and then her bookcase. One item caught her gaze for more than a second. It was a clothing optional sign shoved in the back from way back when.

"I've got it!" Her face lit up with an idea in mind. Hopping over to her nightstand, Juno grabbed her phone and called her good friend Petra.

"Heyyo. What's up?" The civet answered.

"Hey! How are you doing?"

"Pretty good. How 'bout yourself?"

"Great! Quick question though." Juno spoke. "Are you doing anything right now?"

"Um. No." The reply came back slowly. "Just reading a book."

"Did you wanna go to a beach outside the city? The weather is perfect, and the sunshine is calling out to me."

"Well... You know I'm not a fan of crowded places." The civet unhappily spoke. "Is there going to be a lot of people?"

"No, there's hardly anyone there this time of day." Juno insisted.

"Hmm..." The fox could hear her friend think for a moment. "Alright. I'm game!" Petra cheerfully accepted the offer.

"Great! I'll pick you up in a few minutes!"

"I'll meet you outside then."

"Yes!" She ended the call and tossed the phone onto her bed. In a whirlwind of speed and enthusiasm, Juno gathered up all the belongings that she would need. The red fox grabbed a plain white shirt and her new swim shorts before hurrying down to her car, keys in hand. In just a few spare minutes; Juno pulled up and parked her car by the sidewalk in front of Petra's apartment complex. Other people were walking about, but there was no sign of her civet friend yet. After several minutes of waiting, her eyes lit up when she saw a familiar civet walking outside. She was wearing an oversized shirt and jean shorts while carrying a bag in hand.

"I was about to run up and beat down your door." Juno teased when the passenger door opened.

"I don't need you to see my messy apartment." She half grinned and threw her bag in the back seat.

"And see a cushion out of place?" Juno winked.

"You're too funny..." The civet hopped into the passenger seat. As soon as the door shut, Juno drove off to the nearest highway.

"Gotta have some humor."

"That's for sure. So what have you been up to lately?"

"Let's see..." The fox thought aloud. "I went up to the old Bare Fur Park about two weekends ago."

"Oh, that's nice." Petra grinned. "It's super chill there."

"Mmhm!" Juno nodded in agreement. "I love hanging out up at the small cabin and lazily walking through the woods there. The lake is gorgeous too."

"Time just stands still up there." Petra hummed.

"Yep. As soon as I got there, I dropped most of my clothes, grabbed a drink, and sat on a chair outside." Juno relished the feeling. "Although you never know who you're going to bump into there."

"Who did you see?" She asked.

"That hyena guy who I see at the downtown weekend naturist market. He waved, and I waved back, but I didn't catch his name."

"Oh yeah. I've seen him before too." The civet nodded.

"And speaking of the naturist market, there's a teahouse nearby you should go to. It's really cool, and I think you'll enjoy it. I went with an otter a few days ago, and it was a lot of fun. Everything is traditionally laid out; cushions on the floor with low tables; the atmosphere is calm and quiet, and you get to enjoy some of the best freshly made tea."

"I am interested." Petra grinned. "Please send me the address."

"Well, I had a good time. They have a spot to change up front too since it is clothing optional... Driving back was a little funny since we didn't bother getting dressed when we had left. Neither one of us really thought about it until we stopped at a red light. Someone nearly wrecked their bike when they rode by and looked at us!"

"I would've died from embarrassment!" Petra remarked feeling her cheeks quickly redden. "Is this the same otter you went to the beach with and had that... uh, picture with?"

"What?" She glanced at the civet in confusion for a second. "Oh, you're talking about the otter guy where I was holding his-"

"Ahem. Um yeah." Petra felt her cheeks warm at the thought.

"I have my secrets to keep." The vixen held up her crossed fingers as she smiled.

"What's this?" Petra found something on the passenger side floor board. "A day planner?" She held up the booklet.

"Oh yeah, I have two of them because I keep misplacing them."

"You know, I'm surprised that you don't have three knowing how busy you can be." Petra chuckled.

"I should nail one to my door." Juno contained a laugh. The civet flipped through to the current week.

"Hey." She noticed something. "What's the 'YCH Nature Walk'?" Petra read the writing aloud.

"Oh. I'm going to the trails by the base of the mountains just north of the city."

"What are you bringing?"

"Just my hiking shoes." Juno smiled.

"I should've known." The civet giggled.

"It's the biggest controversial decision I can make." She found it funny too.

"Are you going with anyone?"

"Yep! But it's a surprise." Juno winked and turned up the volume to the radio.

"Huh... I guess I will be hearing about everything soon enough." Petra paused and listened to the music.

"The snow's coming down! Christmas! I'm watching it fall!" A smooth woman's voice sang the old tune.

"Oh my gosh. Is that Christmas music, Juno?" Petra laughed. "It's summertime!"

"Whoops." The vixen quickly turned the dial to a better signal. "Not sure what I was listening to last." In moments a synthetic song with distinct chords began playing.

"I like this one. It feels nostalgic." Petra noted.

"Yeah." Juno hummed and nodded in agreement. "I think it's called uh Resonance by Home." Their conversation turned to a lull. Petra gazed out the window wearing a grin while the synthetic music played.


The fifteen or so minutes passed quickly since Petra had hopped into the car.

"And here we are." Juno pulled onto a small side road with a small parking lot. "Old Plantation Beach." She announced that they had reached their destination.

"Oh. This is very close to Sapphire Isle and Reunion Beach." Petra realized.

"And there's hardly anyone here this time of day, like I told you." She pointed out plenty of parking spaces. Petra couldn't help but feel a little relief at that. The civet's ears perked up when she saw a large blue sign with white letters, all chipped and faded from the weather.

"A Topless Beach." Petra read it aloud. "How modest of you." She grinned as they pulled to a stop. The tall dunes behind the sign blocked the beach from direct view, giving the area a good amount of privacy from any passing onlookers. To their right was a series of open shower stalls with seating guarded by a tall roadside fence. An attached building had bathrooms and other amenities like more private shower stalls and changing rooms. It was a quaint little local getaway from the dense city that only a few knew about. Petra glanced over only to blink in surprise as Juno freely slipped her shirt over her head. She had seen her friend nude countless times, but never so openly in public.

"We're in the parking lot Juno!" The civet blurted out.

"I can hardly wait!" The fox smiled innocently.

"I'm sure they have changing tents on the beach."

"There's no one here." She pointed out the quiet parking lot. Petra half frowned and glanced around cautiously.

"Let me know if someone's coming." The civet threw her bag back into the car and gripped the bottom of her shirt.

"I'll let you know." Juno winked.

"Thanks." Petra pulled her white T-shirt over her head and folded the garment before setting it aside.

"You didn't need to wear a bra." Juno grinned.

"Unlike you, I kind of need to wear one." Petra unfastened the strap on her back. Her freed breasts rolled forward to naturally hang in the open. Covered in solid grey fur, they naturally sagged from their weight. Wide black areolae matched the rest of her dark fur. Socks and shoes were quickly kicked off. The civet shimmied out of her jean shorts next causing her breasts to subtly jiggle and shake. Her wide hips and thick legs gave her a relaxed appearance matching her personality perfectly. However, she had plenty of endurance and strength in her young body. It was necessary to keep pace with Juno, the ever energetic vixen. There was one final garment that the civet kept on much to her friend's surprise.

"Oh cool!" The fox skipped over to her. "I like your... it's a thong, right?" Juno guessed.

"Yes, it's a thong." Petra admitted with a little embarrassment.

"It looks great on you, especially the color green. You'll catch all the guys' eyes." The vixen smiled at how the last two words rhymed.

"Sheesh, I hope not." She rubbed her neck. "But you think it looks good?"

"Yeah!" Juno cheerfully chirped. "It shows off your figure, and pretty fur without showing everything off."

"I'm glad you think so." There was a hint of a bashful grin on her face.

"I know so!" Juno exclaimed and took ahold of her friend's hand before leading her to the walkway. Their feet were noisily walking over the wooden planks soon enough.

"I like your shorts, but were you even wearing shoes?" The civet glanced down at their haphazard march. "I don't remember seeing you wearing any."

"Thanks. Eh. I guess not." The fox shrugged. "Oh, that reminds me of another story I need to tell you."

"What story?"

"Where I spent two weekends in a van with Impala the hyena to see a concert."

"Geez, is there anything you haven't done this summer?" Petra said as they reached the sand dune bordering the walkway. Sea oats and beach grasses grew all around them.

"I haven't been to this beach!" Juno ran ahead of Petra and onto the hot sand. The fox quickly passed by an old female Doberman who was leaving the beach.

"Hey." Petra politely waved. The canine smiled as the civet hurried to catch up with her friend dashing towards the waves. Much to the civet's relief there was hardly anyone at the beach. There was a female pine marten walking alongside a feline further up the beach. However, there was virtually no one else within a quarter of a mile. Nearby, an older husky lady was laid out sunbathing by herself. A book and a bottle of water rested within arm's reach on her towel. Her heavy breasts barely stayed atop her front as she shifted a paw into the warm sand. However, Petra noticed that the older canine was wearing a bright red thong very similar to her own.

'At least I'm not the only person wearing one.' Petra didn't feel too awkward about it now.

"Hurry up Petra!" A vice called from the water's edge. The civet could see her friend jumping in the wet sand as the foaming waves nearly reached her paws.

"I'm coming!" The civet started to run down the sandy beach and splashed into the shallow waves. The smell of the salty water in the air and warm breeze ruffling her fur collided with the cooler water and roar of the ocean.

"Woah." She bobbed with the surf as the low wave went past her.

"Big wave coming!" Juno pointed just in time for Petra to see. The civet smiled and yelled as the next wave crashed into her.

After splashing and swimming their way down the beach, Juno and Petra turned around and made the gradual journey back up. Juno happily skipped around the shallow waves before they receded back from the sand.

"Don't step on the jellyfish." She pointed at a blob in the sand.

"Whoops." Petra jumped over the unmoving animal. "That would've stung." She wiped her forehead. "I prefer finding seashells in the sand instead of those."

"Let me know if you see any cool sand dollars for good luck."

"I'll let you know." They combed the beach together for several steps as the waves barely reached their feet.

"Don't you love the sunshine and ocean?" Juno asked as she gazed towards the sparkling water.

"Mmhm. I love it." Petra contently scuffed her heels in the wet sand. It was a nice peaceful place to enjoy the ocean with a friend. Her gaze scanned the beautiful surroundings. The beach grasses and sea oats bobbed and swayed in the wind to their left, the waves roared softly to shore to their right, and the wet sand holding faint marks where they had stepped. It was a perfect change of scenery compared to an apartment. Moreover, there was hardly anyone else around. A middle aged female goat was walking far ahead of them, and a young male gazelle was going the other way, jogging closer to the dunes.

By the time they reached their starting point by the ocean, their fur had mostly air dried from the sun and breeze.

"Huh?" The civet watched as a beach ball rolled to her. Acting fast, she ran over and stopped it from reaching the ocean. "Gotcha." She held up the large ball. "But where did you come from?" Petra stopped in surprise as a raccoon guy trotted up to her.

"Hey!" He paused and looked at the civet for a moment. "Um... Thanks for catching our beach ball."

"Sure! You're welcome." She tossed it over. Glancing over his shoulder, Petra could see a female raccoon who had a somewhat fuller figure, but small breasts with wide rings of dark areolae matching her light grey fur. She wore a regular dark blue and white striped bikini bottom with long tassels. Considering the similarities between the two, they were likely siblings or closely related. A pitched umbrella and net were pitched nearby. They had likely just arrived to have some fun as well.

"I like your fur pattern... It's nice." He modestly spoke.

"Oh. Uh. Thank you."Petra looked back at the guy standing before her as Juno ran back to her from the waves. The civet suddenly felt very naked in front of the stranger, although it was fairly warranted considering what little she wore.

"Hey, um." The raccoon nervously paused. "Would you two like to play volleyball with us?"

"Oh. Um, well..." Petra stalled, wondering how to say no without being rude.

"Cool! We'd love to play!" Juno eagerly accepted the offer.

"Awesome! Thanks." The raccoon flashed a grin.

"Huh?" Petra blinked as she felt a hand take ahold of her wrist.

"C'mon Petra, it'll fun." The fox promised and dragged the civet towards the net. "Hi! I'm Juno and this is Petra." The fox happily introduced themselves. "She's a little shy though." She lightly elbowed the civet's side. Petra shot. Glare at her friend only to smile at the raccoons.

"Hey." She modestly waved.

"Cool. I'm Natasha." The female raccoon pointed to herself.

"I'm Aidan." The male grinned at Petra.

"Wanna play some volleyball?" She held up a colorful ball.

"Sounds like fun. Let's play!" Juno took a position in one corner, and Petra took the other.

"Awesome!" Aidan faced Petra as Natasha readied a serve. The female raccoon hit the ball with a resounding bop.

"I got it!" Juno ran and hit the ball high into the air. "Now you, Petra!" Petra shielded her eyes from the sun and maneuvered accordingly, and hit it over the net. Aidan quickly returned it causing the civet to scramble once again. She felt her breasts swing and jump as she ran for the ball once again.

'I feel like such a goof.' She felt self conscious, but couldn't deny that she was having a lot of fun.


Juno and Petra teamed up well together and darted around the sand in coordination.

"Hit it!" Natasha yelled as Aidan barely managed to return a serve by Juno.

"Juno, spike it!" Petra gently hit the volleyball in the air, and the white haired vixen quickly followed through. Aidan dove but the ball hit the sand out of reach.

"Nice!" Juno cheered.

"I think that's game." Natasha conceded defeat. Aidan shrugged, but didn't appear bothered by their loss. Petra flashed Juno a smile of accomplishment.

"Champions of the Topless Beach." Juno gave Petra a high-five.

"Good game." Natasha exhaled and everyone shook hands.

"Yeah, you two are pretty good." Aidan stated.

"Thanks! It was a lot of fun." Juno smiled. "Ready to head back?" She asked Petra. "I'm spent."

"Knowing you that won't last for long." Petra grinned. "Sure. I'm getting a little hungry."

"Thanks again for playing a quick round with us."

"Thank you!" The fox and civet started to leave, but the wind unexpectedly blew the beach ball towards them again.

"Hey, you'll lose this again." Petra held up the sneaky beach ball.

"Uh, you can keep it if you like." Aidan suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine." He waved.

"Oh. Okay. Thank you." Petra grinned before leaving with Juno. "I didn't expect to leave the beach with something."

"I think he really likes you." The fox whispered into Petra's ear.

"Stop. You're just saying that."

"Well, he didn't have a banana in his pocket for no reason." Juno murmured.

"What?" Petra looked back at Juno with a bewildered expression.

"I'm kidding." The fox giggled. "Or maybe I'll get you laid with a really cute guy." Juno said in a low voice. Petra felt the fur on her neck stand up.

"Juno! Stop!" She nervously looked around. "Someone could've heard you."

"The ocean waves, or the seagulls?" The vixen giggled. The flustered civet rolled her eyes and kept walking with her friend.

"I don't know... Anyone."

"Aw. Don't you think he looks cute?"

"Yes, but I don't need him to know that." Petra and Juno passed through the sand dunes and onto the wooden walkway.

"Need to hit the shower before we leave?" Juno paused and looked at the showers close to the parking lot.

"I could rinse my feet and shins off from the sand. I can shower at home though." Petra looked herself over.

"Me too. I'll get the towels from the car, and join you." She offered. Petra strolled over while Juno went back to her car. The civet didn't see anyone else at first glance and went to the second shower. It was an open space, but there were modest walls to give some semblance of privacy. One wall had a shelf and the other had a bench to sit on.

"Hmm..." The civet looked at the various knobs to work the shower head above and the lower faucet to rinse her feet off. Petra leaned over held her breasts with an arm instinctively while she tried fumbling with the knobs.

"How do you turn this thing on?" The civet mumbled to herself.

"I love outdoor showers!" A sudden voice made the civet jump. She whipped around and found Juno standing behind her with two towels in hand.

"You scared me." Petra leaned against the wall and sighed.

"Oops. Sorry." Juno set both towels on a shelf. "Need help getting the water running?"

"Yes, please." Petra stood back as Juno turned the correct knob. Water gently sprayed out of the lower faucet. "Ahh. Thank you." Petra sat down on the bench and lifted a foot to the water. However, Juno crouched down and began washing the civet's feet for her.

"Hey, wait. I can wash myself you know." Petra hesitated.

"I know, but I don't mind helping." She insisted.

"It's kinda weird-" Juno and Petra stopped and looked up. The husky who was sunbathing on the beach earlier slowly walked past them. She was still only wearing her red thong revealing a pudgy and very fluffy mature body. The older canine turned for a second, not minding at all that her distended breasts were still visible, and lifted her sunglasses.

"Hello." She kindly smiled in amusement as she walked by and left the showers.

"Embarrassing..." Petra hid her face for a moment.

"Nah, she's just being friendly." Juno smiled all the same and continued cleaning the civet's feet.

"Don't make this look too weird, please." Petra looked around for any other unexpected visitors while Juno tended to her. "There's no walls between these stalls." She looked around. "And we're not exactly in Luo." She reminded her friend.

"Ah, there's no one else here." The fox didn't bother checking around.

"I'll keep a lookout then." She sighed while Juno finished washing her feet and legs.

"Need any help anywhere else?" Juno offered as Petra stood up.

"How about no." Petra couldn't help but giggle at her friend's helpful attitude. She held the fox's shoulder and turned her around.

"If you say so." Juno glanced over her shoulder and stuck the tip of her tongue out teasingly with a smile. Petra half grinned as she retrieved a towel. Juno finished up quickly and followed suit with her friend. Finally free of excess sand, they walked back to the car.

"Did you have fun?" Juno asked.

"Of course!" Petra didn't hesitate to answer. "You're always up to something interesting." She grinned. "And this little beach trip was a ton of fun."

"Glad to hear it." They opened the car doors next. Petra slipped on her shorts before jumping into the passenger seat. Juno put on her shirt before getting in the driver's seat.

"You never even wore a bra before we got here." The civet noticed both peaks of flesh poking obviously against the thin shirt fabric.

"Didn't need to." Juno shrugged. Petra half grinned at her best friend's innocence. She turned the ball in her lap to deflate it only to stop. Her eyes widened at what she saw.

"Oh my."

"What?" Juno started the car and glanced over.

"He left his number on the beach ball!" Petra wore a giddy grin and turned the ball to show her.

"Oh man. That's definitely someone's digits." The fox grinned happily for her friend. "So are you gonna call him tonight?"

"I don't know..." The civet ruffled her head fur. "I already feel nervous."

"Aww. You don't need to feel nervous. I think he likes you a lot."

"We only just saw each other at a topless beach and played beach ball." Petra ruffled her cheek fur trying to decide what to do.

"Don't sound so technical about it. Just go with the flow."

"If you say so..." The civet remained uncertain.

"See, if you go out a little more you'll catch someone's attention."

"I don't need any attention." The civet looked around the passenger seat. "Now where's my shirt?"

"I got it right here." The fox held up the balled up garment only to toss it to the back seat.

"Juno!" Petra yelped and quickly turned around to retrieve her shirt.

"Sorry!" Juno apologetically smiled as she backed the car up to head back to the city.

"Wait! I don't even have my bra on yet!"

"Enjoy the breeze on her bare fur while you can!" Juno cheered and drove onto the road before turning the radio up.

-Juno riding to beach town and talking to Johanna -August 2020 [vixen, female, nude, naked, town, talking]

A figure zipped along a quiet road on her bike. Her bare fur and white hair ruffled in the wind while her white tipped tail trailed behind her. The vixen's bare chest wasn't new to "seeing" the world. Wearing only a backpack, a smile was firmly entrenched along her muzzle as her favorite music played through her earbuds. In fact, that was how she normally traveled!

Her black socked feet adorned with plain beaded anklets pedaled ahead with determination. The trees surrounding the road gradually opened up revealing meadows and a small town. At first glance the meadows appeared empty, but scattered homes and farms populated the wide open space. Just ahead on the horizon was the glistening waters of the ocean. The fresh air was still damp from a thunderstorm last night, but the sky above was a bright blue. It was a promising day.

'Finally made it!' Her tail flicked excitedly at the sight. It was a small beachside town a few hours drive from the city where Juno lived. The town itself was largely not on the beach. The houses that were on the shore were cottages or family houses giving plenty of spacious beachfront to use. Juno turned at the first right and coasted over a short rustic bridge and onto a street. Taking another turn, the vixen found herself in the middle of the little town.

Houses and buildings lined the street like any urban environment, but there were noticeable differences. Outdoor showers without privacy fences or stalls were very common. No one seemed to mind visibility washing off, which was considered more private back in the city. Many of the houses also had small gardens giving the town a more natural simple way of life. But most notably for the area, virtually every resident and its visitors were naturists. The different style of living wasn't for everyone, and that retained the small town's sleepy and relaxed atmosphere.

Juno eased her peddling to look around at the daily activities and sights of the seaside town. Outside one cottage styled home a fox toddler was happily dancing and stomping in the pattering water while his raccoon mother rinsed off above him. A toy shovel and pail beside a few seashells meant they had gone to the beach for the morning. Just two houses down a leopard wife and wolf husband were gardening together. One raked while the other dug in the dirt amongst many strawberry plants.

'Ooh. A grapevine.' Juno saw the vine growing on an arbor and thought about eating grapes. In the yard of another house an older German shepherd woman was laid out sunbathing. She was likely sound asleep with her arms stretched up, and breasts lazily rolled off center.

'I guess I'll be like that when I get older.' Juno kept her giggling thoughts to herself. The streets were fairly empty with little traffic. The cycling vixen only passed by two cars on the road. More people were jogging or walking instead. Her ears could detect birds chirping instead of car horns beeping angrily. Much like a siesta, the town typically relaxed at high noon for lunch either to relax or spend time with friends. Juno was looking forward to doing the same for the long weekend. All of the big city rush was far behind her, and the coziness of a small coastal town was settling in. Juno couldn't have been more eager to arrive.

"It feels like we only go backwards, Darrrlingg." She hummed under her breath as the bike gradually slowed from friction. "Oh! A bike rack." Juno weaved over slowed down. "Perfect." She hopped off and took a moment to stretch and enjoy feeling the ground beneath her soles. Popping out her earbuds, she slipped them into her backpack After a quick ruffle of her white head fur, Juno whipped out her phone.

"Should be... right around the corner." The vixen looked for directions. She curiously walked along the sidewalk and cut the corner around a small shop. The cafe's windows were lined with small grow boxes of flowers. The little cafe had a brick patio for guests to sit outside if desired. A few round tables were already occupied to enjoy the nice summer weather. A family of four was eating at one table; the husky mother was nursing her infant while the father entertained the toddler gnawing on fries. A red panda was reading at another table; and two friends were chatting at another.

"Juno!" A familiar voice called out. Juno spotted a blonde haired vixen with orange fur and chocolate brown "socked" arms and legs. Her entire front was a creamy white. The vixen's belly was a little pudgy and her breasts well defined with tanned pink skin unabashedly in view. A green patterned banded necklace was the only item she wore. The most striking feature was her pristine blue eyes.

"Johanna! It's been forever!" Juno ran up, and they greeted each other with a warm embrace, tails wagging fervently.

"I know! I was so excited to hear that you were finally coming back down here for a visit." They unraveled their hug. "It's great to see you again."

"It's been way too long since we've caught up."

"You've got your trusty backpack." She noticed the uniquely adorned item.

"Yep. I rode my bike here."

"You biked? Are you staying in town?"

"No. I'm staying at a friend's house. It's a family cabin in the woods." She pointed back up the road going inland. "It's about twenty minutes away."

"Oh. I thought you were crazy enough to bike from the city to here. That would've taken all day!"

"I don't think I would be standing either." She laughed.

"Let's sit down then." The blonde vixen led her friend over to one of the small outdoor tables. Juno slipped off her pack and they sat down. "You have to stay at one of the little inns one time. It's just like a little cottage, and they have great hospitality."

"An inn? I don't remember any." Juno tapped her fingers in thought.

"We have a few for visitors." Johanna recalled. "There's the Peony Loft. They have a dozen or so small rooms, and a spa is attached next door to the building. I've gone there before to have my fur groomed.

"Are there any peonies?" Juno half joked with a bubbly grin.

"Of course they have peonies!" Her friend affirmed. "They grow them all around the building. And then La Lanterna is built like a lighthouse. It's only three stories tall I think, but the top floors give a beautiful view of the area. I mean, they're nothing too fancy or grand like the city, but they feel just like home away from home."

"They all sound cozy, and you weren't kidding about the inns." Juno grinned.

"Or you could stay at my house." She offered. "It's in the meadows just on the edge of town. There's hardly anyone there if you wanted some privacy. I have a spare room upstairs if you want to use that."

"Thanks, it's a deal. I'd rather stay with you in the meadows. It will be like a sleepover."

"Sure! Just give me a heads up and I'll have everything set up in a jiffy."

"Hey Johanna." A female coyote approached their table. Her white furred front contrasted with her dusty brownish grey fur. Wider hips with a pudgy body showed more experience in living than simply her age. Her breasts rested a little low with heaviness and lingering youth, but had a subtle feminine bounce as she walked. The canine's areolae were wide and tan with stout peaks, almost certainly from nursing her own children as well as a few others. Her body gave the appearance that she was a mean cook, and a loving mother.

"Hey Martha." Johanna gave a friendly smile.

"Can I get either of you something to eat or drink?"

"Water is fine."

"Tea please!" They ordered. The coyote slipped inside and back out in moments with their drinks.

"If you need anything else ladies, just holler." She smiled.


"Thank you." They each took a sip and turned their attention towards each other again.

"So how've you been?" Johanna asked. "I was so bummed to hear that you visited again when I was out of town with family!" She exclaimed. "What are the odds of that happening?

"Good-" At that moment, the vixen's phone chimed.

"Oops. I spoke too soon." Johanna giggled as her friend checked her phone.

"Just dad asking if I made it." She texted a quick reply before putting her phone away.

"Tell him you're ok and busy. What have you done and where you've been the last year." Johanna's blue eyes were full of excitement.

"Hmm, let me think." Juno leaned back and ruffled her hair as she glanced up at the sky.

"You're always doing something." Johanna mentioned.

"Yeah, I'm never in one spot for too long." Juno felt her tail swish in thought. "I went to the Inkasi jungle and visited a few villages for over a month."

"Ooh. Where is that at?"

"On another continent about a thousand or so miles away near the equator."

"Well, it sounds exotic." The blonde haired vixen giggled.

"It was an experience I never want to forget, although the humidity was tough, even for me." Juno recalled. "The country's main city is becoming modern, and it's located where the two major rivers meet before reaching the ocean. You'll see people from newer modern culture and older natives ones alongside vehicles and supermarkets. There's fishermen holding modern rods while wearing old necklaces and clothes. Some businessmen walk around in suits alongside bare chested mothers. It's a unique blend you don't see anywhere else." Juno recalled. "But I didn't stay in the city very long. Within an hour of heading up the Luo River, I was in complete jungle. There was only a road to walk on and a river. And at night, the jungle sounds like a busy highway! All of the insects are so loud." She rubbed her ears, and felt thankful for the seaside calm.

"I can't remember how many days it took, but I arrived at Luo during one late morning and stayed in one of their houses for a week. They're all built on stilts because of potential flooding from the river. Everyone wears loincloths where the outer part drapes down between your knees; or skirts that wrap around your waist."

"That's more than what we wear."

"Mmhm! And their music is enchanting. They'll play so many drums, clap, and dance at once it sounds like a rumbling thunderstorm. When it gets really hot in the afternoon they will take a break. Everyone was very nice and hospitable to me, so I was a little sad to leave. I met several people like Mazia, Malech, Chona, and Topaz. When I left Luo I went south to another river system and went towards the coast. Along the way I ran into a spotted hyena from another village. She was really friendly and wore a cool retro radio pack on her back."

"I hope you took some pictures."

"I took plenty of pictures." She held up her phone.

"Oh wow. I'd love to see them!" Johanna smiled and happily looked through everything. "That's so cool!" She remarked while flipping through the photos of different people within Luo. Dancing, fishing, hiking, homes, the river, and the spotted hyena...

"Oh my!" Johanna's face suddenly opened up in surprise.

"What?" Juno blinked.

"What's this picture?" She hesitantly showed her. It was a photo of Juno with her head on someone's lap, taking a picture of herself with a certain part of his anatomy resting against her cheek. "That's a little much even for here." Johanna felt herself blush.

"Oh No! It wasn't anything like that!" She bashfully giggled. "I mean, he was laying there and then I was just laying beside him... Well, maybe I was on him a little bit." Juno tried remembering.

"Uh huh. Just... laying there together." The blonde fox hummed and knifed with an understanding tone.

"He's an otter. Really nice guy too." Juno was innocent about it to the point of naivety. "I wasn't lonely when I visited." She shrugged.

"You're crazy." Her friend couldn't believe it.

"It's nothing bad. We're totally friends."

"I won't even ask if there are more pictures if you two." Johanna looked away with some embarrassment."

"I don't think there are!" Juno laughed it off. "But last weekend I took a trip up to the lake at Bare Fur Park. As soon as I arrived, I pulled my shorts off, unbuttoned my shirt, and lounged on the porch like a total redneck." They both laughed.

"Neat. I haven't been there in a year. My aunt used to own a spot up there, but she sold it."

"Aww. It's a nice place. Sorry that you lost a place to go."

"Yeah, but I can still go and swim at the lake. I'll just dry off in the grass and head back here if I don't want to camp by myself."

"So what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much compared to you." She admitted.

"There has to be something." Juno teased her.

"Hmmm. My cousin visited a while ago. He's young and loves playing video games on his gameboy.

"Ah, the classics." Juno hummed.

"Well, he can use his entire day to play that back home. The next morning I briefly cut the power off to the house so he couldn't charge it again. Then I took him around town and the beach until sunset. It was so much fun! He even had fun too."

"A little nudge helps." Juno mused.

"Definitely. I don't think he would easily admit it though." Johanna winked. "Other than that Del visits me from time to time. She moved out from her parent's cottage, and married Ross."

"I don't think I have met them." Juno thought for a moment.

"Hmm. Maybe you have not. Del is a red vixen, and Ross is a hyena. He moved here and settled down in the woods without really know that this is a mostly naturist town."

"How did he miss that?" Juno cocked her head to the side.

"I dunno." Johanna shrugged. "He built a home across the river on the other side of town." She pointed towards the other end of town. "That might've had something to do with it. He doesn't have any neighbors. I haven't visited them at their house in a while. He's still finicky about the whole nudity thing."

"I'm surprised that he lives here then."

"They're wonderful. Del is a lot like you. She's an adventurous vixen just like you, but she hunts in the woods with a bow."

"Oh wow! That's cool."

"Yeah, I can ask if we can come over and visit tomorrow."

"Yes. That sounds like fun."

"Good. I'll ask then."

"What does Ross do?

"He tends to fish rather than hunt, but they're a sweet couple."

"Cool. How's your work with surveying land? And what about working part-time at the conservancy center?"

"Same old, same old." Her friend's tail swished rhythmically. "Although, there's a guy working there that I like, but he's so quiet."

"Have you talked to him?"

"I try, but I never get him in a spot to just talk to him. He's slippery like an eel." She wiggled her nose crossly. "He rarely works outside with me either."

"Are you saying that he's hiding something?"

"In this town there isn't much that you can hide." They giggled.

"Be persistent then. He can't hide forever." Juno told her friend.

"Guess I'll have to." She grinned as a brief silence passed over them.

"This place is so calm and beautiful." Juno relaxed her shoulders, and breathed in the pleasant air. "I can see why so many people love this place."

"You should visit more often." Johanna hummed.

"Well, I'm here now. What do you wanna do?" She eagerly sat up.

"Come on! Let's go to the beach." Johanna stood up and quickly slapped a bill down to tip the waitress. Her eagerness surprised Juno. "I finally got you back here."

"Haha! Ok! Wait up for me." Juno quickly slipped her backpack on once again for yet another adventure....

Shelter by Kalahari about Juno - April 2020 - [Female, solo, naturist, relax, park]

The smooth feeling of freshly paved asphalt had long been abandoned by the tires of Juno's car. The driver, no doubtlessly a free spirited red vixen, had her sights set on the snaking gravel road ahead of her. The slow bumpy ride scaling up the wooded hillside would be worth it in a short while.

"Wow, I made good time." She smiled and slowly cruised by an impossibly big sign at the side of the road. Juno was officially on private property now. The sign read "Bare Fur Park" in large yellow painted letters. It was more akin to a few scattered cabins on a few acres of land by a wooded lake hidden deep in the rural counties of the south. Far away from the city, no map could pinpoint its location without asking someone with knowledge beforehand. Decades ago it had been "founded" as a sort of hippie nudist camp, strongly hinting at psychedelic pasts, and wild trips. The Rolling Stones could be heard from an older visitor's radio once in a while. Over the years it had been spruced up. Nowadays it was a quiet naturist getaway for anyone wanting some peace, privacy, or relaxing fun away from the city.

Reaching the crest of the first low hill, several spaced campsites and cabins became visible through the clusters of budding trees and early flowering plants. Glancing to her left and right, Juno could see others enjoying the lightly wooded area. Juno waved at an older female jaguar who briefly waved back. Her breasts hung heavily, but her smile was much more uplifting as she prepared to take a picture of several family members gathered around a smoldering fire. One campsite had a small jeep with a kayak being taken down by an athletic Shiba Inu. Juno could even see another cabin with a raccoon sleeping outside in a hammock with a hat covering his face.

Turning up a certain gravel road, she neared one cabin perched along the hillside shaded by many neighboring trees. Cutting the engine, the car door opened. Juno was greeted by a chorus of different bird species, tweeting and chirping to their hearts content. A renewed smile emerged on the fox's face. Gravel grumbled beneath her shoes as she stepped out of the driver's seat. Grabbing her belongings from the back, she quickly shut the door and walked to the entrance.

"Here at last." She spoke triumphantly and stepped inside. It was a simple and modest single floor cabin. Everything attached to the living room or the small kitchen that were nearly joined together. She glimpsed a rustic little bed hiding openly through a doorway towards the back of the main room. The vixen covered a sudden sneeze.

"Better air this place out some." She wiggled her black nose. Her hefty keychain landed on the skinny countertop with a loud clang. The vixen's backpack dropped to the floor next. For a little while she just wanted to leave her belongings, including the electronics, stowed away. Several unanswered text messages would have to wait.

"Ugh. That was a long car ride." Juno shifted and quickly slipped off her shoes. She felt hot from wearing so much in the heat of the day. A thumb quickly hooked under the hem of her pants and underwear. It a swift motion, they came off next.

"Phew! That's much better." She smiled at the sensation of air cooling her nethers. "Let's just chill for a minute." Juno decided. Reaching into the side pocket of her backpack, she pulled out a cold sweat covered can of her favorite soda. Cracking open the can, she lightly scuffed her bare feet over the smooth wooden floorboards. Heading out a side door, she left it open to air out some of the stuffiness. There was no worry of theft in the area. No one had reported anything stolen since the camp's opening. Juno's gaze settled on a wooden chair perched along the side porch.

"Shade." Her voice lightly sang. The vixen unceremoniously unbuttoned her flannel shirt before plopping down into the chair. Juno slid down as her back relaxed feeling her breasts gently roll off center. Her naked rear teetered just before the edge of the seat, allowing her fluffy tail to hang below. Lifting her legs, she placed her heels onto the wooden rail before her.

"Ah." She sighed as a gentle breeze reached her. 'I feel like an old redneck.' She giggled at the thought and sipped her soda can. The air above her car appeared to simmer from the direct heat of the sunlight. The grin on her muzzle was one of satisfaction at the sight. Glancing down, she itched through her remaining shirt. The choice of wearing an almost see through black tee undershirt seemed a little silly right now, but that would come off too in due time. Her ears flickered at the sounds of nature surrounding her. The birds chirping around her, and sight of nature was something she envied back at home in the city. The lack of concrete and steel was also a pleasant change for the fox.

Her gaze settled out ahead, past her parted feet and the low bushes and hydrangeas below. Bright greens and earthy tones filled her eyes like a perfect getaway dream. The faint glimmer of the lake was barely visible downhill through the trees. Her eight blocky toes wriggled thinking bout taking a refreshing swim, but the comfort of sitting kept her in place. Pretty soon the vixen would retire inside the cabin for the afternoon, settle in, and lose her remaining clothes. However, that could wait. The heat and having nothing to do made her lazy. It was a pleasant change from her usual busy adventurous life. Without a doubt she loved her special trips and meeting spectacular people like Umxakaza, Petra, and Brandi; but there was a time to relax and let the world keep spinning without interference.

A figure walking by caught her attention.

"Isn't he that hyena from the farmers market back in the city?" She wondered. The dark furred hyena paused and looked at the awkwardly positioned red vixen for a moment. He gave a pleasant wave before moseying along the dirt road towards the lake. Juno raised her can in hand as a kind gesture and watched him gradually disappear from sight. Her mind drifted like fallen leaves to what she wanted to do before the nightfall.

"Maybe I'll go around and meet a few people." She barely whispered to herself. "Or maybe swim first?" Another thought came to mind. "I'll probably fall asleep first..." She mused to herself under half lidded eyes. The red fox wouldn't have it any other way on the Friday before a long weekend...


Juno meeting Umxakaza - March 2020 - [vixen, hyena, nude, naturist, tribal, anatomically correct]

The quiet sloshing of legs wading through several inches of water created little ripples along the edges of the river. A nimble pair of light cream colored arms swung without care. The soft pudginess of her belly was covered in the same light fur color. Her oblong breasts shifted subtly from her wading movements. A pair of dark nipples starkly contrasted from the color of her front, and instead matched her spotted ruddy back.

Umxakaza the spotted hyena was the only one lingering in the shallow section of the river. There was a warm grin on her face as she strolled along without care. Activities lulled down during the heat of the early afternoon. Most villagers took breaks from working in the small fields, or fishing along the river. It was the perfect time to take a nap, play, or simply relax. The humid heat rarely bothered or slowed down the spotted hyena though. Having discarded her loincloth several yards back on a lingering branch, she was enjoying the little moment to herself. The strap slung over her shoulder to carry the portable radio on her back was quietly playing a tune.

Ears perked up as the sound of splashing ahead caught her attention.

"Is someone there?" She placed a hand in her hip. Her eyes glanced around the water's surface around the neighboring reeds suspiciously. The young lady half expected a head to rise from the calm water. If there was anything amiss, then her younger brother and friends were likely the cause. Throughout childhood they always sought to startle or scare her, even making a game of it. Even when Umxakaza became a young adult, nothing seemed to change.

'Adolescence should've made them act more mature by now...' The hyena didn't find anything and continued to the source of the splashing. Around a bend of water dwelling trees, she waded to an open section along the riverbank. Standing on dry land, she wiped some of the excess water from her legs. Rising up once again she spotted the source of the splashing close to shore. A figure was swimming towards her with elegant strides.

'I was expecting a river monster.' She ruffled her mane and hair, joking to herself. 'But who is that?' The hyena concentrated her eyes on the swimming person. 'What is that?' She found herself asking that question as well. Barely a meter away the spotted hyena could see a backpack with various little mementos and personal touches added onto its zippers. A pair of shoes and bandana were also resting beside it on a stump.

'What is all of this?' She didn't know what to make of the unknown items. The area wasn't known for travelers, especially since the region of jungle, marshes, and savanna was populated by spotted hyenas. Umxakaza's gaze returned to the river.

Emerging from the water was not a lake monster, but a naked vixen. Striking orange fur covered the lady's shoulders, upper arms, upper legs, and sides. Her front was covered in white fur beginning from her cheeks and chin reaching down to her athletic abs and toned inner thighs. Prominent breasts covered in white fur like the rest of her front were hard to miss. The pink flesh on each center poked straight ahead with youthfulness and determination. Chocolate "socked" arms lightly swayed along the strides of her feminine hips as she waded into shallower waters. Light blue colored face painting was faintly visible on her cheeks despite the swim. A waterlogged tail hung heavily, dripping with water behind her. Messy white hair was moved out of her face, revealing a set of pretty bright blue eyes. There was a brief pause as they locked eyes.

"Hey! My name's Juno." The mysterious red fox smiled and waved. "Who are you?" She waded to shore.

"Um... Hi." Umxakaza was taken aback. "I'm Umxakaza." She introduced herself.

"Oom-xa-Kaza." Juno pronounced the name with a click of her tongue. "It's nice to meet you. Can I dry off here?"

"Oh. Yeah, of course!" She nodded and realized that the fox was indeed dripping wet. Juno plopped down on the shoreline with a satisfied grin, spread her legs and leaned back not her hands to dry off. Umxakaza wasn't sure what to make of it. Not minding that either of them were naked, she seemed more like a local to the hyena than an outsider. Seeing how friendly the fox was, the spotted hyena didn't bother covering herself in front of the female stranger. Sitting down on an adjacent stump, she turned to face the sprawled out and utterly content vixen. Juno's curios gaze traveled all over the tribal hyena before fixating on a certain place. Dangling between the spotted hyena's thighs was an oddly familiar looking organ, but everything about it seemed misplaced on the female's body.

"Woah." She curiously and unabashedly touched the spotted hyena's fleshy pseudo penis. The smooth warmth of the fleshy appendage fascinated the fox. Umxakaza was shock yet pleasantly surprised at the fox's reaction.

A warmth from the gentle touching started to register.

"Careful. That's starting to feel good." Umxakaza moved her leg.

"Oops. Sorry." Juno retracted her hand.

"No harm done." She half grinned. "Although I'm surprised that you're fascinated about me. I mean, my body."

"How's it not fascinating? I think it's neat."

"It just gets big like any male's." Umxakaza shrugged, but couldn't help but smile at the vixen's praise. "All female spotted hyena's have it. It's nothing special."

"I've never seen anything like it before." Juno admitted. "It's cool."

"You're probably the only outsider who thinks like that." She chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Juno furrowed her brow in confusion.

"Well, I mean all females look like you do down there." She explained. "Spotted hyenas like everyone who lives in this village are different like me. People think it's weird, so we're often treated differently by outsiders."

"That's terrible." Juno briefly frowned. "I've met so many wonderfully nice people on my trip through the area."

"Where exactly have you traveled, and where are you from?" Umxakaza wondered aloud. "I've never seen anyone like you walking around here, let alone swim here!"

"Well, let's see." The white haired fox thought for a moment. "I traveled upriver to a place called Luo. The villagers are mostly civets and genets around there. I stayed with Petra for a while. She is a good friend of mine." The vixen fondly thought about the buxom civet whom she could trust with anything. "I then traveled through the low Lu Mountains with a guide, and followed a river before ending up here." She motioned her hand in the air as if a map were present. "Oh, and I'm from a city across the continent and ocean." She pointed westward.

"Wow." Umxakaza blinked in surprise. "I guess you like to travel to lots of places."

"Haha. Yeah, if I get the time to." She giggled.

"What kind of city are you from? I've never been to one."

"It's a big city I guess." Juno ruffled her damp hair. "They're all pretty big compared to a village. There's lots of tall buildings packed together." She reached her hand up high. "Everything is bright even after the sun sets, because of the lights. It's always busy and noisy with traffic. Usually there aren't a lot of trees unless there's a park. A ton of people living so close together means there's a lot of opportunities to pursue, and it makes everything feel fast..." She paused to listen to a cricket nearby. The lifestyle where she called home appeared so far away, yet so close in her memories. "I love it, but I'm glad to explore the world when I can. I think there's also a saying about settling down and getting married that I'm not ready for." The vixen mused.

"I used to feel that way when I was an adolescent." The hyena deeply smiled as she looked out towards the calm waters. "There's always a chance to leave for someplace that's bigger where you can live a wealthier life. It's not easy to do, so I chose to stay here." Umxakaza humbly nodded. "Getting married is important in a hyena village, but deciding to have a child is a much more important decision."

"Yeah, I am not ready for either yet." Juno bashfully grinned. "But why is having a child so much more important?"

"Having children for spotted hyenas is difficult, because we have to give birth through here." She held up her pseudo penis. Juno's eyes noticeably widened.

"Ouch. Wow I didn't think of that." She covered her womanhood, suddenly feeling lucky to possess what she had taken for granted. "Isn't that even more painful than a normal birth?"

"I don't know." Umxakaza shrugged. "I mean, I always thought it would be painful. I've witnessed a few mothers give birth, and it isn't easy. Complications aren't rare, and you often have to cut the skin some to help deliver the infant. If everything is successful then your pseudo penis becomes ripped, slack, and deformed after healing. The good news is that it makes future births easier."

"That's very serious." Juno admitted. To become a mother a spotted hyena had to deform the most striking organ of their body

"It's a fact of life." She plainly spoke. "Being a mother to a hyena means accepting a sacrifice for something more than yourself. I never met a mother who regretted that decision. With that time I could've left to a large city and worked for good sum of money, but I chose to stay here, because I want to raise a family in my village. Having handfuls of paper bills and coins won't give me a family, or the same home that I have here."

"I definitely agree with that." Juno dug her heel into the ground some. "I would not give up my experiences for any amount of money, but I don't think I've found that special someone to settle down with though." Her ears fell back a little at the thought of loneliness.

"You don't have to worry." The spotted hyena reassured her new friend. "You will in time." Juno tapped her tail in thought. The melody of tunes from Umxakaza's radio caught her ears.

"Oh, I like that band!" Juno reached over, and turned up the volume. The sound of a guitar and a smooth voice played to their ears. They clearly heard the musician sing:

"I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree."

"Shake your tree..." Juno replied by shaking her chest, causing her breasts to do the same. The hyena and vixen immediately laughed.

"I wondered what that meant." Umxakaza still giggled as she turned the volume down. "But mine will flop more than yours." She tried shaking her chest to prove her point. Her breasts lazily rolled side to side.

"They all have that curve, you know, that feminine shape."

"Mine are a different shape than most others my age." She grinned humbly.

"You have relaxed breasts." Juno innocently and without hesitation reached over and touched the bottom of the spotted hyena's chest.

"Yeah, they're pretty relaxed." Umxakaza lifted up her other breast and examined the feminine mass. The thick brown nipple normally watching the ground silently stared out. "My parents should've named me Lazy River or something." She giggled.

"Why?" Juno giggled at the silly idea.

"Because I'm laid back. A woman's chest reveals a lot about her inner nature."

"Really?" Juno's ears wiggled at the thought.

"Of course. Look at yours." Umxakaza lightly prodded one of the vixen's white furred breasts.

"What are mine like?" She cradled both in her hands.

"Eager, excited, and curious; just like you. You're a you adventurous spirit letting your curiosity guide you." The hyena explained. "It's plain as daylight."

"You know, I think you're right." Juno grinned as she let them go. The red fox puffed her chest out with a little noticeable pride at the fact. Umxakaza giggled as the display. "Do you think I'm dried off enough?" Juno rose to her feet and looked herself over. She fluffed her messy white hair, running fingers through it to stand up freely. The rest was left to dry on its own.

"I think so." The hyena looked her over. "Nothing another moment or two in the sun can't fix." Bending forward the vixen revealed a diamond pattern of white fur reaching from the base of her tail to the curves of her rear and down to her thighs. She donned a simple necklace with a pretty light blue gem attached before checking over her belongings.

"I appreciate your company Umxakaza." Juno pronounced the spotted hyena's name correctly. "But I think I have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going downriver to the nearest port to catch a flight."

"That would be Olindaba." The hyena explained. "You'll pass by Lake Mochoko. You can get a fare with a boat for hardly any price. It will give you a nice view while you get to rest your feet."

"Thanks. I'd like that." She grinned as she slipped her backpack on.

"You can stay in our village if you like. It's just a short distance from the river, and you'll be able to rest before resuming your journey." The spotted hyena offered. "You can stay at my house."

"I'd love to, I really would, but I'm already behind on my schedule. I'll take you up on that offer another time." She grinned.

"No worries. You'll enjoy a proper welcoming to our village then." Umxakaza smiled. "There'll be plenty of time to swim."

"I'm looking forward to it. It was great to meet you." Juno stuck out her hand.

"It was nice to meet you too." The hyena and vixen shook. "Take care on your journey."

"I will." She departed. "We'll have to listen to more music together and dance!" The fox's grin made the hyena give a characteristic hyena cackle.

"We love to dance in the village! My mom always told me that the rain and breeze makes the most beautiful noises, not singing!"

"I'll remember that!" Juno called back before disappearing into the jungle thicket along a windy trail going downriver.

Petra and Juno Short - [Female, tribal, hiking, topless, breasts, fondling]

Started: January 18th, 2017

Completed: January 22nd, 3:30 P.M. 2017

Couldn't help but connect a vague line between the two pieces of these two (the hiking and breast ones). &

The Inkasi jungles were teeming with life in the typical humid afternoon. Buzzing insects were always present, but never directly visible to the naked eye. Despite the thickness of the jungle's warm air, it was normal to its inhabitants, whether insect or mammal. Two sets of footsteps trekked over the ground with backpacks on their shoulders. Both figures wore hiking shoes and little else for the terrain. A female civet wore a pair of borrowed shorts from her friend, but remained topless as she always had. They were odd at first to the Luo native, but were comfortable to wear. Petra looked at the unending trees around her with a sigh. Up ahead, a red vixen with white hair walked briskly over the dirt path. Her orange and white fur seemed to glow aflame in the direct sunlight while appearing softer than it looked in the shade. The necklace and its little around her neck lightly bobbed on occasion. A fluffy tail lightly swayed behind her never tiring steps.

"Are we almost there, Juno?" Petra spoke up. The civet's feet were becoming sore from the hours of walking barren paths and less used trails through the Inkasi Jungle. The vixen paused in her characteristic wide legged stance and looked back.

"Sure! Didn't I tell you that?" She resumed walking as soon as Petra caught up.

"But that was a while ago." Petra muttered to herself. Luckily, this time the vixen was correct. They climbed a low hill, and once they reached the top a little village became visible in the area below. "We made it!" Petra took a moment to rest.

"Yep!" Juno proudly faced the village, hands on her hips.

"Ready to head down then?"

"Sure. Just let me put these back on." The fox slipped her backpack off and pulled out a pair of shorts, and then underwear.

"Hiking naked, and then dressing?" Petra found it amusing.

"I can't exactly prance around this way around the village." She stood up.

"You remind me of my friend Topaz." She grinned, placing her hands on her hips while Juno dressed herself.

"Topaz?" The vixen glanced up. "How's our adventurous genet doing these days?"

"She is doing well. Just the other day I saw her canoeing on the river with Chona, although I am not too sure where they ended up." A half grin emerged on her muzzle.

"She loves exploring with him." Juno admired their similar interest. "Let's head down." She put her pack back on. Petra nodded and followed. Below them was a quaint village with little bustling activity, much like Luo. Genets and civets made up the entire population at a glance. Loincloths or skirts were worn by all over the age of four. Jewelry was basic, but no less colorful either. Juno had resided in the Free State for sometime now, far away from her birthplace. However, she had only been living this far upriver for a few weeks, but the friendship that she struck off with Petra while visiting Luo for several days beforehand was genuine. It was as if the two had known each other since childhood.

"I wish that creek was in front of us so we could step in it." Petra noticed a little trail of water snaking beside them. The civet also secretly wished that the shoes on her feet would disappear so she could step in some cool water.

"What? Here?" Juno halted and approached a log off the pathway.

"Is it alright?"

"Sure. Let's dip our feet in." Without hesitation, she set her belongings aside and sat down on the log. Petra gladly followed suit. Shoes were untied with nimble fingers and kicked off. The two ladies dipped their feet in with a little splash, followed by delighted hums.

"Ahhh." Petra sighed as her soles settled in the cool silt. "The cold water feels great after keeping up with you all day." She splayed her toes.

"Keeping up? We were only walking." Juno raised one foot above the shallow water.

"I don't mind kneeling down or bending over all day, but walking is another thing entirely."

"Why would you be doing those things all day?"

"I can't farm my dad's plot of land by standing up!" She chuckled.

"You are still farming?" Juno was surprised. "You're not one that I would expect to be out there during the middle of the day." The vixen admitted. "You're chest makes me think that you're a mother working at home."

"That's definitely not me!" Petra laughed. "I prefer getting my hands dirty during a hot day, especially when the river provides an easy way to cool off."

"And here I thought you were only helping him for a while."

"If you want to judge a female on her chest then if you ever saw a civet around my age named Mazia you would have a new idea of "motherly appearance". When she was fifteen, others at a neighboring village mistook her for a mother."

"Goodness! And I thought you were motherly."

"Maybe in a different sense." Petra giggled. "But any adult female can look motherly." She nodded to her friend. Juno looked down at her chest. The vixen had rounded breasts, but in comparison to her civet counterpart they weren't buxom. "But it's how you act that makes the difference."

"I guess you're right." She looked into the jungle before them for a moment. "How is Luo?" The vixen looked over and asked.

"Same old village where nothing seems to change." Petra happily acknowledged.

"So I take it that everything is going well."

"Yep. How is everything here?"

"Pretty quiet and day to day." Her tail flicked up. "I like it. No rush to be somewhere or do something." Juno admired how the villagers lived. Her civet friend smiled in agreement.

"Aren't you going to wash the paint off your cheeks?" Petra looked at the two turquoise green lines on the vixen's right cheek.

"No." She touched her cheeks. "Not until the paint starts wearing off."

"What made you decide to paint yourself like that?"

"I love body painting!" She excitedly declared. "This color is my favorite, and I like to at least make my cheeks. If I have time then I'll draw a few extra lines below my hips and elsewhere. Where I'm from jewelry is really expensive, so I prefer a little touch of paint to decorate myself."

"That's pretty neat. Does anyone else do that?"

"Not unless there's a big celebration or holiday going on, I guess."

"A few like to use body paint in Luo during a festival, but not too many." Petra leaned forward and dipped her hands in the creek before running them through her black hair. She stared into the shallow water at her vague reflection, able to see her black furred feet more clearly. Her ear flicked up detecting a muffled giggle.

"What's funny?" She looked at her smiling vixen friend.

"Nothing. It's just funny to me how your chest is squished against your knees."

"Oh." Petra looked at herself before sitting upright. "That happens."

"Mmhm." Juno lifted a foot out of the water. "Are you cooled down from the water? My soles are starting to wrinkle."

"Oh! I am!" Petra stood up. They gathered their things one final time and entered the little village nestled in the jungle. Smoke from small fire outs lazily rose into the sky as families prepared food for cooking. The sounds of working, storytelling, and kits playing were never distant in their ears.

"This is a small village." Petra remarked and looked around. The houses weren't quite as nice as those in her home village, and there were few gardens or decorative plants growing alongside houses.

"Yep! It's a lot different than my hometown." Juno led the civet towards a particular house where someone was hard at work.

"What are you two young ladies doing?" A middle aged spotted female genet inquired. The light brown genet was pounding something in a thick bowl with a sturdy wooden pole. Each strike caused her jewelry, narrow breasts, and tummy to subtly shake.

"Hey Omaku." Juno grinned. "This is my friend Petra. She's from Luo and went hiking with me today."

"Petra from Luo? That's a day's travel away." She remarked.

"Yep! We've been walking since sunrise." Juno happily answered.

"It's nice to meet you Omaku."

"It's nice to meet you too Petra. How old are you?" She inquired.

"Twenty something." Petra teased.

"Me too." She cackled, despite her own voice saying otherwise.

"Mom!" A voice called out from the house. A figure emerged from the open doorway, a young mother genet nursing and holding an infant in her arms. "The mangoes are cut... Juno! You're back!" The mother exclaimed.

"She brought a friend too. Come down here!" Omaku set her mashing pole aside and everyone gathered at the bottom step of the house.

"Aww. She is so cute!" Petra looked at the suckling infant.

"Thank you."

"That's my granddaughter!" Omaku smiled proudly.

"What's her name?"

"Mary. I'm her mother Vanu. Are you Juno's friend?"

"Yes. I'm Petra."

"She's hungry today." Juno grinned at the nursing infant.

"Yes, little Mary has been latched on most of the afternoon." Vanu rubbed her little daughter's back.

"She gets that from my side of the family." Omaku chuckled.

"And her spots." Juno added at the pretty pattern. Mary's ears dialed around at all of the extra commotion. She finished eating and peeked around at the three faces. Her young bright blue eyes looked at them curiously from the safety of the mother's arms.

"Want to say hi to grandma and Juno? Petra too?" The little bundle made a quiet sound of garbled speech.

"Aww! You are so adorable!" Juno peered closer and touched noses with the infant. The tiny genet recoiled before trying to grab the vixen's muzzle.

"Adorable, but still a handful." Vanu sheepishly grinned.

"What did you need me for?" Omaku suddenly remembered.

"Oh! I finished cutting the mangoes after I cleaned the kitchen floor."

"Ok. I will help you with the rest."

"It was nice meeting you Petra, and good to see you back again Juno." Vanu and her mother walked into the house with the wriggling bundle in her arms.

"Mary is so adorable!" The vixen hopped and went to the neighboring house bordering the jungle.

'You are just as rambunctious as a kit... and cute.' Petra's ears fell back bashfully at the thought, but that was Juno in a single phrase!

"Whose house is this?" Petra followed her up the three steps. The vixen's tail excitedly swished as she opened the sliding door.

"And here is the home that I am staying in!" Juno set her pack down and declared with open arms. The older Inkasi styled home was a single room with a partial wall to give some privacy for a bed. It was expectedly plain for someone who preferred traveling than staying inside.

"It's nice. I like it!" Petra looked around. A single rug, old ground table, and pillows stacked in the corner decorated the front room.

"You know, I lived with Omaku until I could stay in this home." Juno pointed out. "There was only one bed, and she likes to roll around in her sleep."

"I bet it's nice to finally have a place to yourself. I know the feeling." Petra hummed.

"Yep! She can be old and sweet, but suddenly turn sour." The fox flicked her tail. "I think it's because she is picky."

"She doesn't seem that way." Petra admitted.

"I can tell you that she has a particular way of cooking, cleaning, and doing house chores... But I do not! So make yourself at home." She offered. Petra nodded and set her backpack aside. She untied and pried off her shoes, but the pants hugging her curves proved a little more challenging. "How do you get outta these..." She struggled with the garment.

"Here. Let me help." Juno unfastened the belt first. She then unbuttoned the top and have a quick tug, letting them open up.

"Oh. I see how that works." Petra slid them off.

"Looks like you went commando." Juno teased at her now naked counterpart, wearing only a green beaded anklet. Despite nudity not normally being accepted in the village, it was quite normal inside any home.

"Commando?" She didn't understand and folded the garment before setting it aside.

"It means to wear pants or shorts without underwear."

"You mean I am supposed to wear something underneath them?" Petra found the idea strange for the humid tropics.

"Didn't I tell you that when I gave them to you?" Juno giggled. Petra shrugged and smoothed her fur that had been covered by the garment.

"I'm only used to loincloths and skirts." She looked at the empty pegs on the wall. "There's only a few strings to tie a knot."

"I like tribal clothing too, and sometimes I can put the two together." Juno turned and showed the open stitching holding her pants together. "I made a loincloth to go into the middle, but it tore off."

"They are an interesting design." Petra drew a finger along the hand made stitching.

"I love these pants, and that's where I like to have some lines painted." She tapped along the gaps between the stitching at the top of her leg. Juno quickly slipped the, off and placed them on a shelf.

"What is that?" Petra looked at the final garment that the vixen was wearing.

"This? It's just underwear." She flicked her tail up and showed off the small pink undergarment covering her sex.

"It's almost like you're trying to hide something." She giggled.

"Nothing that you don't have." Juno teased.

"Then why wear it?"

"Just so the seems in the pants don't rub on anything." She explained. "You didn't have any trouble, right?"

"Nope." Petra shook her head. "Can males wear them? They were almost tight."

"Only if they're looser." She shrugged.

"That's good! I was afraid that a male couldn't have children after wearing them." They both laughed at that. A growling sound interrupted them when they quieted down.

"I guess I'm hungry!" Juno laughed again.

"I am too. What are we eating?"

"I'll check my pack, but we will need to make a fire outside." Juno started digging through it.

"I'm glad that I brought a skirt." Petra pulled out a spare garment and dressed herself. "What else do you like doing in the village if you can't walk in the jungle?"

"I love hearing about the tales and stories of villagers here. There are some about ghosts wandering the jungle, spirits leading people to safety, and so much more!" She excitedly told Petra.

"I remember hearing a bunch as a kit." She remembered.

"There was a great one that I heard from Omaku when I first stayed with her."

"What was it about?"

"I can't tell it as good as she did, but I'll try to explain it." Juno started. "There was a villager who came into debt of a well known chieftain. But the chieftain wasn't satisfied until he could collect on the debt. So the villager and his only daughter met the chieftain at a river to make a deal. He picks up two stones from the stream bed and says if the daughter picks the white stone, then the he will forgive the villager's debt. But if she picks the black stone then he will marry the daughter to one of his sons."

"That's not good." Petra mumbled.

"Mhm! But the daughter noticed that the chieftain picked up two black stone, instead of one white and one black."

"That's cheating! She should tell her father."

"But wait." Juno held up a hand. "The villager, her father, will still be in debt if she does that. So she agrees and decides to pick a stone."

"But then she will be holding one of the black stones."

"That is true. Do you know what she should do?" Juno challenged her friend. Petra thought for a moment but didn't see how the villager's daughter could outsmart the chieftain.

"I don't know. Should she start telling a story?"

"Well, here's what happened." Juno grinned. "The daughter was smarter than the chieftain and accidentally dropped the stone she had picked so it fell into the stream. She proclaimed that the stone was gone in the water, but to see what stone the chieftain was holding, so everyone would know that she had picked the opposite stone. And that's how she saved her father from debt and outsmarted the chieftain."

"Oh! That was really smart."

"I never would've guessed it either."

"That was a great story!" Petra smiled.

"I thought so too when Omaku told it to me."

"Do you wanna hear about how Topaz caught a fish with her tail?" Petra offered with a tempting half raised brow.

"What? There's no way that can be real!"

"I'll tell you then..." Petra began as they returned outside to cook.


After exchanging many stories, cooking outside, and eating a warm meal; both ladies were content for the evening's end.

"Mm." Petra hummed and leaned back on her cushion. The low table was empty except for a finished bowl and plate. "That was good."

"It was good," Juno agreed, "because you did more than half of the cooking."

"Aww. No, you helped." She insisted and stretched. Juno leaned back on her hands and outstretched a leg.

"What should we do now?"

"Nothing. We just ate." Petra giggled.

"Hmm... Juno thought for a minute. "I know!" The fox leapt to her feet and gathered pillows. Petra curiously watched her friend scurried around as she quickly created a comfy nest of cushions for them in her bed. She found it amusing how the vixen was running around with nothing more than the little pink undergarment on. "Let's lay down then." She pointed at the comfy design. The civet rose to her feet and accepted the offer. She sat down and leaned into the pile.

"This is better than most beds!" Petra relaxed in the softness. Juno quickly joined her, or rather, on her. "Easy there." Petra grinned as the white haired vixen snuggled into her lap. Both had eaten well following a long hike, and it only seemed natural to lay around for the evening or take a nap.

"Sorry that my bed isn't so big."

"It's not your fault." She rubbed Juno's hair. Petra's legs were nearly wrapped around her friend to make room.

"But you are very comfy too." She remarked and relaxed. The vixen's muzzle rested against the civet's breast like a head to a pillow. Both females relaxed in the close position, and took it easy. "I wonder what it was like for that kit..." Juno quietly thought aloud.

"Which kit?" Petra thought for a second. "Oh! But what did she do?"

"Her mother nursed her."

"Oh. That's what mother's do."

"I mean..." Juno rested a hand on Petra's breast. "When she was being nursed." Petra wiggled her nose and furrowed her brow. The thought had never crossed her mind before.

"Well, I guess..." The civet's ears perked up feeling a tongue lick over her firm nipple. She looked down and found Juno looking up at her.

"Do you mind if I try it?"

"Sucking my nipple?" She looked at her chest and considered the strange request.

"Yeah. If it's alright with you."

"Sure." Before Petra could say anything more, her friend's lips wrapped around the dark flesh on her breast and began sucking. The civet stiffened a little before relaxing again as she registered the sensation on her breast.

"Not too hard..." Petra softly spoke. Juno nodded and resumed to her delight. It was odd at first, but she didn't mind the gentle sensation on her skin. After all, that's what breasts were for. It made her feel motherly towards her friend, and as long as Juno liked it, then she was perfectly happy indulging her friend. She couldn't even see the vixen's muzzle squished into her breast, but the corners revealed a very happy little fox. The contentment was contagious.

"Heh. I don't know why... But it's kind of sweet." She grinned and helped support her friend's head. Petra quietly hummed and liked the intimate feeling that they were sharing. The little home was filled with the intimate sounds of hums and suckling.

'I think I'll indulge you a little bit.' The civet grinned to herself and reached down the vixen's soft white furred tummy. Juno didn't complain as a finger hooked underneath the thin garment that she wore. She hummed as Petra pulled the underwear down her legs and to her fidgeting feet. Petra set it aside and patted a reddish leg. Her mound was a pretty soft white like most, but the pinkish skin like her nipples added a strange delicate feel to the mix. Petra drew a single finger over the line of the vixen's sex. Hips slightly raised when she touched the top of her mound, but Juno closed her legs when Petra did it again. The civet began gently rubbing the slim white furred tummy instead. They weren't partners in any romantic sense, but the close friends could feel out the other's limits without shame. Juno was happy while Petra's hand gently rubbed her tummy and breasts.

"Careful with those teeth." She winced as Juno accidentally bit too hard.

"Sorry..." She unlatched. "You're skin looks fine though." Juno wiped her friend's dark nipple dry.

"That's good. But I'm surprised that you didn't find my other breast." Petra grinned. Juno smiled and took the offer. After situating herself, the vixen was happily at the civet's other breast, suckling to her content. 'If only you knew how cute you looked.' Petra relaxed into a blissful state of tenderness. Petra wondered if all mothers felt the same way. The remaining evening hour waned surreally, and just when Petra though that she would fall asleep, Juno unlatched.

"Mm!" Juno hummed and stretched.

"Enjoy your fill?" She teased and ruffled her friend's hair.

"I think you're dry." The vixen chuckled. "Thanks for letting me do that." She quietly added. "I had a great day."

"Me too. And it was more relaxing than I would've guessed." Petra said. Juno nodded before yawning.

"I'm pretty tired too." Petra laid down only to have Juno lay on top and use her chest as a pillow.

"Yeah... We can get up in the morning." She mumbled. With the vixen snuggled atop her so sweetly, Petra didn't want to get up either. She placed an arm around Juno and closed her eyes. The distant chirps of night frogs reached the room and helped lull both to sleep.

"Hey Petra." A voice stirred the civet from falling asleep just yet.

"Hmm?" An eye peeked open revealing that nighttime had settled in. The faint glow of lightning bugs outside were visible through the open shutters. "What is it Juno?"

"Can we do this again when we wake up?" She asked. Petra felt Juno shift a little on top of her.

"Sure. I don't mind." The civet grinned and patted her friend goodnight. The vixen snuggled her face into the civet's tuft of chest fur happily. Their dreams would weave together tonight, a true sign of their close friendship.

The Border Post Stories

1. Farryn at the Border Post 660 words A stout candle flicked inside the stone room inside the northern outpost. All was quiet as the light casted enough to see with before retiring for the early night. Heraldic...

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Aramog Town

Chapter III The autumn equinox festival was about enjoying the prosperous summer, and maintaining a vibrant life despite the oncoming cooler weather. All sorts of harvests were being reaped and their winter fur coats...

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The Ancient Forest

Chapter II Okhotna ascended a grassy hill overlooking the village from the northeast. The nearly constant wind ruffled her bare fur like the grass beneath their paws. Her long hair blew behind her with the breeze....

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