On The Losing End
#2 of Competitive Hounds
Sakura is feeling bored with her marriage. As she attends a work function with her wife, a bawdy feline notices her from across the room...
All characters are over the age of 18.
Story commissioned by Elriclite.
On the Losing End
'Erika's team won, and I totally impregnated this cute bunny. Wish you could have been here!'
Sakura looked down at her phone and smiled, giving a humored 'tut' at the cavalier nature of the text on her screen. Her younger sisters always got to have fun while she was busy being the adult. The middle aged akita looked up from her screen and gazed around the room. Another stuffy cocktail party for her wife's company. Her wife Reika, a wolfess with soft brown fur, had stepped away from her for a moment to talk the ears off of some younger secretary type, leaving Sakura standing by the wayside in her elegant but functional pant suit.
She watched with a hint of jealousy as her wife talked up the younger woman, laughing with her as if they shared some secret. Sakura scolded herself for being petty, but it had been some time since her wife had made her feel special. Even longer since they'd been intimate, and the neglect to Sakura's womanly needs was beginning to take its toll on her. Reika walked back to her with a smile on her face.
"Sorry, that was Susan." Said Reika. "She just got promoted and I wanted to make sure I congratulated her."
"Let's get some champagne." Said Sakura pointedly.
"Is everything alright, dear?" asked Reika.
"Yes dear." Sakura said, trying to sound reassuring. "I'm just a bit parched."
Reika and Sakura walked together silently to the bar. As Reika ordered their champagne, Sakura noticed a tall, dark, and buxom feline staring at her from across the room. She was beautiful, a full chest heaved over a tight waist and wide hips with soft looking black fur all contained within a light purple dress that spoke both to elegance and style. The feline had a cocktail in her paw and sipped it slowly, looking at the canine with obvious interest. Then the feline winked. Sakura blushed, though she wasn't sure why.
"Here you go darling." Said Reika.
"Huh?" Sakura whipped her head around to face her wife. "Oh. Right, thank you dear."
Reika took a long sip from her glass and after a moment looked back to see if the curious woman from before was still there. Indeed, she was, still staring at Sakura with that intense gaze.
"Dear?" Said Sakura gently to her wife. "Who is that cat across the room there?"
"Who now?" Said Reika looking. "Oh! Why that's our head of human resources. I haven't said hello to her yet. Veronica!"
Reika waved the feline over, and Sakura couldn't help but stare as she walked over. Her walk was slow, sultry, calculated. She approached them with a wry smile.
"Reika!" Said the feline. "I haven't seen you since the Christmas party, and who is the lovely young woman hanging on your arm?"
Sakura blushed.
"This is my wife, Sakura." Said Reika, smiling.
"Pleased to meet you, Sakura." Said Veronica. "Reika never told me how beautiful her wife is."
"Thank you." Said Sakura, her words nearly caught in her throat. It had been some time since she had been so openly flattered, and now that the feline was closer Sakura could see how beautiful she truly was. Her eyes smoldered above full lips placed on a face that seemed to refuse to give anything away regarding her nature. Such a face matched with a body that just wouldn't quit left Sakura staring.
"How are you enjoying the party?" Veronica asked Reika.
"Oh, I've hardly had a moment to enjoy myself." Reika replied. "So many people to make sure to talk to, I can't have anyone left out. In fact if you ladies will excuse me a moment..."
Reika left them standing there, padding over to a group of furs talking in a circle. They greeted Reika joyfully as he joined their fold.
"Reika's wonderful at what she does." Said Veronica, smiling at Sakura. "But it's hard to believe she's dumb enough to leave a pretty little thing like you alone at a party."
"Excuse me?" Sakura felt a blush rising in her cheeks again. She felt like she should be offended, but instead she felt flattered.
"I'm just saying." Said Veronica stepping closer to Sakura. "If you were mine, I would be paying attention to you. But silly old Reika is always trying to keep up her networking, always chasing another promotion. Doesn't it ever make you feel lonely?"
"I-I don't think..." Sakura looked down, her paws fidgeting. Veronica stepped closer to her, placing a paw gently on the canine's shoulder.
"Don't you ever wish someone would take care of you?" Veronica leaned in close until her mouth was at Sakura's ear, her breath bathing down her neck. "I could take care of you, Sakura. Would you like that?"
"Please, my wife-" Sakura started.
"Is too busy to notice you." Veronica finished. "Let me take you somewhere. I can make you feel things your wife hasn't made you feel in years."
"Yes." Said Sakura, breathlessly. The word had s lipped out of her muzzle before she'd even realized it, but once it was out she knew that there was no going back. Veronica took her by the paw and began to lead her away through the crowd, For only a moment Sakura looked back at Reika, back turned to the both of them and totally unaware.
Veronica led her away until they were out of the party room, down a hallway and pat at least a half dozen doors. Finally she stopped at one of the doors and reached with her free paw in to her bosom, producing a key for a moment from within the top of her dress. She unlocked the door and pulled Sakura inside. It was a private room, beautifully decorated with art on the walls and a soft looking king size bed.
"Have a seat for a moment dear." Said Veronica walking over to the other end of the room. "I'll make you a drink."
Sakura did as requested, padding over to the bed and sitting down gently. She watched patiently as the feline bent over a small bar with a couple of decanters of alcohol, and some mixers. Veronica's rear jutted out toward Sakura, her tail straight up in the air and the crease of her supple behind barely visible through her skirt.
"I know." Said Veronica, turning around and extending a fresh drink to Sakura. "It's a wonderful ass, and I could feel your eyes all over it."
"Yes I suppose it is." Said Sakura, taking the drink and blushing.
"Now my dear." Said Veronica "I believe I offered to make you feel things your wife hasn't made you feel in years."
"You did." Said Sakura, taking a sip from her beverage.
"Well then." Replied Veronica, slowly sliding down to the floor on her knees. "Why don't I get started while you enjoy your drink?"
Sakura blushed but took another sip from her glass as Veronica reached for the button of her pants and swiftly undid it, the zipper following with a quick 'zzzt.' Sakura lifted her rear and spread her legs slightly to aid Veronica in the removal of her pants. After four tugs Sakura's penis burst in to view, semi erect and yet already twice as large as anything Veronica had seen. Veronica's jaw dropped, and she looked it up and down from head to hilt. It was longer than her face was tall.
"God damn." Said Veronica. "Reika likes to brag around the office about having a hot herm wife but I had no idea how big you'd be!"
"As much as she likes to brag about me." Started Sakura finishing her glass. "You'd think she'd fuck me some time."
"Oh baby." Said Veronica. "I'll take good care of you like she never could."
Veronica nuzzled at the base of Sakura's shaft, her nose and mouth breathing warmly against the canine's testicles. As she let her tongue out to gently caress the sensitive skin there she reached up with to her shoulders with crossed arms to pull the top of her own dress down. The feline dragged her textured tongue up Sakura's shaft as her sumptuous breasts burst from the top of her dress, and as they gently hit Sakura's legs Veronica placed her pouting lips against the head of her shaft.
A shiver ran down Sakura's spine as she anticipated Veronica's mouth with a suppressed excitement. Then, finally, Veronica pushed her head down and as her soft lips widened Sakura let out a whine of satisfaction above her. Sakura was already in heaven. Veronica's mouth was warm, wet, and tight around her thick shaft. Barely even thinking about it Sakura took her paws and placed them at the back of Veronica's head, forcing it down until she felt that tightness and warmth over every inch of her cock. She could feel Veronica's heartbeat in her throat. She felt Veronica gag, but for a moment it only registered as her throat tightening. Then Veronica tapped on Sakura's thigh three times in quick succession and Sakura let go of her head.
"God!" Said Veronica, gasping for air, a string of spit hanging in the air between her mouth and Sakura's fat cock.
"Mm. Sorry." Said Sakura with a soft giggle. "It just felt so good."
"No need to apologize baby." Said Veronica purring. "After all that's what I'm here for. Now sit back and relax."
Veronica grabbed her massive breasts and lifted them up until she could squeeze them softly around Sakura's shaft. Even between those big, soft orbs half of Sakura's cock still poked through the top and Veronica lowered her head until her gentle lips pressed against the head of the canine's shaft. She opened her mouth until it could fit Sakura's massive tip, and began to swirl her tongue over it quickly, eliciting a low moan from Sakura. As she worked her mouth she began pressing her breasts harder around Sakura's shaft, moving them up and down along the length.
Sakura leaned back on her paws, her arms straight back behind her. She looked in to the mid distance with a contented smile on her face as a pleasure she hadn't known in a long time was given her. As Veronica moved those sizable breasts along her shaft, Sakura's precum began to leak out in to the feline's mouth and she lapped it up eagerly.
Sakura moaned louder, feeling the feline's textured tongue lapping at her urethra. She bucked her hips against Veronica's soft breasts, causing the head of her cock to push further down in to Veronica's throat. The feline began to purr, and the vibration worked its way down Sakura's shaft increasing her sensation. Veronica began to bob her head up and down, her face meeting the top of her breasts with each downward thrust.
She worked hard to keep her tongue moving side to side along the underside of Sakura's shaft as her lips trailed up and down. She was moving at a fast pace now, stroking the canine's lower shaft with her breasts and bobbing her head along the top half as fast as she could. Sakura moaned as she felt herself beginning to build up a powerful orgasm. A shiver ran down her spine as she gripped tightly at the bedsheets with her paws.
Sakura's hips bucked as if by reflex and she bit her lip as she felt her body hit that peak, moaning out as the first white rope of her seed hit the back of Veronica's throat. Veronica swallowed it but more and more erupted from Sakura's throbbing member, so much so that Veronica couldn't keep it all in her mouth much less swallow it. As Sakura moaned above her cum oozed out around Veronica's lips and fell down to her breasts, rolling over them and coating the feline from neck to nipple.
All the while she continued bobbing her head, and working her tongue to drive Sakura to the highest high she could reach. Sakura was there, letting out the pent up passion that she had been holding to which now glazed her sudden lovers face. She fell back to the bed as her climax subsided, panting and shaking with a dazed grin plastered across her face. Finally, Veronica released Sakura's cock from her warm mouth in to the cool air with a gasp.
"My God!" Said Veronica excitedly. "I've never seen one person make so much cum!"
Veronica sat back on her legs and her breasts dropped from Sakura's shaft as well, cum dripping to the feline's knees and the surrounding floor as she sat there. Then, supporting her breasts with her arms, she lifted them up and began to lap the cum from her tits like a hungry kitten. Sakura looked on with mild amusement, then looking down she suddenly noticed the large tent in Veronica's dress.
"Oh." Said Sakura. "I didn't even realized."
"That I'm a fat dicked babe?" Said Veronica with a giggle.
"Yeah." Said Sakura, blushing.
Veronica went back to licking cum off of her breasts.
"Hey." She spoke softly. "Can I have some of that?"
"But of course my dear." Replied Veronica, standing up and crawling on to the bed until she was atop Sakura. Their cocks brushed gently and their bosoms pressed together, coating the outside of Sakura's shirt and coat. Then their faces met, and Veronica pressed her lips to Sakura's forcefully, pushing her tongue past the canine's soft lips and coating the inside of her mouth with her own cum. Sakura moaned out in to the kiss and wrapped her arms around Veronica, her legs instinctively spreading wide to either side. She suckled gently at Veronicas tongue, savoring the salty taste of her seed.
"I want you to fucking breed me." Said Sakura breathlessly, breaking the kiss and swallowing.
"Yeah that'll show your stuck up bitch wife." Said Veronica with a devilish grin.
The feline lifted her upper body up and hiked up her skirt, revealing a penis that was almost as massive as Sakura's. Then she reached forward grasped at Sakura's shirt and ripping it open, sending the buttons flying everywhere. Sakura's massive breasts were exposed finally, framed by her suit coat. Then Veronica leaned back down, their breasts pressing together once again, and leaned in close to gently nibble at Sakura's neck. She placed the tip of her cock under Sakura's balls, right at her tight vaginal entrance and then spoke gently in the the canine's ear.
"I can give you pleasure your wife never could." Said Veronica, her warm breath against Sakura's neck giving the canine goosebumps.
"Do it." Sakura answered breathlessly.
As soon as Veronica heard Sakura's plea she began pushing forward, stretching Sakura's tight entrance eliciting a whine of pleasure. She was incredibly warm. Veronica bit her bottom lip and savored the feeling of what was undoubtedly the softest and tightest cunt she'd ever entered.
"Oh wow." Veronica breathed. "Has Reika never even put a finger in you? You're so tight."
Sakura wrapped her arms around Veronica and held her close, spreading her legs wide as the feline began thrusting inside of her. Her cock grew rock hard once more as her wet pussy spasmed around Veronica's shaft. Meanwhile Veronica grinned, feeling not only the pleasure of Sakura's body but that of knowing that she had overcome her bitter workplace rival in a truly indecent way.
Veronica reached down and grabbed the side of one of Sakura's massive breasts. She groped roughly as her rock hard cock plunged deep in to the warm depths of Sakura's folds only to pull swiftly back out and repeat the process over again. Sakura panted and whined, her warm breath racing over Veronica's neck as the feline took her. She wrapped her legs around Veronica's waist, keeping the feline from being able to do more than frantically hilt and rehilt her shaft inside the canine.
With a sound that came out like a growl Veronica reached back and grabbed both of Sakura's thighs, forcing her legs back and away from her sides until they were at Sakura's shoulders. The feline bore down on her lover, pressing the canine's knees in to her shoulders and slamming away with her hips in to those soaked lips. Fully on top of her, Sakura's body bent to her pleasure, Veronica could feel the electric pleasure of an orgasm building inside of her.
"I'm going to put a fucking baby in you." Said Veronica through gritted teeth, between frantic breaths.
"Do it!" Shouted Sakura between equally excited breaths. "I want you to cum inside of me!"
Veronica grabbed Sakura by the ankles and bore down in to her with everything she had. The feline's tail whipped excitedly in the air behind her, anticipating the orgasm that was now rising up inside of Veronica, sending shivers up her spine. Sweat dropped from her brow to Sakura's body below, and she closed her eyes focusing only on the pleasure. She thought about how mad Reika was going to be when she found her wife pregnant by someone else. Then, finally, it hit her.
"Ohhhh Godddd!" Said Veronica, thrusting one final time in to Sakura. Voluminous ropes of seed shot out into Sakura's womb. The canine felt her insides filling as Veronica held her down, meanwhile Veronica herself felt as though she were emptying everything she had in to Sakura. Veronica held her there until every drop had pooled out of her shaft, trembling for a moment as she clutched Sakura's ankles. Finally, she let them go.
Sakura's legs fell back to her sides and for a moment they laid there panting together. Finally Veronica pulled her shaft out of Sakura and as she did cum began to follow it out, oozing from the canine's netherlips. Veronica kissed Sakura's face and reached down, grabbing at the canine's rock hard shaft.
"I bet you want me to take care of this again, don't you?" Asked Veronica coyly.
"Y-yes." Said Sakura with a blush, having barely caught her breath.
Veronica stroked the canine gently for a moment before sitting up with an amused look. She swung one of her legs over Sakura so that she was straddling her. She could feel Sakura's cock, thick and hard pressed against her rear. The feline flicked her tail around, the base end of it gently rubbing past Sakura's sensitive tip. Then Veronica repositioned herself, raising herself and moving until she felt that same sensitive tip pressed against her wet vaginal entrance. Then, slowly, her netherlips parted as she lowered herself down on to that massive length.
Veronica let out a soft moan in to the room as she felt her insides stretching to accommodate Sakura's size. Veronica looked down at Sakura, the canine looking back with a blush in her cheeks and her over large breasts splaying to either side slightly. Then Veronica leaned forward, grabbing Sakura's shoulders with both paws to balance herself so that she could begin gliding up and down over the canine's shaft.
Sakura grabbed the feline's hips, pulling her down a little harder each time she bobbed back up. She could feel herself nearly bottoming out inside of Veronica each time, and yet she wanted more and more to fit as much of her length in to those warm folds as she possible could. Veronica's own shaft bobbed above Sakura's breasts in the air, in time with the rhythm of her hips as a dribbling of precum shined at its peak.
Sakura reached up and wrapped her fingers around the midsection of Veronica's shaft, stroking it gently up and down. Veronica moaned out and gripped harder at Sakura's shoulders, her breasts shaking and swinging as her hips moved faster. Sakura bit her bottom lip as Veronica's tight nether lips milked her throbbing cock.
"You're so tight." breathed Sakura, giving the feline's shaft a squeeze.
"And you're so big!" Veronica said in turn, slamming her hips down to a hilt at the bottom of Sakura's cock. She stayed there for a moment, moving her hips slowly in a circle. Sakura moaned out again, feeling that fully enveloped warmth moving over her sensitive member. She reached up with her other paw and gripped the bottom half of Veronica's shaft, stroking her shaft with both soft paws and eliciting a purring sound from deep within the feline's body. Those soft vibrations carried to gently stimulate Sakura inside of her.
Veronica took her paws from Sakura's shoulders and sat more upright, beginning to bob up and down quickly. Using her knees for leverage she brought her nether lips up to the halfway point of Sakura's cock and then back down to the hilt again, over and over. Pleasure coursed through Veronica's body and put a devilish grin on her face as she relished in it. She looked down at Sakura and delighted in the ecstacy she brought to another woman's wife.
She worked Sakura's cock with every fiber of her being, rolling her hips and squeezing her inner walls around it. Sakura returned the favor by stroking Veronica's shaft excitedly. She watched as more and more precum leaked from Veronica's tip, and as she felt herself growing closer to her own orgasm she desired to drive Veronica's out of her as well. She bucked her hips up in to the feline, getting a playful yowl from Veronica.
Veronica's eyes rolled in to the back of her head and she bit her bottom lip as she felt her aching cock building toward an explosive release. She moaned through her teeth as she began to peak, a white rope of her seed jettisoning out over Sakura's breasts and face. Sakura felt the warm sticky liquid coating her, and as more of it came out to cover her it sent her over the edge. Her hips bucked without her even trying and pleasure sent shivers down her spine as her orgasm took her.
She felt her balls empty and she moaned out loud, She moved her paws quickly from Veronica's shaft to her hips and pulled the feline down, stuffing every inch of her length in to the canine. She felt her own cum fill Veronica's insides as another rope of Veronica's cum splashed on to her face. She licked her lips, it was salty but she loved it. She emptied herself in to the feline until all she could feel was pleasure, blinding and pure. As it subsisted, she found herself covered in cum and still leaking it.
Veronica dropped down, panting, with her face at Sakura's shoulder their breasts pressed together. She gave the canine a kiss on the cheek, and the extended her tongue to give a slow lick up Sakura's cum covered muzzle. She gathered her cum in her mouth and then pressed her lips to Sakura's, pushing it in to hers with her tongue. They kissed for some time until, Veronica got up and walked over to a small table in the room. She picked up her cell phone and took a picture of Sakura, smiling wickedly.
Meanwhile in another secluded room the sultry moans of another familiar canine could be faintly heard through the door. Reika laid on her knees with her supple rear in the air as Susan slammed her she cock in to the shaking woman's pussy.
"Do it!" Said Reika loudly. "I want you to cum inside of me so badly!"
"Oh?" Susan said, a lewd look on her face. "Aren't you worried your fucking wife might find out you got impregnated by a coworker?"
"Please!" Reika whined. "Give it to me, I need it so bad."
"You're such a fucking slut." Said Susan before slapping Reika on the ass. Then she grabbed her roughly by the hips and thrust in to her with everything she had. They had been going at it for so long that Susan was already on the brink of her orgasm. With a final push forward she filled Reika with her warm cum and held her hips there, tightly pressed to hers, until every drop was safely inside of her.
"Oh my God I can feel it." Reika whined lewdly, her tongue lawling out of her mouth. Susan smacked Reika on the rear again and then swiftly pulled her wet cock out of the canine. She began putting on her clothes lazily, a satisfied smile on her face. Reika stayed on the floor, a cum filled but thoroughly content mess. She heard a notification sound from her phone somewhere in the room.
"You got a text from Veronica." Said Susan curiously.
"Don't look at my phone." Said Reika, rolling over. "Give it to me."
Susan shrugged and gave Reika the phone. As she finished getting dressed and discreetly left the room Reika opened the text. She was immediately greeted with a picture of her own wife, covered in cum and obviously recently fucked. Veronica had typed out only one line of text.
'Your wife is quite a lay.'