
Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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#7 of Source Code

A commission for Basque on SoFurry.

Crypto is about to turn in for the night, but there is one last surprise waiting for him.

{All characters depicted in this work of fiction are of legal age of consent.}

The adrenaline shakes passed by the time Crypto made it back to Proksy's apartment.

Her mom was on livestream as per usual. Only instead of performing, she was passed out on a cocktail of digital trips and overstimulation from the vibrator that lay nearby, low battery warning blinking. Her legs hung splayed open in front of a live webcam where an army of weirdos were still commenting on her stream as they perved over her unconscious body, talking about the unseemly things they'd do to her in her sleep.

Just to spite them, Crypto turned the webcam to face a wall as he passed, then moved to Proksy's room, finding her in her usual place at her computer.

She looked like she was ready for bed, clad in a fluffy robe she usually wore when she came out of the shower. Her hair was even a little damp. Typical Proksy, she couldn't even dry herself properly for wanting to get back behind her computer to code.

She was typing so frantically she barely offered Crypto a nod as he walked in. "Hey. You're just in time. I'm just finishing some routines for Source Code three-point-one."

"Three-point-one? Already?"

"Yes. Now I've had a good look at the mob servers and their Highpoint builds, I want to implement some basic system updates to anyone who uses Source Code. Improve their security against thieving trips they might use in the future." She lifted one hand off the keyboard, the other still typing as she gestured to a snippet of code on her other screen. "I've also isolated the addiction subroutines in Highpoint's code. With this I can implement programs into Source Code to help ween users off Highpoint."

"That's noble," Crypto said, grinning. "But if you don't mind, I'm gonna hit the hay. I'll see you in the mor-..."

"No, wait," Proksy called, swivelling in her chair, leaving her final sentence of code unfinished. An odd thing to do, and were it not for that she wouldn't have had Crypto's complete and undivided attention. "Don't go yet."

"I'm not really in the mood to test out a new Source Code tonight," Crypto admitted, and Proksy jumped to her feet.

"It's not for Source Code. I need you for... um... I need you for me."

Rolling her shoulders, she opened the robe and shrugged off the garment. She was radically different from her usual baggy clothes. Underneath she'd stripped down and donned her mother's lingerie that had been on the livestream showcase before. Even the same panties Crypto had cum into, washed at the looks of them adorned her lower body. Crypto had thought her mom was oddly naked as she lay passed out in front of her computer.

Proksy was missing the suspenders for her tights, probably couldn't figure out how they worked. But in just the hose, bra and panties she looked absolutely gorgeous.

Crypto was stunned.

"I've been working up to ask you, but before tonight I never had the courage. We're in a dangerous profession, you and I. With the law on one side, and bad people like Hester on the other. I could lose you at any time. So, I... I want you." She took a shuddering sigh as if the statement had knocked the wind out of her.

He wasn't quite sure what to say at first. But eventually he figured it out. Proksy was a pretty girl, if not radically introverted and just a little odd at times. He wasn't even aware she was interested in him in that way.

But he'd always been sure to sneak a peek when Proksy kept herself in shape with a little yoga or came out the shower oblivious to the fact she wore naught but a towel in front of a perpetually horny teenage boy. Now she was even more scantily dressed however, she looked even better.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking the same way," Crypto admitted. "Especially now."

Proksy smiled excitedly. It was an exceptionally nice sight on the red-head's face. Except it fell slightly when she reached back and produced a vibrator in one hand and a strapon in the other.

"Just, uh... I'm not sure which of these we use first," she admitted with a bashful blush. "Nor, y'know... I dunno what they even do."

Chuckling, Crpyto closed the distance between them and pushed her hands down to her sides, gently kissing the girl on her lips. Her eyes fluttered, then with a thud she dropped the wholly unnecessary toys and automatically wrapped her arms around Crypto, deepening their kiss. Her scaly lips parted slightly and her slim, dexterous tongue slid over his. Crypto at the same time felt up along her slender curves, savouring the feel of her smooth body under his touch.

When their lips separated the was a long string of drool still connecting them, which broke when she pushed him onto her bed and squatted down low, her eyes level with his crotch. Crypto had been with enough women to know what she was thinking, and figured for Proksy's first time it may have been a little over the top.

Proksy had never had sex as far as Crypto knew. She'd never shown any interest, and he'd never caught her masturbating in all the times he snuck into her room to meet. Hell, she hadn't even looked like she knew what to do with the vibrator, so chances are she never even peeked at her mom to see how the bills were paid.

"Wait, you don't have to-..." he began but she shushed him, just a little too sternly to be seductive.

"I want to try everything, Crypto."

"Okay then. As long as you know what you're doing."

"Oh, c'mon. I can code at sixty-words-per-minute. How hard can this be?"

Kind of hard, as it turned out. It seemed Proksy had never even watched any porn in her life. Not that it would have informed her any better, but she seemed to lack all rhythm, technique and inspiration.

From the moment she freed his erection from his pants, she was squeezing him too hard, then not hard enough. But there was one activity even she couldn't fuck up.

Her mouth sank over his member and for a moment Crypto was in heaven. The sight of her large emerald eyes peering up at him, trying to read his expression as she worked her tongue up and down the underside of his length. She didn't take it all, but it was more than enough. Her grip was loose, but warm and wet, and her tongue caressed so enthusiastically. The room was filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and a light slurping as she drooled a little, several droplets of saliva leaking down her chin and from the corners of her mouth...

When she heard Crypto groan, she figured she was doing something right and got carried away.

Before Crypto could really enjoy her mouth, she plunged down deeper. Her teeth caught the sensitive flesh around the base of his cock and the crown raked painfully across the coarse roof of her mouth.

He was taken out of the pleasure of the moment in an instant, eyes bugging as he cringed away from her. Eventually, because Proksy didn't take the hint from his movements, he had to grab her by the shoulders and physically remove her mouth from her length, the tip slipping from her lips with a wet pop.

"Okay, stop! Stop." Crypto laughed. "You are really bad at this, you know that?"

She pouted, and the look was honestly so sexy on her that Crypto's cock stood right back up again despite the abuse she'd just put him through.

Cradling her cheek, he pulled her up onto his lap and kissed her gently, before sliding his hands down her sleek athletic body and slipped off her panties.

"We can come back to the more advanced stuff later. Right now, let's just stick with the basics."

Rolling her onto her back, she spread her thighs apart and it was Crypto's turn to go down on the girl. His mouth settled over her tight yoni, and with one preparatory lick he traced the tip of his tongue up along her closed slit. He felt her tremble under his touch, and encouraged, he delved a little deeper, a little harder. Her flesh parted this time and he could taste the salty tang of her excitement. Her scales below were sleek and slippery, and it was rather nice not to have any coarse fur in his mouth while he ate her.

Proksy's knees were at a right angle and her legs flush with the mattress as she craned her neck, looking down on Crypto with an expression of 'what are you doing to my pussy?'

But even as she looked her eyes rolled and with a moan she threw her head back down on the bed and ran her fingers needily through his hair. Her slit bucked against Crypto's face as he licked her harder and harder, spelling the alphabet with the tip of his tongue against the sensitive pearl just above the tight, winking opening.

Crypto's middle finger slid up into her canal at the same time. She was so wet with excitement at this point she offered literally no resistance, bar the muscles clinching tightly down on his digit as he gently rubbed the sensitive roof of her tunnel.

"It feels so good!" she whispered between moans even as he pulled away from her shuddering pussy. "This is what it's like? This is what Source Code feels like?"

"Honestly, this feels better," Crypto said knowingly as he leaned heavily over her.

Despite where his mouth had just been she grabbed to handfuls of his shirt and yanked him in for another deep kiss. Her tongue slid over his, eager to taste herself while her legs hooked around his waist.

Crypto kept his hands planted to either side of her slim frame, easing the tip of his cock against her quim with a choreographed tilt of his hips. She was sodden through still, a mixture of her own anticipation and his oral enthusiasm.

Proksy's back arched off the mattress as she squirmed her hips against his, bit by bit his cock sinking into her tight little canal. She was tighter than Hester. Tighter than Mrs Taylor. But with Proksy grinding herself onto him and the slippery fluids now dripping all over her bedsheets, Crypto was able to press inside.

He slid up into her core, stretching her eager, inexperiences walls until Proky yelped in pain at first. But she held on tight to him all the same, instead of moving away. The moment he was hilted inside her however she was back to whimpering for more into his ear.

"Do it," she pleaded. "Fuck me. Fuck me like you do pretty much all our customers."

Crypto didn't even need to be asked. Slowly and smoothly he withdrew until just his crown sat nestled in the mouth of her arousal. Then he plunged into her treasure trove again and again, increasing slowly in pace as Proksy's vocal encouragement grew louder, faster and more breathless as he fucked her in earnest. Wet fur slapped against glistening scales in an erotic rhythm to which they both sang with pleasure.

The gecko became an entirely different woman in the heights of ecstasy. From the introverted coding-guru transitioned seamlessly into a gorgeous, blossoming woman. Her cheeks blushed deep red as her crimson hair surrounded her head like a fiery halo. Her eyes were shut, face angled away slightly as her expression became blissful agony. The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile, her throat bobbing as she swallowed breath after breath as Crypto bent closer to kiss her sleek neck tenderly.

Her nails sank into his scalp to hold him there. Neither were totally naked as they made frantic love like a young couple with not a second to spare.

Proksy wasn't the only one shuddering. Her toes curled in the semi-opaque stockings she's borrowed from her mother and she hooked her heels tighter against the rat's rear helping him to thrust sharply into her core each time. She felt his tail coil about her ankle and relished in the complete disarray of where her body ended and his began. Crypto shook against her, each thrust into her tight wet folds growing more erratic as he swelled inside her.

When they finally came, it was together. An intense mutual orgasm that rippled throughout both of them, filling the room with wet sounds and feral cries of pleasure. The most basic, primal form of love expressed between two panting lovers.

No technological intervention needed.


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Curse of the Caller - ISBN 9781370248896 [Free!] Smashwords |Gumroad

Tales from the Underhome - [Free!] Smashwords |Gumroad

Doing Hoodrat $&@! With My Friends - [Free!] Smashwords

Last Man Standing - ISBN 9781005813277 [Free!] Smashwords

SCP: Ophidiophile - ISBN 9780463383025 [Free!] Smashwords

Hard Vacuum - ISBN 9781370304370 [$2] Smashwords |Gumroad

Nikki of Earth - ISBN 9781370887996 [$2] Smashwords |Gumroad

Sucker for Pain - ISBN 9781370971800 [$2] Smashwords |Gumroad

The Romantic Antic - ISBN 9781370074105 [$2] Smashwords |Gumroad

Going Hag Stag - ISBN 9781370933426 [$2] Smashwords |Gumroad

The Dunwich Whore - ISBN 9781005859312 [$2] Smashwords |Gumroad

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