The Guild's Dog: Raichu

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#6 of The Guild's Dog

Lucario's debt comes back to bite him after forgetting all this time to pay back Pikachu's father, Raichu, with added interest. Realizing he stiill doesn't have enough money, Raichu offers him an offer that is too good to be true and be his sexual servant. It also doesn't help that Raichu is a hot dilf that he has had his eyes on for a long time...

This time there's no good or bad endings, think of this chapter like a filler for now, but be sure to tell me what you think of this, I wanted to make a tom nook-esque character out of raichu by the time I wrote this.

Lucario and his team were relaxing idly by, the last mission had taken a great toll on their minds and thought to take a break for a few days.

Lucario was concerned for Jolteon, he'd been woken up a few times from him getting nightmares, but each time he asked him, Jolteon would shrug it off saying that he was fine, and when Lucario tried to refer him to the local Audino for any mental treatments, Jolteon would say that it he was perfectly fine and there was no reason to worry, and if he tried to press it further, he would leave or take an anger fueled nap.

Lucario wished that Jolteon would just tell him what was on his mind already but the eeveelution just wouldn't shut up about it, he even convinced Eevee to ask him about it but it seemed that whatever he was hiding, he absolutely didn't want Eevee to know about it the most, clamming up even more.

Charizard seemed alright, the idea of taking a break was really welcome for him, Charizard lazed around their room and blew some weak flames, occasionally going out for some snacks to sate his appetite.

Meanwhile Lucario was about to head out, thinking about all the things he could do in his free time.

Maybe he could check out the shops? Maybe he could get something for Jolteon's sleeping problems... Check out the higher ranking guild's building? It wouldn't hurt to look at how good it looked, maybe he'd be lucky to get a good look inside... Or maybe get to know the locals! Pangoro will be crossed out on that list though...

Just as he was about to head out, he felt a crumpled piece of paper hit him in the back of the head.

"Lucario... Come here... Psst" Said Eevee as he tried to get his attention.

Lucario walked over to him on the counter.

"Eevee, didn't I tell you that me and my team are on vacation today?" Lucario asked, thinking he might not have clarified to Eevee that he and his teammates were taking a few days off.

Eevee leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"Take the red envelope under the top of the stack of papers" Whispered Eevee.

"What stack of pape- mph!" Lucario was confused as Eevee covered his mouth.

Lucario was confused about why Eevee seemed really alarmed from this supposed letter.

"Don't mention anything about this" Eevee said as he slowly uncovered his mouth.

Wanting to get this over with, Lucario took the red envelope underneath the paper on top of the stack on the counter.

It was weird since envelopes were usually white, how was this special to warrant sending a red colored one?

Lucario just shurgged and opened the envelope, containing the letter.

_ Dear... Whoever is in charge of the guild, _

_ My name is Raichu and your guild seems to be harboring... Shall we say, a deadbeat if I may be blunt, this deadbeat of yours, named Lucario, has NOT been paying his debt. Nidoking graciously referred him to your guild to work there and... I'm going to have to consider suing if this current member of yours doesn't pay up soon. I still have a business to maintain in my town and I may be forced to not only sue you, but also sue him in return. But if you hand him over to me in the course of three days, we may be able to come to a resolution... Otherwise, I apologize, but my hand, or paw, may be forced to commit drastic measures. _

_ Sincerely yours, _

_ Raichu _

"Oh god... No... I forgot... How could I fucking forget!" Lucario said as memories he had before leaving to join the guild.


Lucario needed to handle something first... He can't pay Nidoking so he has to resort to borrowing some money.

He saw Pikachu in the town's swing, who frowned as soon as he saw him.

"Hey Pikachu, I have a favor to ask..." Lucario asked him.

"Hmph... So did you realize your mistake and came here to apologize for hitting me on the head?" Pikachu said smugly.

Lucario really wanted to roll his eyes but he wanted to stave off his debt for now so he nodded.

"Yeah... Uh... Sorry..." Lucario tried to say.

"Hah! Knew it! Couldn't handle being mad at me! You're lucky I haven't told daddy yet!" Pikachu said, crossing his arms smugly.

Oh god please don't talk about your hot dad... And who the hell calls their dads daddy?

"Y-Yeah, and I would be really grateful if your dad would pay my debt for me" Lucario said with a bit of shame, everyone here was already barely scraping by so who better to ask for it than the rich guy in the middle of this town?

"Hmph! Why should I?" Pikachu asked, scoffing at him.

"Come on, I promise I'll pay!" Lucario said.

"Just like you did with Nidoking?" Pikachu said with a bit of contempt, knowing that he was deeply in debt to the man who had saved him.

"Look, I'm gonna strike gold by joining a guild, so I'll pay your dad back with interest!" Lucario said, knowing he had no choice, but if he earned enough working for the guild, he might just be able to pay the debt for good.

"... Alright, but I'm giving you a month to pay with interest got it? We'll be expecting a lot of interest when you pay back" Pikachu said as he ran off to his Raichu, his father's house.

"Great... I think I can work with much more time now than I used to... I just hope that the guild is paying more than I think it would for me to pay it all back" Lucario said as he went to his home and started to gather his things to move in to the guild.

_ *Flashback over* _

"...Eevee... Since when did you get this?" Lucario asked him.

"Two days ago" Eevee replied.

"T-Two days!? But... But I only have one day left!" Lucario put his hands on both sides of his head in a panic.

"S-Sorry... I mean... You asked me not to bother you and your team since you were all recovering from some sort of mental pain so... I kinda forgot to remind you about it" Eevee said, sweatdropping and scratching the back of his head.

"Don't ever mention this to anybody alright? I'll have this resolved by tomorrow" Lucario said as he stuffed handfuls of poke in his bag.

"Whoa, how much do you even owe this guy?" Eevee asked as Lucario hastily tied the coin bag he had up.

"Around 8000 poke but... Well he might have added some interest so I'm not gonna risk it and pay him upfront before he decides to sue the guild or me" Lucario said as he dashed out of the door.

Lucario went back to the village he used to live in, although he was grateful for everyone who helped him when he passed out down the road.

Pikachu who offered to be his friend (as annoying as he was), although he wasn't sure if Pikachu ever even considered him a friend.

And even Raichu... Although he seems to have mostly done it on a whim that he will repay all the funds used for his hospitalization... And a certain debt that seems to be too much, with added rent for letting him stay in a house he just so happened to own.

Although Lucario was grateful, he was more than skeptical about the whole thing, he had been in debt only a month there and Raichu already gave him a cripplingly huge debt that would certainly be much more expensive than if he rested at an inn for a few months and bought several goods that could last half a year.

Nonetheless, this doesn't change a thing, Raichu had helped him and he was now in debt, and came up to the mansion that the fat rat lived in.


"Hmmm... its been two days... I guess that Lucario really is a swindler... Well then, time to sue that guild" Raichu said who then started writing a letter.

Meanwhile, Lucario has arrived and hastily knocked on the door, which was soon answered by a Mr. Mime.

"How may I help you?" Mr Mime asked.

"I'm here to see Raichu!" Lucario said as he ran past him.

"Oi! Fucking kids barging in, who do these young uns think they are *mumble* *mumble*" Mr Mime grumbled angrily as Lucario ran upstairs and up towards Raichu's office and barged inside.

Raichu was about to stamp the finished lawsuit when Lucario had broken into the room.

"I'm... *pant*... I'm here... I'm here... Don't sue the guild... I'm going to pay..." Lucario said while catching his breath.

Raichu held the stamp in his hand, before putting it down.

"So what's your excuse? You forgot? You were kidnapped and held for ransom? Busy with the large profits you made?" Raichu asked him while standing up and tapping his foot.

Raichu wore a suit, and a top hat, he was 1 foot taller than Lucario, although he had a commanding tone to him despite his height, a big gut and thick arms that could look like it can naturally lift him up despite his size, and he was a rich and powerful pokemorph in this town.

"... Something like that. Look, I'm sorry, here, you can keep the extra poke" Said Lucario as he tossed him a bag of poke.

Raichu inspected it carefully, biting the coin to check if it was legit, before counting the money.

Lucario was thankful that he had made it just in time, maybe he could take a few of his stuff out of his old home, and move in with the guild permanently, he didn't want to rack up anymore debt than he already did.

"I'm sorry Lucario but I have bad news for you" Raichu said as he tossed the coins back to him.

"W-What!? But I counted and it's 8000 poke! That's 3000 more than you demanded from me!" Lucario said, astonished and a bit angered at the audacity of the rat.

"Oh but you misunderstand, on top of the interest, I also took it at liberty to charge you for my time and patience, looks like I have no choice but to get my money's worth from the lawsuit instead, unless you have 20,000 poke on you" Raichu said as he waved a finger at him.

"20,000 poke!?" Lucario was shocked by the large debt.

"Indeed, now, if I may" Raichu grabbed the stamp and was about to stamp his seal on the envelope.

"Wait! Don't!" Lucario said as he stopped him from stamping the letter and sealing Raichu's intent.

"And why shouldn't I? I'm well within my rights to do this, you know" Raichu said, although he complied and put the stamp down, finding it amusing to see the strong looking Lucario squirm.

"I'll do anything! I'll make it worth your time! I'll be your servant for free!" Lucario said without thinking, he didn't want to drag his own name down the mud because of his forgetfulness.

"Anything you say?" Raichu smirked evilly, sitting down on the desk and crossing his thick legs.

"I'll do anything you say for three days! No limitations!" Lucario offered him.

Raichu put a hand on his chin, it was certainly tempting, and having a servant for free for 3 days wasn't a bad idea.

Raichu then grinned and stood up.

"Alright, then undress me" Raichu demanded.

"W-What!?" Lucario said as he blushed at his order.

"What? I thought you said there were no limitations? Or... Are you retracting your earlier statement then?" Raichu asked with a raised eyebrow, frowning at him.

Lucario gulped and began undressing Raichu's suit, revealing a rather attractive body that looked like they lived in comfort, sporting a furry gut that looked like he ate as much as he wanted everyday, thick arms that looked like it was naturally strong, and a very amused grin as Lucario stared at his package.

"See? Was that so hard?" Raichu asked him, scratching his gut as he whistled a tune and began to walk away, with Lucario staring at his plump and meaty ass as he walked away.

"Ahem" Raichu said as he was standing by the doorway, smirking as he seemed to be standing in a doorway that led to a bathroom.

"Well? My body's not going to wash itself" Raichu said as he tapped his foot on the floor expectantly at him.

Lucario realized he was going to have to help him bathe.

"Y-You can't be serious..." Lucario said as he took a hesitant step back.

"Lucario, you already know I do not joke when it comes to business, now come, I need to soothe my body and I intend to use you to the fullest extent" Raichu said as he went inside.

Lucario followed him, knowing this was going to lead to something he might like, as much as he denied it in his mind, he did find Raichu attractive, although the debt and the bossy attitude was certainly a negative.

Raichu had already turned the hot water on, and was at the bathtub already... A rather large bathtub that could easily occupy him and Lucario... Wait what? No, he had to stop thinking, he had a son, and an annoying one at that, his son was already annoying enough but if he found out he swears Pikachu would kill him.

"Ahhh... Isn't it lovely how warm water feels?" Raichu asked as he hummed.

"Erm... Y-Yes, warm baths feel relaxing actually" Lucario said, feeling uneasy being around the naked dilf.

"Mmm... Yes..." Raichu said as he then stood up and revealed his now wet body, and handing Lucario a bottle of body shampoo.

"Here, the most expensive of shampoos that only deserve to be used by pokemorphs like me, be sure to take extra care of my fur and not miss a single spot~" Raichu said as he smirked lustfully at him.

Lucario's face turned red and took the shampoo from him, sure he imagined something similar to this but he never imagined it would come true in his life.

He started with his chest first, and started to massage it, making Raichu purr.

"That's it, you're doing good mutt... Keep going" Raichu said as he lifted an arm up for Lucario to reach and lather his arm up for him to clean.

Lucario did so, massaging Raichu's biceps in the process, pleasuring the rat further and making him moan in approval.

Lucario was slowly getting more comfortable and started to wash his neck, gut, legs and feet, until...

Lucario stopped when he knew the only parts left were his thighs, ass, and cock.

"What are you waiting for? I did tell you not to miss a single spot right?" Raichu chuckled, winking at the flustered dog.

Lucario steeled himself and started to wash his legs, feeling himself get horny.

"Hmm... Why don't you join me? You're getting wet enough as it is and it'll make it easier for you to wash my body" Raichu said, coaxing him with a finger.

"I-I'm actually fine with staying he-" Lucario said but was interrupted by his stern voice.

"Didn't you say you'd follow everything I'd say?" Raichu retorted almost immediately.

Lucario closed his eyes in embarrassment,he shouldn't have said that earlier but followed what he said, and started to enter the tub with him.

Lucario had to admit, it felt pretty nice, and with a hunk... No, he should stop thinking about it, he might even be charged just for getting a boner for all he knows.

"Now wash my balls, and make sure to wash them thoroughly" Said Raichu as he sat down and let himself be submerged in the watery suds of the bathtub.

Lucario felt his legs up, and managed to find his balls, and started to rub the balls in his palms, finding himself getting hot from the rubbing he was doing.

He felt his cock slowly hardening as he felt up the two orbs, it was a good thing that he was sitting down or else Raichu would have seen him feeling hot and bothered over something like this.

"Ooooh yes don't slow down now~" Raichu said as he moaned louder.

W-Wait... Is he...?

As if answering his question, the tip of the cock surfacing from the water, twitching in need.

Lucario caught his breath as he looked at it closely with hidden desires, although Raichu could see the growing lust in his eyes.

"Go ahead, touch it, I did tell you to clean every single spot for me~" Raichu said as he seductively licked his lips.

Lucario slowly grabbed the cock until it was in his hands, feeling the warm appendage pulse in his hands, and slowly started to pump it.

"Oooooh the shampoo is working its magic~" Raichu said, thrusting into his hand and moaning sultrily at him.

Lucario was soon jerking Raichu off the best he could, feeling horny as he felt up the hot cock and using his hands to jerk himself off.

"Mmm... I'm starting to think that you're enjoying this~" Raichu cooed at Lucario, before turning around and presenting his ass to him, his hole and soapy balls presented to him.

"Don't forget my backside~" Raichu wiggled his butt to him.

Lucario gulped once more and put his hands on the two asscheeks and began groping at it, the soft cheeks were pleasant to the touch and he couldn't resist but run a hand along his hole and finger it.

"Oh? You like my body that way is that it? Go, do as you will~" Raichu asked while chuckling, unplugging the drain and turning the shower on, washing away the soapy water off of both of them as the water drained and revealed Lucario's erect cock.

"Wait... This isn't what it looks like!" Lucario said defensively while covering his eyes in embarrassment.

"Then, pray tell, what is it?" Raichu said as his body was now thoroughly clean.

But Raichu had other things in mind and knew that they were about to get dirty again and reared his ass towards Lucario's cock, hotdogging his cock on his own massive ass cheeks.

"Don't be shy, I know you young people like to play with them~" Said Raichu as he teased Lucario's now precumming cock.

"If... If that's what you wish then" Lucario couldn't hold himself back and grabbed his ass and pulling away his cock, making Raichu disappointed before feeling his hot tongue rimming it's way into his asshole's exterior eagerly.

"Ooooh eager now aren't we?" Raichu moaned and pushed his ass up against his face.

"I... I can't resist anymore... I've been dreaming of this for a long time..." Lucario said as he closed his eyes and tasted his ass, as well as touching Raichu's cock and balls as he licked him.

"Mmmm... Might you have learned this during your time at the guild then?" Raichu asked as he sighed in pleasure.

"M-Maybe..." Lucario said as he continued to eat him out.

"Hmhmhm... Maybe I'll make some investments there, surely a place like that's got to have benefits similar to this~" Raichu said as he let Lucario worship his ass.

Lucario enjoyed his 'meal', digging his tongue in and wriggling it inside, making Raichu writhe pleasurably with each movement of his tongue.

"Let's go take this in the bedroom shall we?~" Raichu said as he pulled himself away from Lucario, sashaying as he grabbed a towel and dried himself, swaying his hips and hypnotizing Lucario from the sexiness.

Lucario followed him over to his bedroom, who was laying by his side and giving him bedroom eyes.

"I'm waiting~" Raichu seduced him.

Lucario wasted no time and crawled on the bed to him, tackling Raichu down and kissing him, their tongues meeting and eagerly tasting each other's saliva as they made out on the comfortable silky bed.

Lucario felt Raichu put a log over him as they embraced each other, frotting their cocks eagerly, precumming against each other and stimulating their rods as they rubbed up against each other.

"I knew you were something the moment you arrived in this town, shame you left in a hurry to join the guild, I would've remarried if you stayed here~" Raichu winked at him, french kissing him as the tip of their tongues circled each other.

"Hah... But... I thought you were straight...?" Lucario asked him as he put his hands over Raichu's ass.

"Did you really think I'm perfectly straight with a body like this?" Raichu said before licking his neck, and making Lucario cry out in ecstasy.

Lucario could not hold himself back any longer and let his lust take over as he pinned Raichu on the bed and held hands with him as his cock teasingly rubbed up against Raichu's ass.

"I dreamed about this ever since I met you" Lucario said, his horniness clouding his mind.

"Go ahead, I'm waiting to see how that knot of yours will stretch me~" Raichu whispered in his ear.

No longer needing anymore encouragement, Lucario drove his cock into him, with Raichu's ass easily.

"Uwoh... I-Incredible... Y-Your ass... Hah... It's the best one I ever fucked...!" Lucario gasped as he felt Raichu's ass squeeze on him tightly, it was so squishy and irresistible, he couldn't hold back his moans.

"I knew you had it in you... Uwah... S-Such a magnificent cock... It feels so good" Raichu moaned as Lucario pulled away, giving slow but powerful thrusts, using his strength to thrust and making loud slapping noises, in turn making Raichu moan out loud from the way the cock entered each time with impressive power.

"It's... Your fault... for being such a daddy...!" Lucario moaned as he lifted Raichu's legs up, and started fucking him in a reverse piledriver position.

"Gah! I've never been fucked like that before..." Raichu cried out as his and Lucario's hips slammed themselves into his butt, the rich pokemorph enjoyed his time as the guild member screwed him as hard as he could.

"I can't resist it, you're just so sexy I can't help fucking you!" Lucario winked back this time and continued to plunge his cock in him.

Lucario was thrusting with such that Raichu could feel his cheeks jiggle and couldn't help but grope his own pecs as he enjoyed the fucking he received.

"Ngh... Lucario my boy... I'm going to cum...!" Raichu announced to him.

Lucario suddenly pulled out, making Raichu whimper in need.

"What are you doing boy? Are you breaking our deal now?" Raichu said with a bit of annoyance.

"No, just preparing you for a better position" Lucario said as he lifted his legs up and rubbed his cock between his asscheeks, teasing him once more.

"Ohhh, I get it, you want to face me while we fuck don't you? Bit of a romantic type eh?" Raichu teased him.

"W-What!? D-Don't be ridiculous!" Lucario said as he blushed and looked away from him.

"Now boy, it's not nice to lie~" Raichu put a hand on Lucario's muzzle before kissing each other, locking their jaws together as their tongues wrestled for domination.

Lucario thrusted once more and resumed their lovemaking, not being able to keep their hands off of each other the whole time.

Raichu could feel Lucario slam like a piston into him, the gravity letting him easily thrust down onto his prostate rapidly, making Raichu practically scream from the ecstasy of the speed Lucario was fucking him.

"Guwah! Boy... I might not get rid of that debt completely if this is what it means to 'pay' me~" Raichu moaned in the kiss.

"Maybe I... Ngah! Don't need one to pay you again" Lucario smirked at him.

The two french kissed once more as their climaxes approached, and with one last thrust, Lucario shot several rich, creamy loads of cum into him, his cock twitching and making Raichu's ass guzzle his cum down.

Raichu shut his eyes tight as he felt Lucario shoot his warm jizz into him, causing him to cum hands free onto himself as rope after rope of cum streaked his own fur.

Lucario and Raichu panted as they rested, with Lucario not bothering to pull out as the two embraced each other in bliss.

Soon though, Raichu was smoking a cigarette he got from his night stand with Lucario, who was mortified by what he had just done.

"Yeah... That was the best lovemaking I've had in a while" Raichu said as he inhaled deeply with a relaxed expression.

"Oh god... I just..." Lucario said as he couldn't believe he had just fucked his (sorta) friend's dad.

"Well of course you did, could you have resisted me if you didn't? Why don't you stay here a bit longer, we can get to know each other all night long~" Raichu laughed as he relaxed in bed.

Lucario sighed... And accepted the offer, embracing the wealthy pokemorph, and feeling their cocks stiffen once more, they spent the whole night fucking again.


"Hey Lucario, you're going off somewhere?" Charizard asked him.

"Yeah, I just got some business in my former hometown" Lucario replied as he made his way to the entrance of the guild building.

"Really? Again? This is the third time, are you hiding something?" Charizard asked as he became skeptical.

"I just need to pay off my debt" Lucario said with a smile, as he left the guild for the 3rd time this month.

Lucario had been meeting up with Raichu all this time, and were enjoying each other's company, secretly of course, they didn't want Pikachu to find out...

Lucario opened the door to his office, and there was Raichu, sitting on his desk.

"So you came~" Raichu said with a smile and set his top hat on the table.

"Well I couldn't wait to" Lucario grinned as he approached Raichu.

Raichu stood up off his desk and walked around it, revealing he had already taken off his pants all this time.

"Of course, you couldn't resist me after all~" Raichu winked and turned around, put one leg over the table, and used one hand to part his cheeks open.

"Dig in~" Raichu teased Lucario, who happily put both hands on both cheeks, parted them and stuck his muzzle between them.


_ *Sneak Peak* _

"No... Don't make me do it" Jolteon begged someone as he held the bat in front of his two brothers.

"You're an eeveelution right? If you won't, then we will..." Said one of them.

Jolteon was left in tears over this, but thought about it... It would be better if it was him, he didn't after all hate Smeargle so...

Jolteon raised the bat and was ready to swing it down on the helpless pokemon, who looked at him in horror at Jolteon who, with some hesitation, swung it down on him, and he could feel pain course through him as Jolteon struck him again and again, with the two brothers encouraging to hit him again each time.

F Kangaskhan x F Nidoqueen

In a certain neighborhood, there was a happily married Kangaskhan and Rhydon, along with their fellow married neighbors, Nidoqueen and Nidoking. The two housewives coincidentally worked in the same small bar as their husbands do as well, working...

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The Guild's Dog: Hypno

After the incident with the pirates, Lucario, Jolteon, and Charizard's team were promoted from novice to bronze rank, and were recognized as more experienced than the others. But this also meant that they were expected to help any new members who...

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Heroes Fall: Finale

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