Unleashing the Dragon - Wyraach TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A commission for my bro of myself into classic Wyraach

Wyraach (C) Myself

Posted using PostyBirb

"Urg... I'm so damn glad this week is over..." Peter muttered under his breath, slamming the door shut behind him as he slumped across the sofa. Things had not been going too well for him right now, varying between dealing with a few random idiots to dealing with some problems either at home or at the place he was volunteering at. The temptation to just launch his fist into someone's face was getting so damn strong, he knew he'd act on it sooner than later if problems persisted.

Of course, acting on any kind of aggression was a slippery slope in and of itself, mainly due to the fact that he wasn't a typical human being. There was another side to him, one which hadn't been let out in a while, and keeping it held in wasn't doing him any real favours. He felt it clawing at his soul all day, wanting to be free, refusing to be held back much longer, but he had to keep a lid on it, at least until he got home. He wanted to be able to enjoy it, and knowing he had a few days off thanks to it being a long weekend, there really was no better time for it.

"Heh... you've really been wanting out these past few days, haven't you?" He smirked, sitting back against the sofa. He slipped his hand down to his pants, removing the belt before discarding them alongside his underwear. "Mmm... and you couldn't wait to start either, could you?" He chuckled, staring down between his legs, a genital slit where his crotch would be. His cock was already hard, pushing its way out of its new confines. The hair around his groin fell away, alongside patches of skin, revealing deep-red, plated scutes underneath the human flesh, slowly but surely spreading along his front. His shaft continued to push free, the head reshaping itself into a barbed point, a series of ridges forming along the top side of it, the base gaining a knot. As he went down to reach for it, it split down the middle, separating into two equally impressive, monstrous spears.

"Mmrrgghh... looking better already..." A grin crossed his lips, his teeth sharpening within his mouth. A throbbing sensation filled his groin, the scales covering his balls, causing them to grow larger, fuller, steadily swelling in size. He groaned, placing a hand around each of his spires, gripping them firmly, feeling them spasm in his grip as he suddenly came, his dicks spurting out his human seed, splitting the load between the two of them. "Hhr..hrrgghhh!" He huffed, his human essence purged from him, now being replaced by something much more potent brewing in his growing balls.

The scales worked their way up his front and sides, sticking to the crimson coloration over his front, whilst everywhere else on his torso was covered in scales as black as the night itself. He continued to pump his still-hard dicks, his shoulders broadening due to a mixture of developing muscles and a pair of bumps which were forming along his back. His shirt was already feeling tighter, riding up along his front, showing off the forming scutes on his stomach. As they reached his upper body, he could feel his chest muscles start to throb.

The scales moved across his hands, his fingers twitching against his cocks, his grasp growing firmer as his fingers stretched and thickened, the palms of his hands becoming rougher, making the contact against his dicks even more stimulating than before. The nails on each finger broke, sharp, dagger-like claws pushing out of his fingertips, strong enough to tear through steel if he so wished.

"Rrghh..." He brought his clawed right hand up to feel his chest through his shirt, the muscles tensing and toning up, his chest rising up and down with each breath he took, putting further pressure on the fabric. The nipples vanished underneath the plated scutes, his chest barrelling forwards, splitting his shirt down the middle. "Couldn't even wait for me to... mrrghh... get my top off..." He smirked, his voice sounding slightly deeper than before. "Ugh... hhr...uhrrrrrgghhhhh!" He gasped and moaned, spasming as he was brought to a second sudden orgasm, his dicks firing off a fresh load, this time tapping from his new, monstrous seed, some of it managing to hit the ceiling. He continued to stroke his chest alongside one of his shafts, his legs tensing up as the changes moved to focus upon them. His thighs bulked up, muscles rippling under the scales.

His feet popped and stretched, the toes curling, digging into the floor. The middle digits merged together into one, the big toe shrinking away whilst deadly, razor-sharp talons grew from the tips of his toes, an additional one sprouting from his heel, all pressure shifting to his tiptoes, the new claws sinking through the carpet and into the foundation below.

"So...rgghh.... Sooo much better..." A snarl left his throat, his legs and feet fully covered in scales, rough, scaly pads forming on the undersides of his feet. He sat up slightly, the bulges against his shoulders growing bigger, a second set of bumps forming a few inches below them. He arched his back, his spine stretching outwards, a mass of flesh and scales forming from it, wagging behind him. As his tail grew, it split down the middle, developing into a trio of powerful limbs, each with their own separate weapon - a flame, a mace, and an axe-like blade. They coiled around his lower legs, idly brushing against his feet as he positioned them to avoid doing any damage to his furniture.

"Hrh...hrgghhhh!!" He leant forwards, still stroking one of his cocks, the other hand moving back down to resume properly tending to himself. His back swelled further, the changing human arching it as another inhuman moan left his throat, four scaly arms growing outwards, the fingers on each 'hand' growing longer, a crimson webbing lining them, leaving him with two pairs of demonic-looking wings, spreading out to their full length. The wings decimated his shirt, tearing massive holes in it, the changing man reaching up to discard his top, throwing the tattered remains down by his trousers.

"Rrggh.. Hrrghh..." A twisted snarl left this mouth, his thoughts and mentality being reworked by the beast within him. He remembered the people he had to deal with earlier, the idiots who tried to cut him off in the queue when he was doing his grocery shopping. Despite the fact that they had what must have been double the amount of shopping he had, they had tried to barge in front of him, listing petty excuses to try to justify what they were doing. At the time, he had been holding back the beast, not wanting to cause a scene or risk alerting too many people in one place to what he really was beneath that human disguise, but he was still able to let loose a snarl and some very pointed words in a deep, sinister tone.

"Morons..." He hissed, his voice sounding deeper still, his wings folding back against him. Now that he was taking on his true form, he didn't have to hold back, he didn't have to worry about letting his true form out in a crowd of people - he could just take it in and enjoy it, basking in the corruption and power that flowed through him. It only served to make him harder, cocks twitching in his hands as he pumped them, growling erratically.

"Rrrrrssssssss..." He growled, his face contorting into an inhuman look of lust, his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth. Most humans could only dream of being like him, a creature that wasn't bound to human laws, free to do whatever they wished to do when out of their disguise. Some humans would be lucky to receive his blessing, to ascend to a higher level of being - he had a few friends whom he had already treated, and he had many more to see, but they'd be turned in due time. As for now, he still had to finish his transformation, and there was only one piece of him holding him back.

"Almosssst..." His tongue flickered between his teeth, the tip splitting into a fork, growing longer and broader. His teeth finished growing into vicious fangs, his face pushing forwards, stretching as it reformed into a broad muzzle. His nostrils flared, smoke billowing from them whilst it sank into his upper jaw, his neck stretching slightly, carrying his head from his shoulders. His ears grew to points, spikes jutting out from his cheeks, a row of them pushing out along his spine and tails.

"Sooo... clooooosssssse..." He huffed, doubling up his efforts on pumping his dicks, a set of horns growing out from atop his skull, curving cruelly behind him. His hair grew several inches more, reaching down to his shoulders, taking on the same red colouring as the scutes on his front, his muzzle reaching its full length, full of gleaming fangs. His eyes squeezed shut, moving to the sides of his head, better suited to his draconic head, cocks throbbing in his hands as he felt a third and final orgasm approach. He felt it building up, balls aching, his oversized nuts ready to blow. His eyes snapped open, the colour of them turning a bloody red, pupils pulling into thin slits.


He let loose an earth-shaking bellow, a controlled burst of flame erupting from his maw as he came rather violently, his dicks firing off in rapid bursts, splattering the wall, ceiling, and the remnants of his clothes in his white-hot cum. The sound of his roar spread for miles around, stirring up a cacophony of howling dogs and car alarms.

"HRRGHH...GHRHRAARRHHH!!" He snarled and hissed, his hands and groin covered in his slick seed, the orgasm slowly dying down as he slumped back, his spires firing less and less over time until he was finally empty, at least for the time being.

"Rgghh.... Mmrggh... looks like I was really pent up this time... that's what I get for holding back.." Peter smirked, only now he wasn't Peter anymore - as he was now, he was known as Wyraach, a powerful and imposing-looking dragon. He let go of his rods, licking some of the mess from his claws. "Imagine if I held back any more, I'd go off like a damn volcano~" He grinned, tails brushing against the floor. "Although that might be a sight to see... would probably be better with a partner on hand for that one!"

Wyraach got back to his feet, claws clicking against the floor as he stepped away from his mess. He stretched himself, growling contentedly in the process. "Feels good to be out again... gets way too cramped inside that shell." He sighed, having to crouch down slightly as he walked through the doorway. "Ssspeaking of cramped..." He muttered, taking in his current surroundings - this place was no home for a dragon, after all. "I really should move to somewhere with a bigger ceiling and everything, or to a nice cave. As for now, though, there were more important matters to be had - taking a look down, he noticed that he was still quite hard, his dicks proudly on display. "Heh... I was going to go get something to eat, but it looks like you've got other ideasss~" He looked out of the window, the city still fairly quiet.

"Guess it won't hurt to go local tonight, make a few new dragons and dragonesses!" He practically roared with laughter, opening the window wide. He perched on the windowsill, spreading his wings wide before taking off into the night sky, letting out a low roar as he blended into the darkness, on the hunt for potential mates.

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