
Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#40 of Commissions

Nick has gone missing and Judy has the chance to free him at a cost...Commission for LordVincent


Posted using PostyBirb

Judy clenched the phone in her paw as she stormed into the cheap hotel. She knew exactly where to go and stomped her way closer and closer. Through her anger was fear, a deep fear. It had been a few days since she last saw Nick. He was sent to investigate the happenings of a certain rabbit and just day, just out of the blue, the fox went missing. Just like that, with no explanation at all, Nick was just gone.

Despite that, the female bunny marched boldly up the stairs and down the floor's hall until she reached the door of a certain room. Gritting her teeth, she banged her fist against the door and did her best to wait a few seconds for him to show up. Sure enough, there were the sounds of footsteps on the other side of the door and soon the door opened slightly. Peaking through the narrow slot, a gray bunny with black stripes. None other than Jack Savage smirked back at Judy before he opened the door fully.

"Judy! I'm not gonna ask how you found my place. We both know why you're here, so why don't you just come in?" The smug bunny stepped to the side, graciously allowing the other lagomorph into the rather nice room. Clearly one of the better rooms the 3-star rated building could offer. It was large enough, with plenty of places to hide something...or someone.

"Alright, Jack. Where is he?" Judy asked, pointing a finger at the other bunny. The striped male chuckled and that only infuriated her even more.

"And why would I tell you? It's between me and him. He went poking his nose where it doesn't belong after all..."

"Jack!" Judy ran at the male but he simply reached out and took hold of both of her arms.

"The way I see it, Miss Hopps, you have three options:

  1. Leave my room quietly and not risk any trouble

  2. You can try to fight me, but I can just call security to drag out of here

  3. You plant that perfect ass on my bed and let me use you like the bunny you are, after which I might just tell you where your partner is being held.

The choice is yours," Jack listed, ending it off with another knowing smirk.

Of course he knew where Nick was. In fact the fox was in this very hotel room but it was clear that Judy was too angry to stop and think. Jack aimed to take advantage of her anger and how much she cared about the red furred vulpine. Him playing it cool and choosing his words carefully made it seem as if Nick was being held somewhere else. And the shift in Judy's expression meant that she was considering his offer, perhaps thinking her foxy friend was in danger.

"Tick, tock, Hopps. Time is on the line, but I can make it go by even faster," Jack sneered.

"Alright, alright... What do you want, Jack?" The question was clearly arbitrary. It was obvious which option the low down bunny was going to take. His grin grew wider and Judy dared to let her eyes wander, catching the sight of a tent already in his pants. "Fine then..."

A chuckle came from the male as he held Judy's arms tighter. He pulled her in, leading the other bunny to the bed. Rather than resist, she went along with it, telling herself that she was doing this all for the sake of Nick. Jack tossed her to the bed roughly, looking down at her with another smug grin. He was eating this all up, knowing that Nick was hardly in any danger. The bunny cop was doing this all for nothing, but even more than that, Nick himself was aware of everything happening right now.

The fox was tied to a chair in the wide closet, struggling to escape the hold he was in. He managed to touch a claw to some ropes, but it was now just a matter of slowly picking away at the ropes until they snapped. It would have been easy if it wasn't for the screen in front of him. That screen was giving a direct video and audio feed of everything that was happening in the hotel's main room. He could see Judy being thrown onto the bed and Jack climbing on top of it and over her. The sight fueled him to pick harder at the ropes. He could feel his claws steadily but slowly sawing through them.

Again, the fox was drawn to the screen. It felt like he tore his focus away for just a moment, but Judy was already making sounds and clutching at the sheets. The live feed showed Jack with his fingers squishing in and out of Judy's pussy. She was doing her best to endure, but it was clear that she was enjoying just the bit of fingering.

Jack felt a rush of pride within him. He knew that Nick and Judy had fucked. Sure, foxes may be much bigger than himself, but nobody knew what bunny liked more than another bunny. As soon as his fingers eased in he slicked them back and forth at a quick pace. Alongside her muffled moans were the juicy squishes, already coating his fingers in her juices. Stimulated over and over, he could smell the scent wafting from her folds. It seemed that despite being with a fox, she hadn't been properly satisfied in a while. Sure, he was the bad guy in this situation, but Jack felt a bit bad for her. What was the point of having a big mammal around if he couldn't even bring satisfaction?

It was getting harder for Nick to focus on escaping. Jack had moved on from fingering to easing his face between her legs. He made show of himself, slurping loudly on her pink lips and the walls inside. Judy didn't know it, but he was doing it to further tease Nick. He was going to show the fox what a bunny was really capable of how Judy should really be treated. There was no doubt in his mind that the fox had his eyes glued to the screen, probably drooling over the sight.

Nick had yet to drool but the hold his claws had was faltering. His mind was clouded with lust as his cock was growing from his sheath. The fox's breathing picked up and his ears flicked and swiveled, subconsciously easing to the best position to hear each and every little sound. Not only the moans of Judy, but the slurps of Jack's tongue and the subtle squishes of her pussy.

He clenched his fangs and told himself to get it together. He had to get out of there and put a stop to all of this. And...


Finally, the fox managed to get through the ropes. They fell to the closet's floor, leaving him free to stop all that was happening in the rest of the hotel room.


Nick dared to glance at the screen and gasped at the sight before him. Was he really that slow? No... How could he forget? Bunnies were that fast, made to go over and over with hardly any let up. In just the time it took for the fox to untie himself, Jack was already on top of Judy, pressing himself down, shoving his cock inside of her...

Rather than taking a moment to ease himself in or get a feel for what was squeezing down on his cock, the striped bunny got right down to business. Just as Nick thought, his humps were fast and hard, rocking Judy's body and forcing her to moan out. Those moans were loud enough to be heard clearly through the screen as well through the closet's door.

Within him there was a part that was urging to go out there but that voice continued to be smothered in the excitement and lust that was rolling through Nick's body. His cock was fully out of his sheath and pulsing hard against the fabric of his pants.

Without even realizing it, the fox was already touching himself; rubbing his paw over the tent, teasing his leaking and throbbing tip. He continued to watch Jack groan and plant his cock deep inside of Judy's pussy with speed and force that he could never hope to match...

His paw wrapped around and started to stroke, leaving the red fox to guilty moan and whimper to the sight. He couldn't stop himself, and even stronger than the feeling of shame was the thrill of watching the much smaller male fuck his girlfriend even better than he ever could.

"Better than that dumb fox, huh? He pounded into her, the strong muscles in his lower half allowing him to drill himself inside and against her walls over and over again. Judy had stopped resisting the moment his tongue got to licking against the most sensitive parts.

Through her pleasure she nodded and reached up to pull the male bunny even closer. Hot pre squirt deep inside of her, making her feel all the hotter and wetter. Unlike Nick, there were feelings of shame within. Those desires were finally being satiated, for once she felt true pleasure, and she let her body take it, cherishing it for as long as Jack was going to last.

He continued to fuck hard and deep, clenching his teeth and groaning from the rise of his climax. Despite the building sensation, Jack made no attempts to slow himself down. Instead he pressed himself closer and locked lips with the female bunny, kissing her deeply as he came inside of her.

His seed pumped deep inside of her, filling her vent with his potent bunny seed. It was only at the moment that Judy realized that there was a guarantee that she would walk away pregnant. But for once she didn't care about the consequences. Instead, she begged the bunny for more.

Jack smirked and fulfilled the female bunny's wishes. Just as he had before, he started with a series of fast humps and squelched and pushed the cum he freshly spurt from the lightly squeezing, hot hole. He had no problem going round after round, something that the onlooking fox couldn't say for himself. As he continued to fuck the moaning bunny under him, Jack wondered how Nick was reacting to the sight being live fed onto the closet's screen.

Nick himself was panting and grunting as his paw drifted up and down, stroking from the tip all the way back down to the bulbous knot. It was easy for him to do so. In truth, he was never as endowed as the other males his size. Even Finnick sported a bigger length than he did. And it seemed that case held true for Jack as well. His cock, bigger and thicker than the fox, plunged himself within and out of the tight vent, making Judy moan louder for more speed and force.

His eyes glued to the screen and his mouth watering at the sight, Nick continued to stroke his cock, watching all the details of the action. Tingles ran through his body with pleasure that was just as strong as when he was with Judy. And when she cried out, a rise struck his cock, bringing him all the closer to blowing his load.

He tried his best to time his strokes with the speed of Jack, but it was simply no use. His paw was too slow, leaving him to just watch and jerk himself off, getting closer and closer to his climax. Another loud moan from Judy forced him over the edge.

Through his orgasm, Nick was aware enough to keep his voice down, not allowing himself to be found. He rode out the intense feelings and listened to his seed splatter down on the floor and wall of the closet. All the while, he refused to take his eyes away from the screen. With the intense pleasure still soaring through his body, Nick watched Jack continue on further than what he could ever achieve.

"Feels good, doesn't it? Being fucked like a bunny should?" Jack asked. He held the other lagomorph closer to himself, pressing their chests together. Judy couldn't answer from the kiss that she was pulled into. All she could do was continue to moan and gasp through the little room she had.

With every quick yet powerful thrust her pussy was stretched and filled by the other bunny's cock. Her walls were already soaked from the teasing Jack gave her. But his oozing cum made it all the easier for him to drive his length deep inside of her, touching the most sensitive parts without letup. Before the pleasure could dull, another hard thrust renewed it, leaving Judy to squirm and clutch at the sheets.

The grunts from the male bunny picked up again and he shoved himself as far as he could. Yet again, Jack's cock pulsed and unloaded another heavy dose of bunny cum into the depths of Judy's pussy, assuring that she would be knocked up with his litter.

"Aw, don't look at me like that," Jack sneered, noticing the expression on Judy's face as she was filled. "I'll send you some money every month. And I'm sure that cucky fox would love to raise our kids."

Those words were spoken with emphasis, guaranteeing that Nick heard. It was a blackmail of sorts. He was no idiot, after all. Jack knew that Nick would have escaped his bindings, they were the bare minimum to hold him after all.

But he had yet to make an appearance, that meant he was watching this all happen. For a moment, Jack felt bad for Judy. What was the point of having a bigger, predator boyfriend if he was just going to watch his girlfriend be fucked and impregnated by someone else?

It was an unspoken agreement between them. If Nick kept quiet about letting this all happen, then Jack would play nice and be somewhat responsible for his kids.

In the closet, Nick nodded even though there was no one to see it. He was back to stroking his cock, fueled by the thrill of watching the cum ooze from Judy's pussy. Alongside it was the shame of idly watching this all happen. But it just made him want to squeeze his cock and stroke harder.

And Jack was right about him... Even if he wasn't being blackmailed, he would love to raise Judy's kids, he couldn't get her pregnant either... Every area that he failed, Jack could fulfill with ease. He was pleasuring Judy better than he ever could and even made her a mother. What did that make him? Jack said it best: he's nothing more than a cucky fox, stroking his cock in a closet, watching his girlfriend being pounded and filled over and over again.

With the closet, Nick pleasured himself over and over, spraying his fox seed all over the closet while he got multiple angles of Jack and Judy going round after round. It was an incredible sight. As soon as Jack came he would just sit there for a moment or two before humping the tight hole again like it was nothing. Of course, he wasn't just content with filling her pussy. Nick was able to see him flip her over and ram his cock inside of her even tighter ass, going a bit slower with the other hole, but still fast enough to fuel Nick's newfound rabbit breeding fetish.

Eventually, Jack had his fill. At least it appeared that way. He casually reached into the drawer and tossed a wad of money on the bed while Judy was in the shower. And upon returning she took it and Jack assured her that Nick would be released and return to her by the morning. There was no more anger in her eyes when she spoke to him. Especially when the striped bunny offered to have her over anytime she needed something the fox couldn't provide.

It was only after she left and Jack made sure she was gone, that he approached the closet and knocked on it. Slowly the door opened and the bunny chuckled at the many strings of cum that glazed the wall underneath the screen.

"I hope you enjoyed that little show. Now, I don't have to tell you what's needed on your part. And besides I need you to do something before you go crawling back to the bunny like the pitiful fox you are..."

Nick gulped as he saw the other male's cock throb and leak again.


"Can you taste her? Is that why your tongue's licking so hard?" Jack asked, his voice filled with a smug sense of self pride. He chuckled as he tugged on the fox's ears, pressing more of his cock into Nick's mouth.

Nick could only groan from the pain and the cock filling his mouth, pressing against his tongue, and leaking pre down his throat. It was made only worse when Jack started to hump with the same speed that he fucked Judy, grinding his shaft over the fox's tongue and down his throat with quick and repeated thrusts.

"Consider this as a punishment for being such a failure. As both a boyfriend and a fox," Jack huffed, shoving himself inside even harder. All Nick could really do was endure the presses into his throat and allow the shaft to plunge into his throat.

Jack grunted and pressed himself down as he finally came from the fifteenth time, squirting the last of the cum in his balls down the fox's throat. He was quick to pull back, marking the predator in his prey seed.

"You're staying here for the night," Jack said, sitting down on the bed. "And you can go back to Judy in the morning. Until then..."