Dragon Sauna

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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This is a story commission that I have written for a friend of mine

Description: Steam is known to addle the senses of dragons, leading to an all out orgy.

Art done by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xnirox/

***Dragon Sauna***

The meeting over at the Peace Keepers war room ended the same way as any other meetings: with grumbling, growling, and alert, frustrated steps.

Of all the dragons partaking in Titan's offer to soothe spirits by shedding the day's frustrations in the only place capable of such miracles, Nestor was the least eager to indulge in this diplomatic affair. For that is what it was, regardless of how Titan tried to disguise his little ploy. Bruno looked the most eager to let off some steam, golden frills fanned in indignation that had yet to fade. Electrical traps and research implements Gnasty's henchmen littered his swamp with were the least of the council's worries, a fact that escaped the Beast Maker's simple mind with many of Gnasty's minions still at loose in almost all of the remaining worlds.

Lateef strolled at the very front of the group, his ridiculously long tail arched behind him, never one to let its intriguing patterns get marred by the dust settled over the tiled hallway. Lost in thought--as his kind always seemed to Nestor--the pensive dragon idly fondled his elegant goatee, undoubtedly planning for a way to bring all these heterogeneous souls to a consensus that would never come.

Cosmos, as expected from his cultured, refined self, enjoyed Titan's commanding presence the most, tonguing the Peace Keeper's metaphorical arse with all the vast ideas he wanted to implement in solving their immediate crisis with the help of his capable clan. The magic crafters had the most varied means to track down and disband the remaining groups of rascals, yet they were also the least reliable, for every task assigned to them often turned into a quest to research the most apt magical solution to it.

And that, at times, took a lifetime.

Nestor of the artisans kept to himself, trailing the group at the far back, disinterested in what they all had to offer, official or otherwise. He had a sauna back home too; a refined one, embellished with tasteful, artistic decorations Titan's crude place couldn't hope compete with. The company was better too, for all the dragons of his realm prized creativity and thinking outside the box, which couldn't be said of his present company.

Though if he was to choose a dragon to linger around...hmm...that had to be Cosmos. His presence intrigued Nestor the most, with his grand air bestowed upon him by his pair of curved, impressive horns. The flowing robe he wore trailed behind him, his paws failing to catch and trip him on those gold-embroidered seams. The smooth, mauve membrane of his wings bore the same lush shade as his garments, distending and folding in unison with his rising excitement levels. Nestor liked those expressive dragons best, whose frills and eyes and wings and tails betrayed their thoughts long before their mouth did, and sorcerers like him often harbored the most perverted and curious thoughts Nestor's churning balls ached to know more of.

"Here we are," Titan stepped to the side of a sliding door made of aged oak, the pictogram etched in its center revealing a few of the Peace Keepers in quite the...revealing poses. Bruno's grunt dwarfed Cosmos' gasp at the telltale of what transpired in warm, steamy, confined places, the reticence in his few retreating steps as endearing as it was awkward.

"Too late to back down, greenie. Reckon you don't got much to show beneath that robe, hrr? Or do four males in scant coverings disturb your concentration?"

Bruno smirked at the reluctant dragon, seizing Titan's offer by the balls, losing everything he wore at the door, paying no mind to the loin coverings hanging to the side for the purpose of ensuring decency. Lateef replaced his elegant ruddy loincloth with the provided item on display, but refused to let go of his silken poncho, strolling inside without a single perturbed flick of his tail at the japes Bruno made at his address. Titan had no choice but to obey the rules of the house, tucking his half-erect member behind the cream-white veil of linen and offering Cosmos the same opportunity to join the rest.

"I'm going to head in last," Cosmos said, his fingers fiddling with the lace of the loincloth. It was by no means subtle. Little more than a flap of material thin enough to glimpse through its secretive texture, if one looked hard enough. The magic of a sauna, one might say. "I've never been one for rowdy gatherings and crammed, sweltering places."

"Hmpf, figures," Titan grumbled under his breath, misinterpreting the glance Cosmos shared with Nestor. The only thing they had in common was their coloring, for the magic crafters and the artisans have long been at odds over the merit of what each clan considered to be art. "Don't take too long. Or do. We've already had our war council."

After Titan slid the door behind him to separate the two pairs of guests, a thick, uneasy silence filtered through the empty hallway. Every Peace Keeper, ward, trainee and pupil had scattered through every world to uphold their duty, tackling risks that each category would handle. Mayhem came in many forms, and many of the adult dragons had more pressing demands than to corral rowdy rams into their pens or chase after ruffians who stole paint brushes or cooking utensils.

"Might I inquire to the purpose of your unsettling gawking?"

"Didn't take you for a second guesser," Nestor folded his burly arms over his broad chest to showcase his own doubts while in the presence of a magic crafter. "Bruno and his several inches of flaccid cock, soon to double in size, steal your nerve?"

"Pah, as if I'd pay that simpleton any mind, let alone take interest in his...rudimentary tool." The spite coating his words couldn't fully suppress the latent curiosity at indulging in such vulgar display. Magic crafters were a secluded bunch, seldom meeting each other in person for matters other than the sharing of magical discoveries. Unlike the open-minded artisans long stripped of their inhibitions, Cosmos' universe of lewd must have been reduced to the image of just a few cocks, if those, so it seemed perfectly reasonable for his dormant, lustful side to sample other, more brutish sights.

"A brush that only paints with white, yes. A thick and imprecise one, to be sure," Nestor added, not bothering to hide the impression Bruno left on him. The Beast Maker packed quite the blunt weapon, thick to a fault and short enough to make its girth stand out in all the enchanting ways.

"May the paint hit naught but his ugly mug. Would make for quite the improvement!" Cosmis' spirits rose for a brief moment, only for them to sink to a subdued level when he realized who he was addressing.

An uncultured artisan.

"I...after you," he invited Nestor in, unable to hold his gaze. "I had my fill of sausage already."

"Then you've come to the wrong feast," Nestor chuckled, relieving himself of his vest and subligaria for the looser, more revealing swath of cloth that simply draped his malehood rather than fully conceal it. In the context of a sauna, it made sense for the curious minds to get a peek of flesh peering past the sides, and the artisans were not better in this regard.

The simplicity of the room itself delighted Nestor, for it showed, without the shadow of a doubt, that artistry was as lost on the Peace Keepers as the will to do grunt work was on Nestor's clan. Compared to their sauna, carved into a secluded chamber in a mountain with a thermal vent in its center to heat it with natural steam, this one required the base ingredients of coal and water. Ornamental copper vases covered each of the four corners in the room, painted with swirling lines of gold over a hyacinth field. Each of them had a little window carved in its belly to offer a glimpse of the fire heating the bed of coals above to give a measure of authenticity, but to Nestor, it seemed flat and uninspired, a desperate attempt at what the Peace Keepers considered to be original.

At least they did not get the symmetry of the room wrong, the wood lacquered with the proper thermal insulator to preserve the walls and maintain the proper temperature, which Nestor found to be severely lacking. Lateef immediately went to solve the issue by fanning the flames with his wings and pouring a stream of water over the sizzling coals, drawing tongues of hissing steam from the simmering amethyst chunks.

"Make yourself comfortable," Bruno said from the end of the room. He occupied the entirety of the bench there, slumped forward as if to greet everyone with his hanging cock and drooping balls, snickering like the perverted fool he was. "Gives me the chills, to see standing dragons in a sauna. It's unnatural, like those sparkling, sizzling, angry traps strewn about my bog."

Nestor considered responding to that in an equally biting fashion, but simply offered him a threatening snort as he settled opposite of Titan, one foot crossed over the other, tail lounging across the rest of the bench to direct Cosmos at the only other available place, next to his golden sweetheart with the ravishing mane.

"The other one bailed on us? Should have known that those pious, robed dragons have no stomach nor the virility to attend such pleasures. Makes you wonder what they have to hide, eh?"

Just as he finished his thought, the door slid open to welcome Cosmos, the picture of irritated awkwardness. In the end, he chose to embrace the custom of the sauna at the expense of his dignity, for few Magic Crafters disrobed in public settings, let alone strike the image of nonchalant crudeness that Bruno fulfilled.

"The only thing I'm hiding is my distaste for condescending prattle, which tumbles in no short supply from that scant muzzle of yours. At least we know where the rest of its length went."

Cosmos sized the offer on display, wearing a bossy, critical look that brought a smirk to Nestor's snout. He had quite the fire in him for a cultured bookworm. What other surprises did this group hold, he wondered?

"Scoot over to me and let me get a taste of that pent-up angst. I've always had a thing for your type, the one who talks and never cums. Bet you'd burst as soon as I pull that taut foreskin back and seize your far too sensitive glans." Bruno licked his chops, his taunting causing Cosmos to stiffen. Not in revulsion, no, but in a far subtler, hesitant way where his instinct finally got ahead of his broad mind.

"Utterly revolting!" Cosmos spat, scrunching his muzzle in a tad too dramatic way to come across as genuine. He chose to hide that temptation beneath a darkening scowl on his way to Titan, who also rolled his eyes at Bruno's proposition while he made room for more sophisticated company.

"The chunky one does have a point," Lateef cut in with his calm, even, unperturbed tone. "The denial of one's dreams is a sacrilege in itself."

"Speak for yourself, you long-tailed monk," Titan said, leaning a wing over his partner as if to shield him from all that unwanted attention. "Why don't you go sit in Bruno's lap over there and show him all there is to know about how far his mind can soar?"

Lateef's chuckle was as serene as his indomitable bearing. "I find myself captivated by the tales we tell ourselves to mask subconscious needs, and by their intricacy. My pleasures are of a more...indistinct nature, nothing quite as physically demanding as intercourse."

"So you've never..." not even Bruno could bring his thoughts to completion without breaking into rough, rumbling laughter.

"I did," the dream weaver interjected, his usually impassive gaze sharper, more focused. "If only to compare the gratifying nature of one's fantasy with the chaotic outcome of more earthbound delights. The way your heart hammers at your chest and your breath cuts in ragged gasps..." Lateef emphasized his distaste of the act through a wry, acrid snarl. "I find myself better attended by the lucrative mystique of my dreams, and by the unexpected outcome they often haven."

"Mmm, wet dreams," Bruno gathered himself up, his interest piqued. "Have only had one, ever. At the time, I hardly understood how damned sensitive I was down there, unattended by no muzzle, tongue, hand or tailhole. There was only one who could perk my cobra up, and that was..."

So started Bruno's drawn-out, overly detailed and descriptive passage of how he mated the dragon of his dreams in his mind and woke up covered in his own spunk. He made it sound like a most extraordinary occurrence, pampered with exaggerated and pretentious passages that convinced Nestor to watch Cosmos play with Titan's mane for a more down to earth experience. Childish and stupid, to be sure, but far more interested than that bloated tale of self-indulgence put together by a mind solely focused on the raw nature of things.

Lateef found the tale equally inert, preferring to keep the steam rolling by guiding the ladle from a nearby barrel over to the clutter of reddened coals. Thanks to his diligent efforts, the clean air soon grew thick with warm, wafting moisture, the curtain of steam swirling and twirling outward, blown away by his feathered wings. Compared to Nestor's, they guided the flow of steam in more and varied ways, a skillset that was quite the sight to behold.

What was he doing here, really? Nestor minced and portioned that vague notion of responsibility towards the other clans in bite-sized chunks that his mind could digest, starting with the supposed kinship he was supposed to share with this heterogeneous bunch. Just because they were all dragons, it hardly brought them closer. Lateef stood tall, proud example of that, bending in no way other than what his duty required. He was an observer, the pervert that hugged a corner and feasted on the spectacle of base needs dragons like Bruno often engaged in. The beastly dragon completely lacked scruples, fixated on Titan and Cosmos' rubbing of bodies, wing strokes and whispered attention as he fondled his generous sack, filled with heavy, swishing apples.

Whether it was the steam, the privacy of the sauna or simply gross indifference, Nestor couldn't fully tell, but Cosmos...Cosmos had a feisty side to him unrevealed to the eye, a boldness that took Nestor and Titan equally aback. The fleeting glance he stole of Bruno now hovered over Titan's bulge, the sides of his flap quite poor in shielding the protruding, round plumpness of a ball, or reveal furtive glimpse of an ever-growing shaft, ripe with prominence. When Titan least expected it, Cosmos pulled back the curtain on his member before it became a tent, grabbing it by the base, squeezing tight enough to steal the golden dragon's breath away.

"This is too precious a cock to keep all for yourself, my dear," Cosmos crooned, leaning in to nuzzle the rosy cheek of his stunned companion. His wide, terrified eyes skipped about the room, from the indifferent Lateef to the smirking and masturbating Bruno and finally, on Nestor's puzzled expression before gracing the alluring smile of his friend. With a hand clasped around one's cock--especially the persistent grip of a person who wanted nothing more than to teach you a few tricks--words came terribly difficult to any male.

Nestor had no idea what game they were playing, nor did he want any particular part in it. And yet, the tingling in his sack, the throbbing hardness rushing through his cock, the sizzling warmth pulsing beneath his skin begged to differ. Dragons, no matter their color, personality and occupation, had a deceptively hard time remaining on the edges of a room while the bigger group reveled in the growly pleasures of physical debauchery. Lateef's own loincloth raised with his gaze, the dream weaver keenly interested in the effects Cosmos' up and down movement along Titan's cock had on him, rather than the visual element itself. Bruno, who previously splayed back in disinterested relaxation, now hunched over the bench, gaining a few more inches on the bold pair, the flicks of his wrist wider, more animated.

With his one hand busy, Cosmos tried to untie his loin coverings with the other, resorting to viciously clawing through the lace, patience all but removed from the equation. Bulging, prominent veins engulfed his sage foreskin, his glans swollen to refuse, the hardness of his cock as apparent as the taut lock of his jaws. Nestor heard the rumors regarding magic crafters, of how lost they could get in their few and far between lusts, yet to see Cosmos' frills shot with blood, his eyes so narrow in focus with a singular purpose...it got his heart pumping faster than he wanted it to.

"I'm..." Titan rolled his eyes into the back of his skull as Cosmos squeezed his glans tight between his thumb and forefinger that molded in a ring around it. "I'm gonna finish before you even....ngggghhhh!"

His scrunched features mellowed, the furrows on his brow dissipating. The moment Cosmos let go of his cock, Titan's petrified body immediately slackened, its limp form leaning against the teal plates lining Cosmos' chest.

"You're not giving me any chance, huh?" Titan whispered sweetly to him, tilting his head back so that their cheeks met. Though he had his hand all over Titan's cock a moment ago, Cosmos immediately turned away, as if suddenly aware of how hot his flushed cheeks must have smoldered.

"So you say after I let you hold on to your precious fluids a little while longer," Cosmos nudged the side of his neck with the frame of a majestic, curved horn. "I had you at my fingertips, squirming and begging me to push you over."

"Better that you didn't. Don't want my cock to ache all over when I have this in me," Titan flashed Cosmos a lewd, knowing smirk before going down on him. All the green dragon managed was inhale a sharp breath that hissed out through his gritted teeth the moment he found himself guided so far deep into Titan's mouth only his plump balls still showed. Nestor found it particularly lovable--and more than a little erotic--that his knuckles softened in color from how tight he gripped the bench. His toe claws left skid marks from how hard they bit into the stone floor, all to hold himself together long enough to outlast his ordeal.

Fortunately for him--and for Nestor who loosened an equally dramatic sigh--Titan did not even peel back his foreskin with his tongue, preferring to let his glans safely tucked in for the main course.

"Guess that makes you ready to tackle the main challenge," the gold dragon said, pushing himself up so that he could teasingly bend over right in front of Bruno, challenging him with a defiant sneer while his tail flagged for another.

"I know far more eloquent ways to handle tight, crammed spaces, but your primitive mind wouldn't have it otherwise. And to be honest..." Cosmos paused, aligning his tip with Titan's entrance, gliding it over the rim of his flesh in soft, prodding, taunting nudges. "Some things are simply better when handled through physical labor."

Nestor shifted to the farther end of the bench, crossing his left leg over the other to shield his inappropriate reaction at the turn of events that took place inside the sauna. He had always known steam to addle the senses of dragons, to enflame cravings and enkindle wild desires, but never to this point. Propriety all but abandoned, Cosmos eased his bloated, eager tip into Titan's waiting pucker, his soft gasp twining with the rougher one of his partner, his free shaft jolting upward, visibly thickening to full mast after the absence of Cosmos' teasing handjob. A visceral shudder traversed Nestor's wings, causing them to accidentally flap in surreal excitement, tail stiffening as much as his tailhole did in titillation, for the vivid imagery carried him to fantasies where he ought to have been in Titan's place, plugged and trembling in maddening ecstasy. The wildest of dreams aroused him the most, and seeing how every detail on Titan's cock became more apparent the more Cosmos pushed himself inside filled him with insatiable need.

"That's...not me," Nestor shook his head, saying those words out loud, for the noise and scent of sex weighed heavily on his muffled senses. "I fuck. I don't get fucked."

Though it was no more than a stupid ploy to avoid giving in to the same temptation that had led Cosmos astray, Nestor found it impossible not to pay minute attention to Cosmos' tailhole. His tail, arched inward, its tip twitching and curling with every thrust, laid bare his own entrance, so obvious against the stark teal of his underplates. It tightened. It loosened. It practically begged to be penetrated by his thick, ready girth, Nestor's tip already slickened with droplets of subdued longing.

One dragon that jumped straight into action instead of just staring was none other than the silent creature of base needs that was Bruno, the one who had put this maddening notion into everyone's heads to begin with. No longer satisfied with the attention of his hand while another received far loftier treatment, the lumbering dragon waddled over to the mating pair, their shuttered eyes failing to take note of Bruno's devious grin and hungering gaze. Fixated on the prize that was Titan's precum-dribbling tip, the azure dragon knelt before the altar of his loins, shuffling forward on his knees, then shifting into a crawl when his height refused to put him at proper level with the object of his desire.

He was going to take him into his mouth, wasn't he? To let Titan fuck his throat, to feel his cum explode against his tongue and drain his cock dry of every drop.

Nestor's sack tightened, the balls nestled within shuddering with a knowing, distant ache spurred by the hot wetness that was about to engulf Titan's jerking malehood. Bruno's eyes glinted with that too obvious guilty pleasure. His tongue swished over his lips, wings fluttering in their sockets in barely restrained patience. What was he waiting for? His mouth was so close to Titan's crotch, he could all but inhale the fragrant musk of pent-up need.

But Bruno had other plans--or at least, another sneaky intention. Not satisfied with just sheltering Titan in his mouth and have him burst too quick from being pleasured on two fronts, the grunting, huffing Bruno shifted on his back, sneaking his stubby legs between Titan's longer, elegant ones, followed by his thick, bulging sack. That put his meatier, shorter shaft right underneath the in-and-out motion of Cosmos' hips, the abundant precum of the grunting and huffing dragon dribbling from Titan's tailhole to pelt Bruno's twitching erection.

Like a predator fixated on its prey, Bruno intently watched the frequency of the thrusts. He measured the width of Titan's swings, his cock never failing to shoot upward whenever Cosmos buried himself up to his balls inside his stretching depths, the girth of a throbbing cock inside him setting him on the edge of precipice. To prolong their mutual pleasure, Cosmos withdrew whenever Titan's breath caught, letting his partner gasp for blessed respite. Unlike most males, Cosmos fully retreated from Titan every now and then, enjoying--or perhaps thriving on the kink of ramming himself back into him, each time more forcefully than the last.

Bruno observed such flaw. He bid his time, his thickest of shafts bloated to refuse with the eagerness to steal Cosmos' spot and perhaps deny him the chance to fill Titan. Given how hot the azure dragon's blood boiled, Nestor had no doubts that a single stroke might finish him and Titan both if invaded by a cock of that magnitude.

The burly dragon reconsidered his stance at the last moment, pushing himself further back, willing his shaft to bounce and bob against Titan's equally unstable cock. Every time their hefty, well-defined tips met, their glans swelled just a bit further, their moans turned slightly harsher, possessed by burning lust. What surprised Nestor the most was that Titan did not even crack an eye open to see the source of his newfound stimulation. Similar to his bearing in the war room, the leader of the Peace Keepers batted no eye to the details of an advantageous plan if it drove his plot forward, extracting delight wherever, whenever, and with whoever supplied it.

"That's...rrrrrhh...so rrright!" Titan growled out in blatant need, his body swaying and undulating with the forceful slapping of Cosmos' thighs against his. In between their hisses, groans and grunts, the slapping of crotch against ass flitted in, each swing of those emerald hips shooting up Nestor's cock through a demanding throb that begged--no, demanded--to be stifled.

"Show me what uuuurrrhhh...conqueror you are, that you mmmhmmm...seize me wholly, forrrrcefully, by reaching my deepest reaches for trrrue pleasureaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Titan's balance wavered from that last, mighty stroke, his angular snout lurching forward, landing with his chin right against Lateef's cock. Nestor blinked back in shock, not fully believing his senses. Did this just happen? Or had he truly lost himself in his fantasy, one where Lateef timely appeared right in front of the mated pair, bouncing on his thick, powerful tail to bring his generous girth mouth-level with Titan?

"Such raspy voice you have. Let me wet that parched throat of yours a little."

With a single hand, Lateef thrust his fingers into Titan's mane, pulling with just enough assertive force on it to convince the gold dragon to allow him entry into the depth of his mouth. Given how Titan's jaw immediately slackened and the ease with which Lateef's cock all but disappeared into that wet, gaping shelter, Nestor could only deduce that the Peace Keeper, for all his imposing stature, had a great hunger for cock. The thick and hard variety, uncompromising in their manly scent and stimulating taste with just the right amount of pent-up roughness to them.

Nestor's tongue froze on the tip of his muzzle, his breath all but seizing in his chest at the awfully stirring imagery unfolding before him. On one end, Titan's body bobbed and weaved, conquered by the hefty plunges of Cosmos' erection into his trembling, receptive undertail. A little to the left, Lateef's shaft went in dry and came out completely soaked in saliva. Oh, how amazing it must've felt, for his cock to be as wet as the water he poured over the coals, his usually steady hand wracked by the occasional, involuntary jerk.

All of Nestor's pent-up sexual frustration cascaded out of him in a sudden gasp, freeing him from the prejudice of getting involved, emptying him of all the rational doubts he harbored. Everyone was getting some. Cosmos hugged Titan's back, sheltering his neck right between his wings, fangs biting into his nape as his terse, rapid thrusts heralded his impending climax. Previously happy with just letting their cocks bounce and glance off one another, Bruno now grabbed his cock and Titan's both, squeezing them together, letting their glans rub and stroke one another in the final act of his perverted intentions. Titan, attacked on two fronts already, fought tooth and nail to keep himself on the edge of precipice, swallowing all of Lateef's meat, ballooned cheeks betraying his desperate tongue work to get his partner off first.

Lateef, as expected, panicked. He attempted to pull back, to recollect and orgasm on his own terms, but his rushing seed had plans of its own. The blue dragon's calm, collected head whipped back with a feral roar, his balls visibly shuddering from the might of his first, potent burst. Titan's eyes flared open to their fullest, the picture of shock plastered upon his face when flooded in such sudden fashion. The visible load indicated by his inflated cheeks had him close to spitting their contents all over Lateef's drooping sack, but Titan gulped however much he could down, the swallowing motion of such hefty a load as erotic as it was arousing.

Unexpectedly, Lateef's ladle dropped from his hand to clatter on the floor, all so he could seize Titan's head and hold it in place during a few jerky, final thrusts, seeking to bury his cock and plant his seed as deep as he could manage. Even Cosmos paused while inside Titan, snarling at the interruption, though from pleasure or irritation, Nestor couldn't tell. What he did know, however, was that his chance lay before him, the churn of his balls too demanding, the hardness of his erection too unbearable to settle for something as mundane as his hand. It had to be Cosmos. It had to be his tailhole, bare and exposed, its size perfect to accommodate Nestor's lengthier rod.

The artisan shifted forward, sitting on the literal edge of the bench, hungrily staring at how his target--that gorgeous, scrunch-faced dragon--planted a few more thrusts into Titan, his frills trembling in raw elation. Every dragon, regardless of clan, enjoyed a tight presence in their rump during their final moments of lucidity, and Nestor planned to oblige. Just as Lateef tapered off and Titan's tongue traded his flaccid cock for the plumpness of his balls that he swirled in a single caring hand, Cosmos took the chance to speed up the pace and depth of his strokes, claws trembling and scratching at the floor with the impatience of inevitable orgasm. The more jagged and uncoordinated the jerk of his hips turned, the harder Nestor's heart pounded in his breast, his adrenaline levels at an all-time high, spurred by this lewdest of act he was on the verge of committing.

Not during this thrust. Not yet. Almost...and...now!

Just as Cosmos shoved himself up to his balls in Titan, thus forcing the golden dragon to lean his brow against Lateef's generous sack and yelp in orgasmic bliss, Nestor surged forward in his barely coordinated rush to enrich Cosmos' orgasm and attain his own in the process. His partner's tail flagged instinctively despite his hissing snarl and sharp, narrow glare, granting Nestor all the permission he needed to force his precum-lathered tip through the ring of wrinkled flesh. Whatever distaste Cosmos harbored for the intrusion immediately vanished from his face, washed away by a feral growl of utter abandon.

Much as he wanted to work himself up through a few more thrusts, all Nestor could manage in the end was a fierce clench of his jaws, teeth pressed together so tight they hurt, all to withstand the unbearable pressure squeezing his cock from all sides. His climax all but imminent, Cosmos clamped down upon the intruding member with all the force he could muster, his walls as rigid as his shaft that spurted its lances of creamy delight into the depths of Titan's eager tunnel that quickly and efficiently milked him for all his worth. Nestor tried to hold onto his sanity for a few more moments; to ride the euphoric waves of fiery bliss crawling through his erection a moment longer, but Cosmos' rapid squeezes that alternated with brief pauses were uncompromising in their lewd massage which carried Nestor past the point of no return as well.

His glans practically strangled in the best, richest, and most mind-numbing of ways, Nestor's burly arms twined around Cosmos' torso, embracing him as strongly as the jets he loosened inside the constrictive depths of his partner. That was by far the tightest arse Nestor had ever been in, and also the most surprising, for the throbs, quivers and clenches betrayed the novelty of being filled, as did Cosmos' sharp-pitched yelps whenever Nestor's load slammed against his innermost sanctuary.

Nestor saw naught but dazzling stars before his eyes. He felt little else but for the warmth of his partner's back and the suffocating grip of his untested insides, quaking and collapsing around him in quick bursts of raw, unadulterated pleasure. It was as if his very soul poured out of him along with his seed, drained dry by that gaping, hungry tailhole that only his essence could sate.

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Nestor groaned weakly, his voice faltering in unison with his strength. For a split moment, he forgot where he was, his sluggish mind intoxicated by steam, his lumbering body reeling from his afterglow. He sought only to lean forward; for his belly plates to rest against the welcoming back of his partner, weight all but forgotten.

His balance equally poor on his shaky legs, Cosmos yelped and wavered, drooping forward more drastically than Titan could accommodate. No noise left his shocked, agape maw when he collapsed against Bruno, their cream-coated cocks glancing off one another, the azure dragon's hefty girth a mere pillow for him. If it wasn't for the momentum that caused the train of dragons to slide ever forward, Lateef would have retained his dignified presence, but Bruno and Titan both skidded against his generous tail, toppling him backward.

Crashed in a heap of color, growls, threats and outrage, they all strove to disentangle from the pile, yet of them all, only Nestor's cock unplugged from Cosmos' socket, with the magic crafter and peace keeper preferring to remain crumpled on their side, Titan's cock in Cosmos' hand with the latter's shaft in his arse.

"Towels?" Lateef asked with his elegant charm, waiting not for the addled dragons to dignify him with a reply as he began offering them to each of the partaking guests.

Nestor accepted his, sharing a fleeting glance with the sly, satisfied dream weaver whose eyes glowed with mischief.

"Don't be so tense," Lateef laid a hand upon Nestor's stiff shoulder. "We're all friends here."

That was not the first term Nestor would have used for whatever connection just established here. After all, how likely was he to understand Cosmos better just by visiting his rump? The awe-filled glance his supposed partner threw him both confused and intrigued the artisan, for that was the look of one who couldn't quite make out what happened, yet definitely craved for a sequel to better come to terms with this newfound method to climax.

***The End***

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Have it her way

**This is a quickie story commission I have done for [![avatar?user=417754&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurry.com/std/avatar?user=417754&character=0&clevel=2) kitsugen](https://kitsugen.sofurry.com/ "kitsugen")** **Description:** Forced to...

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A trek through the Nightwood chapter 6

**This is an illustrated novella that I have written for Crytrauv:** [https://www.furaffinity.net/user/crytrauv/](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/crytrauv/) **Description:** This 6 chapter novella is the tale of Crytrauv, an arctic fox in search of...

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A trek through the Nightwood chapter 5

**This is an illustrated novella that I have written for Crytrauv:** [https://www.furaffinity.net/user/crytrauv/](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/crytrauv/) **Description:** This 6 chapter novella is the tale of Crytrauv, an arctic fox in search of...

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