Chapter 02 - Aftereffects

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#3 of Hidden Passions

What happens after a wife discovers her secret passion with a stranger sets the stage for what comes next.

All characters depicted are 18 or older.

Chapter 02 - Aftereffects

"Did you have a good time?"

I jumped as my husband's words startled me out of the mental replay of last night with the coyote. The hand with the hairbrush is half-raised to my head. My sexual odor is faint but unmistakable. I turned toward him. "What?"

"Last night," he said while looking in the mirror. He was finishing the knot in his tie. "Did you and the girls have a good time?"

"Yeah, it was a great night out, honey. I enjoyed it."

He turned in my direction and gave me a smile. "Good. You deserve a night to yourself now and then."

Guilt stabbed me in the gut but my cheerful expression held steady. The emotional pain was fleeting because the soreness in my crotch reminded me of the great sex I'd experienced with another male. I shifted in the seat to rub my thighs together in a vain attempt to stimulate my clit. "Are you traveling next weekend?"

He gave me a sideways glance as he retrieved personal items from the dresser. He nodded. "I'm afraid so. The updates to our new machines are rolling out soon. I've got to make sure our customers are ready for the changes. They get upset when a quarter-million-dollar piece of equipment starts breaking itself."

The smile I gave him looked natural although it wasn't. "I'll bet. Do you want some breakfast before you leave?"

"Hmm? No thanks. I'll grab something on the way to work."

He holds my shoulders and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I've got to run."

"I'll see you tonight."

He nodded and gave me another peck. "See you then."

That's my husband; solid, dependable, and great provider. I rose from the dressing table and followed as far as the garage door. I should have felt terrible for what I did with another male -- an anonymous one at that-- but I don't. What I did feel was an overpowering urge, a need, to do it again. I smiled and wave as my husband backed the car out of the driveway and went to work.

Now alone, I returned to the bedroom. I dressed fast because there was an important errand to run before my son awoke.

Lucky for me, our son was a late riser since starting college classes. I stuck a note explaining my absence to the refrigerator on my way to the garage. He'd go there for something to eat when he got up.

The trip was short and I got back home in less than an hour. The waiting was the hardest part of my task.

Five minutes.

The pregnancy test takes five minutes. I sat on the toilet, too nervous to move. After realizing what I was doing, I quit chewing on my lower lip and uncurled my fingers. Why did time drag by when you were doing nothing but waiting?

The consequences of bareback sex with another canine hit me as soon as my eyes opened this morning. It was great sex but damned dangerous for me. I wanted to keep the affair a secret! I know that testing the day after sex is not the best indicator of whether I'm pregnant but it's the only option I had that early in the day. There's a rising fear that keeps my insides twisting around like a nest of snakes.

I bought several tests although I'd already downed a birth control pill--almost twenty-four hours too late. In couple hours, I can request a morning after prescription from my doctor.

I hit my forehead with the palm of one hand. Forgetting to take my birth control this month and having unprotected sex was fucking stupid!

The thought of carrying another male's baby was both terrifying but titillating. Damned slut tendencies! It wasn't the right time for that shit!

The phone chimed. My shaking fingers picked up the test stick and dropped it into the sink before I saw the indicator. Shit! I grabbed it and checked the small window. Thank goodness, it's negative! I cram the rest of the test kits into the back of my tampon drawer. That location is better than a lock to keep nosy males out. I wrap the used test stick and materials in the store bag. I'd bury it in the kitchen trash can and take the bag to the outside can just to be safe.

A few deep breathes unknotted my guts. My trembling took longer to fade; I'd been on an adrenaline rush for a while. I needed some coffee.

With a steaming cup between my hands, I sat at the kitchen table to let my jangling nerves settle.

My body still bore evidence of last night's bathroom debauchery. My labia were swollen and sore from the pounding they took from that young male's cock. My husband never leaves me in this condition afterward. I thought that perhaps a hot bath will soothe my abused flesh.

Thoughts of that coyote stud fucking me like a sex doll caused my body to shudder from remembered pleasures. If my husband could fuck me like that! All he needed to do is shove me on the bed, or floor, or kitchen table, and ram his cock into my slit and screw me hard. I'd cum on the spot and beg my husband to use me again!

Fuck it. It was too late to turn back the clock now. Not that I would after what happened last night.

I called my doctor's office for a morning-after contraceptive. I'm sure that if I didn't do it, I'd end up pregnant by that coyote. There's nothing better to prove you're a slut than a pregnancy where your husband isn't the father. It's not a risk I wanted to take. The slut stuff was fine, pregnancy was not.

I went back to the kitchen to finish the cooled coffee.

I thought about my actions. Did I regret fucking that coyote? Not at all. I regretted that I was unprepared for possible consequences. What happened awakened some deep-seated part of my sexual being. Now awakened, it was like a beast I could subdue for a while but not tame. Sooner or later, it was going to break free again.

I closed both eyes and rested my forehead in upturned palms. There were so many emotions and thoughts to deal with now. I needed to center myself but thoughts of how much I enjoyed last night fill my head.

"Quit that," I said to scold myself. If I didn't stop thinking about what happened, I was going to get more aroused and then masturbate. My body needed time to recover, not take more abuse.

My son's head emerged from behind the open refrigerator door. "Why? I'm hungry."

I almost jumped out of my fur! When did he come into the kitchen? I didn't even notice!

I smiled at him. "It's nothing, sweetie. I'm just talking to myself."

"You sure? You jumped like you got jabbed with a cattle prod."

"I didn't hear you come into the kitchen."

"Okay." His head disappeared behind the open refrigerator door. He extracted dinner leftovers and carried them to the microwave.

I cringed at his selections. "Honey, is that what you want for breakfast? I can fix you something."

He shook his head. "Nah, this is all right." As the microwave hummed and warmed the pizza, he leaned against the counter. He gave me a steady look and grinned.

"You were out late." It's not an accusation but a statement.

I shrugged. "Yeah. I lost track of time with the girls."

His expression grew serious with ears flicked forward and a lowered brow gaze. "Just don't drink and drive, mom. Call me if you need a ride home."

I smiled and nodded to alleviate his worry. "Thanks, and I will if necessary. I do stop drinking early and wait before driving. It's part of my routine. That's the reason I was late; I had three beers and needed some time to metabolize the alcohol."

He put up both hands. "Whoa, three whole beers. Better slow down next time."

I laughed. "Smart ass."

He grinned again. "Better than being a dumb ass." The microwave dinged. The smell of pepperoni pizza filled the kitchen as he took out the plate and set it aside to cool.

He closed the microwave door with an elbow. "I know girls that can put away a six pack before they get buzzed."

I'm a cheap date. "Stay away from girls like that," I cautioned. "I don't like the taste after the third one." My muzzle wrinkles. For me, beer gets more unpalatable the more I drink.

That satisfied him. "Okay. So, is Fran still experimenting with girls?"

That was out of the blue! "How did you know that?"

My son grinned. That smug look reminded me of a certain coyote. "She put the moves on Glenn's mom. He told me about it a couple weeks ago."

"How did he find out?"

"He was in the next room and heard them."

"Did Brittany take Fran up on the offer?"

"Glenn thought he heard a few kisses but can't be sure. Fran left a little after that."

I sat back in the chair with folded arms. "Fran seems to enjoy males and females now. She was chatting up a cute goat girl last night."

"That's cool," he says. "Is she still going through with the divorce?"

"Yeah. Unless something comes up, it's final in a month."

A huge grin split his muzzle into a toothy smile. "You think I have a chance with her?"

What now? "Huh?"

"She's hot. I'd like to be her rebound male." After noting my wide eyes and open mouth, he laughs. "I'll let her make the first move though. I don't want to mess up your friendship with her."

"Thanks. That's so considerate of you."

"Hey, guys have needs too." With a chuckle, he picked up the plate. With warm pizza in one hand and a soda in the other he moved toward the doorway. "I've got to study for a test tomorrow. It's a third of my grade."

"Okay, I'll leave you alone. If you need anything, let me know."

"Thanks, mom."

The mental image of my son with Fran under him crying out in the throes of ecstasy made me jealous. The emotion surprised me and I tamp it down. "Enough of that," I whispered to myself. "He's an adult and can screw whomever he likes."

Thinking of Fran reminded me of my girlfriends and our pact. I knew that my secret is safe with them because the pact has held up against multiple affairs and indiscretions for all of them. Reaping the benefits for a change brought a slight smile to my muzzle. Each of us had enough information to cause a lot of relationship damage to everybody else. It's was a form of mutual assured destruction: crude but effective.

I met the girlfriends a few days later for lunch to fill them in on what happened at the bar.

Our regular haunt for these discussions was an out-of-the way restaurant with a dim interior and dark wood paneling. It had a club-like atmosphere that lent itself to our gatherings. We were regulars and the staff knew to keep their distance during our discussions after finishing a meal. We always went during off-peak times. That ensured few people were there and we tipped well--another reason the staff accommodated our unique requirements.

During my recounting, I glossed over some of more unusual aspects of the encounter such as peeing myself.

"You didn't!" Fran says when I tell them that I lost count of my climaxes.

"I did too. It's hard to keep count when they hit you one after the other. He was banging that big dick into me at the same time and all those sensations were overwhelming. I felt like I was plugged into an electric socket. I got woozy for a bit."

"Those are the best orgasms," Tammy said with a grin.

"How big was he?" Melanie asked with an interested smile.

Her eyes widened when I described the coyote's penis. I held my hands apart with palms facing to approximate the length.

"Damn," Tammy said with a grin. "You landed a big boy your first time fishing."

Fran laughed. "Did she ever."

"Your husband isn't small," Tammy said to me.

I nodded and shortened the distance between my palms about three inches. "Nope."

"How did it feel?" Tammy asked. "Compared your husband?"

"I felt the stretch from it. And he went deep, too. There was something raw about how he took me that I responded to; something animalistic that made me want him to keep going."

Fran looked at me. "Did he hit your cervix?"

I nodded. "A few times."

Fran made a face. "I hate that. It feels like a gut punch when mine gets hit."

"Mine aches for days," Melanie says.

"Me too," Tammy chimes in.

We had different reaction. "I'm a little sore the next day but nothing too bad."

"You're lucky," Fran said with a sigh. "Probably because you're a canine too. My lupine body is built for smaller males."

Melanie nodded. "And girls."

"Yeah, real small males," Tammy opined with a toothy grin as she holds her thumb and forefinger close together.

Fran smiled. "I can males bigger than that but I prefer quality over quantity. Give me a lover that knows how to please a female and cock size doesn't matter."

I think of my son and Fran together again and that flash of jealousy rode along with the thought.

Tammy shook her head. "Give me a long fat dick any day or night and I'm a happy gal."

Melanie laughed. "I can go either way as long as he gets me off." She held up her glass while looking at me. "Way to go, girl."

We clinked the glasses together.

"So," Fran said to me with a grin, "Have you thought about doing it again?"

"Not really," I lied with a shake of my head. While I was bound by the pact to reveal what happened when we were out together, what I did on my own was none of their business. "I think I got it out of my system."

"And how," Melanie said with a shake of her head. "In the bathroom of all places!"

Fran smiles and said in a dry tone, "Says the female who had sex in a church."

"With the groom's best male," Tammy supplied.

"And held up the wedding while doing it," Melanie added with a proud, defiant expression on her face. "Serves that bitch right after what she did to me in college."

"Let it go already," Fran said with a sigh. "No male is worth holding a grudge for ten years."

"Depends on the male," Melanie replied. "I was head over heels for him too."

"Males come and go," Tammy said.

"What was his name?" Fran asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Wait," Melanie said, "You don't know his name?"

I shook my head. "It never came up."

"Wow," Tammy offered. "I've never had anonymous sex before."

"Yes, you have," Melanie said with a huge grin. "Remember that glory hole we tried on vacation during spring break?"

Tammy's eyes opened wide. "Thanks for telling everybody about that after swearing to keep it secret for life," she replied in an icy tone.

Melanie rolled her eyes. "Get over it already. We both sucked off those guys. You didn't complain about it then."

"We were drunk," Tammy retorted.

"How did this happen? What was it like?" Fran asked as she leaned in and perked up both long ears.

"It's not as fun as it sounds," Melanie replied and sipped her drink. "Blowing a dick through a hole isn't the best way to get the job done. But we were drunk and it was spring break."

"Now I want to know; how did this all come about?" I asked.

Tammy sighed and shook her head. "It was spring break. We were at a house party. They set up a partition with holes in it. Guys wanting blowjobs went behind the partition and stuck their dicks through. Whoever wanted to blow a male knelt before a hole and started sucking."

"Oh, my goodness," Fran said with a shake of her head and a grin. "The things you girls got into."

"There were a couple guys sucking too," Melanie informed us. She grinned. "That was hot, watching a male suck another male off."

Fran's ears twitched. "I'll bet!"

Tammy stuck out her tongue. "My dude tasted like beer when he came. Gross."

We all laughed at that.

"I can't remember what my guy tasted like," Melanie said.

"Which one?" Tammy said with a sweet expression. "You did three that I remember."

"Holy shit," I exclaimed. "Three?"

"You girls know I like sucking dick," Melanie replied with a shrug. "I was drunk enough to show off that night."

"Melanie lost the title of Cum Queen to a girl who sucked off six or seven guys. Her entire front was covered in semen." Tammy said and sipped her drink.

Fran smiled. "What kind of trophy would you get with that achievement?"

We all laughed at that.

Chapter 01 – Girl's Night Out

## Chapter 01 - Girl's Night Out My slut side emerged during a girl's night out. Me and my girlfriends went to a bar popular with local college students. There we were, ten years out of college ourselves, and still mingling with the younger folks as...

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## Prologue Something in me isn't like most females. Figuring out what was different took me thirty-five years but that's life, I guess. Better late than never, as they say. First, it might help for you to know a little about me. I'm a canine female,...


Diana's Lover: Beginning

## Prologue Diana lay in bed as the gray of dawn turned to golden sunlight. With her son Jackson spooned to her back, she recalled with a smile on her muzzle how their relationship son began. Like most things, it all started with innocent intent. The...

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