Serving Queen Twilight (An MLP Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#60 of Smut I Commissioned

Twilight Sparkle is ruler of Equestria. Her alicorn cock rules her. Luckily, her friends are more than willing to help keep her libido sated. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • The glorious September windfall continues, this time with our second and final Patreon prompt of the month, and, like the previous prompt, we're keeping with the MLP theme. This time, we see how Twilight Sparkle, with her status as Queen of Equestria, tackles having a libido of supernatural proportions. Well, the answer is simple: Her friends are more than willing to be her happy joyful cocksleeves. Remember to give Jeeves a follow over on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

Serving Queen Twilight

In the many years since the retirement of Celestia and Luna, Equestria had thrived. There had been challenges along the way, of course. Villains who needed to be taught the true meaning of friendship, ponies who needed help and support that couldn't just be waved a way with a quick dusting of magic. But with hard work and a lot of help from not just her friends, but all the good, kind, wonderful ponies and other creatures from Equestria and the lands beyond, Queen Twilight Sparkle had guided Equestria through it all with pride.

And all the while, few ponies had ever learned the truth. The truth that while their Queen was everything they believed her to be; powerful, wise, loving, compassionate and forgiving, there was something else that she was which trumped all of that. Something which, had she not been able to quell that primary aspect of her personality, might have overrode and outmatched all those things which the ponies of Equestria believed made her the incredible ruler that she had been, and continued to be all these years.

Twilight Sparkle was good. She was benevolent. She was smart. But above everything else, at the absolute core of her being, she was ravenously, monstrously horny.

"Nnnnhhhahhhhhhyesssssss! Take it! Take my cock you fucking cum-hungry slut!!"

With cum and saliva dribbling out of the corners of her muzzle, Starlight Glimmer knelt by the edge of the Queen's bed and gurgled happily as Twilight Sparkle's hands clutched at the back of her head and worked her face like a sex-toy back and forth across the alicorn's thick, flared equine erection. Starlight's eyes were glazed over with pleasure though her hands lay limp at her sides, the vibrant glow of Twilight Sparkle's magic between her legs doing more to stimulate her than her fingers ever could. Her belly bulged, plump not with actual gained weight but from the several copious loads that Twilight's heavy balls had shot down her throat since she'd accepted the job of waking the Queen up that morning, and a puddle of slick, glistening ejaculate grew steadily larger around her kneeling body as Twilight Sparkle's magic pummelled her clit, her g-spot and virtually every pleasure-sensitive cell between her legs with constant, magically enhanced stimulation to further encourage Starlight's endless loyalty and devotion to her Queen and Goddess.

Eventually though, a few more loads and half a dozen more magically enhanced squirting orgasms of her own, Starlight's eyes fluttered closed, and Twilight let slip a shriek of both lust and anguished sorrow as she watched her friend and lover crumple to the floor in blissed out unconsciousness, cum still dribbling from her open maw. Dragging herself up front where she had been sitting at the edge of her bed while Starlight Glimmer worked, Twilight Sparkle's cock pulsed, and her head span with the furious intensity of her desire. She needed sex. She needed satisfaction, and if that meant flying down onto the streets of Canterlot and declaring a vast orgy for the whole city to service her, then so be it!

Thankfully before the Queen's lust-addled mind could push her to make that fantasy a reality, her bedchamber door burst open and a trio of figures surged inside. The first and largest of the three was Spike, the dragon now almost three times as large as any pony and all but unrecognizable as the hatchling that Twilight had watched grow up before her very eyes like a devoted mother. With a snarl he lunged at her, and Twilight Sparkle shrieked happily as he tackled her to the bed, pushed her legs apart, and sank his ridged draconic cock into the sodden pussy hidden away beneath Twilight Sparkle's heavy, ever-swollen balls.

Without a word, not wasting the Queen's precious time on things that she clearly already knew to be the case about how they felt for one another, the dragon rutted the divinely beautiful pony for all he was worth. Her walls milked him, her shining eyes peered up at him with more beauty than a thousand shining gemstones. Spike roared as he felt Twilight's cock pulse and begin to spray thick ribbons of cum between their bodies, oozing across his scales, and grinned through his own bliss as he looked past her wide-eyed, lust-stricken face to where Rarity and Applejack were lifting Starlight's prone, spent body into bed close by.

"Cum for us, Twily..."

Spike growled, his voice deep and rumbling with the fires of draconic passion, a barely controlled greed for all things indulgent that helped him understand Twilight Sparkle better than almost anyone else in Equestria.

"We're here, and more of us are on the way. So, cum, Twilight. Cum, and don't hold anything back."

With a whinnying scream Twilight Sparkle's pussy began to convulse and spasm around Spike's cock, in some combination of a response to his words and his continued vigorous fucking. Her cries grew louder still as before long Rarity and Applejack joined them, Rarity massaging Twilight's horn until it crackled with static magic and Applejack grabbing the alicorn's face, kissing her roughly and deeply. At some point the bedchamber door swung open again, but no-one looked up from the bed to acknowledge the new arrivals until with an ear-splitting snarl Spike began to pump molten dragon-cum into Twilight Sparkle's once more convulsing, squeezing pussy, his mindless, exhaustingly intense peak letting everyone else present know that soon it would fall to them to take over the role of satisfying the Queen.

Sure enough, as Spike crawled off the alicorn and dragged himself across the room in search of a snack to help recover his energy, more ponies joined the fray in his place. Pinkie Pie giggled and straddled Twilight's thighs as she squeezed the alicorn's cock between her ample breasts, dripping with milk still flowing freely thanks to her and Cheese Sandwich's latest kid. Applejack scooted down Twilight's body and began to vigorously fist the alicorn's pussy while Fluttershy took over make-out duty, whispering adoring, reassuring words to her Queen amidst countless more delicate, tender smooches. Rarity's body spasmed in climax as she touched her horn to Twilight Sparkle's own, the element of generosity herself fighting to magically give pleasure to her friend and lover, but instead finding herself overwhelmed by what Twilight had to give in return.

Together the four of them pleasured and distracted Twilight Sparkle, stimulating her through orgasm after thick, copious orgasm that rained down over their giggling, moaning bodies. And indeed they might have been able to calm her enough for the Queen of Equestria to actually settle and get on with some of her morning duties with an outward appearance of control and 'normality', if there was such a thing, had it not been for one last pony slipping in through the doors, feathers ruffled and thighs already drenched on either side of her torn, cum-stained Wonderbolt uniform.

"Hey Twi..."

Rainbow Dash moaned to the only pony she knew hornier than herself, giggling and sticking her tongue out at Rarity as the unicorn's eyes widened and stared at the pegasus in knowing horror.

"...looking forward to another day of meetings and ceremonies and being all prim and proper and noble in front of uptight, prudish ponies? Coz, me? I just got done with an all night orgy at a Canterlot University frat house, and when I'm done here, I'm thinking of checking out the party at their neighboring sorority! Betcha you wish you could be free to do stuff like that, huh? Pity you've gotta be all responsible and pent up."

Twilight Sparkle's eyes bulged. They began to glow white. Rainbow Dash cackled with knowing glee. All the other ponies in the room looked at her with a mixture of frustration and begrudging, bashful excitement, and as with a savage, truly unhinged scream of lust Twilight Sparkle's magic surged forth and dragged each and every one of her friends flat against the bed, Rainbow Dash herself was the first pony that morning upon which Twilight Sparkle leapt, and began to ravage, to breed like a feral stallion surrounded by mares in heat.

"Ahhhhfuckyessssss! Twiliiiiaahhhhhhhhyeeeaaaahhhh!! Fuck me! Fuckmnhnhahhhhhgodthisisso awesommnnhhhhahhh!"

Rainbow Dash wailed and shrieked, clutching at Twilight's back as she was rutted and flooded with cum until, like Starlight Glimmer, she too simply lost consciousness against the rampant onslaught of the alicorn's pleasure.

?"Yes! Darling! Ohhh, cum in me! Let me milk you! Let me give you everything you've ever, e-eeeahhh... ever! _Yes!! Yes! Twilight! Mnnhhahh, cum with me!! _"

Rarity wailed in delight as she gave everything she had to the alicorn, working the inner walls of her pussy to milk Twilight Sparkle until she was so consumed by her and Twilight's shared climaxes that her body could barely tell where she stopped and the alicorn began.

"Oh gosh! Oh my! T-Twilight, my... mmnh... my treasure! Make love to my... m-my... oh! Oh!! I'm going to climax! Twilight! I love you! A-ahh! Y-yay!"

Softly whimpering through the throes of her own mindless rapture, Fluttershy kissed Twilight's neck and stroked the sides of the alicorn's writhing, bucking body astride her over and over again.

"Ahhh, tarnation!! Buck me!! Buck me harder, Twilight! Ride me like a rodeo mare! Ahh! Aahhhhh h-haybales an' horseshoes! Ah'm cumming!!"

Applejack gave her all to satisfy Twilight Sparkle, writhing and urging the Queen onward for almost twice as long as any of her friends thus far before succumbing to the alicorn's relentless lust. Finally though, with only one pony left in the room still conscious, Twilight's glassy eyes and straining, insatiable cock turned their attention towards that figure. Towards the plump, beaming, motherly form of Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie murmured playfully, teasingly twirling a finger through her long bubblegum pink mane.

"...wanna like, cuddle or somethin-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!"

She squealed in glee as with a frantic cry Twilight Sparkle tackled her to the bed, and writhed in ecstasy as Twilight Sparkle's cock slammed home once more, already wondering whether her next baby was going to take after Daddy Cheese, or Momma Twilight like the last three.


"May we present, from the foothills of Yakyakistan, the most honorable and benevolent guild of horn-blowers."

Sitting on her throne, Twilight Sparkle beamed, giggled and clapped as the musicians stepped out onto the stage and began a rousing polka tune. Around the chamber other members of the royal caught winced a little at the music, or yawned and stretched subtly as they tried to stay engaged with the Queen's last official appointment of the day. For Twilight herself though, she listened with rapt attention, and once the performance was over complimented each and every one of the musicians by name, picking out individual parts of their performance that they had performed with particular technical skill.

Those musicians would go home with stories of how enthusiastic, how genuinely interested and how kind Queen Twilight Sparkle of Equestria had been. More importantly though, they would go home feeling appreciated, and respected for their craft.

And though Twilight was genuinely interested in music from beyond Equestria, having read several books on the history of polka and the ancient craft of the Yakyakish horn-blower, she knew that it was her friends who truly deserved the gratitude for helping her stay focused today. For letting her genuinely enjoy meeting with and sharing these experiences with ponies and other creatures without her near boundless lust getting in the way.

Although, even as she thought that, Twilight Sparkle could feel her libido beginning to rouse itself once more. To react to the simple acknowledgement of its own existence.

The alicorn rose from her throne as the yaks left, and smiled at the rest of the royal court currently present.

"I'll see you all again tomorrow. If you have any other non-urgent business for me, please pass it along to one of my messengers and I'll be sure to reply in the morning."

The other ponies nodded and murmured their gratitude to the living, ascended Goddess in their presence, and beamed as Twilight Sparkle walked past them towards the exit. The pony paused for a moment though, and glanced over her shoulder at one particular member of the court.


Starlight Glimmer's eyes widened, and she stood bolt upright at attention, ready to serve in whatever way her Queen and dear friend commanded.

"Yes, Twilight?"

Twilight's eyes flickered, and she extended a hand behind herself for the unicorn to take.

"Accompany me, please. There's something I'd like to do before dinner, with which I could use your assistance."

Starlight's face flushed beneath her coat, but she hurriedly nodded and raced over to take the Queen's offered hand. Together they stepped out of the room. They walked wordlessly a little way down the Canterlot palace corridors, and then, as Twilight Sparkle led them into one of many relatively unused, quiet chambers in the palace and magically sealed the door behind them...

"Bend over, Starlight. I want... I need my cock wrapped up in some hot, tight pony ass."

The unicorn giggled, trembled in delight, and nodded gleefully as she obeyed the Queen even as she began to pull her dress up over her head, watching the ruler of Equestria already do the same.

"Yes, my Queen."

Starlight moaned breathlessly in anticipation.


She gasped just seconds later as she saw Twilight Sparkle teasing down her panties, cock already starting to swell between her legs, heavy balls hanging down as the support in which they had been cradled all day was removed.


The unicorn gurgled gleefully, having been waiting for this all day, aghast to have slept through Twilight's entire orgy that morning and thus having missed out on her own chance to be fucked by the Goddess.

"Oh! Oh Twilight! Please, Twilight! Mnhh... my Queen! Please! Right there! Yes! Yes!! Oh fuck! Fuck! Yes!!"

By Jeeves.

Butterscotch and the Bad Girls (An MLP Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

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