Just One More

Story by dragonien on SoFurry

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Odin the otter comes home to find himself accosted by his unusually sex-crazed girlfriend: Sarah. Something that normally wouldn't be a problem until he finds himself faced with Sarah... and Sarah. Two of his girlfriend soon balloons to three, then to four and Odin knows they need to stop and try to figure out what's going on. But then he tells himself maybe that can wait just a bit longer...

Got hit last night with an extremely powerful urge to indulge in one of my less common interests and wound up pumping this out at midnight before passing out asleep. I was actually rather surprised It came out so well when I was editing it the following morning, haha. 

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Just One More

By Dragonien

This was wrong. This wasn't normal; wasn't natural. This was like something out of a horror movie. He should be calling the cops or a doctor or someone in some position of authority. He should have been running, screaming in fear.

But god damn she was just way too good at giving head.

Earlier that afternoon Odin had barely made it through the front door before she had attacked. It was a good thing the otter spent plenty of time at the gym keeping his athletic physique in shape. If he hadn't then the sudden weight of his girlfriend bodily leaping onto and wrapping her arms and legs around him would have knocked him on his ass. He had no chance to greet her or even ask what had her so excited before her lips were cramming against his in a desperate, heated kiss. Of course, Odin was a college aged guy with a quite healthy libido so he didn't exactly put up much of a fight when a pretty girl he liked was all over him.

Sarah normally was more reserved and somewhat shy when it came to the two of them fooling around even after having been together for nearly two years. Now, though, the orange-furred fox girl was practical feral with desire. That should have been Odin's first warning. He should have noticed her modest breasts, impressive on her comparatively small frame, felt noticeably larger and heavier where they pressed against his chest. He should have noticed that her hips felt thicker and wider. He should have noticed her ass filling up more of his hands when he gripped it to help hold her up against the wall as he entered her with without bothering to do more than unzip his pants enough to let his cock out. He should have noticed when she was all but shouting "fuck me" and similar cries of passion at the top of her lungs; the vixen normally far too self-conscious and embarrassed to make such a perverse spectacle of herself.

But it wasn't until he came that it finally dawned on the otter that something was wrong.

As he filled Sarah with his cum her whole began shuddered violently. At first, Odin thought it was just her cumming along with him. That may have been also happening but was not the source of the spasms. Her body seemed to blur slightly, taking on a strange almost liquid appearance despite her still feeling completely solid wherever he was touching her. Then, she started to simply pull apart as if being grabbed and successfully pulled in two different directions at once.

The shock of the terrifyingly and unnatural sight made Odin pull out of his girlfriend and stumble backwards in shock. The last spurts of his release went ignored as they splattered across the floor in front of him as he stared at Sarah, both of her. When the otter had let her go Sarah had fallen on her ass with a grunt of surprised discomfort... As had the identical copy that seems to simply tumble out of the original like his girlfriend had simply been some kind of container the copy had been trapped in that had been upended to dump her out.

The otter simply stood there; staring in shock at his girlfriend and his other, identical girlfriend without knowing how to react. The two vixens sat where they have fallen for a moment, mirroring each other exactly as they both reached back to rub their backsides where it had impacted the floor. Then they abruptly began moving independently as if whatever connecting force had made them mirror one another was suddenly gone. The first pushed herself up to her feet and turned her gaze on the stunned otter. Sarah appeared less frenzied than when Odin had first walked in the door but her expression still was one of someone eyeing up a tasty piece of meat as she looked him up and down. If she was put out by having been dropped to the floor it didn't show. Then the other stood moments later and adopted a similar expression, licking her chops in the process. Neither one of them seemed to be concerned in the slightest that there were now two of them.

It was a testament to how freaked out the otter was that it was only then that Odin was really able to take in the other changes that had taken place on his girlfriend... girlfriends? Despite the changes she, they, were both still obviously Sarah. They had the same facial features, the same extra fluffy tail, and even that cute little streak of white in her fur just above her eyes. If anything, that was part of what was freaking him out so much. That they were so completely identical. In fact, the only way he could even tell which one of the two was the original was that that one had lingering bits of his load dripping from between her legs. The details that let him recognize her as his girlfriend were still completely intact but the broad strokes of the rest of her body had changed radically.

First and foremost, was that she was clearly taller by at least half a foot. Normally the petite little fox girl barely reached his collarbone with the tips of her upraised ears. Now, though, the two of them were nearly looking Odin eye to eye! Her normally lean and slim bodily proportions had ballooned out into an impressive set of curves of ample backside and plump hips that would have made just about any other woman he had ever met green with envy. The modest B-cups that her short stature and slim figure had always made seem impressive had ballooned out not just to match but easily exceed her other enhanced proportions. They hung heavy yet firm like two perfectly-formed teardrops. They sagged just enough under their own weight to be tantalizing as if just begging for him to cup one and test its weight for himself. Each one was nearly the size of Sarah's own head and Odin would have bet money that the fox didn't have a single bra in her entire wardrobe that could have contained those melons without either suffocating her or snapping the strap apart under the pressure.

All of this was absorbed by the otter to be compounded with the shock of everything else and he was left simply standing there, dumbfounded. Regardless of his confusion and concern about the situation there was still one part of the otter that seemed unbothered by the strange goings-on and knew exactly what it wanted. Despite everything else his recently-spent cock rapidly began to harden once again as Odin found his libido recharging unnaturally fast. He may have considered himself impressive in the bedroom but even he needed more than a couple of minutes to recharge. The otter still may have been too stunned to make a move yet but, for the girls, the sight of his cock once more raising itself to attention seemed to be the only signal they needed.

In a flash the two vixens were up on him. One of them kneeled down to one side of the otter and quickly fumbled with his pants to undo them completely and shove them down to his ankles. As she did this she didn't hesitate to purposely bump and rub her wrist and fingers against his fresh erection in the process. As she worked on his pants the other Sarah stood to the otter's opposite side and drove her hands underneath his shirt. After taking a moment to simply enjoy brushing her fingers through the thin fur covering his firm, lightly muscled stomach and pectorals she began lifting the shirt and forcing his arms up so she could tug it off. Odin lost track of which one was the original almost immediately both from being unable to look at the one distinguishing factor between their legs and the general distraction from their insistent stripping of him. It was terrifying for him as he knew this shouldn't be possible; that this situation was something out of some weird sci-fi horror movie. Which made it so conflicting for him that it was also one of the hottest, most arousing things that had ever happened to him in his entire life. So maybe it wasn't so much sci-fi horror movie as it was horror movie porn parody.

That had eventually led Odin to where he was now: sitting on the middle of his couch with his Vixen girlfriend on her knees hungrily deepthroating every inch of his dick. She was doing a damned good job of it too despite whatever side effects she was having on him that let him recharge almost instantly had also added a good two inches extra to his dick! And he hadn't exactly been small to begin with. He was also sitting there with another of his now-ample girlfriend press pressing up to either side of him; the two taking turns alternating between making out with him and nibbling at his neck while their hands shamelessly roamed and groped across his well-defined stomach, pecs, and arms. It's also how a fourth girlfriend found herself sitting across the room from the otter in their recliner; one hand holding a phone up to her head as she ordered pizza for all of them while her other hand was shamelessly fondling and groping one of her breasts as she watched the spectacle the rest of them were putting on.

When Sarah finally pushed him over the edge once again Odin simply let himself unload inside her mouth. She immediately gripped at his thighs and pushed her head down in response; doing her best to seal her lips tight around his shaft as she greedily drank down every last drop. She had barely finished swallowing and pulling herself off of his dick before the otter saw it happening again. As she tilted her head back and opened her mouth to release a blissful sigh, another of her seemed to simply tumble out of her back like she had continued leaning backwards until she was sprawled out on the floor. Both Sarah and the new Sarah simply sat or lay there respectively for several moments to bask in the afterglow of the release that had come with Odin's own. Clearly the newly-made vixen was experiencing the same post-release euphoria that her progenitor had been in the midst of when she had appeared.

Odin knew this was rapidly getting out of hand. There were already five of them now and there was only supposed to be one. On top of that he was starting to notice that the changes that had increased her size and proportions still seemed to be progressing. It wasn't hard to tell that every last one of them was noticeably larger and more curvaceous than the original had been when jumping him when he first got home. That wasn't even mentioning whatever effects their saliva and sexual juices were having on him with his seemingly endless libido and, after taking a moment to look down and confirm, now three extra inches of cock! He knew something needed to be done; that they should hold off on their seemingly endless sexual escapades until they could figure out what was going on at the very least. And yet, as Odin felt his thighs being pushed apart by the Vixen and her newly created doppelganger both crawling their way towards his lap to double team his yet-further enhanced dick the otter reconsidered.

"Maybe just one more... then we can figure this out." Odin said, for the third time that night.

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