Party Monster
The imposing ursine snarled down at giza! as the bear rounded on giza the sheer size of the ursine in front of him hit home. the guy was at least four inches taller than the leopard and had to weigh at least twice as much as giza did!
Sculpting on Commission
giza quickly took it and gulped down as much as he could without making himself sick as rex also handed him a towel as well. "i take it you overdid it," rex said with a grin once giza had finished his long draw of the liquid.
Coiling Affection
'nnhh.. you sure tsumi'll be alright with giza..?' murmured julius, lidding his eyes as the fox's hand reached up, combing through his hair. 'positive. giza loves everyone, you know that. now, c'mere..'
An Ocean's View
Midnight and giza were already talking as well-- mainly giza. "zor. ru ru?" midnight eyed him. giza had asked what his favorite dish here was. "umb, umbr. umbre."
Some Conditions May Apply
"i told you that i'd be back to check on you," giza said as both dragons shared a grin before moving the restrained werewolf.
.** _empire of southern deserts, city of giza, ac site_ bad thing happened!
A Stormy Vacation (Commission for Giza)
Stormy © thealphastormy giza © well, giza cimmaron and story © me! want a commission? details here! if you like what i do, want to support me? patreon!
Moon Knight Episode 6: What If... Taweret had Beaten Ammit Herself (SPOILERS)
Ammit looked over at her pile of eggs, big enough to form their own pyramid of giza. if she had had a partner, those eggs could have had babies inside.
Girls' Zone 8
The lovers of giza." nadine smiled before beginning to read it. "long, long ago, before ammit got his permission to eat the unworthy, there was a couple living in giza that was unlike the rest in the village.
Dismal Days
The young zorua's name was giza. "oh, what brought you two out to unova?" julie asked. "common vacation. my sister has been wanting to go for years and recently graduated high school. it was my gift to her."
The Lost Temple
In each case the three stars of orion's 'belt' were superimposed, more or less, on the giza pyramids.
Lykos - Blood Dawn
So far away from giza it seemed almost peaceful and serene like an ocean of stone. there was only one young man in the midst of that serenity, a man perched atop one of the many dunes.