Spade Submission

Story by BuiJay24 on SoFurry

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Even if it wasn't fully consensual I bet it was still pretty fun~

Boom, another one! I've certainly been on a role with stories lately and I'm already working on two more! Bruno the pervy Riolu is back on his misadventures, this time having a little looksie at the opposite sex! Gay stuff will return for the next one don't worry, but I certainly had lots of fun doing straight stuff! Hope you enjoy this one! ^w^

The beautiful colours of a morning sunrise is usually the signal that a brand new day was beginning but for Bruno the Riolu it meant his security guard duties at the popular gay stripclub were over, being responsible for watching over the place while plenty of Pokémon were having fun with the stripper or strippers. Usually he'd pleasure himself while watching the hot stripteasing on stage and sex sessions in the private rooms but he was just edging himself too much and by the time it came for blowing his load he'd have no time to clean up and he knew he'd be given a write up if he didn't clean his mess. It wasn't too much of an issue for him though since his house was only a ten minute walk.

Once he'd locked everything up and had a small chat with Mathew the Mewtwo bouncer he began to walk home with his hard-on pitching a tent in his shorts which he couldn't be bothered to hide since it was only a short walk to his house. As he walked past the various shops on the block he could hear some feminine moans coming from an alleyway which only got louder the closer he went, this peaked his curiosity a bit which made him walk a tad faster to the source effectively power walking towards it.

It wasn't too much longer until he arrived at the source of the moans, slowly peeking his head around the corner to see what all the commotion was about. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, a female Zorua fingering her cookie rather aggressively. Usually if there was someone going at themselves it would usually be a male but females doing it in public was quite a rare sight in Pokécity, let alone a Zorua.

The sight of this cute female Zorua going at it was really starting to get to him, his cock throbbing like crazy in his pants the more he perved at this arousing sight. It wasn't too much longer until he caved to his high libido, slowly lowering his pants before grabbing his cock firmly to paw himself off while continuing to watch starting slow at first but increasingly getting faster the hornier he got, dripping pre cum onto the sidewalk as he went to work on his twitching shaft. He was already starting to get close to his orgasm, trying to hold back his moans as best he could, replacing them with heavy but quiet pants instead which worked quite well at first but once he got closer to the point of no return some audible moans started slipping out unintentionally. He tried to hold them back as he kept going to town but it was no use, his lust took over the ability to control himself which had unfortunate consequences. The Zorua could hear him clear as day.

"Wh-What the fuck?! Who's there?!"

She exclaims in an angry tone while stopping her fingering suddenly as Bruno's heart sank. He'd been caught and there was nothing he could do to salvage the situation, the Zorua was pissed that someone was perving on her private time and the fact that he got caught just before he orgasmed was rubbing salt in the wound. He let out a disappointed sigh as he revealed himself to her with his pants down and all showing his cock which was beginning to retreat back into his sheath.

"What the fuck is your problem you pervert?! Do you think it's okay to just look at others while they masturbate?!"

She sat up and walked towards him with a death glare making him cringe slightly as he stepped back from her a little while whimpering, upset that he was being yelled at by a Pokémon much smaller than him.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"You're fucking sorry?! You were watching me finger my spade!!"

"W-well you were doing it in public!! You were practically begging to be watched!!"

"I was doing it in a secluded place you shithead!!"

"That doesn't make it any less okay!!"

"Neither is your sorry excuse for watching me!!"

Frustrated, Bruno walks away in a huff before flipping her off in anger, clearly not in the mood to deal with the bitchy Zorua. Unfortunately though, the Zorua wasn't done with him. Once Bruno flipped her off she growled in anger before tackling him to the ground only to drag him away from the alley while the small Riolu struggled but it was no use, she was surprisingly very strong for such a small Pokèmon.

"Let me go!!"

"No, if you want to be a perv you can at least help me get off."

"N-no! I'm not helping you get your rocks off!! You're a psycho!!"

"And you're a pervert, you have no say in the matter anyway it's gonna happen whether you like it or not."


The Riolu struggles some more hoping to be free from her grasp but there was nothing he could do, he wasn't strong enough to make her let go and was wasting his energy fast causing him to be fatigued rendering him helpless.

"How cute, the perv already ran out of energy."


"Oh relax, I'm sure you'll be begging for seconds once I'm finished with you~"

Bruno scoffed at her remark in disgust, confident that there was no way he'd enjoy a single second of being used by her let alone begging for seconds. He couldn't be bothered to argue any further though cause he knew he'd be wasting his breath anyway so he just kept quiet while he was being dragged eventually arriving at their destination which was what he assumed to be where she lived. Once he was dragged inside into her bedroom and onto her relaxing bed the strong Zorua let go of him she took his clothes off and tossed them onto the floor while all he could do was lay there, still feeling strongly fatigued from all that struggling he did earlier. As soon as the Zorua took his pants off she groped his balls gently, massaging them thoroughly making his cock grow out of it's plump sheath slowly. Bruno couldn't help but moan as she did this, as much as he hated to admit it her soft tiny paw did feel quite nice massaging his sack.

Once his cock was fully erect the Zorua couldn't help but admire his cock which was bigger than what she expected for a Riolu's to be but she wasn't complaining in the slightest, she was confident she could handle what he was packing.

"I have to admit, you're actually quite big for a Riolu~"

She grasps his member firmly at the base stroking it slowly as it twitches slightly while he leaks a bit of pre, eager to blow already from being denied an orgasm earlier on.


Bruno moans out as she slowly strokes his hard member, wanting to be pleasured so badly but also not wanting to engage in any sort of sexual activity with her.

"Damn... this is gonna feel nice in my pussy~"

"Y-you're d-dreaming if you think I'll be fucking you..."

"Ohhh don't worry sweetie, you won't be fucking me at all... I'll be riding you~"

"I-I don't consent!"

"And I don't care~"

The Zorua gave him a look that screamed imminent rape, letting go of his cock in the process of giving him that look only to get right in his face.

"Just think about it like this; the quicker I orgasm, the quicker you leave~"

"I want to leave now!"

"Not happening, now how about you get me lubed up for that nice cock I'm gonna ride~"

The Zorua turned around so her wet, dripping cookie faced the Riolu only to sit on his face wiggling her rear on him shortly after.


As much as Bruno didn't want to eat her out she did have an amazing looking spade which smelled even better then it looked. He couldn't resist, there was no way he was getting out of this situation unless he pleased her so he just decided to get on with it and slowly licked her juicy spade making her quiver in the process of slurping at it. He couldn't believe how good it tasted, tasting even better than it smelt by a landslide.

"Mmmm that's a good Riolu, I knew you'd come around. Make sure to really get in there with your tongue~"

Bruno reluctantly complied with her request, getting his tongue nice and deep in her spade and wiggling it around inside effectively making out with her pussy while moaning softly as he relished her sweet sweet taste. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the fact that he was enjoying the bitchy Zorua's cookie this much as well as being dommed by a Female smaller than him, it just felt humiliating in a way but... a good type of humiliation if that made sense. As he felt his face heat up from the humiliation and embarrassment he began to thrust his tongue in and out of her vaginal entry, tongue fucking her good which made her squirm a little bit as he had done this.

"Mmmf ohhh yea just like that pervert... get really deep in there~"

The Zorua pushed her rear right up against the Riolu's face, wiggling it as he got his tongue really deep inside her making sure it was as deep as it could go slurping her walls before going back to thrusting his tongue inside her really starting to enjoy this now despite the Zorua's bitchy nature which he just tried to turn a blind eye to.

"Aaah... alright that's enough eating me out~"

The small fox-like creature says while getting off the Riolu's face.

"Awww I was starting to enjoy myself...~"

"Oh? Hehe I told ya you'd be begging for seconds~"

"Sh-shut up!"

Bruno yells, getting quickly defensive. The Zorua just gives him a confident smirk before sitting in front of his throbbing cock, grinding her rear on it which seemed to bring him back to the submissive male he was being just before.

"That's right... calm your nerves pervert~"

"Feels so... good...~"

"Just wait till your cock pushes into my wet pussy, it'll feel way better than this trust me~"

"Ahhhh... I can't wait...~"

"Are you saying you want it now?~"

She says while raising an eyebrow, grinding her rear on his cock harder which made him moan louder and more frequently barely being able to give her an answer.

"Y-yes! Push my dick in your plump, wet spade!~"

Bruno yells out while pushing his big member against her rear as she was grinding on it making him leak more pre the more this went on making the grinding easier and easier with each drop of precum pretty much being milked out of him. The Zorua continued her rough grinding for a few more minutes before stopping, lifting her rear up to let the Riolu's cock twitch and throb freely before grabbing it and pressing it against her wet pussy, pushing it in slowly soon after stopping just before his thick knot the two moaning in harmony as she did this.

"Ohhhh your pussy... it's so tight...~"

"And your cock is so big~"

After getting adjusted to his size the small dark fox started to slowly ride him, lifting herself up before gently pushing herself back down teasing his knot by grinding against it slightly which made him squirm like the bitch he was before riding him faster, her wet pussy sliding up and down his throbbing dick with little to no effort at all grinding against his knot every now and then as he leaks more pre inside her getting her insides nice and moist, his slippery precum mixing with his saliva from eating her out earlier. The Zorua began to ride him rougher and faster once her vaginal walls were smothered in the precum and saliva mixture which covered the Riolu's big dick as well.

"Ah ah ah... d-damn... your pussy feels so good~"

"Already starting to get close, big boy?~"

"Mmmm... M-maybe~"

"Well try and hold it back for as much as you can, I want this to last as long as possible so you can blow a nice big load inside me~"

"I-inside you??"

"Don't worry, you won't impregnate me. Just focus on yourself~"

"Mmmm... Okay...~"

"Good boy~"

She gives him a soft smirk before riding him hard and fast making loud slurping like noises each time she pushes herself down on his big dick. As she kept riding him hard Bruno couldn't help but bite his lip firmly, trying his best to hold back his orgasm while enjoying her wet pussy slide down that nice moist meat pole, leaking out pre like a fountain in the process which made the noises way louder as it gets collected in her spade.

Their moans had filled the room the closer they both got to their orgasms getting more and more sensitive with each passing second, Zorua grinding against the base of Bruno's knot each time she pushed herself down making him squirm underneath her as he moaned like crazy getting him that much closer to his orgasm.

"Fuuuck... I'm getting so close...~"

"Good, cause I'm about to push that fat knot in my tight spade~"

The Zorua bounces on his cock for another minute or two before pushing down right up against his knot grinding her teeth slightly as she tries to push it inside her, Bruno happily helping her out by pulling her down on him while pushing against her spade. Shortly after this she could start to feel his knot slowly sink inside her as she started practically yelling as her spade was being stretched out by his thick knot. Eventually the entire thing was pushed inside her making an audible popping sound as both of them moaned out with overwhelming lust, Bruno shooting thick ropes of semen deep inside her while her orgasm flooded her entire body making her shoot a little bit of pussyjuice on his chest as she was being filled with Riolu cum. As they were both in mid-orgasm Zorua grinded herself on her victims crotch milking him for every last drop of precious cum.


"Y-Yes!! That's it! Fill me with your cream!~"

She grinds against him harder as he leaks every last drop of cum he has left to give inside her, squirming underneath like crazy the dominant Zorua while moaning and groaning constantly begging her to stop but since they were tied together for the next half hour he had no way to make her, all he could do was sit there and take it as he was being giggled at.

Her grinding had went on the whole time they were waiting for his juicy knot to deflate and even took longer than usual because of it but Bruno was happy this sexual torture was finally over.

"M-my knot is deflated enough I think~"

He says weakly, fatigued by all that grinding she had done to the spent Riolu.

"Oh, great!~"

She exclaims before pulling off of his now semi-hard cock, semen and pussy juice dripping from her plump spade and onto the Riolu's cock as she hovers above it.

"Damn my pussy's full now...~"

They both stare at it as it drips, both in awe with how messy it looked. The Zorua slowly looked back up at Bruno as soon as she noticed his attention was being focused on her coochie, giving him an evil smile before speaking up again.

"...But not full enough~"


Bruno's sensitive knot was roughly grabbed by her as she pushed herself back down onto him riding his sensitive member swiftly again while he squirmed and moaned almost girly like, it was clear she hadn't been satisfied yet and she didn't care in the slightest if it bothered Bruno.

"Give me more of that cum, boy~"

"Ahh ahh fuck... s-so sensitive!!"

"Sh-shut up! I'm done when I say I'm done!"

Her riding had quickly gotten more intense, now riding his knot as well pushing it in and out of her making him a moaning mess during his second milking the cum helping her ride his knot with ease quickly getting him close to a second orgasm due to his sensitivity making him overloaded with pleasure, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he was being ridden unrelentlessly, fortunately for him though there was light at the end of the tunnel. He could feel his knot was inflating again ready to blow another load and the Zorua felt it too, so with one last rough push she slammed herself down past his fat knot making him shoot more cum inside her albeit a lot less than his previous load.

"Now that's a good boy~"

As soon as Bruno's knot deflated again the Zorua pulled herself off of him, placing herself down on his chest leaving her creampied spade right in his face.

"It's time to clean up your mess~"

"O-oh... okay!~"

Bruno happily obliged with her order, gaining his enthusiasm back almost immediately because of it, eagerly lapping up the creampie they'd baked together slurping every last drop of cum that leaked out of her now gaping spade before slipping his tongue inside, scrubbing her walls with it making sure to collect every last drop of cum that was mixed with the pre and pussyjuice swallowing it as he collected the reproductive fluid in his maw, pulling away from it soon after his job was done.

"That's a good messy perv~"

She gives him some soft headpats before getting off and laying down beside him.

"Now get out."

"Wait wha-?"

"I said get out, I'm done with you."

"Are you really gonna just make me leave like that?"


"Can I at least have your name?!"

"It's Alexis, now get out."


"What was that?"

"I said no, I'm not leaving."

"Then I guess I'll make you then!"

Alexis grabs him by the leg and drags him out of her house while he kicks and screams like a little girl having a temper tantrum, mirroring his behaviour from earlier. Once he was outside the Zorua let him go and slammed the door behind him in a bitchy manner.

"Fucken bitch!"

He yelled as he stood up, punching the door in disgust before walking away in a huff to go back home completely naked not even bothering to get his clothes back until he realised that it was his security guard uniform which he couldn't help but cuss at loudly as he realised. That was certainly going to be an awkward explanation to his boss when he came in the next day, that's for sure

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