Welcome Home (Vanilla Version)

Story by TwistedSnakes on SoFurry

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Written by TwistedSnakes

Illustrated by Qundium

E-reader link (Mobile-friendly, themes, EPUB and PDF format)

You're not the kind of person to make the first move on a dating app, yet his Suavo profile awakened something within you. You tap "Chat" and your fingers fly over your phone's keyboard. Within seconds, you hit send and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

The whir of your living room fan fills the silence. You feel dumb for expecting an immediate reply. Of course, he's not going to be online to respond immediately. You look at the message you sent.

"You're hot lol"

With the sobriety of hindsight, you wish you could delete the message. You put your phone on the couch and lean back with a groan. Why did you just do that? That's why you don't send the first message. You let someone else make the first move, and watch as the amateurs do all the blundering. The ones who pass the test get to date you. Ugh, you've ruined it. With this hottie of a snake, of all people. Why did you have to go--

Your phone buzzes and you look at the message. It's him.

"You're quite a fetching sight yourself. I'm Sephos. To whom do I owe the pleasure of this evening's company?"

Your heart is throbbing and your cheeks are red. He replied. You can't believe he replied, after a cringy pick-up line like that. You look through his profile, skimming for hints to carry on the conversation. He lives alone, loves baking, spends evenings with a glass of wine, plays tennis on the weekends.

Sounds daunting. You continue scrolling.

"Searching for the meaning of life. Passionate and hopeless romantic. Looking for love in a disconnected world."

Damn. You scroll back up to his profile and tap on his pictures. In the first one, he's in a fancy restaurant wearing a tuxedo. His polished scales are jet black, gleaming beneath the light of the chandelier. He's smiling at the camera with a crystal wineglass in his hand. You're blushing again, damn it.

You swipe to the next picture. This one is a portrait photo of him, mouth open in a half-grin with one brow raised. It's as if you've just told him a groan-worthy joke, and he's about to laugh. You meet his gaze. He has sapphire-blue eyes you could fall endlessly into.

You're getting distracted. You move on to the next picture. It's a side profile of him leaning on the railing of a yacht, staring wistfully into the distant sunset. You get the impression this was a candid shot, capturing him alone with his thoughts. It almost feels like you're intruding on a private moment, glimpsing a flash of his vulnerability.

Who is this snake? What's he like? How does he feel, with those broad shoulders and toned arms wrapping around you as he hugs you from behind, gently telling you that everything will be alright? The both of you sharing body heat under the covers of silk blankets, letting his steadfast embrace lull you to sleep.

You hastily reign in your risque fantasies. No point in frivolous daydreams if it doesn't work out with the snake. You've been there before. Dumped after a few dates, crying on the sidewalk because "he was definitely the one". It all feels so stupid now, but it hurt so much then. You take a deep breath. You're going to take it slow with this snake. No expectations. Seize opportunities as they come and see where they lead you.

You open the chat. His message has been hanging for 20 minutes now, nothing compared to the 3 minutes it took for him to respond to you. Biting your lip, you text him back.

"Omg, I didn't think you'd reply. Nice to meet you, Sephos!"

The snake's profile picture grins back at you with a slight head tilt. Your heart is wild. If you're going to do this, you might as well give it your all. Do your best, live with no regrets. You type a second message.

"Sorry about the previous message, haha. I'm not always this forward, but you caught my eye and I just couldn't resist."

You hit send and lean back against the couch. Hopefully, the second message clears things up. You're going to do things right. Seize opportunities as they come and see where they lead you.

"So, here's where the bizarre twist comes in. They weren't overcooked at all," you finish.

You're seated in The Garrett, a restaurant you've never dreamt of stepping into. Even if you could afford a single entrée there, the earliest reservation you can make is 6 months away. Yet here you are, finishing up the last of your strawberry buttermilk cake after an exquisite meal.

Sephos chuckles as he leans forward, keeping his gaze on you. He's completely captivated, and to be honest, so are you.

"Do you cook a lot?"

"Well, every now and then," you confess. "What do you like to eat? I can cook something for you if you come over."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Hmm, how about a 5-course meal? Garlic bread for the starter, followed by onion chowder with peppered croutons for the appetiser. First course, baked fish with lemon cream sauce. Second course, pan-seared steak with garlic butter. Then we finish with dessert, hmm..."

"That sounds like a lot of effort. Why don't I help with dessert then? What's your favourite?"

"Hmm, how about apple crumble?"

"Served with chilled yogurt?"

"Oh yea, that sounds good."

"A generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top."


"Caramel sauce drizzled over everything."

Damn, you've just had dinner and you're hungry again. Sephos smiles.

"The warm pastry crumbs and sautéed apples melting on your tongue."

Your mouth water.

"The coolness of the yogurt and ice cream contrasting the heat."

Your tongue is itching to taste the treat that isn't there.

"The sticky caramel sauce bringing everything together."

"Oh god, that sounds amazing." You're holding your head in your hands, helpless to the gustatory journey Sephos is bringing you on. You're hungry again, and you just had dinner.

"I'll stop, I'll stop," He smiles.

"Damn, you're good. You bake a lot, right? I remember that from your profile."

"Only every weekend. You should come over."

"How about tonight?" you blurt.

The snake raises one brow. You want to kick yourself. Goodness, why did you say that?

"Sure, why not?"

"Whoa, wait, what?"

Sephos makes eye contact with the waiter and nods.

"May I have the bill, please?"

The waiter comes back with a leather bill holder. You dread the devastation it's going to do to your wallet. Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to meet at such a fine restaurant on the first date.

Sephos opens the holder and places his credit card in it.

"My treat."


The limousine ride was impressive, but the snake's mansion leaves you totally in awe. Its interior design embodies the lifestyle of modern luxury. The white marble floor is cool against your bare feet. Alternating darkwood slabs and onyx stone panels form the walls of the room. Orange light radiates from behind the panels, bathing the living room in a cool glow. The ceiling is interspersed with circular mirrors of various sizes, making the large room seem even more spacious.

"You okay?" Sephos' voice breaks you out of your trance.

"Huh? I mean, yeah, haha. I'm good! It's just...wow."

The snake chuckles. "Do you drink?"


"It's Friday night."

You nod your head and he smiles.

"I'll mix something up. Make yourself at home."

You sit on one of the ash-grey couches and sink into its springy cushions. Okay, okay. Deep breaths. Keep it cool. Don't make it obvious that you're insanely impressed by his...everything. House, looks, charm, he's got it all. Thoughts of him cloud your mind. Private, intimate thoughts.

The sound of clinking ice and metal comes from the kitchen, accompanied by the sound of Sephos humming to himself.

You need to distract yourself from your thoughts. There are magazines on the coffee table in front of you, so you hastily grab one and flip it open. You riffle through the pages, glazing over the words and pictures without paying attention. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Sephos return from the kitchen with a cocktail shaker and 2 glasses. You pretend not to notice.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." He sets the glasses on the table.

"Oh, you're back," you feign surprise. "I didn't wait long, don't worry!" You smile warmly.

Sephos uncaps the shaker and pours a bright orange drink into each cocktail glass. "What are you reading?"

"I was just reading this magazine on..."

He peers at the cover. "Upside down?"

You look down. "5 Holiday Destinations for the Distinguished Tourist" is printed upside down on the glossy page. Mortified, you return the magazine to the table.

"I was uh, I mean, I..."

Sephos waves the incident aside and hands you a glass. "Orange martini."

You take a sip, grateful for the opportunity to stay silent. At least he seems amused.

"I'll get some music going," Sephos says. "Play romantic music."

Soft piano plays through unseen speakers. The stiffness in your shoulders eases up; you didn't notice how tense you are.

"Got everything in your house automated?" you poke fun at him.

"Well," he shrugs, "I live alone, so it's good to have some help."

"No army of butlers to cater to your every whim?"

You move aside as he sits down beside you.

"Nah. Even the limo is self-driving."

"Whoa. Don't you get lonely, being all by yourself?"

"Lonely?" His gaze falls away. "Sometimes."

The notes of the piano hang in the air, cloaking the room like a blanket until he speaks again.

"But I'm better now that you're here."

You look up and catch his intense stare. A slight smile spreads on his lips. Your heart skips a beat. His profile photos did his eyes no justice; his irises are in vibrant shades of deep blue, framing his pupil slits. You experience vertigo, as if you're standing at the precarious edge of a sheer cliff. One step away from falling.

His fingers stroke your chin. Tingly bursts of pleasure spread from where he touched you. The smooth scales of his fingers slide down your jawline, going down the side of your neck. You shiver.

You have to keep it cool, right? After all, this is your first date with him. But first dates don't go like this. First dates don't leave you in the company of a handsome man in his luxurious home. First dates don't throw you headfirst into stirring fantasies that nobody else can know. First dates don't seat you in front of a suave snake that's caressing every inch of your face with his intent stare.

His gaze falls on your lips. He leans in.

A kiss? On the first date?

This isn't just a first date. You want his lips too. His eyes are closed, so you close yours too.

For a brief moment, you're floating in the darkness, drifting in the cool air of the room. Then you feel his lips meet yours. It's warm and cool. It's smooth and rough. All sorts of sensations rush through your body like a torrential downpour. His arms embrace you, pulling you closer to him. His soft lips close around your lower lip and gently squeezes.

Oh god, this is amazing. He is amazing.

His lips meet yours and his tongue plunges into your mouth. You inhale, both from the surprise and pleasure of it all. His warmth presses against yours, twisting and turning in a winding dance of tongues. His hands are all over your back. Squeezing. Kneading. Upper back. Lumbar. Shoulders. Your hands do the same, wrapping around his sides as you clench his lower back. His muscles are firm beneath your grasp. His sculpted form endures your passionate grips.

All too soon, he pulls away. You open your eyes to see him smiling contentedly at you. He's madly in love with you. This is everything you could ask for.

"You're cute when you moan like that."

Were you moaning? You blush.

"You're cute too--"

He dives for your neck. His arms press against your chest and thrusts you back, leaving with you lying on the couch with him on top of you. His teeth find the base of your neck and he gives it a firm nibble. You moan, this time noticing the sound Sephos was referring to. A soft gasp. Gentle. Delicate. Vulnerable.

His dexterous tongue explores your skin, stroking the side of your neck. Then the centre. Up the underside of your neck. Then back down again. Firm and determined, yet warm and comforting. His arms are still on your pecs, massaging them with his steady grip. You're convinced he can hear your heartbeat. Feel your heartbeat. Your body is an orchestra and your heart is the percussion. Sephos' body, on the other hand, is a work of art. A figure that was sculpted by the gods into materialised perfection. His charm, a sweet perfume that permeates the mind, encircles the heart.

He goes for the kiss. You're ready for it. Your tongue finds his and you press against him with loving caresses. Then you push and delve into his maw. You feel the curves of his keen-edged teeth. His mouth, an alcove of intimacy for you to explore. His serpentine tongue coils around yours, guiding you in your search. His hands cup the back of your head, pulling you deeper into him. Your palms feel the cool scales at the back of his head. Your fingers trace the curve of his neck hood. His earthy moans tell you he's sensitive there.

You're out of breath by the time your lips depart from his. His warm breaths wash over you. There's an eagerness in his eyes. A hunger. For you. He wants to go all the way. You do too.


He gets off the couch. You're dizzy as you stand up. The intoxicating haze in your mind wanes, and the concrete contours of reality rise to meet you. Sephos holds your hand and guides you down the corridor into a lobby. Its ceiling is easily 3 or 4 floors high. Through its glass-panelled wall, you see the flower garden outside. Above it, the night sky forms an azure tapestry of shimmering stars. You look up in wonder.


A glass shaft is built into the wall, and an elevator waits at its base. The elevator doors open and you follow the snake in. You face gaze at the night sky as the ground falls away, when--

Sephos' warm hand grips your shoulder and he turns you around. His eyes reflect the glow of the moon. He kisses you again. You feel his fingers fumble the collar around your neck. He finds the knot of your tie and slides it off, letting the satin fall to the ground. He searches for your shirt buttons. His fingers are trembling with excitement. The top button comes undone. Then the second.

You're eager too. You want him to be quicker. You want to be naked, to expose every inch of your body. You want him unclothed, letting you bask in his glory. You want his bare body intimately intertwined with yours. Yet you want to stretch every moment of this. The air is ablaze with electrifying anticipation.

Your shirt comes undone. His hands are on your shoulders. Still locked in the kiss, he guides you out of the elevator. Eyes closed, you follow his steady direction, taking steps backwards as he pushes against you. Your hands are around his waist.

He shoves you and you gasp, opening your eyes in shock. You're falling, but only for a moment. Silky sheets catch you in your dive. You're surrounded by the comfort of pillows and blankets. This is Sephos' bedroom, and you're on his bed. The moon shines through a skylight above you, blending with the soft orange and blue lights in the room.

Sephos wastes no time. His tie and shirt fall to the floor, and he climbs onto the bed. You're pinned below him, looking up into his gentle gaze. His dark scales glow beneath the moonlight. Streaks of blue scales run across his body, matching the colour of his eyes. You're lost in them for just a moment, before he swoops in. His snout nuzzles against your neck. Down your shoulders. Across your collarbone. Your exposed chest is Sephos' treasure.

He licks your nipples in turn, circling the areolae before giving each nub a soft squeeze with his lips. Pure instinct drives your actions. Your hands grope his body. You clench the sides of his chest. Down his sides. His hips. His thighs. Your fingers linger on the fabric of his pants.

Do you dare?

You go for it. Your palm cups the crotch of his pants and you grope. Sephos lets out a pleasured grunt. His arms embrace you and he pulls your body against his. His cheek rubs against yours and you can feel his heavy breaths beside your ear. As you massage his bulge, he groans in ecstasy. His moans are cute. He's cute. Crumpling with each squeeze of his manhood.

His movements are impulse-driven. His fingers are tenacious with raw, feral strength as he grips the muscles on your back. Then he lets go, before clutching another part of your back. You're like a prey--his prey--as Sephos ravages your flesh. With each squeeze of his crotch, he thrusts his hips against yours. Your hand is sandwiched between his manhood and yours as he grinds against you. You gasp in bliss. Your member is rock hard in your pants, itching for attention. Sephos' attention.

You're unbuckling your pants. His pants. Sephos gets up and slips off the last of his clothes, then yours. His impressive member stands at attention, shaft covered in ridges before tapering into a pointed tip. He catches you staring and grins. You return the smile. You're enthralled by him, and this time, you're not afraid to show it. You welcome his advances as he closes the gap between his body and yours. You embrace. Chest against chest. His prehensile tail wraps around yours, enfolding your fifth limb in his muscular coils. His manhood grinds against yours and your shaft clenches in response.


His gaze is powerful and piercing. Yet, behind his sapphire eyes, you can make out traces of poignant loneliness.

"Don't you get lonely," you remember asking him, "being all by yourself?"

You remember the heavy pause, the sorrowful gaze. "Sometimes." Then a smile to hide it all.

He's lonely. Living alone with no one for company. Reaching out into the multitudes, looking for a close companion in a paradoxical society; connected by technology, yet emotionally disconnected.

"But it's better now that you're here."

You're lonely too. It's been a while since you've been intimate with someone. His arms are warm. His maleness is firm against yours. The heartbeat in his chest is filled with vigour and vitality.

"Shall I?" he asks.

You nod. He smiles back. That head tilt. You're reeling. He nuzzles his cheek against the side of your neck. You gasp and moan, making the cute sounds he enjoys.

Sephos gets up and kneels between your legs. He lifts your legs and rests your lower calves on his broad shoulders. His hands grasp your lower torso. Everything about this feels good, feels right. You're eager for this. Eager for him.

The tip of his maleness nudges against your pucker, and you tense up in anticipation. With a gentle thrust, his rod pushes into you, spreading your tunnel open with the gentle gradient of his girth. You gasp. There's a flash of pain and shock, then it subsides to a mellow warmth.

He pushes forward with a tender thrust. Your passage accommodates his heft, clenching around the rounded ridges of his throbbing shaft. He tenses his rod, pushing back against your tunnel like an easing massage.

Your senses are completely overwhelmed. Your vision is awash with colours, turning Sephos' dark scales into a divine tempest of hues. The entirety of your being is focused on his warmth inside you. It spreads throughout your body, replacing the tension in your muscles with pure, primal pleasure.

He hilts his sceptre in you, thrusting against a spot within you that you never knew was so sensitive. You're moaning. He loves it. He gradually pulls out and you feel the ridges of his shaft grind against your clenched tailhole. Oh god, it feels amazing. You exhale as your rear muscles relax.

He delves into you once more. Then recedes. Then back in again. Like the waves of the sea crashing against the shores of your supple rear, transferring its powerful momentum into your trembling body. With each plunge, you feel his substance pulse against your body. The encounter of intimacy, weaving your souls together.

The tip of his tail wraps around your erect cock, and it tenses up in response. With each thrust of his member into your passage, his tail grips the base of your rod and strokes upward, jacking you off with determined pumps. As he squeezes his coil around your shaft, you clench back in response. Flesh against flesh, pushing against each other with zealous spirit.

It's been so long since you've been like this, enjoying this secret intimacy with another person. Yet everything comes back naturally, as if you haven't missed a single day. As if this dance of sexual harmony is all you've been doing, all you've ever done.

Arousal permeates every fibre of your being. It's a sensation you're experiencing. It's an emotion you're feeling. It's a state of being. A plane of existence. It engulfs your body, pouring out through actions that you're no longer in control of. Your hands grope the smooth scales of his rugged arms. Your rump thrusts against him, moving in time with each buck of his hips. Your cock pulses against his tail.

Your body is an orchestra. Your heart is the percussion, throbbing in time with the beat. Your lungs are the woodwinds, filling the air with your melodic moans. Sephos' body is a work of art. Sculpted to perfection, polished with a charming finish. His anatomy is a mechanical wonder, flowing with powerful yet tender movements. His room is the concert hall, the art museum, the private space where beauty can flourish.

Your pleasures are in sync, pushing the two of you over the edge and into the throes of orgasm. His warmth fills out your inner capacity and your rear overflows with his essence. Your cock shoots rope after rope of rich, thick seed. Sephos' tail continues to pleasure you, milking every last drop of your spunk from your maleness. Your vision is still spinning from the intensity of our combined orgasm.

As the piano continues to resound through the house, both your moans take turns to intersperse the music with low, earthy tones. His tail releases your member, letting it glisten beneath the light in all its wet glory. As he pulls out of you, your rear tunnel relaxes and a wave of relief washes over you. As your mind clears, you stare into his eyes. Deep blue and awash with contented elation.

He lowers your legs onto the bed and grins. You smile back. Reaching over to the bedside table, he picks up a rolled towel and unfolds it. With tender strokes, he cleans up the seed leaking from your rear. It's a hot towel. Its soft material is warm and damp, soaking up the mess with its comforting touch.

Your abs are also coated with essence from your moment of reckless fervour, and Sephos cleans it up with care. Making sure you're clean, he moves on to his chest where your seed is smeared across his scales.

"I..." you begin sheepishly.

"I'd have it no other way." He smiles. "And it cleans off easily."

Throwing the towel aside, he straddles you. His hands find yours and your fingers intertwine. He leans in and looks deep into your eyes. He lays down, resting his chest against yours, letting it rise and fall in time with your breaths. His chin against your shoulder, his cheek against yours. Still embracing you, he turns over so you're side by side on the bed. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in with his capable grasp. You grip his body with your hands, grasping the firm muscles on his back. It's so tangible, so substantial in your hands.

"I've forgotten how good it feels to be held like this."

His eyes are glowing with bliss. You've never seen him this happy before.

"Me too."

He closes his eyes, lips in a contented grin as he nuzzles against you. You close his eyes and let his touch stroke you. You bask in the afterglow that surrounds you both like a radiating warmth. Your rapid heartbeats subside like the receding tide. His breaths are firm and steady.

All is right with the universe. You're happy, satisfied, content.

You're home.

~ End ~

The Journey Home (Preview)

\<p\>This is a preview of \<i\>The Journey Home\</i\>, a published novella featuring illustrations by Chitafokkusu and characters from Rpadi. If you would like to read more, the book is available in digital and paperback formats. \<a...

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