Hidden Passions - Chapter 5

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#6 of Hidden Passions

The more you have, the more you want.

All characters depicted in this story are 18 or older.

Chapter 05 - Jesse

I was a good girl for a month. There was sex with the husband a couple times a week, masturbation in between to take care of urges, and all was right with the world.

My slutty urges were occupied by training with the anal plugs Rex had provided. The smallest didn't cause any discomfort after a few days with it in. Learning to sit and move with it in my ass had a learning curve that wasn't covered by the training guide in the set. The plugs went in after my husband left for work and remained there until evening. It was easy to remove before bedtime and not something I wanted to explain. My husband wasn't into anal sex, big surprise. It was better to avoid the entire matter with him.

The next larger plug went into my butt on the third day and I sure felt that one! It was almost twice the diameter of the first. The thing pressed on my insides. The device provided a constant stretch in my rectum that made me feel as if I needed to use the bathroom until I got used to the sensation of fullness. Getting used to it took three. By the third day, I didn't have to spend time lying on my side or stomach when alone.

There was a pleasant side benefit of having an anal plug in my rump besides the stimulation it provided. While running errands or shopping, I'd fantasize about doing it bare-bottomed and give people flashes of the plug base between my ass cheeks with a flip of a short skirt or bending over to inspect something on a shelf. The fantasy alone was enough to soak the panties I did wear. If a sex device could do this much for my slut cravings, I began to look forward to an actual cock in my ass. Until then, I contented myself with the secret anal slut knowledge and kept a smile on my muzzle as my fantasies played out.

I did a little Internet research to understand what to expect from anal sex. What I learned piqued my interest and increased my anticipation of what a real dick felt like. As I progressed to larger size plugs, I began to look forward to taking an actual cock in my ass for the first time. There was no way my husband was going to do it, so I kept the anal training to myself. My inner slut made more frequent appearances and wondered if Rex would fuck my ass nice and easy or hard and nasty when he took me for his pleasure. I couldn't decide which method I preferred he use.

Each larger plug required more time for my body to adapt to the increased girth and length. As a test of my progress, I tried the smallest one and laughed as it seemed inconsequential inside me. At the start of the fourth week, I felt ready for the literal and figurative biggest challenge; the last plug.

"Dammit!" I muttered as the blunt end of the largest plug slipped sideways and up my ass cleft as I applied pressure.

I lay on the bed, on my side and took a break to let my frustration abate. The largest plug wasn't going in. Either despite or because of all the lube I'd applied to plug and ass, the blunt tip kept moving out of place when I tried to insert the damned thing. There was no way to get a good grip on it and I lay there with lube all over myself and the bedsheets.

"you bastard." I held the conical plug by the base and stared at it. "You're not going to defeat me. I've worked too hard to get to this point, you fucker. I'll be damned if I'm going to admit defeat to a fucking anal plug. That's just not happening."

Part of the frustration came from the fact that there was nobody I could turn to for assistance or advice. The manual for the anal plugs was unhelpful -- it just said 'lubricate and insert'. Yeah, right. Try shoving a baseball bat large end first into your ass and see if lubricate and insert gets the job done.

"Shit," I muttered as a flash of insight made me smile. "I'm going about this all wrong. If I can push it in, maybe I can push myself onto it."

With a lusty growl and a grin, I rolled off the bed. I grabbed my anal nemesis and carried it to the bathroom. After applying a lot more lube to the entire cone, I set the flat base on the floor. "That'll work," I said as the device remained steady. It looked like an abstract black Christmas tree.

Now for the tricky part. I knelt with the plug between my ankles. A triumphant grin spread across my muzzle as the blunt tip kissed my rectum. That fat cone was going into my ass with a gravity assist. Using a hand mirror for guidance, my rump lowered. The plug moved and I steadied it with both feet. After a calming breath, my thigh muscles relaxed.


"Get--nng!--in there, you fucker!" I grunted as the device began spreading my ass to dimensions it had never achieved before or that I thought was possible as my butt moved toward the floor.

"Fuck," I muttered when it felt like the widest part of the cone was going to split my ass. I sighed with relief as my rectum hugged the smaller neck of the device.

Then a groan escaped my muzzle. The stretch in my lower body was intense!

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned. "It feels like I need to use the bathroom in a bad way. Who does this for fun?" Then I remembered Markko's thick penis and had my answer.

I avoided my son that morning because the stiff-legged walk I used thrust my ass to the rear and made me look funny. The first two days with that monster stuffing my ass was an ordeal. That cooled my slut ardor to almost nothing.

After a few days, it got easier to insert that big fucker in my butt but it was never comfortable once there. Walking and sitting were quite uncomfortable for several days. As my body adapted and inserting the fat plug was possible with my hand, my inner slut began to emerge.

The call of the slut begins with thoughts of my coyote lovers while my husband and I are intimate. I think my inner slut grows tired of vanilla sex and needs a change of pace. She likes to remind me that my husband is fucking a cheap slut who fucks and sucks males with bigger cocks and huge appetites for sex. Lovers who pump me so full of cum that their loads leak from my mouth and slit when they're finished. The thoughts bring a smile to my muzzle.

I looked forward to and craved the satisfaction of a new sexual experience. When I felt ready to participate and thoughts of coyote cocks occupied my daily thoughts, it was time to schedule a slut session with Rex at the first opportunity.

"I've got another trip out of town next week," My husband said at dinner.

"Again?" I asked with feigned, wide-eyed surprise. "You just got back from a trip!"

"It sure seems like it," he agreed. "The upgrades aren't going as smooth as we'd hoped. I may have to spend more time on the road with customers than we anticipated."

"How much time do they need from you?"

"For the next eighteen months at least."

"Can't they get you some help?"

He shook his head. "I've got it easy; just a weekend or so. The maintenance and support techs are on-site for a week or more before I get there."

"Why do they need you too?"

"Training and to soothe any ruffled feathers if the upgrades take longer than expected or there are unforeseen problems. Customers like having someone with authority taking an active interest in them."

If he only were that dedicated to his wife's sexual needs!

I sighed. "It must be hard on the techs being on the road for so long."

"Yeah," My husband agreed. "But the per-diem and overtime help. It's a lot of good experience and can advance their careers faster than the techs that don't get that kind of hands-on work. Management thought of making mandatory assignments but went with volunteers instead. The go-getters all signed up."

"You didn't tell me you volunteered," I said.

"I was volun-told by the company president," he said with a roll of his eyes. "When you're at my level, you don't get much of a choice. It goes with the position. If I'd refused, my career would have hit a dead-end."

I sighed. "I guess I can put up with it if you can." My best wife smile formed. "Don't you worry about us; just focus on your work."

That brought a smile to his muzzle "Thanks, Hon. You're the best!"

Yeah, not so much. I'm just a slut that wants her husband out of town so she can fuck other males. I do love him though. If my husband could use me like my inner slut desired, I'd have no need for lovers. I compromise by keeping my slut escapades a secret and separate from my home life.

The next morning after my husband and son left for work and school respectively, I called Rex. I was trembling with excitement. My heart sped up while listening to the phone ring. "Pick up," I breathed.

"Hello, slut," came the familiar confident voice of my extra-marital lover and slut master.

I got wet between the legs hearing him call me a slut and thinking of Rex's big cock in my cunt. "Hello, lover. It's good to hear your voice again."

"I thought you might have gotten cold feet when you saw your anal training kit. Have you been using it like a good slut?"

I was looking forward to my reward. With a nod, I said, "I've got the largest one in my ass right now."

"You're a good slut and you deserve a reward." He sounded pleased.

"That's what I was thinking, too," I replied.

"What reward does my slut wish for?"

My reply was instant. "I want your big cock in my pussy this weekend!"

He laughed. "That would be a waste of your anal training. No, I think you deserve a cock in your slut ass."

"You didn't say your cock," I noted.

"It's not time for that yet," Rex replied.

I couldn't hide the disappointment in my voice. "I want you to take my anal cherry, Rex."

"Don't whine," he said. "What a slut wants doesn't matter. What her slut master wants is all that counts and I want someone else to get your ass ready for my dick."

"I'm sorry," I said and felt downcast at the scolding. "It's been months since you fucked me. I hoped you'd use my slut pussy like before and then my ass."

His voice had a warmer tone as he said, "All in good time, slut. I am going to use you well but only after your basic slut training is complete. A male named Jesse is going to fuck your ass. He's a friend of mine and you're going to like him. He loves anal sex and has a cock longer than mine."

My eyes went round with surprise at this news. "Really? How much longer?"

Rex laughed. "He's a little longer than me," he said without a hint of jealousy. "He's perfect for your first anal fucking. After you do this, you'll be my three hole slut. Do you know what that is?"

I shook my head. "I've never heard the term before."

"I'm not surprised. It means that your mouth, your ass, and your pussy, are mine to use as I wish. All three holes on your body."

"Oh, now I understand."

"And slut, I'm going to fuck every hole you have. What do you think of that?"

The hot moist feeling between my legs grew more intense as I contemplated the possibilities in his words. "I'm all wet thinking about it!"

"Of course you are."

"After Jesse, the next time I need someone to use me like a slut, you'll do it, Rex?"

"Yes, but first, you need to spend time with Jesse. You're in good hands with him and I want you to enjoy your night with him."

"If he's as good as Markko, I'm sure I will."

"I'm pleased that you enjoy servicing my friends. As my slut, do you realize that I can and will gift your body to others for their use?"

"I've suspected that was the case," I said.

"How do you feel about that?"

"Excited. Nervous. A little scared."

"An honest response. That's good, slut. I always expect complete honesty and your obedience. Is that clear?"


"Good girl."

My heart leapt at hearing that.

"By the way, Markko enjoyed your slut mouth and pussy. He looks forward to using you again."

"He surprised me with his fat prick," I admitted. "But I enjoyed my time with him."

"You did well."

I chuckled. "Once I got over the shock of his fat dick, getting it into me was a slut dream come true."

"That's a good slut," he said. "As I said before, I'm pleased with your progress. But more important, you pleased my friend. Now, I want you to please Jesse with your ass and whatever else he wants to use."

I smiled. "I will, Rex."

"Come to my apartment Friday at the same time as before. Strip when you enter. Do you understand?"


"Good," he said and hung up.

Not even a goodbye! I was smiling from ear to ear when the call ended. I didn't care that I'd never met Jesse and knew nothing about him except his cock length. His cock was all that mattered. That, and he was going to fuck me in the ass. The thought of a warm, hard, male shaft sliding into me instead of an anal plug made me excited and wetter.

My mood was upbeat for the rest of the week. That Friday, I saw my husband off like a dutiful wife. My son had a date and was likely to sleep over at her place if history was a guide. I let them both know I was going out too and implied it was a girl's night excursion.

As the time for my slut rendezvous approached, nervousness twisted and moved in my stomach. It felt like I was a teenager going on a first date. Knowing that my clothing wasn't going to stay on long, I dressed in items that were easy to discard yet appropriate for a night out.

Each step from the garage to Rex's apartment door increased my anticipation and heart rate. I had to take a few calming breathes before pressing the doorbell. I was looking forward to the experience to come!

Rex let me in. I removed my dress off by the time he closed the door and turned to me. After taking off the rest of my clothes, he put them aside. Then the male led me to the living room like before.

Jesse was a tall handsome coyote. He was the tallest of the three males. While well-built he had a lithe appearance and an easy smile. The coyotes could be brothers but their scents are too dissimilar for immediate family. Cousins perhaps? His brown eyes devoured every inch of my nude body as his ears flicked with interest. I caught a few wags of his tail too. I was getting wet with arousal and my own tail swished side to side!

"What do you think of my new slut, Jesse?" Rex asked as he and the other male seated themselves. I remained standing on display.

The coyote males regarded me with smiles that I returned. The flesh of each nipple tightened until they ached from the arousal.

"Nice," Jesse said after giving me a long visual inspection.

At Rex's hand signal, I turned to display my backside with tail up as I had done for Markko.

"That's a gorgeous ass," Jesse commented when my butt was in full view of the male. "I can't wait to fuck that."

Rex chuckled. "She's a virgin, or at least her ass is."

I completed the turn and caught Jesse's look of surprise. "Are you shitting me?"

"No," Rex said. "I wanted you to do her first."

"Thanks, bro."

Jesse addressed me next. "Have you trained for anal sex?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Rex spoke next. "Use her any way you like, Jesse; mouth, pussy, and especially her ass. Send her home when you're done and make sure she looks like a slut when she leaves." He stood up.

To me, he said with a grin, "Do whatever Jesse tells you, slut. If you're a good slut, I'll reward you with the fucking you crave the next time you want to play."

I nodded. "Okay. I will."

As Rex passed, he smacked my ass hard. My surprised jump forward almost tripped me.

The tall male unfolded from the sofa in a smooth movement and caught me in his arms.

"Thanks," I said with a shy glance at his face. My breasts were pressed to his chest. I enjoyed the feel of his arms around me more than I thought possible. Is it because I knew he was going to use me for his pleasure? Or that he looked at me and saw just a slut?

"You're welcome." Jesse grinned and gazed into my eyes. Both of his hands dropped to my rump. "You do have a gorgeous ass."

He squeezed my ass cheeks and I pushed my hips forward against his lower belly. "I'm glad you like it. I can't wait to see what your cock feels like in it."

"You've never had anal sex before?"

I shook my head. "No. I never had the opportunity to try. Until recently, I hadn't even considered it."

He gave my butt another good squeeze. Then Jesse's hands lifted and moved along my sides. He cupped both breasts. "You have nice tits, too."

I don't care that I'm with a strange male and unclothed and he's feeling me up like a piece of sex meat. "I'm glad you like them."

"Have you ever been tit-fucked?"


He laughed. "You don't get out much, do you?"

"If you want to fuck my tits, you're welcome to put your dick between them. I'll do my best to make you cum."

"Good answer, slut," he said with a smile. Jesse let me go and began to circle me. I felt him stroke my tail. He lifted it for a better view of my rump. The fingers of his free hand slipped into my ass cleft. A fingertip pressed to my rectum and I shuddered at the contact, anticipating penetration. Instead, it circled my hole a few times and was withdrawn. He let go of my tail and moved to stand before me.

He smiled. "Are you ready to start, slut?"

My breath hitched. I nodded.

He must have noticed my change in breathing "Don't worry," he said in a soothing voice and nice smile. "With the training you did, you're going to enjoy it a lot more than if you hadn't." He took my hand in his. "Come along."

Just like with Markko, Jesse pulled me toward the bedrooms. We even went to the same one Markko had taken me to.

"Prepare yourself in there," he says, indicating the bathroom with a wave of his arm.

I'd prepared before leaving home but performed the actions again. I dried my bottom well using a thick towel. When I exited the bathroom, Jesse was naked and lying in the center of the bed. He grinned and crooked his finger at me. I did a hip-swaying sensual strut, got on the bed, and crawled toward him. His eyes watched my boobs sway with each movement.

Several inches of penis showed at his sheath opening when I lay next to male. I said, "I like what I see so far." I slide my hand along his muscular inner thigh until I can cup his big testicles. "Rex says you have a long cock," I purred while rolling the fat orbs between my fingers.

He nodded. "Mine's the longest. Want to see it?"

I learned from Markko not to doubt these males. I nodded and used a finger to trace the underside of the exposed part of his penis. "Yeah."

"Grab my dick and pull."

This was new to me. I gripped his penis with light pressure and tugged. Jesse's cock slid free of his sheath. More and more shaft emerged like a magician's handkerchief trick. My mouth dropped open.

When he's at full expression, Jesse's prick is the length of my forearm and part of my palm! I stare at his firming cock and gasp, "Holy fuck!"

He smiled. "Stroke it."

I used both hands to massage the long shaft. Jesse grew harder at my coaxing. His member is not as thick as either Rex or Markko. Even my husband has a little more girth. Jesse has them all beat on length, though. I've never seen a cock this long on a canine!

"Are you part horse?" I asked.

He laughed "Nah. I'm all canine."

My eyes go from base of his cock to the tip and back down. "Fuck, that's a long cock!"

"How about you quit looking at it and start sucking on it?"

"All of it?" I yelped.

He burst out laughing. "Shit, girl, you're hilarious!"

Heat flushed my cheeks at the faux pas.

"Just get as much of it in your mouth as possible," he said. "Unless you can deep throat a cock. Can you?"

I shook my head. "I wouldn't know where to start."

"You'll have to learn," Jesse said. "When Rex and I fuck your mouth, we're going to go balls deep whether you choke or not."

My eyes darted from his lengthy member to his face.

"Markko's girlfriend can do it and she's smaller than you are. We may have to get her to teach you how to suck dick properly." He nodded to his stiff prick. "Now get started, slut. Get me ready to fuck your ass."

I began by licking his shaft from sheath to glans until Jesse glistened with my saliva. His male taste is new and excited me. After several kisses on the head, I put the oozing tip into my mouth and tasted his salty pre-cum. "Mmm."

"Suck it, slut."

I shuddered at his command. He looked pleased as my head began moving. My movements were slow and shallow at first. My lips moved lower with each descent onto his long pole. When his pointed tip touched the back of my throat, I coughed a bit and backed off.

"Nice and easy for now," he says with a caress of my hair. "You're doing fine but you do need practice. Rex isn't so forgiving," he cautioned. "Get a long silicone dildo and practice deep-throating it. Train that gag reflex before you see him again. Of course, that will also help you deep throat my cock too. There's nothing sexier than seeing my cock bulge out a femme's throat."

I'm slurping on his prick with gusto moments later. At intervals, my bobbing stops and I twist on his cock like he's my favorite flesh lollipop.

"Not bad," he said with a smile as I resumed the up and down movements.

He let me blow him for a bit before saying, "All right, that's enough."

My head came up and his dick popped free of my wet mouth. Despite the apprehension tightening my gut, I'm Jesse's slut for the night. He's going to use me for his own pleasure. I wipe my wet chin with the back of an arm. "I'm ready."

He grinned. "I love taking a girl's anal cherry; or a guy's."

I stared.

He laughed at my expression and nodded. "Yeah, I fuck guys too. I'd do your husband if he wanted my cock in his ass or mouth. Then I'd do you."

The thought brought a smile to my muzzle.

"Before I fuck your slut ass, I'm going to eat that pussy of yours. Get on all fours and straddle me like in a sixty-nine position."

After repositioning myself, his warm breath caressed my heated labia. Jesse's cock leaned at an angle from its own weight. He didn't tell me to do it but I gripped his dick and pulled the head toward my muzzle. I began sucking on it just as he parts my slit with his fingers.

I shuddered as Jesse pushed the warm length of his tongue into my pussy. I began to moan around the head of his dick as he probed my cunt with his tongue.

I didn't get cunnilingus at home and this was the first time I'd experienced a male's tongue in my pussy for years. It was nothing short of amazing and memories of how much I'd enjoyed this as a teenager came flooding back. Jesse tongue-fucked me as I sucked on his member. My hips worked to get his tongue deeper into my snatch.

Jesse's tongue left my pussy. He lapped at my soaking lips and used his tongue to part them as it slid lower. I jumped when he flicked it against my aroused clitoris. Jesse grabbed my hips in his hands to keep me in place as he continued to tease my clit with his tongue. Feeling his warm tongue slithering over and around my aroused flesh caused me to squirm and try to get more stimulation from our contact. He licked me to a climax so good, I had to stop sucking his dick to scream with delight. The big male didn't stop at one, either. His wonderful tongue brought me to several more screaming climaxes that left me shaking in their wake. God, did I love cunnilingus!

Jesse's marvelous tongue slithered between my labia once more and teased my vaginal opening. When I thought I'd get another tongue-fucking, it moved toward my tail. I tensed and his hands tightened on my hips. I forced myself to relax.

The feel of his tongue on my rectum wasn't unpleasant. In fact, Jesse's tongue was warm and soothing. I relaxed as he licked and teased my rosebud with unhurried licks.

"Fuck, that feels good," I said in a breathy moan.

My but squirmed as he continued licking me. While Jesse's tongue is teasing my ass, he stroked my butt cheeks and tail. It all relaxed me and in no time, I began getting into the anal attention.

"God," I murmured with my lips brushing his cock head, "I never knew that could feel so good."

He chuckled and gave me a swat on the rump. "You're going to enjoy my cock in this ass even more."

"Do you promise?"

"If you liked the training kit, you're going to love my dick in there."

"I'm really liking your tongue back there."

He planted a kiss on my puckered flesh. "Of course, you do, slut."

He was cocky as Rex and Markko! I loved the confidence they had with me.

Jesse's body shifted and then something cool and wet covered my rectum. "Just a bit of lube," he said. "It's so much better than spit or pussy juices. Doesn't dry out as fast."

My body tensed as he worked the gel into my rectum.

"Relax," he said. "We're not ready for that yet."

"What are we going to do?"

He held up a silver object. The shape was familiar. "We're going to tease your ass before I slide my cock into it. Stop sucking my dick; I don't want you to bite the end off when you get excited."

"Is that supposed to relax me?"

That earned me another swat on the ass but Jesse laughed. "First time anal training for a slut. The things I do for Rex."

I chuckled. If he were going to hurt me, he would have done so by now. "All right, Jesse. Prepare virgin slut ass to take your long cock."

"That's the spirit." The cool metal caused me to flinch when it contacted my rectum. He rolled the round point in the lube for a moment. He centered it on my rectum. Pressure built and I thought it felt nice to have someone insert a plug into my ass for a change.

"Relax and let your body accept this plug. It's a size three."

A size three was nothing after the monster size five I'd finished training with. I let out the breath I'd been holding. The metal cone began spreading my ass. It was cool but smooth and slick with lube.

I felt the familiar stretch in my ass as the cone widened. "It feels nice."

"Of course, it does. I can see that you were diligent in your training. Rex will appreciate that."

I smiled and Jesse caressed my ass cheek.

"We're almost there."

The familiar sense of fullness in my rump doesn't cause any discomfort as my rectum closes on the neck of the plug.

"This plug is a bit thicker than I am," Jesse said. "And you took it like a pro."

"Thanks," I said with a giggle at his choice of words. "I guess."

With my sphincter locked on the neck of the plug. Jesse caressed my ass cheeks with both hands. "You look fucking sexy with that in your butt."

The praise brought a smile to my muzzle. "I'm glad you like it." My hand stroked his stiff member still slick with my saliva.

"I love the sight of an anal plug in a femme's rump," Jesse said. "It's fucking hot."

I wiggled my rump. "Does it really look good in me?"

"Hell yes, it does!"

"Thanks, lover."

"All right, slut," Jesse said after a few more moments of admiring my plugged rump. "I'm going to loosen up this ass." He worked the plug in and out of me for a few minutes. Then the coyote male pulled it out.

"Let's see how ready you are." I jumped as he pushed two lubed fingers into my ass.


I heard him laugh. "Guess I should have warned you." He pushed a third finger into me. "How's that?"

I thought about his question. "Mmm, that feels so much different than a plug," I murmured. He began fingering my ass and the sensation was okay. "That's not bad."

Jesse spread and relaxed his fingers in my ass. "Yeah, you're good and ready for cock. Lay on your belly."

I moved off him and lay on the bed.

"Lift your hips."

My butt lifted and he slipped a triangular pillow under my hips. My legs and belly fit the wedges and it's a comfortable position. I arched my tail and flipped it to the side.

"Ready for my cock?"

"Yeah, Jesse," I said with a smile. "Fuck me in the ass!"

He laughed. "I like an eager playmate." I grinned as he applied more lube to my rectum and wiped the excess onto his shaft.

"Fuck, that is a gorgeous ass," he said as he positioned himself for entry. The coyote placed his pointed glans to my puckered opening.

His flesh is warm and unlike the plug, didn't cause me to tense up at the contact.

"Take deep breaths for a bit," he advised.

I drew a large breath and felt pressure build against my ass. He put a hand on his hip and used the other to hold his prick to my anus.

"There you go," he said as the tip of his prick slid into me. As Jesse's glans widened, my flesh spread to accept him.

"Nng!" I grunted into the bedsheets. His cock felt much different than either plugs or fingers. I enjoyed the experience.

"Damn," Jesse said, sounding happy. "This slut ass is nice and tight!" he paused with the head of his cock in my rump.

I had a cock in my ass! I smiled and breathed through the experience. "That feels real good, Jesse."

He pushed more cock into me.

"God," I grunted. "Never had something that far inside before." My belly felt full as he moved deeper.

"I can tell," he replied. "You're so fucking tight! Damn, this is amazing!"

I did my best to relax and enjoy my first anal sex experience. The shaped pillow helps and with deep breathing, the feel of Jesse's dick in my ass is turning me on. "Fuck, you're so deep!"

"Not yet, I'm not." Jesse halted his advance and pulled back. He fucked my ass with short strokes. When he felt my resistance decrease, he pushed deeper into me.

"Oh, fuck, Jesse," I moaned into the bedsheets. "Your fucking cock is filling my insides!"

"Almost there," he said and fed more of his prick into my ass.

"Fuck," I moaned.

"Just a bit more and you'll have my long dick in your slut ass. How does it feel?"

"It's different," I told him. "I like how warm it is."

"It gets better as you get used to it," he told me. The confidence in his voice kept me relaxed.

"Mmm, how much now?" I asked.

His hips touched my rump. "You have it all." I heard him sigh. "Damn, your ass is gripping me like crazy! Try to squeeze your insides on me."

I concentrate and contract my sphincter and what I think are my internal muscles.

"Fuck, yes! Just like that!"

I can't hold the deep squeeze for long. I change from a long hard squeeze to squeezes and releases.

"You're a fucking natural," Jesse said. He sounded pleased. His abdomen rested against my ass. "Keep miking my cock with your slut hole."

I kept up the squeeze and release cycles.

"Oh, fuck, yeah," he murmured, savoring the feel of my ass on his shaft. "There's nothing like going balls deep in a virgin ass."

After enjoying the feel of me on his cock for a few moments, Jesse began thrusting with shallow strokes.

I had to give up on the muscular contractions.

After a minute or two, Jesse said, "Now it's time to fuck this slut ass good and proper."

Jesse pulled most of his cock out of my rump. He slid all the way in without pausing.

"Oh, God!" I blurted into the bedsheets at the new sensation from my ass. It hurt a little but also felt good!

"Now you're a three hole slut," he informed me.

"Am I a good slut, Jesse?"

"Yes," he said. his hips worked to drive his cock into my ass using smooth movements. "You're a hot little slut. Rex is going to be pleased with your progress."

I laughed. "He had me figured out from the beginning."

"Yeah. When you sought him out for the second time, he knew that you would keep coming back. It made sense to train you to service males as a proper slut so he did."

These coyotes understood me better than I understood myself! "Does anal sex ever get any easier?"

"With practice, yes."

"I can't think of a better ass trainer than you, Jesse." I tried forcing my rump back to meet his oncoming thrusts.

"Now you're getting into it," he said with obvious note of pleasure in his voice. "Show me what kind of ass slut you are."

"Yeah," I grunted as he slid into me again. "Fuck my hot slut ass, Jesse! Slid that long cock all the way into me!"

"Fuck yes," he said and increased his tempo.

"Oh, god," I said as the faster pace excited me in a new way. "Fuck my ass good!"

I did get used to having Jesse's stiff penis in my ass. Somewhat. It was uncomfortable but in a fun slutty way. What excited me more than anything was that a male I'd never met before tonight was shoving his cock up my ass and I liked it! I forced a hand underneath my belly and began masturbating.

With my arousal at a heightened level, a few deft touches of my finger had me cumming while the big male fucked my ass.

"That feels great," Jesse said as my body experienced a brief and intense orgasm. His movements never slowed.

I kept my finger moving and was climaxing again in seconds. "God!" I barked as it rolled outward from my fingers. The sensation of Jesse's cock stuffed in my as I had an orgasm was indescribable.

I quit masturbating after the third orgasm. "Fuck me, Jesse. Fuck my ass!"

"With pleasure." He gripped my waist and starting stuffing my backside with cock at a faster pace.

"Are you close?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said after burying his prick in my ass. "Gonna fill this ass with cum!"

"It's all yours!"

He let out a low growl and jerked his hips forward. Warmth spread throughout my belly as he ejaculated deep inside my body. After a brief pause, he resumed thrusting, sending fresh loads of semen into me. I wondered.

"Empty those big balls into me, stud!" I moaned into the bedsheets.

"Fuck," he grunted and gave me another deep thrust. The warmth I felt from each entry was almost gone. At last, he slid into me and rested against my rump. His breathing was deep and exhausted.

When he extracted himself and lay on the bed, my hole remained parted. The elevation from the pillow kept cum from dribbling out of my open ass. I lay where I was, my rump in the air and face in the bedsheets. I didn't want to move. My head rolled so we could look at each other.

"I like getting fucked in the ass," I told him.

He grinned. "You have a great ass for it."

I smiled then. "Thanks. Can I ask a favor?"

"Since you let me take your anal cherry, go ahead."

"Will you fuck my pussy?"


I shrugged. "Personal satisfaction."

"You have a craving for big cocks now?"

I nodded.


After squeezing my ass tight, I forced myself off the pillow and lay beside the big male. His long penis curved over Jesse's thigh. I couldn't resist touching it. "I've only seen dicks like this in a video and not on a canine."

"Luck of the draw," Jesse replied. "I just make do with what I've got."

"You ever think of doing adult videos?"

"Nah, I'm too busy fucking in real life to pretend fuck."

"I can see your point." A thought occurred to me. "You mentioned Markko's girlfriend sucking your dick. Are they in an open relationship?"

"Yeah," Jesse replied. "She fucks other guys and he fucks other females but they love each other."

"I'd like to meet her."

He grinned. "I think you might."

I rose onto an elbow and peered at him. "Really?"

He smiled but didn't answer. It seems Rex had more in mind for my slut development than he let on about.

I lay back down and stroked the coyote's flaccid penis. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to me to show this male how much his cock meant to me.

Jesse rose onto his elbow a few moments later. I watched as his muzzle moved toward my breasts. He took a nipple between his front teeth and flicked at it with his tongue. I sighed and reached for his head.

"Lick my tits, Jesse," I cooed. "And use your hand to finger my slut pussy, too."

I saw the grin on his muzzle as his hand moved over my belly, ruffling the fur. His big hand cupped my Mons. I felt a finger find and stroke my clitoris, causing me to suck in my breath from the sudden excitement it caused.

"Ah, yeah," I moaned. My hips began working to push against his finger and palm.

"Such an eager slut," he murmured at my breast.

I lifted one hip and parted my legs, resting the higher one on the outside of Jesse's leg. His hand moved between my legs and penetrated me with his fingers.

"Fuck, yes," I said in a voice thick with desire. "Finger my pussy, Jesse! Get me ready for your cock!"

He worked several fingers with a rocking motion that filled the air with wet sucking noises. Jesse's prick stirred to life. It stiffened between my legs and poked me in the ass as he worked my clit with his thumb while finger-fucking my wet snatch with the same hand.

Jesse sure knew how to use his hand and mouth to excite e femme. Pussy, clit, and nipples were stimulated at the same time. My back arched. I put a hand on Jesse's head and held his mouth to my tit. "Fuck, yes!" I hissed.

If my husband could do this, I'd never need lovers. My hips jerked with excitement as the male took me closer to orgasm.

"Make me cum!" I begged.

He did. Several times. When I stopped shaking and gasping for breath from the final orgasm, Jesse rose to his knees. His prick waved like a flag pole with each movement.

"Oh, baby," I moaned. "Your cock is ready for my pussy. Don't make me wait to get fucked by the longest dick I've ever seen, Jesse."

"Lift and spread your legs," he said to me.

I grabbed both of my legs behind the knees to keep them in position for him.

He lay his cock on my belly. It extended from my crotch to my belly and throbbed with his excitement. The tip leaked clear fluid into my fur. I couldn't stop staring at it.

Jesse took the shaft in hand and slapped it against by body. It delivered solid thumps when it landed. After a chuckle at my surprised expression, he backed up a bit. He used his hand to guide the pointed tip to my slit.

I held my breath in anticipation.

The glans and a couple inches of cock slid into me.

"Oh, yeah," I murmured with a huge smile that he returned.

"Here it comes," he said. Jesse's muscles flexed and he slid into me until the tip of his dick met my cervix. I grunted from the impact. There was a dull ache behind the front of my lower belly. "Ah, fuck. You're in deep!"

"Not bad," he said while looking at our sexual connection. "You took a lot of it but not all of this big dick."

I'd known I couldn't take all of him. Rex wasn't as long as Jesse and he reached my cervix too. "Is that why you like anal sex? So you can fit all of that big dick into a female?"

He nodded. "You catch on fast. I can go balls deep into an ass but I need a female built for long cocks to take all of me into their pussy."

I grinned. "What about mouths and throats?"

"You need a lot more practice before you can take me with your mouth." His hips began moving in a smooth rhythm while he reached for my Mons.

"You can use my tits," I said with a wink.

Jesse chuckled.

Watching him fuck me was a novel experience. As Jesse's hips began to push, his long penis arched upward from the pressure and my resistance. As the shaft slid in, it flattened out again.

My cervix was taking a hard pounding from Jesse's cock head. There was a constant dull ache that was going to stay with me for a few days until I healed. I didn't mind a little pain because it would remind me of this night for the next few days.

The coyote male used his hand to masturbate me while he slid that flesh pipe into my body. The sensations from my supercharged clitoris made me forget about the deep ache in my cervix.

I came several times and began to whimper for mercy before he stopped.

"I think that's enough pussy action," Jesse announced. He pulled out of my snatch. "I want to go balls deep into the fine ass of yours."

I watched with sex-glazed eyes as he lubed my ass and his penis. He penetrated my ass with less effort the second time.

"You're getting used to taking cock in the ass," he noted.

"Does Rex like anal sex?"

He nodded. "Yep. So does Markko."

My eyes widened.

"If you can take the biggest plug in the training kit, you can take Markko," Jesse reassured me. He grinned. "Not like you have a choice or anything. If you keep coming around, we're going to fuck every slut hole on your body."

"I'm coming back for more," I replied while watching his muscular body move with graceful purpose.

"Good. I want the others to feel how good your ass is too."

I realized that he'd used all three of my holes and smiled. "You're the first to use me as a three hole slut, Jesse."

The coyote grinned. "I sure won't be the last."

My legs gripped his trim waist and pulled him into me with each thrust. "Fuck yes," I murmured while gazing into his warm brown eyes. "I like the feel of your cock in my ass!"

He leaned over my torso and supported his weight on outstretched arms. He kept thrusting while gazing into my eyes. Damned if that didn't turn me on!

"Your ass feels so good," he said as his body met my rump.

I begin grinding my rump onto his abdomen as he slid home. "Unf! Get it all in there! Fuck my ass!" I tried to squeeze every muscle in my abdominal area to increase his stimulation.

"Keep doing that," he said with an approving nod.

"Do you want to fill my slut ass with more cum?"

He nodded. "Oh, fuck, yes."

Taking him into my butt a second time was more enjoyable than the first. It was still uncomfortable but knowing what to expect lowered my resistance while increasing my enjoyment.

Jesse took his time before unloading another torrent of jizz into my ass. We changed positions and he had me ride his cock in a female superior position that I absolutely loved! The feeling of power and determination to mount the male was new and fun!

After another recovery period that lasted almost an hour, Jesse straddled my belly and squirted lube between both tits.

He lay his long prick between my tits and I pushed them together.

"Not too tight," he said. "Just enough to wrap me and provide a snug feel on the shaft."

I adjusted the pressure applied with both hands. "Like this?"

He gave a few thrusts of his hips. "Perfect." He grinned. "You have perfect tits for this."

"Your cock is perfect for it," I replied. His shaft emerged between my mammaries and the pointed glans got within licking distance with a drop of my chin.

Breast-fucking was a fun activity! The sight of his prick emerging from my cleavage and glistening from the lube turned me on. Jesse paused every few minutes and I sucked on the head of his prick while teasing him with my tongue.

"I'm going to cum," he said during such a pause with my lips wrapped around his shaft.

I smiled and sucked harder with keeping my tongue in contact with his sensitive glans.

His belly quivered and cock throbbed as a spurt of warm semen filled my mouth.

"Mmm!" I murmured.

"Fuck, yeah," he moaned as I coaxed another surge of cum from his prick. "Suck it out, slut!"

After he finished, it was time for me to go.

My walk to the front door was a bit awkward. Semen ran from my rump hole down the inside of my legs. I had to concentrate with each step to close myself and contain the fluid but focus was hard to maintain and my muscles needed time to recover. It didn't help that Jesse fingered my sloppy ass hole with his fingers before I got dressed. As before, I wasn't allowed to clean up before leaving the apartment. My fur and upper chest were slicked with lube from the tit-fuck. My hair was a mess and I had a bow-legged walk that indicated a vigorous sexual encounter.

It was late when I left the apartment. We'd taken our time and I rather enjoyed the longer session. I didn't encounter anybody on the elevator ride or short walk to the car. The bum leak had soaked the rear of my panties. I hoped that the paper towels in the seat underneath me would protect the upholstery. During the drive home, there was a wetness underneath me that cooled and felt weird.

The soreness in my behind caused me to stagger getting out of the car. Thank goodness it was late and there was nobody to see my unsteady walk to the front door.

My post-slut session routine was the same: clothes into the washing machine and a shower for myself. I let out a long sigh as the warm water from the handheld sprayer soothed my sensitive backside. It hurt but it was a satisfied kind of hurt; one you're proud of because of the memories associated with it.

I applied some medicated gel to the tender flesh and put on cotton panties for bed. Exhaustion claimed me in moments. I had a deep, restful sleep due to the exertions and late hour.

I awoke the next morning well after the sun rose. It was no surprise that my ass was quite sore.

I needed a warm bath to soothe my behind. My son would be home later and I had almost two days before my husband returned from his trip. I hoped that my ass felt better when he got home. That was an explanation I didn't want to provide should he notice any inflammation or swelling.

Hidden Passions - Chapter 6

### That Was Unexpected I'd put off time with my girlfriends for weeks, even foregoing our nights out for fun. I wasn't surprised when Fran asked me to lunch. I was closer to her than others in our group. Maybe because she'd gone through her own...

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Hidden Passions - Chapter 4

He laughed. "I was wondering when I'd hear from you again. I almost expected you to need another bar fuck." I grinned. "Twice in one place is pushing my luck. I don't want to make life more complicated than I have to. My slut urges rise to the surface...

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Chapter 03 - Rex

My inner slut raged against her confinement. She wanted out of her cage. For two weekends, I went back to the bar where I met the coyote. Predators favored watering holes to take easy prey but I didn't find him. Luck was with me on the third weekend....

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