Hidden Passions - Chapter 4

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#5 of Hidden Passions

More urges lead to more surprises and expanded horizons

He laughed. "I was wondering when I'd hear from you again. I almost expected you to need another bar fuck."

I grinned. "Twice in one place is pushing my luck. I don't want to make life more complicated than I have to. My slut urges rise to the surface every so often and the only thing that makes them go away is cock."

Another laugh. "When do you want me to take care of your urges?"

"How about this weekend? Saturday night if possible."

"Yeah, no problem. I can see that you're taken care of."

Rex gave me directions to his apartment.

"Thanks, lover," I said. "I'll see you Saturday."

My husband and son departed on their trips Saturday morning. I spent the day anticipating my evening with Rex. I gave in to my rising excitement and masturbated to a couple nice orgasms after lunch.

I dressed for the outing as if I were going on a date. My dress was chosen because I could take it off without unzipping or unbuttoning anything. I kept my lingerie simple; black lace panties and bra. The slingback pumps met the same criteria as the dress -- easy removal. I wanted nothing to stand in the way of my anticipated romp with the young male.

To the casual observer, it was my usual night out with the girls type of outfit. While I enjoyed the slut treatment from the coyote, I wasn't ready to go full slut.

Driving to the address Rex provided made me feel as if I were back in college and on the prowl. The anticipation tickled the pit of my stomach as I grew closer to my destination. When I found it, I thought that the male had pranked me. The building was a new one near the downtown area with commercial spaces in the lower part and the top floors given over to residences. It was fancy digs for a college student; maybe Rex had wealthy parents.

I parked in the attached garage complex. The elevator took me to the correct floor and where I turned right.

At the door to his apartment, I took a few breaths to calm my racing heart and settle myself. Despite what we'd done in the bar bathroom and alley, I found myself nervous to see the coyote at home.

After a moment, the door opened to reveal my handsome young coyote. He looked at me and grinned. "Come in."

From what I could see at the entrance, the apartment was nice. However, the décor wasn't what I was there to admire. I pulled Rex to me after he closed the door. "I've been dreaming of your big dick since we talked." I planted a kiss on his lips. "I need you in my pussy."

When our muzzles parted, he lifted my skirt and stroked my panty-clad ass. "As my slut, you should crave my cock in your pussy every day."

I nodded and reached for his crotch. "I think about your big dick a lot."

"Do you think of my cock when your husband is fucking you?"

I nodded. "Sometimes I pretend it's your dick instead of his. But you're longer than he is." I tried to pull his shirt up but Rex brushed my hands away.

"Does your slut pussy need a big coyote cock in it?"

My loins felt as if they were going to burst into flames from the heat I felt. "Yes!"

Rex grinned. "Strip. Take all your clothes off."

I didn't hesitate and felt justified in my clothing selection. The tone of command in his deep resonant voice made me tingle. With a smile, I began undressing. My heart rate increased as warm sticky heat spread in my loins. I slipped both feet clear of my shoes. Then both hands lifted the loose dress up and off. I removed my bra and panties as he watched.

Rex showed me where to put the shoes and garments. Standing unclothed before him pushed my lust higher. I could smell my own arousal in the air.

Rex's muzzle shifted. He smelled me too. He turned and moved down a hall. "Come along, slut," he said, as if to a pet.

I followed a few paces behind, an eager smile on my muzzle as I anticipated getting the sexual activities started soon.

The smile melted from my muzzle as I entered the living room and saw a second male coyote. Rex entered while I stood at the doorway staring at them.

"Here she is," Rex said, indicating me with one hand while speaking to the other male. "What do you think?"

My arms and hands started to lift to cover both crotch and breasts. Rex saw my movements. He frowned and shook his head. I forced both arms to hang loose at my sides while the second male scrutinized my body.

"Lift your tail and turn around," Rex commanded.

I did a slow turn with tail up to display my body from all angles.

The second male finished his appraisal. "Not bad," he said to Rex.

My eyes began to note the differences between the males. Rex was taller but not by much. The new male was more muscular but not bulky. They both had a self-assured stance and attitude that always made me wet and horny.

"Slut," Rex said to me while indicating the second male with a movement of his arm, "This is Markko." When I remained in place, he said, "Go to him."

Remembering his words to do what he said, I moved toward the second male. My breasts swung from each step and I began to grow self-conscious of my appearance. Despite my unease, I extended a hand to the male. "Nice to meet you, Markko."

Markko had grinned as I approached and seemed to enjoy the display I presented. The grin was still on his muzzle as he took my hand.

The new male's voice was also deep and masculine. "Likewise. Rex said you were a hot MILF and he was right. He also said that you like to have fun."

I nodded and didn't reply because I was still coping with the new situation. My initial discomfort was fading as I grew used to my nakedness before the males.

Rex stepped closer and slapped my ass. My tits jiggled when I jumped in surprise.

"You're going to like her, Markko. Treat her like a fuck toy because she gets off on it. She's new to the slut life so we need to break her in."

"What?" I said with a note of surprise in my voice. I was anticipating a three-way with the two males, not getting passed along like a piece of meat.

"I have a prior engagement," Rex said to me. "But not to worry. I've arranged for Markko to take care of your slut urges tonight."

I wanted to muster up an angry response at getting handed off to another male without a say-so but Rex spoke first.

"Remember, good sluts get rewards."

Markko chuckled.

Rex continued. "And you are my slut, are you not?"

I'd agreed to that in the alley. I nodded.

"Say it," he commanded.

I trembled with excitement at his tone and said, "I'm your slut."

Rex looked pleased. "Good girl. Now, as I said before, I have an appointment that I can't break. I promised you a coyote cock for your slut pussy and Markko has agreed to provide said cock. As my slut, you serve my needs. Tonight, I want you to use your slut body to satisfy Markko." His grin widened. "You can rest assured that I've left you in good hands."

Markko was a good-looking male and appearing nude before him was starting to make me more aroused. I began to relax. "I'll satisfy Markko with my slut body," I heard myself say.

Rex seemed satisfied. He addressed Markko. "Give her the training we discussed."

Markko nodded. "No problem."

"Punish her if she fails to perform," Rex said while looking at me. "A few good smacks on the ass should do for now." He smiled. "Give her as much cock and cum as she can take and give it to her hard."

"Any BDSM?"

Rex shook his head. "Not yet. Just give her the dick."

From their discussion, I gathered that the males had done this before. The casual way they spoke about using me was a bit unnerving despite my excitement. "I don't know if--"

"Quiet, slut," Markko said in a stern voice.

My jaws snapped shut. The look on his face and the tone he took caused my crotch to warm. I was surprised at how I had reacted; it happened without thinking.

Rex sighed and spoke to me. "I should punish you for that outburst, but I'll let it slide this time considering how inexperienced you are." He turned his head to Markko. "Feel free to correct her if she has another lapse of judgement."

Markko nodded. "Right."

Rex spoke to me. "This is what you wanted, slut; you get off when a male uses you as their fuck toy. Markko is going to do that for tonight. Behave like a proper slut and pay attention. Your reward is coyote cock in your slut pussy, just as you requested."

He turned to Markko. "Use this slut hard and send her home. She's got a nice pussy but I want her cock sucking skills evaluated."

"What if she's no good?"

Rex grinned. "Give her plenty of practice and correction as needed."

Markko chuckled as he gave me a steady gaze. "Can do."

Rex picked up a paper shopping bag from a small table by the handles. It was unadorned, white, and weighty. "Make sure she takes this home when she leaves."

To me, he said, "This is a gift for you, my slut. After tonight, when your slut urges need satisfaction, you had better make sure you've used this. Otherwise, you may experience more discomfort than necessary when we use you."

The new male nodded. "I'll see that she takes it home."

Rex set the package on the table again. He had an amused expression on his face as he regarded me.

"You're leaving," I said, still hoping that he was joking. I wanted his cock inside me because Rex was a known quantity; one I'd grown to enjoy.

He nodded and indicated the second coyote with his muzzle. "You're going to enjoy your time with Markko. In fact, I can guarantee that you're going to think about him all day tomorrow and maybe the day after."

The males shared a hearty laugh.

The initial disappointment I felt losing the three-way changed into the comforting realization that I was just a slut fuck doll for these coyotes. I lifted my chin and gave them both a steady gaze. "After that kind of buildup, I'm looking forward to seeing what Markko has to offer."

Rex smiled. "That's the spirit I want to see in my sluts."

"I'm warming up to her," Markko said with a grin. "She's spunky."

Rex clapped the male on the shoulder. "I've got to run. Use this slut well; I think she has potential."

"Sure thing, buddy."

With Rex gone, Markko gazed at me for a few moments. "So, you like hard and nasty fucking. I like that." He sniffed the air and said, "You smell as good as you look."

"Thanks." My nipples peaked and warmth flooded my groin. The male eyed my crotch and sniffed the air again as my scent grew stronger. His expression turned lusty and my heart rate increased. My inner slut was taking over.

"How can any male smell you and not want to fuck your brains out?" he asked with a shake of his head.

If only my husband would do just that!

A feral grin appeared on my muzzle and I stepped toward Markko. "I know Rex has a big dick. What do you have for me, Markko? Because my slut pussy needs a big cock in it."

He tossed his head back and barked out a laugh. When he gazed into my eyes again, there was amusement there. "I don't think you'll have any complaints about my size. Unless you find it too big." His grin widened into a smug smile.

Right. What male doesn't make that boast?

"I think I can handle what you have," I replied and licked parted lips. Going into slut mode was like putting on a comfortable pair of jeans and getting easier each time it happened. "But Rex set the bar pretty high. He's got an impressive dick."

"Damn, you are a spunky slut. Don't you worry though. I've got the cock to back up my claim."

He was just as confident as Rex and that, of course, turned me on even more. My crotch was on fire now. I was was beginning to warm up to this new male and getting both warmer and wetter as a result. He was chattier than Rex, too. I liked that.

He asked, "How much do you like big dicks?"

I moved close and cupped his sheath with my palm while gazing into his brown eyes. "The bigger, the better. But every male says they're bigger than others. Few have the cock to back it up." I gave his sheath a squeeze. "I can't wait to see what your packing, Markko."

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, that's true. I'll let you decide." His nose lifted and he sampled the air, taking in my aroused odor. "Mmm, there's nothing like the scent of an excited female to get me hard." He took my wrist in his hand. "Come with me, slut."

He pulled my arm and I fell into step to keep him from dragging me where he wanted to go. After the unsettling start, I was starting to enjoy how this night was unfolding.

We went to a bedroom. After encounters in a bathroom and alley, a bedroom was a welcome change.

A large bed and glass wall overlooking the business district dominated the room. An armoire, two nightstands and lamps were the only other visible furnishings.

"Where's the cameras?" I asked, feeling cheeky.

"Don't have any in here," Markko replied and stripped off his shirt to reveal a broad chest. His fur rippled with the flexing muscles underneath. Damn, he was built like a god from the waist up. He cocked an eyebrow. "If you want a recording, I can set one up."

My face must have registered surprise because he laughed as I shook my head. "That won't be necessary."

"Let me know if you change your mind."

I stood before the bed and watched him undress. The more I saw of his body, the more I enjoyed what he had to offer.

"When Rex told me that he had a hot slut that needed cock, I almost turned him down." He smiled. "I'm glad I didn't. Seeing and smelling you is getting me raring to try out your slut pussy and mouth."

Watching Markko's muscles flex with his movements got my juices flowing. He had an air of masculinity that my husband lacked. I pressed both legs together hard to work my thighs against each other. I wondered if Rex was as well-built as Markko.

My voice lowered to a sensual purr. "Mmm, you must work out."

He nodded. "Yeah. I stay in good condition to satisfy horny females."

It was my turn to chuckle. "Damn, you two coyotes are cocky as fuck."

"Cocky," he said with a laugh and nod. "That describes us in more ways than one."

Images of Rex's big dick came to mind. I tried to look unimpressed but Markko's torso was turning up my sexual thermostat. I was fighting an urge to masturbate at the sight of him. I bit my lower lip to focus my attention.

He unzipped his pants. "It's the moment of truth. Do you want to see if I can back up my claim to a big cock?"

I nodded. "Sure. Impress me."

"Spread your legs," he said. "I want to smell your scent and let it make me hard."

Fuck, yes! My legs parted so my feet were shoulder width apart.

"Finger your slut pussy," he commanded.

I buried three fingers inside my wet slit without hesitation and began working them in and out with practiced movements. I gave a long moan at the familiar sensation. The sound of my fingers was wet and sexual.

Markko removed his pants and lowered the front of his briefs to expose a semi-erect penis rising from his sheath. He was a bit wider than normal but otherwise, it looked like a standard penis to me. He had an impressive pair of balls that were twice as large as my husband's testicles.

The coyote finished removing his underwear. Then he tugged the lower opening of his sheath wider and the rest of his cock slid free. It flopped forward and dangled at half-mast.

I was still unimpressed. My husband's penis was a bit longer than what I saw. The indifference must have shown on my face.

He grinned. "Come here. Let me smell your fingers."

I stepped forward and raised my hand. He grabbed my wrist and sniffed the wet fingers that were still warm from my pussy.

"Mmm, nice," he murmured while gazing into my eyes. "Watch my cock."

I glanced down as he licked my wet fingers. The coyote's member was engorging with blood as my odor and taste excited him. His cock lengthened a bit but the big surprise was how thick he got! Markko's prick swelled and kept widening until reaching a girth I didn't think possible on a canine.

Unable to resist, I gripped his shaft with my free hand. The thickness kept my fingers and thumb well apart. His member throbbed and hardened in my grasp.

I stared at the fattest dick I'd ever seen. "Holy fuck!"

Markko grinned. "Rex has me on length, but I beat him on girth."

Damn, did he ever! "Fuck," I breathed as I continued staring at Markko's fat prick. The glans was almost as wide as my flattened palm. His shaft flared out behind it and stretched his sheath opening. His knot had to be huge!

Markko's muzzle parted to show teeth as he grinned. "As you can see, I've got the cock to back up my big dick claim." He let go of my raised wrist and squeezed my breast. "I'm going to fuck you good and hard with my big fat dick, slut. You're going to walk funny from the pounding."

"You're so thick!" Was the only response I could manage as my eyes and hand remained glued to his member.

He shrugged. "I've never met a femme that couldn't take me. My girlfriend is a tiny little thing and she can ride my cock all night and come back for more the next day."

My head snapped up. "You have a girlfriend?"

He nodded. "Yeah. She's a bit like you; a real slut when she wants to take on some males. Rex and I double team that hot little pussy of hers and she always begs for more when we're done." His grin widened further. "She's out fucking some guy tonight or I'd have her join us in a three-way."

What had I gotten myself into with these males?

Was she a slut too? "She's with another male?"

He shrugged. "Yeah. So?"

I was curious to hear more but that wasn't the point of my visit. "Interesting."

He laughed. "Don't forget that you're going to suck my cock too."

Shit, I had forgotten that! I eyed his member with a wary gaze. "I don't know if it will fit in my mouth."

"We'll work on that when the time comes. Get on the bed so I can fuck your slut pussy."

That's what I wanted! I let go of his throbbing member and crawled atop the king-sized bed.

"How do you want me?"

"On your back. I want to see your face when I give your slut pussy my fat boy."

I rolled onto my back and parted both legs. "Bring me that big fat dick, Markko."

"You're an eager slut," Markko said and joined me on the bed. He put a hand in my crotch. "Let's get this hot cunt loosened up." His fingers and thumb formed a cone that Markko pushed into my vaginal opening. Thank goodness I was already wet.

"Mmm," I murmured as he spread his fingers. The expansion widened my opening and stretched the flesh and muscles past what I was used to.

He gazed into my eyes. "You may feel some discomfort when my cock goes in."

That was a huge fucking understatement! I'd be lucky my body didn't split open when he put that thing inside me.

I gave his throbbing penis a wary glance. "Will it hurt?"

He nodded. "Just a little. But your body will adapt quick. Then, you're going to enjoy having my fat boy in your snatch." Markko reached for something on the bed with his free hand.

It was lube. He set the tube on my belly.

"Lube my cock while I get your pussy ready for me."

I squeezed a big dollop of the gel onto my palm pads and closed the cap. I curled to the side and reached for his penis. Lubing Markko's thick member heightened the anticipation that tickled the pit of my belly. I stroked both lubed hands along his shaft. "I can't get over how big this is!" I smeared the leftover lube onto my Mons, labia, and upper thighs.

"Mmm, your cunt smells nice," he said, lowering his muzzle toward my belly to get a good whiff of my scent. "Canine pussy scents are the best."

Canine arousal is tied to our olfactory senses in a way other species don't appreciate. Subtle odors can enhance or diminish our sexual responses. I smiled, hearing the evaluation of my scent.

"You're making me so wet," I said. The squelching sounds his hand made as he fingered my pussy filled the air.

Still curled to the side, I sniffed him and detected the tang of pre-seminal fluid, a subtle acridity where he'd urinated earlier, and over all that, masculine musk, and arousal. He smelled like sex and I wanted his scent on me.

"That should do it," he said a bit later and extracted his hand from my crotch. Markko licked the wet fingers clean. "Yeah," he said with a smile. "You taste good too."

"Fuck my slut pussy, Markko," I told him with a big smile. "Give me your big fat dick and make me cum on it!" I shifted on the bed and spread both legs to give him access. Any irritation I'd felt before was long gone. I was in full slut mode.

He chuckled and walked on his knees to position himself.

My eyes followed his bobbing, glistening cock as he moved. Markko lifted my legs at the ankles and placed both feet on his shoulders. "Damn, that's a pretty pussy," he said while gazing at my glistening sex. "I'm going to enjoy wrecking it."

I shuddered and he caressed the tops of my thighs. "Let's get this party started, big boy."

The coyote guided his big glans to my labia. I squirmed as he dragged it toward my clit and then down to my waiting vagina. Arousal warmed my entire body. When his cock head neared my slit, I wiggled my ass trying to get him to enter my wet tunnel.

"Don't tease me," I begged. "Fuck me."

"How long have you been a slut?" He asked, and massaged my clit with his cock head.

His movements triggered a reflexive jerk upward of my hips. "Not long. I realized it the first time Rex fucked me."

"I see." He teased my opening with his glans, slipping the pointed tip inside and then removing it.

"God, please Markko, fuck me with your fat cock! You're driving me wild rubbing it all around where I want it!"

He chuckled. "Sluts should beg for cock." His slippery cock head returned to my clit.

"I'm going to cum if you keep rubbing my clit," I said as an excited tremor rippled throughout my body.

"Go ahead and cum, slut," Markko said as he massaged my clitoris with his glans. "Getting you nice and wet will make fucking you easier."

My hips rose off the bed as I began to grow more aroused from his cock masturbating my sensitive nub. "Fuck, that feels so good!"

Markko smiled and increased the pressure of his cock head on me.

An orgasm exploded outward from my clitoris and shook my body with an intensity I'd never experienced before. "Oh, fuck!" I yelled as my hips surged off the bed while a body-quaking climax coursed through my entire being.

Just as I was coming off the orgasmic peak, Markko began to slap the bottom of his cock onto my excited button. I came each time he hit it with his dick!

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" I cried as my hips surged and bucked at the clit pounding. I clawed at the bedsheets to gain purchase. I wanted to drive my clit into constant contact with his prick.

I lost count of the climaxes before Markko stopped tapping my Mons. "That was a nice show," he said. "You looked good cumming like that."

With my body still stop quivering and jerking at intervals from the excitement, Markko pressed his pointed glans to my slit. I was still gasping for breath but told him, "Please fuck me! I need your big dick in my pussy!"

The male smiled. "Yeah, you're ready for a good fucking."

I held my lower lip between my teeth, anticipating a painful entry and not wanting to scream.

Markko noted my expression. "I'll ease it in slow. There's nothing like feeling a new pussy on my fat boy."

I nodded.

There was increasing pressure as my opening widened to accept his glans. The coyote's muscles rippled as his hips applied more force. There was a deep stretch in my body as his cock head spread my snatch to its widest since giving birth.

"God, that thing is so big," I mumbled. The pain wasn't too bad.

Markko paused for a moment, and then flexed his hips to push some of his shaft into me. I groaned as the wider flesh added to the stretch I felt. The full sensation moved deeper into my belly.

"You feel great," he said. "Warm, wet, and tight!"

"What pussy would feel loose on you?"

He shrugged. "There's been a couple but they were big girls. They liked big dicks too."

I hoped my pussy would go back to normal after tonight. If it didn't, my husband was going to figure out that his dick didn't do that to me. The deep stretching sensation started at my opening and was now under my Mons. I'd have to order larger dildo to train for Markko's dick because I was determined to fuck him again. I loved the stretched out feel of his cock gave my pussy.

My legs widened to try and alleviate the sensation in my crotch. "My pussy has never taken a cock this thick before! It's fucking amazing!"

He chuckled. "You're doing pretty good, slut. I'm almost in."

"Your cock in my hot pussy feels so good! You're going to wreck it!"

He laughed. "That's the plan."

When his sheath met my crotch, Markko paused. "Catch your breath. I want to enjoy the feel of this tight slut pussy before I fuck the hell out of it."

I nodded. "Yeah. Me too."

Having a muscular young canine male and his fat cock buried inside me was a feast for the senses. Our scents and the odor of sex combined into a mixture that acted as an aphrodisiac on me. The sight of him between my legs was amazing. Fucking Rex was amazing but Markko was amazing in a different way. Both males had big cocks that gave me sensations that were quite distinct and a huge difference from how my husband felt inside me.

He leaned forward at the waist and groped my breasts. "You have great tits. You should get these nipples pierced. Body jewelry would look fantastic on you."

"That sounds like a good idea." It was a slut thing to do right under my husband's nose!

My hips squirmed and the full sensation in my belly didn't go away. "Fuck, your cock is so big!" I smiled. "I love having your fat boy stretch my slut pussy. I don't think I'll ever get used to how full it makes me feel!"

"I knew you'd like my big fat dick in your slut pussy," Markko said.

He kneaded my mammaries. The male pinched and twisted both nipples a few times I writhed on his cock while Markko treated my breasts like squeeze toys.

When he released my sore tits, the coyote's muscles flexed and his enormous member slid out of me. He changed direction and pushed his thick shaft into my belly with a slow smooth stroke.

Despite having him inside me before, it still felt like his cock was going to split my pussy open! "Oh, fuck!" I yelled.

Undeterred by my discomfort, the male's hips continued flexing, driving that cock with regular movements. "You're loosening up."

I was clawing at the bedsheets each time he pushed that thick monster into my snatch. "How--nng--can you--tell?"

"Doesn't take as much force to enter you now. I love how your wet cunt is gripping me!" he gazed into my eyes and smiled. "Now it's time to give this slut pussy a workout!"

And work it out he did! Markko's hips gathered speed while keeping the force constant. Minutes into a steady rhythm, he added more force with those gorgeous muscular hips. I felt his balls slap my ass on each stroke. My legs dropped clasped his waist.

This was what I'd craved when my inner slut took over! "Oh god!" I gasped as she shoved into me. "Fuck me hard!"

Markko chuckled and added more force to his thrusts. My tits bounced each time he shoved into me.

"Is this how you like it, slut?"

I nodded. "Oh god, yes!"

He continued ramming that big dick into my pussy for what seemed like days. I moaned and cried out as his big dick gave me sensations I had never dreamed of. His fat shaft and cock head rubbed my G-spot coming and going.

"Fuck," I moaned a while later. "I'm gonna cum!"

Markko's thrusts didn't change cadence. "Cum whenever you're ready," he said. "I'm not stopping until I fill this pussy with cum!"

A burst of excitement exploded in my belly and I writhed as a vaginal orgasm tore through me. "Gah!"

The coyote male was true to his word. As I writhed on his prick, he kept driving that fat cock into me. I climaxed on it several times--a first for me. A vaginal orgasm was much different but no less enjoyable than a clitoral one. I begged Markko to keep fucking me.

I'd gone from plain sex with my husband's normal-sized cock to getting fucked hard by two big canine dicks.

As Markko pounded into my body, my slut tendencies got stronger. "Ung! Yeah! Fuck me hard! Give me that big cock!"

The young male moved like a precision machine. His pace was steady, hard, and designed to prolong the experience. The sound of sex, his grunts, and my moans filled the air. Now engaged in sex, his chattiness dropped off.

His torso leaned forward over mine, I gripped his waist with my thighs and calves. My ass lifted off the bed to adjust the angle for his entry.

"Oh god, oh, fuck!" I cried as his shaft stimulated me like nothing before. Soon after entering our new position, I experienced a vaginal orgasm that was different than what I experienced earlier.

This climax started low in my belly and rippled outward in waves that made me shake and jerk under my lover. My legs tightened, pulling him hard into me as my back arched off the bed with a strong orgasm. I clutched and tore at the bedsheets with both hands, all while thrashing about and impaled on his fat dick.

He never slowed as I crashed into one climax after another.

Even a young male can't last forever. "Fuck!" he cried and warmth filled my belly. Like Rex, he kept moving, fucking as much cum into me as his balls could produce.

His movements slowed and stopped. We both breathed hard to regain our strength. I felt as weak as a newborn from the climaxes.

When Markko pulled out of me, my pussy gaped open. I leaked semen down my ass in a steady trickle.

We lay on the bed. The coyote licked and sucked on my tits while stroking my slit with his fingers. He spread cum from my oozing snatch over my Mons, clit, and labia, which I enjoyed. I came several times whether from his actions or the decadent nature of getting masturbated with cum lubricant, I don't know. He pushed the cum-covered fingers into my mouth and I sucked his semen from them like it was the best thing I'd ever tasted.

Soon, he sported another fat erection that rested against the outside of my leg. Markko rose onto his knees and looked at me. "Suck my cock, slut. Show me what you can do."

I stared at his throbbing shaft. "What? It won't fit!"

He grabbed my hair and began pulling me toward his member. "Slut, I'm not giving you a choice. Suck my cock!"

Our sex scents filled my nose as his penis neared my muzzle. Of course, I was going to suck his cock. My instinctive reaction had overridden my slut compulsion but just for a moment. My muzzle lifted so I could gaze into his eyes as my body relaxed. "I want to suck your cock, Markko."

He grinned and the tension in my hair roots lessened. "That's better. As a slut, you do what you're told."

I nodded. "When I'm told to do it."

"Yeah." His odor was overpowering at this distance. I extended my tongue and tasted myself on his flesh.

"Mmm, your cock tastes good." I covered his glans in saliva and then probed his slit with the tip of my tongue.

"That's a good slut," he said with a smile. "I look forward to using you again. Now, use your tongue and lips to make love to my cock. Make me feel like this is the only cock for you."

I kissed his cock head. "Yes, Markko. I love your cock." I licked his glans and traced the underside of it with the tip of my tongue.

"That's good," he said. "Keep going."

"Such an amazing cock," I murmured as my lips brushed his shaft. I licked my way to his sheath and then lifted his throbbing member to get at his balls.

"Have you sucked a lot of cocks?"

I shook my head. "Just a few."

"I'd fuck your mouth every night if you were mine," he said.

If only my husband would do that! I'd have no need for lovers.

I licked my way back up his shaft and used tongue, lips, and mouth on his glans. I lifted my gaze to Markko's face.

"Now suck it."

My jaws parted as wide as they'd go. I forced my mouth over his big glans. The muscles of my jaws were in a deep stretch. It was like the sensation I experienced when the dentist had worked on a back molar and used a spreader to keep my jaws apart.

Markko was just too thick to get any more than his glans and couple inches of shaft into my mouth. My hand stroked his member while my tongue slathered against his cock head and shaft.

"That's good," he said with a grin. "Didn't think you'd get more than that in there but you gave it your best shot. Keep using your hands and tongue."


The male's dangling balls needed attention too. I reached for his nuts and gave each a squeeze. Markko sighed at the sensations. After a few minutes of sucking on his cock head, he said, "Take your mouth off my cock and suck my balls, slut."

As his penis slipped free, I worked my jaws to loosen the aching muscles. I lifted and angled his shaft again and poked my muzzle lower. My tongue gathered a fat orb and I was able to suck it between my lips. I sucked on it and bathed the fur with my tongue until it was soaked with saliva. Then I let it go and performed the same action on the other testicle.

"Good," he said with a nod as I gazed at him. "Now lick my sack."

I let his nut go and began lapping at his ball sack with vigorous laps of my tongue.

"Now work your way to my sheath."

I obeyed and bathed Markko's opening as I'd done with his testicles.

"Now work the shaft with your tongue. Take your time and concentrate on making me feel good."

I performed each task as instructed. I also varied how I used my tongue, from long laps, to flicks, and light caresses.

Soon, I was at the tip and began kissing and licking his leaking opening.

"Suck it."

Without hesitation, my jaws opened wide and I forced my mouth onto him. My head bobbed with slow movements.

After several minutes of me bobbing on his dick head, Markko took my head in his hands. "I'm going to fuck your mouth," he said. "Make your lips into a mouth pussy."

I opened my jaws and rested both lips on his shaft.

Markko's hips flexed and he fucked my mouth with his cock head and first few inches shaft. "Yeah," he said, sounding pleased. "I'm going to cum in your mouth just like this, slut."

"Mmm!" I reached for his balls and tugged at his sack with my fingertips.

"Fuck, yeah," he murmured as I manipulated his dangling balls.

My jaw muscles ached and began to spasm when Markko finally flooded my mouth with a torrent of semen. With my jaws spread so far, I gagged on his warm thick spunk.

Markko didn't want to risk me biting his dick head off so he pulled himself free of my lips and began stroking his shaft. "Keep your mouth open," he growled. Semen sprayed in a slashing arc across my cheek, nasal bridge, and forehead. He adjusted his aim and got most of the next blast inside my open maw. A slight adjustment of his hips placed his cock tip closer and I felt the next load hit the back of my throat. I gagged and choked down his cum.

He coaxed a couple weaker emissions onto my muzzle.

"Suck me clean," he said.

I began licking his softening flesh before placing his glans in my mouth to extract cum from the shaft.

As before, we lay together to recover. Markko sucked on my tits and fingered me to more climaxes. Then he fucked me hard again. Unlike before, he didn't prepare me for his thick meat but shoved it into my sore wet pussy.

Nothing in married life had prepared me for multiple rounds of sex with a male in one night. Markko had stamina and fucked me in several positions -- on all fours, on my side, face down, and missionary -- for a half hour. I came a lot from his cock and my hand. Instead of cumming in me, Markko pulled out and moved up to spurt what he had left in his balls onto my face. I licked his cock clean as he surveyed his handiwork.

Just like Rex, Markko had no need for me after his lust was sated. He got off the bed. "Put your clothes on and leave. We're done for now."

The casual nature of what I'd done thrilled me. "Where can I clean up--"

"The cum stays on your face and tits all the way home." He grinned. "Take a selfie when you get home and send it to Rex to show that you followed my instructions."

Thank goodness my son and husband were both out of town. A dumb grin spread across my muzzle. "Thanks for the fuck and suck, big boy. I enjoyed your fat dick." Then I rolled off the bed and did my best hip-swaying walk out of the bedroom. I felt like a conquering hero after taking on the coyote's male's penis. His semen on my body was my trophy to show off to the world.

Markko followed me to the front hall where my clothes were. I dressed under his watchful eyes.

My clothes hid the cum on my tits and the fresh splotches on my face had soaked into the fur. A few thick gray-white lumps showed where I took the brunt of his final ejaculations.

Markko gave me the bag Rex had indicated earlier.

"Start using this tomorrow," he said with a grin as I accepted the bag. There was an unadorned box inside.


My heart felt as if were trying to hammer its way out of my chest as I left the apartment. Unlike my bar encounters, this slut walk risked exposure as it was still early. I waited for an elevator for several moments. Both hallway and elevator were empty and that left me a bit disappointed.

When the elevator doors opened at the garage level, a goat femme was waiting. The odor of sex wafted out of the enclosed space. Her gaze lifted at the odor and her eyes found the drying semen in my facial fur. I smiled and stepped out of the car and approached. Our eyes met and I gave her a wink. Did she think I was a hooker, a girlfriend, or one-night-stand? Whatever she thought, a half-grin appeared on her muzzle as I passed. It was a perfect way to end my time with Markko!

I wondered if the coyote males had planned this evening. Passing me off like a party favor and then kicking me out after they were done. If so, they sure knew how to please a slut!

Before starting the car, I checked my phone for messages. I'd missed one from my husband so I thumbed the reply icon.

"Hi, honey." I smiled at my reflection in the rearview mirror as I spoke. "Yeah, it was nice getting out of the house for some me time. How was your flight?" I listened to the recap of his trip and check-in at the hotel. "Yeah, I'm going to call it a night, too. Love you. Bye."

My phone chimed with a new text message. It was from Rex and consisted of the letter 'M' and a phone number. Now I had two coyote studs to take care of my slut needs! Any remaining irritation at Rex passing me off to Markko melted away. I smiled. "Thanks, lover."

At home, I snapped several selfie photos after stripping off my clothes and sent them to Rex as instructed.

Then, I tested the effects of Markko's cock on my body. My jaws ached so I knew he'd worked them over well. I slipped a long smooth vibrator between my swollen labia and into my sore pussy. Then I stood up straight and waited. I could feel the device slide toward the floor. It thunked on the carpet despite my efforts to keep it in place.

"I hope that's not permanent." It would be hell to explain a loose snatch to my husband. I cleaned the device and put it away.

I massaged both sides of my jaw while opening and closing my mouth. Dull twinges of pain flared in the muscles under my fingers. I was going to need some aspirin too.

The bag Rex provided contained an unadorned box. I opened it and stared, my mouth hanging open.

It was an anal sex training kit.

It had five anal plugs ranging from the size of my index finger to almost Markko-sized. There were two big bottles of lube included.

"Slut," the note inside read. "There are instructions in the kit. Follow them. The next time your slut urges need satisfying, you're taking a cock up the ass. Prepare well or your next encounter is going to hurt more than necessary." It was signed 'R'.

I re-read the note. "Oh wow," I said to myself as I examined the kit contents. The huge plug caused my brows to furrow. "No way is that going to fit in my ass." Then I remembered Markko's fat dick and a knot formed in my gut. If he fucked my ass with his monster cock, I'd hurt a lot unless my butt was prepared for it.

When my husband returned from his trip a couple days later, he didn't seem to notice anything different about my pussy as we fucked. I'd done the vibrator test earlier that day and held it in.

Rex had been correct--I thought of Markko for two days as my body healed from the abuse caused from his fat dick.

my husband settled into a familiar rhythm. "Oh, honey, I'm glad you're home. You feel good in me," I told him.

He smiled. "You like that?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it feels really nice. I love how your cock feels."

This sounds crazy, but fucking my husband was more enjoyable. After the abuse from young stud dicks, my husband was a pleasant change of pace. His prick was a return to normal after overindulging in my slut cravings.

Just as I was starting to enjoying the lovemaking and thinking I might climax too, he said, "Baby, I'm going to cum."

"Can you last a bit longer? I want to cum with you."

He shook his head. "Too close to stop."

Shit. I smiled and thought of Markko's fat dick in my pussy. "Fill me up."

After my husband was asleep, I masturbated to an unsatisfying climax. I needed to find a way to get sexual satisfaction at home.

I started on the anal trainer the next morning. On entry, the smallest plug was uncomfortable on insertion. It was more uncomfortable lodged in my sphincter. Every move reminded me of the object jammed in my ass.

If the smallest felt like this, the larger sizes give me doubts about the training regimen. The thought of Rex or Markko fucking my ass firmed my resolve to stick with it. I shuddered when considering the consequences of taking either one into an unprepared opening.

Having an anal plug inserted had another effect. With each reminder of it in my ass, my inner slut remained content and satisfied while maintaining the façade of normality.

Walking with the plug inserted was bad enough. Sitting brought on a new level of uncomfortable. The chair seat seemed to push the damned thing further into my body. The things a slut had to endure, I thought to myself.

"Are you okay mom?" my son asked as I squirmed on the firm chair at the kitchen table. He was waiting for his breakfast to warm in the microwave.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"You're fidgeting a lot."

"Am I?"

He gave me a prolonged look. "Yeah."

For about a second, I was tempted to tell him about the anal plug and how it's hard to sit still with the device installed. I grinned. "I may have overdone a lunge during my workout and pulled a muscle in my butt."

He winced in sympathy. "Ow."

My slut impulse overrode my brain for a moment. "Want to massage it for me?"

My son started and then stared at me. "Huh?"

I grinned. "Never mind, I was teasing you. Forget I asked."

He looked reassured. "Yeah, okay. You should probably try some aspirin and heat on that and keep the workouts light for a while."

"Good advice," I agreed.

Hidden Passions - Chapter 5

## Chapter 05 - Jesse I was a good girl for a month. There was sex with the husband a couple times a week, masturbation in between to take care of urges, and all was right with the world. My slutty urges were occupied by training with the anal plugs...

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Chapter 03 - Rex

My inner slut raged against her confinement. She wanted out of her cage. For two weekends, I went back to the bar where I met the coyote. Predators favored watering holes to take easy prey but I didn't find him. Luck was with me on the third weekend....

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Chapter 02 - Aftereffects

## Chapter 02 - Aftereffects "Did you have a good time?" I jumped as my husband's words startled me out of the mental replay of last night with the coyote. The hand with the hairbrush is half-raised to my head. My sexual odor is faint but...

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