Gearing Up - Typhlosion TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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A stream commission story for :firingwallicon: of his female OC turning into a beefy male Typhlosion

Typhlosion (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

It was a quiet September evening. Rachel was sitting along in her room, idly checking messages on her phone between watching videos and checking on the news. Nothing interesting seemed to be happening, at least not at that moment.

"So bored..." She murmured to herself. "Dunno what to do to pass the time..." She continued to idly flick between internet pages when she received a message from a friend of hers who went by the name of 'Shade'. She clicked on the pop-up alert and decided to read it.

"Hey there, Rachel! I hope things are going ok on your end. I've been hearing from a few of my friends about a theme for this month called 'Biceptember' or something to that degree, basically people seeing how buff they can get throughout the course of the month. It's silly, but it's fun to see what degrees people will go to out-swole each other. And from what I've been hearing, you've been putting a lot of time in at the gym, right? Surely you've amassed some gains yourself? Why not take a good look at yourself, I'm pretty sure a lady of your particular 'talents' won't have to do too much to bulk up!

Can I please stop talking like this now, it's making my feathers curl ^^;"

"Biceptember, eh?" She smirked. She had heard about it in certain circles, but without much context, she thought it was a meme of some kind. Knowing full well what it was now, it probably wouldn't hurt too much to check on her improvements. She stood up from the bed, walking over to the full body mirror on her wardrobe door.

"Let's see, we'll start with something simple..." She lifted up her right arm and curled it up, watching her biceps rise. Considering she had only been working out at the gym for a couple of weeks so far, they weren't anything to write home about, but they were still somewhat impressive for what she had been able to do in such a short timeframe. Of course, this was all subject to change.

"Not bad, but they could be better~" She lowered her arm again before pumping it up once more. This time the muscles seemed to bulge out a little bit further, slightly more defined than they were before. "That's a slight improvement..." She ran her left hand over the bicep, giving it a soft squeeze. "But still!" She lowered the arm again and gave it another pump. This time it swelled a little larger, putting a slight strain on the straps of her top. Not only that, but a light coating of bluish-grey fur was starting to show up on her upper arm, the lower arm covered in a creamy fur.

"Now we're starting to see a few improvements!" She grinned, running her hand through the growing fur, giving her bicep another flex as she felt it. The bicep swelled even more, and this time, it wasn't the only muscles that were starting to show some improvements - her abs were toning up underneath her top, the creamy fur spreading around her front.

"Yeah, starting to feel it now!" She grinned, her voice beginning to sound deeper, more masculine. Another flex, and the fur spread further, the darker fur covering her back and sides. The fur made its way down her arms and hands, the fingers growing thicker, the palms becoming rougher, her short-cut nails stretching and sharpening, shifting into powerful claws. "But I can't stop, not just yet! I can easily get bigger!"

With another flex, her top tightened against her torso, the muscles growing larger, abs neatly outlined by the fabric. Her breasts strained against it, her nipples erect, but as she flexed again, they slowly receded into her chest, the pectorals enlarging as they shrank away, leaving her with two solid slabs of muscle above her abs.

"Oh yeah, this is great~" She rumbled, her voice coming in deeper still, her muscles slowly putting a strain on her top. "I could stop now, but..." She looked downwards - there were still quite a few muscles left that needed to develop in other places. "I daren't stop with how things are heating up!" Her lips curled into a grin, flexing once more.


Her top tore open, revealing her broad, muscular torso, covered in rich, thick fur. Her biceps pulsed, still piling on the gains whilst the rest of her body followed suit, a giant, furry tail working its way out of the back of her three-quarter-length shorts. The muscles in her thighs bulked up considerably, as if trying to develop rapidly to catch up with the rest of her, holes starting to appear in her shorts as they grew.

"Oh HELL yeah, my legs are starting to look wild!" She cackled, watching fur sprout through the developing holes. If anyone was to look in passing without seeing the rest of her, they'd probably comment that she should really shave her legs, but face it, hairy legs only added to the look that she was going for.

Right now, to say that the rush of the changes and her muscles growing was making her feel excited would be a slight understatement, and that wasn't helped by the fact that the front of her shorts were bulging outwards, thanks in part to her gender shifting to better match what was happening. A furry sheath grew out from where her vagina was, accompanied by a hefty set of balls, cream covered to match the rest of her torso.

"Oooooh.... Ooooh yeaaaaahhh..." He huffed, his voice now a deep baritone. It was taking a great deal of restraint to not slip the other hand down to get a proper feel of his new equipment, but he knew there'd be more time to enjoy himself later. He licked his lips as his toes curled, his feet stretching longer, pressure moving to the balls of his feet to allow for a more digitigrade stance, the toes merging together into three digits, each tipped with razor-sharp claws. With how much he was growing, it was a small miracle that his shorts hadn't fully torn open, especially with what he was carrying down below.

"Just a little more to go... gotta finish up strong!" He brought his other arm up alongside his right arm, flexing them both in unison. A euphoric rush flowed through him as his shorts finally gave out, revealing his titanic leg muscles and hefty goods. The fur crept up his face, the greyish-blue tones shifting to a brighter bluish-green, his shoulder-length hair taking on the same hue as it receded ever so slightly, reforming into a mane that ran down the back of his thicker neck.

"Almost... almost...!" Another double flex caused his face to protrude outwards, the feminine features vanishing, his nose sinking into his upper jaw, the nostrils flaring. His ears poked through his mane, growing longer, covered in a fine coating of fuzz, his growing jaw filling with wickedly sharp fangs, only serving to make his stretching smile wider. His eyes moved to the sides of his head, the irises turning aqua-green whilst the pupils pulled into soft slits.

"Mmmrrrghh... RRRAAARRHHHH!!!" A massive burst of flame erupted from his back, spreading round his shoulders, though thankfully he had enough self-control to retract them so he didn't set anything ablaze - his muscles were big enough to burn the house down, but he didn't wanna do it literally! "Mrrrgghh... oooh yeah, now that's the stuff right there!" He growled, the flames snuffing themselves out for now. He took another good look at himself in the mirror. Standing where the female Rachel had been moments before was a huge, beefy beast of a Typhlosion known as Raphael.

"Now these are some solid gains~" He chuckled, doing a double flex once again. There'd be no more improvements, but he couldn't help but take great pride in his new look, grabbing his phone, aiming it at the mirror as he got a good picture of himself, standing there with one arm flexing. He had to smirk, noticing that in the picture he took, the head of his shaft was slowly poking out of its sheath. He'd have waited till he was a bit more calm to take another picture, but he knew that his friends wouldn't be put off by the sight of it, especially not Shade.

"I gotta say, I'm liking the idea of Biceptember~" He laughed. "Hopefully I don't make too many people jealous with this smoking hot bod!"

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