Broken Secrets: Chapter Nine

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#9 of Broken Secrets

Car and Sasha continue to flirt, to tease, to fuck, but there is more developing between them still as Fyr is not in the know as to the cheating going on around her...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Broken Secrets

Chapter Nine

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Car moaned into Fyr's neck as he kissed her, leaving yet another love bite on her scales. It would take a while for them to heal over again, with how the edges of a couple of scales had been raised, but, thankfully, it was not all that obvious with her crimson colouration there. That was something, at least, to be grateful for, even though the two of them had absolutely nothing to hide about their relationship.

"Yes... Car... Oh..."

Fyr breathed his name as if it was the elixir of life itself, panting, whimpering, on her back with her legs wrapped around his hips. The taste of his seed and shaft lingered in her mouth but on a quiet day off, there was more than enough time to linger and enjoy the pure warmth of each other's bodies, exactly as they were. His body fit perfectly against her, the dragoness squeezing her legs around his hips and waist, breath catching, juddering beautifully and wonderfully in her chest.

Oh, to ever be without him... Fyr could not have honestly said just how she'd fallen so hard and so fast for Car, but the softness of his scales brushing up against hers was all that she carved, whimpering as he buried his head into the crook of her neck. Her scales smarted deliciously from the nip of his teeth and his playful lips, yet the aftermath of their lovemaking as his shaft spread her open, again and again, would not matter until later. What was a little love bite, or two, or three, when they worked so well together?

In her bedroom, back at her mother's place, they made love passionately, staying there after having a few too many drinks the previous evening. Fyr had not noticed Car sneaking away with Sasha, Kao off out somewhere too, her attention distracted with the soft glow of alcohol, a comfortable buzz on. Back then, there had not been any rush either to leave, as the hour grew late, with both fortunately with some time off the following day. Car had promised to help Sasha around the house while Fyr went out with friends, but she did not know what that entailed.

All she knew was that she loved him, grinding against him, need flush in her body.

He filled her with every thrust, taking her breath away, the dragoness moaning, arching her back, breathing out his name, need coursing through her. Although Fyr had already taken one load down her throat in the midweek glow of morning, she didn't want to do anything else other than to be with him, squeezing down on his shaft as if that was the only thing in the world left to her already. Sometimes she wondered at how lovemaking could make her feel as if the two of them were the only dragons left in the world, setting them apart from the rat race of reality and all the troubles that went along with it.

And Car could not have denied that he felt the same too, bearing over her a little more powerfully, not wanting to leave an inch of space between their bodies, her breasts pressing teasingly to his chest. Repeatedly, he filled her with his thick shaft, penetrating her deeply, all the way up to her innermost barrier, sometimes a little too hard for even Fyr's comfort. If she did not moan so alluringly for him, as if she wanted him to go even deeper than that, he wouldn't have done it so much.

The drake's scales ached with arousal, as if they were lifting at the edges, though sensations like that didn't always match up with what he was experiencing in sex. Intercourse made a dragon focus on different things than usual, like the flutter in Fyr's throat as she took a breath, how her body warmed to him, remaining cool where his fingers or body did not caress. He drove into her repeatedly, thrusts speeding up, her passage slick with her arousal, more than easily lubricating the way for him, lust their shared mistress in the heat of a moment.

It was theirs, only theirs, regardless of what else was going on, whether that was with Car and her mother or elsewhere in the world. He moaned deeply, Fyr's bed squeaking under their weight, though there was no one at home in the house, not that morning, who could disturb them. Still, he took care not to be too loud as passion overcame him, thrusting and grinding, the lewd squelch of his cock filling her pussy louder than ever.

Yet where was there ever a need for quiet and secrecy when he was with his girlfriend? Giving in to lust, Carenath raised his head, lips parted in his strongest groan yet, sides trembling, his balls aching desperately as, finally, he spent himself inside her. It took the young drake a moment to realise that his thrusts had sent his dragoness spiralling off into climax too, thrusting up against him, using her legs as leverage around his waist to grind up against him, though he could no more have separated his body from hers as he could have... Well... He chortled shortly, shaking his head, though Fyr was too far gone to even shoot him an inquisitive look.

Her pussy contracted around him, though she was no more in control of that part of her than she was, in all honesty, of their relationship, everything flying out of control. Yet Fyr did not know that as bliss swamped her, taking her underwater as if she had just plunged, headfirst, into the local swimming pool, streaming bubbles, sinking deeper. That was a kind of sinking, however, that she wanted to engage in, slipping and drifting, letting the pulse and flow of the water guide her, as her pussy made Car's thrusts into her even easier than they had been before.

If they could have spent all day making love, she would have been more than happy, whimpering and moaning, his seed filling her. Goodness, that drake could cum! It was kind of lewd for her to think, even in the stupor of her climax, giggling faintly, tongue sweeping out against the side of her muzzle. Why was he so cute like that, cumming so much? Although she could only imagine the hot splash of it up inside her pussy, for she was not that sensitive that she could feel that too, like most dragons, she could squirm and enjoy how his cum bubbled out of her. The tickling bubble of it drooling over her pussy lips as he thrust and thrust, panting heavily, slowing bit by bit, was as tantalising as his orgasm, her body relaxing, muscles softening where she laid back down into the bed.

"Oh, Car..." She purred, coming back to herself a little, his fat cock softening a little more inside her, allowing a slop of cum to drool out, marking her under-tail in a little pool before trickling down the side. "That was... Mmm... Amazing..."

He grinned, kissing her deeply, ignoring her little startled sound into the kiss, dominating her muzzle easily, though she made it too exciting to do what with that little shudder she gave in to his touch. Every bit of the dragoness turned him on more than the drake had ever thought was possible with a partner, even someone that he connected with as well as her, his fingers tracing the line of her shoulders, up her arms, pinning her wrists together, playfully, over her head.


Fyr trembled and groaned, her eyelids half-fluttering closed, breath catching. Yet she was still present in the moment as he rolled his hips, teasing her with more, though the drake still needed a moment to rest. That pinning was only a lure of what more they could experience and experiment with, with each other, but the morning called to them with birdsong in the air. They could not stay there forever, not as his lips tenderly clasped hers, tongue exploring her muzzle, desire coursing through with every throbbing beat of their hearts. There for each other, they relaxed into the warmth of each other's bodies, his shaft, slowly, slipping from her, though the slide of it was something that Fyr wanted back where it belonged as soon as it was gone.

They lay there in the sleepy afterglow, nuzzling and kissing, languishing in every drop of attention that the two of them could spare one another. And there was plenty of that to go around too as Fyr moaned his name, Car catching it on his lips and sealing it with a kiss. Their limbs tangled, bodies entwined once more, for their cuddles and kisses brought fresh rise to even more lust, tails wound together as he pressed his chest to her back, spooning on the bed.

"Oh, god... Car..."

The tip of his thickening cock teased over her tail hole before slipping inside her again, though that wasn't something that Fyr was all that keen to try out - something not for her, she'd said. But that was okay, if they had fun together, as long as they worked together, as long as they fit together like they always had, from their very first moments, holding one another's paws.

That was all they could hope for, Car tucking his chin down over her shoulder as he pressed into his dragoness once again, relishing in the sloppy, lewd feel of her pussy stretching around him. It was an easy push for him to fill her again, though he didn't have to be rough, only gentle, letting the natural rhythm of their bodies together guide him. Fyr moaned and rolled her buttocks wantonly back to him, speaking to him as much with her body language as she did with her words, though that was perhaps because she was more breathless than ever, throat trembling with withheld emotion.

However could she have been so lucky as to get a dragon like Car in her life? She didn't know, couldn't know, whimpering, grunting, moaning, letting lust and love carry her, hand in hand. They were born from the same temptress and she went gladly into his arms every time, all to feel that warmth, that comfortability, that familiar tingle of erotic thrill. Some said that love and lust could be separated, but, for Fyr, they were the same thing.

She could not have one without the other.

They made love slowly, Car's paw resting over the front of her crotch, teasing her clit to multiple orgasms, until he finally ejaculated inside her for a second time, adding to the first load of cum that was already well mixed with her juices. She trembled, huffing and puffing, trying to breathe solely through her nostrils and failing as she was lusciously forced to take gulp after gulp of breath in through her maw. Her pussy drooled and dripped a delicious concoction of their mixed sexual fluids, further showing how it was no longer possible for there simply to be one of them without the other present too.

"I love you so much."

In the afterglow, Carenath kissed her neck, tail wound softly against hers, as if he never wanted to let her go. And that was true, really, as he pressed in closer, hugging his arms around her torso, even an ankle looking over hers so that he could draw even her legs a little nearer. He had not been able to thrust and use the full length of his shaft inside her in such a position without Fyr drawing her legs further forward or lifting the leg that lay on the upper side, as she laid on her side. But that did not matter, not when there was such lust and passion drawing them closer and closer together, the bonds between them such that would never quite be broken, even if they were not as strong as Fyr thought they were.

For Carenath had not only been sleeping with one dragoness in the family, alas, though it was difficult, exceedingly difficult. Many their age would have simply said "it's complicated" and left it at that, though Car's heart was shared between them. Whereas it was fun with Sasha, Fyr's mother, he loved Fyr too, and it was that which left him conflicted, not sure what was happening, why his heart seemed to love both in different ways. That was something for an older drake to know and understand, after all, even though he was quite sane in himself.

His heart, however, wanted what it wanted, even as Fyr planned to hang out with her friends. Both knew that they didn't want to end up being glued to one another's sides, though maybe his fling with Sasha would never have happened if he had only spent more time with Fyr. There was no telling what could have happened, what paths would have been walked down alternately, and he was not of the mind to spend too much time musing over it, not even as he kissed Fyr goodbye.

"Don't hang out here all day," Fyr giggled as she pecked him again on the lips, not wanting any last kiss to be the "last" before she had to head off and on her way. "Kao should be back later... But, hey, I know you've got to be getting on out there and doing things too! Don't let me hold you back!"

"I'd let you hold be wherever you wanted any day, sweetie."

Fyr blushed, one last kiss shared between them on the doorstep, Car's paws fitting into the crook of her waist, the other on her hip, as if it belonged there. And it did, really, even if it also belonged on the hip of another dragoness too.

He showered, cleansing his scales, drying off smartly, though he knew that he was only hanging around the house for one dragoness. While Fyr was off out having her fun it was not as if Car would leave things amiss, stretching out naked on the sofa with a smirk on his lips and a towel nearby, just in case. He wasn't that much of a risk-taker! Kao could have come back early, of course, but he hadn't honestly listened to what Fyr had said about him being off somewhere, working or something. There was still a chance that the other drake could catch him there, but it was the idea of being caught rather than being caught itself that excited him more and more.


The drake trailed his fingers up his cock, swelling softly, half-hard already. The curtains had been drawn and his heart pounded in the dim light of the living room, his stomach satisfied from the quick breakfast he'd snatched in the kitchen, even though it was already past midday. The clock ticked, hanging on the wall, his eyes lazily following the second hand around and around, his paw moving slowly, languidly, up and down his cock. The skin of his uncut shaft moved with him, exposing the head and the sensitive glands with every stroke, the tip gleaming with a hint of pre-cum. Yet that pre-cum was so slick and thin that it could not be seen, not as he grunted and huffed, licking his lips, running his tongue along the sharp line of teeth within his maw.

The door clicked and he checked his phone, the door camera showing him a blue dragoness, thankfully, rather than Kao, though he would rather have had forewarning than have the drake stumble across him. Carenath didn't have to do anything much at all to pose fetchingly, for he was more comfortable in his own scales than other dragons, licking his lips, his tail hanging off the sofa as if he had just tossed himself down there.

"Car?" Sasha called, stepping inside, locking it quickly after her, though her fingers shook with barely withheld excitement. "Are you here?"

"Of course, I am. Waiting for you."

She swallowed hard. Oh, just how did that damn dragon manage to make her weak at the knees? It was like hearing the voices of her lovers from times long gone by all over again, although he was much better than that, real and solid and not wrapped up in fantasies and dreams that would never come to fruition, not like them. He was something else, something and someone that made her heart pound, her paw thrust between her thighs every night that she did not spend with or near Car, sneaking gropes or quickies, someone that she longed to see what the future held with.

Whether that was simply more sex or something else entirely, something deeper... Well, maybe it was right and maybe it was wrong, but Sasha had already determined that she was strapped into her seat on the rollercoaster, able to direct it, somewhat, but not able to get off. Not even as the wind ripped her scales and her stomach turned over, plummeting to a drop that was both equal amounts terrifying and exhilarating.

That was how Carenath made her feel as she secured the door, latching it from the inside too so that they could not easily be disturbed, running into his arms as if they had not fucked in months. In reality, all it had been a couple of days, but it felt like forever, the drake's paws hungrily roaming her body, squeezing her arse, her breast, feeling her all over.

Memorising the shape of her body once again, Carenath growled passionately, tail flicking, eyes darting only briefly to check that the living area curtains were securely drawn. It wouldn't have mattered anyway if they had not been, that little air of risk making it all the better for them, even though Sasha could not have said what on earth she would do if they were caught. Better not to worry about that and just to kiss Carenath, her clothes hitting the living room floor, piece by piece.


Carenath sat her back on the sofa, dropping hungrily to his knees. One thing that he had not done that morning with Fyr had been to eat her out and he practically salivated for it, drooling as he pressed her thighs reverently apart with his paws. Sasha's head tipped back as she moaned, her paws on her breasts, massaging softly, though Car was too lost between her soft, firm thighs, feeling the muscle beneath the feminine layer of fat. Not that she needed that touch of softness to be feminine, but it was something so intrinsically Sasha that it made his heart swoon.

"Mmm... Oh, god, I need this!"

Sasha growled, wings flaring, grabbing his head, holding onto his horns, a hard, throbbing length of cock waiting for her, even then. She might have wanted to sit astride Carenath and ride him right there and then, but his tongue was too good, reaching up inside her and flickering straight against her G-spot as if he sought it out instantly. The drake knew where it was and didn't even have to think, not anymore, about how to reach that most sensitive part of her anatomy, slurping and lapping, dragging his tongue back up and over and around her clit on his retreat.

He knew exactly how to play her body, better than any instrument, his tongue winding around her clit, though it was not quite flexible enough to squeeze her clit. That was a shame, but not in any more of a way than anything else, so much other pleasure awaiting them. She moaned, rolling her hips up, the stress of the morning falling away from her, all the errands she'd had to run. Keeping a household going as a single mother was hard enough at the best of times, but everything there felt just a little bit better to come home to Car and know that he would be there to help her through it.

Maybe that was all that she'd needed, all she'd needed all along, all through all those lonely nights all alone. All her, only her, though Car had given her hope and life again, infused her days with a new kind of joy, something that had her heart pounding and her lust rising, laughing through the troubles rather than being swamped by them. And it was him that brought her off so very sweetly as she curled her toes in orgasm, thrusting and grinding up onto his snout in delirious delight. Ecstasy thrummed through her, the dragoness riding the wave, contractions rippling through her body that were far from under her control, the dragoness leaning back, though she could not quite slump into the sofa. She was still too tense for that, alert and ready, wanting more.

And she had a hot drake there who could give her everything her aching body desired...even if it might have been new to him too.

"Hey, Car..." She murmured, tail flicking to the side, her paw lingering on the edge of her pussy, helping to spread her lips apart. "Have you thought a bit more about...anal?"

The drake would have frozen if his whole body did not give an almighty shudder, humping without thinking about it, even though it was only a single rock of his hips.

It had been mentioned, only briefly, only in passing. That was why he had been testing the waters with Fyr, though she had made it quite clear from her side that it wasn't going to be her thing. Fyr, for all her pros, liked experimentation - to a point. And when that point was reached there was no way at all to ease her past it, regardless of where his tastes lay in wanting him to push onward, increasingly. He was young and so was she, but one of them was looking ahead in terms of what sex could be for the two of them, while the other was, quite firmly, more than happy with what they had.

But it wasn't for Sasha, this time, that anal had been mentioned.

Car shivered and swallowed, licking her juices off his muzzle, just to gain himself some time.

"I mean..." It was hard to contain his excitement, the tip of his tail flicking back and forth constantly like that of a cat. "We've done it before, Sasha... Mmm... I could do it again with you."

He wanted it, so much, the tightness of pushing into Sasha's backside rising to the forefront of his mind. The angle had been different and yet, somehow, it had been even kinkier for it, though what they were doing there too was something of a taboo overall. He groaned, nuzzling up her thighs again, his cock dripping as it throbbed, expending so much pre-cum that, if it came to it, he may as well have not needed to cum at all.

"Oh, honey... That's sweet, but you know what I mean, don't you?"

Dimly, in the back of his mind, he knew that they should have been doing something there to hide things from Fyr, that he would have to tell her that they had been cleaning the garage or something again, already forming the lie. Yet thinking of that and all the excuses he was going to have to make did not help the fact that his cock was throbbing harder than ever, if that was even possible, breath hitching and catching as Sasha purred.

"It would be cute, wouldn't it?" She murmured, sliding her paws over him, stroking his chest, admiring his pecs. "It felt so good for me, Car... I had to have a little look online after we did it last time for ideas. Did you ever hear about pegging?"

Carenath tried not to shiver, though his breath came haltingly, his shaft betraying him. His tail may have tucked down but his arousal was not exactly the sort of thing that he had ever been all that willing to hide.

"I mean... Mmm... Maybe?"

He panted softly, half-closing his eyes as Sasha lovingly kissed his neck, nibbling at his throat, nuzzling down his chest. Without thinking, he suddenly found himself on the sofa, sitting there with his tail hanging off, Sasha nuzzling down his stomach, kissing his abdominals, down to his shaft.

"Something nice and thick," she murmured, teasing him, even if the deal was already set. "Since I let you have my arse, honey, isn't it only fair that I get yours too? It's supposed to be even better for guys... What with having a prostate and all, all those nerve endings in there..."

Carenath shook his head, some part of him wanting to resist while the rest pressed on too eagerly into it, need rising. His shaft could not soften and heat rose to his cheeks and neck, though it was a good kind of blushing, the kind that made him want to see what was going to come next.

"If it feels really good, Car," she breathed, breath washing over his shaft, tickling his throbbing length. "Why wouldn't you want to do it?"

Of course, she was not going to push him all that much, even though there was nothing there, technically, that they could do that day. They could have him take her again, but there was no strap-on or similar in the house that they could use - not unless Fyr had gotten severely kinkier than what Carenath had told her about her daughter! But it was too cute, so cute, how the drake squirmed, appearing as if he was trying to tuck his tail down but not being able to get it all the way there, forever leaving that most intimate part of his body exposed despite everything.

"Oh, honey, I didn't mean to worry you so much."

She nuzzled into his nuts, winding her tongue around and under them, teasing them, letting their weight rest across her tongue, which could have been deemed too narrow and flexible for such things, yet held fast. He grunted, thrusting up lightly into her maw, which she was more than happy to oblige. The dragoness' lips parted, tenderly taking him into her mouth, though she would have to explain a little more, later, that she was not going to force him into anal, of course not. It was just something for fun, a little more fun, his shaft pulsing delightfully over the top of her tongue as she simply allowed it to lie there, enjoying the moment, the feel and the weight of it.

Sometimes, pausing to take in the reality of everything was the best of it as she exhaled through her nose, carefully closing her lips around his cock, tenderly moving her head back and forth. There was nothing all that much to giving a blowjob, but there was plenty to the subtle nuances of it, what made a blowjob damn good head. And Sasha considered herself a professional by that stage, in how the slither of her tongue pulled the skin of his uncut shaft back a touch, teasing the sensitive glands of the head. The tensing of his body told her that she was going the right way without any further direction, letting the tiniest shifts and grunts of his body and lips show her the way, what Carenath so very clearly liked the most. There was no point, for her, in doing anything else.

The drake's head rolled back, wanting to hold onto her horns, not knowing what to do with his paws in the moment. He was flustered, more than a little, but he had not told Sasha, or anyone really, that there was more to him than his liking for dragonesses. Well, there was more than that to any fur, but he had been looking at guys for a while, years... Just not said anything about it. That meant too that he had thought about a few more things than the average drake had, experimenting and playing with his fingers "back there", even if it was something that had him squirming and shyer than he would naturally have been.

But maybe, just maybe, it was okay to be a little shyer and less experienced about something if it was with Sasha. She was older than him, more experienced than him, and Carenath yearned to use that experience to benefit them both, all to see to it that they got what they wanted. He had no interest at all in fucking her and leaving her afterwards - okay, well, a quickie too when sneaking around was pretty hot too - but wanted something bigger, something deeper. If that meant that he got to indulge in the experiments and even kinks that Fyr didn't seem to be interested in...was that such a bad thing?

However, the time for deep thought was never going to be when a sexy, smoking hot dragoness' lips and maw were around his cock, sucking him up into the back of her throat as if she wanted more from him than even his cum. Carenath didn't know what that meant, in his mind, but he moaned and gripped her horns, rolling his lips, losing himself with her, forgetting about the outside world.

It could have been like having sex with Fyr, but there was a spark and a glow to Sasha that he doubted Fyr could ever have. Although they were related, the two of them were like chalk and cheese - or sugar and sour. He might have adored both flavours, devouring them equally, yet one could not embody the traits of the other in any way, no matter how hard they tried. They were both entirely their own dragonesses and he loved that about them, greedy in his inclinations, loving Fyr whole-heartedly and still yearning for the sexual experience and smouldering touch of Sasha.

It showed in the blowjob she gave him, how she dragged back slowly, winding her tongue around him, slower over the head, as if she knew, somehow, that he was already so close to blowing his load. She played him back and forth, keeping him expertly on the edge, though his body throbbed and yearned for it, wanting no more than to pin her down and ram into her holes - any would do, for that matter - with wild abandon.

Maybe that was what she wanted from him too. But he couldn't form the words with which to ask her with her tongue on his cock, lapping and teasing, suckling to a rise of explosive pleasure right at the tip.

"Mmmmph... Ohhh, fuck!"

Sasha laughed, though dove down. She couldn't keep him on the edge forever, after all, not when she wanted a good taste of his cum slipping down her throat. They said that a blowjob - giving one, that was, was a good cure for a sore throat. Not something she'd tried before, but she had been feeling a little run-down and ratty of late, so who was she to not give something like that a go? A fun little remedy was all that she craved, not caring to be quiet as she slurped noisily on his length, making a show of it, all for his pleasure.

That was the beauty of sex as she plunged, letting him grip her horns and shove her head all the way down: the rawness of it all. It exposed who a dragon truly was under their scales and left nothing at all behind for them to hide, Carenath howling and snarling, his tail thrashing. It was the strongest orgasm that he had had with her by far and that told far more than his words, or lack of words, ever could have. She drank down every drop as his cock pulsed within her maw, sending thick ropes down her throat, though she had to keep swallowing quickly.

Carenath's head practically spun as he rolled it back and forth, striving through any means possible to relieve the tension in his body, though it had to come out, all one way or another, breath pulling at his chest, not feeling as if he was getting anywhere near enough air into his lungs. Yet he had everything he needed right there and then with the heat of her maw wrapped around him, his moans rising, hips thrusting, body beyond his control in the moment of orgasm. His cum drooled out the side of her muzzle where he thrust too wildly, aching for it, yet every spurt of cum, somehow, left the drake wanting more, always more.

Was that the way it always was going to be with Sasha? A constant stream of desire, flowing through him, overtaking everything that he'd ever thought he'd known about sex? He'd thought that it could not be all that complicated, yet being with Sasha too had opened a whole new world (as cheesy as that sounded) where he felt like anything and everything was possible. A whole wealth of kinks and fantasies stretched out before him, waiting for the drake to reach out and take them for his own.

He panted, heaving, chest shuddering with every snatched lungful of air. His orgasm kept on coming, longer than the drake could have expected, more flowing from him. He had not thought that he would be able to cum that much after spending time with Fyr, of course, earlier that day, his head swimming, aching and pounding, yet the headache softened and cleared with every resulting wave of ecstasy. He'd thought that he understood what it was like to have his balls "drained" before, but Sasha's maw was on another level to anything that he swore he could ever experience with anyone else, shuddering, gasping, panting. She was just that good, a dragoness in her own class and right.

"Are you having a little trouble there, darling?"

She teased him lightly, drawing back from his cock as it softened, though what dragoness would not sit there licking cream off her lips and purring with pride at making a dragon cum that hard? She could still feel the throbbing of his cock in her maw, her tongue tingling, lovingly cleaning her muzzle of every drop there was. There was always more to come, of course, all in the best of ways, though she was not about to let things be set aside to such a point that their day too went off-track. There was a ruse to be kept up, even though she was nicely bow-legged and glowing after her orgasm.

Allowing Carenath to clean himself up and settle a little - maybe mentioning anal on him had been a little too much for the drake - she hummed a tune as she popped the kettle on, tail curling back and forth happily. She tied a bandana around her horns, even though she didn't have any hair to keep back like some dragons, a skirt allowing easy access while she didn't bother with a bra.


She murmured as the young drake slipped up behind her, his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly, sliding his snout over her shoulder. Sasha giggled, the kettle bubbling at boiling point.

"Hello there, honey," she crooned. "Did you miss me that much? I wasn't gone all that far, you know..."

"I know," he grunted, his voice a little muffled where he pressed down over her shoulder and against her neck a little too much to speak clearly. "But I was...thinking about what you said..."

He couldn't get the words out, letting them hang there, breath catching and hitching just a little. Without thinking about it, for it was a more natural motion to him than many other things (like talking), he rolled his hips against her buttocks, thrusting and grinding lightly, grunting against her neck.

"Yeah, Car?" Sasha half-twisted, wanting to get her arms around him, but the drake only held her tighter. "Hon, it's not that big a deal, it was just something I was thinking about, you know, for fun. And it's meant to be fun! It's not fun if it's getting your stomach all tied up into knots over it, trust me, so it doesn't have to be done. Don't worry about it!"


He blushed heavily, struggling with the words. But they had to come out, one way or another.

"That's not what I meant."

He took a deep breath, pulling back only enough so that Sasha could wriggle around to face him.

"Then what is it, sweetie?" She stroked his face. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

He knew that, even if they had never gone into anything, honestly, that was that deep before. But she was not just his girlfriend's mother but someone more to him. The dragon took a breath, one more, though it did not help steady his nerves anymore.

"I..." Why was it so hard to get the words out? "I think...I'm bi. I mean, I know I'm bi, but I've only kissed a guy once, a while back, before Fyr. I know I like both, but I've not done anything more with a guy yet, you know? But...well..."

He rubbed the back of his neck, turning away with heat in his face even as Sasha rested a paw on his hip, letting him talk.

"Well... I guess that means I would be up for it, you know, to try, to see. I don't know what I like, in that way, yet, so...I kinda wanna see too? I dunno how you do this kind of thing..."

Sasha smiled and stroked his muzzle, fingers trailing gently and comfortingly down the line of his jaw.

"Oh, honey, I never thought there was any set way to do any of this stuff, but there's always one way to talk it out, don't you worry about that. Am I the first person you've told?"

With a lump in his throat, Car nodded, not trusting himself to talk.


It came out as more of a grunt, but it would have to do. Sasha hugged him tightly, leaving the kettle for coffee for the moment, taking him back through into the living area. Once seated, it was a little easier to talk one on one, more personally, not feeling as if there was something that they needed to be rushing off to do.

"It's all okay, there's nothing to worry about here. I admit I never even considered it, if I'm honest! But...that could open up some options for us to play with, Carenath, if you're willing..."

He wanted to say that he was more than willing, leaning into her, letting her put her arm around him, their relationship more of a give and take than he could have imagined. She was not motherly, not per se, but it was her wisdom and experience that made him feel comforted and safe, almost without Sasha having to say anything at all.

"I would like to try it," he said slowly, working his words through his mouth before setting them free from the tip of his tongue. "I thought about getting a toy, but I didn't want to have to hide it in the apartment from Fyr. I'm not sure what she would say if I told her about this."

The implications of that were clear, but, being that he was sleeping with her mother, the note of him cheating "with a guy" was not the greatest concern that Fyr should have had - not that that was at all the case for bisexual dragons anyway. It was just a little bit of the discomfort and sometimes outright hate for them, not fitting in the gay community and not fitting in the straight community either. He liked that he "passed" as straight, completely straight, but it was strange for him to hide a part of himself that was there, day in and day out, not when he was usually so unashamedly who he was.

"Come on, Car," she said with a grin, showing him the screen of her phone, opened to a sex toy site. "Let's find something nice that you can try out, see what you like, see what feels good to you... If you're all on board with that? You can say no at any time, don't worry."

She didn't want to make the drake feel pressured, not at all, though he leaned in against her, kissing her cheek, a glint in his eye that, once again, reminded her of his old self, the dragon that had caught her attention in such a way in the first place.

"Sure thing..." He breathed, a little of the tension slipping from his body. "You're right, this is going to be fun. And...I'm glad I told you."

"You should tell Fyr too when you're ready. I don't think she'll react badly and, if she does, you know that will speak more of her than it ever will of you. I'll talk to her if anything happens, don't worry. I'm here to look after you both."

It was not a normal relationship between the three of them, not by far, not as Car murmured and pointed out the toys that looked good to him, though he baulked at some of the larger ones. The dildos were shaped like all kinds of different cocks but the harness side of it was more something that Sasha would have to decide, choosing her comfort and the ring attachment for the dildo to slot into with a little savvier in reading the reviews.

However, their perusing led to paws roaming and, without them even making it back out into the garage to get some more cleaning and sorting done, out of their clothes onto the floor of the living room once more. For the first time that day, Carenath took Sasha on all fours, first in her pussy and then under her tail, trying to imagine with every deep thrust how it would feel when he was under the dragoness and she was taking him as he took her. He didn't know whether he wanted it rough or gentle, but thought that all would come clear in the act of doing it.

She'd said they would take it slow, however, the drake trusted her completely as he fucked her to orgasm after orgasm, his tail wedged into her pussy while his dick was under her tail, squirting around the appendage. Sasha howled out her delight, need pouring through her, though the drake was there, as he always was, to make sure that there was no way for her to go unsatisfied, not with him around.

With new doors opened to the kind of sexual pleasure and experimentation that she had only dreamed of, many, many years, ago, she cried out his name as her body tightened around his cock and tail, head swimming with overwhelming lust. Her claws dug into the carpet, ripping up fibres, but she didn't have it in herself to care, not as she was filled and pounded with such delirious delight.

Times were changing...

But all for the better between them.