The Feline's Maids 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Simon enjoys himself with Dylin, but feels the need for another.

Commissioned by Catsithx

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The Feline's Maids

Part 2

for Catsithx

by Draconicon

Simon had never considered himself bisexual, but Dylin made it clear that there was a certain possibility there as long as the male in question was feminine enough. So long as his hips were large enough, so long as he didn't have to look at that cock directly, so long as there was a chance of seeing them in panties and a dress...

Well, so long as there were enough feminine elements to the ensemble and enough ways to make the male look like a female, he found that he rather enjoyed putting someone to use that way. The dragon was good at sucking good, and better at taking it under his tail, and the availability of so willing a partner was more than enough to draw the cat into one round of intimacy after another. The evening, the night, and a good chunk of the morning was taken up in finding whether the other male had any limits, but true to the advertising of the booklet, Dylin never protested, never asked for a break - save in a way to make Simon that much more riled up about it - and the Maid of the Body never disappointed.

The only 'break' that they took was when he made the call to the Academy, all but demanding another Maid, one that would serve in the same capacity. The person on the other end had been surprised, asking if he needed to return Dylin due to dissatisfaction, but he made it clear that it wasn't a lack of satisfaction, but a desire for even more satisfaction that made him request another Maid of the Body.

They asked if he wanted a different sort of Maid, one for protection or for other services. He told them that he didn't. He needed another Maid of the Body, one that knew how to serve and how to be a good little slut for him.

He actually used the word 'slut,' something that he never had the courage to use before. That had always been something disallowed for someone in polite society, something that they didn't call women, didn't call anyone, for fear of embarrassing or being rude to them. But, with the power of his money and the power that came from knowing he had the right to this, he could use that word. And he wanted a slut.

The Academy had promised the delivery of another of his choice, and he knew exactly which one he wanted. He gave them a name, and they guaranteed an afternoon arrival.

That call was the only break that Dylin had from getting fucked throughout the first twenty-four hours of his stay, and yet, the dragon had remained beneath his desk, between his legs, sucking him off the whole time. The feeling of that forked tongue working along his shaft, milking it, sucking it, teasing it, left him more than willing to throw the blue-scaled beast down on the bed and fuck his ass for the next hour.

The afternoon was half-past, and Simon had finally reached the end of his endurance. He wanted to say that he had outlasted Dylin, but the Maid dragon was back to cleaning in the hallways, clearing out the messes that they had left at the start of their fun and making sure that there was nothing to surprise the newcomer. He could hardly believe that they had gone so long, and was as surprised at himself as he was at Dylin's raw stamina. The Academy's booklet hadn't been exaggerating. The Maids of the Body could take anything that their masters could throw at them and keep right on going.

He breathed slowly, the black and white cat taking time to catch the energy he'd lost during all the rutting. He stared at the ceiling, slowly shaking his head as he tried to sort out what he'd do next. Did he want to...or maybe he would...or perhaps...

The confidence that he had build up from fucking Dylin all night long was slowly dissipating. It was one thing to rut a dragon through the night, one thing to take a male that crossdressed and offered himself up like that. Men understood, men knew what one another wanted, and there wasn't really a guilt factor there the way that there could be with females. Females, on the other hand, tended to have more of an expectation, more of a barrier. What if this new one had standards? What if the Academy allowed the female Maids to be more...well, free, with themselves?

What if he didn't have what it took to keep this going?

Ding dong.

The doorbell interrupted his racing thoughts, and he knew that he had little chance to actually sort himself out. He groaned as he sat up, considering the robe that hung from the wall, but then decided against it. If the Maid was going to serve him, she might as well see the whole thing from the start rather than thinking that this would be...

...Am I really going to answer the door naked?

Simon thought about it for a moment. It was something that he never would have done before going up to Alaska, and certainly not often since coming back. Maybe as a prank for someone that was delivering a pizza, something to enjoy if he was alone, but...

But this was his Maid, right? That meant that he had the right to do as he wished. He employed her. He all but owned her. And she was trained for sex. This was...this was fair.

This was fair.

He purposely walked by his clothes, feeling his shaft swinging slightly between his legs, the tip patting his thighs as it hung just past his balls. The feeling of walking naked through his own home was hard to get around, even though he knew that he had every right to be doing this. There was something off about it, something just slightly embarrassing that made it difficult for him not to blush worse than he already was. He half-expected to be told off for it, and was marshaling arguments as to why he was perfectly allowed to be doing this very thing.

He passed by Dylin in the hallways, the blue dragon looking at him. The Maid outfit glimmered slightly, as if fresh-cleaned, and he wondered if the dragon had been working on that as much as everything else.

"Are you alright, master?" Dylin asked.

"I'm just...getting the door."

"Shall I accompany you?"

"...Actually, yes."

He wanted to have a show of just how much wealth he had. If the new Maid hadn't been informed of what he had already purchased, having Dylin there would be a good show of wealth, and a good way to make it clear that he had the right and resources to deserve her, as well.

The dragon fell in step behind him, and they walked to the front door. The corridors were far cleaner than they had been before the dragon's arrival, and he had to admit that it was rather impressive. They had been fucking for hours, and yet, Dylin had found time to do more cleaning than the average team of maids would have done in twice the time that he'd been allowed. The work ethic that the Maids had was...well, something slightly supernatural, as well as their stamina.

He decided not to question that further. If he wanted to know - if he really wanted to know - he'd talk to Dylin or this new one about it later. For now, he had an introduction to make, and a first impression to give.

The black cat paused at the doorway, looking through the peephole. On the other side, he could just make out the black and white-furred face of his new maid, a kitsune, and she looked just as beautiful as her profile picture suggested. Admittedly, he could only see her face, but that was more than enough. Simon took a step back from the door, folding his arms behind his back the way that he had seen other rich, important people do, and nodded wordlessly at the dragon.

Somehow, Dylin understood exactly what he wanted, moving to the door and pulling the knob. It opened, and -

And instantly, he almost regretted standing there naked. It had to be the right kitsune, he was sure - there were few enough that had white and black fur patterns, particularly a majority black with a hint of white here and there - but she wasn't in a Maid outfit. She was instead dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt, with high-heeled shoes that lifted her up and made her hips pop slightly as she rested one hand on her hips. She looked him up and down, and for a split second, it took everything he had not to cover himself up right then and there.

"I'm assuming that you are Master Simon?" the kitsune said, her seven tails flaring behind her.

"...That's me," the cat managed to say.

"I'm glad. I would have hated to find the wrong house."

"...And you are...Kerrin, yes?"

"That would be me, yes, master."


"May I come in?"

"I...expected someone already in Maid attire."

"I brought it with me."

One of her tails lifted a suitcase up from behind her, one that was so small that he wondered what could possibly be packed inside. She waited outside, still, not stepping inside, and he realized that he hadn't actually given her permission.

"Yes. Yes, come in."

She smiled, stepping through the doorway. As soon as she had, Dylin shut it, and she slid past the dragon and the cat, moving to the center of the hallway. Her eyes flicked up and down, finding the staircase down one end, and she shook her head.

"So much work..."

"That's...not your immediate concern. I ordered -"

"A Maid of the Body, yes. You will find that while we are all specialized, we all have some training in the basics of the other Maid regimens. This place still needs serious cleaning."

"To be fair, Kerrin, I have been doing my best," Dylin said.

"Ah, you're here, too?" Kerrin said, chuckling as she looked over her shoulder. "Well, that means that I'll have someone to help take care of the house while I take care of the master."

"That -"

Simon held up a finger to silence the dragon before the protest could go any further. He was more curious about what the kitsune had to say to that.

But she said nothing. Instead, she began changing out of her street clothes into...well, nothing, at first. She pulled her shirt up and over her head without the slightest bit of shame, tossing it onto her suitcase before turning around to show that she didn't bother to wear a bra. Her breasts were not huge, not compared to some of the other vixens that he had seen in the catalog, but that didn't matter to him. What mattered was that they were freely on display, and that she had no shame in showing them off. Little white nipples poked through the black fur that dominated her body, making it hard for him to look away as they seemed to harden before his gaze.

As she leaned forward, her hair fell over her face, half black and half white, as she pulled her jeans down to her ankles before pulling some trick or other that allowed her to take them off while leaving her shoes on. Her actions revealed that she didn't bother to wear panties, either. Her sex, a pale white line amidst the black fur, was hard to miss, as were the symbols along her hips and tails.

He hadn't expected to see someone with so many varied designs along their body. On her hips and at the end of each tail was the yin-yang sign, and as her tails alternated between white and black - with four black tails and three white - it meant that she was constantly shifting in just how much brightness and darkness she was showing off at any given point.

Finally, she was completely naked, and as she stood there, stretching, showing off her body, he couldn't help but feel more and more aroused. Her casual disdain for clothing, the way that she didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest by showing off, the fact that she was already -

A second breath confirmed it. She was aroused, very aroused, and her scent was getting stronger by the second. No matter how casually she was playing this off, she was enjoying what she was doing, what she was causing in the hallway. Simon glanced to his side and wasn't surprised to find that Dylin was pitching a tent in his skirt; the dragon would have needed the libido of a dead man to not be turned on by this.

He turned back to Kerrin, watching as she pulled her Maid dress out from her suitcase. Unlike Dylin, her stockings were pure white, and they were sheer, running from her toes all the way to her upper thighs. Her dress was shorter, more of a skirt that barely reached the middle of her bottom, with lace around the bottom of it that did nothing to hide anything. The corset built into it made her waist and hips that much harder to look away from as they looked so much curvier, and it pushed her breasts up and almost out of her dress.

As she pulled her gloves on, just as sheer as her stockings, she turned and lifted all her tails. Her ass swayed back and forth, and her legs were spread just enough to show off her dripping sex. Dripping, puffy, wet, and wanting.

"Master. Give me a good reason to work for you."

Her voice was soft, not quite sultry, but certainly the sort of voice that he imagined a woman experienced in the bedroom might have had. His heart leaped into his chest as he imagined some great goddess challenging him to satisfy her, not because she looked down on him, but because she was curious, intrigued as to the prowess that he might actually have. This was the voice of someone looking for someone to do what others had failed to do.

Her seven tails spread wide, two of them reaching down and pressing against her ass cheeks, spreading them further as she leaned forward, showing herself off all the more. Those puffy folds, inflamed with the heat of her need, were just as wet as he could imagine, and his cock leaped up, showing itself off just as much as she was.


Dylin's voice came as if from a long way off, and Simon, if he was completely honest, barely heard it. His attention was fully focused on the Maid directly ahead of him.

For that was one of the great powers of the Maids of the Body. They were trained to focus someone entirely on them, to make the world disappear, to make it so that there was nothing that mattered more than the need to empty one's needs into them and then get back to the day. The Maids of the Body were trained to put their bodies to work day in and day out, to ensure that their owner was as satisfied as possible, and they were further educated on how to make sure that there was no way for the master to be distracted by anything else until he or she was fully satisfied.

That was what happened to Simon at that moment. The rest of the world fell away, and all that remained was the deep, satisfying void of the vixen pussy on display to him at that moment. He stepped forward, his hands shaking for a moment before his confidence returned, and he grabbed hold of her hips, yanking her back against him, and he moaned as he delved deep, deeper, deepest inside of her. One full thrust and he was squelched inside, hilted, filling her to the brim.

To his credit, he didn't stop there as some might have done, didn't stop and savor the feeling of her around him just so that he could keep from cumming. Instead, the cat - restored in some near-supernatural way - commenced jackhammering into his new Maid as hard as he possibly could.

In, out, in, out, almost rocking her off her feet at the start, but she had already grabbed her ankles and braced herself with her tails. Kerrin gasped, soon moaning as loud as Dylin had been, and perhaps louder as she was rocked and rutted.

"Oooh, oh yes...yes, you're're very good..."

Her compliments were good, but better was the feeling of her against him. So wet, so warm, so different from fucking Dylin's ass. The feeling of her was pure female, pure woman, and his eyes rolled back as he started rutting her harder, faster, deeper. He leaned over her, his chest against her back, and he panted as he went up on tiptoes to keep thrusting, rutting, fucking away. Each time he plunged in, he felt the splash of her juices against his sack, could feel her tightening against the tip of his shaft and the way that it was sucking him in deeper, further.


His words would not come, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the pleasure of the fuck, the deep rut, the total control that he had in that moment. He pulled her back against him, and she pushed back to take him. In, out, in, out of that wonderful, slippery, warm thing.

And she moaned. She moaned like he had always fantasized someone would moan when they were with him, her mouth hanging open, her back arched. He could have reached around and grabbed her breasts rather than her hips, taken her like some ferals might have done, and he imagined that she would have done the very same thing.

He looked over his shoulder. Dylin was watching, not quite embarrassed, but certainly hard, and a hint of red on his cheeks. The dragon, as far as Simon could tell, envied the kitsune her position. Considering how hard the Maid had cum when he had fucked that ass, he imagined that Dylin just wanted to take it again, to be that bitch.

But as far as he was concerned, this was Kerrin's day. He snapped his fingers, surprised at himself, and Dylin stood up a little straighter.

"You can watch, but you don't get to cum. Not until I say."

"Yes, master," the dragon said, bowing his head.

"Now, get over here..."

"Yes, master."

"And lick me and her while I fuck her."

That was more than he had ever imagined doing, not just to himself, but to someone else, as well. But why not? He had the power, he had the position and the status to take advantage of all this. Why not put the dragon to use, pleasuring him and pleasuring her at the same time? It would just mean more pleasure for the both of them in the long run, after all.

Dylin went to his knees just behind the cat, and soon, that flexible tongue was working his balls. He groaned at the licking, moving his hands to Kerrin's breasts to grope her properly, holding her against him and fondling her nipples. She moaned under him, taking the breeding good and hard, and he couldn't stop. He just thrust harder, faster, feeling her juices welling up under his cock and spreading around it. His balls were rising, falling, teased by that tongue until Dylin started licking further up, getting the base of his cock and then licking over Kerrin's sex.

The moans never stopped.

The panting never stopped.

The greedy gasps for 'more' never stopped.

And he never stopped.

In, out, in, out, feeling his hips clapping against her ass, feeling the jiggle that came in response, feeling that tightness. That blessed, wonderful tightness, clinging to his cock and squeezing it hard, milking him for all it was worth. His eyes closed tightly, unable to keep an eye on her and focus on that pleasure at the same time. He squeezed at her chest, pawing at her breasts, feeling her pressing against him.

"Give it to me," Kerrin whispered, her breath shaky, but not too shaky. Just enough to rattle the extreme control that she'd shown so far. "Give it to me..."

"Say it...say what you want," he growled.

"Give me...give me your seed..."

"Cum...cum first..."


"I will not...until you...cum..."

Simon didn't know why, but pride demanded that he give her what she needed - her orgasm - before he would give her his. He wanted her to be shivering, quaking, almost broken in under him from the rut. He didn't want to have to show her that he could go again and again, that he could power through his own orgasms and make it to another one if he was required. A feline had a great deal of stamina for that, but...but he didn't want her to have the satisfaction of beating him yet.

He was the master, after all. He was supposed to dominate them.

In, out, in, out, his hips humping away, his eyes closed tight as he growled into the back of her neck. She shivered under him, her breath coming more and more shakily. The licking from beneath, that tongue teasing the base of his cock, that mouth working his balls, the constant heat and moisture coming from below, was driving him mad, and he loved it.

In, out, in, out, in -


And finally, Kerrin went over the edge. She came hard, squirting, and he felt the slightest pause in the licking from below. He panted, grinning, knowing that he had won.

"There...there..." Simon groaned, holding her tightly for a moment. " are mine..."

She didn't argue with him, and he considered that a victory. Panting, he went back to humping away, feeling the new slickness, the additional wetness inside that made it that much more satisfying to fuck her. It didn't take long before he reached his climax, as well.

With a deep moan, he came deep inside of her, his balls rising up, his shaft twitching and pulsing as he went over the edge. He felt every little splatter, every little squirt, and he panted for breath as he leaned over her back. The heat running through his cock, the warmth that surrounded it, was just as good as he remembered it being inside Dylin, though without quite as much texture surrounding his shaft when he had plunged in that deep. The difference between pussy and ass, he supposed, something that he hadn't had the opportunity to really notice in the past.

He planned to become rather more familiar with the differences in pleasure between one body part and another in the future. He planned to grow far more familiar with the differences.

As he pulled back, slowly, he could feel her pussy still twitching, still clenching. Kerrin was still trying to milk him for more of his seed, and he chuckled as he dragged his cock further and further back. He looked down, seeing the white strings of his seed clinging to his shaft, spreading from his crotch to her pussy lips, dangling down from just how much he had pumped into her.

Could she get pregnant? Simon wondered.

The thought hit him hard, and he realized that he honestly didn't know, but the idea of rutting her to the point of a full breeding session was enough to keep him erect and fully hard. He groaned as his shaft throbbed up and down, pre-cum starting to flow past the mess of seed that he'd already pumped out.

As his cock popped free, Dylin moved up, offering his mouth for cleaning services. The temptation was there, but instead, he turned the dragon to face the oozing pussy just in front of him.

"Clean her out. I have some...research to do."

"You heard the master, Dylin. Make sure that I'm not dripping while I'm cleaning."

"Yes, Kerrin."

As the pair of Maids got to work on each other, he hustled down the hall, trying to pull himself together so that he could think straight. He didn't know if the Maids of the Body were trained to become pregnant with their masters, nor did he know if they were trained to entice that sort of thing. But if they were...


The mere thought was enough to make him throb with greater need, with the desire to go back and keep thrusting away, to find himself with a child at the end of it. It wasn't that he needed an heir, but the very idea of putting one into a female's belly, to know that he had conquered her to that extent...

Was he going too far? Was he being corrupted by his own power? Perhaps, but the Maids were made for this, weren't they? They were here for his pleasure, and were being paid rather handsomely for it. The Academy had to have the answers for this. He would get in touch with them and find out. Yes, yes, that was a good solution...


The answer, it turned out, was yes. There was every possibility that a Maid of the Body could be impregnated by someone that wasn't their species, and every possibility that they would be able to birth a child from it. The moment that Simon found that out, there was only one thing that they could do.

"Ah. Ah. Ah!"

"Tell him...tell him how much you love it," Simon muttered.

"I love it...I love his cock. He's so big, feels so good!"

Dylin squatted at the foot of the bed, blushing, showing off how his cock tented his new panties as he watched the cat fuck the kitsune. There was no doubt in Simon's mind that this was the last thing that the dragon had expected as a Maid for someone else. Doubtlessly, the dragon had expected to be the sole provider of pleasure for someone else, the main focus for their life, but that ship had sailed. He had learned that he could have more than one, and he was going to enjoy that. He was going to enjoy everything about that.

In, out, in, out, the squelching sounds of a wet pussy around cock filling the bedroom, making it impossible for him to think of anything else except for exactly what he was doing. In, out, in, out, his cock plundering kitsune pussy, fucking someone that would have looked down on him before his inheritance, giving her the pleasure that she probably had never gotten from her classes.

At least, that was what Simon was telling himself, and the moans that he got from her as he rammed in and out made him feel like he was right. He felt like the super-stud of the world as he fucked her, and knowing that Dylin was made to watch, that a dragon was made to bear witness to a cat bringing a kitsune to her third orgasm, was only making it better.

"Fuck me...fuck me...fuck me..."

Kerrin's voice still had that slightly stuffy, controlled tone, as if she was trying to hold onto some semblance of dignity. There was no dignity here, nothing like that. There was only pleasure.

Still panting from the effort of fucking his new female, Simon looked up at the dragon again. Dylin panted, his hands clenched at his side. He had been a good Maid all day, doing everything that he was told, holding back when ordered and licking away when commanded. Not once had he given in to the pleasure of touching himself. All he'd done was watch and serve.

And that deserved at least a small reward.

"Come here."

The dragon did just as he was told, sliding forward on the bed. As soon as he was close enough, Simon reached around and pulled the waistband of the dragon's panties down, exposing his cock properly. The soft gasp that followed was music to his ears. At least he could still surprise the dragon.



"Suck him."

"Ye-es, master."

She leaned in, her mouth parting to allow the dragon's cock to slip past her lips. Dylin shivered, his hands clenched into fists. Clearly, the Maid hadn't been ready for someone else to pleasure him like that. Simon imagined that the crossdressing Maid had mostly been trained with anal, not allowed much in the way of pleasuring himself by penetrating others since he would be sold to a male buyer.

It was rather cute, in its own way. That meant that he didn't have to pay much attention.

"No..." he groaned. "No cumming until I give you the order...and no thrusting. Let her suck, let her set the pace."

"Mmph...yes, master."

As the dragon stilled himself, only allowing the blowjob to go on, Simon amped up the pace of his own fucking. He could feel the pleasure rising inside him, his balls pulling up slightly, but he could also feel that Kerrin was on the verge of cumming for the fourth time. She was shaking from head to toe, each orgasm loosening that self-control that she had, each time making her that much less icy, that much warmer.

He would break her in, eventually. He would show her the type of owner that she had, and she would love it.

But is that enough?

He had two Maids of the Body. That was more than enough for most people, he imagined, but he still had so much more to spend. He could build up this harem further, really, getting more than he needed and just have what he wanted.

But...should he?

Questions of morals would have to wait for later. He had a tight, slippery hole to fuck right at that moment, and that took priority. Simon rammed himself forward, his hands gripping the kitsune's hips as tight as he could, and she moaned for more, pushing her hips back every time before he rammed forward to jam her face against the dragon's crotch.

Despite the fact that she was the one getting filled from both sides, she looked more dignified than Dylin did. She, at least, looked willing and focused, while Dylin looked like he was a panting little virgin, barely able to take what he was getting, straining to hold back to his master's commands.

Such was the way of the Maids of the Body. They all had their specializations, as Kerrin had so truthfully said. She had her powers of pleasure, of holding the attention of her master and keeping it on her. He had his power of confidence, of being a good little bottom, but he had no skills or knowledge in the arts of pleasure past that point.

It was no contest who was more skilled. It was merely a matter of allowing nature to take its course.

Luckily for Dylin, Simon had been putting his cock to use for so long that he was at his limit. He groaned as he finally went over the edge, slamming into the kitsune under him and feeling his seed go deep. The warmth of his own load was enough to make him groan in satisfaction, and he looked up to give the dragon a wordless nod of permission.

As the blue dragon Maid slumped forward, allowing his seed to fly, Simon slowly pulled himself back. The sight of the creampie that he had left in the kitsune Maid made him smile. She might get pregnant from that, she might not, but the vision of her being so stuffed with his seed was more than enough to give him the sort of satisfaction that he imagined he deserved. The possibility of putting her into a round-bellied state was enough to keep his balls churning.

However, fucking all afternoon and night the previous day, plus fucking all day today, was just...too much. He needed a break, and he needed sleep.

"You two..."

They looked up from their mutual teasing, facing him. Kerrin swallowed.

"Come here. I want company for the night."

The two Maids smiled, joining him in bed and pressing up under his arms. He made space for them, pulling them close to his sides, and he was rather surprised at how nice the intimacy was. The temptation to push Dylin down between his legs for another long night of sucking lifted its head, but was quickly dismissed as he realized how empty his balls actually felt. He'd need at least a day or so to actually recover from all the pressure that he had put on himself...but at the same time, he rather looked forward to the pleasure that would come afterward.

It wouldn't take long, he knew, for him to start getting up to speed with this sort of pleasurable routine. He'd have the stamina to keep up with the Maids before long...

And he might need a third one.

I can afford it, he told himself. I could afford twenty more.

The question wasn't so much whether he could afford it, of course, but rather whether he could keep up with so many. Two was already pushing his limits, though limits that would expand the more that he exerted himself. If he received another, would he be able to keep up with that? Would he be able to push himself to the point of being able to indulge himself with three Maids of the Body, when they were already so intense now?

He had set a standard that he would have to live up to. He just hoped that he would be able to live up to it, rather than falling short.

Simon closed his eyes. He would sleep, for now, and make the decision about another one in the morning.

The End

Summary: Simon enjoys himself with Dylin, but feels the need for another.

Tags: M/M, M/F, M/M/F, Threesome, Confidence, Series, Nudity, Creampie, Showing Off, Exhibitionism, Kitsune, Cat, Dragon, Crossdressing, Maids, Vaginal, Oral, Panties, Blowjob, Service, Creampie, Orgasm, Cum,