The Feline's Maids 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Simon has a bit of a rough start with yet another new Maid, and quickly finds out what the Maids can demand.

Commissioned by Catsithx

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The Feline's Maids

Part 3

For Catsithx

By Draconicon

Simon made his decision the next morning, and he did it while he was getting ridden by his dragon. Dylin panted as he worked his hips up and down, slamming his curvaceous rump down on the cat's cock again and again while Kerrin worked on cleaning up the bedroom from last night's activities. Despite the fact that she had been fucked as hard as Simon could manage the night before, she seemed completely fine, working with a pep in her step and a hum in her throat as she walked around the room, picking up clothes, dusting corners, deodorizing the place after all they'd done.

And not a hint of discomfort for the fact that her owner was getting served by her fellow Maid, either. Simon had half-expected her to be a bit jealous - after all, Dylin had been at least a little out of sorts, aroused and embarrassed that the master of the house was fucking someone else - but she just went about her job of cleaning. Not without teasing, however; she kept her tails up and regularly bent over, showing off her ass and the slight looseness from the night before.

He took that as a tease for himself, and he enjoyed it, his cock staying good and hard inside the crossdressing dragon's ass.


" my...ass pleasing...for you, master?" Dylin panted.

"Yes...yes, it is."

"Will you...cum soon?"


He was using booklet as a way to keep himself from blowing his load just yet, making sure that he had something else to focus on, something that would hold his attention more than the hole sliding up and down his cock. The black cat had found that he preferred pussy - at least a little - to ass, but the soft smack, smack, smack of that wide, sky-blue rump slamming down on his cock was still more than satisfying.


He grunted as he felt Dylin slam down and grind, those plush ass cheeks just barely visible under the Maid outfit that he wore, the skirt lifted in the back to show off his cheeks, the panties pulled off to the side so that the dragon's cock stayed caged inside. There was no showing that off, not yet, but he was getting a perfect view of his cock sliding in, sliding out, sliding in, and sliding out of that hole, seeing it stretch around him, seeing it suck tight to his cock when Dylin lifted his hips.

It was nearly enough to make him cum right then and there, and he turned back to the booklet, trying to keep his needs at bay. He knew that the dragon was holding off, using his own training to keep from blowing his load before his master, and that the dragon could keep this going indefinitely. That was the pleasure of the Maids of the Body. They did things in the bedroom that nobody else was capable of, and made it feel amazing.

He groaned again and again as the dragon Maid slammed up and down, panting as he looked at the booklet a little more intensely. He tuned out the pleasure for now, focusing on the task at hand.

One more...

It was just one more, he told himself. Just one more, and then he'd stop. One more to have power over, one more to indulge himself with, one more that would give him everything that he needed in the bedroom. He wanted something that really showed that a cat had power over others, one that nobody would be able to ignore.

And he found her on page 10.

This one...this one...

"Are you done with him yet?" Kerrin asked.


"I want my turn after him."

"I know. Phone."

"My turn."


"Yes master," the kitsune said, dropping the tease and passing him his cell. "Then my turn?"


It was just before noon when the new Maid arrived, and Simon was there to greet her with nothing but his robe to wear. His confidence was far higher this time, considering his success with Kerrin and how both she and Dylin were all but addicted to him at this point. He would do the same with the newest one, and then...

Well, then he'd have a harem, really, and what man didn't want something like that?

As soon as the doorbell rang, he gestured for Dylin to open the door. The dragon Maid did as he was told, holding it wide open, only to reveal -

"Oh. Wow."

Kerrin's two word statement was certainly more than he expected from her, and quite honestly, he didn't blame her. The sight of a sergal was certainly something to behold, considering that they weren't exactly a common species, and this one was quite the pretty specimen, even if she was...tall.

Very tall.

Very, very tall.

The six-foot-eight woman ducked her head as she stepped through the door, looming over Simon by more than a head and leaving his nose more or less on breast level for her. He stared at them rather brazenly, having a hard time looking away right then, and had to force himself to look up at the teal-and-gray woman's face. She looked down at him with an expression that one might have called curious, or impassive, but it was not giving away anything. She had a sharp sort of muzzle, ending in a pointed hook of a shape, and she cocked her head to the side as she considered him.

She shrugged, then, and started stripping down. He watched without shame as she pulled off her white t-shirt, tossing it over her shoulder like so much trash, followed by her bra. The white fabric came free to reveal a pair of breasts slightly smaller than Kerrin's, but somehow more perky, the nipples harder, too, and more obvious. His cock twitched between his legs as he watched, feeling his own hungers, his own wants and needs rising.

What will I do with you? he thought.

There were many options, many possibilities, and he wasn't sure which he wanted first. All he knew was that there were many ways to enjoy someone like this, and he wanted to try all of them.

Soon, she'd tossed away her jeans, and she stood before him and the other Maids completely naked. Just like Kerrin, she showed no shame in it, though unlike the kitsune, she didn't have the immediately puffy pussy that had shown that she was waiting to be taken and broken in. Instead, she tossed a backpack over her shoulders and onto the ground, pulling out her Maid dress - which she hung against the wall - before pulling out something else. Something more intense.

A collar.

She twirled the leather band around her finger, looking down at him. Simon's breath caught in his throat as she held it out.

"You will use this," she said.

"...Do you...have a name?" he asked.

"Maeve. You will use this. Make me submit."

"You want to fight me?" he asked.

"No," she said, and he bit back a sigh of relief. "But I am a sergal. You will collar me, and show me that you deserve to be followed."


He took the collar from her as she pushed it toward him again, running his other hand down the leash that ran from the band to the floor. It was thick leather, the sort of hardy stuff that you'd normally find on a guard dog in a junkyard or something like that. The idea that she wanted him to collar her, to make use of it with her...

Well, that was actually pretty hot...and the fact that she wanted to be controlled...held tight...

She wants it. She has to want it to offer it, right?

Simon told himself that that was surely the case, and that there was nothing to worry about. Nothing to be concerned about. She wanted this, and that was the long and short of it, and he could do this without crossing lines.

Standing on tiptoe, he wrapped the collar around her neck. With a sharp pull, he dragged it tight and clicked it into place...and then pulled the leash.

She fell on her knees, naked as the day she was born, and stared up at him. Even from there, she was slightly higher than Kerrin would have been, not quite on cock level, but close to it. She looked down at his shaft, then up at him.

"This is your desire, master?" she asked.

"Y-yes," he said, stuttering slightly in his excitement.

"You will have to train me well, if you want me to do this right."

"Oh, I'll train you."

He pulled her by the leash, dragging her in close. The sergal pulled back, not hard, but just enough to put some resistance on the line. She didn't look like she was trying to resist him, but rather seeing what he would do. Seeing if he would take it further.

Oh, if you want that...

With a low growl, Simon gripped the leash tighter and tugged, pulling her right up against him, holding her nose against his sac. She yelped in surprise, only to huff right against his balls, the warm air puffing across his fur. His shaft rose higher, stiffening slightly, and he groaned under his breath.

Looking down at her like this made him feel powerful. It made him feel like he had fully arrived at the height of his influence and wealth and status. The sight of a beautiful Maid at his feet, collared and leashed to him...well, it was enough to keep his cock rock hard, and he groaned under his breath as he imagined just how much fun he was going to have with her over the course of the rest of her employment.

"Clean it," he whispered.


"Clean your master's cock."

With a slight tug, he dragged her from his balls to his cock, and she got to work. Her tongue flicked out, dragging along the underside of his shaft, going from the very base to the very tip. She had a warm tongue, and a wet one, besides, more slippery and spit-covered than either of the other Maids, and he could feel it going from warm to cold as her tongue went higher and higher.

She flicked the tip of his cock, bouncing it up before catching it in her mouth. Without a word, she bobbed her head forward, taking it to the base and holding it there.

Simon bit his tongue, holding back the gasp that wanted to escape, holding his breath as she sucked and swallowed around his cock with ease. She held him there, sucking, swallowing, deepthroating him without even trying, and her tongue danced all over his cock in the most expert cock-cleaning he had ever experienced.

As he groaned, leaning back against the hallway wall with the leash in hand, his other Maids stepped together, muttering to each other. Kerrin had her arms crossed, looking vaguely irritated, while Dylin almost looked...remorseful, if completely hard as a rock.

He kept his head down, paying more attention to Maeve for the moment, but his ears twitched as he listened in.

"This is going to be difficult...I'm not used to sharing," Kerrin said.


"Now that she's here, I'm going to have share him with you and her."


"Can you hear me?"


"What's the matter with you?"

"I just...wish I was there, where she is."

They were surprisingly possessive, he realized. They all wanted him, all wanted to be where Maeve was, and that meant that they were all rather eager to have his cock. The fact that they wanted him like that was a real change for the cat, and he had to admit, it was one that he fully approved of.

If they all want me...

Then that was something that he could play off...and he already had a great idea for tht.

They were in the bedroom, and Dylin had been restrained by the two women, made to kneel at the edge of the bed while the two females leaned over the cat, their mouths hard at work serving his cock. Simon groaned, the black cat rolling his hips up, his cock thrusting into the air again and again at their eager tongues and what they did for him.


And as he groaned, Dylin watched, the blue dragon staring at him and panting softly. His mouth hung open, his cock tented his panties, oozing through the fabric and dripping into a bigger stain.

And all the while, the females were just devouring his cock. He moaned out loud, panting, occasionally dropping his head back to the pillow as they took turns tonguing along the sides of his shaft. Kerrin's narrower tongue, Maeve's thicker one. The kitsune's soft darting laps, and the long, dragged-out licks of the sergal combined to make some serious differences in stimulation, and he loved each one.


He panted and groaned, keeping his hands at his sides, allowing them to serve as they thought best, and they were doing a marvelous job. He had no complaints, and was more than willing to let them lick, lap, and tease as they would.

Even the fact that Kerrin was tormenting the dragon, using her tails to tease his bulge up and down while they got what the dragon wanted, was more than okay with him. Sure, it was a trifle cruel, but that was fine. They were getting him trained to be subservient, to know his place at the bottom, even though he was the first one that had been bought. They were teaching him that the ladies got the cock first, and the dragon would get it when they were done and the master was ready for something different.

Kerrin moaned as she lowered her head to his balls, gently sucking on his robs as Maeve pulled the head of his shaft into her mouth. Bob, suck, bob, suck, each time taking that little bit more of his cock past her lips and into her throat. She was enjoying herself, clearly, and not at all making any effort to hide it. She even smirked around his cock.

And through it all, Dylin whimpered. He stared up at the bed, panting.

"Please...please, Master, let me have a turn," the dragon begged.

"No, not yet."

"Please...I want your cock...I need it..."

"You can wait."

"How long?"

"As long as I say."

"But...please...It's so..."

"The master said wait," Kerrin said.

The female's verbal beratement was enough to silence the dragon, but his cock kept oozing, dripping into his panties, marking him as the bottom of the three Maids. It was a powerful thing to see, and one more little mark for Simon's ego.

I own them.

He ran his hands over the sergal's head, over the kitsune's, forcing them down against his shaft and sac. They were both sucking and licking away, both giving him the best of their service, and he could barely keep his mind on the task at hand. They were giving him all the pleasure that he had ever wanted, all that he had ever imagined. They would do anything that he asked. They would offer him anything that he wanted.

Hell, if he wanted to, he could order them to back their asses up against his cock and ride him together. He could order them to give him a double-titjob. He could make them do anything, and as Maids of the Body, they would do it better than any prostitute could.

He had the right to claim anything that he wanted from them, and they were happy to give it. This...this was the power of wealth. This was what status allowed those at the top of the ladder.

They moaned as they sucked at the head of his cock, popping it back and forth between their mouths, taking their time to really enjoy themselves and enjoy him. He could smell the heat coming from between their legs, their feminine juices rolling from the taste of him. This...this was too much. He couldn't hold back.

With a moan, he arched his back, growling. The two Maids exchanged a look, both glaring at the other, before Kerrin lowered her head and moved out of the way. Maeve all but attacked his cock, shoving it down her throat and swallowing hard.


Simon couldn't take it. He came, and he came hard, spewing his seed right down her throat and into her stomach. She swallowed just as hard, sucking it out of him as if she was desperate for anything that she could get. He panted, shivered, shook from the sheer intensity of how much force she put behind that suction. He could barely breathe through it as her tongue milked and polished his shaft for all it was worth, pulling every droplet that had even started to emerge from his balls down his shaft.

She pulled off, eventually, with a violent suck, and he felt her eyes on him as she did, almost as if pushing him to give her more. The sheer strength of her mouth had been more than he expected, too.

"Ah...ha...ha," he panted, shaking his head. "I need...a moment. You can"

"...Master?" Dylin asked from the corner.

"You, too."

The three Maids looked at him for a moment, and for that split-second, he honestly feared for his safety. They were all strong, perhaps stronger than him, and they were all horned up. They were ready to take what they wanted, if he didn't give it to them, and it was for that moment, that singular, stretched-out moment, that he wondered if he'd made a mistake getting so many Maids of the Body at once.

And then the moment passed. They got to their feet and left the room, and he slumped into his own bed, gasping for breath.

"Holy...holy cow..."

Simon shivered as he looked up at the ceiling. So far, he had been in total control of the three Maids. He had enjoyed them, used them, made it clear that they belonged to him. They were subservient, they were willing to do anything, and that meant that he had all the power that he needed to enjoy himself, right?

But there had been that split second, that moment where the room had changed. Even Dylin, pathetic, low-level Dylin, had felt more like a dragon in that moment than a Maid, as if something was on the verge of breaking through.

Even though the moment had passed without consequence, it left a feeling behind that he didn't know how to handle. He shivered as he leaned back in his own bed, trying to get a hold of his power again, of that feeling of domination and control. That moment where it felt like they were willing to take control, to take over if he let them have so much as an inch, was still on his mind, and he didn't know what he'd do if they actually followed through.

He was just a cat, after all. A cat that had money, a cat that could do a great deal of things with that money, but still just a cat. They were powerful Maids, and he had to remember that. If he didn't give them what they needed, too, they would come for him.

...Maybe I could use some of those stamina supplements...

After lunch, Simon found Dylin in the study of the great mansion. The dragon was in the process of dusting the books towards the far end of the non-fiction section, standing on tiptoes, showing off his ass through his panties. The white fabric was all but see-through after his earlier dribbling, and it was impossible not to see those cheeks as something worth punishing just a little bit.

But it was when the dragon leaned down and stood on his tiptoes still, tail raised, ass swaying to a song that only the little slut could hear, that Simon lost control.


His claws pulled a hole in those panties, and the dragon Maid tumbled over from his shove. Simon followed him down, almost feral in his need, and rammed his cock past those soft, jiggling cheeks.

"Ah! Master!"

Simon barely heard the dragon's moan, more focused on the feeling of that tight little pucker around the head of his cock and the way that it was already sucking his cock past that entrance. He wanted to fuck, and he was going to fucking fuck.

He had a preference for pussy, yes, but that didn't mean that that tight little hole didn't appeal to him. One sharp thrust, and he was inside, the tight rim holding his shaft in a vise-like grip. In, out, in, out, always pulling on him, milking at his cock, pulling him to fuck the curvy dragon that much harder.

Dylin moaned for him, moaned in a way that was louder and somehow more feminine than what the females did. The dragon arched his back, pushing back and thrusting his hips to meet the cat's cock, pulling Simon along in a desperately wanting way. The dragon's tail wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer, but there was nothing romantic there, just a desperate need to be dicked down, to be used and held and broken.

And Simon was more than happy to give the dragon what he wanted. In, out, in, out he went, always hammering in that little bit further, that little bit harder than he needed to. The smacks of their flesh coming together, the jiggle of that ass, the wobble of the curvy Maid under him, made it all the better.

He panted as he leaned forward, pinning Dylin to the ground, his arms over the dragon's shoulders and resting on his hands to support himself. The blue dragon moaned, and he heard the huffing, puffing, panting sound that meant that the blue slut was already getting close to cumming.

"Please...please, Master..."



With barely more than muttered permission, the dragon came in his panties, squirting his load into them and shivering as he did. Simon smirked, enjoying the bit of humiliation that he'd given, only to groan as the spasming inner walls of his little blue bitch pushed him over the edge, too. He groaned, growling through clenched teeth as he came, feeling his own seed splashing back on him from the quick fuck.


It was barely an hour later when he found Kerrin, and she was more forward about it than Dylin had been. She didn't tease. She just looked at him as he entered the dining room, and then sat on the edge of the table and spread her legs. No panties, nothing in his way, just a wet pussy that was already dripping down towards her asshole. She gestured at it with her feather-duster, offering it to him as she spread her stocking-clad legs.

That was all he needed.

It took all of a second to be hilted in her pussy, his hips thrusting in and out, his eyes half-closed as he looked down at the black and white kitsune beneath him. She smiled at him, her mouth curled in a teasing grin, and he only slammed her harder. He shoved his hands down on either side of her, grinding his claws against the table as he pinned her down, her pussy sucking him in with each thrust.

Squelch-slap, squelch-slap went their bodies as they came together, her juices running down his cock and leaving him shivering every time that he pulled out. Her heat was so strong that it made the air around them seem frozen, and he kept slamming in again to feel it again, to be surrounded by that warmth and need.

In, out, in, out, feeling her legs wrapping around him, her stockinged heels pressing against his back. She pulled him in deep and kept him deep, making sure that his cock couldn't pull more than half-out, always keeping his eyes on her.

As he rutted her, as her breasts bounced from his thrusts, she stroked one finger down his chin. She pulled him close, her lips against his for a moment. They kissed, but he never stopped hammering away, never stopped thrusting.

They broke the kiss, and she smiled.

"You're going to...breed me..."


"You're going to fill me up..."


"And give me a baby..."


She pulled him in deep, and the sheer knowledge that she was using him to get pregnant, the fact that she wanted him to breed her that deep, pushed him over the edge. His cock throbbed, pulsed, and then he was over the edge. He ground against her, holding himself in up to the hilt as his balls came up.


He felt every splatter of seed shooting out of his cock, every little pulse and string of cum that was pulled from him in that moment. He gasped for breath as her inner walls clenched down, milking him of every drop, before her legs finally let him go.


Two hours later, an hour before dinner, Maeve had him pinned to the ground. He didn't remember quite how they'd gotten there, but she had been ready for him, and grabbed him, and -

Well, he wasn't sure what had happened after that, but now she had him straddled, pinned, and was riding his cock like there was no tomorrow right there in the hallway. He groaned and gasped by turns depending on how hard she slammed her hips down, his eyes bugging out at the hard ride, but his balls were still full and his cock was more than willing.

"You bred one. Now you will breed two."

That was all she said. Other than that, she was silent save for the occasional groan and moan of her own pleasure. There was no slowing down, no sudden moments of bliss and need. No, it was only that hard ride, the hard rut, the eager fuck that she simply never stopped. Her hands pinned him to the floor, grinding him into the carpet as she ground his cock into her pussy over and over again.

The sergal was impossible to resist, her raw power more than enough to keep him pinned as she used him like a succubus using a mortal meal. Up, down, up, down, keeping him hard, showing off her body at all times, never failing to make sure that he continued to be interested with a hard grip inside and a tight roll of her hips.

"You owe us," she said. "You owe us. You might own us, but that means that you're responsible for taking care of us. So...take care of me...and breed."

Simon didn't have a choice. He held back for a while, letting her cum, and then he was made to do the same.

Months passed, and slowly, the cat started to learn how to take care of everyone without letting the others feel left out. Yes, the females got the majority of his attentions - they were very good at provoking him, after all - but he still attended to Dylin. Somewhat. Sometimes. Enough.

But as the months passed, it became ever more obvious that the females hadn't been kidding about wanting to be bred. Not only had they ensured that he was always fucking their pussies rather than their asses, but they were always ensuring that he got them when they were most in season...and then continuing...and continuing...

Until here they were, four months later, with Maeve and Kerrin both showing with baby bumps in their bellies. They'd kept it hidden for the majority of that time, but today, they finally unveiled what they were doing, much to Simon's surprise and Dylin's displeasure. Rather extreme displeasure, for that matter, as the blue dragon was sulking upon seeing them. The black cat blinked, cocking his head to the side.

"What's wrong with you?"


"Dylin, seriously, what's the matter? You've been angry for a while -"

"I just...want to be like them, Master."

"...Like...well-used -"

"No. Carrying your child!"

The black cat and the two females all looked at one another, then back at the rather decidedly male dragon, their eyebrows arched. It was Kerrin that eventually responded.

"You know you don't have the parts for that, right?" the kitsune said.

"...Doesn't mean I don't wish it was me..."

The two female Maids chuckled, shaking their heads. Simon, on the other hand, reached over and pulled the dragon into a one-armed hug. An awkward one, to be sure, but still a small hug.

"You know, I'll need someone else to take care of me for a while."

"...What do you mean, Master?"

"The females will need to be on lighter duty. At least, where sex is concerned."


"Which means that my cock will be just for you for a while."

The dragon's mouth turned up in a small smile. It wasn't quite a full recovery, but it was something. Simon patted his back, and then his rump.

"Why don't you go get ready in the bedroom, hmm?"

"Yes, master! Of course, master!"

As the blue dragon ran off, the black cat shook his head. The other two Maids were already getting to their feet again, wobbling as they reached for their dusters and tools. He watched them get ready to work, shaking his head again.

"Aren't you going to relax?" he asked.

"We're taught in how to handle this," Kerrin said.

"If a child could slow me down, I wouldn't be sergal," Maeve said.

And just like that, they were gone. Simon stood there in silence, realizing just how fast he had gone from being alone to having a harem and an impending family. They had been so insistent about the breeding that he'd had no choice but to go along with it, but now? Now, he didn't know what would happen. Would they be Maids, as well, born into it and pushed to go along with what their parents had been? Or would they be tied to him, set to inherit whatever he had left when the time came?

What would happen as time went on, and what would he have left with all the money that he had already spent on the Maids...

And why was he tempted to buy even more?

The End

Summary: Simon has a bit of a rough start with yet another new Maid, and quickly finds out what the Maids can demand.

Tags: M/M, M/F, M/F/F, Bondage, Cock Worship, Cat, Sergal, Kitsune, Dragon, Crossdressing, Anal, Vaginal, Impregnation, Cum, Orgasm, Femdom, Oral, Blowjob, Series,