The Kennel: Showtime

Story by Arkham_Beast on SoFurry

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#4 of The Kennel

Now we're back in the present and Ashton is ready to show the audience what he can offer. We also get to meet some big players in the story, down the line, some unsavory ones, too.

Back to the present time.

It was finally his turn on stage. Ashton has been training for this day for four weeks now and was determined to use everything he was taught to make his friends and Faust proud. He heard himself being called onto the stage, he walked up to the audience cheer, which wasn't that enthusiastic since he was a new face, but he'll share they change their tone by the end of his performance.

He looked up and saw Faust watching him from the lounge on the third, V.I.P floor with other important-looking people, the moment he does and saw the wolf giving him an encouraging look, he was filled with this burst of energy that he was pretty grateful for. The music started and he decided to show off his moves from the get-go, taking a couple of steps before turning around and actually did a couple of flips, a few of the audience letting out a loud 'Oooohhh', but when he used that momentum to grab onto the pole, swinging around it once before landing in the front in a sexy and powerful pose, that took the audience by surprise and made them go crazy.

He then began dancing and showing off some serious hip work, the well-defined bulge at the front of his glittering, golden speedo swinging along, almost hypnotizing some of the men closer to the stage. One man, someone maybe in his early or mid-30s came a bit too close to the stage, tongue hanging out and panting like a thirsty stray, Ashton decided to mess with him a bit, undoing the golden ribbon he wore, twirled it around in his hand a couple of times before going down to his knees, right in front of the guy, hooking the ribbon around the man's head and pulling him right into his crotch. That earned a wild cheer from the audience as he ground the man's face against his crotch, feeling every breath the man took.

He kept doing that for about a couple of seconds before gently pushing the man back, standing up and resuming his performance, simply hooking the undone ribbon around his neck, leaving it flapping and flailing in the wind as he moved. So far, the audience was eating up everything he did and showed like starved beasts, and that was a pretty good sign, which gave him one hell of a boost to his confidence, which in turn, made him perform harder and better.

In the V.I.P floor, Faust was in a private viewing room with a few of his friends, a lean, dark grey rat, a buff hyena, a brown-furred bison with a feathery hairpin on the side of his head, and a muscular lion with a smooth mane. He was standing in front of the window wall, watching Ashton's performance, relieved to see the young man's confidence just soaring through the roof, which was clear from the way he moved. "Your new boy is quite the sight, isn't he?" The rat spoke up as he stood beside the wolf. Faust easily towered over everyone in that room, except for the bison who was about the same height but was physically bulkier.

"Indeed he is." He replied, his voice filled with pride.

"I trust he'll he be ready for service soon, then?" The lion asked calmly, slowly swirling the wine in his cup.

"I'd appreciate it if you watch your words when speaking about my boys, Pennywise. They're not slaves, unlike yours." Faust replied just as calmly, but the way his eyes changed made it clear that he wasn't pleased with the lion's tone. "And he won't be doing any 'service', not any time soon anyway."

"And that's why you always take so long, yet still end up with a bunch of weaklings. You coddle and spoil them." Martin Pennyworth, or Pennywise as Faust calls him to mock him, placed his wine on the table and stood up, making his way to stand on the wolf's other side. "You need a firmer hand, snap their brittle spines into shape if you have to. Yet every time I see them, all I see is a bunch of spoiled brats."

"I don't tell you how to handle your boys, Pennywise, so don't think you can tell me how to handle mine."

"I have to agree with Faust on this one, Pennyworth." The bison, Luka Alberman, finally spoke up to give his own piece of mind. "It's true, he'll be required to work the full extent of his responsibilities sooner or later, but tossing him to the wolves, no offense Clawson, is not the way to go about it."

"I third that sentiment." The hyena, Kane 'Gnoll' Rube, took a long swing of his wine before continuing. "Gotta ease 'em in, ya know. A happy employee, equals a happy client, equals a happy boss, simple equation. Everyone wins!"

"Since we're on the topic..." The rat, Kazuma Simons, licked his lips hungrily as he looked at the still performing canine on stage. "You mind if I... have a little taste of him?" But one look from Faust made him raise his hands in defense. "Alright, alright. No need to be all menacing like that."

"My boys are not snacks..." Faust said as he looked at the rat. "And certainly not toys." Looking at the lion. "They'll work when they're ready." He finished by taking a long swing of his wine until the cup was empty. "And if you try anything behind my back, there will be hell to pay." He firmly placed the cup on the table as he made to leave the room, he knew how Pennyworth and Simons operated and he didn't want them anywhere near his boys. Professional setting or otherwise. "Enjoy the rest of the night, gentlemen. I have a sweet boy to congratulate and welcome." Then left, almost slamming the door behind him.

Back on stage, the music was reaching its climax and so was Ashton's performance, He did a few twirls on the pole in synch with the music, finishing his set by doing a small spin, snapping his speedo right off, sliding on his knees to the front of the stage, and spreading his arms wide apart. The music ended and so was his set, but that only made way for the roaring cheers and hollers of the audience, they loved him, they loved what he gave them, he decided to leave them a present so he held his torn speedo and tossed over to them, the very same lucky man that got to close to the stage was the one that caught, instantly, and quite shamelessly, covered his face with it and began inhaling Ashton's musk like a drug.

Walking backstage as he bid his audience farewell, he was met with cheers and congratulations from his co-workers, especially Ruckus and Sarge, who were the very first two to be there. "That was AWESOME, bro! That way you started with that backflip and swing. You had them locked in from step-fucking-one!" Sarge was pretty giddy and excited for Ashton.

"Knew you had it in ya, man! Come 'here, you!" Ruckus pulled him in for a tight hug, adding a few firm pats to the back, once he released him, the others came over to give their own congratulations and praise for such a performance.

But suddenly everything died down as Faust walked in, the others stepping aside as he made his way over to the beagle. He stood in front of Ashton for a good few seconds... but then smiled and picked him up by his thighs. "Welcome aboard, sweetheart!" That one announcement was the highlight of the night for everyone.

Except for a handful few who stood in the back, far away from all the celebrities, which included a slim, red fox wearing a kimono with flowery motif, a muscular grey wolf wearing a punkish outfit with lots of spikes and chains, including a leather jacket with a fur-rimmed hoodie, and Clay, the tall and buff samoyed/wolf hybrid that worked as the backstage bouncer, for most nights. The wolf scoffed in amusement, twirling one of the chains on his jacket. "He won't last long. Not when he starts working for real."

"Hmph. I'd give pretty boy a month, if not less." The fox claimed in a haughty manner before walking away, followed soon by the wolf who put his hoodie on.

Clay stood in his place, watching the others clamoring around Ashton. He just let out a small huff through his nose, muttering 'Gold digger' under his breath before heading back to his previous station.

Once everyone calmed down, most of them went back out to the main floor to resume their table-waiting duties, Ashton included, while the dancers went back on stage to do some light performances. Pretty much everyone recognized the beagle once he began working the tables, frequently and plentifully showered with praise and adoration, also had quite a sum of tips slipped into his work thong, of course, there were those who were a bit too clingy or too drunk, or a mixture of both who tried to 'get fresh' with Ashton until one of the bouncers had to intervene. Otherwise, the night was pretty delightful.

That night, the club closed early, and everyone gathered in Faust's house for one big party to properly welcome Ashton aboard. Everyone was either loosely dressed, have some form of swimwear on, or just outright naked, junk food, snacks, videogames, loud music, and lots of sex, all around.

Ashton was having the time of his life! He went to a lot of parties before but all of them were these posh, snobby gatherings of everyone just acting all high and classy while flashing and gloating about their riches, their jobs, etc, etc, and it just left him with that 'Ugh' feeling, made him sick to his stomach at times. So this... this was what a party is supposed to be, with everyone having fun all around, no mention or worry about backgrounds, their upbringing, all of that nasty stuff, just fun and laughter all night long.

He was now playing some videogames with a few others, taking turns on the controller every round, wasn't his turn so he settled for watching, he took a curious glance around to see what else he could do... until his eyes noticed Faust standing with a grey wolf wearing a leather jacket with a furred hoodi a good distance away from the others, almost hidden from view, from their body language and expressions, it seems that Faust was... reprimanding the other wolf, and the guy had that blatant and obvious 'Yeah. And?' face and stance. Seems like whatever Faust was saying was going into one ear and out the other.

Soon enough, the grey wolf had enough, pulling up his head and just stomping away, Faust tried following but the guy was walking so fast, it almost looked like he was jogging right out the door. Faust himself just rubbed at his face, pinched his nose bridge, and stood there for a few seconds... then silently made his way upstairs. "That was Bruce." Ashton's attention was brought back by Junji, the shiba inu, speaking beside him. "From what I've been told, and seen, the guy is nothing but trouble. Don't know much aside from that, but I'd stay as far away from the guy if I were you." Junji was also a newcomer, like Ashton, but he had his 'test day' way before he did.

"He's wild and unpredictable, gotta be kept on a constant leash by Faust, otherwise he'd fly off and do something weird, stupid, dangerous, or a mix of all three." That was Sarge coming over from the pool and leaning on the couch between the two. "Everytime he's in the picture, Faust has his hands full, that's for sure." He gave a small shrug. "But, can't deny his skills on stage and in the service rooms, he's got quite the list of regular clients and he knows how to work the audience."

Ashton just nodded along, but his attention was brought back to the game by one of the others crying out in anger, clearly losing this round, everyone had a laugh at that, even the guy started laughing once he calmed down. Aside from that little scene between Faust and Bruce, everything went pretty smoothly, he ate a lot of junk food, drank a lot of beer, got a little tipsy, played some pool games with the others, before ending the night with a mini-orgy, that part was kinda fuzzy, but it was hella fun regardless.

A couple of hours later, Ashton woke up on the bed of one of the rooms in the house, completely naked, others laying about the room, just as naked. The place was littered with lube bottles, condom packets, used condoms, cum stains, and the room reeked to high heavens. Ashton actually made a small gagging noise and had to cover his mouth for a second or two... then he practically raced out of the room as his stomach began acting up in all the wrong ways.

After relieving his stomach from the nasty contents it had, he stood under the shower to wash up real quick, feeling up his sore ass and feeling the mini-waterfall of cum trailing down his thighs, which was both a nasty and a good feeling, considering the events of that night, but he regardless how fun everything was, no one likes that next morning crust... well, maybe a select few, but to each their own. It took a while, but he managed to empty himself out and wash away the cum coating over his body, he walked out of the bathroom clean, fresh... and very awake. "Great, now I won't be able to sleep again."

He looked around for a bit, but decided to leave the room, making sure not to step on any feet or tails, closing the door behind him, still pretty naked, everyone has seen him naked at that point, so he wasn't worried about it. He then remembered Faust and how he left the party early... he didn't come back down after that, that got him a bit worried so he decided to go check on the wolf. He wasn't in his room, so that left the office, Ashton knocked on the door once... no response, he was about to knock a second time. "Enter." He quietly opened the door and stepped in, Faust was wearing nothing but his robe, looking through some things on his computer, his eyes almost hollow from fatigue, a half empty bottle of wine sitting on the desk.

That sight alarmed Ashton a bit. "Faust..."

The wolf looked up and mustered up his best smile. "Ash! The boy of the hour!" He stood up from his seat and walked around the desk. "How are you do-whoa!" He got a bit unsteady on his feet and almost toppled over if he didn't steady himself on the desk. Ashton was instantly by his side, holding him up. "Guess I... phew... had a few too much to drink."

"I'll say... Come on, let's get you to bed..." Ashton began pulling him along.

But Faust resisted a bit. "W-wait! Wait. I got-gotta check on some things first..."

"No, you are coming to bed with me. Right now!" And Ashton began pulling harder, almost trying to pull a stubborn, feral bull.

"Ash~!" Faust let out this whiny sound, but relented in the end and allowed himself to be pulled along.

Once in Faust's bedroom, Ashton helped him pull off the the wolf's robe and helped him into bed, cuddling close to him. "Your work will be there when you wake up. You need to rest." Then pulled the covers over both of them.

Faust let out a tiny hum before pulling Ashton close to himself, giving him a small peck on the head. "You're such a sweetheart, you know that?"

"So I've been told~" Ashton gave a peck of his own to the wolf's lower jaw. "Now close your eyes and relax. Everything will be better tomorrow." He barely finished that sentence when he began hearing the wolf's soft breathing, already knocked out and sleeping away. Ashton just smiled and rested his head on the wolf's chest, soon falling asleep as well.

The next morning, the house was less noisy, but still had plenty of action with everyone waking up and dealing with some powerful hangovers, yet there was still some fun, affection, and cute and sexy, homoerotic shenanigans going on. Upstairs, Faust's eyes fluttered open, letting out a groan as he stretched his body... and felt something wet on his balls. He lifted up the covers and there was Ashton, giving those heavy balls of his a proper tongue wash first thing in the morning. "You're so sweet, you know that?"

"So I've been told~" Ashton gave him a small wink, then began working on the shaft, taking things slow as he wanted to please the wolf as much as possible.

"Fuuuck, that magnificent tongue!" The wolf exclaimed loudly, hands over his eyes as his sight became blurry for a second. "Wait, hold up!" He gently, but urgently pushed the beagle away before tossing the covers away, then stood up and made his way to the bathroom. Ashton could hear the wolf retching out the contents of his stomach into the toilet, guess he wasn't immune to morning hangovers, which made the beagle chuckle a bit.

Unfortunately, that kinda ruined the mood for the wolf, so they settled with showering together before heading downstairs to join the others, still naked. "Alright, boys! Attention please!" He called out loudly while clapping his hands, receiving a few pained groans here and there. "Since Ash here will be joining us-" That got a few quiet and tired cheers. "He'll be living in the dorm house with all of ya. I expect you to treat him well and show him the ropes. I'll also leave his room assignment for you to decide as well." He gave another, louder clap, just to get under their skin. "That is all. You boys enjoy your day, I have a few things to deal with, so I won't be available for a few hours, perhaps even for the whole day." With that, he gave Ashton a quick swat to his rear before walking back upstairs, this time to his office, no doubt.

Ashton sat with the others, grabbed some leftover snacks and drinks, and began talking with the others. The dorm house is this huge building that's a short drive from Faust's house, also owned by the wolf, it's mostly for his boys and employees exclusively, but he allows others to stay there for a time as well, mostly men from other, similar clubs and or establishments that he knows the owners of.

Of course, Reggie and Chi-Chi were the first to pipe up, wanting to room with Ashton, but the rooms could only hold two at a time and they were already sharing one. Ruckus already had a roommate, most of the others did really, a few didn't want roommates, or didn't want Ashton as a roommate, although that last part was a bit discretely mentioned. "Well, I'm not rooming with him." Although someone was not afraid to admit that, pretty loudly.

"And why's that, Rito?" Ruckus asked in a slightly angry tone, already not liking where this is going.

The red fox, Rito Avant, replied blatantly. "One: I need my space. Two: Pretty boy here won't last long once the real work starts, so putting him in a room would be a waste of space. Just toss him in the lounge and be done with it."

"Why you little-" Ruckus got up right in the fox's face, the latter unphased by the canine's angry expression. "You forget your place, you pampered bitch. If Faust was here he would've smacked that attitude right outta your ass."

"Oh please, we both know Daddy Faust won't do anything." Rito was so smug and so confident when he spoke, making a show of checking his nails where were polished and painted in pretty bright colors. His voice and body language screaming 'haughty rich girl'. "I am one of the best employees around, so it's only natural that he'd want to keep me around and happy. Besides, everyone here knows that Faust isn't the type to raise his hand, especially against us." That got some hushed murmurs of agreement from the others, even though many didn't like the fox's attitude. "So excuse me if I'm calling bullshit on that one, honey."

"He might be, but I ain't"

"Alright, that's enough." Sarge had to step in at that time, because he knew Ruckus was not above decking someone if they get on his nerves and Rito was intentionally pressing all the wrong buttons. "How about this: There's plenty of empty rooms in the complex, we put Ashton in one and let him decide if he wants to room with anyone afterwards, agreed?" That got another round of murmured agreements. "Good. Ashton?"

"Yeah, that's fine by me." Ashton then stood up and turned Rito with an unsettling smile. "Rito, was it?"

"That's Mr. Avant, to you, pup." Again with the snappy, response.

"Yeah, don't really care." That got a shocked look from the fox and a few others. "I came from a pretty posh and snobbish, but insecure family, so I know the signs of someone who is afraid of competition." Some of the looks of shock started morphing into small smiles of amusement. "You're reaction to my presence only confirmed my thoughts."

"I'm not afraid of you!" Rito sat up with his tail fluffing up in irritation.

"Yeah right." He took a deep breath, smile still on his face, and pressed the tips of his fingers together. "If anyone is trying to put others down, that's just them trying to prevent others from realizing how great they are, or could potentially be, because they are afraid that those very same people could take their place at the top... or which ever place they hold dear to them."

Then he got right up in Rito's face. "So, all of this banter right now? I'm taking as a compliment, because it only confirmed that you, 'Princess Hot Stuff', think of me, the fresh newbie enough of a threat to do all that. How is that for 'Pretty Boy', honey?"

Silence for a solid few seconds... then all of a sudden. "OH SNNNAAAAPPP!!!" Someone called out pretty loudly, followed by roaring laughter and cheers from the beagle. Which clearly left the fox pretty miffed, but he just scoffed and walked away.

"You boy, are something else?" Sarge said as he held Ashton in a headlock.

"Was it too much? I think it kinda was."

"Nah, bro. Little princess had it coming for a looong time." A poodle with black skin and dark grey fur, wearing a couple of golden chains around his neck, replied.

Rito was just in a huffy mood as he grabbed his clothes and walked out of the house, not even bothering to get dressed. "Got your ass handed to ya, huh?" He quickly turned around in alarm, but calmed down once he saw it was just Bruce, wearing a wide and amused look on his face.

"Pretty boy will get what's coming to him. No one talks to Rito Avant like that and gets away with it." He poked hard at the grey wolf's chest to drive his point in. "Mark *poke* My *poke* Words. *poke*" And then walked away to his car, finally deciding to get dressed before getting in and driving away, the tires screeching pretty loudly against the pavement before the vehicle moved forward.

"Guess the little pup has some fangs after all." Bruce mused to himself before looking into the living room through one of the windows, licking his lips menacingly. "Let's how long before they're plucked."

A couple of days later.

Ashton, Sarge, and Ruckus have put the last of their luggage in the pitbull's car, Faust coming out to meet them. "Everything packed up?"

"Sure is." Sarge assured as he closed the trunk. "Everything's ready over their as well."

"Gonna miss you, daddy~" Ruckus walked over to the wolf and gave him a tight hug, which Faust returned.

"Hey now, you'll get to see me regularly. My home is open for all of you whenever you like." He lifted his head to look over at Ashton. "That now includes you, Ash. No need to be a stranger.

"Of course. Thank you for giving me this awesome chance, and I promise to repay you somehow."

"You take care of yourself, work hard and do your job right. And consider it paid." He gave him a wink before stepping back a bit. "But, I better not keep you. Traffic's gonna be a bitch soon."

The others agreed, but not before each shared a brief kiss with the wolf, then they finally hopped in and drove away, Ashton feeling a bit down as he saw the wolf's house moving further and further away, close to being in tears actually. "Don't worry, he's always around when we need him. No need to look sad." Sarge assured him as he gave the beagle's thigh a couple of reassuring pats. That made Ashton smile a bit again, he knew things will be very different, and mostly difficult, going forward, but he also knew that, if anyone, Faust was going to be there for him and the others, all the way.

The Kennel: Shopping Spree

3 weeks ago Ashton was with Ruckus in the living room of Faust's home wearing nothing but a t-shirt and tank top respectively as well as some briefs, playing a light-hearted party video game of sorts, both of their ears twitching as they heard the...

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The Kennel: First Encounter

4 weeks ago. "You've got to be kidding me..." Ashton practically gawked as the mansion was coming into view once they were out of the long road from the main gates. The place didn't have much in height, maybe two floors max, but it was pretty wide and...

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The Kennel: Introductions

Welp, this was the night. Ashton's first shift at the Kennel, he just parked in the employee parking lot and was already a nervous wreck, his hands faintly, but visibly shaking at this point. The beagle looked at himself in the rearview mirror of his...

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