The Heroine of the Waterways

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Dorbrica, a hero of the people, takes a swim to try and remove a cursed object from the city's canal system. It doesn't go well.

Commissioned by Lorvianne

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The Heroine of the Waterways

For Lorvianne

By Draconicon

Dorbrica was one of the only heroes in the city to have any real comfort with the water. The others were either the land-based animals that ran to and fro through the streets after the more minor crimes, or the avian-based ones that flitted through the air after the more dangerous criminals and supers. Perhaps there was another water-based hero, an aquatic that had some fish-based features, but she had not seen them if that was the case.

The orca-bird sat at the edge of the city canal system, looking down at the filtration device that was all that kept the corruption and parasites and worse from getting out of the canal and into the city's water system. She could make out all kinds of cursed plants and worse that lined the interior of the concrete system, and it only got worse the further from the filter that the water went. By the time that it joined the rest of the city's canal system going to the lake in the middle of the city, it was all but black, darkened with the curse that had stricken it the month before last.

Goes to show what regular maintenance does, she thought, dangling her legs over the edge of the concrete wall. If we'd just fixed this last month, we'd still have waterways for the city.

Instead, the city was stitched together with black lines that ran from one end to the other, blocking bridges and pulling anyone that came too close to the edge into the water to be cursed. She was half-sure that most of the missing persons' reports were probably just people that had been sucked down into the nothingness down there.

"You sure that you can do this?"

Dorbrica looked over her shoulder, her eyeridge going up at the stupid question. Her wolf handler shook his head.

"Look, it's serious. That stuff's deadly to most of us."

"Not deadly," she said, turning to look at it again. "But I'll bet you that some people wish it was."

"Regardless. It's still dangerous."

"Yes, but I can handle it. All I have to do is get to the lake, put this on the cursed artifact -" She held up a little talisman, a sphere on a wire that was wrapped around her wrist. "And then we're done. The whole thing's taken care of."

"...Yeah, but you have to get there. Underwater."

"Well, unless you can get a submarine dropped in here, that's the only option." She chuckled ruefully. "Well, time to earn my paycheck."

And with that, she dropped into the water. As soon as she did, she could feel the corruption from the curse eating away at her costume, working at it like acid and stripping the rubber layers from her back and chest. It wouldn't be long before the whole thing was consumed, and considering that she didn't want to be putting on a show for the whole city, she needed to get moving.

Kicking off and using her tail for extra thrust, she swam into the darkness. Almost instantly the plants started following her, tracking her. This far out, they were too small to reach her as she stayed in the center of the canal, but she knew that would change the further towards the lake she got. She kicked her legs a little harder, narrowing her eyes to find every speck of light beneath the surface.

As the bubbles of her passage fell behind, she could almost hear the sound of other swimmers in the canals ahead. Whether they were corrupted citizens that had been pulled into the water or the parasites that had been fished free earlier that month, it wasn't something that she could afford to waste time with.

Dorbrica ducked under the thrashing in the water she could feel above, but as soon as she passed, she could 'feel' them chasing after her. Something long and ribbon-like was on her tail, which meant that they were the parasites, not the converted, corrupted people. That was something. She was allowed to hurt those.

Not yet, though. She followed the current, letting it lead her forward and only using her tail to keep distance between her and the parasites. They were about four body-lengths back, as far as she could tell, and that was pushing it. Any closer and she wouldn't have room for a mistake.

A little faster...a little further...

She kicked one leg -


Only for one of the plants on the canal floor to snap her ankle. She spun around, almost falling to the bottom of the canal, kicking her other leg for stability. She 'felt' the parasites coming, and thrashed her tail, swimming deep. They passed overhead as she swam for the weeds that had caught her leg.

The plant had a tight grip, but she had a knife. She pulled it free from her waist, feeling the corruption in the water still working through her uniform. One nipple was exposed, now, and the other nearly was. Her legs were bare, and the costume was barely holding in the crotch. Any second now, that was going to give way, and she'd be exposed from head to belly and from toe to crotch.

And the parasites were still coming.

She cut the plant, leaving a shackle of plant material around her ankle, then kicked up and away. The parasites had reversed course, coming her way again, but this time they were fighting the current. She managed to swim past them, pushing through, one of them barely managing to grab onto her chest. She bit her lips as it started sucking on her exposed nipple, doing her best to pay more attention to where she was going than to what she was feeling.

With the parasites hot on her tail, she put on a little more speed. She'd hoped to save that energy for the lake, but with what was chasing her, she couldn't afford another slip. The water had already taken most of her uniform, and now -


Bubbles slipped past her beak as she felt the water finally reach her sex. Cold as it was, the water was a shock to her system, but...not unpleasant. The water's corruption was hitting her, though, trying to get her to accept the curse that bubbled through the lake and all the connected waters.

Faster. Faster.

She pushed herself hard, dragging herself through the water until she reached the end of the canal. The parasite was still latched to her chest, sucking and pulling at her nipple and distracting her regularly. The pleasure was an annoyance, one that occasionally broke her swim pattern and stride, and she could feel some of her juices staining and warming the water in her wake.

Leaving a trail for them, no doubt.

But she'd reached the lake, and that was the important thing. The current no longer pulled her along, which meant that she had to swim properly, and worse, there was no easy way to the surface. She didn't have gills, which meant that she was relying on holding her breath, and the surface was clogged with all kinds of oily muck, something that the curse had made worse. She had to end it, and fast.

She had a feel for corruption and wrong-ness in the world, and she could feel the strongest source of it on the lake-bed. She had to get down there before the parasites caught her. Kicking her legs, she descended.

All around her were corrupted plants, and the closer she got, the more that they turned in the darkness towards her warmth. They stretched out for her limbs, trying to find one to grab onto, and more than one came dangerously close to finding her arm. Another nearly grabbed her ankle, and she would have missed it were it not for the tickling touch of it dragging along her toes for a moment.

With her uniform completely gone, she felt exposed, much more exposed than she normally would be. Her body was heating up, warm against the cold water, and she was still dripping down below. She shook her head, swished her tail about -

Only to miss one of the other plants. Dorbrica yelped, bubbling under the water as the undersea vine yanked her down, pulling her through the darkness towards the lake-bed. Other strands found her other leg, and still more swept up between her thighs, pressing against her sex and -


She could feel them pulling her legs further and further apart, binding them just before she hit the mud of the lake-bed. She had her tail grabbed, pulled up and over her head, and she grimaced as she looked ahead. The source of the curse was so close now, nearly in reach. All she had to do was -

The wriggling pressure of a parasite pressed against her sex. Her eyes went wide, feeling it pushing back and forth, almost inside of her, and then actually inside of her. She couldn't bring her arms back without risking them being trapped, too, even as she felt it worming further and further into her sex, pushing towards her womb without warning and without mercy.

Other parasites arrived, the long, ribbon-y things surrounding her. One went to her other hole, grinding on her pucker, while the first continued to wiggle its way deeper into her, grinding past any clenching hold that she attempted to get on it. There was no slowing it down, no holding it back, and the further it went, the more that she heated up. It carried the raw corruption of the lake, and she could not fight against it.

She clenched her beak, flailing around. The cursed object was in reach. If she could just find it, she'd be safe again. If she could just -

It pushed against the entrance of her womb, and her mouth fell open, her air escaping her. The heat spread through her like an inferno, setting every part of her aflame with some strange need. And as it did, she could feel another parasite finding her lips. She tried to close her mouth, to clench her beak shut, but it was too late. It was already sliding into her, and as it did, she could feel it changing her. The same rubber skin that the corrupted citizens had shown after their exposure began to spread across her face, flooding out of her mouth and - she realized - from between her legs.


But yet, so far. The parasites claimed her, one more individual added to their ranks.

The End

Summary: Dorbrica, a hero of the people, takes a swim to try and remove a cursed object from the city's canal system. It doesn't go well.

Tags: F/solo, hybrid, orca, bird, hero, underwater, corruption, parasites, danger, infestation, inside, transformation, nudity,