Housepets: Overactive Imaginations

Story by Owletron on SoFurry

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#5 of Housepets! Fanfics

Hinted at in this comic, Peanut gets his first date with Grape. He's forced to grapple with his imagination-and his feelings for Tarot.

All of the characters are pretty horny in this one.

A prequel to Hearts, Minds, & Dicks. Read whichever first.

Chapter 1

Peanut watched snowy front lawns pass them by through the window. He would have appreciated how tempting all of the fresh powder looked, but yesterday bothered him.

He had been sitting with Tarot in her kitchen. He fidgeted, unable to get comfortable in the wooden chair. "What were you going to do?" she finally asked.

"I've been thinking about that... I guess I was going to ask her if she wanted to go ice skating."

Her eyes stayed on her green crystal. As he understood it, it let Tarot see things more clearly. But the pomeranian's eyes were focused; she had a frown on her face. Every day, even a hint of her old powers became harder to find.

"Sounds like you two will have some fun," Tarot said.

He held onto his breath for a moment. "You're okay not coming?"

She squinted. The foggy crystal refused to go clear. "Well, yeah. It's not like you guys are going to do something. If you were, you probably wouldn't be telling me you're going on a date."

"Do something?" Peanut repeated.

Tarot looked up, over her shoulder. "Yeah, like what we did last night? You... made a mess on me."

The dog's tan snout went red. "I didn't mean to!"

"I forgive you," she mumbled, only to keep tapping on her crystal.

The sound brought him back to the present. Grape drummed the cushion between them with her claws. She looked at Peanut, and he glanced back. But he quickly looked away.

"We're picking you up at eight, right?" Mr. Sandwich asked.

"Yep," Grape said, still watching the dog. Part of her just wanted Peanut to blurt out everything, tell dad that "Oh, by the way, this is actually a date! I'm going on a date with Grape, but it's okay because we're obviously not related. Don't make it weird!"

But Peanut stayed quiet. His ears focused on outside the window as much as his eyes did.

Then again, their mom and dad didn't really have to concern themselves with the latest pet gossip. Sometimes it was nice to have that separation, even if it meant they couldn't always be transparent. They didn't need to know about how she was spending about a quarter of her funds on condoms for Max, or about the shady cats they had to meet up with in an alleyway to get them. So maybe they didn't need to know about her and Peanut's journey into interspecies romance... if it ever went that far.

Peanut glued his face to the glass, watching a squirrel jump from branch to branch. His snout smeared across as they drove past it.

Grape snorted. "Promise me you won't chase any squirrels when we're on the ice."

Peanut finally looked right at her. "But what if they're on the ice too?"

She squinted at him, smiling in a way that remained between them.

Mr. Sandwich turned the car sharply into a parking lot. People gathered inside a large wooden building. It stood next to a pond of ice that filled the gap in the mall's parking lots. "You have the money I gave you?" he asked.

Peanut jerked himself in a panic. Grape felt along the inside of her scarf. "Yup."

But all the canine saw was her reveal an extra inch of fur, and for a split second, it looked to him that she was ready to remove it entirely. Grape noticed him gawking at her. "Uh, you good?"

"Yeah, it's just--you're really pretty," he muttered.

"Okay dad, see you at eight!" Grape said. She shoved Peanut out of the car with her.

"Have fun!" he called.

They watched the car drive off. "Peanut," Grape said with a fake smile. "What are you doing saying that in front of dad?"

"I just, well..." The canine looked at her, then away to the side, then at her, then the side again.

Grape grumbled through her lips. "Come on."

They were surrounded by people, some children, some pets. No one paid them much attention. Grape spied the long line to rent some skates and dragged them to the end of it.

"But you are pretty," he said.

"Yes, Peanut," she sighed. She didn't speak again until they moved ahead to another spot in line. "You know I don't try very hard to make myself come off feminine. I guess I did brush my eyelashes back."

"I noticed that!"

Grape looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "Did you ever get over the idea of dating me when you started with Tarot?"

Peanut stood up taller to defend himself, but noticed Grape seemed more amused than anything else. "I like Tarot a lot. She's smart, and she can be really fun once she relaxes..." Peanut looked up at the building's exposed rafters. "But I never stopped wishing we were like that too."

Grape tried not to blush, holding her paws behind her back.

They reached the front of the line. The feline had a lie ready. Grape got on her tiptoes, an arm on the counter with cash in her paw. "Hey, our owners told us to get some skates."

The teenager looked back with a blank expression. "Uh-huh. As long as you have the money. What sizes?"

Skates swayed in their paws by the laces. They sat down on a wooden bench, as far from the nearest human as they could. Peanut scowled, struggling to undo the strings so his footpaw would fit.

"Why are they so..." Peanut trailed off. He was forced back to a couple nights ago.

Tarot moaned in that way of hers. It sounded like she didn't want to, but she couldn't help it. The squeaks of pleasure found their way out of her muzzle on their own, seeping into the walls around them. Most of the lights were off. He humped her deep from on top, balls rubbing along her fluffy tail, and his tongue sticking out, panting. The jerks of his hips pressed his knot against her, her flesh tingling, preventing all but the most forceful thrusts from tying the smaller dog properly.

"Good--good boy, Peanut!"

"Oh dog. You're so tight!" he moaned.


Peanut shook his head. Grape was looking at him. "Yeah?" he said.

"Did you need help with those?"

"Oh. Sure."

Grape kept watching his face. Her sharp claws slipped between the laces, loosening them.

"You'd tell me if you're having a panic attack, right? This is supposed to be a way to relax."

"I know," Peanut said. "But if this is a date..."

Untying his laces, she backed up, waddling on her skates. She sat back down next to him. "But we've done things together a million times; we just didn't call it a date."

Despite being designed for dogs, Peanut's skates fit terribly. He tied the laces tight anyway. "I still want it to be kind of special."

"Well, we are kind of special," Grape mused.

They went through another set of doors and merged in with the crowd on the ice. The pond was roped off into a large circular track. Grape glided to the middle of the lane, and she turned back to find Peanut struggling to keep his skates underneath him. His arms flailed, outstretched. Grape held out a paw and managed to keep both of them steady.

"You've skated before, haven't you?" she asked.

Peanut watched his footpaws closely. "I'll get used to it," he said.

Drifting forward, they started making their way around the pond in a large circle. Humans blew past them, gusts of icy wind greeting their furs. But Grape's paw was warm in his, their digits interweaving, brown then purple then brown... Even though he had regained control of his skates, he didn't want to go his own way quite yet.

"How are you feeling?" Grape asked.

"Good," Peanut shrugged.

"Good, cause," Grape dropped his paw, "I think we can go faster."

The feline lunged against the ice for a few strikes, distancing herself. People weaved in and around them. The dog pushed to catch up, trying to keep within range to talk to her.

He raised his voice. "What did Max say about our--?" he cut himself off, noticing everyone around them.

"Max? He, well, I told him I was going out with you. But I think he just thought I meant 'out,' not, you know," Grape let Peanut catch up so she didn't have to yell. "'Out on a date.' And I may have neglected to elaborate, but."

"Shouldn't you?" Peanut said.

"But what about you?" Grape said. "What did you tell Tarot?"

Peanut pushed ahead, skating faster. "I told her it was a date, but... I guess it was the same sort of thing!"

"Hey, wait up! What's that supposed to mean? Tarot knows what a date is."

Grape flew around him, sliding into place on the other side of him with a studious look on her face.

"I mean, she trusts us."

The feline slid into a rhythm, right foot then left, hardly watching where she was going. When they got to a quiet patch of ice, she asked, "do you think Max will be upset?"

Peanut's ears perked up, looking at her for a few seconds. "I'm not sure, but I hope not."

Grape grit her teeth. "That's very encouraging."

"I don't know Max as well as you do!"

Grape started skating out of their corner. "I'm sure it's fine. Max will understand. It's not like we're-anyway. Let's worry about it later!"

"We're what?" Peanut called.

She sped up again, darting around some people. Peanut raced to keep up, his paws stretched out in case the ice decided it wanted to meet his face. But he mostly thought about his question left unanswered. Grape had told him before they were more than best friends, but were they even more now? Or was she talking about something else?

Grape looked at him, skating backwards. Her tongue stuck out, teasing him. She jumped and flipped back around, stumbling for a second.

The blush was still on his face. "That was awesome!" Peanut said.

"I have a few good moves," Grape said back.

They skated in mostly silence, interjected by giggling. Grape occasionally pulled another stunt to keep herself entertained, and Peanut watched with awe. They were keeping up with the people around them now. Her scarf flew back behind her, waving like an extra tail. His back paws ached, and his face hurt, both from the cold and from smiling.

The cat rounded the corner, giving the dog a look to be sure he was looking back. She lifted herself onto one foot, gradually raising it. Her tail raised along with her leg, and Peanut saw her crotch in plain view: a thin crease, hidden in fluffy pastel fur.

Peanut's jaw clamped, his eyes wide. It wasn't the first time he'd seen her bits, but he had never given them much thought until now. Thoughts wandering off, he finally looked where he was going and screamed.

Grape looked back to see her date careen into a snowbank. She swiveled around, dodging nearby skaters. "Peanut!"

His voice came back muffled by the bank of snow he found himself in. "I'm okay!"

Grape knelt down beside him. She looked over her shoulder to see people staring at them as they went past. "Then get up," she said.

"This snow is pretty comfortable, actually," he mumbled again.

She rolled her eyes, flipping him around. "Come on."

Peanut grit his teeth.

"Peanut..." she paused, looking at him all over. "You are covered."

Peanut sighed, brushing himself off. Grape helped with a few swipes of her paw.

But she stood up. "Let's go."

Peanut watched her leave. "Just a minute."

In his thoughts, Grape hadn't walked away. She stayed knelt down in front of him, saying something sly, a few fingers playing with his snowy sheath. Heart racing, he did another lap of the pond before looking for her.

Chapter 2

The green glass grew heavier in her stubby paws the longer she thought about it. She kept looking back, hoping for something to change. And then, through all of the clouds of green, an image began to crystallize.

Update complete

"Finally!" Tarot called out.

Sabrina lifted her head up from her chair. "I don't know if you should be doing this."

"What? I'm not allowed to know what my boyfriend is doing?"

The black cat raised an eyebrow at her. She let the OuijaPad fall to her lap, the triangular stylus still wiggling around on its own. Tarot's lips scrunched. She shook her head. "Don't look at me like that."

"But you know what he's doing. He's at the mall with her."

Tarot flicked her claw between menus, the power imbued in the tablet illuminating her eyes green. "But Peanut sounded worried, and now I'm worried, and I can't stop thinking about it."

Sabrina's eyes drifted back to her Pad. "I don't know, but I think Peanut couldn't keep much from you."

"But with Grape, are you sure? I mean, with you and Fido, did you...?"

Sabrina looked cross. "Are you suggesting I have some special intuition on Peanut and Grape because I'm dating a canine?"

Tarot pretended to be doing something on the green tablet to hide more of her face from her friend. "Not exactly like that, but I guess."

"Really Tarot, what's the worst that could happen?"


Peanut's tail wouldn't stop wagging. His jaws released a panting tongue.

"Grape, please, you're going to make me-."

"Yeah, that's the idea. You can't think straight if all you're thinking about is bending me over!"

They huddled together beside a snow bank, away from prying eyes. Her paws expertly stimulated his crotch. One paw cradled his sack, fondling him between her digits, and the other rubbed his meat at a determined pace. Pre dripped down him, his knot expanding from each rub against her warm, stimulating pawpads, her gentle, unending pressure.

"Ha, h-how are you so good at this?" Peanut said. His head bent down, eyes shut. Grape looked over her shoulder for anything watching their interspecies display. Her heart pounded her chest, looking down at him with hunger.

"If you're quiet, we can do this more often! Just don't tell Tarot about it yet."

"Mmmh! Grape!" Peanut moaned. His cum arched out into the snow in healthy pulses. The last spurt ran down her paw, and Grape let go, bringing her fingers up to her mouth to hide the remaining evidence.

Sabrina waved the scene away with a glimmering paw. The smoke of Tarot's thoughts dissipated.

"Goodness! Remind me not to pry when you're off in Tarot-Land like that," Sabrina said. She stuck her tongue out in mock disgust. Her other paw scratched the fluff just above her crotch.

Tarot covered her face with her arms, fists clenched together. "I can't believe I taught you how to do that."

"Oh relax," Sabby dismissed. Tarot started pacing aimlessly. The cat glanced around the room, waiting for the awkwardness to fade. "You know, Max is probably going through the same thing as you."

"I guess," Tarot frowned.

"We could invite him over."

Tarot raised both paws, then ran them through the fur on her head. "How would that solve anything!"

"You're both being third-wheeled. You'll come up with something."

Chapter 3

"Do you still have our collars?" Grape asked.

Peanut set down his hot white chocolate and reached into his bag. He produced both, handing Grape's purple strap off to her. She unwound her scarf, flicking the fur on her head back. Peanut tried not to pay attention. The crowds of skaters had started to dissipate. There was plenty of room to sit apart, but Grape chose to stay shoulder-to-shoulder.

Grape shook herself, rubbing off her legs. "Those skates destroyed my ankles."

Peanut looked back. "You too?"

"We told dad a couple more hours though. What are we going to do, just hang out here?"

"Well... we could go into the mall," Peanut supposed, eyes cast aside.

"And do what? The only things open this late are fancy restaurants and the movie theater, and dad didn't give us enough for all that."

"I brought some of my allowance," he said.

Grape narrowed her gaze. "You just wanted to cuddle up in the theater again, didn't you? Did you pick out a horror movie, too?"

Peanut tugged on his newly attached color. "I... didn't get that far."

"Well let's see what they have!" Grape agreed.

They trekked across the cold night parking lot, hurrying through a set of double doors. The ceiling arched high above them, squarish 80s architecture showing its age all too well. When Peanut looked down, a man in black stood tall in front of them.

"Uh, Peanut."

"Where are your owners?" the security guard grunted. His beard took up most of his face, at least from where they were standing.

"Get the leashes, Peanut," Grape insisted.

"Oh right."

The canine snapped his in place then clicked the other onto Grape's neck. He held her shoulder to keep her still. Grape looked at his paws, blushing, eyes wide.

"Harder, mutt!" Grape begged.

Their bodies jerked against each other. The brown dog's hips pounded against her butt. His haunches were massive, all the compassion and grace of a werewolf. He pulled another loop of the leash around his paw, sending her head back tight, breath cut off. The lobes of his knot smacked against her, one good push away from a tie, knocking her up.

"I know that always works, I'm still surprised when it does," Peanut said.

"Wait, what happened?" Grape said, lips pulled back. She found his leash in her paw and spotted the security guard sitting back down. "Oh. Right."

They walked up an escalator, towards the beacon of light down the hall. Peanut still held her leash, and Grape his. She wanted to drop it, fearing that some other neighborhood pet would catch them in "walking" each other. But part of her couldn't help but enjoy her absurd fantasy a while longer.

Wait, puppies or kittens?

They walked past several large movie poster screens. Horror movies, action blockbusters, old classics...

"What about that one?" Peanut asked.

The dog was looking back at her innocently. "I don't see why not," she said from the corner of her eye.

They approached the tall ticket booth. Grape cleared her throat loudly. The girl behind the counter jerked awake, exchanging cash for two tickets.

"What do you have left?"

"3 dollars and... 24 cents," Peanut said.

"That's enough for a couple kernels of popcorn," Grape observed.

Peanut's eyes went distant, head at an angle. "Well, I saved as much as I could, and there was this new game..."

"Oh no, I'm not complaining. I think we have enough to share."

"Share what?"

Peanut followed Grape over to the concessions. Grape got the attendant's attention. "How many dog biscuits can we get for 3 dollars?"

Peanut held a small popcorn pail of biscuits while Grape drank from the lower of two water fountains. Her pose was suggestive, her tail raised, but Peanut managed to stay with what was in front of him.

"I feel silly," he said. "I was getting distracted over nothing earlier. I think this movie will be a lot of fun!"

"I know what you mean," Grape said.

He tilted his head. "You do?"

Grape wiped off her mouth, drops of water clinging to her fur. "I mean, I think I figured out what got you so twisted up. Dates do sometimes come with certain connotations."

Peanut looked at her, bewildered. The cat grinned back. "The movie's starting."

They entered a theater room, already dark, illuminated only in tiny lights. Through sheer luck, they managed to miss the first 20 minutes of trailers for the movies they wouldn't be able to see and the reminders to silence devices that they had never owned. Grape's paw crept into his as they walked up the stairs. She didn't spot any pets in the rows, only a few human couples chomping away on popcorn.

The opening credits played as they seated themselves. They had a minute before she figured anyone would be yelling at them, so she made it quick. "Look, I'm not saying we should snuggle or anything. I haven't even talked to Max properly. But I wouldn't mind being a little extra mushy now and again."

"Were you teasing me on purpose earlier? When we were skating?"

Grape hoped it was too dark to see her blush. "What?! No!"

A man a few rows in front of them turned around and shushed her.

"Maybe," Grape whispered.

"I'm starting to think you like seeing me freak out for extended periods," the dog complained.

Grape looked away from him, smirking. "Oh, it's starting."

Totally Not




Just With Animals

Endlessly conflicted, Peanut sighed and focused on the movie. It opened with a human boy and his grandpa but transitioned into a story set in a faraway kingdom of felines and canines. The female protagonist, a princess and a cat, fell for the farmhand, a rugged terrier.

As the plot moved from young love to a life of hardship, Grape gnawed on a dog biscuit, letting one end sit in her mouth to break apart more easily. Peanut licked his lips, grabbing one. He chomped down, earning him looks back from the humans in front of them. He tried to nibble more quietly.

The princess cat was being stolen away by three canines: a greyhound, a poodle, and a mastiff. All were pursued by a dog in black.

When the dog in black caught up, Peanut was reaching for the final biscuit. His paw collided with Grape's. She stole it away. "Let's save it," she said.

A tug between the greyhound and the dog in black unfolded. Grape let herself fall to the side, her head on Peanut's shoulder. Peanut angled his eyes down at her.

The dog in black won the first fight and went to find the other two. By the time the leader poodle had collapsed from poison, Peanut had let his head fall against Grape. He sniffed the air. She smelled like the dog biscuits, but also like she always did: a familiar, comforting scent.

The dog in black rescued the princess. He revealed himself to be the scruffy terrier from years prior. Peanut felt his eyes drifting closed. His sore legs demanded rest, and it wouldn't be the first time he fell asleep drunk off Grape's smell.

Grape stirred beside him, forcing him to awaken. She stretched, spine cracking. When Peanut looked back at the screen, they had skipped forward. The princess cat was being tragically married to her old betrothed.

"Fall asleep?" Grape whispered.

Peanut nodded.

"Well don't. It's not as fun to cuddle then."

Peanut's tail wagged beside him. They both looked at it, then made eye contact. "You want to cuddle more?" he said.

The terrier found the princess locked away in her room. Grape stood up. Peanut scooched to the side, and she fell beside him. Designed for the biggest humans, the chair fit both cat and dog comfortably. Peanut wrapped his arm around Grape, hugging her. Grape shuffled closer, reaching over him.

"Almost forgot," she said.

She revealed the last dog biscuit. She licked it with languid strokes, her eyes on Peanut's. He went straight-lipped. Grape drew it into her mouth, holding all but the end inside. So close to the feline, Peanut could hear her tongue rub against it, her jaws squeezing it of flavor. She murmured around it, eyes closed. Finally she took it out of her mouth, holding the dry end.

Peanut became completely frozen, blushing furiously, arousal creeping out of his sheath.

But Grape only looked at his face. "Did I overdo it?" She put half the wet biscuit back in her mouth. Her next words came out muffled. "I think I overdid it."

Peanut blinked, slowly regaining his composure--and appetite. He sniffed the biscuit sticking out of her mouth. He opened his jaws around the treat, and he clamped down.

Their lips barely came into contact, but Grape's heart pounded. Air escaped her lips-a laugh. She barely managed to not spray bits of biscuit as she swallowed her half down. Peanut smiled back, chewing normally.

"That was weird," she said. Her paw was on his shoulder; his was on her waist. He nodded, swallowing the last of it. Grape leaned back in.

Chapter 4

Tarot's digit hung over the call button, sweating it out.

"It doesn't take a psychic to know you're gonna call him," Sabrina said. She had her elbows on a pillow, looking on from the couch.

The pomeranian sighed. "Don't pressure me! Okay."

A disgruntled voice picked up on the other side. "Oh, uh, hey Tarot! What's up?" Maxwell said.

"Can you come over? I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Max giggled on the other end. "Ha. Umm, yeah, I don't think that's a good idea."

Tarot looked at Sabrina, eyes narrowing when she looked back at her phone. "Why not?"

"Well, two reasons. Grape had this thing with the Nut tonight, so I figured I'd have some- haha- have some fun. It's probably not a good idea for me to leave the house right now!"

Tarot looked at the ceiling. "You're nipping. Okay, what did Grape say they were doing?"

"I dunno, 'going out?' Heh-heh, something like that!"

"They are. They're going on a date!"

A few seconds of silence greeted Tarot back. "Max?" she said.

"Yeah, yeah. Ya-ya-ya. I'm just wondering, why do you go ON a date, you know? What even is a date?"

Tarot looked at Sabrina, stewing in anger. "I'm hanging up."

"Wait! What's the second reason, Max!?" Sabrina said.

"Wait what? Oh, oh right!" Max said. "You live with Sabrina, and I try not to talk to her."

"Max, you're," Tarot stopped, rubbing her eyes. "Have a good night, Max."

"Sleep tight!"

She hung up, dropping her phone beside her and letting her body fall back in the chair. "I knew that was a bad idea."

"Guess we only have one option left." Sabrina nodded towards the green glimmer on the table.

Tarot's mouth opened, but she talked with her paws again, gesturing wildly. "What are you talking about?! You were trying to stop me from using it!"

"Yeah, and we did try. So let's do some snooping!"

Tarot went to grab it before her conscience got the better of her. "I'm blaming you if this backfires."

Sabrina sat up, tilting her head as she watched Tarot prepare herself. She made a final tap on the crystal and set it back down. It glowed bright. A hum resonated through the room. The pomeranian closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they shined the same green. She raised her paws and said:

"O spirits in the Cloud, O ghosts in the machine, show me Peanut the dog, and the one they call Grape!"

She held onto the energy coursing through her fur, letting it find its way around the room. She dropped her arms and blinked, eyes turning white again.

"Why didn't that work!?" Tarot said.

The room was blasted in light. Sabrina shielded her face. "You forgot to adjust the output! The Cloud hates when you do that!"

Squinting, Tarot tapped the side of the flat panel. The image focused just below the surface. "Oh. My."

Sabrina rushed up behind her. "What is it?" She blushed, wide-eyed. "Hm. 'Oh' is right."

Grape's paws gripped around Peanut's back. Her head tilted to the side, finding the best angle to match Peanut's lips to hers. The canine enthusiastically returned the favor, pressing hard against her. The light of the movie shined off their furs, silhouetting them. Peanut's tail pounded against the seat they shared.

The cat pulled off, and they both had to breathe. Peanut put his forehead down on her shoulder, panting, murmuring to her. Grape hugged him back. "You're pretty good at that," she whispered.

Tarot stood up. She still looked down at the tablet, her face flushed.

Sabrina tilted her head to try and catch Tarot's eyes. Plenty of pets smooched around, and it did seem like Tarot had given him permission, but she still worried for her friend. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I think I just need some privacy right now."

Sabrina watched Tarot go, the crystal still revealing all in her paws. She wished she had something to say.

Tarot closed her door and kept the lights off. She felt herself: her face, her chest, then her crotch. Her fingers lingered against her pussy, seeping with fluids.

What the bark is wrong with me?

She got on her bed and looked at the crystal again. Tarot didn't recognize the movie, but it looked like credits were playing. Her boyfriend and Grape were still making out, their paws petting each other's backs. True to his word, Peanut's paws never wandered too far. He stopped and warned Grape that it was time to go. She kissed him one final time.

Tarot dropped the crystal. She spread her legs and closed her eyes. The kissing lingered in her mind. She wiggled two fingers against her labia, feeling her warmth. Rather than try to get herself off, she held onto the feeling. Her body relaxed, breathing in time with the gentle slides inside herself. Twenty minutes passed before she called for Peanut. One paw still stayed busy on her crotch.

"Did your date go well?" Tarot asked.

Peanut rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah! Skating was painful, so we went into the mall and watched TNTPBJWA, and we kissed... a bunch."

"Sounds like fun," she said.

Tarot heard him give a relieved sigh on the other end. "Do you want to come over?" she said.

"It's getting kinda late, isn't it?" Peanut asked.

"Yeah, but I'm very... you should come over. It'll be worth the trip."


Peanut put down the phone. Grape laid beside him, her curiosity piqued. He stood up. "Tarot sounded super horny. I'll see you tomorrow."

Grape's lips parted. "You're not supposed to tell me that!"

He walked through the dark over to her house. The cold had started to eat through his fur by the time he got to their door. He knew better than to knock. Sabrina opened it before he would have.

"Tarot's upstairs," she grumbled.


Peanut unwrapped his scarf walking up the stairs. His neck, like the rest of him, was bare fur. He could smell her arousal permeating the house. His sheath grew plump in anticipation. Waiting a moment, he knocked for her.

"Peanut?" she said.

The pomeranian was in bed, the lights still off. Peanut turned them on. She squinted up at him. "What's that for?"

Peanut put his scarf down. He climbed onto the bed with her. "I don't want to be embarrassed about this kind of thing any more. I think I know how I feel about Grape now, and I know how I feel about you."

Tarot sat up, blinking. Peanut was kneeling close in front of her, grinning. She gave a small smile back.

"You did want to have sex, then?" Tarot said.

His tail wiggled behind him. "What do you have in mind?"

She got on her knees to face him. She took off her necklace. "Let's just go at it."

Peanut watched her put a paw on his chest and lean in. He kissed her back. Gradually, his paws grew more forceful until he pushed her onto her back, falling onto her, kissing her more. He scooted down, sliding between her short legs. His tongue dug in with urgency. Tarot murmured at the sensation. Peanut's eyes rolled back at the taste of all her built-up arousal. She spread her legs further for him, all her paws digging into the sheets.

Eventually, Tarot stopped him. She twisted around and kissed him, tasting herself on his muzzle, and scooted closer. Her paw narrowed in on the canine's crotch, wrapping around the start of his erection. His heat impressed her, how much energy pulsed through. Her strokes grew quicker, her licking-kisses less accurate. She breathed, leaning in to focus on his package. His knot grew before her eyes. He glistened with pre.

Tarot twisted around to her nightstand and grabbed a condom. She came back and started to roll it down his length. "Peanut?" she said.


"Are you pent up after your date?"

Peanut tried not to blush. "I, yeah, I guess so."

She wrapped her paw around him, squeezing his knot. "Good, I... I want you to use all of that in me."

He managed a nod. Tarot turned around for Peanut, watching him. Her tail was raised, every bit of her alluring. Peanut moved in close behind her, his dick sliding against wet fur. He took a breath and angled himself. His tip sunk into her pliable flesh, and he didn't stop until he had all but climbed into her back, mounting her. Tarot let out a shudder. After all her waiting, it lodged in just right.

"Keep going, sweetie," she panted.

Peanut sat there for another moment, getting comfortable with how her walls fit to him, how her body quivered. "Mmhh! Uh-huh!"

He closed both eyes, both paws wrapping around his girlfriend's waist. His hips tilted back, pulling out of her stunning warmth. He eased back in, hearing her walls slide around him. Their furs met, blending together. As deep as he could reach comfortably, he repeated. She moved against him, finding the best angle. The way she adjusted her stance only pulled him in more. Tarot murmured with delight.

His thrusts got more impactful as they got further into the night. Tarot grabbed fistfuls of fabric. She moaned without regard for her roommate--Sabrina could find a spell to block the noise if she wanted to; it felt better to let it all out. Tarot worked hard to keep them both propped up, even harder to raise her butt up to his mating.

Too little time had gone by before her boyfriend was warning her about the inevitable. She wasn't eager to let the moment pass. No matter how good it felt to be knotted on his thick rod, it felt better to keep him going, to let him massage her insides a bit longer.

He gripped into her fur. Little thrusts kept them on the edge, her labia stretched almost as far as it would go, his dick deep in her tight walls. Her composure broke down, hardly able to support it. But Peanut only dug in harder. His knot slipped in, finding the perfect, most sensitive spot inside her to swell and unload. Peanut cried out. Her throbbing walls demanded everything, cum pulsing out, welling in the elastic.

Tarot found a comfortable vantage point from on top to finish draining him, cock stirring inside her. She asked more about his date. He offered her every detail. By the time his knot shrunk enough to pull out, she already planned ahead. She grabbed another condom, taking the old one off with care. She held his drenched cock steady with one paw and licked him clean, from his tip to under his knot. Peanut smiled with his eyes closed.

Wrapping the new condom down, Peanut found himself climbing on top of her. Memory guided them into missionary. He sunk in between her hips and began to thrust, her pussy conforming to him even easier than the last round. With her grip so familiar, they slotted together like they were built for each other. He moaned at the ease she made him swell again, the way her thighs clenched around him. She was all he sensed.

Tarot's paws held his chest, a mountain of fur pounding her, rocking her legs. She let her head drop into the blankets, shuddering. One paw found a sensitive spot near her clit, flesh so eagerly filled just an inch away. She rode her high, slipping over the edge of bliss. Her walls contracted around him. Peanut only kept railing deep into her, trying to find a path to bury his knot, to let his balls rest comfortably against her crotch and pump her full again.

"You know," she breathed, "I don't think I would mind watching you do this to Grape."

Peanut heard the word Grape. His thrusts slowed. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Peanut sped back up, and Tarot's tongue hung out thinking about it.

Undeserving - A Poem

Hold closed the eyes Feel the wet crease Feel the new warmth Feel all too much Yet nothing remarkable Not worth reliving Deserve nothing But accept the gift Clutching back Shiver and yearn Remember, remember And wipe clean Fly over...

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Bolt's Favorite Cat

ONE * * * "I've known for a long time now that Penny's my person. You helped me remember that when I was going to give up. But the thing is, I don't think about you like how I think about Penny. She's family. You and I are more complicated. I-In a...

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Housepets: Hearts, Minds, & Dicks -- Illustrated

**Chapter 1** * * * Tarot panted, exhausted. Her short arms propped herself up on her knees. She craned her head up at her boyfriend. "We're not quite out of the splash zone yet," she wheezed. "The 'what' zone?" Peanut asked. The two dogs looked...

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